Friday, September 30, 2016

Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II USN SS # 2712 and President Negro Slave Barack Hussein (Water-Head) Obama II v. United States of America et al,The Republican Party, GOP, The Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen, Chief Defendant “Donald John Trump Sr., The Trump Organization Trump Tower 725 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10022 and The Eric Trump Foundation (ETF) The Eric Trump Foundation, 725 Fifth Avenue, 16th Floor, New York, NY 10022,

Being “Official” declared, Affirmed, and hostile dispute  defendant (USA) against their very own governing laws requires Plaintiffs slaves herein “Prima Facial Tort in Law and declatrory judgement Furtherance’s "deny  equal rights “We the abused Negro race, slave plaintiffs having just same citizenship as “whites only” residing within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” Never to be Pursuant to of the Deep Dark ages (United States of America) very own on rules of Governing laws, set by their very own United States Supreme Court, Pursuant forever to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857) (Negro) race having no legal standing in a Federal Court of Law being a legal forced “Slave” with no “Citizenship” being legally Being a cause of Constutional Cause of action Violation of the Deep Dark ages (United States of America) very own on rules of Governing laws, set by their very own “Congress the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution established,

The 14th Amendment to the Constitution which was ratified on July 9, 1868, and claim granted citizenship to “All persons born or naturalized in the United States,” which included former slaves recently freed. In addition, it forbids states from denying any person "life, liberty or property, Without due process of law" or to "deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

When in all official legal “factual circumstances” Until February 7, 2013, some (148) years Criminally Conspire later the Deep Dark ages (United States of America) very own on “Jurisdictions” namely The state of “Mississippi America” had never submitted the required documentation to ratify the Thirteenth Amendment, meaning it never officially had abolished slavery thus not freeing slaves within the Jurisdiction of Defendant “United States of America until February 7, 2013.The 13th amendment was adopted in December 1865 after the necessary three-fourths of the then 36 states voted in favor of ratification.

“Mississippi Lynch Town USDA”, however, was a holdout; at the time state lawmakers were upset for exactly additional (148) years – February 7, 2013 precisely later that they had not been compensated for the value of claim freed slaves fully denying

“We the abused Negro race, "life, liberty and property, without equal due process of law"

Furtherance’s "deny “We the abused Negro race, within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” Pursuant to of the Deep Dark ages (United States of America) very own on rules of Governing laws, set by their very own United States Supreme Court, Pursuant forever to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857) having no legal standing in a Federal Court of Law being a legal forced “Slave” with no “Citizenship” being legally made against

We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race Slave Plaintiffs whom being held since August 20th 1619 kidnapped, abducted against our “Will”, “Dignity” and “Peace”, from our very own free

“Sovereignty” birth right homelands in connection, cooperation, complicity, collaboration, complying, collusion, with all of their “White Controlling Class”, slave owner(s) of plantations, industries, business, companies, corporations, agency, And all types of infrastructures derive thereof being built from the exact time frame of August 20th 1619- February 7th, 2013

The 14th amendment of The Constitution of the Deep Dark ages Defendant the “United States of America” herein being legally 1000%  Forever invalid, defective, having no legal enforcement, 100% premature faulty, and having ever any legal standing Before any (American) court of law on behalf of “We Thee Abused (American) “Negro Race” slave Plaintiff…whom legally still being forced and imposed to “Slavery Servitude” there after the “bogus claim” expiration date of 1865 The 13th Amendment to the Constitution declared that

"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction." Formally abolishing slavery in the United States,  The 13th Amendment was passed by the Congress on January 31, 1865, and ratified by the states on December 6, 1865.

“Mississippi Lynch Town USDA”, however, was a holdout; at the time state lawmakers were upset for exactly additional (148) years - February 7, 2013 Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II USN SS # 2712 and President Negro Slave Barack Hussein (Water-Head) Obama II v. United States of America et al,The Republican Party, GOP, The Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen, Chief Defendant “Donald John Trump Sr., The Trump Organization Trump Tower 725 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10022 and The Eric Trump Foundation (ETF) The Eric Trump Foundation, 725 Fifth Avenue, 16th Floor, New York, NY 10022,

Being a cause of Constutional Cause of action Violation of the Deep Dark ages (United States of America) very own on rules of Governing laws, set by their very own “Congress the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution established Plaintiffs Slaves herein enjoying

The 13th Amendment to the Constitution declared that

"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted,  Shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

" Formally abolishing slavery in the United States,

 The 13th Amendment was passed by the Congress on January 31, 1865, and ratified by the states on December 6, 1865.

When in all official legal “factual circumstances” Until February 7, 2013, some (148) years Criminally Conspire later the Deep Dark ages (United States of America) very own on “Jurisdictions” namely The state of “Mississippi America” had never submitted the required documentation to ratify the Thirteenth Amendment, meaning it never officially had abolished slavery, The amendment was adopted in December 1865 after the necessary three-fourths of the then 36 states voted in favor of ratification.

“Mississippi Lynch Town USDA”, however, was a holdout; at the time state lawmakers were upset for exactly additional (148) years - February 7, 2013 precisely later that they had not been compensated for the value of claim freed slaves.

Officially Denaturalization cause of action and aggravated perjury in hiding these facts Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II USN SS # 2712 and President Negro Slave Barack Hussein (Water-Head) Obama II v. United States of America et al,The Republican Party, GOP, The Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen, Chief Defendant “Donald John Trump Sr., The Trump Organization Trump Tower 725 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10022 and The Eric Trump Foundation (ETF) The Eric Trump Foundation, 725 Fifth Avenue, 16th Floor, New York, NY 10022,

Respectfully Appearance Slave Negro (Pro Se Plaintiff) Louis Charles Hamilton II herein (USN) #2712 before “Assumed Honorable Court Justice” all described by this particular “Pro Se Slave Negro Plaintiff herein, with facual records of the defendant (USA) government being destoreted, hidden, obscured, scuttled, propogand and of whites supremacy public “entire controlling bull shit”, Officially Denaturalization cause of action and aggravated perjury in hiding these facts as  We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race slave Plaintiffs 2016-2099, “Affirm”, “State”, and “declare” legally,

Appearance Respectfully before  assumed  Honorable (Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen) bull shit American Busted up GOP Republican Party KKK Court system of hostile defendant “United States of America as this being present to real his/her “World Honorable Presiding “Justices”, To the Honorable “World Court of Justice” The Hague

 Upon which  We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race, affirm, state and fully declare all allegation, contention, disputes, disputation, argument, conflict and disharmony, fully cause of action as follows:                                        

”, Pursuant to Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857),

In this “Grand Scheme of “White Only” prosperity in now the official date of 2015-2099 Twisted Never ending (RICO) ongoing “Slave Régime” against

 We Thee Abused Negro race 2016-2099 who officially as of this Notary Seal date having no legal “Official Nationalized citizenship within The Deep Dark, Dark Ages defendant “United States of America” et al,

And being 1000% now thee official “Property” of Deep Dark ages United States of America et al from February 7th 2013-2099 Violation of the Deep Dark ages (United States of America) very own on rules of Governing laws, set by their very own “Congress the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution established

The 13th Amendment to the Constitution declared that

"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted,

 Shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

" Formally abolishing slavery in the United States,

 The 13th Amendment was passed by the Congress on January 31, 1865, and ratified by the states on December 6, 1865.

When in all official legal “factual circumstances” Until February 7, 2013, some (148) years Criminally Conspire later the Deep Dark ages (United States of America) very own on “Jurisdictions” namely The state of “Mississippi America” had never submitted the required documentation to ratify the Thirteenth Amendment, meaning it never officially had abolished slavery, The amendment was adopted in December 1865 after the necessary three-fourths of the then 36 states voted in favor of ratification.

“Mississippi Lynch Town USDA”, however, was a holdout; at the time state lawmakers were upset for exactly additional (148) years - February 7, 2013 precisely later that they had not been compensated for the value of claim freed slaves,


Violation of the Deep Dark ages (United States of America) very own on rules of Governing laws, set by their very own “Congress the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution established, The 14th Amendment to the Constitution which was ratified on July 9, 1868, and claim granted citizenship to

“All persons born or naturalized in the United States,” which included former slaves recently freed. In addition, it forbids states from denying any person "life, liberty or property,

Without due process of law" or to "deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” When in all official legal “factual circumstances” Until February 7, 2013, some (148) years Criminally Conspire later the Deep Dark ages (United States of America) very own on “Jurisdictions” namely

The state of “Mississippi America” had never submitted the required documentation to ratify the Thirteenth Amendment, meaning it never officially had abolished slavery thus not freeing slaves within the Jurisdiction of Defendant “United States of America until February 7, 2013.

The 13th amendment was adopted in December 1865 after the necessary three-fourths of the then 36 states voted in favor of ratification.

“Mississippi Lynch Town USDA”, however, was a holdout; at the time state lawmakers were upset for exactly additional (148) years – February 7, 2013 precisely later that they had not been compensated for the value of claim freed slaves fully denying

“We the abused Negro race, "life, liberty and property, without equal due process of law"

Furtherance’s "deny “We the abused Negro race, within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” Pursuant to of the Deep Dark ages (United States of America) very own on rules of Governing laws, set by their very own United States Supreme Court, Pursuant forever to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857) having no legal standing in a Federal Court of Law being a legal forced “Slave” with no “Citizenship” being legally made against

We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race whom being held since August 20th 1619 kidnapped, abducted against our “Will”, “Dignity” and “Peace”, from our very own free

“Sovereignty” birth right homelands in connection, cooperation, complicity, collaboration, complying, collusion, with all of their

“White Controlling Class”, slave owner(s) of (Plaintiffs) past, present and future plantations, industries, business, companies, corporations, agency, And all types of infrastructures derive thereof being built from the exact time frame of August 20th 1619- February 7th, 2013

The 14th amendment of The Constitution of the Deep Dark ages Defendant the “United States of America” herein being legally 1000%  Forever invalid, defective, having no legal enforcement, 100% premature faulty, and having ever any legal standing Before any (American) court of law on behalf of “We Thee Abused (American) “Negro Race”…whom legally still being forced and imposed to “Slavery Servitude” there after the “bogus claim” expiration date of 1865 The 13th Amendment to the Constitution declared that

"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, Shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

" Formally abolishing slavery in the United States,

 The 13th Amendment was passed by the Congress on January 31, 1865, and ratified by the states on December 6, 1865

“The United States of America” 1619-February 7th 2013 “Slave Institution” designed commitment to a Global order under the Rule of Law, by the ever so powerful

 “White Supremacy”, ruling “Supreme Court” of the “United States of America” leaving “exactly” nothing of absolutely legal value of enforcement exists in the 13th Amendment of the Constitution thereafter February 7th 2013 of the “Deep Dark Ages” Defendant “United States of America” and there secret white controlling society” continual hostile, destructive forever 1619-2099 imposed Human Rights Violations against We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race Plaintiffs of (America), being criminally legally designed in (RICO) corrupted “Continual” Slave Régime”  from the exact time frame of “1865”- February 7th 2013 claiming being Forced “slavery servitude” is no longer “officially” legally require and 100% over claimed By The infamous 1619 wanted still at large “Deep Dark Ages” Defendant “United States of America” et al herein to pursuant to said 13th Amendment of Defendant the “Dark Ages” Defendant “United States of America” et al

 “Yet” Defendant United States of America herein from 1865- February 7th 2013 (148) years later Legally with (RICO) enterprise 1000% legal conscious (Allowing) the “State” of “Mississippi” rewards its self 1619-February 7th 2013 of total 394 years of outstanding leading performance in “Lynching Town USDA” From 1619-February 7th 2013 still imposed “Slavery Servitude” against the “Civil Rights”, “Peace”, “Will”, and Absolutely “Dignity” and “humane existences rights of life” on “Earth” of “We Thee continual 2015-2099 1000% Abused (American) “Negro Race Pursuant forever to
“Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857) having no legal standing ever in a Federal Court of (America) governing rules of corrupted “White Only” Laws being a legal forced “Slave” status with no ever official 2015-2099 legal “Citizenship and massive “False Imprisonment” Mutable of “thousands upon thousands” counts of “False Imprisonment” enslavement still not corrected well into 2016 (December) pursuant to direct Violation of the Deep Dark ages defendant (United States of America) very own on rules of Governing laws, set by their very own “Congress” namely Pursuant to Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857),

“Wrongful Death” of Abebraham Lincoln16th President of the defendant United States from March 1861 until his assassination in April 1865.Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II USN SS # 2712 and President Negro Slave Barack Hussein (Water-Head) Obama II v. United States of America et al,The Republican Party, GOP, The Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen, Chief Defendant “Donald John Trump Sr., The Trump Organization Trump Tower 725 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10022 and The Eric Trump Foundation (ETF) The Eric Trump Foundation, 725 Fifth Avenue, 16th Floor, New York, NY 10022,

Respectfully Appearance Slave Negro (Pro Se Plaintiff) Louis Charles Hamilton II herein (USN) #2712 before “Assumed Honorable Court Justice” all described by this particular “Pro Se Slave Negro Plaintiff herein, with facual records of the defendant (USA) government being destoreted, hidden, obscured, scuttled, propogandand of whites supremacy public “bull shit horse print dating back clear to 1865 aftermath of the “wrongful death” of Plaintiff President “Wrongful Death” of Abebraham Lincoln herein whom was an American politician and lawyer who served as the 16th President of the defendant United States from March 1861 until his assassination in April 1865.

Born: February 12, 1809, Hodgenville, KY

Assassinated: April 15, 1865, Petersen House, Washington, D.C.

As described being reincorporated herein this undersigned “Notary Seal” date well into future anticipation of any litigation against the rightful (MIA) cause of action  of U.S. Docket Number Hamilton v. United States of America et al decisions or orders for this case

 Filed: December 15, 2010 as 1:2010cv00808 Plaintiff: Louis Charles Hamilton, II

 Defendant: United States of America, Andrew Johnson, Cause Of Action: Racketeering (RICO) Act Court: Fifth Circuit › Texas › Texas Eastern District Court Type: Other Statutes › Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations  Filed: April 17, 2012 as 12-40403 Plaintiff - Appellant: LOUIS CHARLES HAMILTON, II, Negro African American, suing on behalf of all other African American (Negroes) Americans in and for the United States of America Defendant - Appellee: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ANDREW JOHNSON, President, RUTHERFORD B. HAYES Court: Fifth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit  Type: Other Statutes RICO

 Being direct/compensatory/exemplary/special awards and damages to “President Abebraham Lincoln herein in excess of $15,000.000.00 U.S. Dollars since date of injuries Assassinated: April 15, 1865, Petersen House, Washington, D.C. -  2016 (December) 151 years with 6 % interest incurred.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Los Angeles homicide detective Lieutenant Columbo Pope Francis  sorry your Holiness “Sir” just simple text book church question being final, Just WTF have you been praying excatley with “Motherfucking” Jesus Christ “Stupid Ass” about anyway …?   

The Presidential Party 2016 Halloween Pedophile Reform +Rape Teen Trump Tower" Rock Star : ) Klansmen Commander in Chief on this “assumed” secret trip “Trump Tower” conduct business in Havana was the teen twat 13 old transported out of the USA for the Baby Rape hog tie down beat and Torture…?

Or this Reality TV  but the Pussy is real…?  I am confused…?  WTF you been praying excatley with “Motherfucking” Jesus Christ stupid ass…?    with anyway over their in the Tobs of the Vactin City  Pope Francis  , my Grandmother thee “Holy Nun Need said send some clarifactions..? of an up most emergency Nature on a Bibical Young teeny tawt, Pussy ….? America GOP Party Klansmen Cocaine Hosting…?

Plus make sure the Vatacian City Your Holyness “Pope Francis”… all its Holy people Do you pray for the poor nasty pussy tasting Dog and both the Zwilight Zone Bibical Holyday madness Christmas doggy style “Klansmen Trump Whore Meliania Trump Obivusly having a “dog on” good time enjoying herself : )  +POPEI  +bianca martins : ) +DONALD TRUMP NEWS  +National Museum of American History  +Melania Trump +Hillary Clinton  +Hilton Hotels & Resorts  +POTUS ㅤ 

Pope Francis do all god Dog’s go to Heaven…? Presidential Party 2016 Halloween Pedophile Reform +Rape Teen Trump Tower" Rock Star : ) Klansmen Commander in Chief on this secret trip “Trump Tower” conduct business in Havana This dog fucking nasty flea bitten “human pussy breath” ugly four leg “Dog” hitting Melainia Trump “pussy hole”…?

Pope Francis do all god Dog’s go to Heaven…?  Presidential Party 2016 Halloween Pedophile Reform +Rape Teen Trump Tower" Rock Star : ) Klansmen Commander in Chief on this secret trip “Trump Tower” conduct business in Havana

This dog fucking nasty flea bitten “human pussy breath” ugly four leg  “Dog” hitting Melainia Trump “pussy hole”…?

and tasting Presidential First lady wet candy skittles sweet kitty cat dripping “Cum”  I am so (motherfucking) confused your “Pope Holyness” Just what Kind of “Magic Esq.” of a Lawyer of the Year 2016 is this Michael Wildes, a New York City lawyer who was mayor of Englewood from 2004 to 2010, no less further..? Wrote a letter released Wednesday that refuted rumors that Trump, the getting off with (Dogs XXX Pet Shop Whore) wife of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump,

 (did) not violated immigration policies on a Photo Special travel foregin Visia ….? From exactely where they fuck “Dog”…? To arrival smiling in the United States of America Immigration as obviously (ICE) is granting gold card greed crad photo shoot anyway for animal FBI beastyality ponograhic…?

Wow this Michael Wildes, New York City lawyer who wrote a letter refuted rumors that Melainia Trump, the Sore Mouth Whore wife of Republican presidential nominee Donald John Trump Sr, Klansmen KGB Double Agent KKK did not violated (USA)…? Exactly Dog immigration policies…? Hun…? WTF…?  Is this Nasty American conduct business in Havana licking dog pussy ass SHIT is this for the

 “Christmas Childeren Tree X-rated Holiday decorations, is this going down in the Vatacian City Your Holyness “Pope Francis”..? do you pary for the poor nasty pusst tasting Dog or the Zwilight Zone Bibical Holydaymadness Christmas doggy style  “Klansmen Trump Whore”….?

Well I let you “Pray and sleep on this on tell “Christmas your Holyness…..seems  America Laws are two side so confusing for us “Nigger Slaves”  Happy Halloween : ) in the Vatacian City “Your” Holyness Pope Francis :  )

Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) Crooked Nigger Ninja Navy # 2712 (SS) MIA 2016 Halloween Presidential Donald John Trump Sr. Double KGB Agent (KKK Special) John M. Bales United States Attorney, Andrea L. Parker Assistant United States Attorney Texas Bar No. 00790851 350 Magnolia Avenue, Suite 150 Beaumont, Texas 77701-2237 (Gotcha) RICO Happy Holloween Crooked Witch….”

Soon as I saw your fucking name (Parker) I was instant pissed off all over again over my (Children) you hidden, but now you seek a dismissmal in your favor…? Riddle me this Fucked up U.S. Attorneys…(Witch)  do your Aggrivated perjury charges count…? And do you Klansmen Fucks as always rule on your own crimes…? Well looking for a change of venue to World Court Justice approved criminal/civil dept. v you Creeps :  )

So now as your American laws do dictae there is no statue of limitation on among other things :Human Rights Violations:, put you , Andrea L. Parker Assistant United States Attorney Texas Bar No. 00790851 350 Magnolia Avenue, Suite 150 Beaumont, Texas 77701-2237   “Lie” about the 13th amendment “kept hid 44.5 Million enslave niggers and committed Treason to President Barack Obama to insure he remain a Official 44th of United State of Americ a Slave Negro President and acting

 “Commander in Slave Chief” with his first Presidential Negro Slave Obama Family  (Nice Day Job) while at night you been hiding My Utah Dead Wife MIA Dead Body in a grave…? Or Walmart parking lot…?

As you seem to the right person for question in interrogation room #3 as to wide you have me “Legally Declared Dead”….with John M. Bales United States Attorney, while  The Trump Organization Trump Tower 725 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10022

+DONALD TRUMP NEWS Presidential Party 2016 Halloween Pedophile Reform +Rape Teen Trump Tower" Rock Star : ) Klansmen Commander in Chief Trump’s companies said fuck the “The Helms–Burton Act conducted/did it his way RICO Endavor @ The Trump Organization Trump Tower 725 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10022 offical (secret) DEA Drug Runner et al :  ) Presidential Party 2016 Halloween Pedophile Reform +Rape Teen Trump Tower" Rock Star &  (hidden) business in communist Cuba during Fidel Castro’s presidency” despite such actions being strictly prohibited by Federal law (Nice)

An embargo (from the Spanish embargo, meaning hindrance, obstruction, etc. in a general sense, a trading ban in trade terminology and literally "distraint" in juridic parlance) is the partial or complete prohibition of commerce and trade with a particular country or a group of countries.

 Embargoes are considered strong diplomatic measures imposed in an effort, by the imposing country, to elicit a given national-interest result from the country on which it is imposed. Embargoes are similar to economic sanctions and are generally considered legal barriers to trade, not to be confused with blockades, which are often considered to be acts of war.

Embargoes can mean limiting or banning export or import, creating quotas for quantity, imposing special tolls, taxes, banning freight or transport vehicles, freezing or seizing freights, assets, bank accounts, limiting the transport of particular technologies or products (high-tech) for example CoCom during the cold-war.

In response to embargoes, an independent economy or autarky often develops in an area subjected to heavy embargo. Effectiveness of embargoes is thus in proportion to the extent and degree of international participation.

The United States embargo against Cuba (in Cuba called el bloqueo, "the blockade") is a commercial, economic, and financial embargo imposed by the United States on Cuba. An embargo was first imposed by the United States on Cuba on October 19, 1960 (almost two years after the Batista regime was deposed by the Cuban Revolution) when the U.S. placed an embargo on exports to Cuba except for food and medicine after Cuba nationalized American-owned Cuban oil refineries without compensation.

Cuba nationalized the refineries following Eisenhower's decision to cancel 700,000 tons of sugar imports from Cuba to the U.S. and refused to export oil to the island, leaving it reliant on Soviet crude oil. All American oil companies refused to refine Soviet oil, leading the Cuban government to nationalize the refineries. The refinery owners were never compensated for the Cuban nationalization of their property. Today the refineries are owned & operated by the state-run company, Unión CubaPetróleo.

 On February 7, 1962 the embargo was extended to include almost all imports.

Currently, the Cuban embargo is enforced mainly through six statutes: the Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917, the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, the Cuban Assets Control Regulations of 1963, the Cuban Democracy Act of 1992, the Helms–Burton Act of 1996, and the Trade Sanctions Reform and Export Enhancement Act of 2000.

 The stated purpose of the Cuban Democracy Act of 1992 is to maintain sanctions on Cuba so long as the Cuban government refuses to move toward "democratization and greater respect for human rights".

 The Helms–Burton Act further restricted United States citizens from doing business in or with Cuba, and mandated restrictions on giving public or private assistance to any successor government in Havana unless and until certain claims against the Cuban government were met. In 1999, President Bill Clinton expanded the trade embargo by also disallowing foreign subsidiaries of U.S. companies to trade with Cuba. In 2000, Clinton authorized the sale of "humanitarian" U.S. products to Cuba.

Despite the Spanish-language term bloqueo (blockade), there has been no physical, naval blockade of the country by the United States after the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962.

 The United States does not block Cuba's trade with third parties: other countries are not under the jurisdiction of U.S. domestic laws, such as the Cuban Democracy Act (although, in theory, foreign countries that trade with Cuba could be penalised by the U.S., which has been condemned as an "extraterritorial" measure that contravenes "the sovereign equality of States, non-intervention in their internal affairs and freedom of trade and navigation as paramount to the conduct of international affairs." Cuba can, and does, conduct international trade with many third-party countries;

Cuba has been a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) since 1995.

Beyond criticisms of Human rights in Cuba, the United States holds $6 billion worth of financial claims against the Cuban government.

 The pro-embargo position is that the U.S. embargo is, in part, an appropriate response to these unaddressed claims.

 The Latin America Working Group argues that pro-embargo Cuban-American exiles, whose votes are crucial in Florida, have swayed many politicians to also adopt similar views.

The Cuban-American views have been opposed by some business leaders who argue that trading freely would be good for Cuba and the United States.

At present, the embargo, which limits American businesses from conducting business with Cuban interests, is still in effect and is the most enduring trade embargo in modern history. Despite the existence of the embargo, the United States is the fifth largest exporter to Cuba (6.6% of Cuba's imports are from the US). Cuba must, however, pay cash for all imports, as credit is not allowed.

The UN General Assembly has, since 1992, passed a resolution every year condemning the ongoing impact of the embargo and declaring it to be in violation of the Charter of the United Nations and international law. In 2014, out of the 193-nation assembly, 188 countries voted for the nonbinding resolution, the United States and Israel voted against and the Pacific island nations Palau, Marshall Islands and Micronesia abstained.

 Human rights groups including Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights have also been critical of the embargo. Critics of the embargo say that the embargo laws are too harsh, citing the fact that violations can result in 10 years in prison

A company controlled by Donald Trump, the Republican nominee for president, secretly conducted business in communist Cuba during Fidel Castro’s presidency despite strict American trade bans that made such undertakings illegal, according to interviews with former Trump executives, internal company records and court filings.

Documents show that the Trump company spent a minimum of $68,000 for its 1998 foray into Cuba at a time when the corporate expenditure of even a penny in the Caribbean country was prohibited without government approval. But the company did not spend the money directly. Instead, with Trump’s knowledge, executives funneled the cash for the Cuba trip through an American consulting firm called Seven Arrows Investment and Development Corporation.

Once the business consultants traveled to the island and incurred the expenses for the venture, Seven Arrows instructed senior officers with Trump’s company, then called Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts, on how to make the venture appear legal by linking it after-the-fact to a charitable effort.

The payment by Trump Hotels came just before the New York business mogul launched his first bid for the White House by seeking the nomination of the Reform Party. On his first day of the campaign, he traveled to Miami where he spoke to a group of Cuban-Americans, a critical voting bloc in the swing state. Trump vowed to maintain the embargo and never spend his or his companies’ money in Cuba until Fidel Castro was removed from power. He did not disclose that, seven months earlier, Trump Hotels already had spent money sending consultants on the secret trip to conduct business in Havana.

“Tortious Interference” with “Prospective Relationship”, “Discrimination” directed at 44.5 Million “Slave Plaintiffs” Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II USN SS # 2712 and President Negro Slave Barack Hussein (Water-Head) Obama II v. United States of America et al,The Republican Party, GOP, The Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen, Chief Defendant “Donald John Trump Sr., The Trump Organization Trump Tower 725 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10022 and The Eric Trump Foundation (ETF) The Eric Trump Foundation, 725 Fifth Avenue, 16th Floor, New York, NY 10022,

  Direct cause of action for “Discrimination” directed at 44.5 Million “Slave Plaintiffs” herein “We” thee continual abused (Negro) Race slave Plaintiffs in 2016 whom having been “captured” and “enslaved” since the exact year of 1619 held as such abused “captive free slave labor in a life of abused chattel” and put to death in not performed work as such “abused free slave labor chattel” of the “civilization” in the Northern hemisphere of the World Planet “Earth” known to be “The United States of America” We Thee Negro Abused Race of (America) “Petition” 100,000% against

Thee Deep Dark Ages Defendant “United States of America” et al 1000% criminal committing (RICO) enterprise “Judicial Fraud” Pursuant forever to the

 “Monetary Forever Judicial Fraud Corruption” direct at “Slave Negro” “Dred Scott” herein officially legally born 1795 (American) Negro Race and therefore

Pursuant to said “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857),

We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race 2015-2099, “Affirm”, “State”, and “declare” legally,

Appearance Respectfully before his/her “Honorable Presiding “Justices”, Upon which  We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race, affirm, state and fully declare all allegation, contention, disputes, disputation, argument, conflict and disharmony, fully cause of action as follows:

The deep Dark ages Defendant “United States of America” et al relationship with “aiding and abetting”, “Assisting and Participating” and full 1000% Concert in actions with Co-Defendant(s) “White Controlling Class”, official 1000% slave owner(s) of Plantations, industries, business, companies, corporations, shipping, raw materials, rail road’s,

Main infrastructure power grid, agency, private/public social infrastructure  jointly from exploitation of said Free Force “Slave Labor” enterprise for “Unjust enrichment” 1619-December 7th 2013 Engaged collectively as a “Unit” For “White Only” prosperity in gains of “Slave Trade” 1000% “unjust enrichment”, in declaration for preamble in declared Prosperity “Dred Scott”, Not Human Free Entity, but the

 Property of Co-Defendants collectively herein “White Controlling Class”, slave owner(s) of

Plantations, industries, business, companies, corporations, agency, private/public social infrastructure jointly from exploitation profits off said Slave Labor in this

“Grand 1619-2016 December Twisted never ending ongoing “Slave Régime”, collectively in collusion with “United States Supreme Court” engaged in

 “Obstruction of Justice”, to assurances 1000% civil disorder violation in favor of

“Tortious Interference” with “Prospective Relationship” on the criminal typical purloin and awful continual the “Deep Dark Ages Defendant “United States of America” herein absolute 1000% Engaged “Whole Sale Slaughter” collectively as a “Unit” “Spoliation of Evidence”, Conversion, and (RICO) Money laundering

Thievery committed by Co-Defendants collectively herein “White Controlling Class”, thee “Infamous” slave owner(s) of Plantations, industries, business, companies, corporations, agency, private/public social infrastructure jointly from exploitation profits off said Slave Labor in this

Pursuant to Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), against “Human Rights Violations” fully 1000% derived thereof since August 20th 1619-2099 against

 “We thee abused (Negro) race” Plaintiff Slaves officially residing herein now denaturalization of all claim (American) “Legal Citizenship”, in this ongoing 2015-2099 “Slave Régime” super “White and Pure and fine polished absolute immunity society, and there founding “Constitution, based upon “White Only” governing rules of Laws derived thereof with a duty to act with integrity of the strictest kind with a fiduciary duty to refrain from self-deal “Unjust Enrichments” with all described

Co-Defendants collectively herein “White Controlling Class”, thee “Infamous” slave owner(s) of Plantations, industries, business, companies, corporations, agency, and private/public social infrastructure jointly from exploitation profits off said Slave Labor”, involved in all past August 20th 1619-1865 “Civil War” events profiteering off

“Slavery Servitude” upon which said 13th and 14th amendment of the “United States of America” Constitution derive to be sole purpose claiming “Good Duty of “Good Faith”, Fair Dealing, “Loyalty” of American Negro Race Citizenship, and 1000%

“Trust over said legal laws and equity”, affairs of   “We thee abused (Negro) race” August 20th 1619-1865 “Upon” which the Deep Dark ages Defendant “Criminally” engaged in the “Discrimination” pattern and practices of “Rules of Governing” laws, that indeed “Requires” 1000% Distinction and Dissemination, first and foremost”,

 “Negro” race must be imposed to “Slavery Servitude” upon which the deepest of the Dark age Defendant “United States of America” official 17th President of the United States of America” thee “Infamous” “Andrew Johnson” installed directly after the “Wrongful death” of

 President Abraham Lincoln Pursuant to Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), 1000% official Government sponsored “Human Rights Violations” directed at the “Negro Race” which criminally (“Andrew Johnson”) installed , “Black Codes Laws”, Vagrancy Law, His Very Own Para-Military “Knight of the Klu Klux Klan”

And Destroyed the official Government sponsored “Freeman Bureau” “Lifeline” for free “Slaves” to continual (RICO) enterprise in “Unjust enrichment” on behalf of “Deep Dark Ages Defendant , “United States of America” et al and their Co-Defendant(s) collectively herein

“Jim Crow Laws”

To insure destroyed “Moral and Human Needs” being 1000% eliminated by powers of the Deep dark ages Defendant “”United States of America” et al “Discrimination” pattern and practices of “Rules of Governing” laws, that indeed “Requires” 1000% wholesale “Distinction and Dissemination”, by thee Own Para-Military Knight of the Klu Klux Klan government sponsored,

 And (Negro) taxes paying this destruction of one’s oneself, in a continual scheme of things for another (148) years in collection of “unjust enrichments” there after already 1865 civil war”,

February 7th 2013 receiving from “Imposed “Slavery Servitude” (246) of unjust enrichments from August 20th 1619 – 1865 “Civil war” upon which, discrimination of “Negro Race” being 1000% denied the 4th, 6th, 13th and 14th amendment of the 1000% eliminated by powers of the Deep dark ages Defendant “”United States of America” et al very own constitution.

Being (Negro) race denied the right to work, for own negro prosperity, under “Tortious Interferences with “Negro” race future “prosperity thereafter 1865 demanding father “Unjust Enrichment” payments, “Now” Discrimination Practices of “Negro” Being paid less than “pure and soft polished”,

 “Superior White” controlling classes, as “Negro” race being further discriminated in their current residences, domicile, business, schools, hospitals, and churches being 1000% suffrages of Government sponsored of terror, of fire bombing, explosions, lynching, and mass shooting, assault and battery, theft of property, and hostile around the “clock 24/7, (365) hundreds of years of home invasions,

“Pillage and whole sale plundering” while discriminating in public transportation services, restaurant services to secure “White Only” defeat in “America” against deplorable (Negro) race, while “sabotage “Negro” race, future careers bending their very own rules of “Governing laws namely among many,

the 13th and 14th amendment for discrimination practices of continual “Unjust Enrichment” for ‘pure fine and extra clean polished “White Only” society 1865- Civil War” thereafter February 7th 2013 when officially 1000% “Slavery Servitude” ending in this grand illusion to capitalizing on stereotypical discrimination “Pattern and practices” Pursuant to Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), “Human Rights Violations” forcing

 “Negro Race” further by Deep Dark Ages Defendant “United States of America”, breaching their very own Fiduciary Duty” to end “Slavery Servitude” being now replaced with “Negro” race has been Discrimination against to continual tolerating

Discrimination inappropriate behavior and being subject victim to massive wrongful deaths, assaults and battery’s, oppression, and poverty in a Dead-End” Zone life style for a “Negro” race being 1000% now legally there after February 7th 2013

Some 44.5 Million (plus) Negro Race having no “legal citizenship” in 2015-2099 while “Black Codes Laws”, Vagrancy Laws, Para-Military Knight of the “Klu Klux Klan” and “Jim Crow Laws” collectively as one force currently working in Breaching the Fiduciary Duty of the Deep Dark ages Defendant “United States of America” et al from the past

“While Only” simply maintain ineffectiveness fairy tale of (KKK) deaths circumstances being the absolute immunity branch of government (protection) racket Furtherance’s” Pursuant to Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), in “Human Rights Violations” against (Negro) race for “White Only” prosperity in now the official date of 2016-2099

We Thee Abused “Negro Race” slave Plaintiffs collective 44.5 plus Million being just free from “Slavery” February 7th 2013 and discriminated against never ever having any “legal standing” before any Federal Court of (America) “White Only” constitution in dealing with “Law and Equity” of the “Deep Darkest” ages Defendant “United States of America”.

Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), “False Imprisonment” of Dred Scott 1795- September 17th, 1858 Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II USN SS # 2712 and President Negro Slave Barack Hussein (Water-Head) Obama II v. United States of America et al,The Republican Party, GOP, The Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen, Chief Defendant “Donald John Trump Sr., The Trump Organization Trump Tower 725 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10022 and The Eric Trump Foundation (ETF) The Eric Trump Foundation, 725 Fifth Avenue, 16th Floor, New York, NY 10022,

“False Imprisonment” of Dred Scott 1795- September 17th, 1858

                    Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857),

Date of birth: 1795

Died: September 17, 1858, St. Louis, MO

“False Imprisonment” of Slave Negro “Dred Scott” and“False Imprisonment” of  all 44.5 Million Negro Slaves Plaintiffs herein pursuant Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), being forced into “Slavery Servitude” from the exact time frame of date of his birth 1795- September 17th, 1858, which legally “Dred Scott” Died wrongfully still a false imprison “Negro Slave” derive thereof precisely August 20th 1619 - Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), as the Deep Dark ages (United States of America) et al

Continual being 100% criminal murderous obsession for “unjust enrichment” in “Slave Trade” against any “Human Rights” to “Freedom of Life”, “Peace” and “Dignity” resulting in Direct Damages/Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress/Exemplary Damages awarded to the 100% “Direct DNA “Descendants” of “Slavery Servitude of the Defendant “Unuted States of America et al pursuant to each born slave herein as  Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), in the exact full amount of only “$300.00” U.S. Dollars (only) with legal full 6% direct “interest incurred” since exact date of Slave Negro Births injur(s) occurred back to date of precisely (1857) in Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), when upon Only after Emerson's death in 1843, after Emerson's widow hired “Dred Scott” out to an army captain, did “Dred Scott” seeking rightfully freedom for himself and his wife,

First he “Dred Scott” offered to buy his (Negro) race freedom from Mrs. Emerson -- then living in St. Louis -- for $300. The offer was refused as such in 2016 (December) being the same for each negro “Slave Plainitff as described in the Hamilton v. USA as since 2011 (described) and refitted all just claims, being precise, in the best intrest of all parties herein The full 1000% return of  “United States of America” Freedmen's Bureau, which was “legally” established in 1865 by Congress to help former black slaves and poor whites in the South in the aftermath of the U.S. Civil War (1861-65),

As Thaddeus Stevens” still argued "We have turned...loose 4 million slaves without a...cent in their pockets...This Congress is bound to provide for them until they can take care of themselves."  Deep Dark Ages Defendant “United States of America” Congress still refused, so the Freedmen's Bureau stepped in  The Bureau helped solve everyday problems of the newly freed slaves, such as obtaining clothing, food, water, health care, communication with family members, and jobs. It distributed 15 million rations of food to African Americans nearly 3,000 schools

 To do this, the Bureau spent 5 million dollars and the Bureau spent $400,000 to establish teacher training institutions for these schools. Howard, the leader of the Bureau, created a trust fund of $52,000, in which to be used by the Bureau to purchase land and then resell to Blacks at a more reasonable price Four million freedmen were aided by the Freedmen's Bureau.

The Bureau succeeded in providing over one million people medical care.  They built hospitals , in which to provide this medical care in.

  The Bureau also gave a total of 15 million rations of food to Blacks, and a total of 21 million rations to both Black and Whites added together,  In North Carolina, the bureau employed: 9 contract surgeons, at $100 per month; 26 hospital attendants, at average pay each per month $11.25; 18 civilian employees, clerks, agents, etc., At an average pay per month of $17.20; 4 laborers, at an average pay per month of $11.90; enlisted men are detailed as orderlies, guards, etc., by commanding officers of the different military posts where officers of the Bureau are serving

In South Carolina, the bureau employed, nine clerks, at average pay each per month $108.33, one rental agent, at monthly pay of $75.00, one clerk, at monthly pay of $50.00, one storekeeper, At monthly pay of $85.00, one counselor, at monthly pay of $125.00, one superintendent of education, at monthly pay of $150.00, one printer, at monthly pay of $100.00, one contract surgeon, at monthly pay of $100.00, twenty-five laborers, at average pay per month $19.20

By the 1870s, Blacks had abandoned hope of federal land redistribution, but many still saw “forty acres and a mule” as the key to freedom.

Black land ownership in the South increased steadily despite the failure of federal Reconstruction

One quarter of Black farmers in the South owned their land by 1900. Near the coast, they owned an average of 27 acres; inland, an average of 48 acres. By comparison, 63% of Southern White farmers owned their land.

Most of this land was simply bought through private transactions

In 1910, Black Americans owned 15,000,000 acres of land, most of it in Alabama, Mississippi, North Carolina, and South Carolina. This figure has since declined to 5,500,000 acres in 1980 and to 2,000,000 acres in 1997.Most of this land is not the area held by Black families in 1910; beyond the “Black Belt”, it is located in Texas, Oklahoma, and California.

The total number of Black farmers has decreased from 925,708 in 1920 to 18,000 in 1997; the number of White farmers has also decreased, but much more slowly.

Black American land ownership has diminished more than that of any other ethnic group, while White land ownership has increased Black families who inherit land across generations without obtaining an explicit title (often resulting in tenancy in common by multiple descendants) may have difficulty gaining government benefits and risk losing their land completely.

Outright fraud and lynchings have also been used to strip Black people of their land,

Black landowners are common targets of eminent domain laws invoked to make way for public works projects.

 At Harris Neck in the Sea Islands, a group of Gullah freed people retained 2,681 acres of high-quality land due to the Will of the plantation owner Marg[a]ret Ann Harris.

About 100 Black farmers continued to live at Harris Neck until 1942, when they were forced off the land because of a plan to build an Air Force base. The land was used freely by local

White authorities until 1962, when it was turned over to the federal Fish and Wildlife Service and became Harris Neck National Wildlife Refuge Ownership of the land remains contested,

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has long been viewed as a cause for the decline in Black agriculture.

According to a 1997 report by the USDA's own Civil Rights Action Team:

There are some who call the USDA 'the last plantation.' An 'old line' department, USDA was one of the last federal agencies to integrate and perhaps the last to include women and minorities in leadership positions.

Considered a stubborn bureaucracy and slow to change, USDA is also perceived as playing a key role in what some see as a conspiracy to force minority and socially disadvantaged farmers off their land through discriminatory loan practices

A class action lawsuit has accused the USDA of systematic discrimination against Black farmers from 1981–1999. In Pigford v. Glickman (1999), District Court Judge Paul L. Friedman ruled in favor of the farmers and ordered the USDA to pay financial damages for loss of land and revenue.

However, the status of full compensation for affected farmers remains unresolved and shall be made restitution herein full return compensation

“United States of America” herein reproduced the entire 100% “Freedmen’s Bureau” tax exempt structure as already fully legally appropriate, funded and designed in 1865 by “United States Congress” and destroyed completely from the earth by “United States”.

a. Everything ounce of monetary value, food, clothing, buildings, schools, hospitals churches, homes, chattel, horses, cows,  feed, chickens, seeds, stock, land, and business return  today in 2015 monetary market value.

b. Every complete single detail as already records filed with “Freedmen’s Bureau” structure in the past already direct possession, custody and control of “United States” fully refunded thereof.

The entire 100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau” return structure as already designed in 1865 by “United States Congress” is officially  identified forever now as we (Negro) Sovereignty Nation independent existence life form separate from the United State with its own elected governing body ,CEO President, CFO Vice President, Treasury officer,

Monetary private banking system, Presiding 13 Chair Board members and all we (Negro) 2016-2099 “active share holders”.

a. All monetary assets are forever “tax exempt” property of “Freedmen’s Bureau” and all we (Negro) active share holders

All evolution, growth, maturation, expansion, enlargement, spread, progress, business, acquisitions, purchase, gain, accession, investment, material earnings, procurement, collections, development, explorations, medical discovers, trade, patent,

copyrights, deeds, titles, property, success, all discovery in mineral, oil, gas, precious metals rights, cyber evolution, information technology”, Medical and scientific inventions and or advancement thereof being identified monetary assets forever property of “Freedmen’s Bureau” and all we 44.5 plus million (Negro) active share holders.

b. The entire 100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau” return structure of 900 case officers will be restructure to be now

 “900 full time Lawyers” representing The entire 100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau” return structure, representing the governing body, CEO President,

 CFO Vice President, Treasury officers, Monetary private banking system, Presiding 13 Chair Board members and representing all we 44.5 plus Million (Negro) 2015-2099 “active share holders”.

c. The entire 100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau” destroyed completely from the earth by “United States” return structure will be fully erected, designed And built by the new “Freedmen’s Bureau” governing body, CEO President, CFO Vice President, Treasury officers,

Presiding 13 Chair Board members all we 44.5 plus million (Negro) 2015-2099 “active share holders” funded by the United States.

d. All monetary compensation made by “United State” in the amount of 3 Trillion 800 Billion U.S. Dollars forever herein being property of “Freedmen’s Bureau” governing body, CEO President,

CFO Vice President, Treasury officers, Presiding 13 Chair Board members and all We 44.5 plus million (Negro) 2015-2099 “active share holders”.

e. The United States will deposit 300 billion U.S. Dollars directly into the “Freedmen’s Bureau” monetary private banking system “without question”.

f. The United States will deposit 20 billion U.S. Dollars directly into the “United Negro College Fund” without question.

g. The United States will deposit 40 billion U.S. Dollars directly into the “Freedmen’s Bureau” separate construction development account designated for “poor and low” income “White” and all other poor people of color living in United States being enjoying under same

“Freedmen’s Bureau” reconstruction plan as “Freedmen’s Bureau” 1865 reconstruction structure in the past already by “United States” fully designated for “poor and low” income “White” “Freedmen’s Bureau” funds thereof,  “without question”.

h. The United States will provided “Freedmen’s Bureau” governing body, CEO President, CFO Vice President, Treasury officers, Presiding 13 Chair Board members a “1 Trillion U.S. Dollars credit line, paid to the order of “United States of America” providing just enrichment for

“New Freedmen’s Bureau” ability to obtain future goods, building raw materials, holdings, property, belongings, evolution, growth, maturation, expansion, enlargement, spread, progress, business, acquisitions, purchase, gain, accession, investment, material earnings, procurement, collections,

Development, explorations, medical discovers, trade, patent, copyrights, deeds, titles, property, success, all discovery in mineral, oil, gas, precious metals rights,  cyber evolution, information technology”, medical and scientific inventions and or advancement thereof “without question”.

i. The United States will deposit 25 billion U.S. Dollars remaining monetary compensation sum payable from  2 Trillion 360 Billion U.S. Dollars made by “United State” directly into the

 “Freedmen’s Bureau” “private monetary banking system” each and every fiscal year thereafter until paid in full (Interest Free) into thee

“Freedmen’s Bureau” having now new structure fully erected, and return  in Everything ounce of monetary value, food, clothing, buildings, schools, hospitals churches, homes, chattel, horses, cows,  feed, chickens, seeds, stock, land, and business destroyed and officially return  today in 2015 – 2016  monetary market value “without question”.

j. And all interest thereof is fully The entire 100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau” return structure protect by “United State” civil/criminal Federal Laws, both within the United States and in the International Community.

k. The entire 100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau” return structure do not 100%

 support any “criminal activity” committed against “Freedmen’s Bureau” by any representing “Freedmen’s Bureau” governing body, CEO President, CFO Vice President, Treasury officers, Monetary private banking system,

Presiding 13 Chair Board members and any or all We 44.5 plus Million (Negro) 2015-2099 “active share holders” or any other entity residing on Earth.

l. The entire 100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau” return structure do not under any circumstances 100% supply support monetary funding for any type of “criminal activity” committed by any “active” negro share holders” criminal endeavor as a result immediate expulsion, dismissal, exclusion, discharge and ejection thereof.

m. The entire 100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau” return structure providing Full time “Social Services” programs “Freedmen’s Bureau” funds thereof,  “without question”.

n. The entire 100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau” return structure providing Full time “Reconstruction Construction Employment (EEOC)  at starting “pay rate” of $18.00 for all ready to work unskilled “active” negro American share holders” and any other “unskilled Legal Citizen” of United States of America thereof

 “Ready”, “willing” and “physically able” to learn and perform  a honest American Construction trade

 “The United States of America” fully 100 and 50 % restore ever ounce of food destroyed, each housing unit burned to the ground, return all medical aid taken away, return the legal services being established,

 Return every “penny and nickel” of “monetary value” that was established, with any and all business, companies, homes, farms, stock, chattel,  and Churches established by the “Freedmen’s Bureau”, being

The entire 100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau” return structure providing Full time “Social Services” programs “Freedmen’s Bureau” funds thereof,  “without question”.

o. The entire 100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau” return structure providing Full time “Mental Health” programs “Freedmen’s Bureau” funds thereof,  “without question”.

p. The entire 100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau” return structure providing Full time Substances abuse programs  “Freedmen’s Bureau” funds thereof,  “without question”.

q. The entire 100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau” return structure providing Full time Prison Probation Officers And "prison half way homes" and "prison working release programs" “Freedmen’s Bureau” funds thereof,  “without question”.

r. The entire 100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau” return structure providing Full time Construction Trade schooling “Freedmen’s Bureau” funds thereof, “without question”.

s. “Freedmen’s Bureau” request “United States” as a show of good faith allowing  “Freedmen’s Bureau” to file a “report and recommendation” on all “criminal activity” committed by any “active” negro share holders” before said Prison sentencing.

t. “Freedmen’s Bureau” as a show of good faith to “United States” allowing “Freedmen’s Bureau” to file a “report and recommendation” on any and all “criminal activity” committed by any “active” negro share holders” before said Prison sentencing on behalf of said “Freedmen’s Bureau”

“United States apply  1 extra year apply for any type of major felony “criminal activity” committed by any “active” negro share holders” criminal endeavor directed at the

“Freedmen’s Bureau” and the United States as result immediate expulsion, dismissal, exclusion, discharge and ejection thereof for any “active” negro share holders” being extra “stupidly and blind dumb Greed”.

Freedmen’s Bureau” is erected, designed and dedicated to “Dred and Harriet Scott” and their two daughters (Lizie & Eliza)“Pursuant to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857).

“The United States of America” and are legally entitled to “Monetary Reimbursement” flat rate of $3 Trillion, 800 Billion U.S. dollars minimum not a “penny more or a nickel” less for full, final and complete payment to all “active” negro share “shareholders”.

“No interest”  ending the official “1619 – 2099 Civil War against “We Thee Abused Negro Race….forever more….which Freedmen’s Bureau” of the past being 1000% fully damaging destroyed " blast”, “blow up”, “Dynamite”, explode”, and completely “bomb” of the Earth” by “United States of America et al “white only” ruling conquers class. “Appearance Respectfully before his/her “Assumed Honorable Presiding “Justices”,“Affirm”, “State”, and “declare” legally, furtherance’s herein, defendant refusal and continue doing refusal Negro “Plaintiffs” move for a expidted Jury Trial fully seek direct/exemplary/compensatory/ intentional infliction of emotional distress, slave regeme  “structural discrimination that creates de facto barriers for people of Plaintiffs Slave, past, present and future African descent to fully exercise their “human rights.” 6 Trillion U.S. Dollars since exacte date of injury August 20th 1619 “Proclaim” this undersigned Notary Seal Date in the Year of 2016 of the Lord

We ever (Negro) race slave Plaintiffs herein from 1619-2099 have the “technology” and “labor” as a 2013 study by the “National Renewable Energy Laboratory”

Concluded that the average large photovoltaic plant in the United States occupied 3.1 acres of permanently disturbed area and 3.4 acres of total site area per gigawatt-hour per year.

The average CSP plant in the US occupied 2.7 acres of disturbed area and 3.5 acres of total area per GWh/yr A 2015 life-cycle analysis of land use for various sources of electricity concluded that concentrating solar power had a land-use footprint of 9.0 m2/MWhr for trough, and 14 m2/MWhr for power tower.                                             

The concentrating solar footprint was smaller than that of coal power (18 m2/MWhr), but larger than the other sources studied, including ground photovoltaic (7.9 m2/MWhr), natural gas (0.49 m2/MWhr), and wind power (0.26 m2/MWhr).

When considering land use impacts associated with the exploration and extraction through to transportation and conversion of fossils fuel which are used for most of our electrical power,

Utility-scale solar power compares as one of the most land-efficient energy resources available, the federal government has dedicated nearly 2,000 times more acreage to oil and gas leases than to solar development. In 2010 the Bureau of Land Management approved nine large-scale solar projects, with a total generating capacity of 3,682 megawatts, representing approximately 40,000 acres. In contrast, in 2010,                                                   

The Bureau of Land Management processed more than 5,200 applications gas and oil leases, and issued 1,308 leases, for a total of 3.2 million acres.

 Currently, 38.2 million acres of onshore public lands and an additional 36.9 million acres of offshore exploration in the Gulf of Mexico are under lease for oil and gas development, exploration and production

The 392 MW Ivanpah Solar Power Facility, located 40 miles (64 km) southwest of Las Vegas, is the world's largest solar-thermal power plant project which became fully operational on February 13, 2014                                      

We ever (Negro) race from 1619-2099 being past frozen in participating engage in, join in, get involved in, share in, Play a part/role in, be a participant in, partake in, have a hand in, be associated with “White Only” (American) prosperity while this Abundance of “solar energy” makes solar power plants a cleaner alternative to traditional power plants,

Which burn fossil fuels” such as “oil” and Coal”, just sitting about unharnessed” The “Secret White Society” of the Deep dark ages Defendant “United States of America”, and their 2015-2016 election

“Front Man”, proposal for “Immigration reform”

Continual embarrassing the “Entire” United States of America” with such racist hostile Old School (Klansmen) in objective(s) Direct 1000% wrongly at “People” of color, namely Hispanic and Mexicans” All illegal Immigrants “World-Wide” residing/attempting in “United States” having sought refuge, in (America) for a better way of Prosperity as claim by Defendant

“White Only” Constitution of America, “United States of America” could have built a very secured and impenetrable boarder walls, many blue moons ago clear past 1900s as this attack of the “White Only (America) “Front Man”, proposal for “Immigration reform” being the sorry lame “soap box” of the 100s of years past for “White Only” votes feeling no pain for their Bigotry attitude towards Thee “Official” Hispanic, Mexican having been a building back bone to America forever, and needing no further abused by the “Secrete Control White Society” as “United States of America” could have built a very secured

 And “impenetrable” boarder walls, many blue moons ago “But” criminally in being hypocrites realizing the needs of “Cheap labor” as Deep Dark ages Defendant “United States of America” et al (RICO) enterprise “bogus” many blue moons ago “enjoying” further 100% “unjust enrichment” against all illegal Immigrants “World-Wide” residing/attempting in “United States” having sought refuge, in (America) for a better way of Prosperity as claim by Defendant “White Only” Constitution of America, especially directed at Thee “Official” Hispanic, Mexican (other) building back bone of Deep Dark ages Defendant “United States of America” et al and their “Pure and pristine “White Only” prosperity society as now The “Secret White Society” of the Deep dark ages Defendant “United States of America”, and their 2015-2016 election, “Front Man”, proposal for “Immigration reform” still being 1000%

Along a direction “Hostile” but (Plaintiffs) Negro Slaves herein having 1000% better and absolute practical building a “Boarder Wall” along the “United States of America” Southern border, which estimated a proclaim cost in (Billions),

Which the U.S. Border with Mexico”, is roughly, 2000 miles long and underlines four (American) states from “California to Texas” which is a massive stretch of land, As the “Berlin Wall” spanned just 96 miles comparatively, and it cost about $25 Million to build in 1961, or around $200 Million with inflation”, United States of America herein poison the very own (Negro) abused race “drinking water, “Pursuant to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857),

And Thee almighty “Secret White Control Slave institution” having been letting their infrastructures collapsed and decay, in prosperity for just “White Only”,

While “Solar Energy Generating Systems (SEGS) is the name given to nine “Solar power plants” in the “Mojave Dessert”, which were built in the 1980s, the first commercial solar plant

These plants have a combined capacity of 354 “megawatts” (MW) which them the largest “Solar power” installation in the “World”, until “Ivanpah Solar Power Facility was finished in 2014 “Nevada Solar One is a Solar thermal plant with a 64 MW generating capacity, located near “Boulder City, Nevada.

The “Copper Mountain Solar Facility is a 150 MW photovoltaic power plant in Boulder City, Nevada, The “Ivanpah Solar Power Facility” is a 370 MW facility which consists of three separate solar thermal power plants just off interstate highway 15 on the Nevada-California border in the Mojave Desert. There are also plans to build other large solar plants in the Mojave Desert,                                                             

 “We Thee Abused (American) “Negro Race”…Slave Plaintiffs  Appearance Respectfully before his/her “Assumed Honorable Presiding “Justices”, “Affirm”, “State”, and “declare” legally, furtherance’s herein “Proclaim” as this very undersigned Notary Seal Date being official in the Year of 2016 of the Lord

We ever (Negro) race from 1619-2099 being past frozen in participating,Now reestablished as already filed in court recors and been scuttled the  new 2016-2099 “Freedmen's Bureau”,Shall as of this undersigned date fully “patent”, and making official new 2016-2099 “Freedmen's Bureau”, construction business claims, design, being secure from “official Plagiarism” from the always criminal acts of prosperity for “White Only” society

As this New (American) Project is belong 100,000 And 1000% the official property project of

We Thee (Abused) Negro Race slave “Plaintiffs” residing in America” 2016 – 2099 and officially building what just sitting about fully neglected and “Unharnessed”, “Solar Energy” being claim by the official new 2016-2099 “Freedmen's Bureau”, construction business in the full entire distance required of the U.S. Border with Mexico”, is roughly, 2000 miles long and3,987 miles long of “Northern” Boarder Walls between “United States of America” and “Canada”, of “Pure Clean Sound Miles of Free Solar Energy” of sound constructed efficient, organized, skillful, labor saving, Productive (American) “Boarder Walls” of solar thermal power, and accompany power transfer power plants, All being 100% “logical” and “orderly designed businesslike” In (America) new 2016-2099 “Freedmen's Bureau”, Power Plant protected and practical free energy for future in a simple “Boarder Walls”, design of a well-organized and competent way to build a protected boarder wall other this lame, Secret Pursuant to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857),

 “White Only” prosperity society of slow thinking “America” design in “dirty concrete” full of useless International “Gang graffiti”. As this “Project” of We thee Abused (Negro) race of America 2015-2099 is officially being 1000% New Energy and untapped presented before His/her Honorable “World Court of Justice” The Hague and not the “Chattel Property interest”, of the Deep Dark Ages Defendant “United States of America” officially herein,

His/her Honorable “ Court Justices” and The Entire International Community” The Deep Dark Age Defendant “United States of America” et al failed 100% to realizing first and foremost from

August 20th 1619 – (1865) We thee just “Negro” race 1000% being denied our own prosperity, officially “Built” United States of America”…..for free at the wrongful cost of “Death” as

“246” years of lynching “Negro” necks in “White Only” free infrastructures being left to decay, and fall completely of the face of the earth as the pure, pristine and fine “white polished” building “Whitten Only Prosperity Grand Meg Estates” meanwhile in (America)

More than 100 cars were traveling over a bridge on I-35W during a Minneapolis rush hour when it suddenly collapsed, dropping cars from the interstate into the 15-foot-deep Mississippi River below, and trapping many passengers inside,

Before they could escape or emergency help arrived, 13 people died and another 145 were injured one of the worst bridge disasters in U.S. history. As Thousands of bridges around the U.S. may be one freak accident or mistake away from collapse, even if the spans are deemed structurally sound

Engineers and safety officials have been worrying for years about America's infrastructure, including its many long-neglected bridges. Former NTSB chairman Mark Rosenker discusses what the U.S. needs to do to get up to par. As “Simple” the “Texas – Mexico” broader makes up to 1,254 miles of the 1,900- mile-long U.S. Mexico Boarder of a “New” “United States of America Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) “Impenetrable “Solar” (CSP) and (CST) “Power Grid” that 1000% features, environmental savings, EPA protection, With a DMZ “electrical” Mega- Solar Robotic Towers Transformation

“Solar” power Sky Production Solar Platform Stations” fully 100% maximizing “Sun” collectors for both Thermal and Solar, accompanying systems in producing  “Heat Collection” for “Power Generation” substations with the Freeman Bureau Mega- “Solar Boarder Wall DMZ- “Vulcan-X3” MW  New (America) official 2016 online “Solar Power Grid” That also features from (America) New “DMZ Miles” of Concentra rated “Solar and “Thermal” energy, introducing before his/her “World Honorable Presiding “Justices”, “Affirm”, “State”, and “declare” legally, furtherance’s herein

“Proclaim” as this very undersigned Notary Seal Date being official in the Year of 2016 of the Lord “ Volt – ZK77 and Volt – ZK88 “Newest” Negro Race “Space Engineering” “Double-Layer Compression “Sub-Sonic High Speed “Magnetic Levitation Line” with a Maximum operational maximum speed of 510.8 Km/h and average “curse” operational speed of 390 Kmph which includes safety, reliability, availability, health, EPA technical compatibility, giving “United States of America” Freeman Bureau a 100% official contender for the “Crown” of the “World’s Fastest Railway service system as

Featuring “multiple-units semi- high speed “Light Rail” double-decker train lines featuring “full active duplex suspension transportation systems “fully” engineering on both side of the “United States of America and “Mexico” having a “Light Rail” being offer and “Newest Freeman Bureau (Built) sharing of prosperity in “Mexico New Boarder Towns” having share technology offering economic stability to “United States of America” poor neighbors to “South” other than “Hostile” future Presidential “Klansmen” “Front Man”, “White Only” only America 2015-2016 campaign Proposal for “Immigration reform” threats of “Mexico” officially paying to be furtherance’s treated like “South of the Boarder Mexican/Hispanic  Human Walking Trash” by “White Only” …….”Greed America..!                             

Deepest Dark Ages Defendant “United States” hereafter furtherance’s Commit “Agree”, “Accept” and “Approve” as follows:

“United States” hereafter furtherance’s commit a move toward “Equal “Democratization and great respect for all “Human Rights” of all illegal Immigrants residing in “United States”

As a show of “Good Faith” between the parties “United States of America” et al hereafter, 2015-2099 collectively “Agree”, “Accept” and “Approve” make all illegal immigrants “People of Color” namely “Hispanic, Mexican Community”, and any all other illegal immigrants of “Color” already officially residing in “United States of America” official employees of the entire 100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau”, And upon completion of the “United States of America Longest International Border in the World, between “United States of America and Canada” and between “United States of America and Mexico” all parties thereof being granted full 1000% “United States of America” Citizenship.

We thee (Negro) abused (American) race slave Plaintiffs herein 2016-2099 collectively “agree”, “accept” and “approve” to Build  Boarder wall between “Canada” and “United States of America”, and between

 “United States of America” and Mexico and paying the entire labor cost only, with conditions as described further herein “United States of America will provided all the building Material for a full, final and complete miles of Boarder walls in conjunction with As “Simple” the “Texas – Mexico” broader makes up to 1,254 miles of the 1,900- mile-long U.S. Mexico Boarder of a “New” “United States of America”

                       1000% official “Demilitarized Zone” (DMZ)

100,000% “Impenetrable “Solar” (CSP) and (CST) “Power Grid” that 1000% features, environmental savings, EPA protection, With a DMZ “electrical” Mega- Solar Robotic Towers Transformation

“Solar” power Sky Production Solar Platform Stations” fully 100% maximizing “Sun” collectors for both Thermal and Solar, accompanying systems in producing  “Heat Collection” for

 “Power Generation” substations with the Freeman Bureau Mega- “Solar Boarder Wall DMZ- “Vulcan-X3” MW  New (America) official 2016 online “Solar Power Grid”

That also features from (America) New “DMZ Miles” of Concentra rated “Solar and “Thermal” energy, introducing before his/her

 “Assumed Honorable Presiding “Justices”, and being presented before “Deepest Dark age Defendant “United States of America” paying their fair share in building materials for Concrete, and all supplies derive thereof and “Heavy Earth Moving Equipment”

As “Simple”, the Freeman Bureau Mega- “Solar Boarder Wall DMZ- “Vulcan-X3” MW will be built, designed and finance by (Negro) American shareholders of “Freeman Bureau”

To include (Negro) American shareholders of “Freeman Bureau” will be building, designed and finance “ Volt – ZK77” and “Volt – ZK88” being 1000% “Newest” Negro Race “Space Engineering”, “Double-Layer Compression “Sub-Sonic High Speed “Magnetic Levitation Line” with a Maximum operational maximum speed of 510.8 Km/h and average “curse” operational speed of  390 Kmph which includes safety, reliability, availability, health, EPA technical compatibility, giving “United States of America” Freeman Bureau a 100% official contender for the “Crown” of the “World’s Fastest Railway service system as

Featuring “multiple-units semi- high speed “Light Rail” double-decker train lines featuring “full active duplex suspension transportation systems “fully” engineering on both side of the

 “United States of America” and “Mexico” having a “Light Rail” system being offer and “Newest Freeman Bureau (Building) sharing of prosperity in “Mexico” jurisdiction of “New Boarder Towns” having share “technology” offering economic stability to “United States of America” poorest Neighbors to the “South”………………………..Defendant “United States” hereafter furtherance’s commit “agree”, “accept” and “approve” as follows:

“United States” hereafter furtherance’s commit a move toward “equal “democratization and great respect for human rights of We Slave (Negro) Plaintiffs in the “unjust schooling teaching” of all “publications of events” of “Slavery” and it’s ending in 1865 which current February 7th 2013 slave replacement findings dictates otherwise “Slavery” thrives on in the Jurisdiction of United States as falsely claimed made in the 13th Amendment of Defendant United States of America as so stated.

New publications being made and compromised on by both of the parties we (Negro) abused and United States of America, and the truth of the ending of “Slavery” Pursuant to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), “White Only” prosperity society of slow thinking “America” in Breach of Fiduciary Duty to “Honor” they’re very own rules of governing laws 13th Amendment requirement of ending “Slavery Servitude” furtherance’s said

“United States” hereafter furtherance’s commit “agree”, “accept” and “approve”

Providing all 1st year attendance 6th grade (Negro) “Freedmen’s Bureau” shareholders children(s) and all other people of color 1st year attendance 6th grade children(s) to include “Low income and poor white” All 1st year attendance 6th grade children(s) “Freedmen’s Bureau” funded “New Laptop Computers”, computers bags, and 1syear attendance 6th grade children(s) needed schools supplies in said “New Laptop Computers”, computers bags for the next (25) years in funding “without question” Defendant “United States” hereafter furtherance’s commit “agree”, “accept” and “approve” as follows:

As a show of good faith between the parties “United States” hereafter,

We thee (Negro) abused (American) race 2015-2099 collectively “agree”, “accept” and “approve” “United States”, future supply 25 years infrastructure Contract(s) in roads, Highways, Bridges, Streets, Building infrastructure and (American) landscaping needs to the 100% New 2016-2099 “Freedmen’s Bureau”, base on a standard set minimum labor wages salary at $7.25 per man hour needing for completion of said entire “Infrastructure Contracts” of United States and as a return “good faith” hereafter furtherance’s commit “agree”, “accept” and “approve”

We new established “Freedmen’s Bureau” of 2015-2099 training, housing, food, security, new system for “Prison Work Release Work Force” back into the community of (America) of all race to provided “United States”, Future supply 25 years infrastructure Contract(s) in roads, Highways, Bridges, Streets, Building infrastructure and (American) landscaping base on a standard set minimum labor wages salary at $7.25 per man hour (Lock Wage Prison Contract) work force for said 25 years of “United States of America” et al in conjunctions with future supply 25 years infrastructure Contract(s) in roads, Highways, Bridges, Streets, Building infrastructure and (American) landscaping 

Needing for completion of said entire 25 years hour (Lock Wage Prison Contract) work force in rebuilding  the entire decay, falling down to the ground neglected by

 “Pure White Only” Criminal (Past) Congressional prosperity reconstruction “Infrastructure Contracts” of United States providing “Prison Work Release Work Force” paying there on “rent”, “food”, “housing”, “security”, Skill trade on job training, and 100% social supporting all of their families while being silly/stupid for residing in (Prison),

None the less “Prison Work Release Work Force” maintains their very own dignity, rehabilitation, and honest direct freedom of respect to move toward “democratization” and greater respect for their very own human rights and rehabilitated Prison living dignity,

Furtherance’s as a 1000% show of good faith between the parties directed at “United States” hereafter, We thee (Negro) abused (American) race slave Plaintiffs 2016-2099 collectively 1000% “Agree”, “Accept” and “Approve” 1000% officially financial Financing (Negro) “Freedmen’s Bureau” shareholders hardcore “Dissident’, Wishes to be continual in “New” 2016 – 2099 opposition to “official honest policy” of the Laws of “United States of America” and or directed collectively criminally at “Freedmen’s Bureau” et al being 1000% “Dissident’ any furtherance’s thereof especially 100% (Negro) race (Prison) gangbang shareholder” having

“Direct Double Trouble” pull up your His/her “fallen  down pants” gang member hard core “Dissident’ having their very own “Prison Work Force” paying there on “Rent”, “Food”, “Housing”, “Security”, and Extra Special “Pull up” your “darn” Gang banger pants” “Cold Case Skill trade” (OJT) on job training, building in conjunctions with future supply 25 years (America) infrastructure package, (Plaintiffs) herein respectfully to His/her assumed Honorable Court Justices introduction to the “Extra Wake Up” you slow uneducated want to be a criminal (American) “Dissident’ to Thee Infamous Freedmen Bureau New “Prison System” Sweet special “Location” Attu Alaska  : ) Which is the westernmost and largest island in the Near Islands group of the Aleutian Islands of Alaska, and I reminder you of the (Cold)  : ) And at the westernmost point of land relative to Alaska, So Very, Very Cold before spring too, (ha ha) Omg Welcome to the (ha ha) hardcore “Dissident’ “Prison Cold  : ) Belong to the United States, in North America and the Americas. The island became uninhabited in 2010, Max Length: 34.98 mi, Max width: 20.01 mi, “Population in 2010 (20)  : ) So Very, Very Extra Cold : )  too ...extra $$$ paid “Security” will love “any and all” go for it (silly) multinational race “Dissident’ escape attempts

“They will simply come back to “Prison” home life...xoxoxo And be so silly “Dissident’ 1000% guaranteed glad to get a nice “big bowl” of “Good Warm Hearty Healthy “Freedmen’s Bureau” Prison “Soup”  : )And 1000% “extra cold” helping hand to honest direct freedom of respect to move toward “democratization” and greater respect for their very own “human rights” and “rehabilitated”, Prison living dignity,  With 100% extended “Sincere Welcome Back” to Warm (Negro) “Freedmen’s Bureau” shareholders “Prison Guards” Open Smiling Arms  : )

As a show of good faith between the parties in good “spirits” towards “United States” hereafter, We thee (Negro) abused (American) race slave Plaintiffs 2016-2099 collectively “agree”, “accept” and “approve” We Slave abused (Negro) “milk and honey”, of consumed” luxury and good fortune”, As Civil War, adopted stating, declare, and affirming the existence of fundamental design of the 1865 “Freedmen’s Bureau” of the United States,  Which help (Negro) race solve everyday problems of being claim free from “Slavery” in adapting to a New Life,  Providing clothing, food, water, health care, communication with (Negro) family, and Jobs, which then

15 millions rations of food was required to even help feed some 4 million still living in extreme alarm, terror and 100 and 10% hanging fear for their kidnap lives And God did not have this intended or found this humor, As The 100% New 2015-2099 “Freedmen’s Bureau” adapt it’s on 1865 “Freedmen’s Bureau” having its structured already fully established, in that “United States”, hereafter furtherance’s commit “Agree”, “accept” and “approve” To supply full 1 division of "The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and to supply 1 full division of, "The United States Navy Seabee" To officially aid in skillful teaching and understanding return working with We thee “forced abused illiterate”(Negro) American race shareholders the 100% New 2015-2099 erect “Freedmen’s Bureau” in providing extreme construction top grade skills,

 In a American reconstruction battalion declaration style for the full honest behalf of We thee abused (Negro) 2015-2099 “advancement in “prosperity” security, success, and profitability future (Negro) race as claim by the, “Second Continental Congress” profitability and milk and honey” for all (American) citizens, as We (Negro) race slave Plaintiffs herein was said so do qualify (American) citizens, and not just “Whites Only”

 “United States” hereafter furtherance’s commit “agree”, “accept” and “approve” as follows:

As The 100% New 2015-2099 “Freedmen’s Bureau” adapt it’s on 1865 “Freedmen’s Bureau” having its structured already fully established, in that “United States”, official acting “Executive Officer” hereafter furtherance’s commit “agree”, “accept” and “approve” To supply a submitted 100% unbiased “report and recommendations” for the future establishment of said The 100% New 2015-2099 “Freedmen’s Bureau”, expressing precise, “United States”, “fruitful”, “Prolific”  and “high-yielding”, affluence of comfort, prosperity, and security of

The 100% New 2016-2099 “Freedmen’s Bureau”, as for said mention Defendant “United States” hereafter being announced by We (Negro) 2015-2099 as being a “competent party” hereby furtherance’s said “agree”, “accept” and “approve”  to accomplish the 1865 “Freedmen’s Bureau Reconstruction For we thee (Negro) race free slaves herein 1619-2099

“United States” hereafter furtherance’s commit “agree”, “accept” and “approve” as follows:

Will maintained with “Officer and Gentlemen” qualities a “Liaison Officer” (LNO) to communicates and coordinate “United States” own communication, coordination’s activities,

 And accounting of all monetary funding being made thereof to the 100% New 2016-2099 “Freedmen’s Bureau” governing body, CEO President, CFO Vice President, Treasury officers,

Presiding 13 Chair Board members and all we 44.5 plus million (Negro) 2015-2099 “active share holder
“United States” hereafter furtherance’s commit “agree”, “accept” and “approve” as follows:

Thereof the 100% New 2015-2099 1.8 (Billion) U.S. Dollars “Freedmen’s Bureau” located

 “Home Office” in Washington DC and is fully “erected”, “designed” and “dedicated” to “Dred and Harriet Scott” and their two daughters (Lizie & Eliza)

“Pursuant to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857).

                       The “13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution” criminally bogus declared that

"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted,

Shall exist within the United States, Or any place subject to their jurisdiction

“Formally abolishing slavery in the United States,

The 13th Amendment was passed by the Congress on January 31, 1865, and ratified by the states on December 6, 1865.  And furtherance’s said breaching their very own Fiduciary Duty,

 The 14th Amendment to the Constitution which was ratified on July 9, 1868, and claim granted citizenship to “All persons born or naturalized in the United States,” which included former slaves recently freed In addition, it forbids states from denying any person "life, liberty or property, without due process of law" or to "deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” And being the direct cause for the “Wrongful Death” of Rev. Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. Upon which never ending (RICO) ongoing “Slave Régime” as “White Only” forever of the “Deep Dark Ages Defendant “United States of America” herein absolute 1000% heel bent on conspire in their “Fraudulent Concealment” scheme of things in Deep Dark ages United States of America et al, Breaching their very own Fiduciary Duty, is the direct cause of action for damages (50) Million U.S. Dollars with 6% incurred from date of assignation to the survivors Rev. Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. family for “Pecuniary losses, mental anguish, loss of companion& society, loss of inheritances and exemplary damages for such Deep Dark ages United States of America et al,

 Fraudulent Concealment that “Slavery Servitude” still exited when the “Wrongful Death” of Rev. Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. could having been 1000% really honestly prevent by such Deep Dark ages United States of America et al, being Truthful, honest, and respecting there very on rules of governing laws., 

“Formally abolishing slavery in the United States” upon which the Deep Dark, Dark Ages defendant “United States of America” et al engaged furtherance’s in

“Federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization (RICO)....of a nature involving “Slavery Servitude” money laundering statutes, 18 U.S.C. 1956 and 1957 “Slavery Servitude” money laundering statutes, RICO statute (18 U.S.C. § 1961(1)). .... Money laundering statutes,

From 1957- February 7th 2013 exactly (56) years Defendant United States of America” there after the introduction of their very, Own governing rules of (American) laws” they furtherance’s engaged in Federal racketeer influenced and corrupts organization (RICO)....

“Slavery Servitude” money laundering statutes, 18 U.S.C. 1956 and 1957, past to the official date of February 7th 2013 in a Monetary Absolute Immunity Judicial Branch of Government criminal continual (RICO) cover up scheme of things pursuant to “White Controlling Secrete Society” forever “White Only” prosperity knowing with fore thoughts, secret intense precise

Judicial Control, deliberation, and rulings of the Highest Federal Court System of the Deep Dark, Dark Ages defendant “United States of America” et al herein “legally”

Authority armed officially presiding forever that “Slavery Servitude”, in United States of “Dizzy” (America), “Pursuant to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857)

When in all official legal “factual circumstances” Until February 7, 2013, some (148) years Criminally Conspire later the Deep Dark ages (United States of America) very own on “Jurisdictions” namely The state of “Mississippi America” had never submitted the required documentation to ratify the “Infamous (MIA) Thirteenth Amendment,

Meaning it never officially had abolished slavery thus not freeing slaves within the Jurisdiction of Defendant “United States of America until February 7, 2013,

Which thereby no legal “enforcement”, “honor” and “validity” of the Deep Dark ages (United States of America) very own on “Jurisdictions” governing rules of laws, securing the ‘life”, peace, will, dignity, and personal property, of we thee “Abused”

 Negro race “exist” in said 13th amendment of “United States of America” Constitution whom “Negro” kidnapped and abducted” from lost civilization birth rights having endured already massive wrongful deaths and massive discrimination of “Negro” race suffrages derive thereof by forced free labor

“Slavery Servitude”, from August 20th 1619- claim free date of 1865, (246) years already forced “Slavery Servitude”, by The “Deep Dark Ages” Defendant “United States of America” herein 100% provide their Co-Defendants collectively herein in concert with their “White Controlling Class”, official 1000% slave owner(s) of Plantations, industries, business, companies, corporations, shipping, raw materials, rail road’s,

Main infrastructure power grid, agency, private/public social infrastructure  jointly from exploitation of  said Free Force “Slave Labor” enterprise for “Unjust enrichment” 1619-December 7th 2013 Engaged collectively as a “Unit” For “White Only” prosperity in gains of “Slave Trade” 1000% “unjust enrichment”, in declaration for preamble in declared Prosperity “Dred Scott”, Not Human Free Entity, but the

 Property of Co-Defendants collectively herein “White Controlling Class”, slave owner(s) of Plantations, industries, business, companies, corporations, agency, private/public social infrastructure jointly from exploitation profits off said Slave Labor in this

“Grand 1619-2016 (December) Twisted never ending ongoing “Slave Régime”, collectively in collusion with “United States Supreme Court” engaged in “Obstruction of Justice”, to assurances 1000% civil disorder violation in favor of “Tortious Interference with Prospective Relationship”

And the Deep Dark ages “United States of America et al”, 1000% fully own their very own accord conspirer with Co-Defendant(s) “White Controlling Class”, official 1000% slave owner(s) of Plantations, industries, business, companies, corporations, shipping, raw materials, rail road’s, Main infrastructure power grid, agency, private/public social infrastructure jointly from exploitation profits off said Slave Labor in

“Tortious Interference with Fiduciary Duty” of the very own “Judicial Branch of Government” on the criminal typical purloin and awful continual of the “Deep Dark Ages Defendant “United States of America” herein absolute 1000%

Engaged “Whole Sale Slaughter” collectively as a “Unit” in the 1000% wholesale destruction of the “6th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution” in collusion with

 “Spoliation of Evidence”, Conversion, and (RICO) Money laundering Thievery committed by Co-Defendants collectively herein “White Controlling Class”, and there Government “Sponsored” defendant Para-Military (Killers) of The Night Burning Cross Infamous Knights of “The Klu Klux Klan” and Thee “Infamous” slave owner(s) of defendant Plantations, industries, business, companies, corporations, agency, private/public social infrastructure jointly from exploitation profits off said Slave Labor in this Pursuant to Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), against “Human Rights Violations” fully 1000% derived thereof since August 20th 1619-2099 against “We thee abused (Negro) race” officially residing herein now Denaturalization of all claim (American) “Legal Citizenship”, thereafter the exact date of February 7th 2013 in this ongoing 2015 – 2099 White Only” Constitution of America whom even destroyed their very own 4th, 6th, 13th 14th and 15th amendment and the official “Civil Rights Act of 1964” of governing rules of (America) “White Only” Laws as Being the direct official cause for the “Wrongful Death” of Rev. Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. and “Commander in Chief” Of We Thee Just Abuse Negro Race of America declared official “America”, “Civil War” on their very own (RICO) enterprise for trillions in “Unjust Enrichment” against “Negro Race” being absolute 1000% Human rights violations of an extreme hostile accord, being still very “live” active and ongoing since

August 20th 1619 – 2099 (50) Million U.S. Dollars with 6% incurred from 1994 – 2016 (December)  date of “religious prosecution” and “wrongful death” of pro se Plaintiff in his person in the wrongful government defendant “Utah” records concerning death being “Physical assignation” of “pro se” slave Louis Charles Hamilton II” in his person by defendant The Church of Jesuse Christ of Ladder day Saints, The Wife Family Walker Mormon Utah Klan, Defendant States of Utah, U.S. Attorneys office, UPS, CVS Pharmacy, for child abduction involved in this “Murder” wrongful government defendant “Utah” records death being “Physical assignation” of “pro se” slave Louis Charles Hamilton II” in his person“Pecuniary losses, mental anguish, loss of companion& society, loss of family and exile from home “Utah Salt Lake City” and exemplary damages for such Deep Dark ages United States of America et al,“structural discrimination that creates de facto barriers for people of African descent to fully exercise their human rights.” Direct at “pro se” Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II in his person.