(Plaintiffs) collective realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Conspiracy to Commit an offense against Plaintiffs Negro Slave J. Hamilton U.S. Army) advanced combat situations Army Rangers and Special Forces et al on or about the dates 2001 throughout 2009 Plaintiffs Negro Slave J. Hamilton U.S. Army of (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union government “US Army Ground Forces”
(Conspiracy to Commit an
offense against Plaintiffs United States Department of Defense, Plaintiffs
United States Navy et al, Plaintiffs the Office of Naval Intelligence ONI) (Plaintiffs)
(MSS) (HMS) (Cmdr. Bluefin US Navy) "party to same in the Jurisdiction of
Afghan throughout Subparagraph (C) of section 602(b)(2) of the Afghan Allies
Protection Act of 2009 (8 U.S.C. 1101 note)
(Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of the Afghan Allies Protection Act of 2009 “Direct cause
of action on or about NOVEMBER 13, 2016 throughout January 14, 2017
Citing U.S. Docket No.
CIRCUIT Louis Charles Hamilton, II, Plaintiff-Appellant V. Joe Czyzyk,
Chairman, Chief Executive Officer of United States Veterans Initiative; United
States Veterans United States Veterans Initiative, et al, Chief Defendant;
United States Veterans Initiative, et al, United States Veterans Houston
to Commit an offense against Plaintiffs Negro Slave J. Hamilton U.S. Army) and (Conspiracy to Commit
an offense against Plaintiffs United States Department of Defense, Plaintiffs
United States Navy et al, Plaintiffs the Office of Naval Intelligence ONI)
under the authority of the Director of National Intelligence under the
authority of the undersigned “Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II in his
both person
(MSS) (HMS) (Cmdr. Bluefin US Navy) "party to same attempted
file Breach dated attack same time of +NSA Agent copy hot line mark September
16, 2016 2:57 (PM) foreign "cyber weapons” - ns344 (Secured
Codes) this Cyber Attack being “Mark” official (MSS) Military Secret Service
breach as the same Direct attack target upon (Plaintiffs) United State NSA/CSS
Fort Meade, MD 20755-6248“United States of America Union Government (HQ) “The
National Security Agency (NSA)
Military Protective Order
“Fraudulent denied” 18 U.S.C. § 3 assisting in the commission
of (Defendant) Trump et al acting as Agents of foreign governments of “Russia
Federation” “Weaponized fraudulent judicial decree
federal court records” scheme of things” conspired Seditious conspiracy (18
U.S.C. § 2384) charged “forcibly attempting to overthrow the (Plaintiffs) United
States Union government from on or about June 16th of 2015 throughout
October 31st 2021 while acting under color of law with
(Defendant) Michael J.
Truncale United States District Court, E.D. Texas, Beaumont Division. August 3,
2020. Civil Action No. 1:20-CV-00277-MJT. And US Case Number: 1:2020-CV-00266 concealing & prevent from being known or
noticed (an estimated $3.1 billion) in offshore assets of “Plaintiffs Russia
Federation” and predecessor (USSR)
“Payments” to (Defendant)
Trump et al acting as Agents of foreign governments of “Russia Federation” and
predecessor (USSR) criminal violations Foreign Agents Registration Act (22
U.S.C. §§611-621; FARA) conspirer 18 U.S. Code § 1956 - Laundering of monetary
instruments against
Plaintiff: Louis Charles
Hamilton, II, Emma Watson, Henry Charles Albert David, Estate of Chandra D
Hamilton, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Estate of Louis Charles Hamilton II, Aaron
Michael Halvorsen, Lalisa Manoban, Alexis Jemtrude, Bae Yoo-bin, Estate of
Rachel Ann Hamilton II, Estate of Natasha C Hamilton, Vladimir Vladimirvich
Putin and William Arthur Philip Louis
(Defendant) Michael J.
Truncale United States District Court, E.D. Texas, Beaumont Division,
(Defendants) The United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit” among
other federal judges herein) criminal scheme concealing the illegal existences
of (Defendant) the 13th Confederate States by “Weaponized fraudulent
judicial decree false slavery data federal court records” further the (Defendants)
US Congress commission examine slavery and discrimination in the ongoing
colonial America colonies secretly within
(Plaintiffs) United
States Union government from 1619 to the present February 6th 2013 entire
falsifying in (all) recommend appropriate remedies fully “direct fraud” white
man continuance illiterate dishonesty (Defendants) Confederate State of
Mississippi government et al simultaneously “white supremacy agents he/she over
the age of (18) was not in the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union
Government on or about the dates of
(Defendant) Confederate
State of Mississippi seceded from the (Plaintiffs) United States Union government
on or about January 9th of 1861 In doing so, (Defendant) Confederate State of Mississippi “white supremacy members
over the age of (18) he/she of the Confederate state's secession convention
felt it their glorifying false slavery data (RICO) corrupted duty to tell the
world why …?
(Plaintiffs) collective realleges and
incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate State of
Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in the
(Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the dates of
1867 – Alaska Purchase – U.S. buys Alaska from Russia
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1868 – Burlingame Treaty – with China; established improved relations
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1868 – Naturalization Convention – with North German Confederation;
first recognition by a European power of the legal right of its subjects to
become American citizens
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the dates
of 1868 – Naturalization Convention – with Belgium
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1868 – Treaty of Bosque Redondo – With the Navajo ending the Navajo
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1868 – Treaty of Fort Laramie – with the Sioux and Arapaho ending Red
Cloud's War.
(Plaintiffs) collective realleges
and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate State of
Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in the
(Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the dates of
1869 – Naturalization Convention – with Sweden and Norway.
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1870 – Naturalization Convention – with United Kingdom
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1871 – Treaty of Washington – settles grievances between the U.S. and
Canada including the Alabama Claims
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1872 – Naturalization Convention – with Denmark
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1883 – Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property –
intellectual property systems, including patents, of any contracting state
become accessible to the nationals of other states party to the Convention
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1886 – Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic
Works (ratified by U.S. in 1989)
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1898 – Sixth Treaty of Paris – ends the Spanish–American War
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1899 – Hague Conventions – one of the first formal statements of the
laws of war
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1900 – Treaty between Spain and the United States for Cession of
Outlying Islands of the Philippines. Concluded November 7, 1900; ratification
advised by Senate January 22, 1901 .. ratified by the President January 30,
1901; ratifications exchanged March 23, 1901; proclaimed March 23, 1901.
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1901 – Hay–Pauncefote Treaty – nullified Clayton–Bulwer Treaty in
exchange for free access to build a canal across Central America
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1901 – Boxer Protocol AKA Treaty of 1901, Peace Agreement between the
Great Powers and China – one of the Unequal Treaties with China
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the dates
of 1902 – Naturalization Convention – with Haiti
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1903 – Hay–Herrán Treaty – the U.S. attempt to acquire a lease on
Panama from Colombia (not ratified by Colombia)
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1903 – Hay–Bunau-Varilla Treaty – establishes the Panama Canal Zone
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the dates
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1903 – Cuban–American Treaty of Relations (1903) – completed lease on
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1905 – Treaty of Portsmouth – ends Russo-Japanese War; negotiated by
President Theodore Roosevelt
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1905 – Taft–Katsura Agreement – Japan and U.S. agree on spheres of
influence in Asia
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1906 – Second Geneva Convention – treatment of wounded, sick and
shipwrecked members of armed forces at sea
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1906 – Inter-American Convention Establishing the Status of Naturalized
Citizens Who Again Take Up Residence in the Country of Their Origin
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1907 – Gentlemen's Agreement – limiting Japanese immigration to the
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1907 – Naturalization Convention – with Peru
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1908 – Naturalization Convention – with Portugal
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1908 – Naturalization Convention – with El Salvador
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1908 – Naturalization Convention – with Honduras
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the dates
of1908 – Naturalization Convention – with Nicaragua
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1908 – Naturalization Convention – with Uruguay
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1909 – Boundary Waters Treaty – regulates water quantity and water
quality along the boundary between Canada and the United States.
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the dates
of1911 – Naturalization Convention – with Costa Rica
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1911 – North Pacific Fur Seal Convention of 1911 – first international
treaty for wildlife preservation
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1912 – International Opium Convention – first international drug
control treaty
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the dates
of1916 – Treaty of the Danish West Indies – U.S. purchase of the Danish West
Indies, renaming them the United States Virgin Islands
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1917 – Lansing–Ishii Agreement – trade treaty between the U.S. and
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1918 – Migratory Bird Treaty – Environment treaty with the United
Kingdom representing Canada, to protect birds which migrate between Canada and
the U.S.
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1919 – Treaty of Versailles, 1919 – ended the state of war between
Germany and the Allied Powers and established the League of Nations. Ultimately
not ratified by the U.S. Senate.
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1920 – Svalbard Treaty – recognizes Norwegian sovereignty over Svalbard
and regulates its open access, economic activities, environmental protection,
taxation and demilitarization
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1921 – U.S.–Austrian Peace Treaty (1921) – separate World War I peace
agreement between United States and Austria
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1921 – Treaty of Berlin – separate World War I peace agreement between
United States and Germany
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1921 – U.S.–Hungarian Peace Treaty (1921) – separate World War I peace
agreement between United States and Hungary
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1922 – Washington Naval Treaty – limits the naval armaments race,
supplement to restrict submarine warfare and ban chemical warfare was rejected
by France.
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the dates
of1923 – Treaty of Lausanne – sets the boundaries of the modern Republic of
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1925 – Anglo-American Convention – American acceptance of the
provisions of the Mandate for Palestine and supervision of British performance
as mandatory of the Mandate for Palestine.
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1925 – Hay-Quesada Treaty – America accepts Cuban ownership of Isle of
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1928 – Kellogg–Briand Pact – calls "for the renunciation of war as
an instrument of national policy"
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1929 – Geneva Convention on Prisoners of War – establishes rules for
the treatment of prisoners of war
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in the
(Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the dates
of1930 – London Naval Treaty – regulates submarine warfare and shipbuilding
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1930 – Convention Between the United States and Great Britain –
Definitely delimits the boundary between North Borneo (then a British
protectorate) and the Philippine archipelago (then a U.S. Territory)
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1934 – Treaty of Relations – agreements between United States and
Cuba[22] s:United States – Cuban Agreements and Treaty of 1934
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1937 – Treaty Defining Liability for Military Service, etc. – with
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1943 – Sino-American Treaty for the Relinquishment of Extraterritorial
Rights in China – relinquished previous U.S. rights to extraterritoriality in
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1944 – Bretton Woods Agreement – establishes the rules for commercial
and financial relations among the major industrial states
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1945 – UN Charter – establishes the United Nations
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1946 – Bermuda Agreement – bilateral treaty on Civil Aviation between
U.S. and United Kingdom
1946 – Treaty of Manila
(1946) – United States recognizes independence of the Republic of the
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the dates
of1947 – General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) – establishes rules for
international trade
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1947 – Paris Peace Treaties, 1947 – establishes peace in Europe after
World War II.
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1947 – Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance (Rio Treaty) –
Western Hemisphere mutual defense
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1947 – Convention on International Civil Aviation AKA Chicago
Convention – establishes International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1949 – North Atlantic Treaty (Treaty of Washington) – establishes NATO
mutual defense organization
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1949 – Fourth Geneva Convention – establishes rules for the protection
of civilians during times of war
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1949 – Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between the United
States of America and the Republic of China – establishes amiable relations
between the U.S. and China.
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1951 – Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of
Genocide – (with U.S. qualifications)
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1951 – Treaty of San Francisco – a peace treaty between the Allied
Powers and Japan; ends the Pacific conflict of World War II
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1951 – Mutual Defense Treaty – alliance between the Republic of the
Philippines and the United States of America
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1951 – Treaty of Security between the United States and Japan (updated
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1952 – ANZUS Treaty – mutual defense alliance between Australia, New
Zealand, and the United States
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1953 – Mutual Defense Treaty – Created an alliance with South Korea,
and established the basis of South Korean adherence with U.S. government
consultations on North Korean policy
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1954 – U.S. and Japan Mutual Defense Assistance Agreement
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the dates
of1954 – Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty – creates SEATO mutual
defense organization
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1954 – Sino-American Mutual Defense Treaty – alliance between the
United States and Taiwan
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1955 – Central Treaty Organization AKA CENTO, the Middle East Treaty
Organization (METO), Baghdad Pact – creates CENTO mutual defense organization
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1955 – The Open Skies Treaty – allow access to other nations' military
activities by means of aerial surveillance flights
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1955 – Treaty of Amity, Economic Relations and Consular Rights (United
States–Iran) – provided friendly diplomatic relations between the United States
and Pahlavi Iran.
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1956 – Dutch–American Friendship Treaty
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1957 – International Atomic Energy Treaty (US PL 85–177)
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1958 – 1958 US-UK Mutual Defence Agreement – commenced the
"Special Relationship" with the United Kingdom
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1960 – Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United
States and Japan – mutual defense treaty with Japan
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1961 – Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (US PL 87-297)
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1961 – Antarctic Treaty – governs international relations in
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1961 – Columbia River Treaty (ratified in 1964) – with Canada to
manage water in the Columbia River valley
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the dates
of 1961 – Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations – specifies diplomatic
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1961 – Alliance for Progress – economic cooperation treaty with Latin
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the dates
of 1961 – Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1962 – Nassau Agreement – defense treaty with United Kingdom
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1962 – Joint Declaration on Commercial Relations (with the European
Economic Community, signed March 7, 1962)
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1963 – Vienna Convention on Consular Relations – treaty on consular
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1963 – Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage –
provides liability in the case of a nuclear accident
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1963 – Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty – Prohibited nuclear weapons
testing except for underground tests.
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1966 – Treaty of Amity and Economic Relations (Thailand–United States)
– commercial treaty with the Kingdom of Thailand
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1966 – International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
Racial Discrimination – treaty prohibiting racial discrimination.
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1967 – Outer Space Treaty – Basis for space law. Prohibits use of
weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons, in space
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1968 – Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty – Prohibits signatories from
acquiring nuclear weapons and commits nuclear-armed states to nuclear
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1968 – Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1969 – Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties – provides rules on making
international treaties.
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1970 – Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) – Provides unified procedure on
patent applications
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1970 – Boundary Treaty of 1970 – settles U.S. – Mexico border on Rio
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1971 – Geneva Phonograms Convention – provides copyright protections
for audio recordings
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the dates
of 1971 – Convention on Psychotropic Substances – restricts the import and
export of psychotropic drugs.
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1972 – Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty AKA ABM Treaty (U.S. withdrew in
2002) – limited anti-ballistic missiles
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of1972 – SALT I (Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty) – provided limitations
on new intercontinental ballistic missile launchers and submarine-launched
ballistic missiles
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1972 – Biological Weapons Convention – prohibited production of
biological weapons
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1972 – Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of
Wastes and Other Matter (London Convention) (implemented by U.S., but not
signed) – regulates waste disposal from vessels at sea
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1972 – Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement – regulates water quality
along the U.S.-Canada border
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1973 – Paris Peace Accords – with North Vietnam ending the Vietnam War
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1974 – Threshold Test Ban Treaty – limited nuclear testing to 150
kilotons per year
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1977 – Torrijos-Carter Treaties – transfer of Panama Canal to Panama
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1978 – Camp David Accords – peace treaty between Israel and Egypt;
negotiated and signed in U.S.
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1978 – Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (1978) – regulates water
quality along the U.S.-Canada border
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1979 – SALT II (not ratified by U.S.) – sought to limit production of
strategic nuclear weapons
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1979 – Treaty of Tarawa – recognizes sovereignty of Kiribati over
disputed islands
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1980 – Cook Islands–United States Maritime Boundary Treaty – settles
disputed claims and establishes the maritime boundary between American Samoa
and the Cook Islands
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the dates
of 1980 – Treaty of Tokehega – settles disputed claims and establishes the
maritime boundary between American Samoa and Tokelau
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1985 – Plaza Accord – G-5 agreed to devalue the US dollar in relation
to the Japanese yen and German Deutsche Mark by intervening in currency markets
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1986 – Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties between States and
International Organizations or Between International Organizations
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1986 – United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale
of Goods – regulates contracts on international trade
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1988 – Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) – dismantled all
short-range and intermediate-range ballistic missiles of the United States and
the Soviet Union.
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1988 – United Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic
Drugs and Psychotropic Substances – provides legal mechanisms on enforcement of
previous narcotics treaties
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1988 – United Nations Convention Against Torture – prohibited use of
torture and cruel and unusual punishment
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1989 – Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1990 – Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany – final
World War II peace with Germany and Allies
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1991 – Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe – Signed by all
16 NATO members and Warsaw Pact nations; ratified by all 16 NATO states, the
eight successor states to the USSR that have territory in Europe, and the six
former Warsaw Pact nations
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1991 – START I (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) – limited amounts of
nuclear warheads, ballistic missiles, and strategic bombers between the United
States and the Soviet Union
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1992 – International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ratified
with qualifications by U.S. Senate) – commits signatories to respect civil and
political rights
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1992 – United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – limited
carbon emissions
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1993 – Oslo Accords – between the Palestine Liberation Organization and
Israel; negotiated with U.S. involvement
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1993 – Chemical Weapons Convention – prohibits chemical weapons
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the dates
of 1993 – START II (ratified by U.S. and Russia) – prohibited intercontinental
ballistic missiles with multiple independently targetable reentry vehicles
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1994 – North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) – removed tariffs
and trade barriers between the United States, Mexico, and Canada
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1994 – Convention on the Limitation Period in the International Sale
of Goods – regulated contracts on sales of goods
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1994 – Kremlin accords – US and USSR missile and nuclear weapons
control; ended preprogrammed targeting of strategic nuclear missiles
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1994 – United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea AKA Law of the
Sea, LOS (not ratified by U.S.)
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1994 – Colorado river dispute – with Mexico on water quality and
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the dates
of 1995 – Dayton Agreement – ended the Bosnian War and determines the future of
Bosnia and Herzegovina; negotiated and signed in U.S.
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1995 – General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) – extended
multilateral trade to the service sector
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the dates
of 1996 – WIPO Copyright Treaty – protects computer programs and databases
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1996 – WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1996 – Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (signed but not ratified by U.S.)
– completely prohibits nuclear weapontesting
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1997 – Worldwide Chemical Weapons Convention –
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 1998 – Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
("unsigned" by the U.S.) – established the International Criminal
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the dates
of 2000 – Patents Law Treaty (PLT) – (not ratified by U.S.)
(Plaintiffs) collective realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the dates of 2001 – Convention on Cybercrime – a highly controversial proposal (U.S. Senate ratified August 2006
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 2001 – Bonn Agreement – provided plans for the reconstruction of
Afghanistan after the U.S. invasion.
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 2002 – SORT (Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty) AKA Moscow Treaty
– limits the nuclear arsenals of Russia and the U.S.
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 2004 – International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and
Agriculture AKA "International Seed Treaty" – to assure farmers'
access to seeds of the world's food security crops
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 2005 – Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade Agreement
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 2008 – U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement – agreed to withdraw U.S.
military forces from Iraq by 2011.
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 2010 – New START (The New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) U.S./Russia
Treaty – limits the nuclear arsenal capabilities of Russia and the U.S. while
allowing for inspection.
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 2012 – United States–Korea Free Trade Agreement (KORUS FTA)
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of 2013 – UN Arms Treaty (U.S./U.N. Treaty) – regulates the international
arms trade (signed but not ratified by U.S.)
collective realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants)
Confederate State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she
was not in the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or
about the dates of 2013 – U.S.–Afghanistan Strategic
Partnership Agreement – regulates Afghanistan–United States relations and
provided agreement for withdrawal of U.S. forces from the War in Afghanistan.
(Military Protection
Order Denied) Citing Slave Negro Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II USN
SS # 2712 U.S. Docket No. 3:16-MC-00016 Slave Plaintiffs (Notice of Appeal) vs.
Donald John Trump Sr
In The United States
District Court for The Southern District of Texas
Slave Negro Pro Se
Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II USN SS # 2712
President Negro Slave
Barack Hussein (Water-Head) Obama II
Negro Slave Michelle
LaVaughn Robinson Obama
Negro Slave Natasha
Negro Slave Malia Ann
Obama U.S. Docket No. 3:16-MC-00016
Plaintiff Rachel Ann
Hamilton (Wife) Slave
Plaintiffs (Notice of Appeal)
Negro Slave Chandra D.
Hamilton (Daughter)
Negro Slave Natasha
Hamilton (Daughter)
Negro Slave Aaron Michael
Halvorsen (Hamilton II)
Negro Slave Craig
Negro Slave Marian
Shields Robinson
Negro Slave Rachel Meghan
President Abe Lincoln
President John Fitzgerald
"Jack" Kennedy
Robert Francis
"Bobby" Kennedy
Negro Slave Dred Scott
Negro Slave Harriet
Negro Slave Rev. Doctor
Martin Luther King Jr.
Negro Slave Deadria
Negro Slave Plaintiff
LeBron Raymone James
Negro Slave Colin Rand
Negro Slave Plaintiff
Petty Officer 2nd Class Janaye Ervin,
Negro Slave Officer CPL.
MONTRELL Jackson, 32, Baton Rouge Police Department,
Negro Slave Gavin Eugene
Negro Slave Micah Xavier
Negro Slave Plaintiff
Philando Castile
Negro Slave Alton
Negro Slave Carnell Snell
Negro Slave Korryn Gaines
Negro Slave Keith Lamar
Negro Slave Terence
Negro Slave MarShawn M.
McCarrel II
Negro Slave Philando
Negro Slave Alton
Negro Slave Michael Brown
Negro Slave Malcolm X
born Malcolm Little
Negro Slave Medgar Wiley
Negro Slave Andrew
Jackson Young, Jr.
Negro Slave Eric Marlon
Bishop, “Jamie Foxx” (“Django”)
Negro Slave Samuel L.
Negro Slave Oprah Gail
Negro Slave Plaintiff
Denzel Hayes Washington Jr.
Negro Slave Caryn Elaine
Johnson Whoopi Goldberg
Negro Slave Wesley Snipes
Negro Slave Marion Hugh
"Suge" Knight Jr
Negro Slave Eric Garner,
Negro Slave Michael
Negro Slave Tamir Rice,
Negro Slave Walter Scott,
Negro Slave Freddie Gray
Negro Slave Laquan
Negro Slave Veteran
Jeffery Tavery
Negro Slave Veteran
Robert Vaughan
Negro Slave Veteran Keno
Plaintiff Negro Slave
Veteran Avery Brown
“Plaintiff 1865 “Freeman
“Plaintiff “Black Lives
Plaintiff Slave Negro US
Veteran Exactly 1.8 (Million)
Plaintiff Negro Slaves
42.7 Million
Plaintiff British Empire
et al
Plaintiff Negro DNA Slave
British Empire Immigrants
Plaintiff (allies)
Albania, - Plaintiff (allies) Qatar
Plaintiff Negro DNA Slave
“Immigrant” Anguilla - Plaintiff Negro DNA Slave “Immigrant” West Indies
Plaintiff Negro DNA Slave
“Immigrant” Algeria –
Plaintiff Negro DNA Slave
“Immigrant” Zimbabwe
Negro Plaintiff Slaves
DNA affirm of Zuni Tribe of the Zuni Reservation, New Mexico
- Negro Plaintiff Slaves DNA affirm of
Absentee – shawneee Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma
Defendant 45th President Donald John Trump Sr.
et al
(Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts “False Slavery Data H.R.
3985 would create 8,000 new SIVs and also expand eligibility to include the
family members of applicants who have been killed and Afghans who have worked
with certain nongovernmental organizations and who may now be facing
persecution but who would not have qualified previously
1st Session
H. R. 3985
To amend the Afghan
Allies Protection Act of 2009 to expedite the special immigrant visa process
for certain Afghan allies, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the
Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress
This Act may be cited as
the “Averting Loss of Life and Injury by Expediting SIVs Act of 2021” or as the
“ALLIES Act of 2021”.
(a) Evidence Of Serious
Threat.—Section 602(b)(2) of the Afghan Allies Protection Act of 2009 (8 U.S.C.
1101 note) is amended—
(1) in subparagraph
(A)(iv), by striking “has experienced or is experiencing” and inserting “has
asserted a credible basis for concern about the possibility of”;
(2) by striking
subparagraph (E); and
(3) by redesignating
subparagraph (F) as subparagraph (E).
(b) Activities For United
States Military Personnel Stationed With International Security Assistance Or
Successor Force.—Section 602(b)(2)(A)(ii)(II)(bb) of the Afghan Allies
Protection Act of 2009 (8 U.S.C. 1101 note) is amended by striking “sensitive
and trusted”.
(c) Afghans Employed
Subject To A Grant Or Cooperative Agreement.—Section 602(b)(2)(A)(ii)(I) of the
Afghan Allies Protection Act of 2009 (8 U.S.C. 1101 note) is amended by
inserting after “United States Government” the following “, including
employment or other work in Afghanistan through a cooperative agreement or
grant funded by the United States Government if the Secretary of State
determines, based on a recommendation from the Federal agency or organization
authorizing such funding, that such alien contributed to the United States
mission in Afghanistan”.
(d) Eliminating
Duplicative Processing Requirements.—Section 602(b) of the Afghan Allies Protection
Act of 2009 (8 U.S.C. 1101 note) is amended—
(1) in paragraph (1)—
(A) in the matter
preceding subparagraph (A), by striking “, notwithstanding any other provision
of law, the Secretary of State in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland
Security” and inserting “the Secretary of State”; and
(B) in subparagraph (A),
by striking “a petition for classification under section 203(b)(4) of such Act
(8 U.S.C. 1153(b)(4))” and inserting “a request for such status in accordance
with procedures established by the Secretary of Homeland Security and Secretary
of State”; and
(2) in paragraph (2)—
(A) in subparagraph
(A)(ii), by striking “petition” and inserting “request”; and
(B) in subparagraph
(D)(i), by striking “petition” and inserting “request”.
(e) Strengthening
Protections For Surviving Spouses And Children.—Subparagraph
(C) of section 602(b)(2) of the Afghan Allies Protection Act of 2009 (8 U.S.C.
1101 note) is amended to read as follows:
CHILD.—An alien is described in this subparagraph if—
“(i) the alien was the
spouse or child of a principal alien described in subparagraph (A) who had
submitted a request for classification pursuant to this section or a petition
pursuant to section 1059 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal
Year 2006 (Public Law 109–163; 8 U.S.C. 1101 note) which included the alien as
an accompanying spouse or child; and
“(ii) such request or
“(I) if approved, was
revoked (or otherwise rendered null) due to the death of the principal alien;
“(II) if pending, is
otherwise approvable but for the death of the principal alien.”.
(f) Applicability.—The
amendments made by this section shall apply to any requests for special
immigration status, applications for special immigrant visas, or applications
for adjustment of status under the Afghan Allies Protection Act of 2009 (8
U.S.C. 1101 note) that are pending on the date of the enactment of this Act or
filed on or after such date.
(g) Rule Of
Construction.—The amendments made by this section shall not diminish, replace
or override any vetting, verification of employment, approval by chief of
mission, or any other screening process required for a special immigrant visa
under the Afghan Allies Protection Act of 2009 (8 U.S.C. 1101 note).
Section 602(b)(3) of the
Afghan Allies Protection Act of 2009 (8 U.S.C. 1101 note) is amended by adding
at the end the following:
YEARS.—Beginning on the date of the enactment of this subparagraph, in addition
to any unused balance under this paragraph, 8,000 principal aliens may be
granted special immigrant status under this subsection. For purposes of status
provided under this subparagraph the authority to issue visas or adjust status
shall commence on the date of the enactment of this subparagraph and shall
terminate on the date such visa numbers are exhausted.”.
Passed the House of
Representatives July 22, 2021.
1st Session
H. R. 3985
To amend the Afghan
Allies Protection Act of 2009 to expedite the special immigrant visa process
for certain Afghan allies, and for other purposes, (Plaintiffs) collective
realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts (Defendants) Confederate
State of Mississippi government et al simultaneously agents he/she was not in
the (Plaintiffs) United States of America Union Government on or about the
dates of amend the Afghan Allies Protection Act of 2009 to expedite the special
immigrant visa process for certain Afghan allies, and for other purposes,
Estate of Louis Charles Hamilton II Cmdr. US Navy MSS (Pro Se Plaintiff) 2724 61st Street, Suite 1-B17, Galveston, TX 77551
CC: Queen Elizabeth II, Princess Elizabeth Alexandra Mary, Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, KG, KT, PC, ADC (William Arthur Philip Louis) Prince Henry of Wales, KCVO, (Henry Charles Albert David), Prime Minister Boris Johnson The British Consulate 1301 Fannin Street #2400 Houston Texas 77002-7014
CC: Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Christopher A. Wray, FBI Headquarters 935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20535-0001
CC: United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres United Nations Headquarters 405 East 42nd Street, New York, NY, 10017
CC: Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. 46th and current “President of the United States 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500
CC: International Criminal Court “Honorable Mrs. Fatou Bensouda
#ICC #Honorable #Ms #Fatou #Bensouda #pursuant #to #Nuremberg #Nazi #Criminals #Trials #™Cmdr. #Bluefin
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