Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Freeman Bureau CASE NO. 17-40068 MOTION FOR TRO (Temporary Restraining Order), Preliminary Injunction, UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FIFTH CIRCUIT


Louis Charles Hamilton, II,

                                   Plaintiff - Appellant

V.                                                                                                                              CASE NO. 17-40068

Donald John Trump, Sr., 45th President, 

                                   Defendant – Appellee

MOTION FOR TRO (Temporary Restraining Order), Preliminary Injunction,

             Plaintiff-Appellant Louis Charles Hamilton II, 

Freeman Bureau Protection Order, Trademark Infringement, copyright infringement, TRO (Temporary Restraining Order), Preliminary Injunction, against United States of America et al, Otra Nation, as the state is called, of a high-tech ecotopia, powered by vast solar farms and connected with a hyperloop transportation system, being a “reproduction” of

            “3.8 Trillion U.S. Dollars “ pro se plaintiff personal “stolen plans” already secured establishing the exact date “pro se plaintiff” intelligent and real plans, financing “Freeman Bureau”  idea was in the works and filed in USDC Case 3:16 –mc- 00016 Document 8-7 filed in TXSD on 12/22/16 Page 67 – 80 of 137

        As “Simple” designed by Plaintiff-Appellant Louis Charles Hamilton II

In his both “person” Cmdr. U S Navy, the “Texas – Mexico” broader makes up to 1,254 miles of the 1,900- mile-long U.S. Mexico Boarder of a “New” “United States of America Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) “Impenetrable “Solar” (CSP) and (CST) “Power Grid” that 1000% features, environmental savings, EPA protection, With a DMZ “electrical” Mega- Solar Robotic Towers Transformation ,“Solar” power Sky Production Solar Platform Stations” fully 100% maximizing “Sun” collectors for both Thermal and Solar, accompanying systems in producing  “Heat Collection” for “Power Generation” substations with the Freeman Bureau Mega- “Solar Boarder Wall DMZ- “Vulcan-X3” MW  New (America) official 2016 online “Solar Power Grid” That also features from (America) New “DMZ Miles” of Concentra rated “Solar and “Thermal” energy

         Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II, Freeman Bureau, Black Lives Matter et al “Cmdr. Bluefin” Trade Mark, and “direct inventor” in (2016) having established detail  groundbreaking technical work which has been taken advantage of underhandedly, by United States of America et al,

          Otra Nation, with the defendant “USAet al “Judicial GOP, Congress Government” and 45th President Donald John Trump Sr. primary criminal/civil RICO  actively works to prevent  Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II, Freeman Bureau, Black Lives Matter et al inventor’s from bringing this massive already secured construction idea to fruition, constitute tortious interference Trademark Infringement, copyright infringement, as evidence already filed  Case 3:16 –mc- 00016 as stated in attached exhibit A USDC Case 3:16 –mc- 00016 Document 8-7 filed in TXSD on 12/22/16 Page 67 – 80 of 137

           “USA” herein reproduced the entire 100% “Freedmen’s Bureau” tax exempt structure as already fully legally appropriate, funded and designed in 1865 by “United States Congress” and destroyed completely from the earth by “United States”.

a. Everything ounce of monetary value, food, clothing, buildings, schools, hospitals churches, homes, chattel, horses, cows,  feed, chickens, seeds, stock, land, and business return  today in 2015 monetary market value.

b. Every complete single detail as already records filed with “Freedmen’s Bureau” structure in the past already direct possession, custody and control of “United States” fully refunded thereof.

The entire 100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau” return structure as already designed in 1865 by “United States Congress” is officially identified forever now as we (Negro) Sovereignty Nation Independent existence life form separate from the United State with its own elected governing body ,CEO President, CFO Vice President, Treasury officer, Monetary private banking system, Presiding 13 Chair Board members and all we (Negro) 2016-2099 “active shareholders”.

a. All monetary assets are forever “tax exempt” property of “Freedmen’s Bureau” and all we (Negro) active share holders

All evolution, growth, maturation, expansion, enlargement, spread, progress, business, acquisitions, purchase, gain, accession, investment, material earnings, procurement, collections, development, explorations, medical discovers, trade, patent, copyrights, deeds, titles, property, success, all discovery in mineral, oil, gas, precious metals rights, cyber evolution, information technology”, Medical and scientific inventions and or advancement thereof being identified monetary assets forever property of “Freedmen’s Bureau” and all we 44.5 plus million (Negro) active shareholders.

b. The entire 100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau” return structure of 900 case officers will be restructure to be now “900 full time Lawyers” representing The entire 100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau” return structure, representing the governing body, CEO President,

 CFO Vice President, Treasury officers, Monetary private banking system, Presiding 13 Chair Board members and representing all we 44.5 plus Million (Negro) 2015-2099 “active share holders”.

c. The entire 100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau” destroyed completely from the earth by “United States” return structure will be fully erected, designed And built by the new “Freedmen’s Bureau” governing body, CEO President, CFO Vice President, Treasury officers, Presiding 13 Chair Board members all we 44.5 plus million (Negro) 2015-2099 “active shareholders” funded by the United States.

d. All monetary compensation made by “United State” in the amount of 3 Trillion 800 Billion U.S. Dollars forever herein being property of “Freedmen’s Bureau” governing body, CEO President,

CFO Vice President, Treasury officers, Presiding 13 Chair Board members and all We 44.5 plus million (Negro) 2015-2099 “active shareholders”.

e. The United States will deposit 300 billion U.S. Dollars directly into the “Freedmen’s Bureau” monetary private banking system “without question”.

f. The United States will deposit 20 billion U.S. Dollars directly into the “United Negro College Fund” without question.

g. The United States will deposit 40 billion U.S. Dollars directly into the “Freedmen’s Bureau” separate construction development account designated for “poor and low” income “White” and all other poor people of color living in United States being enjoying under same


“Freedmen’s Bureau” reconstruction plan as “Freedmen’s Bureau” 1865 reconstruction structure in the past already by “United States” fully designated for “poor and low” income “White” “Freedmen’s Bureau” funds thereof,  “without question”.

h. The United States will provided “Freedmen’s Bureau” governing body, CEO President, CFO Vice President, Treasury officers, Presiding 13 Chair Board members a “1 Trillion U.S. Dollars credit line, paid to the order of “United States of America” providing just enrichment for

“New Freedmen’s Bureau” ability to obtain future goods, building raw materials, holdings, property, belongings, evolution, growth, maturation, expansion, enlargement, spread, progress, business, acquisitions, purchase, gain, accession, investment, material earnings, procurement, collections,

Development, explorations, medical discovers, trade, patent, copyrights, deeds, titles, property, success, all discovery in mineral, oil, gas, precious metals rights,  cyber evolution, information technology”, medical and scientific inventions and or advancement thereof “without question”.

i. The United States will deposit 25 billion U.S. Dollars remaining monetary compensation sum payable from  2 Trillion 360 Billion U.S. Dollars made by “United State” directly into the

 “Freedmen’s Bureau” “private monetary banking system” each and every fiscal year thereafter until paid in full (Interest Free) into thee

“Freedmen’s Bureau” having now new structure fully erected, and return  in Everything ounce of monetary value, food, clothing, buildings, schools, hospitals churches, homes, chattel, horses, cows,  feed, chickens, seeds, stock, land, and business destroyed and officially return  today in 2015 – 2016  monetary market value “without question”.

j. And all interest thereof is fully The entire 100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau” return structure protect by “United State” civil/criminal Federal Laws, both within the United States and in the International Community.

k. The entire 100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau” return structure do not 100%

 support any “criminal activity” committed against “Freedmen’s Bureau” by any representing “Freedmen’s Bureau” governing body, CEO President, CFO Vice President, Treasury officers, Monetary private banking system,

Presiding 13 Chair Board members and any or all We 44.5 plus Million (Negro) 2015-2099 “active share holders” or any other entity residing on Earth.

l. The entire 100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau” return structure do not under any circumstances 100% supply support monetary funding for any type of “criminal activity” committed by any “active” negro share holders” criminal endeavor as a result immediate expulsion, dismissal, exclusion, discharge and ejection thereof.

m. The entire 100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau” return structure providing Full time “Social Services” programs “Freedmen’s Bureau” funds thereof,  “without question”.

n. The entire 100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau” return structure providing Full time “Reconstruction Construction Employment (EEOC)  at starting “pay rate” of $18.00 for all ready to work unskilled “active” negro American share holders” and any other “unskilled Legal Citizen” of United States of America thereof

 “Ready”, “willing” and “physically able” to learn and perform  a honest American Construction trade

 “The United States of America” fully 100 and 50 % restore ever ounce of food destroyed, each housing unit burned to the ground, return all medical aid taken away, return the legal services being established,


 Return every “penny and nickel” of “monetary value” that was established, with any and all business, companies, homes, farms, stock, chattel,  and Churches established by the “Freedmen’s Bureau”, being

The entire 100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau” return structure providing Full time “Social Services” programs “Freedmen’s Bureau” funds thereof,  “without question”.

o. The entire 100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau” return structure providing Full time “Mental Health” programs “Freedmen’s Bureau” funds thereof,  “without question”.

p. The entire 100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau” return structure providing Full time Substances abuse programs  “Freedmen’s Bureau” funds thereof,  “without question”.

q. The entire 100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau” return structure providing Full time Prison Probation Officers And "prison half way homes" and "prison working release programs" “Freedmen’s Bureau” funds thereof,  “without question”.

r. The entire 100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau” return structure providing Full time Construction Trade schooling “Freedmen’s Bureau” funds thereof, “without question”.

s. “Freedmen’s Bureau” request “United States” as a show of good faith allowing  “Freedmen’s Bureau” to file a “report and recommendation” on all “criminal activity” committed by any “active” negro share holders” before said Prison sentencing.

t. “Freedmen’s Bureau” as a show of good faith to “United States” allowing “Freedmen’s Bureau” to file a “report and recommendation” on any and all “criminal activity” committed by any “active” negro shareholders” before said Prison sentencing on behalf of said “Freedmen’s Bureau”

“United States apply  1 extra year apply for any type of major felony “criminal activity” committed by any “active” negro shareholders” criminal endeavor directed at the “Freedmen’s Bureau” and the United States as result immediate expulsion, dismissal, exclusion, discharge and ejection thereof for any “active” negro shareholders” being extra “stupidly and blind dumb Greed”.

Freedmen’s Bureau” is erected, designed and dedicated to “Dred and Harriet Scott” and their two daughters (Lizie & Eliza)“Pursuant to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857). “The United States of America” and are legally entitled to “Monetary Reimbursement” flat rate of $3 Trillion, 800 Billion U.S. dollars minimum not a “penny more or a nickel” less for full, final and complete payment to all “active” negro share “shareholders”. “No interest”  ending the official “1619 – 2099 Civil War against “We Thee Abused Negro Race….forever more….which Freedmen’s Bureau” of the past being 1000% fully damaging destroyed " blast”, “blow up”, “Dynamite”, explode”, and completely “bomb” of the Earth” by “United States of America et al “white only” ruling conquers class. “Appearance Respectfully before his/her “Assumed Honorable Presiding “Justices”, “Affirm”, “State”, and “declare” legally, furtherance’s herein, defendant refusal and continue doing refusal Negro “Plaintiffs” move for a expedited Jury Trial fully seek direct/exemplary/compensatory/ intentional infliction of emotional distress, slave regime  “structural discrimination that creates de facto barriers for people of Plaintiffs Slave, past, present and future African descent to fully exercise their “human rights.”6 Trillion U.S. Dollars since exact date of injury August 20th 1619 “Proclaim” this undersigned Notary Seal Date in the Year of 2016 of the Lord

We ever (Negro) race slave Plaintiffs herein from 1619-2099 have the “technology” and “labor” as a 2013 study by the “National Renewable Energy Laboratory”


Concluded that the average large photovoltaic plant in the United States occupied 3.1 acres of permanently disturbed area and 3.4 acres of total site area per gigawatt-hour per year, The average CSP plant in the US occupied 2.7 acres of disturbed area and 3.5 acres of total area per GWh/yrA 2015 life-cycle analysis of land use for various sources of electricity concluded that concentrating solar power had a land-use footprint of 9.0 m2/MWhr for trough, and 14 m2/MWhr for power tower, The concentrating solar footprint was smaller than that of coal power (18 m2/MWhr), but larger than the other sources studied, including ground photovoltaic (7.9 m2/MWhr), natural gas (0.49 m2/MWhr), and wind power (0.26 m2/MWhr).

       When considering land use impacts associated with the exploration and extraction through to transportation and conversion of fossils fuel which are used for most of our electrical power, Utility-scale solar power compares as one of the most land-efficient energy resources available, the federal government has dedicated nearly 2,000 times more acreage to oil and gas leases than to solar development. In 2010 the Bureau of Land Management approved nine large-scale solar projects, with a total generating capacity of 3,682 megawatts, representing approximately 40,000 acres. In contrast, in 2010, 

The Bureau of Land Management processed more than 5,200 applications gas and oil leases, and issued 1,308 leases, for a total of 3.2 million acres.

 Currently, 38.2 million acres of onshore public lands and an additional 36.9 million acres of offshore exploration in the Gulf of Mexico are under lease for oil and gas development, exploration and production

        The 392 MW Ivanpah Solar Power Facility, located 40 miles (64 km) southwest of Las Vegas, is the world's largest solar-thermal power plant project which became fully operational on February 13, 2014

       We ever (Negro) race from 1619-2099 being past frozen in participating engage in, join in, get involved in, share in, Play a part/role in, be a participant in, partake in, have a hand in, be associated with “White Only” (American) prosperity while this Abundance of “solar energy” makes solar power plants a cleaner alternative to traditional power plants, Which burn fossil fuels” such as “oil” and Coal”, just sitting about unharnessed” The “Secret White Society” of the Deep dark ages Defendant “United States of America”, and their 2015-2016 election

“Front Man”, proposal for “Immigration reform” Continual embarrassing the “Entire” United States of America” with such racist hostile Old School (Klansmen) in objective(s) Direct 1000% wrongly at “People” of color, namely Hispanic and Mexicans” All illegal Immigrants “World-Wide” residing/attempting in “United States” having sought refuge, in (America) for a better way of Prosperity as claim by Defendant  “White Only” Constitution of  “USA” could have built a very secured and impenetrable boarder walls, many blue moons ago clear past 1900s as this attack of the “White Only (America) “Front Man”, proposal for “Immigration reform” being the sorry lame “soap box” of the 100s of years past for “White Only” votes feeling no pain for their Bigotry attitude towards Thee “Official” Hispanic, Mexican having been a building back bone to America forever, and needing no further abused by the “Secrete Control White Society” as “United States of America” could have built a very secured

       And “impenetrable” boarder walls, many blue moons ago “But” criminally in being hypocrites realizing the needs of “Cheap labor” as Deep Dark ages Defendant “United States of America” et al (RICO) enterprise “bogus” many blue moons ago “enjoying” further 100% “unjust enrichment” against all illegal Immigrants “World-Wide” residing/attempting in “United States” having sought refuge, in (America) for a better way of Prosperity as claim by Defendant “White Only” Constitution of America, especially directed at Thee “Official” Hispanic, Mexican (other) building back bone of Deep Dark ages Defendant “United States of America” et al and their “Pure and pristine “White Only” prosperity society as now The “Secret White Society” of the Deep dark ages Defendant “United States of America”, and their 2015-2016 election, “Front Man”, proposal for “Immigration reform” still being 1000%  Along a direction “Hostile” but (Plaintiffs) Negro Slaves herein having 1000% better and absolute practical building a “Boarder Wall” along the “United States of America” Southern border, which estimated a proclaim cost in (Billions),

      Which the U.S. Border with Mexico”, is roughly, 2000 miles long and underlines four (American) states from “California to Texas” which is a massive stretch of land, As the “Berlin Wall” spanned just 96 miles comparatively, and it cost about $25 Million to build in 1961, or around $200 Million with inflation”, United States of America herein poison the very own (Negro) abused race “drinking water, “Pursuant to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857),

And Thee almighty “Secret White Control Slave institution” having been letting their infrastructures collapsed and decay, in prosperity for just “White Only”,

While “Solar Energy Generating Systems (SEGS) is the name given to nine “Solar power plants” in the “Mojave Dessert”, which were built in the 1980s, the first commercial solar plant These plants have a combined capacity of 354 “megawatts” (MW) which them the largest “Solar power” installation in the “World”, until “Ivanpah Solar Power Facility was finished in 2014 “Nevada Solar One is a Solar thermal plant with a 64 MW generating capacity, located near “Boulder City, Nevada,

            The “Copper Mountain Solar Facility is a 150 MW photovoltaic power plant in Boulder City, Nevada, The “Ivanpah Solar Power Facility” is a 370 MW facility which consists of three separate solar thermal power plants just off interstate highway 15 on the Nevada-California border in the Mojave Desert. There are also plans to build other large solar plants in the Mojave Desert,

        “We Thee Abused (American) “Negro Race”…Slave Plaintiffs  Appearance Respectfully before his/her “Assumed Honorable Presiding “Justices”, “Affirm”, “State”, and “declare” legally, furtherance’s herein “Proclaim” as this very undersigned Notary Seal Date being official in the Year of 2016 of the Lord

         We ever (Negro) race from 1619-2099 being past frozen in participating, Now reestablished as already filed in court records and been scuttled the  new 2016-2099 “Freedmen's Bureau”, Shall as of this undersigned date fully “patent”, and making official new 2016-2099 “Freedmen's Bureau”, construction business claims, design, being secure from “official Plagiarism” from the always criminal acts of prosperity for “White Only” society  As this New (American) Project is belong 100,000 And 1000% the official property project of

       We Thee (Abused) Negro Race slave “Plaintiffs” residing in America” 2016 – 2099 and officially building what just sitting about fully neglected and “Unharnessed”, “Solar Energy” being claim by the official new 2016-2099 “Freedmen's Bureau”, construction business in the full entire distance required of the U.S. Border with Mexico”, is roughly, 2000 miles long and3,987 miles long of “Northern” Boarder Walls between “United States of America” and “Canada”, of “Pure Clean Sound Miles of Free Solar Energy” of sound constructed efficient, organized, skillful, labor saving, Productive (American) “Boarder Walls” of solar thermal power, and accompany power transfer power plants, All being 100% “logical” and “orderly designed businesslike” In (America) new 2016-2099 “Freedmen's Bureau”, Power Plant protected and practical free energy for future in a simple “Boarder Walls”, design of a well-organized and competent way to build a protected boarder wall other this lame, Secret Pursuant to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857),

         “White Only” prosperity society of slow thinking “America” design in “dirty concrete” full of useless International “Gang graffiti”. As this “Project” of We thee Abused (Negro) race of America 2015-2099 is officially being 1000% New Energy and untapped presented before His/her Honorable “World Court of Justice” The Hague and not the “Chattel Property interest”, of the Deep Dark Ages Defendant “United States of America” officially herein, His/her Honorable “ Court Justices” and The Entire International Community” The Deep Dark Age Defendant “USA” et al failed 100% to realizing first and foremost from

August 20th 1619 – (1865) We thee just “Negro” race 1000% being denied our own prosperity, officially “Built” United States of America”…..for free at the wrongful cost of “Death” as “246” years of lynching “Negro” necks in “White Only” free infrastructures being left to decay, and fall completely of the face of the earth as the pure, pristine and fine “white polished” building “Whitten Only Prosperity Grand Meg Estates” meanwhile in (America) More than 100 cars were traveling over a bridge on I-35W during a Minneapolis rush hour when it suddenly collapsed, dropping cars from the interstate into the 15-foot-deep Mississippi River below, and trapping many passengers inside, Before they could escape or emergency help arrived, 13 people died and another 145 were injured one of the worst bridge disasters in U.S. history. As Thousands of bridges around the U.S. may be one freak accident or mistake away from collapse, even if the spans are deemed structurally sound

Engineers and safety officials have been worrying for years about America's infrastructure, including its many long-neglected bridges. Former NTSB chairman Mark Rosenker discusses what the U.S. needs to do to get up to par. As “Simple” the “Texas – Mexico” broader makes up to 1,254 miles of the 1,900- mile-long U.S. Mexico Boarder of a “New” “United States of America Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) “Impenetrable “Solar” (CSP) and (CST) “Power Grid” that 1000% features, environmental savings, EPA protection, With a DMZ “electrical” Mega- Solar Robotic Towers Transformation “Solar” power Sky Production Solar Platform Stations” fully 100% maximizing “Sun” collectors for both Thermal and Solar, accompanying systems in producing  “Heat Collection” for “Power Generation” substations with the

        Freeman Bureau Mega- “Solar Boarder Wall DMZ- “Vulcan-X3” MW  New (America) official 2016 online “Solar Power Grid” That also features from (America) New “DMZ Miles” of Concentra rated “Solar and “Thermal” energy, introducing before his/her “World Honorable Presiding “Justices”, “Affirm”, “State”, and “declare” legally, furtherance’s herein “Proclaim” as this very undersigned Notary Seal Date being official in the Year of 2016 of the Lord “ Volt – ZK77 and Volt – ZK88 “Newest” Negro Race “Space Engineering” “Double-Layer Compression “Sub-Sonic High Speed “Magnetic Levitation Line” with a Maximum operational maximum speed of 510.8 Km/h and average “curse” operational speed of 390 Kmph which includes safety, reliability, availability, health, EPA technical compatibility, giving “USA” Freeman Bureau a 100% official contender for the “Crown” of the “World’s Fastest Railway service system as

         Featuring “multiple-units semi- high speed “Light Rail” double-decker train lines featuring “full active duplex suspension transportation systems “fully” engineering on both side of the “United States of America and “Mexico” having a “Light Rail” being offer and “Newest Freeman Bureau (Built) sharing of prosperity in “Mexico New Boarder Towns” having share technology offering economic stability to “United States of America” poor neighbors to “South” other than “Hostile” future Presidential “Klansmen” “Front Man”, “White Only” only America 2015-2016 campaign Proposal for “Immigration reform” threats of “Mexico” officially paying to be furtherance’s treated like “South of the Boarder Mexican/Hispanic  Human Walking Trash” by “White Only” …….”Greed America..! Deepest Dark Ages Defendant “United States” hereafter furtherance’s Commit “Agree”, “Accept” and “Approve” as follows:

         “United States” hereafter furtherance’s commit a move toward “Equal “Democratization and great respect for all “Human Rights” of all illegal Immigrants residing in “United States” As a show of “Good Faith” between the parties “United States of America” et al hereafter, 2015-2099 collectively “Agree”, “Accept” and “Approve” make all illegal immigrants “People of Color” namely “Hispanic, Mexican Community”, and any all other illegal immigrants of “Color” already officially residing in “United States of America” official employees of the entire 100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau”, And upon completion of the “USA” Longest International Border in the World, between “United States of America and Canada” and between “USA” and Mexico” all parties thereof being granted full 1000% “United States of America” Citizenship. We thee (Negro) abused (American) race slave Plaintiffs herein 2016-2099 collectively “agree”, “accept” and “approve” to Build  Boarder wall between “Canada” and “United States of America”, and between “USA” and Mexico and paying the entire labor cost only, with conditions as described further herein “United States of America will provided all the building Material for a full, final and complete miles of Boarder walls in conjunction with As “Simple” the “Texas – Mexico” broader makes up to 1,254 miles of the 1,900- mile-long U.S. Mexico Boarder of a “New” “USA”

                       1000% official “Demilitarized Zone” (DMZ)

100,000% “Impenetrable “Solar” (CSP) and (CST) “Power Grid” that 1000% features, environmental savings, EPA protection, With a DMZ “electrical” Mega- Solar Robotic Towers Transformation  “Solar” power Sky Production Solar Platform Stations” fully 100% maximizing “Sun” collectors for both Thermal and Solar, accompanying systems in producing  “Heat Collection” for
“Power Generation” substations with the Freeman Bureau Mega- “Solar Boarder Wall DMZ- “Vulcan-X3” MW  New (America) official 2016 online “Solar Power Grid” That also features from (America) New “DMZ Miles” of Concentra rated “Solar and “Thermal” energy, introducing before his/her  “Assumed Honorable Presiding “Justices”, and being presented before “Deepest Dark age Defendant “United States of America” paying their fair share in building materials for Concrete, and all supplies derive thereof and “Heavy Earth Moving Equipment”
            As “Simple”, the Freeman Bureau Mega- “Solar Boarder Wall DMZ- “Vulcan-X3” MW will be built, designed and finance by (Negro) American shareholders of “Freeman Bureau” To include (Negro) American shareholders of “Freeman Bureau” will be building, designed and finance “ Volt – ZK77” and “Volt – ZK88” being 1000% “Newest” Negro Race “Space Engineering”, “Double-Layer Compression “Sub-Sonic High Speed “Magnetic Levitation Line” with a Maximum operational maximum speed of 510.8 Km/h and average “curse” operational speed of  390 Kmph which includes safety, reliability, availability, health, EPA technical compatibility, giving “United States of America” Freeman Bureau a 100% official contender for the “Crown” of the “World’s Fastest Railway service system as Featuring “multiple-units semi- high speed “Light Rail” double-decker train lines featuring “full active duplex suspension transportation systems “fully” engineering on both side of the
 “United States of America” and “Mexico” having a “Light Rail” system being offer and “Newest Freeman Bureau (Building) sharing of prosperity in “Mexico” jurisdiction of “New Boarder Towns” having share “technology” offering economic stability to “United States of America” poorest Neighbors to the “South”…… Defendant “United States” hereafter furtherance’s commit “agree”, “accept” and “approve” as follows:
        “United States” hereafter furtherance’s commit a move toward “equal “democratization and great respect for human rights of We Slave (Negro) Plaintiffs in the “unjust schooling teaching” of all “publications of events” of “Slavery” and it’s ending in 1865 which current February 7th 2013 slave replacement findings dictates otherwise “Slavery” thrives on in the Jurisdiction of United States as falsely claimed made in the 13th Amendment of Defendant United States of America as so stated. New publications being made and compromised on by both of the parties we (Negro) abused and USA, and the truth of the ending of “Slavery” Pursuant to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), “White Only” prosperity society of slow thinking “America” in Breach of Fiduciary Duty to “Honor” they’re very own rules of governing laws 13th Amendment requirement of ending “Slavery Servitude” furtherance’s said
“United States” hereafter furtherance’s commit “agree”, “accept” and “approve”
Providing all 1st year attendance 6th grade (Negro) “Freedmen’s Bureau” shareholders children(s) and all other people of color 1st year attendance 6th grade children(s) to include “Low income and poor white” All 1st year attendance 6th grade children(s) “Freedmen’s Bureau” funded “New Laptop Computers”, computers bags, and 1syear attendance 6th grade children(s) needed schools supplies in said “New Laptop Computers”, computers bags for the next (25) years in funding “without question” Defendant “United States” hereafter furtherance’s commit “agree”, “accept” and “approve” as follows: As a show of good faith between the parties “United States” hereafter, We thee (Negro) abused (American) race 2015-2099 collectively “agree”, “accept” and “approve” “United States”, future supply 25 years infrastructure Contract(s) in roads,
          Highways, Bridges, Streets, Building infrastructure and (American) landscaping needs to the 100% New 2016-2099 “Freedmen’s Bureau”, based on a standard set minimum labor wages salary at $7.25 per man hour needing for completion of said entire “Infrastructure Contracts” of United States and as a return “good faith” hereafter furtherance’s commit “agree”, “accept” and “approve” We New established “Freedmen’s Bureau” of 2015-2099 training, housing, food, security, new system for “Prison Work Release Work Force” back into the community of (America) of all race to provided “United States”, Future supply 25 years infrastructure Contract(s) in roads, Highways, Bridges, Streets, Building infrastructure and (American) landscaping base on a standard set minimum labor wages salary at $7.25 per man hour (Lock Wage Prison Contract) work force for said 25 years of “United States of America” et al in conjunctions with future supply 25 years infrastructure Contract(s) in roads, Highways, Bridges, Streets, Building infrastructure and (American) landscaping  Needing for completion of said entire 25 years hour (Lock Wage Prison Contract) work force in rebuilding  the entire decay, falling down to the ground neglected by “Pure White Only” Criminal (Past) Congressional prosperity reconstruction “Infrastructure Contracts” of United States providing “Prison Work Release Work Force” paying there on “rent”, “food”, “housing”, “security”, Skill trade on job training, and 100% social supporting all of their families while being silly/stupid for residing in (Prison), None the less “Prison Work Release Work Force” maintains their very own dignity, rehabilitation, and honest direct freedom of respect to move toward “democratization” and greater respect for their very own human rights and rehabilitated Prison living dignity.
Slave Negro Pro Se Plaintiff Black Lives Matter” Louis Charles Hamilton II, being United States of America Navy Cmdr. Secret Service #2712 in his both persons officially born into “Slavery Servitude” of the Defendant “United States”, and to be only in law and equity of defendant “United States” a slave until on or about February 7th 2013 when defendant State of Mississippi, officially free all 44.5 Million Negro Slaves including one” negro slave Judge George C. Hanks Jr. as Chief Plaintiff “Pro Se Slave (Hamilton) appearance before the claimed “Honorable Court” did present all cases filed further motion to strike, and vacate all judgments, with actual “Aggravated Perjury Charges”
PENAL CODE CHAPTER 37. PERJURY AND OTHER FALSIFICATION having been filed into the United States District Court records of this case, 2010 – 2017 “Hamilton vs. United States of America et al, (Legacy) defendant United States District Court committed even full court press black list, fully denied any and all due process of law, direct at “pro se plaintiff” against the claim just equal protection thereof missing 14th amendment task at hand before the “Court” one” negro slave Judge George C. Hanks Jr. file motion to fully strike, and vacate all each and every judgments, being not “frivolous” against any “slave” in 2011 – 2013 being  
“Pro Se” Plaintiff having no legal rights since direct birth being a real live abducted Slave of defendant (USA) in 1961 birth year when seeking civil rights of a hostile GOP Republican party  “Slave Trade Government with its corporation of “whites supremacy” committed to the same while manipulation of government decree, constitution in RICO denial against “Plaintiffs Black Lives Matter after 1865 Civil War of defendant (USA) still being legal living “slave property” of defendant (USA) with no legal citizenship ever , being complained of, before the hostile court RICO obstruction of justice under color of law 2011 – 2017 legacy  “rubber stamping nightmare” denial against “Plaintiffs Black Lives Matter” being “enslaved” physical legal timeline” 1619 – 2013 Slave Laws, Black Code Law, Jim Crow Laws all running current, in secure cover up “whites supremacy by Judicial “err” collectively acts of aggression, threats, inciting violence, discrimination, defame, ridicule, “target hate crimes speeches”
Military Slaves being subject to (USA) “domestic, international terrorism”, aggression, threats, violence,  ending in “economic disadvantage”, since destruction of 1865 “Freeman Bureau” to maintain “RICO Slavery” into 2013 never ratified 13th Amendment against any (Negro) intelligent “democratization” real plans,  as “New Freeman Bureau” constitute tortious interference, Trademark Infringement, copyright infringement
Wherefore Plaintiff-Appellant Louis Charles Hamilton II, pray enjoy
TRO (Temporary Restraining Order), Preliminary Injunction, against USA et al, Otra Nation, so called, high-tech ecotopia.
                       CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE
Pursuant to Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 32(g) (1) (C) and 27 (d) (2) (A), I certify that Plaintiff-Appellant Louis Charles Hamilton II
 MOTION FOR TRO (Temporary Restraining Order), Preliminary Injunction,
 (1) Was prepared using 14-point Times New Roman font;
(2) Is proportionally spaced; and
(3) Contains 5197 words
                                        Certificate of Mail Service
Chief Defendant “45th President Donald John Trump Sr., The Trump Organization, 725 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10022 is the correct mailing address on record with UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FIFTH CIRCUIT and a true and correct copy of
 TRO (Temporary Restraining Order), Preliminary Injunction, Described herein having been produce to said Chief Defendant “45th President Donald John Trump Sr., and George C. Hanks, Jr. United States District Judge 601 Rosenberg, 6th Floor Galveston, TX 77550.
 On this ____ Day of ________2017               
                                                                      __________________________                                                                                                                                                                 Public Notary   
Louis Charles Hamilton II, Cmdr. USN #2712
 Pro Se Plaintiff/Appellee,

Cc:  Queen Elizabeth II, Princess Elizabeth Alexandra Mary,
Cc: Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, KG, KT, PC, ADC (William Arthur Philip Louis)
Cc: Prince Henry of Wales, KCVO, (Henry Charles Albert David)
Cc: Prime Minister Theresa Mary May

Thursday, May 25, 2017

CASE NO. 17-40068 UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FIFTH CIRCUIT Louis Charles Hamilton, II,Plaintiff - Appellant V. Donald John Trump, Sr., 45th President,Defendant – Appellee

CASE NO. 17-40068
Louis Charles Hamilton, II,
                                    Plaintiff - Appellant
Donald John Trump, Sr., 45th President, 
                                    Defendant – Appellee
Judges of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit Thomas Morrow Reavley, Patrick Higginbotham, W. Eugene Davis, Carolyn Dineen King , John Malcolm Duhe Jr., Rhesa Hawkins Barksdale, Jacques L. Wienner Jr. Fortunato “Pete” Benavides Stephen A. Higginson, Gregg Costa, Edith H. Jones, Jerry Edwin Smith, James L. Dennis, Edith Brown Clement, Edward C. Prado, Priscilla Owen, Jennifer Walker Elrod, Leslie H. Southwick,
                              “Collective Motion for Recusal”
Chief Defendant Donald John Trump, Sr., 45th President, having been an integral part of “white America society” as this progress has been made “Public” even for the “slow and brain dead”, with the result, while significant progress, was made, but, the “key” hidden racial ethnic control, over “Black Lives matter” in the class structure to forever disproportionately compromise that “underclass” against all races other the “white America” with the “fake gains” of civil rights, riots, forced unemployment, force poor housing, and force dissolution of the “Black Lives Matter” family structure for 100s of decades beyond common, being deprived education, ambition, skills, to continue being forced as a “slave” legally by (USA) discipline to advance must succumbed to helplessness, long-term systematic “slave trade” beaten down, heritage of a “living” slave fully manipulation of the government records of the 13th amendment slums chronically   “De jure segregation” but the origin appeared to be a trade “Slavery Control Freedom of human life 1865 “Civil War” dispute between Whites Supremacy ruling envious greed's by “Knights of the Klu Klux Whites Supremacy GOP Government knowingly willfully obstructing, resisting, and directly interfering against said 13th amendment for 148 years and imposed forever “De jure segregation” actual continue “Slavery” well into 2013 with the Constitution being out of print of these facts, fully functional RICO civil/criminal against the interest of all Plaintiffs “Black Lives Matter” held back in all legal Judicial government control by Whites Supremacy ruling envious greed's domination of scheme against defendant (USA) completely Judicial “Slave History” Black Lives Matter” living “Slave records calculated, radically and resources exploited in maintaining “minority group’s persecution” in the interest of defendant (USA) Whites Supremacy ruling envious greed's imposed “prejudice and Discrimination” on this manipulation,  to be “Black Lives Matter” , you must be subordinate, and this “being black and qualified” is the most valuable commodity in defendant (USA) society”, is confirmed fake tokenism characteristic of previous decades of “lies” and “Slave Trade” destroyed constitution of equality fully represent fraud in this “white propaganda” government “catchwords” such as these gains represent the foundation of defendant (USA) “Black Lives Matter way of life, other than reality confirmed Black Lives Matter “Slaves” August 20th 1619 – Feb. 7th 2013 no middle class, well not ever a “slave” integrated into defendant (USA) “public 1960s – 2000s “ sector”, and now professional “black lives matter” lawyers held such post as
Judicial Government engaging triumphant materialism of a defense mechanism, a compensation for history deprivation, disguised after the “false emancipation of freeing “Black Lives Matter”, in 1865, which did not occurred until 2013 as the degree of commitment by “white America” ownership of its origins in slavery, insuring no other “ethnic group” on earth has started so far behind, with forced historical liabilities, now the claim
(Trump) Hitlerian program degree of violent expression of  “prejudice” by Donald John Trump, Sr., 45th President,  Defendant – Appellee making the “Black Lives Matter” unwanted, threatened, Jewish Cemeteries desecrated, all forms of racial mark genocide of hostile government aggression of “whites supremacy legal government records to a degree of negative action since 1776 – 2013 of direct “enslavement” of “Black Lives Matter” even against subsequent enact laws against discrimination, now detrimental and actively inflicting harm, still mass segregation, institutionalized form of discrimination, being enforced legally by common custom, with a hate object rejection of economic and political postwar independence of “Black Lives Matter” as this dramatic deceit, “whites supremacy” insuring bitterness over the limited freedom and opportunities since date of birth of pro se plaintiff 1961 in income and occupational status,
“Black Lives Matter”, have not gain much, compare to “Whites Only” of (USA); unemployment increased; the separation between “Black Lives Matter” communities and “whites Only” communities has widen;, the education has remained forcedly woefully inadequate, and there can be no gain of a so call “civil rights” born a “slave in 1961, with the intellectual “whites supremacy” 13th amendment manipulation of the “Slavery History” of “Black Lives Matter” has evolved.
                                        “Legal Background”
 The district court, of the defendant “State of Texas” both Federal and State Court Judicial system involved in Civil Rights complaints  committed “Obstruction of Justice” on a massive 2011 fraud campaign, with deliberate deception to secure first and foremost being a criminal party acting under color of law in abduction, kidnapping, custody interference of Chandra D. Hamilton, and Natasha C. Hamilton for the direct criminal “unfair and unlawful gain, Child Custody on behalf of “Lowell Walker” and his Wife Helen Walker, and their “Religious” hostile acts to deprive “pro se plaintiff” single parent being a victim of a legal right to have Life in Utah with two daughters, as wife committed herself to “death” to be free of “The Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saints”, whom “Lowell Walker” and his Wife Helen Walker, “Killed” two of Rachel Ann Hamilton Children before birth, for being Negro race, in keeping with this hostile religious cult of (Utah) child of negro mix race was not allowed to live being the very first, Child of half breed negro race while (Rachel) was only 16, long before (met) “pro se plaintiff” upon which she was excommunicated officially from “The Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saints”, by her very own (Farther) and (Mother) fully exclude  from participation in all the sacraments and services of the “The Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saints” and further always (Rachel) prosecuted for being Christian Church faith in trying to raise 4 other daughter of her very own, all 4 taken away, which our first child was destroyed too, (Rachel) killed herself, then body stolen, ” upon which she was no longer excommunicated officially from “Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saints”, being she (Dead) and claimed by family to be bless by “Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saints”, after killing herself to be free of  “Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saints”, and (Twisted) Walker Klan LDS family religious prosecution of both (Rachel) and “pro se plaintiff”, never free to be Christians Catholic  and now two daughters still missing since 1994 at ages 4 and 5 with the aid of the corruption of “whites supremacy”“court” both “Federal and State”, with several crooked negro Federal Judges also knowingly and willfully being a cover up criminal RICO fraudulent party, with “professional law degrees” hostile Judicial government decree in fraud, child abduction, and physical assault having occurred by “court both Federal and State of Texas Judicial bully on behalf of the crimes of “whites supremacy” Utah stronghold  “The Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saints”  “Lowell Walker”  his Wife Helen Walker, their “entire” Utah Klan, upon which the very first introduction “Lowell Walker” , in greeting of a extend hand of hello, which he grab, me pull me into him out of no-where introduction front attack following with a massive attempt to punch out “pro se plaintiff front teethes out”, stating:
He need no more negro babies, stay away from his daughter (Rachel) in regards to his already “two” granddaughter (my) step-daughters “Shauna and Billie Jean (Rachel) daughters, both taken away from Rachel before as (our) daughters had not even been conceived, or born at this time frame as this hostile religious prosecution went on during 7 years to the point of the very first day, my daughter Chandra born was brought home after her actual birth, “defendant”  Lowell Walker” et al, extreme cult in “whites supremacy”
Utah stronghold “The Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saints” arrived at  “pro se plaintiff home with “police” in an attempt to take “pro se plaintiff” very own new born baby girl child, as now in past and as now present the “court” controlled in “whites supremacy” of defendant Utah stronghold of religious prosecution and direct discrimination by defendant (USA) allowing “The Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saints” and “Lowell Walker” and his Wife Helen Walker, and their “entire” Utah Klan being a “criminal party” since 1994  to committed to aid and abetting, obstructing, resisting, directly interfering, with child custody, theft of plaintiff wife dead body, in their self imposed extreme religious, hate crimes acts and actions of 3 counts of actual murder, two being forced upon half-breed negro “unborn child” in this Utah religious prosecution “scheme of things”  and one being “pro se plaintiff” himself being legally declared in laws of defendant Utah stronghold of religious prosecution  direct discrimination by defendant (USA) allowing  “The Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saints”  “Lowell Walker” his Wife Helen Walker, their “entire” Utah Klan being a “criminal party” dead himself in both “person”, while natural children kidnapping, abduction, forever gone from their (negro) heritage family in (Texas), as both criminal actions of defendant (USA) Federal, State of Texas Court Judicial system involved in Civil Rights complaints of 17 years since 2011 committed to
Making false statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) things Obstruction Of The Secret Service -- 18 U.S.C. § 3056(d) Section 3056(d) of Title 18 prohibits the “court” both “Federal and State” from knowingly and willfully obstructing, resisting, and directly interfering with a Federal law enforcement agent being actually “pro se plaintiff” Louis Charles Hamilton II Cmdr. US Navy (Secret Service), # 2712, in his both official person forever being official secret “Federal Government”  duties include both investigations and protection  of the defendant “United States of America et al” in this Civil Rights complaints, which has lead to the actual “enslavement” of President Barack Obama, His wife, two daughters, my entire negro family, and the entire 44.5 Million Negro race born between the 1865 Civil War (alive) – February 7th 2013 being 148 years delinquent when the actual 13th amendment of the defendant, free “pro se plaintiff” a slave, with two abducted slave daughters, still missing, under government “Slave Control” in 2017 no-less “bias, pre-judgmental, to being RICO assists being a “direct” civilian committing of among other thing acting under color of law in a criminal act with the plotting of the actual continue manipulation of the defendant
 “USA” 1776 – 2013 “Slavery History” against  of President Barack Obama, His wife, their two daughters, my entire negro family, plus two missing (Utah) half-breed slave daughters (Chandra and Natasha) and the entire 44.5 Million Negro DNA race born between the exact date of 1865 Civil War being legally (alive) – February 7th 2013 official slave upon the laws of white supremacy” slave trade defendant (USA) manipulation for “unjust enrichment”, crimes against humanity, against a Negro Slave name “Dred Scott” upon being served the same unto the “pro se plaintiff” born 1961 a Slave of defendant as there after February 8th 2013 – July 5th 2017 each and every 4 years old, descendant born after February 8th 2013, waiting on the 14th amendment to be re-written, simply being free slaves, with no legal citizenship, with the “slaves” born from the premature (KKK) GOP Republican Party slave trade strong hold ejaculation, on stolen President Abe Lincoln emancipations  freedom guaranteeing freedom, which now a few negro federal judges standing hand in hand with white supremacy against the actual freedom, of each and every slave, and the return of two stolen slave girls, from a colonial defendant, (USA) built in corruption, bribery, slaughter, of “Black Lives Matter” now in 2017
 Plaintiff-Appellant Louis Charles Hamilton II, USN Cmdr. # 2712 declare, affirm, contends, and fully dispute, “Official “United States of America et al George C. Hanks, Jr. United States District Judge 601 Rosenberg, 6th Floor Galveston, TX 77550 committed to violations of defendant “United States of America” own rules of governing laws pursuant to further violation of Sec. 37.03. AGGRAVATED PERJURY, WHILE VIOLATION OF Title 18, United States Code, Section 1001, for lying to federal government agents (Secret Service), misrepresentation of all material facts, "falsifies, conceals conspire to cover up past prima facie evidence that shall be used accordingly “enslavement” of “pro se plaintiff” in his (both) person, Cmdr. United States Navy, further “court” aid and abetting, scuttling, obscuring all records, in this now
17 years manipulation by defendant (USA) et al “hiding pro plaintiff very own two natural daughter” civil while further fraud of the court conspiring against government records to manipulation judicial decree not to reflect the material factual Slavery History”, of defendant (USA) Sworn in ceremony first ever Negro Presidential first family (Obama) and 44.5 Million plus Negro Plaintiff(s) “Black Lives Matter” in this Judicial RICO Fraud acting under color covers up by “Obstruction of Justice”, by ” George C. Hanks, Jr. District Judge legal admission of the fidelity and accuracy of the materials presented,
UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS GALVESTON DIVISION LOUIS CHARLES HAMILTON II, § § § § § § § § Plaintiff, VS. MISCELLANEOUS ACTION NO. 3:16-MC-16 DONALD JOHN TRUMP SR., Defendant. MEMORANDUM AND ORDER Pending before the Court are pro se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton, II’s Application to Proceed In Forma Pauperis (Dkt. 1), Emergency Motion for Cease and Desist Order (Dkt. 2), and Motion to Compel President-Elect to Release Tax Information Prior to January 20, 2017 (Dkt. 3). Hamilton is the Plaintiff in at least thirteen suits brought in the Southern District, several of which have been dismissed as frivolous. See Order of Dismissal, Dkt. 45, Hamilton v. Magnus-Lawson, 4:10-cv-220; Memorandum and Opinion, Dkt. 4, Hamilton v. Johnson, 4:12-cv-1122. Hamilton brought this suit on behalf of, inter alia, approximately fifty black celebrities (living and dead), 42.7 million Negro slaves, the British Empire, and thirty-seven allied countries. This suit was brought against the President-Elect and his family, Trump Tower, several defense agencies, the Republican Party, and the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. Hamilton seeks to prevent President-Elect Trump and various U.S. embassies from continuing their “ongoing campaign of cyberenabled operations” aimed at “attacking critical infrastructure networks [and] military United States District Court Southern District of Texas ENTERED January 05, 2017 David J. Bradley,
Clerk Hamilton v. Trump Doc. 4 2 / 3 intelligence services to compromise and exploit networks . . . associated with the U.S. elections . . . .” Hamilton also seeks the release of the President-Elect’s tax information prior to the inauguration. Courts should liberally construe pro se actions, which, “however inartfully pleaded, must be held to less stringent standards than formal pleadings drafted by lawyers.” Santos v. Holder, Civil Action No. H-11-0546, 2011 WL 901842, at *2 (S.D. Tex. Mar. 13, 2011) (quoting Erickson v. Pardus, 551 U.S. 89, 94 (2007)). However, courts must dismiss a pro se action upon determination that “the action or appeal—(i) is frivolous or malicious; (ii) fails to state a claim on which relief may be granted; or (iii) seeks monetary relief against a defendant who is immune from such relief.” 28 U.S.C. § 1915(e)(2)(B).  A complaint is frivolous “if it lacks an arguable basis in law or fact.” Geiger v. Jowers, 404 F.3d 371, 373 (5th Cir. 2005). “A complaint lacks an arguable basis in law if it is based on an indisputably meritless legal theory, such as if the complaint alleges the violation of a legal interest which clearly does not exist.” Siglar v. Hightower, 112 F.3d 191, 193 (5th Cir. 1997).  After thoroughly reviwing—and liberally construing—the Plaintiff’s pleadings, the
Court can find no valid legal interest as alleged by the Plaintiff. The claims therefore lack an arguable basis in law. Accordingly, this case is subject to dismissal as legally frivolous under 28 U.S.C. § 1915(e)(2)(B)(i). Based on the foregoing, the Court ORDERS as follows: 1. Plaintiff’s motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis (Dkt. 1) is GRANTED. 3 / 3 2. Plaintiff’s Emergency Motion for Cease and Desist Order (Dkt. 2) is DENIED. 3. Plaintiff’s Motion to Compel (Dkt. 3) is DENIED. 4. This case is hereby DISMISSED with prejudice as frivolous. This is a Final Judgment. 5. The Clerk shall provide a copy of this Order to the parties. SIGNED at Galveston, Texas, this 5th day of January, 2017.
George C. Hanks Jr. United States District Judge changing already existing case law as it relates to the elements of the destroying all material facts in the judicial decree trick, scheme, device against all correct Slavery History “material fact, "scuttled, obscured  by ” George C. Hanks, Jr. District Judge legal material presentation, factual, otherwise in direct intent criminal error, offered not in good faith and prepared as such, “exhibit A Case 3: 16-mc- 00016 Document 8-21 Filed in Texas on 12/22/16 page 1 of 123 in regards “especially before the court being declared legal dead…? With to two missing slave daughters all of this occurred in defendant “State of Utah” and Missing Dead Wife, while Defendant Federal Judge David Hittner” being a party to this Judicial Fraud clear back 2011, keeping 44.5 million (Negro DNA Race America Slaves) with
 “Judge Kenneth M. Hoyt, now aid and abetting Before the “Fifth Court of Appeals, “pro se plaintiff” , declare, dispute  “Official Slave Negro born (1964), 51 years a slave of defendant “United States of America et al
George C. Hanks, Jr. United States District Judge precise manipulate of the judicial government decree slave records, conspire against current government constitutions, case laws, of defendant “USA” in collusion with in 2017 defendant 45th President Donald John Trump Sr.,  sitting on 1619 – 2013 “whites supremacy propaganda fictions fraudulently crimes against humanity slavery history records of missing, obstructed, false reporting and entry, hidden material facts being among other things well within
RICO Jurisdiction of Slavery of United States of America et al committed to even “International Criminal Wire fraud and mail fraud, being under handed promoted and published world-wide in the “International Community” in this hostile whites supremacy defendant (USA) misrepresent historical slavery history of defendant “United States of America et al since exactly 1776  accounts of the false passage of following Slave History 1865 13th amendment  Constitution of “civil war” requiring “Union” of all 50 States of defendant (USA) legally did not occurred until 2013 “whites supremacy propaganda factious fraudulently crimes against humanity slavery history records of missing, obstructed, false reporting and entry, hidden material facts to achieve political ends of the defendant GOP Republican Party to maintain RICO onward 148 years enterprise of extra “Pro Se Plaintiff family direct slave line submitted to (crime spree of enslavement, oppression, looting, plunder, slaughter) of human negro plaintiff black lives matter life, against peace, will, dignity, well into 2017
George C. Hanks, Jr. United States District Judge aid and abetting in manipulate of the judicial government decree slave records, of (Plaintiffs) claims in the complaint, court hostile, intent in Deprivation of the Rights Under Color of Laws, against “pro se plaintiff” by vice of submitted false, fictitious and fraudulent statements, while engaging in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1001, for lying to federal government agents (Secret Service), misrepresentation of all material facts, "falsifies, conceals conspire to cover up past prima facie evidence that shall be used accordingly United States District Judge, “err” with intent engaged directly RICO manipulate of  judicial government decree slave records, of (Plaintiffs) claims in the complaint and committed fully Deprivation of the Rights of (Plaintiffs) while acting Under Color of Laws, United States District Judge, engaged directly in RICO submitted false, fictitious and fraudulent statements, in direct violation of(18 U.S.C. § 1001) in connection with violations, IN RE: AFRICAN-AMERICAN SLAVE DESCENDANTS LITIGATION. Appeals of Deadria Farmer-Paellmann, et al.,
Deprivation of the Rights of (Plaintiffs) against (Texas) PENAL CODE, TITLE 5. OFFENSES AGAINST THE PERSON, CHAPTER 20. KIDNAPPING, UNLAWFUL RESTRAINT, AND, SMUGGLING OF PERSONS upon which “pro se plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II, commission 1982 – Official federal government agents United States Naval Intelligence Cmdr. (Secret Service),being “abducted into the (Texas) State Hospital against will, legal rights, and safety, in this grand government as among other Federal Judges”, George C. Hanks, Jr. United States District Judge, committed to acting under color of law”, manipulate of the judicial government decree records 1776 – 2013 Slavery History of defendant “United States of America et al” in collusion with 45th President Donald John Trump Sr. against all (Plaintiffs) Black Lives Matter” mention herein legally one “Slave Negro George C. Hanks, Jr. United States District Judge, committed to acting under color of law”, full conscious knowledge and professional legal expert fiduciary responsibility to refrain from (RICO) in Slavery scam government hidden 13th amendment ratification 148 years delinquent officially being continual by “defendant Republican Party GOP conspiring Justices till February 7th 2013 in a Fraud None- disclosure RICO Slave Trade racket additional (148) years Negro Plaintiff(s) collectively Slaves of defendant America grand scheme involving the continual criminal acts of
The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act (RICO) 18 U.S.C. § 1589 (forced labor), 18 U.S.C. § 1590 (trafficking with respect to peonage, slavery, involuntary servitude, or forced labor), “Slavery Servitude” money laundering statutes, 18 U.S.C. 1956 and 1957, “Slavery Servitude” money laundering statutes, RICO statute (18 U.S.C. § 1961(1),,, very 1000% 1790- 2016 (226) years control, in an ongoing future by the “Judicial Branch of Government of Defendant “USA”, all Said contain fully
“Motion to Strike” invalid, null, ineffective, nonviable, useless, worthless, and officially in 2016 (December) on behalf of no-citizenship continual being official “Property and No Citizenship/Slave Pursuant to: Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), being in direct acts for cause of actions of “Human Rights Violation RICO in 2016 (December) against the “peace”, will, civil rights, dignity, and normal life free from all sorts of racial acts leading to forced wrongful deaths, directed at in their person Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II, US NAVY Cmdr. SS # 2712 being committed wrongfully to fraud by manipulate of the judicial government decree records involving “Pro Se Plaintiff Slaves Rights, his missing family, Plaintiff Black Lives matter” very first Slave President Barack Obama, while “Court” criminal intent impose rubber stamping
RICO “err” these court proceeding in favor of defendant (USA) et al  collectively until 2099 “Slave Trade”, hidden fashion in briber monetary look away Justice engaging in the fraud patter and practices to (already) scuttled, among others defendant criminal actions before becoming 45th President Donald John Trump Sr. herein this disputed of funding Terrorism in the defendant (USA) in disclosed matter of massive “theft of veterans funds” in excess of 6,000,000.00 Dollars, plus more hidden regard Vets Fraud Fundraising into a
Fraudulent Charity scheme of thing to include records in the “compliant” theft committed by Trump University within the State of Texas, and Florida as records are clear, even massive tax fraud outside the Jurisdiction of defendant (USA) well into (Mexico) among a massive (Russia) RICO Voting, race rioting hate crimes speech targeting the (Plaintiffs) Negro race collectively in this Fraud scheme of things against the “National Security” of 44.5 Million plus Negro Plaintiffs still (Slaves) by law herein collectively still legal slaves of now defendant 45th President Donald John Trump Sr., as the defendant
 GOP party continue manipulate, misrepresentation of all material facts, fully "falsifies, conceals conspire to cover up past “enslavement” of 2013 records of defendant (USA) having ratified the 13th amendment in bad faith”, being criminal and hostile committed RICO on or about February 7th 2013, freeing all “Slaves” Pursuant to Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 US 393 1857 as this was required in 1865 as the defendant GOP Republican party continue “bully Judicial manipulate, and criminal judicial decree misrepresentation of all material facts, fully "falsifies, conceals conspire, “Slavery History” as written into law against Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 US 393 1857 , among all non-existence “Civil Rights Law” written fully for “Humor” of
“Whites Supremacy” constitution on behalf of a Slave well into 2013 deriving to the researched official notice of “recusal” of each mention above being committed to the same “Legacy” such as George Carol Hanks, Jr. (born 1964)  a “living slave” being Judge of the District Court for the Southern District of Texas engaging in direct “aggravated Perjury of government Judicial records, concealing factual first and foremost as DNA Negro race George Carol Hanks, Jr. (born in 1964)  a “living slave” being a defendant United States Judicial Federal Judge committed to many false statements,
Fraud in Concealment, a party to kidnapping, attempted homicide, in the government Judicial Slave Trade manipulation of real History of public records as told and file since 1776 – 2013 crimes against humanity of every negro race being held world-wide to the corruption of the defendant (USA) patter and practices of hate crimes, discrimination, fraud, fraud by non-disclosure by even actual United States District Judge soon being a (defendant) George Carol Hanks, Jr. in the profession capacity of a “Attorney at law” refusal to be impartial made countless millions of counts of aggravated perjury, against 44.5 Million Slaves herein of direct material facts, as in regards to the 13th amendment ratification in response to complaint seeking “civil rights” compensation, and return of two stolen slave daughters missing since 1994  inquiry legal being well within the guides lines of the governing constitutional laws of defendant
 (USA) and filed as “pro se” yet bully in criminal acts under color of laws as distinguished being label, manipulated, white wash, hidden, obscured as insignificant, trivial and very judicial unimportant pro se plaintiff claims of being forced into birth a “Slave” of United States of America which calculation equal 52 years a “living slave” as Judge  George Carol Hanks, Jr. willfully, conscious and professionally made voluntarily and precise false judicial decree public published records statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) in this deprivation acts on behalf of defendant (USA)  non-existent “civil rights” stolen in the passage of a premature 13th amendment which was ratified in 2013 148 years delinquent evolving among Million of slaves never free by
“Abe Lincoln” Proclamation deriving in his assassination scheme of things well into assassination time frame for political purpose of defendant (GOP) assaults slain well in 1960s Civil Rights MLK Jr, JFK , Bobby Kennedy, among many others “slain” entomb being made to keeping this 13th amendment corruption “seal” from being “ratified” on behalf of “Black Lives Matter” envious greed’s, bigot hate crimes prejudice by directions “Elites” GOP Congress of “whites supremacy confederate gang “KKK”, as Judge  George Carol Hanks, Jr. willfully, conscious and professionally aid, abetting, lying, committed to aggravated perjury against government records in direct hostile Obstruction Of The defendant (USA) Secret Service -- 18 U.S.C. § 3056(d) Section 3056(d) of Title 18 prohibits the “court” both
“Federal and State” from knowingly and willfully obstructing, resisting, Destruction, alteration, designed “Slavery History”  falsification of records and directly interfering with a Federal law enforcement agent being actually “pro se plaintiff”
Louis Charles Hamilton II Cmdr. US Navy (Secret Service), # 2712, in his both official person forever being official secret “Federal Government” and did Identified himself upon Request for Recusal of “Federal Judge George Carol Hanks Jr. upon which this deceit further includes scuttling the “records excerpts” in numerous evidence, including 7 pages of the Motion for “Recusal” of Judge George Carol Hanks Jr. and a “Military Protective Order” against “Chief Defendant 45th President Donald John Trump Sr. Judge George Carol Hanks Jr.   conspire, duties include both investigations and protection of the defendant “United States of America et al” defendant The White House National Security Council (NSC), principal U.S. Naval Intelligence Military investigations and “prime protection” of the defendant President of the United States for consideration of all national security and all foreign security policy matters as being in 2017 “Honorable Discharged” person(s) being official upon the Inauguration of the 1960s – 2016
RICO long-term Criminal Defendant 45th President of the United States, Donald John Trump Sr. crime wave violations of Section 1510 of Title 18, United States Code, proscribes endeavors to obstruct Federal criminal investigations "by means of bribery." Of the Judicial Government of defendant (USA), including obstruction of criminal investigations by "misrepresentation, intimidation, force firing of (FBI Director) with as well as retaliation “wire fraud” via “Twitter” intimidations aggression acts of humiliation, scorn, ridicule shame (FBI Director) in  threats made public thereof" in connection of collusion Russia demarcated attacking (USA)  voting- disfranchisement, fake fund-raising Fraud Trump University stolen Vets money being laundering and supporting terror, inciting rioting, violence  and civil unrest against
“Black Lives Matter” peace, will, and dignity, In a control, promoted, directed massive usage in Global domination Radio, TV, Internet “wire fraud”  international collusion with foreign government of Russia Federation as this Cartel “Whites Supremacy” Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen 1865 – 2017 (Dynasty) current firing the FBI Director, including showing of “obstruction of Justice” while seeking abuse of power further threatens, current firing the FBI, director of collusion of Russia, and this neglect, precise leaking defendant Government National Security records, to (Russia), including Pentagon Naval Submarine Warfare Defense records, concerning “North Korea”  of control defendant 45th President Donald John Trump Sr. collusion, conspire, direct fraud, and mutable exploiting allies
 “National Security” Including Plaintiff (United Kingdom) in a Military/Civilian major coup subversion of the defendant U.S. government, in this such well documented criminal activities against the defendant “Office of the Executive Office” and defendant “Office of Commander in Chief”, as so stand charge  willfully, conscious and professionally after becoming defendant 45th President aid, abetting, lying, committed to aggravated perjury against government records in direct hostile Obstruction Of The defendant (USA) Secret Service -- 18 U.S.C. § 3056(d) Section 3056(d) of Title 18 prohibits the “ Chief Defendant 45th President Donald John Trump Sr. (Secretly) since age of approximately 20 years old trained by the
 Russia USSR unit in KGB  as The defendant (USA) et al is so collectively in aid and abetting upon the same charged since 2011 collectively in 5 Counts of assault, 1 count (Kidnapping) with 250 counts of medical assault on a federal officer in violation of Section 111(a) of Title 18 of the United States Code, Witness intimidation of obstruction of justice, Under U.S. Code 18 Section 1512, collective with 1 count (Kidnapping)  forcible assault by defendant (Texas) into Jail for a crime that never occurred, further false imprisonment when willfully attempts by defendant (USA), (Texas), (Harris County), (City of Houston), and (Attorney Harry C. Arthur et al) committed all described herein to inflict intentionally threatens with an apparent ability of defendant (USA) et al (Texas), (Harris County), (City of Houston), and (Attorney Harry C. Arthur et al) RICO “whites supremacy” colonial laws of Slavery, Black Codes, Jim Crow sponsor intention of physical harming to inflict “death” in this “kidnapping, abduction and or cause major “injuries”  on “pro se plaintiff” for this cover up”, of the 13th amendment not being ratified in 2011 which causes a reasonable apprehension of immediate bodily harm did occurred in this abduction into the defendant Texas State Hospital by forced, forced drugs 250 days Counts of assault, further the “court” since 2011 engaging against their very own rules of governing laws § 1512. Tampering with a “Slave witness and both slave victim of defendant (USA),                          
“Collective Motion for Recusal” Respectfully in law and equity required herein filed, consideration, before Tampering with Government Records  “Falsifying Documents” tampering with physical evidence, being committed to  Forgery (also known as "uttering a false instrument") in Slave History Judicial Decree, proceeding in Making further false statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001), aid and abetting unauthorized citizens who negotiate with foreign governments, while committed to  AGGRAVATED PERJURY in connection with an official proceeding; described herein.
                       CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE
Pursuant to Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 32(g) (1) (C) and 27 (d) (2) (A), I certify that Plaintiff-Appellant Louis Charles Hamilton II
                                  MOTION FOR RECUSAL
 (1) Was prepared using 14-point Times New Roman font;
(2) Is proportionally spaced; and
(3) Contains 5197 words
     Certificate of Mail Service
Chief Defendant “45th President Donald John Trump Sr., The Trump Organization, 725 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10022 is the correct mailing address on record with UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FIFTH CIRCUIT and a true and correct copy of “Motion for Recusal” Described herein having been produce to said Chief Defendant “45th President Donald John Trump Sr., and George C. Hanks, Jr. United States District Judge 601 Rosenberg, 6th Floor Galveston, TX 77550.  On this ____ Day of ________2017                                                                                  
                                                                       __________________________                                                                                                                                                                 Public Notary   
Louis Charles Hamilton II, Cmdr. USN #2712 Pro Se Plaintiff/Appellee,
Cc:  Queen Elizabeth II, Princess Elizabeth Alexandra Mary,
Cc: Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, KG, KT, PC, ADC (William Arthur Philip Louis)
Cc: Prince Henry of Wales, KCVO, (Henry Charles Albert David)

Cc: Prime Minister Theresa Mary May