Friday, September 29, 2017

#Respectfully #Sworn #Before #Honorable #Ms #Fatou #Bensouda #Office of #The #Prosecutor #continue #Affidavit” of #Probable #Cause” #an #International #Issuance #Warrant #for #Arrest” (Co) perpetrator #Slave #Negro #Judge #Carl #E. #Stewart (born January 2, 1950) Chief Judge of the United States Court of Appeals (5th Cir) hereby #Sworn #under #oath of counsel of record “pro se”

+BRITISH QUEEN +UNITED NATIONS Headquarters #Slave #Negro #Judge #Carl #E. #Stewart #born #January 2, 1950) #Chief #Judge #of #the #United #States #Court #of #Appeals #for #the #Fifth #Circuit, 63 years #official #Slave #Property #of #White #Supremacy #United #States #of #America et al”

#Respectfully #Sworn #Before #Honorable #Ms #Fatou #Bensouda #Office of #The #Prosecutor #continue #Affidavit” of #Probable #Cause#an #International #Issuance #Warrant #for #Arrest” (Co) perpetrator #Slave #Negro #Judge #Carl #E. #Stewart (born January 2, 1950) Chief Judge of the United States Court of Appeals (5th Cir) hereby #Sworn #under #oath of counsel of record “pro se”

 Office of The Prosecutor (ICC) International Criminal Court having upon the Archivist of defendant “United States of America et al “Charles A. Barth Director of the Federal Register”, acknowledge receipt of Senate Concurrent Resolution Number 574 Resolution, adopted by the defendant "United States State of Mississippi Senate on February 16, 1995 and The Mississippi House of Representatives on March 16th 1995, as with this action, 

“Defendant”, United States, the States of Mississippi has ratified the 13th Amendment to the Constitution of the defendant “United States", freeing Chief Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit Slave Negro Judge Carl E. Stewart “which” (Co) perpetrator Slave Negro Judge Carl E. Stewart (born January 2, 1950) Chief Judge (5th Cir) having “refused” to recusal himself from the extreme hostile proceeding” involving direct manipulation of the “entire Slavery History of

(Co) perpetrator in Chief United States of America, being proper for further inquiry of commission of “opening” and or consolidate” several (ICC) criminal international investigations pursuant to direct “elite whites supremacy “men” and Hostile “whites supremacy control slave trade US GOVERNMENT direct violation of a continue nature of (Co) perpetrator United Nations General Assembly of the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, as the “Complaint” on #Genocide in whole and parts”, crimes of aggression, International War Crimes and “enslavement” of 44.5 Million slaves in 2011 being

“Amendment” on Counts 1 – 12, Joining “Affidavit” of “Probable Cause” an “Issuance Warrant for Arrest” from all acts and actions derived in among Federal Civil Actions” secured under “sworn oath”

Hamilton vs. 1:2011- CV - 00240 Louis Charles Hamilton II vs. (Co) perpetrator United States Attorney Office et al, (Co) perpetrator CVS/Caremark and (Co) perpetrator (UPS) United Parcel Services U.S. Docket No. 1:2011-CV-00240

Re: “among other criminal actions 16- 20559 Louis Charles Hamilton II v.  CVS pharmacy and UPS hired in a professional manner being “elites CEO to pull off such a “Spying Crime” to physically usage of (two) High Profile Corporations committed to stealing the 1994 “Actual Video” of the two missing (Hamilton) girls as described ROA.17-20321.924, while directly being involved in conspire against USA own rules of governing laws pursuant to statue

1562. Obstruction Of The Secret Service -- 18 U.S.C. § 3056(d), conspiring with all “elite government whites supremacy Judicial Justice and a few (negro) Judges against Section 3056(d) of Title 18 prohibits knowingly and willfully obstructing, resisting, or interfering with a Federal law enforcement agent who is engaged in protective functions

Involved in direct securing safety for epic acts of Human traffickers of 44.5 Million Slaves, and “Millions of DNA Negro Immigrants Slaves, as well conspire in several counts of “children abduction” pursuant to statue

8 U.S. Code § 1201 – Child Kidnapping , while a “party” to COUNTERFEITING AND FORGERY Birth Certificate Records, “utter as true” in conspire in Child Abduction detaining and concealing two baby girls against, The Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act (PKPA; (Pub.L. 96–611, 94 Stat. 3573, enacted December 28, 1980; 28 U.S.C. § 1738A), being under investigation since 1994,

While directly and indirectly each described CEO “whites supremacy ultra elite Corporations (stupid) invited himself being personally involved in (co) perpetrator in Chief “United States of America et al, manipulation of all “Slavery Records” of US Government under investigation concealing when the transatlantic slave trade began during the 15th century Published false of ending in 1865 which this “not” the legal case upon final investigation pursuant to “authority” of “executive orders”

Presidential term: January 20, 1981 – January 20, 1989, “upon the filing and present to the “British Empire” all being “Sworn” under “Military Seal” of (actual) US Naval Cmdr. (Secret Intelligence Services) # 2712 issue for arrest of crimes of Human traffickers in “captive” 44.5 Million Negro Stateless Slaves, and DNA Negro Immigrants Slaves, as well conspire to committed the same Common criminal designed crimes of  #Genocide in whole and parts”, crimes of aggression, International War Crimes and maintaining and being a full partner in continue concealing, the “enslavement” of 44.5 Million slaves well into 2017 as so charges on “counts 1 – 12 being also attached herein to dismiss each described individual from further “epic” proceeding as

“Military Criminal and Civil Actions, having commence against (Co) perpetrator #UN United Nations Security Council et al assurance crimes against humanity directed at 44.5 Million plus still “slaves” before inquiry of

Honorable Ms Fatou Bensouda Prosecutor (ICC) International Criminal Court continue counts of “crimes against humanity” of a “Stateless” just human people being still held hostage by all facts occurred and conceal by

THE COMMON DESIGN OR CONSPIRACY~. Of a Not ratified (USA) 13th amendment hostile “whites supremacy” domination criminal Slave Owners” being the “Republican GOP Political Party so charged on a global scale, said crimes spilling over and finally ended on February 7th 2013 this (fake terms and conditions) of freeing all “Slaves” of United States of America, while the same #Genocide conditions individual criminal responsibility under article 25(3) (a) of

The Rome Statue as an indirect (co) perpetrator including intentionally directing attacks against the “enslaved Civilian population as such or against Slaves” individual civilians not taking part in these hostilities (article 8(2)(e)(i) “whites supremacy” premeditated 44.5 Million Counts of genocide August 20th 1619 – February 7th 2013, genocide by killing (article 6-a) genocide by causing serious bodily or mental harm (article 6-b) and genocide by deliberately inflicting on target “Slaves” conditions to remain of life calculated to bring about the “Slaves” physical destruction (article 6-c) by the “conduct” of each CEO listed upon oath did aid and abetting,

Obstruction Of The Secret Service -- 18 U.S.C. § 3056(d), conspiring with all “elite government whites supremacy Judicial Justice and a few (negro) Judges to further aid and abetting all criminal acts of (co) perpetrator Chief Defendant 45th President Donald John Trump Sr. destruction of Judicial government records to conceal with the Judicial Judges collectively making illegally-gained proceeds (i.e. "dirtymoney") appear legal (i.e. "clean") direct RICO international mail and wire fraud

under government judicial decree acting under color of law on behalf of Chief Defendant 45th President Donald John Trump Sr. against terrorism, transnational organized crime, the international drug trade and money-laundering, crimes established by “United Nations” UN Security Council adopted Resolution 1373, “arrest warrant (already) filed thereby such concealing by the actions of (Co) perpetrator Slave Negro Judge Carl E. Stewart to continue onward cutthroat  

relentless fashion as “acting” Chief Negro Judge over the “entire” (5th Cir) court of “appeals” under direct color of laws of  (Co) perpetrator took all leave of “common judicial sense” by displaying an intense and very  ferocious aggressiveness attack against the “claimed missing civil rights of the under signed counsel of record, as set forth in “Count 1 – 12 attached and filed “copy” into (5th Cir)  Honorable Ms Fatou Bensouda on the factual basis (Co) perpetrator Slave Negro Judge Carl E. Stewart “first and foremost”

It is beyond dispute that the issues presented by Plaintiff-Appellant Louis Charles Hamilton II Cmdr. USN # 2712 (Secrete Naval Service) regarding the “National Security” of “Plaintiff-Appellant”,44.5 Million Black Lives Matter et al, as all “pending charges having been dismissed” “production” by +Paul Ryan  #Paul #Davis #Ryan #Jr. 54th and current Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, upon “third and final fair firm warning” did factual expedite and nicely produce

 #STATEMENT #BY #FORMER #NATIONAL #SECURITY #OFFICIALS, which is filed into “court evidence” as was such material fact, ignored, manipulated, disregarded and having no value in this continue conspire as “Stated” (one) Paul Ryan upon public that factual being under “color of law as acting “speaker of the house” and under “direct protocol as

3rd acting President in “event” his appointment became “necessary” as so saying”, 45th President Donald John Trump Sr. “Should Release” his taxes

“Concluded upon President Ronald Wilson Reagan 40th President of the United States from 1981 to 1989
C/o Cmdr. of (The United States Naval Intelligence Services) MSS, extenuating circumstances “each” of the FORMER NATIONAL SECURITY OFFICIALS “honest undersigned individuals”

FORMER NATIONAL SECURITY OFFICIALS undersigned individuals” hereby resolved being innocent individual legal represent party acting under color of law of US governing rules of Laws “Not” a party to National Security Threat to each and every #BlackLivesMatter 44.5 Million plus herein, nor being of such “Guilty” in a “political position” deliberately inflicting crimes against humanity in the abduction of an “entire human stateless race” enforced “enslavement by

THE JUDICIAL US GOVERNMENT COMMON DESIGN OR CONSPIRACY~ Genocide, “Crimes against Humanity” of continue 1865 – 2017 (December) whites supremacy “hate crimes act violations of (USA) rules of governing laws Nor before the (ICC) International Criminal Court Paul Davis Ryan Jr. 54th and current Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, and each of the

FORMER NATIONAL SECURITY OFFICIALS undersigned individuals” hereby “Guilty” having been “Military Under Direct Investigation” thereby “free clean and holy innocents” past inspection each and every under signed not a legal RICO criminal “wanted at large” party to “crimes against humanity” committed to #BlackLivesMatter as “New Improve” petition filed (again) before (ICC) International Criminal Court “Prosecutor” Hague to investigation to consider in addition each and every

1-12 counts individual criminal responsibility under article 25(3) (a) of the Rome Statue as an indirect (co) perpetrator in Chief “United States of America” et al intentionally since 1865 Civil War, never ending (secretly) insurgents directing murderous attacks against the “enslaved Civilian population”
#BlackLivesMatter as such or against

“Captive Slaves” individual human civilians not taking part in these hostilities under (article 8(2)(e)(i)“whites supremacy” premeditated 44.5 Million Counts of genocide August 20th 1619 – February 7th 2013, genocide by killing (article 6-a) genocide by causing serious bodily or mental harm (article 6-b) and genocide by deliberately inflicting on target “Slaves” conditions to remain of life calculated to bring about the “Slaves” physical destruction (article 6-c), as their by

The undersigned individuals have all served in senior national security and/or foreign policy positions not a party as filed herein saying in their own “freeing themselves of Guilt words”, as (Co) perpetrator Slave Negro Judge Carl E. Stewart (born January 2, 1950) Chief Judge of the United States Court of Appeals (5th Cir) hereby  denied all “slaves “freedom” from USA enslavement as laid out in “counts 1 - 12 #BlackLivesMatter Counsel of record “appearing individually pro se "even" a law degree “Civil Rights Attorney Deadria Farmer-Paellmann "own" “Class Actions” also which was “so committed to destruction, being crimes against humanity securing “enslavement” as  “Affidavit of Probable Cause and Issuance for International Warrant for Arrest having been filed

“Sworn Before” (ICC) International Criminal Court Re: Appeal of (5th Cir) Case No. 17 - 40068

Defendant Senior Status Judge Carolyn Dineen King (born January 30, 1938, in Syracuse, New York) King graduated summa cum laude from Smith College in 1959, and earned a law degree from Yale Law School in 1962, while 44.5 Million Negro Plaintiff Black Lives Matter” currently “enslaved” after 1865 Civil War, well into 1979, (114) years of this crimes against humanity has proceeded onward even as it being out law by the 13th amendment in all Jurisdiction, further declared being

President Jimmy Carter appointed Defendant Senior Status Judge Carolyn Dineen King to the Fifth Circuit, where she has written over 4400 opinions which not a single one has lead to the freedom of 44.5 million negro plaintiff black lives matter,. Well into 1999, Defendant Senior Status Judge Carolyn Dineen King became the first woman to serve as Chief Judge of the Fifth Circuit, a position that she held until 2006,

King assumed Defendant Senior Status Judge Carolyn Dineen King assumed  senior status on December 31, 2013, precisely the same year the defendant “State of Mississippi” Join the Union, which is now known to be “United States of America” legally on February 7th 2013, as from 1979 – 2013

Defendant Senior Status Judge Carolyn Dineen King for exactly 34 years,  being a Principle, Co-conspire, full assessor after the facts of this Government conspired acting under color of law to 44.5 Million (plus) “Counts” of  False Imprisonment  with direct violation of intent, gross neglect, breach of judiciary and fiduciary duties with knowledge of the actual confinement of 

“Black Lives Matter” in boundaries as “Slaves” not of the Plaintiff's “Black Lives Matter” choosing, and defendant (USA) et al Defendant Senior Status Judge Carolyn Dineen King for 43 years active professional Judicial duties required correction, awareness of the confinement for 148 years since 1865 said 13th amendment of US Constitution was not completely ratified well into 2013,

 As additional most regrettable included into the records of these proceeding is file a Notice of Recusal and additional “Affidavit of Probable cause and Issue of Arrest Warrants” for Defendant Senior Status Judge Carolyn Dineen King

Judge of the Fifth Circuit, Defendant Judge E. Grady Jolly (born 1937) July 30, 1982 – 2013 for 31 years active professional Judicial duties required correction, awareness of the confinement for 148 years since 1865 said 13th amendment of US Constitution was not completely ratified well into 2013

Judge of the Fifth Circuit, Defendant Edith "Joy" Brown Clement (born April 29, 1948) November 26, 2001 – 2013 for 12 years active professional Judicial duties required correction, awareness of the confinement for 148 years since 1865 said 13th amendment of US Constitution was not completely ratified well into 2013, notwithstanding

Violation of 18 U.S. Code § 2 – Principals, in the commission of civil/criminal crimes of humanity of “Enslavement” against 44.5 Million (plus) “Plaintiffs Black Lives Matter”, to include being a “party” to actual achieved directly/indirectly 44.5 Million (plus) “Counts” of  violation of The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act (RICO) 18 U.S.C. § 1589 (forced labor), 18 U.S.C. § 1590 (trafficking with respect to peonage, slavery, involuntary servitude, or forced labor),

“Slavery Servitude” money laundering statutes, 18 U.S.C. 1956 and 1952.2 against 44.5 Million (plus) “Plaintiffs Black Lives Matter” throughout the defendant United States designating theft by force slave labor well into 2013 that is large in magnitude in excess of

6 Trillion U.S. Dollars with interest dating back to 1865 Notwithstanding the “Key Citing” 1800s Colonial America K.M.A., Inc., 652, F.2d 398, 399 (5th Cir 1981), during which under signed counsel of record was physically indeed “enslaved in 1981 in the (Co) perpetrator United States Navy (active duty) Slave no less until (Co) perpetrator State of Mississippi free all slaves in 2013 As of date “Sworn” before

Honorable Ms Fatou Bensouda on the factual basis of 1619 – 2017 #BlackLivesMatter 44.5 Million herein are manipulated by the Negro Races Justices themselves, leading under the “direct leadership” of (Co) perpetrator Slave Negro Judge Carl E. Stewart (born January 2, 1950) Chief Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, 63 years official “Slave Property of White Supremacy (Co) perpetrator United States of America et al”

 Sworn before Honorable Ms Fatou Bensouda, Prosecutor Office of the Prosecutor ICC International Criminal Court The, Hague, Netherlands, further (Co) perpetrator Slave Negro Judge Carl E. Stewart with Joining AFFIDAVITS of Probable Cause, And Notice for Issuance of an ARREST WARRANT (s) for Defendant U.S. Slave Negro Judge Alfred H. Bennett, Defendant U.S. Slave Negro Judge Vanessa D. Gilmore, Defendant U.S. Judge Slave Negro George C. Hanks, Jr., and Chief Defendant U.S. Senior Slave Negro Judge Kenneth Michael Hoyt, Chief Defendant” Defendant  Ron Clark, U.S. District Judge with Co-Defendant(s) Keith F. Giblin U.S. Magistrate Judge John M. Bates U.S. Attorney, Andrea L. Parker Assistant U.S. Attorney,

Defendant  Charles R. Norgle, U.S. District Judge with Co-Defendant(s)  EASTERBROOK, Chief Judge, and POSNER and MANION, Circuit Judges, (Defendants) Reavley, Dennis, and Higginson, (5th Cir.) pursuant to statue: 

1. Obstruction of the Secret Service -- 18 U.S.C. § 3056(d)

2. Violation of 18 U.S. Code § 2 – Principals, in the commission of civil/criminal crimes against The Money Laundering Control Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-570) is a United States Act of Congress that made money laundering a federal crime, against the RICO Statue

3. Conspire to Violation of the Money Laundering Control Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-570) is a United States Act of Congress that made money laundering a federal crime. It was passed in 1986. It consists of two sections, 18 U.S.C. § 1956 and 18 U.S.C. § 1957.

4. Violation of 18 U.S. Code § 2339 - Harboring or concealing terrorists |

5. Making false statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001)

6. Co-conspirators and accessories after the fact.— Chief Defendant 45th President Donald John Trump Sr. having been in a “long uncivilized history” in the process of making illegally-gained proceeds (i.e. "dirtymoney") appear legal (i.e. "clean") further (Co) perpetrator Slave Negro Judge Carl E. Stewart being direct

 Co-conspirators and accessories after the fact to two counts fraud and “obstruction of Justice against The Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act (PKPA; (Pub.L. 96–611, 94 Stat. 3573, enacted December 28, 1980; 28 U.S.C. § 1738A), direct against the “pro se plaintiff (Hamilton) personal family, two missing daughter “Chandra and Natasha Hamilton whom Birth Certificate been change to “Walker” in 1994 to cover up this child kidnap scheme of things in defendant

              State of Utah fully hostile criminal in child abduction denied (Negro) Plaintiff all civil rights, to his very own daughters “notwithstanding” all Defendant further Co-conspirators and accessories after the fact — or has reasonable grounds to believe this religious prosecution punishment, did occurred in the defendant State of Utah (Co) perpetrator Slave Negro Judge Carl E. Stewart being a hostile Judicial government “party” to physical fraudulent “Death Records” at each singularly and collective

1 Count: 18 U.S. Code Chapter 51 - HOMICIDE, Capital Murder capital religious prosecution punishment, committed by the Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saints”,  in the Defendant State of Utah “Death Records” of Louis Charles Hamilton II Cmdr. US Navy (Secret Service) #2712, against his “living rights”, family, peace, will and absolute free will, and dignity, among other issue outline in #4Appeal with (Co) perpetrator Slave Negro Judge Carl E. Stewart Joining Affidavit of probable cause for issue of arrest warrants, 

Chief Defendant U.S. Senior Slave Negro Judge Kenneth Michael Hoyt, in Case 4:16 – CV- 00964 Document 61 - 1 Filed in Texas on 05 /11/17 “Plaintiff Exhibit O “Motion for Recusal Slave Negro Carl E. Stewart, and Slave Negro James Earl Graves Jr. “United States Court of Appeal Case No. 17 – 40068, on appeal USDC No. 3: 16 – MC-00016 Case No. 17 – 40280 “Writ of Mandamus” filed into Appeal Case 4:16 –CV- 00964

Motion for Recusal filed in the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals official government document filed in Notice of Appeal U.S. Case No. 3: 17 – mc - 00003 “Exhibit P” last (8) pages switched at

ROA 17-20313.1670 (pages) Case 4:16 –CV-00964 Document 61 - 1 Filed in TXSD on 05/11/17 Page 15 of 36 present However Judicial Fraud of the Government – exited data being manipulated in

“Obstruction of Justice, omission, destruction of all material facts in a legal proceeding “Destruction of Physical (Attorney work product) of 44.5 Million Plaintiffs Black Lives Matter” physical Evidence filed into the Clerk of Court records, both Appeal Court and US District Federal Court with the missing, deleted obscured, hidden and actual destroyed evidence now being the same “patter and practices of the Federal Texas Judicial System bold stealing legal records

with (Co) perpetrator Slave Negro Judge Carl E. Stewart conspire common criminal designed of “Whites Supremacy” crimes against humanity on behalf of “United States 45th President Donald John Trump Sr. and acting under color of laws (Co) perpetrator Slave Negro Judge Carl E. Stewart ability to destroy the “entire” judicial government civil files, all material facts and evidence being rightfully freeing 44.5 Million still “captive slaves” (Co) perpetrator Slave Negro Judge Carl E. Stewart did so committed to such “epic crimes against humanity,

against #BlackLivesMatter legal civil action, of under signed counsel pro se herein factual scuttling all files thereof… giving “said freedom to an “enslaved race” being just grounds for the probable cause and issuance of international arrest warrant for the actions already committed by (Co) perpetrator Slave Negro James E. Graves, Jr. party to whites supremacy rules of governing laws past, present and future as described in counts 1 – 12 being continue under oath” all 44.5 million

#BlackLivesMatter within jurisdiction of (USA) never ever shall be a just living peaceful “free human race” or ever actually as a “stateless living captive person and person(s) of a Negro race official in being declared “inferior human” never

enjoying legal standing before any court under jurisdiction of (Co) perpetrator “United States 45th President Donald John Trump Sr. and acting under color of laws (Co) perpetrator UNITED STATE JUDICIAL COMMON DESIGN AND CONSPICERY with (Co) perpetrator Slave Negro Judge Carl E. Stewart to have rights to precise, correct, factual legal documentations insuring “security” from mutable count of conspiracy regarding among many serious allegations against primary first” (Co) perpetrator Slave Negro Judge Carl E. Stewart  on behalf of (Co) perpetrator Chief Defendant 45th President Donald John Trump Sr. did so committed conspirer being

 (Co) perpetrator UNITED STATE JUDICIAL GOVERNMENT COMMON DESIGN AND CONSPICERY against under signed counsel of record “Petitioners” did seek a writ of mandamus directing Chief Defendant Donald John Trump Sr. 45th President Trump Foundation et al release (IRS) tax disclosure dated exactly back dated to 1987 when the Trump Foundation first came to be collectively with actual ownership

“Fred Trump” being a “direct party” in 1987 until death on June 25th 1999 when the Trump Foundation was undergoing this RICO corruption on February 8th, 1999, “Fred Trump” die (4) months later after violation of defendant US and “Plaintiff UK United Kingdom,

The Trading with the Enemy Act 1914,The Trading with the Enemy Amendment Act 1914 (5 & 6 Geo 5 c 12), as this scuttling and collusion with “Russia fraud scheme of things being back in 1987 all records of “Fred Trump and Donald Trump (IRS) tax disclosure being officially “Published” in the “Washington Post”, 1301 K Street NW, Washington DC 20071

His entire, full, and not deleted, destroyed, obstructed, or missing, in complete order as from the start date of 1987 – 2016 within 24 hours of this writ of mandamus Order (Co) perpetrator Slave Negro Judge Carl E. Stewart so committed conspirer against

“Petitioners” seek a writ of mandamus directing Chief Defendant Donald John Trump Sr. 45th, “TRO” Injunction and/or Protective Order” against Defendant Donald John Trump Sr. from being in the “possession, custody or control of the “Office of Commander in Chief of defendant “United States of America et al, until all legal matter in this complaint UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FIFTH CIRCUIT, CASE NO. 17-40068, and until all legal matter Complaint “Black Lives Matter” vs. Donald John Trump Sr. 45th President et al”, U.S. Docket No. 3:17-MC-00003 having been fully legally resolved, 

(Co) perpetrator Slave Negro Judge Carl E. Stewart so committed conspirer

further pursuant to “evidence committed obstruction of justice hostile fashion in deed against a “protective orders” of (USA) Jurisdiction on behalf “pro se plaintiff” very own protection among so many acts of aggression to additional having a hostile breach direct [PL-413132] "phishing site found "Operational" Targeting NSA, Military infrastructure, and at the same time United States Navy Cmdr. Secret Service # 2712, in his both person being

 “Denied and his very own “Entire Military Family” and Future wife,(Co) perpetrator Slave Negro Judge Carl E. Stewart so committed conspirer further pursuant to “evidence committed obstruction of justice hostile fashion in deed against a “protective orders” of (USA) Jurisdiction on behalf all allies countries of foreign origin  l committed to (RICO) racket against 18 U.S. Code § 1031 – “Fraud against the United States”, “The #Racketeer #Influenced #and #Corrupt #Organizations #Act,”, further committed to “Honest Services Fraud 18 U.S.C. § 1346”, conspiracy to commit wire fraud, mail fraud, and major fraud against the United States, its

US Department of Veterans Affairs, bogus Veterans fundraisers while all such misdeeds involving the criminal acts of commit Violation of 18 U.S. Code Chapter 115 - TREASON, SEDITION, AND SUBVERSIVE ... of treason • § 2383 - Rebellion or insurrection • § 2384 - Seditious conspiracy • § 2385 ...
#Violation of #UCMJ Article 104 -- Aiding the enemy
#Article 99 -- Misbehavior before the enemy
#Article 94 -- Mutiny and sedition
#Article 116 -- Riot or breach of peace
#Article 121 -- Larceny and wrongful appropriation
#Article 81 - Conspiracy
#Article 122 -- Robbery
#Article 123 -- Forgery
#Article 133 Conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman
directed at

United States of America Chief Defendant Mr. Trump held a press conference in Florida where he effectively asked a foreign nation to carry out #cyber-spying on his rival for the White House and did get this done no less and used it to his advantage as “Stated”:“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” said Mr. Trump, speaking at one of his golf resorts.

“I think you’ll be rewarded mightily by our press.” Negro Plaintiff 44.5 Million Slaves state defendant Wikileaks et al. and Defendant Julian Assange BOX 4080 University of Melbourne Victoria 3052 Australia is (NOT) defendant “United States of America “Press”….?

Which #cyber-spying did occurred, in the “Jurisdiction of defendant “United States of America et al”, to include “cyber-spying [PL-413132] "phishing site found "operational" and targeting “Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II in his both person attempted file Breach dated attack same of +NSA Agent copy hot line mark September 16, 2016 2:57 (PM) foreign "cyber weapons” - ns344 (Secured Codes) this

Cyber Attack being “Mark” official as the same direct attack target upon defendant NSA/CSS Fort Meade, MD 20755-6248“United States of America “The National Security Agency (NSA) collectively

Chief Defendant” Donald John Trump Sr., The Trump Organization Trump Tower 725 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10022 Co-Defendant The Eric Trump Foundation (ETF) The Eric Trump Foundation, 725 Fifth Avenue, 16th Floor, New York, NY 10022, with

Co-Defendant(s) Ivana Zelníčková, Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump, Eric Trump, Tiffany Trump, Melania Knauss Trump, and Barron Trump collectively Herein having both Public and (RICO) “Hidden” “Monetary Foreign Holdings, Assets, properties, Corporations, Business, Companies, Retails, shops, import, export, stores, homes, cars, chattel, Armory Collections ...
Primary Weapon Auto Rifles, Pulse Rifles, Scout Rifles and Hand Cannons Special to include military missile weapons, and support thereof ect… based in foreign government Russian Federation, Syria RICO Monetary not paying taxes total of $916 million in one year x 18 years = 16,488,000,000.00 16.4 Billion Minimum of supporting his

Chief Defendant” Donald John Trump Sr., The Trump Organization Trump Tower 725 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10022 Co-Defendant
The Eric Trump Foundation (ETF) The Eric Trump Foundation, 725 Fifth Avenue, 16th Floor, New York, NY 10022, with Co-Defendant(s) Ivana Zelníčková, Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump, Eric Trump, Tiffany Trump, Melania Knauss Trump, and Barron Trump collectively Herein, being a “direct/indirect party to “International War Crimes” siege and bombardment of eastern Aleppo Syria "crimes of historic proportions"

Chief Defendant Donald John Trump Sr. in the “capacity of a civilian violating international humanitarian law in Syria, being a direct (American) party to supply, material aid to the enemy, support, monetary “Monetary Foreign Holdings, Assets, Armory Collections ...

Primary Weapon Auto Rifles, Pulse Rifles, Scout Rifles and Hand Cannons Special to include military missile weapons, and support thereof ect… based in foreign government Russian Federation, Syria, Iraq Afgan, and Iran, To include Chief Defendant Donald John Trump Sr. have giving direct advise, direct moral support help, openly in Public, (ISIS) Videos ect support assistance, countenance, lots of extreme acts of hostile encouragement. ...

These violations constitute "war crimes,"45thPresident Elected Donald John Trump Sr. Chief Defendant Donald John Trump Sr. The Trump Organization Trump Tower 725 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10022 and now “Elected” 45th President of Defendant “United States of America et al” direct disclosure of all
Tax Returns dating back 1998– 2016 Complete copy of All W-2, 1099, tax filing, back date to 1998– 2016

(Co) perpetrator Slave Negro Judge Carl E. Stewart (born January 2, 1950) Chief Judge of the United States Court of Appeals (5th Cir) as so indicated in counts 1 – 12 It is beyond dispute that the issues presented by Plaintiff-Appellant Louis Charles Hamilton II Cmdr. USN # 2712 (Secrete Naval Service) regarding the “National Security” of “Plaintiff-Appellant”,44.5 Million Black Lives Matter et al, as well as undersign individual “pro se” counsel of record direct “Tort” filed before the court since 2010 as The statute of limitations for a § 1001 prosecution is five years and commences upon completion of the crime, e.g.,

(Co) perpetrator Slave Negro Judge Carl E. Stewart Court of Appeals (5th Cir.) hereby  conspired upon making of false statement or submission of false concealed document, as concealment in this continue

 RICO fraud Judicial Decree “falsity” of the material information of “USA” Actions of Crimes of “Slavery” committed collectively with direct conscious knowledge expert legal capacity being further  Co-conspirators and accessories after the fact — or has reasonable grounds to believe Chief Defendant “United States of America et al “enslavement against 44.5 Million (plus) (Plaintiffs) “Counts” of False Imprisonment with direct violation of intent, actual confinement in boundaries as “slaves” and not descendant or ancestor  being committed to conspire against (Co) perpetrator Slave Negro Judge Carl E. Stewart (born January 2, 1950) Chief Judge of the United States Court of Appeals (5th Cir) hereby  committed crimes against statue

1729. Protection of Government Processes -- Tampering with Victim’s Louis Charles Hamilton II Cmdr. US Navy (Secret Service) #2712 to include with official fraudulent additional “Published” Government Records of Court Corruption that “include involving VLADIMIR VLADIMIRVICH PUTIN” is list as a official Defendants – Appellees “Fifth Circuit Court of Appeal No. 16 – 20559

Being evidence being “already physically propounded produced and physically (already) filed secured to “obtained” each and every International Arrest Warrants, on the non-actions of (Co) perpetrator Slave Negro Judge Carl E. Stewart Court of Appeals (5th Cir.) in the “Sworn Performance of his Legal Duties”

as further described Honorable Ms Fatou Bensouda Office of The Prosecutor (ICC) International Criminal Court, (securing) “implosion” of Court of Appeals (5th Cir.), official under international law #UN #Security #Council, #United #Nations #Headquarters #New #York 405 East 42nd Street, New York, NY, 10017, USA. Tel: (+ 1) (212) 963-9999. UN Headquarters being a “Party” against
The United Nations Protocol against Trafficking in #BlackLivesMatter Persons with (Co) perpetrator in Chief “United States of America et al” being a “stupid” ignorant inferior fools in (2017) to a “1800s Colonial America” stuck forever in 1865 Civil War KKK hostile slave trading for profit “white man”.

                        CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE

Pursuant to Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 32(g) (1) (C) and 27 (d) (2) (A), I certify that Plaintiff-Appellant Louis Charles Hamilton II

 Motion for Recusal Judge Carl E. Stewart (born January 2, 1950) 63 year official slave property of defendant (USA) and their entire Negro DNA family being also “Abused Slave Subjects” of defendant “United States of America et al

 (1) Was prepared using 14-point Times New Roman font;

(2) Is proportionally spaced; and

(3) Contains 5198 words

                                   Certificate of Mail Service

A true and correct copy of all the forgoing Motion for Recusal W/o exhibit of Slave Negro Judge Carl E. Stewart (born January 2, 1950) Chief Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, 63 years official “Slave Property of White Supremacy (Co) perpetrator “United States of America et al” was mail in accordance with “Appeal Court” rules of Civil Procedure, to Slave Negro George C. Hanks, Jr. United States District Judge 601 Rosenberg, 6th Floor Galveston, TX 77550. Telephone: (409)766-3737.

Case-Related “Appeal from the (Co) perpetrator United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas USDC No. 3:16-MC-16
Subscribed before a Public Notary, On this __ Day of _ 2017
                                                                                       Public Notary
Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II Cmdr. (USN)
Black Lives Matter +Black Lives Matter
Cc: Honorable Ms Fatou Bensouda Prosecutor, Office of the Prosecutor ICC International Criminal Court, The, Hague, Netherlands
Cc: Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Palais Wilson 52 rue des Pâquis CH-1201 Geneva, Switzerland
Cc: International Criminal Court, Oude Waalsdorperweg 10, 2597 AK Den Haag, Netherlands +Peace Palace
Cc: France President Emmanuel Macron
CC: Queen Elizabeth II, Princess Elizabeth Alexandra Mary, +BRITISH QUEEN
Cc: Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, KG, KT, PC, ADC (William Arthur Philip Louis) #Prince#Williams
Cc: Prince Henry of Wales, KCVO, (Henry Charles Albert David) +Prince Harry
Cc: Prime Minister Theresa Mary May +British Parliament
The British Consulate 1301 Fannin Street Houston Texas 77002-7014

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