NO. 17-40068
Louis Charles Hamilton II Cmdr. USN # 2712
Defendant 45th President Donald
John Trump Sr.-Appellees
Production of Document
TO UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FIFTH CIRCUIT, Production of Document from Slave Negro U.S. Federal Judge George
C. Hanks, Jr. United States District Judge 601 Rosenberg, 6th Floor
Galveston, TX 77550.
Pursuant to Federal Rules of Civil
Procedure ...
Rule 34 – Producing Documents, Electronically Stored
Information, as identified as follows:
Plaintiffs “Black Lives Matter” filed
into “Clerk of Court” evidence of President Negro Slave Barack Hussein (Water-Head) Obama II” Physical
Birth Certificate files being
missing as Plaintiff “Exhibit A” as
described exhibit (B) Case
3:16-mc-00016 Document 8-1 Filed in TXSD on 12/22/16 Page 14 of 121 (7) pages being absconded, wrongfully
government evidence removed from the “Record Excerpts” in conjunction with
PLAINTIFFS Brief as required by 5th CIR. R. 30.1.2. With additional missing
as Plaintiff “Exhibit C” Case 3:16-mc-00016 Document 5-1 Filed in
TXSD on 01/17/17 Page 2 of 21 Motion for Recusal THE HONORABLE GEORGE C. HANKS Jr. PRESIDING from
Civil Proceeding Pro Se Slave Negro Louis Charles
Hamilton II Cmdr. (USN), further
Affirm, State and fully declare all
allegation, contention, disputes, disputation, argument, conflict and
disharmony, Collectively Plaintiffs BLACK LIVES
MATTER”, further, Plaintiff President Negro Slave Barack Hussein (Water-Head)
Obama II being “Legally”
all present described in this “Notice of Motion” before the “Court” to Order Slave Negro U.S. Federal Judge George
C. Hanks, Jr. United States District Judge 601 Rosenberg, 6th Floor
Galveston, TX 77550 into said “Production” of ” Physical Birth Certificate files being missing as Plaintiff “Exhibit A” as
described exhibit (B) Case
3:16-mc-00016 Document 8-1 Filed in TXSD on 12/22/16 Page 14 of 121and Plaintiff “Exhibit C” Case 3:16-mc-00016 Document 5-1 Filed in
TXSD on 01/17/17 Page 2 of 21 Motion for Recusal THE HONORABLE GEORGE C. HANKS Jr. PRESIDING (7) pages
missing and declared Document #7 (Private Entry) as described in the “Civil
Docket Sheet” attached herein Exhibit D
Being Material Physical Record Excerpts of evidence factual
after 1865 “Civil War” Said Slavery Servitude being well into 2013 actual court
undisputed primary “Evidence” Plaintiffs BLACK LIVES MATTER”, having just cause
before any court in the defendant “United State of America et al” further, Plaintiff
President Negro Slave Barack Hussein (Water-Head) Obama II “Birth Certificate” being legally Join as Necessary and Indispensable Evidence” of “Records Excerpts against defendant “United
States of America et al as
“Exhibit (A)” attached herein supplemental “Birth
Certificate”, seal by “Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton (secret service)
Cmdr. United States Navy # 2712 under (Right Thumb Print) clear and undisputed
material facts 44th President Barack Hussein (Water-Head) Obama II born into slavery
servitude of the defendant and not an actual descendant of defendant (USA) but
a actual living “Slave” by Birth rights, of the corruption of defendant “United
States of America et al” which the “District Courts” leading by the Defendant
GOP Judicial Government corruption seeks
to continue, obscure, hiding, fully undermining
(PLANTIFF) civil rights claims for being forced false imprisonment
“enslavement” Plaintiff Black Lives Matter subject entitled to direct actual
damages, compensations and exemplary direct relief as described in the numerous
complaint 2011 – 2016 (Plaintiffs) “
Black Lives Matter” now before “Appeal” Case 3:16-mc-00016
“err” of a RICO
continue Judicial Fraud acting under color of law engaging in Fraud against
44.5 Million Plaintiffs (Slaves) herein by obstruction of Justice, Fraud by Non-Disclosure
of “Plaintiffs very own factual “material physical evidence” already filed
before the “District Court” showing in comparison to attached Exhibit (E) “Slavery
Freedom” papers of “Plaintiff President Barack Obama Born “august 4th
1961 by Charles A. Barth, Director of the Federal Register dated February 7th
2013 as Presenting by: PLAINTIFF-APPELLANT,
Louis Charles Hamilton II FROM THE JANUARY 5TH , 2017 JUDGMENT IN
This criminal Judicial RICO “obstruction of Justice”, Fraud
of Judicial Government Decree against defendant “United States of America et
al” very own Slavery History records, “Judicial Fraud acting under color of law
by Non-Disclosure” of all material evidence, scuttling “Plaintiffs” physical evidence
to maintain forever white supremacy
“enslavement control”, of 44.5 Million plus Negro race, to include all
“people of color” within the Jurisdiction of (USA) being all further to denied
actual “legal citizenship” same as “white crooked hostile ugly Klansmen man in
2017 no-f-u-c-k-i-n-g less Fraud by “err” of a fraudulent Government Federal
Courthouse to continue conduct acting under “color of law” of a Fraudulent
defendant “United States of America et al” government sponsor of ignoring all
Negro Plaintiff Slaves real “physical evidence” filed into the “clerk of court”
concerning in law and equity freedom, just compensation, and equality in rights
and prosperity being destroyed against all “Plaintiff Black Lives Matter” also
occurred in exhibit (F) Hamilton vs. “United States of America et al” Case No.
1:16-cv-00185. JAMES E. BOASBERG, District
Judge. Having “custody”, control, and possession of President Negro Slave Barack Hussein
(Water-Head) Obama II “Birth Certificate”
being legally Join as
Necessary and Indispensable Evidence”,
Fraud by “err” of a fraudulent Government Federal Courthouse
to continue conduct acting under “color of law” of a Fraudulent defendant
“United States of America et al” government sponsor of ignoring all Negro
Plaintiff Slaves real “physical evidence” filed into the “clerk of court”
concerning in law and equity freedom, just compensation, and equality in rights
and prosperity being destroyed against all “Plaintiff Black Lives Matter” also
occurred in exhibit (H) -KFG Hamilton
v. United States of America et al Doc. 23 SO ORDERED.
Signed by Judge Ron Clark on 3/7/12. (pkb, ) with Having “custody”, control, and
possession of President Negro Slave
Barack Hussein (Water-Head) Obama II
v. United States of America et al
December 15, 2010 as 1:2010cv00808 Plaintiff: Louis
Charles Hamilton, II Defendant: United States of America, Andrew
Johnson Cause Of Action: Racketeering (RICO) Act

Court: Fifth Circuit › Texas › Texas Eastern
District Court Type: Other Statutes › Racketeer Influenced
and Corrupt Organizations
as the “Defendant” USA Judicial government committed to 44.5
Million counts of “fraud past and present” against not only the 13th
amendment but also physical evidence of the “Plaintiffs Rights to a fair
Judicial proceeding against the fraudulent entire US Constitution on behalf of
44.5 Million abused DNA “captured slaves” “Plaintiff Black Lives Matter” as
before (defendant) own governing “Laws and equity
“Plaintiffs Black Lives Matter” being in 2017
undersigned date actual living Millions of
Slaves herein needing not ever apply to said governing laws of a “Slave
Regime” in the exact time frame of August 20th 1619 - February 7th 2013 further
as the defendant “United States of America et al hostile white only Nation “Own”
legal doings, against The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act
(RICO) 18 U.S.C. § 1589 (forced labor), 18 U.S.C. § 1590 (trafficking with
respect to peonage, slavery, involuntary servitude, or forced labor), “Slavery
Servitude” money laundering statutes, 18 U.S.C. 1956 and 1957, “Slavery
Servitude” money laundering statutes, RICO statute (18 U.S.C. § 1961(1)
in 2000 – 2016 “White Man” slave laws in years of criminal crimes against
humanity control, against the claim civil rights, will, peace, dignity, right
to life, and same prosperity as “white citizenship” of defendant “United States
of America et al in an ongoing future
RICO crimes forever against “Plaintiffs Black Lives Matter” by the Defendant
GOP “Judicial Branch of Government of Defendant ”United States of America et
al” and these Crooked (Nigger) Federal Judges conspire to committed to the same
maintain fraud for “unjust enrichment, on a non-existant “United States of America et al Constitution
100% invalid, null, ineffective, nonviable, useless, worthless, well into 2013 and
all governing laws derived thereof no-citizenship ever for “Plaintiff Black Lives Matter” Negro
Slaves Plaintiffs collectively continual being official “Alive Human Slavery Property”
born in the exact time frame of 1865 – February 7th 2013 and No Citizenship, just simple “Legal”
Defendant “Supreme Court Ruling” a Slave Pursuant to: Dred Scott v. Sandford,
60 U.S. 393 (1857), being in World-Wide “Human Rights Violation(s) kept secured
Supremacy Slave Regime sealed under court fraud of government decree “err” continue
against undisputed material evidence of Plaintiffs “Black Lives Matter” filed into “Clerk of Court”
evidence of President
Negro Slave Barack Hussein (Water-Head) Obama II” Physical (MIA) hidden,
scuttled by the “crooked RICO Court” material evidence of a Slave Birth
Certificate, being the first actual “Slave President of the defendant United
States of America et al, further material evidence of a Slave Birth
Certificate, being the first actual “Slave Commander in Chief of the United
States of America et al, armed forces files being missing as Plaintiff “Exhibit A” with
Exhibit (E) “Slavery Freedom” papers
of “Plaintiff President Barack Obama Born “august 4th 1961 by
Charles A. Barth, Director of the Federal Register dated February 7th
2013 clear and precise legal proof of a Slave History Negro physical President hidden
in government judicial government decree being 100% Criminal ongoing (RICO) “slave
trade” schemes since August 20th 1619 - 2017 (December) continual (RICO) racket
Slavery Servitude surrounding peddling (MIA)
13th and 14th amendment rights, (RICO) Judicial
Fraud of civil stole rights, continual Judicial Fraud under law and equity
committed hostile-fashion by the defendant (USA) et al past, present well into
future designed against (PLANTIFF BLACK LIVES MATTER NEGRO SLAVES) herein to be
continual denied fairly, justly, and proper Honorable Honest in so heard
legally before Justice in all matters as required by defendant “whites only”
Law be the “criminal
actions of
Slave Negro U.S. Federal Judge George
C. Hanks, Jr. United States District Judge 601 Rosenberg, 6th Floor
Galveston, TX 77550 refusing
further to Recusal himself from U.S.
CASE NO. 3: 17-MC-00003 Plaintiff Black Lives Matter et al Louis Charles
Hamilton II Cmdr. USN #2712 vs. Defendant 45th President Donald John Trump Sr.,
Co-Defendant “United States of America et al” attached Docket sheet filed
herein, “Plaintiffs Black Lives Matter” need no fucking Crooked Nigger Federal
Judges, enough problems with the “white supremacy fucking Klansmen ones” as such Plaintiffs require:
Order Slave
Negro U.S. Federal Judge George C. Hanks, Jr.
United States District Judge 601
Rosenberg, 6th Floor Galveston, TX 77550 into said “Production” of ” Physical Birth Certificate files being missing as Plaintiff “Exhibit A” as
described Case
3:16-mc-00016 Document 8-1 Filed in TXSD on 12/22/16 Page 14 of 121and “Production”
of ” Plaintiff “Exhibit B” Case 3:16-mc-00016 Document 5-1 Filed in
TXSD on 01/17/17 Page 2 of 21 Motion for Recusal THE HONORABLE GEORGE C. HANKS Jr. PRESIDING (7) pages
missing and declared Document #7 (Private Entry) as described in the “Civil
Docket Sheet” attached herein Exhibit C Being Material Physical Record Excerpts
return to “Appeal of this action CASE NO. 17-40068 UNITED STATES COURT OF
Louis Charles Hamilton II Cmdr. USN # 2712
Defendant 45th President Donald
John Trump Sr.-Appellees
Order Slave Negro U.S. Federal Judge George
C. Hanks, Jr. United States District Judge 601 Rosenberg, 6th Floor
Galveston, TX 77550 produce a complete and true 4 copies to UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FIFTH
CIRCUIT as required in conjunction with “Plaintiffs Brief” record excerpts into
CASE NO. 17-40068
Order Slave Negro U.S. Federal Judge George
C. Hanks, Jr. United States District Judge 601 Rosenberg, 6th Floor
Galveston, TX 77550 Recusal
himself from U.S. CASE NO. 3: 17-MC-00003 Plaintiff Black Lives Matter et al
Louis Charles Hamilton II Cmdr. USN #2712 vs. Defendant 45th President Donald
John Trump Sr., Co-Defendant “United States of America et al” attached Docket
sheet filed herein, “Plaintiffs Black Lives Matter” All
be in law and equity as so be enter
of Mailing Service” to: George C. Hanks, Jr. United States District Judge 601 Rosenberg, 6th Floor Galveston, TX 77550.
of Mailing Service” to: Chief Defendant “45th President Donald
John Trump Sr., The Trump Organization, 725 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10022 Is the correct mailing
address on record And a true and correct copy of each document(s) and attached
exhibit (A)
Birth Certificate of Plaintiff President Barack Obama
exhibit (B) described Case 3:16-mc-00016 Document 8-1 Filed in
TXSD on 12/22/16 Page 14 of 121 (Page from records)
exhibit (C) Case 3:16-mc-00016 Document 5-1 Filed in
TXSD on 01/17/17 Page 2 of 21 Motion for Recusal THE HONORABLE GEORGE C. HANKS Jr. PRESIDING (7) pages
missing and declared Document #7 (Private Entry)
exhibit (D)
“Civil Docket Sheet” Case 3:16-mc-00016
exhibit (E)
“Slavery Freedom” papers of “Plaintiff President Barack Obama Born “august 4th
1961 by Charles A. Barth, Director of the Federal Register dated February 7th
2013 as Presenting by: PLAINTIFF-APPELLANT,
Louis Charles Hamilton II FROM THE JANUARY 5TH , 2017 JUDGMENT IN
exhibit (F) Hamilton vs. “United
States of America et al” Case
No. 1:16-cv-00185. JAMES E. BOASBERG, District
Judge. Having
exhibit (G) -KFG Hamilton v. United States of America et al Doc. 23 SO ORDERED.
Signed by Judge Ron Clark on 3/7/12. (pkb, )
exhibit (H) Hamilton
v. United States of America et al
December 15, 2010 as 1:2010cv00808 Plaintiff: Louis
Charles Hamilton, II Defendant: United States of America, Andrew
Johnson Cause Of Action: Racketeering (RICO) Act Court: Fifth Circuit › Texas › Texas Eastern
District Court Type: Other Statutes › Racketeer Influenced
and Corrupt Organizations

Described herein having been produce to said George
C. Hanks, Jr. United States District Judge and Chief Defendant “45th
President Donald John Trump Sr.,
before a Public Notary,
On this ____ Day
of ______2017
Public Notary
Plaintiff-Appellant Louis
Charles Hamilton II Cmdr. (USN),
61st street Ste. I-B Galveston, Texas. 77551
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