Wednesday, May 22, 2019

(“Defendants”) Facebooks et al social media computer crimes Temporary restraining orders (TRO) permanent injunction, civil forfeiture confiscating all 1.3 (Billion) (“Plaintiffs”) #BlackLivesMatter False Computer Crimes Wire Fraud Slavery Data

18 U.S. Code § 1519 - Destruction, alteration, concealing or falsification of records as described penal code chapter 37 Perjury and other falsification - Texas Statutes, against the undersigned council of record in this action being ("Defendants") Mark Zuckerberg, ("Defendants") Facebook, (“Defendants”) Hacker1 et al social media platform engaging “International Human Traffic scheme “committed to the same direction, social media cover up’s deleting, destroying birth records, and

(Plaintiff) Hamilton Own Facebook Account”, further overt acts past, present did so criminally engaging in RICO wire fraud scheme committed to cyber spying in this scheme to criminally aid in this wrongfully retaining, detaining and concealing undersigned council of record (Hamilton) (missing) two baby girls age 3 and 4 in this 1994 – 2019 False Slavery Data, false social media facebook data on the (Plaintiffs Missing Daughters) being subject to wire fraud ongoing 2019 (“December”) computer crimes, aggravated Identity theft RICO cause of continue actions committed by

("Defendants") Mark Zuckerberg, ("Defendants") Facebook, (“Defendants”) Hacker1 et al U.S. Code § 2 – Principals, Co-conspirators and accessories after the fact Social Media Platform — as described The year of 1994 – 2019 criminal intent violation of  Plaintiff “United States of America et al own rules of governing laws pursuant to ("Defendants") Mark Zuckerberg, ("Defendants") Facebook, (“Defendants”) Hacker1 et al social media platform  with (others) herein conspire collective against statue:

18 U.S. Code Chapter 25 - COUNTERFEITING AND FORGERY, Vital records,, Death Records, Social Media Data, against (“Plaintiff”) Hamilton in the same RICO scheme false vital data, false social media data criminal manipulated, mail and wire fraud in both “Death and Birth Certificate scheme of undersigned council of record (missing daughters) dating back to 1994 – 2019 (“December”) hereby investigated on

("Defendants") Mark Zuckerberg, ("Defendants") Facebook, (“Defendants”) Hacker1 et al Social Media Platform knowing and willing violation U.S. Code § 2 – Principals, Co-conspirators and accessories after the fact “False Data, False Slavery data (“Defendants”) Facebook Social Media Platform — conspire, collusion, cover-up, computer crimes with defendant(s) Lowell Walker” (Father in Law) of Salt Lake City Utah, Helena Walker (Mother –in-Law) of Salt Lake City Utah, LaMont H. Walker and wife, Lori, Murray, Utah;, Nico J. Walker and wife, Michelle; Nathan A. Walker and wife, Lynette, Salt Lake City, Utah;, Mrs. Frank (Luana Joy) Sawatzki, (Walker) Farmington, Utah;, Mrs. Douglas (Corry Sue) Cutler (Walker),

Mrs. Curtis (Faith) Ryan, (Walker), Mrs. Preston (Melissa) Christensen, (Walker) Salt Lake City (“Defendant”) State of Utah et al Obstruction of Justice, Mail and Wire Fraud computer, false statement to official forever “Concealing” the (Plaintiffs) Hamilton very own 2 missing girls, hereby this overt acts further required RICO wire fraud (Defendants”) Facebook on behalf of all (“Defendants”) committed engaging “spying on the undersigned council of record on (“Plaintiffs”) “Hamilton Own Facebook Account” throughout the date 2009 – 2018

("Defendants") Mark Zuckerberg, ("Defendants") Facebook, (“Defendants”) Hacker1 et al U.S. Code § 2 – Principals, Co-conspirators and accessories after the fact Social Media Platform — being “Criminal RICO Principles and conspire collectively to official with criminal intent criminal actions of computer wire fraud crimes in direct destroyed the living birth records of “Estate of Plaintiffs Chandra D. Hamilton born December 27, 1990 and “Estate of Plaintiffs Natasha C. Hamilton December 30th 1991 both in Salt Lake City Utah, the living natural now (oddly) dead daughter missing since 1994 of Pro Se Louis Charles Hamilton II, (MSS)

“Utters and publishes as true a false, forged, altered and completely cyber counterfeit social media birth records, slavery data record human Traficant scheme for (Plaintiff Estate of Chandra Hamilton and Plaintiff Estate of Natasha Hamilton) against the peace, will, dignity and civil rights of both the two missing (girls) and their Pro Se Natural (farther) herein Cmdr. of the “Entire” Naval Services of Plaintiffs  “United States of America Union government et al” 1982 – present overt acts included being declared by the records of (“Defendants”) State of Utah legally Dead about the year 1994 – 2019 (“December”)

In this ongoing  grave robbery whites supremacy aggression aggravated Identity theft “Obstruction of Justice 2010 – 2019 years to investigate all (“Defendants”), herein as listed in (“Defendants”) SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS (Houston) CIVIL DOCKET FOR CASE #: 4:16-cv-00994 “among other things” crimes in the “Jurisdiction” of  “Plaintiffs United States of America Union government et al, that the actual illegal reproduction “Birth Records” Social Media Cyber Data surrounding  the two missing “Pro Se Plaintiff “ Louis Charles Hamilton II Cmdr. (US Navy) Natural daughter(s) fully ID fully in government record of (crimes) their (actual) real Grandfather “Lowell and Grandmother Helena Walker” both too, pictures filed into “court evidence”,

“ROA.17-20321.2092 - “ROA.17-20321.2099 committed all overt acts with (others) in the still two “Official missing (Daughters) of (Plaintiff) (Hamilton) as complained of repeated ruled “frivolous in this conspiring crimes, past, present RICO acting under color of laws as Defendant Judge Mary Lou Keel, Defendant Marie Primm, Assistant Harris County DA Defendant Scott C. Pope, Assistant Public Defender being a “party” to all cover up, obscuring the evidence, material facts as described herein, with Chief Defendant Federal Judge David Hittner, in 2012, further with Defendant Judge Mary Lou Keel, Defendant Marie Primm, Assistant Harris County DA Defendant Scott C. Pope, Assistant Public Defender being a “party” to all cover up, obscuring the evidence, well into 2017 with

Chief Defendant U.S. Senior Slave Negro Judge Kenneth Michael Hoyt, being “listed” as new defendant in the “Amend Complaint” U.S. Case No. 3: 17 – mc – 00003 “Obstruction of Justice” by Defendant U.S. Judge Slave Negro George C. Hanks, Jr., and  Defendant U.S. Judge Slave Negro George C. Hanks, Jr.,  already in 2017 “physically committed to “Scuttled” destroyed and conceal physical legal document(s) filed by

“Pro se Plaintiff representation of 44.5 Million Plaintiffs Black Lives Matter” actual true Slavery History from 1776 – 2013, and the elusive “High Crimes of  Chief Defendant 45th President Donald John Trump Sr. being wrongfully in possession of the “Federal Court House” subjected to alter, destroyed, deleted, obscured, and whole exhibit text of document obliterated and completely criminal removed from the “record excerpts” to aid and abetting

providing interference, refraining legal rights of the acting “Attorney of Records” in a Federal Court ongoing Several legal Civil Matter directly being “prosecuted by “Pro Se Plaintiff “ Louis Charles Hamilton II Cmdr. (US Navy), (Secret Service) EO 12331 Cmdr. of the “Entire” Naval Services of (“Plaintiffs”)  “United States of America et al Union Naval Armed Services,

All defendant did so knowing and wiling providing interference, refraining  detaining under fraud “pretext” of a (“Plaintiff) herein committed to acts of “fake crime complained of to occurred in 2011 “Scam” of abduction to prevent (Hamilton) court records official correct slavery data, showing “Plaintiffs” Black Lives Matter 44.5 collectively being actual “Physical Living Slaves in 2011 when “pro se plaintiff being kidnapped as described in

“Exhibit A” Original (1865) the 13th amendment was ratified to end slavery and fully “outlaw” such acts after false arrest of undersigned council of record, never allowed to “Proceed in any Confederate Federal Court System illegal operations which factual government records cause of actions charging continue past Defendant Judge Mary Lou Keel, Defendant Marie Primm, Assistant Harris County DA Defendant Scott C. Pope, Assistant Public Defender with (others)

pursuant to statue Obstruction of the Secret Military Service – 18 U.S.C. § 3056(d) of “Pro Se Plaintiff (actually) being “United States Secret Service Naval Cmdr, EO 12331 Louis Charles Hamilton II, # 2712  undergoing hostile Crimes committed violations 18 U.S. Code § 1201 - Kidnapping  penal code chapter 20. kidnapping, unlawful restraint ... - Texas Statutes, of (Hamilton) with 250 counts of “Medical Battery”, against “Pro Se Plaintiff (actually) being “United States Secret Service Naval Cmdr, Louis Charles Hamilton II, # 2712,  all “GOP Political Election Fraud Cover-up, voting disfranchisement whites supremacy Actions by 232 Defendant Judge Mary Lou Keel

Defendant Marie Primm, Assistant Harris County DA and Defendant Scott C. Pope, Assistant Public Defender, conspired with defendant (USA) et al  to improperly aid in the avoids or decreases an obligation on behalf of criminal slave trader crimes against humanity Defendant Judge Mary Lou Keel, Defendant Marie Primm, Assistant Harris County DA and Defendant Scott C. Pope, Assistant Public Defender fully engaging “knowing directed fraud as a “Officer of the Texas Court”  committed to this Obstruction of the Secret Military Service – 18 U.S.C. § 3056(d)

being a direct party “Destruction of the correct slavery court data, Judicial Decrees, “attorney work product, laptop computer, computer chips, hostile  “pattern and practice” scuttling “evidence” overt government criminal acts pursuant to 18 U.S. Code § 1519 - Destruction, alteration, concealing or falsification of records while (all) defendants engaging in hostile

religious prosecution punishment, which did occurred in the defendant State of Utah, and government court records  with several physical fraudulent “Death Records” each being fraud, false statement, false social media data, false slavery data singularly and collective

conspired to several Count: 18 U.S. Code Chapter 51 - HOMICIDE, attempted Capital Murder, committed to religious prosecution punishment, committed by the (Defendants”) Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saints”,  (“Defendants”) Walker et al in the Defendant State of Utah this included criminal “Death Records” surrounding (“Plaintiffs”) Estate of  Louis Charles Hamilton II Cmdr. US Navy (Secret Service) #2712, against his “living rights”, family, peace, will and absolute free will, and dignity, and religious freedom as “Catholic”

 Further claimed before the Federal Court System (“Defendants”) acting under color of law professional attorneys, hereby knowing committed to the same RICO obstruction of Justice, false statements by the “Confederate Courts” crimes past, present (“Pro Se”) Plaintiffs Attorney-Work product subjected to RICO alter, destroyed, deleted, obscured, “correct slavery data from 2010 – 2019 scheme by the “Courts” as this fraud of (“Plaintiffs”) attorney-work in whole exhibit(s) and legal brief text of document(s) simply  obliterated and completely criminal removed from the “Plaintiffs Hamilton correct record excerpts” scheme of things aid and abetting

among other things “Fraud of The Federal Courts” History Producing Mass false Slavery Data” with (“Defendants”) Facebook “False Social Media Slavery Data cover-up common design collectively overt acts, criminal actions conspiring in RICO government Judicial “foul dismissal, of the 44.5 Million Plaintiffs Slaves Direct Claims in 2011 by and through undersigned council of record (“Plaintiffs”) Negro Military, Civilian, and Immigrants (Slaves) population being official free Negro slaves with legal citizenship after (“Defendants”) Confederate 1865 Civil War false statements when this is directly false slavery data (against) all born

 (“Plaintiffs”) Negro DNA Military, Civilian, and Immigrants (Slaves) population collectively being actual “At Birth Born Official Slaves property of white man GOP Political government overt acts precisely of timeline 1865 - 2013 Feb. 6th and not ever the false slavery data classification of being (Negro) DNA free descendant of 1865 Civil War” slavery of the past

“False slavery data submitted in criminal actions by (all) government judicial court claims against described correct slavery data Plaintiffs Produced “Exhibit A” Original (1865) the 13th amendment was ratified to end slavery on or about the dates of Feb. 7th 2013 freeing all (“Plaintiffs”) Negro Populations slaves cause of actions “Making false statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) with (“Defendants”) Facebook Social Media Platform

Co-conspirators and accessories after the fact being directly involved against 18 U.S. Code § 1031 –“Fraud against the (“Plaintiffs”) United States of America Union Government The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act (RICO) 18 U.S.C. § 1589 (forced labor), of (“Plaintiffs”) Negro Slaves, fully conspire “International false slavery data “Computer crimes 18 U.S.C. § 1590” hereby (trafficking with respect to peonage, slavery, involuntary servitude, or forced labor) of (“Plaintiffs”) Negro DNA population, while manipulation of all cyber data collection thereof RICO scheme surrounding, profiteering, unjust enrichments, off (“Plaintiffs”) captivity under (“Defendants”) GOP Political government execution criminal overt acts modern “Slavery Servitude” money laundering statutes,

18 U.S.C. 1956 and 1952.2 against 44.5 Million (plus) “Plaintiffs Black Lives Matter” during the dates of 2010 knowing committed inhumane acts “enslavement against 44.5 Million (plus) Negro DNA captive (Plaintiffs) “Counts” of False Imprisonment with direct violation of intent, actual confinement in boundaries as

 “Slaves” and not descendant or ancestor (All) RICO corruption by non-disclosure, false slavery data, and fully not of the plaintiff's “Black Lives Matter” choosing, since 1865 said 13th amendment of US Constitution was not completely ratified until February 7th 2013 involving 44.5 Million Negro Plus “Slaves” being stilled “enslavement” against the The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, after “established in 1900s collectively herein

Re: Louis Charles Hamilton v. United States of America, et al Civil Action No. 1: 10 –CV- 00808 (USDC – EDTX Beaumont- 

Co-conspirators and accessories after the fact conspire against 1729. Protection of Government Processes -- Tampering With Victim’s Louis Charles Hamilton II Cmdr. US Navy (Secret Service) #2712 hereby  Chief Defendant” Defendant  Ron Clark, U.S. District Judge with Co-Defendant(s) Keith F. Giblin U.S. Magistrate Judge John M. Bates U.S. Attorney, Andrea L. Parker Assistant U.S. Attorney Defendant Judge Mary Lou Keel, Defendant Marie Primm, Assistant Harris County DA Defendant Scott C. Pope, Assistant Public Defender Principals Co-conspirators and accessories after the fact 18 U.S. Code § 1519 - Destruction, alteration, or falsification of records as described penal code chapter 37. Perjury and other falsification - Texas Statutes

Amend Complaint Docket No. 1:2011-CV-00240 Louis Charles Hamilton II vs. United States Attorney Office et al, CVS/Caremark and (UPS) with Chief Defendant” Defendant Ron Clark, U.S. District Judge with Co-Defendant(s) Keith F. Giblin U.S. Magistrate, Judge John M. Bates U.S. Attorney, Andrea L. Parker Assistant U.S. Attorney Defendant Judge Mary Lou Keel, Defendant Marie Primm, Assistant Harris County DA Defendant Scott C. Pope, Assistant Public Defender

Principals Co-conspirators and accessories after the fact conspire singularly and collectively with direct conscious knowledge expert legal capacity “Attorneys at laws” Co-conspirators and accessories after the fact and direct Principles in the Illegal insurance of  continue defendant (USA) et all crimes false slavery data committed of “Enslavement ” against (“Plaintiffs”) 44th President Barack Hussein (Water-Head) Obama II Born into “Slavery Servitude” on or about the exact day of August 4, 1961 (age 55), in Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children, Honolulu, HI

Plaintiff President Negro Slave Barack Hussein (Water-Head) Obama II was never meant to be a participating member of whites only slave regime Klansmen legacy Republican Party GOP establishment whites supremacy society, and as such was kept (secret) by (“Defendants”) Facebook Social Media censorship with (others) crimes of such overt acts 2009 “concealing inhumane enslavement of (Obama) since the very first day of

False slavery data computer crimes mail and wire fraud, false social media data during the Inauguration to be acting 44th President of defendant (United States of America) on or about The first inauguration of 

Negro Slave Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States took place on Tuesday, January 20, 2009, and Negro Slave President Barack Obama began his second term on Monday, Jan. 21, 2013, “However” legally Negro Slave President Barack Obama began his second term approximately (17) – (18) Days later  On February 7th 2013 National Archives Director of the Federal Register Charles A. Barth wrote that he had received the notification, "With this action, the defendant State of Mississippi has ratified the “Thirteenth Amendment” to the Constitution of the United States," freeing all “Slaves” as described in Exhibit A attached herein

” against 44th President Barack Hussein (Water-Head) Obama II, and the First Negro Presidential (Obama) Family, being the same criminal actions ongoing in the Federal Court such fraud Committed under color of law Principals, Co-conspirators and accessories after the fact conspire singularly and collectively with direct conscious knowledge expert legal capacity “Attorneys at laws” being the cover up criminal actions in order to deceive the

 “Pro Se Plaintiff” Louis Charles Hamilton II (MSS) since 1982 – 2019 (“December”)

Included but not limited to “Fraud of the Courts”, Obstruction of Justice on behalf of Chief Defendant 45th President Donald John Trump Sr. being directly involved against 18 U.S. Code § 1031 –“Fraud against the (“Plaintiffs”) United States of America Union government” cited under  “The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, ”

“Fraud of the Courts”, Obstruction of Justice Co-conspirators and accessories after the fact.— or has reasonable grounds to believe , Chief Defendant 45th President Donald John Trump Sr. being directly involved fraud against the US Department of Veterans Affairs, bogus (“Defendants”) Trump in excess of 5 Million US Dollars Fraudulent RICO interstate mail and wire fraud Veterans fundraisers to support (“Defendants”) Trump “National & International Terrorism” scheme as described in the complaints hereby the “Courts” being in 2019 (“December”)  

             Co-conspirators and accessories after the fact Hamilton vs. Donald John Trump Sr. —  conspired, committed to false statements, further denied fiduciary duty  reasonable grounds to believe , on all destroyed evidence by the “Courts” own criminal objective Chief Defendant 45th President Donald John Trump Sr. being directly involved fraud against

("Plaintiffs") United States of America Union Government ("Plaintiffs") thirty-seven allied countries

Fraud against ("Plaintiffs") British Empire The Trading with the Enemy Act 1914, Espionage Act of 1917, Chief Defendant 45th President Donald John Trump Sr. being directly involved in violated US and “Plaintiff United Kingdom, The Trading with the Enemy Act 1914

Donald John Trump Sr. Fraud against ("Plaintiffs") British Empire the Trading with the Enemy Amendment Act 1914 (5 & 6 Geo 5 c 12)

Donald John Trump Sr. Fraud against ("Plaintiffs") British Empire the Trading with the Enemy Amendment Act 1915 (5 & 6 Geo 5 c 79)

Donald John Trump Sr. Fraud against ("Plaintiffs") British Empire the Trading with the Enemy (Extension of Powers) Act 1915 (5 & 6 Geo 5 c 98)

Donald John Trump Sr. Fraud against ("Plaintiffs") British Empire the Trading with the Enemy Amendment Act 1916 (5 & 6 Geo 5 c 105)

Donald John Trump Sr. Fraud against ("Plaintiffs") British Empire the Trading with the Enemy (Copyright) Act 1916 (6 & 7 Geo 5 c 32)

Donald John Trump Sr. Fraud against ("Plaintiffs") British Empire the Trading with the Enemy and Export of Prohibited Goods Act 1916 (6 & 7 Geo 5 c 52)

Donald John Trump Sr. Fraud against ("Plaintiffs") British Empire the Trading with the Enemy (Amendment) Act 1918 (8 & 9 Geo 5 c 31)

Donald John Trump Sr. Fraud against ("Plaintiffs") British Empire The Trading with the Enemy Act 1939 (2 & 3 Geo 6 c 89) or has reasonable grounds to believe , Chief Defendant 45th President Donald John Trump Sr. being directly involved All described crimes under (RICO) enterprise “mail and wire fraud scheme to conspire committed and already achieved to defraud

("Plaintiffs") United States of America Union Government ("Plaintiffs") British Empire,  ("Plaintiffs") thirty-seven allied countries, in conspirer, collusion, complicity RICO computer crimes, false slavery data, false statement throughout the date 2004 – 2019 (“December”) with

("Defendants") Mark Zuckerberg, ("Defendants") Facebook, (“Defendants”) Hacker1 et al U.S. Code § 2 – Principals, Co-conspirators and accessories after the fact false slavery data, false statement RICO “Spying Social Media Platform” — engaging overt actions conspirers Social Media Psychological warfare (SMPSYWAR) to producing,  false slavery data, false vital records, RICO overt computer crimes "Social Media Spying

Included but not limited conspirers “Obstruction of Judicial Justice” Tampering with Victim’s Louis Charles Hamilton II Cmdr. US Navy (Secret Service) #2712 in this mass criminal computer fraud cover-up, mail and wire fraud, false slavery data since 1776 – 2013 Feb. 6th RICO racket common Obstruction of Justice, direct against (MSS) Military Naval Secret Service ("Plaintiffs") United States of America Union Government official "Office of Commander in Chief  EO 12331 "Bluefin Inc" 1982 – present

Temporary restraining orders (TRO) against ("Defendants") Mark Zuckerberg, ("Defendants") Facebook, (“Defendants”) Hacker1 et al obtains “Social Media Data on all 1.3 (Billion) (“Plaintiffs”) #BlackLivesMatter

only until hearing for a preliminary and  permanent injunction, requiring directing the civil forfeiture confiscating of all (“Defendants”) Facebooks et al social media computer crimes engaging in “false slavery data assets” obtained from 2004 -  2019 (“December”)  against (“Plaintiffs”) Negro Slaves, Military, Civilian, Immigrants,

Requiring directing the civil forfeiture confiscating of all computer crimes against ("Plaintiffs") United States of America Union Government ("Plaintiffs") British Empire,  ("Plaintiffs") thirty-seven allied countries and “Pro Se Estate of (“Plaintiffs”) Negro Slaves, Louis Charles Hamilton II Cmdr. et al committed by ("Defendants") Mark Zuckerberg, ("Defendants") Facebook, (“Defendants”) Hacker1 et al

Enjoying Temporary restraining orders (TRO) against (“Defendants”) Facebook Social Media Platform — conspire, collusion, cover-up, computer crimes from any further destroying all “Social Media Data on “Facebook Accounts of defendant(s) Lowell Walker” (Father in Law) of Salt Lake City Utah, Helena Walker (Mother –in-Law) of Salt Lake City Utah, LaMont H. Walker and wife, Lori, Murray, Utah;, Nico J. Walker and wife, Michelle;

Nathan A. Walker and wife, Lynette, Salt Lake City, Utah;, Mrs. Frank (Luana Joy) Sawatzki, (Walker) Farmington, Utah;, Mrs. Douglas (Corry Sue) Cutler (Walker), Mrs. Curtis (Faith) Ryan, (Walker), Mrs. Preston (Melissa) Christensen, (Walker) Salt Lake City  with preliminary order of forfeiture directing the civil forfeiture, committed to this Obstruction of the Secret Military Naval Service – 18 U.S.C. § 3056(d)

(“Defendants”) Facebook Social Media Platform being a direct computer crimes RICO wire fraud party engaging in “Destruction of the correct slavery court data, conspire in Fraud of Federal Published Judicial Decrees, “Cyber spying, conspirers with other to theft of all physical evidence during a Federal Court proceeding concerning “False Slavery data, committed to cover-up “Pro Se” (Hamilton) destroyed, alter, “attorney work product, laptop computer, computer chips, (“Defendants”) to keep such Correct Slavery data records hidden since 2010 involving (“Plaintiffs”)  (Hamilton) Entire Negro Slave Family heritage suffrage to extreme hostile  “pattern and practice” obstruction of justice, false statements scheme in direct scuttling all undersigned council of record court “evidence” overt government criminal acts since 2010 – 2018 pursuant to 18 U.S. Code § 1519 - Destruction, alteration, concealing or falsification of records while (all) defendants fully hostile engaging in hostile inhumane

religious prosecution punishment, of the undersigned council of record which did criminal violent occurred in the defendant State of Utah, Fraud of The Court on (all) federal filed government court records subject acts of in whole and in parts (Hamilton) suffrage criminal whites supremacy Political false slavery classification inhumane crimes against humanity, aggression overt acts,

Religious Prosecution, false slavery data ongoing RICO crime spree at Birth - November 8th 1961 - Genocide to 2019 (“Decembers”) crimes spree of

“Fraud of The Courts committed conspire to destruction thereof with several physical fraudulent conspired vital “Death Records” each overt document, acts, omissions, false statement, false slavery data past, present and future RICO computer mail and wire fraud International scheme being fraud, false statement, false social media data, false slavery data singularly and collective against

The ("Defendants") United Nations Protocol against Trafficking in Plaintiff Negro DNA International Race Persons – against peace, dignity, will, international freedom, informed correct slavery data of all persons of ("Plaintiffs") United States of America Union Government ("Plaintiffs") British Empire,  ("Plaintiffs") thirty-seven allied countries Pro Se (“Plaintiffs”) Negro Slaves, Louis Charles Hamilton II Cmdr. US Navy MSS (EO 12331 Military Secret Service) (Pro Se Plaintiff) proceeding under military authority collectively require continue “cause of actions” RICO "Obstruction of Justice"with more than 120 countries represented under

(“Defendants”) Facebook Social Media Platform being a direct computer crimes RICO international wire fraud False statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) cyber fraud false slavery data, data DNA theft overt acts crimes aid in this wrongfully retaining, detaining and concealing ongoing “global genocide” by (“Defendants”) GOP Political Confederate War criminal whites supremacy ongoing inhumane fraudulent international published “criminal mean necessary” for unjust enrichments against (Billions) of Negro DNA (“Plaintiffs”) as all fully so occurred charging (“Defendants”) since 1865 engaging on epic scheme of forced knowing imposed wrongful deaths due to mass acts of “global imposed genocide” against (“Plaintiffs”) Negro race entire population

since December 15, 2010 – 2019 (“December”) Social Media data computer crimes scheme being “cyber data theft, criminal manipulation of vital human records, “International inhumane overt acts to maintain

Kidnapping of 34,658,190 "Million Plaintiff Negro Slaves" well into 2013 February 6th against peace, will, dignity, international freedom, and continue the same into 2019 (“December”)

("Plaintiffs") Assert, Affirm, Declare upon information and belief continue cause of action moves enjoying TRO, for all Social Media False Slavery data, RICO "False Statements" pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 371—Conspiracy to Defraud the (“Plaintiffs”) United States of America Union government, being Continuing false statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) made - 2019 ("December")

Hereby ("Plaintiffs") United States of America Union Government ("Plaintiffs") British Empire,  ("Plaintiffs") thirty-seven allied countries, by and through undersigned council of record

("Plaintiffs") collective moves execution of TRO, further hearing for order to show cause, indefinitely (TRO) producing “Live Oral Arguments, by ("Plaintiffs") United States of America Union Government undersigned council of record,

Appearing Pro Se (“Plaintiffs”) Negro Slaves, Louis Charles Hamilton II Cmdr. US Navy MSS (EO 12331 Military Secret Service)




("Plaintiffs") United States of America Union Government ("Plaintiffs") British Empire,  ("Plaintiffs") thirty-seven allied countries (“Plaintiffs”) Negro Slaves, Louis Charles Hamilton II Cmdr. US Navy MSS (EO 12331 Military Secret Service) (Pro Se Plaintiff) 2724 61st street Ste. I-B Galveston Texas. 77551 PH: 409-370-1907

                            "Sworn before me this ________ Day of ___________ 2019


                                                                       Public Notary

* Further attach Described "Sworn on Oath" herein having been produce to said International Criminal Court Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court International Criminal Court Post Office Box 19519 2500 CM, The Hague The Netherland

CC: Queen Elizabeth II, Princess Elizabeth Alexandra Mary, BRITISH QUEEN Cc: Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, KG, KT, PC, ADC (William Arthur Philip Louis) Prince Williams Cc: Prince Henry of Wales, KCVO, (Henry Charles Albert David) Prince Harry Cc: Prime Minister Theresa Mary May British Parliament British Parliament The British Consulate 1301 Fannin Street Houston Texas 77002-7014

#TrumpFraud #Scam #GOP #Russia #Election #Fraud #Republican #Corruption #FBI #Investigaton #RedHen #BlackLivesMatter #USSR #GRU #NSA #NCIS #NIS #Navy #USMC #SecretService #ABC #CBS #NBC #MSNBC #CNBC #BBCNews #CNN #Utah #Mormon #Racist USNavyseals #JAG #UnitedNations #Peace #Palace #ICC #ICJ #International #Courts #MLKjr #Obama #Hillary #NATO #PinkyRoseDeChavez #TinaFeyWifeSwap #Hashtagstupidniggers #France #Mexico #Canada #Popefrancis #Law #SupremeCourt #WhiteOnly #Slaves #Africa #Egypt #Syria #Iran #FoxNews #BritishQueen #PrinceWilliams #PrinceHarry #BritishRoyalFamily #PrimeMinsterMay #MI5 #MI6 #BCI #BCA #FargoND #Utah #Texas #Genocide #Slavery #Hatecrimes #Negro #Immigration #Crimesagainsthumanity #PortArthurTexas #Ninja #NASA #Space #Marines #FlyNavy #CmdrBluefin
+CNBC+FEDERAL BUREAU Investigation#Mueller #The #Shame :  )
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Professor Roger Griffin
Ivana Trump
Marla Maples
Ben Carson
Candy Carson
Chris Rock
Vanessa D Gilmore
Willie M Zanders
Karen Wells Roby
Danny Devito
Ray Romano
Amy Poehler
Ashton Kutcher
President Donald Trump
Ellen DeGeneres
Pinky Rose De Chavez
Prince Harry Windsor
™Cmdr. Bluefin

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