NO. 17- 40804
Louis Charles Hamilton, II
Louis Charles Hamilton, II
John Trump, Sr., 45th President of the United States of
Defendant – Appellee
Motion for Change of Venue to
(ICC) International Criminal
Honorable Ms Fatou Bensouda Prosecutor, Office of the
Prosecutor ICC International Criminal Court, The, Hague, Netherlands Undersigned
“pro se” Council or record Louis Charles
Hamilton, II move respectfully before UNITED
STATES COURT OF APPEALS FIFTH CIRCUIT, for “enjoyment” relief Chief
Defendant Donald John Trump Sr. 45th, President of The United States of America
being transfer to (ICC) International Criminal CASE NO. 17- 40804,
*Exhibit A Filed in Support
United Nations A/HRC/WG.6/22/L.10 General Assembly UNEDITED
VERSION Distr.: Limited 21 May 2015 Original: English
Human Rights Council Working Group on the Universal Periodic
Review Twenty-second session Geneva, 4-15 May 2015 Draft report of the Working
Group on the Universal Periodic Review* United States of America
Contents Paragraphs Page Introduction 1–4 3 I Summary of the
proceedings of the review process..........................5–6 3 A.
Presentation by the State under review ........................5–14 3 B.
Interactive dialogue and responses by the State under review .................15–175
4 II. Conclusions and/or recommendations.......................176–177 11 Annex
Composition of the delegation.......................................... 33
*Exhibit B Filed in Support
Statement on Visit to the USA, by Professor
Philip Alston, United Nations Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human
rights* Washington, December 15, 2017
*Exhibit C Filed in Support
AFFIDAVIT Louis Charles Hamilton II, Cmdr.
US Navy (Secret Service) Bluefin Inc., (Filed before) United Nations Security
Council Secretary-General, United Nations Headquarters 405 East 42nd
Street, New York, NY, 10017, USA Office of the Prosecutor of the International
Criminal Court, Oude Waalsdorperweg 10, 2597 AK Den Haag, Netherlands
*Exhibit D Filed in Support
Donald John Trump, Sr., 45th President
Further concealing all discover under FRCP to being “elite and white” pursuant
to criminal acts and circumstances surrounding Mossack Fonseca, a
Panamanian law firm hired for “money laundering” on behalf of Donald John
Trump, Sr., 45th President, Defendant – Appellee, since September
6 1994 being “Exhibit D attached herein” Process Consultants Inc.
Arango-Orillac Building, 2nd floor East 54th Street
Panama “Republca De Panama” Re: Residential Unit No. 18-E (the “Apartment”) in
the building known as Trump Palace, located at 200 East 89th
Street, New York, New York, as defined in several complaints in 2016 –
2017 (Trump) being under “Federal RICO Complaints” Case No. 3: 17- MC –
00003, against (Donald John Trump Sr.) with (5th Cir.)
Writ of Mandamus No. 17 – 40280 USDC No. 3:
16-MC-16 with exhibit filed #cyber-spying did
occurred, in the “Jurisdiction of defendant “United States of America et al”,
to include “cyber-spying [PL-413132] "phishing site found
"operational" and targeting “Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton
II in his both person (Cmdr. US Navy) attempted file Breach dated attack same
of +NSA Agent copy hot line mark September 16, 2016 2:57 (PM) foreign
"cyber weapons” - ns344 (Secured Codes) this Cyber
Attack being “Mark” official as the same direct attack target upon defendant
NSA/CSS Fort Meade, MD 20755-6248“United States of America “The National
Security Agency (NSA) and “Court” error in dismissal in Favor of Donald John
Trump Sr.
*Exhibit E Filed in Support
USDC No. 3: 16-MC-16 “Affidavit of Probable
Cause and Issuance of Arrest Warrant for Donald John Trump Sr., As set forth in
the “complaints and Arrest Warrant on File for Donald John Trump Sr., USDC
No. 3:16 –MC-16, all (co) perpetrator Reavley, (co) perpetrator Dennis,
(co) perpetrator Higginson, (co) perpetrator Davis
(Co) perpetrator Prado, (co) perpetrator
Costta and (co) perpetrator Slave Negro James Earl Graves Jr. with the Trial
Courts “Judge Hanks Jr., Judge Alfred H. Bennett, Judge Vanessa
Gilmore, Judge David Hittner, Judge Kenneth M. Hoyt , Judge
Melinda Harmon having conspired and or collude to the same acts of “being
government official involved (secretly) on behalf of foreign governments, as so
further force to “Dismissed” the actions
of (Hamilton) on behalf of Chief Defendant 45th President Donald
John Trump Sr. “among acts of “ already committed to
International Money Laundering, as
accused (money) being involved in “any global terrorists crimes” and
accordingly, this case has not been “remanded” for Jury Trial proceeding, or Turn
over the “United States of America (DOD) within the Jurisdiction of USA protection
orders in place by a
Honorable Judge from (5th Cir.)
entire Judicial System against Chief Defendant 45th President Donald John
Trump Sr. International Money Laundering, scheme of things while being
involved in “any global terrorists crimes”, with “Fifth Circuit court of Appeals” committed oddly
seemingly consciously, mocking, intimidation, ridicule, belittle, humiliation
“pro se plaintiff with official fraudulent “Published” RICO Tampering with
Government Records of Court Corruption involving (Trump) and
“Published” RICO
Tampering further that “VLADIMIR VLADIMIRVICH PUTIN” is list as an official
Defendants – Appellees before the “Fifth Circuit Court of Appeal No. 16 – 20559.
In “connection” with (Trump) History of continual violations
The Logan Act, 1799, bans private citizens
from negotiating with foreign governments, “civil court” seeming conspirer with (Donald John Trump Sr.) failure to
release his (taxes) against the protection of the “department of defense” before
(Trump) becoming “President having with foreign
government stand accused in civil complaints knowing after FBI “Warning”
conspired in 2016 “Election Platform” for political advantage” against
The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) was enacted by
Congress in 1986 as an amendment to existing computer fraud law
(18 U.S.C. § 1030), which had been included (Trump) further conspire
Against Comprehensive Crime Control Act of
1984 while (Donald John Trump Sr.) Having
taken “political bias” positions of conspirer against the (DOD) department of
defense (US NAVY) LARCENY & FRAUD. UMCJ Article 121 prohibits larceny (theft or
wrongful taking, withholding, etc) extraordinary security breach at
the NSA surrounding sought protection of the (NSA) Cyber
System fully Denied Texas Federal Court Case No. 3: 17- MC – 00003, as “Published” in media worldwide by (USA) in
* Mar 25, 2017 - RAGEPATH Overview
of Hamilton v Trump. A Texas man attempted to sue Donald Trump
in July of 2016. The judge dismissed the case because the plaintiff failed to
pay the required filing fees. Case Summary United States Southern District of
Texas. 4:2016-mc-01633. Hamilton v Trump. Date Filed:
7/18/ ... this seeming forced “Fraud” of the Court errs’ on behalf (Donald
John Trump Sr.) to date (December) 2017 with same denial at (5th Cir.)Appeal
Court “level” against past Writ of Mandamus No. 17 – 40280 USDC No. 3: 16-MC-16
in light of new (evidence) Exhibit A1United States of America v.
Michael T. Flynn defendant Case: 1:17 –cr-00232-RC filed November 30th2017
(false settlement) Exhibit A2United States of America v. Paul J. Manafort, Jr.
and Richard W. Gates III, defendants “Grand Jury Indictment Case 1:17-CR-00201
Exhibit A3United States of America v. George
Papadopoulos defendant “Statement of the Offense” Criminal Case No.
1:17-cr-00182-RDM *SEALED* filed October 5th2017 filed into this
case and reincorporated in full force, Exhibit A1, A2, A3, refilled into court inspection
for Transfer to (ICC) International Criminal Court records only (5th
Cir.) Appeals (copy already just
produce) to (Trump) and (The Texas Court) concerning Michael T. Flynn, George
Papadopoulos, Paul J. Manafort, Jr. and Richard W. Gates III, being “poor” and “reeducate
in good faith under signed “pro se council of record” .
*Exhibit F1. F2, F3 Filed in Support (Defendant) US Senate Mitch McConnell already
having Affidavit of Probable Cause and Issuance of Arrest Warrant filed by “Undersigned”
pro se council of record also denied frivolously “Political Fraudulent Agenda”
acting under color of law of a US Senate Mitch McConnell super PAC took $2.5
million from a pro-Putin Ukrainian businessman last election cycle being the “same
pattern and practice” for (Defendant) GOP campaigns
took $7.35 million from oligarch linked to Russia, with
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker took $1,000,000
from a pro-Putin Ukranian businessman – last election cycle, while the
both (Texas) Federal and (5th Cir.) Appeals continue going off the
rails”, the disrespect, uncouth, extreme denial of “civil due process” in all
claimed laws filed by a Negro…? Against Such actions of ongoing “Millions” paid
in voting disfranchisement from foreign government “Target” by “Whites Supremacy”
elite Political Personal Monetary Objective”
against the “National Security Interest of The (Plaintiffs) Slaves, in money
from foreign governments “pro se” as always denied even Legal in law and equity
to be treated the same Judicial Attention having
of dollars to grease the Justice System “like” foreign governments of (Russia) filed
herein for Motion for “change of Venue to (ICC) International Criminal Court
for “Unbiased” proceeding in light of the “Government refusal to End “Slavery Servitude”.
Here’s The List of Top Republicans Who Took Russian
Money During 2016 Election

Published on
Popular vote loser Donald
Trump and his family are far from the only people who may be in hot water over
connections to Russian money and involvement in campaigns. Only a day
after reports surfaced that Trump’s campaign chair Paul Manafort wrote down
“RNC” and “donations” in notes taken during the infamous Russia collusion
meeting in June 2016, Republicans are panicking.
In fact, they’re trying to
create a diversion accusing former FBI Director James Comey of having conspired
to exonerate Hillary Clinton. The reason? Several of those high ranking
Republicans also took money from Russia during the campaign.
Which Republicans took Russian money? The
list is all high profile names you know:
-Senate Majority Leader Mitch
McConnell used his PAC to accept $2.5 million dollars from a pro-Kremlin
-Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker took $1 million from the same oligarch.
was also received by Ted Cruz, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, John Kasich and
Marco Rubio, albeit in smaller, less concerning amounts. McConnell’s
donation is the real problem for Republicans, as the Palmer Report explains:
Mitch McConnell wasn’t even up for re-election in
2016. Instead he used his various Super PACs to help fund the election and
reelection of any number of Republicans in Congress. He’s maintained his role
as the Republican leader in the Senate in part because so many of his fellow
Senate Republicans are financially dependent on him. Super PAC money can be
difficult to trace, so there may be no limit to the number of Republicans in
office who have indirectly taken McConnell’s Russian money, whether or not they
knew at the time that it was Russian money. No wonder they’re panicking over
the “RNC donations” story.
The list of corrupt
Republicans that are going to come crashing down spectacularly, along with
popular vote loser Donald Trump, is growing by the day.
Democratic Coalition co-founder Scott Dworkin
recently released over 400 legally obtained Trump documents.
After sifting through them, Dworkin has put together a money trail using the
documents that ties Russian money to several top Republican leaders.
The information therein is
quite damning for the GOP stalwarts involved, and also further paints an
incriminating picture of the Trump administration as related to possible
Russian collusion.
Those who aren’t coming out of
this looking good include the entire Republican National Committee, Senator Ted
Cruz, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, Senator John McCain, Senate Majority
Leader Mitch McConnell, among others.
Here are the Tweets by Scott Dworkin highlighting the
A Mitch McConnell super PAC took $2.5 million
from a pro-Putin Ukrainian businessman last election cycle.

Marco Rubio took $1,000,000 from pro-Putin
Ukrainian businessman – last election cycle.

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker took $1,000,000
from a pro-Putin Ukranian businessman – last election cycle.

The RNC received a $20,400 contribution from a
Russian real estate executive in 2008.
Past and present “TRO”
Preliminary Injunction and/or
Protective Order” with “exhibits, Affidavit” , evidence being and material
facts (all) denied in favor of (Trump) own actions of “aggression, corruption, involving
bias actions of the (5th Cir.) Appeals Court to “direct release of
(Tax) Records at all cost even in the “Interest of National Security” of
#BlackLivesMatter and other similarly situated “scuttled”..? Further (5th
Cir.) Appeals Court “direct denial of duty” for the rights of
“Slaves” 100% utterly
disproportionate intent impact of the justice system upon the poor pursuant to preference
to ruling in favor of “The persistence political choice made by those in power against
the extreme poverty imposed by USA base factual since 2010 – 2017 Hamilton vs.
USA documents, evidence, exhibits, affidavits material facts submitted, some
destroyed by the Judicial (Government), ignored all recusal request, while
content in “political facilitations” all “international criminal personal actions
and conduct of “Chief Defendant” USA and 45th President Donald John
Trump Sr. (against) the entire “International Community and “United States of
America” as a
“Whole” all past motion
against such “international foreign government(s) indiscretions fully wrongfully
denied by the US Courts” while the crimes against “humanity” and law and order committed
and still committed continue ongoing under seeming (5th Cir.)
Appeals Court “approval protection” oddly “even” against (DOD) “department of
Navy NSA National Security all “past and present” Military Naval Intelligence “Active
Security Personnel” being
“Merit for change of
Venue, from the (5th Cir.) Sworn under Oath of a Officer of US Navy expedited
filed before Office of the Prosecutor ICC International Criminal Court, the,
Hague, Netherlands United Nations Security Council Secretary-General United Nations
Headquarters 405 East 42nd Street, New York, NY, 10017, USA
Honorable Ms Fatou Bensouda Prosecutor, Office of the
Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Oude Waalsdorperweg 10, 2597 AK Den Haag,
Pursuant to Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 32(g) (1)
(C) and 27 (d) (2) (A), I certify that Plaintiff-Appellant
Louis Charles Hamilton II
MOTION FOR Change of Venue to the (ICC)
International Criminal Court submitted for CASE NO. 17- 40804
Enjoying against 45th President Donald John Trump Sr.
(1) Was prepared using 14-point Times New
Roman font; (2) Is proportionally spaced; and (3) Contains 2227 words
Certificate of Mail Service
Chief Defendant “45th President
Donald John Trump Sr., The Trump Organization, 725 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10022
is the correct mailing address on record with UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS
FIFTH CIRCUIT and a true and correct copy of Request for document filed in
correct case Number “Correct” in the matter of “Appeals” against 45th
President Donald John Trump Sr., attach Described herein having been produce to
said Chief Defendant “45th President
Donald John Trump Sr., Mailed to Defendant 45th
President Donald John Trump Sr.-Appellees The Trump Organization, 725 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10022. *Further
attach Described herein “Corrections” having been produce to said Robert Swan
Mueller III FBI “Federal Bureau of Investigation” Headquarters 935 Pennsylvania
Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20535- 0001by
*Further attach Described herein “Corrections” having been produce to said George
C. Hanks, Jr. United States District Judge 601 Rosenberg, 6th Floor
Galveston, TX 77550
this ____ Day of ________2017
Public Notary
Louis Charles Hamilton II,
Pro Se Plaintiff/Appellee,
Cmdr. USN #2712 #BlackLivesMatter
(409) 370 1907
Cc: #Honorable #Ms #Fatou #Bensouda #Prosecutor, Office of the Prosecutor ICC International Criminal Court, The, Hague, Netherlands
Cc: Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Palais Wilson 52 rue des Pâquis CH-1201 Geneva, Switzerland
Cc: International Criminal Court, Oude Waalsdorperweg 10, 2597 AK Den Haag, Netherlands +Peace Palace
CC: Queen Elizabeth II, Princess Elizabeth Alexandra Mary, +BRITISH QUEEN
Cc: Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, KG, KT, PC, ADC (William Arthur Philip Louis) #Prince #Williams
Cc: Prince Henry of Wales, KCVO, (Henry Charles Albert David) +Prince Harry
Cc: Prime Minister Theresa Mary May British Parliament +British Parliament
The British Consulate 1301 Fannin Street Houston Texas 77002-7014
Cc: #Honorable #Ms #Fatou #Bensouda #Prosecutor, Office of the Prosecutor ICC International Criminal Court, The, Hague, Netherlands
Cc: Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Palais Wilson 52 rue des Pâquis CH-1201 Geneva, Switzerland
Cc: International Criminal Court, Oude Waalsdorperweg 10, 2597 AK Den Haag, Netherlands +Peace Palace
CC: Queen Elizabeth II, Princess Elizabeth Alexandra Mary, +BRITISH QUEEN
Cc: Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, KG, KT, PC, ADC (William Arthur Philip Louis) #Prince #Williams
Cc: Prince Henry of Wales, KCVO, (Henry Charles Albert David) +Prince Harry
Cc: Prime Minister Theresa Mary May British Parliament +British Parliament
The British Consulate 1301 Fannin Street Houston Texas 77002-7014
+POTUS Obama +Hillary Clinton +BRITISH QUEEN +Prince Harry +Meghan Markle +HMS-Prince Of Wales +British Parliament +USNavySEAL +Us Navy +MSNBC +CNBC +ABC 20/20 +President Donald Trump Official +Tina Fey +SNL Group +Alec Baldwin fans +BBC World Service +Chicago P.D. +Washington Post +The Rachel Maddow Show +CBS This Morning +ABC World News Tonight +Yahoo News +Donald Trump News +President Donald Trump Official +North Korea +South Korea +Xi Jingping +Sherlock Holmes +United States Air Force +Art/is +Us Navy +UNITED NATIONS Headquarters #NATO +Apartmány na Orlické přehradě - Restaurace s ubytováním "U Šáchů" +CITY NET CITY NET +BBC Africa +ABC NEWS +CBS Evening News +America's Got Talent +Yahoo! News Odd News#Jackie #Chan +Samuel L Jackson +Black Lives Matter +MLK jr. +Vladimir Putin +USSR Gov +Russian Education Centre #Russia +Nasdaq Social +Washington Post #United #States #of #America +United Nations Human Rights Council -SLMUN +Santa Claus +Pope Francis +BBC Arabic بي بي سي عربي #British #Royal #Navy +FEDERAL BUREAU Investigation #Muller #Moscow #Mud #Dry #Beer +NSA Agent +Central Intelligence Agency +Mi6 #MI6 +POLICE INTERPOL +US Senate #GOP +Federal Reserve bank +USS Ronald Reagan CVN 76 +USS Lassen DDG +USS JOHN S McCAIN DDG 56 +USS Forrestal +U.S. Army South #U.S. #Department #of #State +Canadian Army +Canada Immigration Consultants #Mexico #Jackie #Chan +Samuel L. Jackson +Rachel Maddow Show +BBC NEWS WORLD +British Citizenship Test In UK +NATO +Appeal Courts +Federal Courthouse
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