Wednesday, November 2, 2022

United Kingdom COBRA Prince Williams Prince Harry #YoutwoSillyBitches #WehaveaSituation Supreme Court Justice Fraud Espionage Money Laundering Trump Russia Assets Confirmed Agent Orange On The Lamb Looting Lying IRS Metldown transfer NASDQ Hidden Funds Trump Tower USSR Bankroll since 1989 and continually 2022 December Trump Times Tick Toc Bye FBI

@deptofdefense #OOD #wearegoinghot @gipper_76 @usnavyaircraftcarriers @usnavy #defendant #chiefjusticejohnroberts #supremecourtjustice @supreme._.court #aidandabetting #moneylaunderingrussiamoney🇷🇺 #magatookoutstatecapitol😱😱🤯😳 #obstructionofjustice #hamiltonvstrump2020 @princeharryofengland @princeandprincessofwales #codenames #youtwosillybitches @10downingstreet #cobra #princewilliam #princeharry #wehaveasituation #theftofgovernmentsecrets #china🇨🇳 #theftoftopsecretdocuments #iran🇮🇷 #supremecourt @supremecourt._ #fifthcircuitcourtofappeals #conspiracyagainstrights #unitedkingdom🇬🇧 @theroyalfamily #unsecuritycouncil #emmawatson @emmawatson @theemmawatson__01 @unitednations #internationalcriminalcourt @internationalcriminalcourt @cij_icj @international_court_of_insta #fraudofcourtfraudalert🚨 #espionage 🤯🤯🤯 #internationalindictments 🤯@interpol_hq 😱😱😱 United States Navy et al, The Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) submitted upon the “Queen Application” “affidavit of probable cause” (Defendant) Supreme Court justices Neil Gorsuch, (Defendant) Supreme Court justices Brett Kavanaugh, and (Defendant) Supreme Court justices Amy Coney Barrett 18 U.S.C. § 3 willing continuance assisting in the commission coinciding (RICO) scheme of international things concurrent on or about the exacts dates of January 20th of 2017 throughout January 20th of 2021 (each) (Defendant) federal judgeships listed herein assisting in the commission of (Defendant) Trump et al violations Foreign Agents Registration Act (22 U.S.C. §§611-621; FARA) acting as Agents of foreign governments of “Russia Federation” further concealing & prevent from being known or noticed (an estimated $3.1 billion) in offshore assets “Plaintiffs Russia Federation”(each) (Defendant) federal judgeships listed herein (below) 18 U.S.C. § 3 willing continuance assisting in the commission of (Defendant) 45th President Donald John Trump herein submitted upon the “Queen Application”

Trading with the Enemy Act 1914”, and “Espionage Act of 1917”, citing international (Plaintiffs) (UK) TOP SECRET STRAP SIGINT UK EYES ONLY Dated 17th November 2016 GCHQ Reference: A/7238/6547/12 (US National Securit