Monday, April 30, 2018

Strike Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 1- 30 Adopted and proclaimed by General Assembly resolution 217 A (III) of 10 December 1948 On December 10, 1948 the General Assembly of the defendant United Nations adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights since 1946 – 2018 (December) “whites supremacy” USA et al do not ever recognized past, present and future All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights, in order to preserve “world-wide slavery, confederate whites supremacy states' rights, and political liberty

Cause of actions Defendants, Chief Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, Slave Negro Carl E. Stewart, Slave Negro James Earl Graves Jr., “Circuit Judge Stephen A. Higginson, Circuit Judge Gregg Costa, Circuit Judge Edward C. Prado, Circuit Judges, James L. Dennis Circuit Judge W. Eugene Davis and Circuit Judge Thomas Morrow Reavley, Circuit Judges of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit,
United States District Judge  Slave Negro Alfred Homer Bennett,  United States District Judge  Slave Negro Vanessa Diane Gilmore, United States District Judge  Slave Negro George Carol Hanks, Jr. U.S. Senior Status Judge Slave Negro Kenneth Michael Hoyt, David J. Bradley, Texas Federal Clerk of Court, Lyle W. Cayce. Clerk of Court (5th Cir.) conspire, collusion, obstruction of Justice cover – upon (whites supremacy) defendant (USA)
False Statements, omissions, destruction, forgery and counterfeit and fraud entries, in connection with Plaintiffs Issues Present (USA) did not exist, operating a confederate government against  undersigned “Pro Se” Council (Hamilton) on Federal records 2010 – 2017  in connection with Plaintiff realleges and incorporates by reference
Defendant COMMON DESIGN OR CONSPIRACY under Judicial Leadership  of a “entire” “Fifth Circuit Court System” with the “Executive and Congressional United States of America Political GOP Government to systematic conspire, collusion, enslavement crimes against humanity of the “Negro Race”  insuring “International Whites Supremacy” under 1945 (UN) Charter as committed to
(Defendants) USA GOP Political Party Fraud leaders, organizers, instigators, and accomplices of (USA) Confederate government in the formulation ,and execution of the said common design, conspiracy, plans and enterprises to commit, fraud, disfranchisement in each involvement of  USA COMMON DESIGN OR CONSPIRACY against
Defendant (UN) United Nations Security Council, cause for action Notice herein “Strike, and fully void all Defendant United Nations resolutions concerning
North Korea and United States of America et al past and present on or about
Held that North Korea's invasion of South Korea in the Korean War constituted a "breach of peace" and demanded immediate cessation of hostilities. The demand was to end North Korea's invasion of South Korea.
25 June 1950
Recommended UN member states to provide assistance to South Korea in the Korean War to repel the attack by North Korea and restore peace and security.
North Korea did not comply with Security Council Resolution 82. The council required North Korea to withdraw the armed forces at 38th parallel.
27 June 1950
Established a unified command led by the United States to coordinate the war effort of allies of South Korea in the Korean War.
North Korea's invasion of the Republic of Korea was the threat to international security and peace.
7 July 1950
Coordinated relief for victims of the Korean War. Held that North Korea's invasion of South Korea in the war constituted an "unlawful attack".
31 July 1950
Unanimously removed the Korean War from the agenda of the Security Council.
31 January 1951
Recommended both North Korea and South Korea for UN membership.
8 August 1991
Urged North Korea to reconsider its withdrawal from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and abide by its international obligations.
11 May 1993
Condemned North Korea's 2006 launch of ballistic missiles and imposed sanctions.
15 July 2006
Expressed concern over North Korea's 2006 nuclear test, imposed sanctions and set up the UN Security Council Sanctions Committee on North Korea. A Panel of Experts was established to support the Committee.
14 October 2006

Expressed concern over North Korea's 2009 nuclear test. Extended sanctions to concern all arms material and related financial transactions, technical training, advice, services or assistance, manufacture and maintenance.
12 June 2009
Called for implementing the UNSC Resolution 1540 for nuclear nonproliferation and disarmament.
24 September 2009
Extended the mandate of the Panel of Experts until 12 June 2011.
7 June 2010
Extended the mandate of the Panel of Experts until 12 June 2012 and asked it to submit its midterm and final reports to the Sanctions Committee for discussion one month before they are submitted to the Security Council.
10 June 2011
Extended the mandate of the Panel of Experts until 12 June 2013.
12 June 2012
Condemned North Korea's 2012 satellite launch and added to sanctions.
22 January 2013

Plaintiff realleges and incorporates by reference Pursuant to “Executive Order 12331” undersigned on complaint Sworn herein on half of the Plaintiffs Slaves “Negro Races” #BlackLivesMatter being still in 2018 (December) held as “Captive inferior sub-humans being” as “property” in this International fraud scheme of things involving (Co) Defendant “United Nations” and (Co) Defendant NATO acting in capacity of Slave Holders, too, “unknowing and unwitting” RICO entire system committed to , introduced in the year 1945 by “gross neglect” acts of ignorance’s “unknowing and unwitting”,
Defendant (USA)  committed to introducing false statements, under Fraudulent schemes and artifices; against the direct interest of rights to life, peace, well being, health and dignity hereby “meaning” Negro Captive Slaves since year 1619 DNA race (Plaintiffs) provisions regarding (actual) Legal Transatlantic Slavery records concerning Freedom of historical interest
Hereby (Defendants) being (Judges) listed herein, past, and present committed (RICO) abuse of power of a “Public Servant” against the “Freedom rights” of the 14th amendment of (Defendant) USA, with deliberation, conscious “technical professional attorney at law assistance” being under color of law.” Submitted Fraudulent schemes and artifices of Judicial Court Decrees, between the exacts dates of 2001 – 2017 (December) Involving the undersigned council of record in all Federal Actions, concerning “Civil Rights” of the “Negro Race, (Plaintiffs) own Negro family “Stone-wall” under RICO Obstruction of Justice repeatedly 2001 – 2017 (December) Submitted Fraudulent schemes and artifices “Court Decree” Published in Obstruction of Justice repeatedly 2001 – 2017 (December)
False Statements, omissions, destruction, forgery and counterfeit and fraud entries, in connection with Fraudulent schemes and artifices the (actual) Constitution of the Confederate States of America, enforced in 2018 (December) as supreme law since this (RICO) conspiring hostile rouge “whites supremacy” government operating from (Defendant) State of Mississippi” hereby on March 11, 1861, seceded from the Union in order to preserve slaverystates' rights, and “international political liberty for whites” and remained “Legally” against the rights of the “Slaves Plaintiffs” herein in effect from February 22, 1862, through the conclusion of the “full” ratification of the 13th Amendment freeing said slaves Plaintiffs on or about 7th day of February 2013 by lawless “whites supremacy” rule of laws, with
 (all) 49 States Defendant(s), RICO government subject(s) enjoying “forever” against (PLAINTIFFS) Slaves herein “Civil rights”, peace, will, dignity, rights for life, subject to continue 1861 – 2013 False Statements, omissions, destruction, forgery and counterfeit and fraud entries, in connection with Fraudulent schemes and artifices collusion, conspire, common design, same acts and actions of defendant (USA) present Slave Trade system”, under defendant State of Mississippi
Fraudulent schemes and artifices the (actual) denied 13th amendment never ratified back in 1865 direct cause of action of physical/mental/social abuse of the Plaintiff “Negro Races” collective in not being recognition as a “Stolen Captive, helpless sovereign state of humans, with no just system for simply the continue “whites supremacy” 2018 (December) – 2099 criminal actions concerning safety, rights, and fully dignity of
“Stateless captive Slaves” of (USA) from 1619 – 2018 (December) hereby defendant (UN) et al United Nations Security Council, Defendant (NATO) with Chief Defendant (USA) collective having Venue (Before) this Court as well all Criminal RICO international involvement, since 1945 hereby defendant (UN) et al United Nations Security Council, Defendant (NATO) (also) cause of actions being criminal “Slave Holders” of the “plaintiffs” #BlackLivesMatters, Plaintiffs Negro Slaves, Plaintiffs Negro Native Slaves, Plaintiffs Negro Immigrants Slaves, herein
Filing Join Notice of Motion for Change of Venue”, before the (ICC) International Criminal Court further as their RICO Judicial actions Defendants:
Chief Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, Slave Negro Carl E. Stewart, Slave Negro James Earl Graves Jr., “Circuit Judge Stephen A. Higginson, Circuit Judge Gregg Costa, Circuit Judge Edward C. Prado, Circuit Judges, James L. Dennis Circuit Judge W. Eugene Davis and Circuit Judge Thomas Morrow Reavley, Circuit Judges of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit,
United States District Judge  Slave Negro Alfred Homer Bennett,  United States District Judge  Slave Negro Vanessa Diane Gilmore, United States District Judge  Slave Negro George Carol Hanks, Jr. U.S. Senior Status Judge Slave Negro Kenneth Michael Hoyt, David J. Bradley, Texas Federal Clerk of Court, Lyle W. Cayce. Clerk of Court (5th Cir.) conspire, collusion, obstruction of Justice cover – upon (whites supremacy) defendant (USA)
With defendant (UN) et al United Nations Security Council, Defendant (NATO) with Chief Defendant (USA) collective not recognition “ever” a “Civil Rights Federal Suit Claim Before the defendant (USA) Judicial Federal Government ” concerning “Slavery” involving (also) its partners defendant (UN), defendant (NATO) collective defendant GOP hostile whites supremacy political acts and actions with domestic and international legal consequences, for whites supremacy enforcement against the (Plaintiffs) Slaves collectively and others similarly the same whereby defendant “United States of America et al”
1945 on all Diplomatic recognition before the international law of (ICC) International Criminal Court being voided by defendant Confederate States of America et al “Strike, and fully void all United Nations resolutions concerning United Nations resolutions concerning (also)
Defendant  Syria “Under same set of facts and circumstances on or about 29th of November 1993  under Fraud by defendant “United States of America et al when “defendant State of Mississippi being a whites supremacy” agent et al, government of “Slave Holders” refused to ratified 13th Amendment of the Constitution with defendant all other (49) States of America in 1945 – 2013 conspiring to the same “Under same set of facts and circumstances on or about 29th of November 1993, fraudulent involving Defendant  Syria, under defendant
 “United States of America” already “Imposed” governing “Slavery” rules of laws in “Hate crimes, crimes against humanity of continue Colonial America 1865 continue civil war crimes against the (Plaintiffs) Slaves on or about the time frame of a continue “Mad World-wide Defendants (USA) whites only 1861 – 2013 Published False Statements, omissions, destruction, forgery and counterfeit and fraud entries, in connection with Fraudulent schemes and artifices collusion, conspire, common design, same acts and actions of defendant (USA) concealing present confederate Slave Trade system”
“Aggressions” in the Jurisdiction of USA fully violations of defendant UN Charter of 1945 – 29th of November 1993 holding “Captive” Slaves of the Negro race in the (Millions) thereby (Plaintiffs) before the Utah Federal Court, as cited before the (ICC) International Criminal Court
 a number of resolutions were issued dealing directly with the modern Syria Civil War interference, instigators, pirates, principles of 1800s Colonial America War criminals in 2018 (December) being hostile party submitting all defendant “UN” resolution since 1945 – 2018 (December) common designed committed to precise Fraud by defendant “United States of America” said Criminal Whites Supremacy Organization RICO “Political GOP Party” its Judicial Government acting under “confederate  laws and value of factual
Defendant “State of Mississippi” was not in the Union on or about 29th of November 1993 during all “hostilities of civil war” in defendant Syria Jurisdiction as further factual (USA) committed to fraud in birth of “Whites Supremacy” scheme of things in securing the “entire”
 International Community (United Nations) General Assembly being active members of their “Para-Military defendant Knights of the Klu Klux Klansmen under 1945 (defendant) UN Charter, until 7th day of February 2013 as Transatlantic Slavery Records from 1776 – 2013 fully “Obstruction of Justice” in cause of actions, of such Criminal/Civil manipulation
By their RICO combine Judicial actions COMMON DESIGN OR CONSPIRACY RICO listed Defendants: Chief Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, Slave Negro Carl E. Stewart, Slave Negro James Earl Graves Jr., “Circuit Judge Stephen A. Higginson, Circuit Judge Gregg Costa, Circuit Judge Edward C. Prado, Circuit Judges, James L. Dennis Circuit Judge W. Eugene Davis and Circuit Judge Thomas Morrow Reavley, Circuit Judges of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit,
United States District Judge  Slave Negro Alfred Homer Bennett,  United States District Judge  Slave Negro Vanessa Diane Gilmore, United States District Judge  Slave Negro George Carol Hanks, Jr. U.S. Senior Status Judge Slave Negro Kenneth Michael Hoyt, David J. Bradley, Texas Federal Clerk of Court, Lyle W. Cayce. Clerk of Court (5th Cir.) conspire, collusion, obstruction of Justice cover – upon legal court decrees, in miles of false statements, omissions, delete, direct destruction, forgery, fraud securing hostile defendant 45th President Donald John Trump Sr. in 2016 – 2018 (December) against the rights of the (Plaintiffs) full enjoyment to committed continuance acts of
RICO under a “platform” of Defendant GOP Political (whites supremacy) gang imposing RICO fraud against freeing “any slaves” (Plaintiffs) DNA race herein since 1776 defendant white men” continue past Slavery violation to committed to the same, “breach of contractual” freedom of any and all Negro Plaintiff Slaves “upon” offer of such agreement in deliverance on behalf of the defendant (USA) a “Declaration of Independence” from (Plaintiff) United Kingdom”, what is now continue “Tort” cause of actions before the “Court” in 2018
Judicial actions COMMON DESIGN OR CONSPIRACY RICO listed Defendants: Chief Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, Slave Negro Carl E. Stewart, Slave Negro James Earl Graves Jr., “Circuit Judge Stephen A. Higginson, Circuit Judge Gregg Costa, Circuit Judge Edward C. Prado, Circuit Judges, James L. Dennis Circuit Judge W. Eugene Davis and Circuit Judge Thomas Morrow Reavley, Circuit Judges of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit,
United States District Judge  Slave Negro Alfred Homer Bennett,  United States District Judge  Slave Negro Vanessa Diane Gilmore, United States District Judge  Slave Negro George Carol Hanks, Jr. U.S. Senior Status Judge Slave Negro Kenneth Michael Hoyt, David J. Bradley, Texas Federal Clerk of Court, Lyle W. Cayce. Clerk of Court (5th Cir.) conspire, collusion, obstruction of Justice cover – upon legal court decrees, “False Published” concealing the “Classifications” of Plaintiffs, to be a descendant or ancestor” of past “Slavery” History fully knowing  defendant
“United States of America” being minus defendant State of “Mississippi” and in time line as stated continue enforcing “Enslavement Rights” of the Defendant State of Mississippi” Confederate Constitution supreme law of the Confederate States, as adopted on March 11, 1861, and in effect remaining enforced by fraud of the (Judicial Courts) from February 22, 1862 – 2018 (December), by the actions against the “Complaints” of the undersigned between the dates of 2001 – 2017 (December)
Systematic conspire, collusion, enslavement crimes against humanity of the “Negro Race” as committed to Fraud leaders, organizers, instigators, and accomplices of defendant (USA) Confederate government in the formulation and execution of the said common design, conspiracy, plans and enterprises to commit, fraud, disfranchisement in each involvement of
Plaintiff realleges and incorporates by reference Defendant USA COMMON DESIGN OR CONSPIRACY RICO involving “Military Negro Slaves #BlackLivesMatter since 29th of November 1993 in Fraud against defendant Syria”, in a act of (1865) defendant USA Civil War criminal continue “Aggressions”, Dominance, Conquering, pillage, plundering the International Community with “Military Negro Slaves” held against, will, under acts of (Judicial Government) non-disclosure being continue 1945 – 2018 (December) civil/criminal RICO fraud during a
Period of the defendant Syria Civil War, involving defendant United States of America” Criminal Whites Supremacy Organization defendant GOP Political Party and their Para-Military Whites Supremacy defendant Knights of the Klu Klux Klansmen and many “Whites Only Organizations” fully uncouth in international hostilities being “direct causeof actions” notice filed herein
“Strike, and fully void against all defendant United Nations resolutions concerning  defendant Syria and defendant United States of America et al past and present on or about
29 November 1993
29 November 1994
7 April 2005
31 October 2005
Assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafic Hariri
14 April 2012
The Syrian Civil War observer force resolution
21 April 2012
20 July 2012
Renews mandate of Syrian Observer Mission for 30 days.
27 September 2013[1]

Plaintiff realleges and incorporates by reference further defendant USA COMMON DESIGN OR CONSPIRACY RICO involving “Slaves #BlackLivesMatter since 1946 – 2013 in Fraud against International Community,
“Strike, and fully void against all defendant United Nations resolutions 1 – 2001 concerning  the “International Community of defendant (UN) Security Council under defendant fraudulent produced United Nations Charter 1945 involving ongoing Criminal Whites Supremacy Organization defendant GOP Political Party and their Para-Military defendant KKK, physicial in 2018
 “Slaves Traders” actions past and present merit to included “Strike and Void” defendant “United Nations” resolutions directly executed with defendant(s) USA on or about
1 to 100 (1946–1953)
101 to 200 (1953–1965)
201 to 300 (1965–1971)
301 to 400 (1971–1976)
401 to 500 (1976–1982)
501 to 600 (1982–1987)
601 to 700 (1987–1991)
701 to 800 (1991–1993)
801 to 900 (1993–1994)
901 to 1000 (1994–1995)
1001 to 1100 (1995–1997)
1101 to 1200 (1997–1998)
1201 to 1300 (1998–2000)
1301 to 1400 (2000–2002)
1401 to 1500 (2002–2003)
1501 to 1600 (2003–2005)
1601 to 1700 (2005–2006)
1701 to 1800 (2006–2008)
1801 to 1900 (2008–2009)
1901 to 2000 (2009–2011)
2001 to 2100 (2011–2013)

Plaintiff realleges and incorporates by reference Further defendant USA COMMON DESIGN OR CONSPIRACY RICO involving “Slaves #BlackLivesMatter since 1946 – 2013 in Fraud against International Community, hereby Notice of Motion filed herein “Strike, and fully void Strike Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 1- 30
Adopted and proclaimed by General Assembly resolution 217 A (III) of 10 December 1948 On December 10, 1948 the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights since 1946 – 2018 (December) “whites supremacy” USA et al do not ever recognized past, present and future All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights, in order to preserve “world-wide slavery, confederate whites supremacy states' rights, and political liberty for “elite”
 Criminal Whites Supremacy Organization GOP Political Party and their Para-Military Whites Supremacy Knights of the Klu Klux Klansmen, committed forever in Fraud against the entire International Community, defendant United Nations, and defendant NATO in a act of (1865) defendant USA Civil War criminal continue “Aggressions”, Dominance, Conquering, pillage, plundering the International Community with “Military Negro Slaves” held against, will, non-disclosure being fraud during a
Period of the Birth of defendant United Nations in 1945 – 2018 (December) actions of hate crimes, enslavements of a “entire race” to be abused and captive” as committed to defendants 1800s Colonial America 1865 Civil War crimes, never ending United States of America” Criminal Whites Supremacy Organization defendant GOP Political Party in the acting under color of laws capacity, defendant Judicial, Congressional, and
Executive Offices of (hostile) government committed their Para-Military Whites Supremacy defendant Knights of the Klu Klux Klansmen and many “Whites Only Organizations” continue 2018 (December) direct Cause of action for each individual Defendants”,  against the rights of the Plaintiffs, Slaves, further to execute RICO criminal endeavor in mining for “unjust enrichment's” cause by greed’s in instituting physical world-wide hostilities well into 2018 (December) with deliberation, conscious “technical professional acting as attorney at law being under color of law.”

+POTUS Obama +Hillary Clinton​ ​ +BRITISH QUEEN +Prince Harry +Meghan Markle +HMS Prince of Wales +British Parliament +USNavySEAL +Us Navy +Tina Fey +SNL Group +Alec Baldwins Forehead +BBC World Service+NBC Chicago +Washington Post +The Rachel Maddow Show +CBS This Morning +ABC World News Tonight +Yahoo News+Donald Trump News +President Donald Trump +North Korea +South Korea +Xi Jingping +Sherlock Holmes+United States Air Force+UNITED NATIONS Headquarters+NATO +National Museum of American History +City of New York +BBC Africa +ABC NEWS +CBS Evening News +NBC News +Yahoo News +Jackie Chan +Samuel L Jackson +Black Lives Matter !!!!!!! +MLK jr. +Vladimir Putin +USSR Gov +Russia +Nasdaq +Washington Post +The Huffington Post UK +Art/is +UNITED NATIONS Headquarters +National Museum of American History +Santa Claus +Pope Francis Visit USA +The British Royal Family
+President Donald Trump Official  +NATO +ABC News +Cbs News +NBC +Washington Post +The New York Times +MSNBC +CNBC +Al Jazeera America +BBC News +CNN International  +Pinky Rose De Chavez +United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) +USNavySEAL +US Senate +FEDERAL BUREAU INVESTIGATION +NSA Agent +Fox News +Prince Harry +BRITISH QUEEN +Hillary Clinton +Vladimir Putin +USSR Gov +Russia +Xi Jingping +North Korea +Iran ♥ (ايران) +Yahoo News +NFL +NBA +MLB +ESPN +Nasdaq +Navy Federal +SNL Group +Pope Francis +NATO +NATIVE FOLKS +POLICE INTERPOL +NASA +Thomas Magnum +Jackie Chan +Samuel L Jackson +Robert Downey Jr. +Sherlock Holmes +GOP +US Senate