Saturday, March 17, 2018

(ICC) International Criminal Courts to order disband, disestablish, fully bring to an end, and terminate, NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Founded: April 4, 1949, COMMON DESIGN OR CONSPIRACY Colonial America Slave Trade in Jurisdiction of (USA) “Pursuant Fraud of the Government United States of America” 1776 – 2018 (December) its acting 45th President Donald John Trump Sr. GOP Political International “criminal whites supremacy” actions against the “Slaves” (UN) United Nations and NATO

Undersigned further files before (ICC) International Criminal Courts to order disband, disestablish, fully bring to an end, and terminate, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Founded: April 4, 1949, in (Defendant) whites supremacy” ongoing “Slavery” Jurisdiction (among) 49 States  Washington, D.C.  Jurisdiction of (USA) “Pursuant Fraud of the Government United States of America” 1776 – 2018 (December) its acting 45th President Donald John Trump Sr. GOP Political International “criminal whites supremacy” actions against the “Slaves”, (UN) United Nations and NATO further

pursuant to continue International COMMON DESIGN OR CONSPIRACY Colonial America Slave Trade Judicial Government, well into 2018 hereby, fraud to ending 1865 Civil War”, maintain “Slaves” well into 2013 Manipulation of the “entire transcontinental slavery history involving the “Entire” International Community, assessor to Publishing and Utter”  Fraud of the Government United States of America” its acting 45th President Donald John Trump Sr. GOP Political party and “uncouth, ungodly, criminal hostile actions in their preserve rights of
Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, 42 U.S.C. § 1985(3) to commit criminal actions as “Elite America Whites Supremacy Criminal Organization RICO beholding to administer crimes against humanity of (mass) 1619 – 2013 years dealing hate crimes violations, enslavement of a “entire negro race forever” subjected to actual ongoing “world-wide imposed destruction of the negro race by whites supremacy (USA) actions 1619 – 2018 (December) of genocide by
killing (article 6-a) genocide by causing serious bodily or mental harm (article 6-b) and genocide by deliberately inflicting on target “Slaves” conditions to remain of life calculated to bring about the “Slaves” physical destruction (article 6-c), both within the Jurisdiction of (USA) and the Negro DNA Immigrants of the “International Community”, and other races similarly the same to included but not limited to manipulation of “each and every” country to its own self destruction, by such conniving corruption, bully, racist, war criminals, continue whites supremacy slight of hands laws, rules, and “trickery military fashion”, to being a “Direct party” to charges herein before (ICC) International Criminal Court ongoing “world-wide imposed destruction of the negro race by whites supremacy (USA) actions 1619 – 2018 (December) of genocide by
killing (article 6-a) genocide by causing serious bodily or mental harm (article 6-b) and genocide by deliberately inflicting on target “Slaves” conditions to remain of life calculated to bring about the “Slaves” physical destruction (article 6-c), “false USA” published propaganda eliminated” during the
NAZI REVOLUTION IN GERMANY, 1933-1939, complicity, colusion International COMMON DESIGN OR CONSPIRACY Colonial America Slave Trade Judicial Government, being the “Actual Conspiring USA Para-Military “Knights of the Klu Klux Klansmen GOP “political party” and NAZI Germany Hitler” goals, directing and accomplishment twin goals of racial purity and whites supremacy expansion being  the core of Hitler’s and USA Para-Military “Knights of the Klu Klux Klansmen GOP “political party” worldview, and from 1933 while “State of Mississippi” did directly refusal to ratified the 13th Amendment of the USA Constitution “freeing the “Already Captive Slaves held (secretly) since 1865 onward into 1933 they both

(USA) Para-Military (KKK) and Nazi Germany Hitler would combine to form the driving force behind  foreign and domestic policy At first, the USA Para-Military “Knights of the Klu Klux Klansmen GOP “political party”  and Nazis reserved their harshest persecution for political opponents such as Communists or Social Democrats, “meaning” Half of USA #BlackLivesMatter Slaves Military defending Beginning in late 1941, the sick, old and weak and the very young “Jews”, from human destruction as first mass gassings began at the camp of Belzec, near Lublin, on March 17, 1942, (USA) did not ratified the 13th Amendment freeing (Slaves) herein Jurisdiction of (America) nor had any plans for another
 (71) Years until February 7th 2013 as (USA) “colluding”, a party to assistances, money laundering,  as aid and abetting to even counts of Five more mass killing centers built at camps in occupied Poland, including Chelmno, Sobibor, Treblinka, Majdanek and the largest of all, Auschwitz-Birkenau, being the “Invitation of deceit” designed to ensnare the creation of NATO in 1949 as  From 1942 to 1945,  more than 2 million people were murdered in a process resembling a large-scale industrial operation, while systematic the

“Same still ongoing” in United States of America”, against the Negro races, 1945 “paying whites only taxes, as also being killed to not vote, and false prison work camps for free slave labor since 1619 about the “International Community”, one by one, attacking, and plundering foreign Jurisdiction, in “Bad Faith Production” usage of “Actual Captive” Slaves DNA Negro #BlackLivesMatter 1717 – 2018 still held under Military Orders for “Whites Supremacy” complicity, colusion International COMMON DESIGN OR CONSPIRACY Colonial America Slave Trade Judicial Government, being the “Actual Conspiring USA Para-Military “Knights of the Klu Klux Klansmen” GOP “political party” and NAZI Germany Hitler”, well into A stunning series of events “false propaganda” between 1989 and 1991 that led to the fall of communist regimes in eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, while

 (USA) between 1989 and 1991 Politically the USSR was divided (from 1940 to 1991) into 15 constituent or union republics—Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belorussia (see Belarus), Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kirghizia (see Kyrgyzstan), Latvia, Lithuania, Moldavia (see Moldova), Russia, Tadzhikistan (see Tajikistan), Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan—  as “United States Government” Hostile to the International Community in their political government of USSR  “yet” between 1989 and 1991 (USA) “Still have not ratified the 13th Amendment being (49) States, with one “missing” States of Mississippi” insuring the Constitution of the Confederate States of America, still the supreme law in effect from February 22, 1862, throughout 1989 and 1991, “Involving NATO” formation  and USSR hesitations under legal laws of (USA)

“State of Mississippi” forever did factual before (UN) United Nations involving (USSR) in 1945 (UN) charter having (also) communist regimes in eastern Europe and the Soviet Union criminal (party) to crimes against humanity against #BlackLivesMatter “unknowing and unwitting” preserve (USA), under actions of (United Nations) Security Council Votes by (USSR) having their interest (also) impede and destroyed (USSR) Jurisdiction under international criminal actions “Presented” before (ICC) International Criminal Court of infiltration of  all (49) States conspiring with “States of Mississippi” whites supremacy GOP Political party, Para-Military Knights of the Klu Klux Klansmen insuring the Constitution of the Confederate States of America, slavery, states' rights, and political liberty for whites, by the introduction at birth “United Nations  global organization” during the signing of the (UN) Charter October 24, 1945, San Francisco, CA while holding “Captive America Millions of Slaves, systematic “Kidnapping” the same under

“Immigration status from (UN) Charter October 24, 1945 – Februarys 7th 2013 “Negro Race” inferior under legal Slavery USA status in the “entire” International Community” as the veto power which wielded solely by the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (China, France,  RussiaUnited Kingdom, and United States), having from (UN) Charter October 24, 1945 – Februarys 7th 2013 end the “Enslavement of a Entire” negro race, while (China, FranceRussiaUnited Kingdom) all four having “Power”…?
 Against (USA) under “Veto Power” and still being a party to crimes against humanity, These crimes included murders, brutalities, cruelties, tortures, atrocities, and other inhumane acts, as set “Enslavement” of #BlackLivesMatter, in the “possession, custody and control” of also NATO

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