Tuesday, June 18, 2019

International Monetary Fund (IMF) $75 Million US Dollars Barack Hussein Obama II 44th president thereby execution of services of “United Nations” UN Security Council Military Protective Orders, and all Legal Fees to proceed before the (ICJ) Honorable Justices on all charges, disputes inhumane, RICO wire fraud modern day slavery crimes against humanity, crimes against children, crimes against “people of color” INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE (ICJ)


                                     PEACE PALACE Carnegieplein 2 2517 KJ

                                          THE HAGUE THE NETHERLANDS

United States of America (Union Est. February 7th 2013) Vs. Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cabo Verde Cambodia Cameroon Canada Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros

Confederate States of America (1861 – 2/6/2013) Congo Costa Rica Côte D'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Democratic People's Republic of Korea Democratic Republic of the Congo Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Eswatini Ethiopia Fiji Finland France Gabon Gambia (Republic of The) Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guatemala Guinea  Guinea Bissau Guyana Haiti Honduras Hungary Iceland India Indonesia

Iran (Islamic Republic of) Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan  Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Lao People’s Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta  Marshall Islands Mauritania Mauritius  Mexico Micronesia (Federated States of) Monaco  Mongolia Montenegro Morocco

Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria  North Macedonia Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay  Peru Philippines Poland  Portugal Qatar Republic of Korea Republic of Moldova Romania

Russian Federation Rwanda  Saint Kitts and Nevis  Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa San Marino  Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Sudan  Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Sweden Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Tajikistan Thailand Timor-Leste Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago

Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine  United Arab Emirates United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland  United Republic of Tanzania Uruguay Uzbekistan  Vanuatu Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of, Viet Nam Yemen Zambia

“United Nations” UN Security Council Military Protective Orders, Expedited ORDERs, (Order) FREEZING ASSETS, of Defendant “Confederate States of America, Federal Reserve Bank et al, and all conspire, collusion

50 States Defendant(s) Listed herein, execution “TRO” Injunction and/or Protective International Orders” enjoyed by United States of America (Union Est. February 7th 2013) against

(“Defendants”) The Confederate States of America U.S. Code § 2 – Principals, Co-conspirators and accessories after the fact — Articles of Impeachment RICO (refusal) of (“Defendants”) GOP Political Congress for the removal of 45th President of The United States of America, being the “Leadership” of (“Defendants”) Paramilitary “Whites Supremacy” The Knights of the Klu Klux Klansman (Dynasty) 1865- 2019 (December) 45th President Donald John Trump Sr. continue leadership RICO endeavor “directly responsible” an offense in international criminal law, for the Crimes against humanity,

Crimes against immigrant children, continue criminal acts of aggression instance of a imposed scheme surrounding 1865 continual whites supremacy world-wide overt war crimes paramilitary hostile acts engaging “endless” by primarily (“Defendants”) The Confederate States of America “illegal existences” Global war crime must be taken to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in this Modern Day Slavery ungodly acts, uncouth, extremely illegal “Forced Slavery Servitude” of an “entire populating” to remain

Captured since Pursuant to Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 US 393 1857 under imposed criminal actions of “Genocide” by design of a “nasty white man” criminal international intent knowing and willing international “Epic biblical crimes” “white man”  being Godly happy clandestine paramilitary “Civil War Hillbillies’ uneducated goons of “Colonial America 1865 blast from the “slave trade racist past” official criminal mass “Property owner of 44.5 Million Negro "Captive Slaves",

 “Plaintiffs Slave Black Lives Matter” lack the means, being secretly “enslavement” since 1865 – 2013 when “United States” actually legally became into existence from the fake news of the 13th Amendment of the (USA) Constitution, fully fraudulent, by extermination of the 14th amendment of “Equality” being the same as “Whites Supremacy” defendant The Confederate States of America” upon all this GOP Political whites supremacy world-wide mail and wire fraud international censorship aggressive overt scheme corruption of 152 plus years of a continue “hidden 1865 ongoing modern day “slave regime”

RICO control wire fraud fashion in all produce documents, wire transmission, social media propaganda and criminal execution, of all innocents being well fine tune being primary corruption of mass murder committed in the 1900s and beyond directed against the peace, will, dignity, international freedom and “especially direct correct informed knowledge of government records” crimes against humanity against

 “Plaintiffs Slave Black Lives Matter” of the “entire” makeup of the geographic distribution of the entire general population in the jurisdiction of “whites supremacy criminal of professions acting under color of laws of the (“Defendants”) The Confederate States of America illegal existences being predictability control f tools of trade by insuring international chaos of “whites supremacy” criminal actions dealing “hate crimes propagandas” acts and actions of

Chief Defendant” 45th President Donald John Trump Sr. (“Defendants”) GOP Political party hardliners “whites supremacy” “Slave Owners” against “entire captive stateless Negros DNA populations” officially under all of this “legacy of insuring violence” death thereof by (“Defendants”) GOP Paramilitary gang of goons acting under color of their inhumane laws state sponsored racial discrimination to targeted since 1861 “Plaintiffs Slave Black Lives Matter” among others “people of color” endless into 2099

Knowing hand written committed to false statement continuance 1861 – 2019 (December) violation of statue “Slavery Servitude” money laundering statutes, 18 U.S.C. 1956 and 1957, further factual concealed, knowing hand written committed to false statement continuance 1861 – 2018 (December) violation of statue 

 “Slavery Servitude” money laundering statutes, RICO statute (18 U.S.C. § 1961(1) direct mail and wire fraud, false published “Judicial Decrees of Judgment of the Confederate States of America, 1861 – 2013 in the “International Community” conspirer in direct abuse of power to counterfeit and forgery, fully with intent “Manipulation All “judicial court decree”, by (“Defendants”) Justices of the Supreme Court of the Confederate States of America, from the exact time March 11th 1861 – February 6th 2013,

(“Plaintiffs Slaves”) for estate of wealthy slave owner were not ever going to be made part of the original community of “whites citizens” and, whether free or slave, could not be considered citizens of the (“Defendants”) Justices of the Supreme Court,

 (“Defendants”) The Confederate States of America et al, with collective (“DEFENDANTS”) Para-Military Knights of The Klu Klux Klansman (1865 – 2019 December) enforcing GOP political Conspire criminal endless enjoyment of violation of Section 2 of the Ku Klux Klan Act of this continued RICO racket criminal/civil International scheme of things as

These crimes included murders, brutalities, cruelties, tortures, atrocities, and other inhumane acts, well into 2019 (December) as defined the “complaint of the undersigned council of record -KFG Hamilton v. United States of America et al

 Doc. 23 LOUIS CHARLES HAMILTON, II, Plaintiff UNITED STATES OF AMERICA § PRESIDENT ANDREW JOHNSON, § and PRESIDENT RUTHERFORD B. § HAYES, Defendants CIVIL ACTION NO 1:10-CV-808    all “evidence dismissed on behalf of (Defendant) The Confederate States of America, “whites supremacy” Defendants GOP Political Party to continue (Not) being a party to the (“Plaintiffs Union Government”) on March 7th 2012, past and present well into 2019 December

Common Design or Conspiracy to commit and did commit continue 1865 Civil War Crimes well into (Februarys 6th 2013) hold captivity an “entire race of negro humans” intended Crimes against Humanity,

These crimes included murders, brutalities, cruelties, tortures, atrocities, and other inhumane acts, well into 2019 (December) as defined the “complaint of the undersigned council of record -KFG Hamilton v. United States of America et al Doc. 23 LOUIS CHARLES HAMILTON, II, Plaintiff,  UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, § PRESIDENT ANDREW JOHNSON, § and PRESIDENT RUTHERFORD B. § HAYES,

Defendants CIVIL ACTION NO. 1:10-CV-808 all “evidence dismissed by conspirer, collusion fraud statements, common design Individual and collective actions of each (“Defendants”) Justices of the Supreme Court of the Confederate States of America, on behalf of (Defendant) The Confederate States of America, countenance (2018 December) “whites supremacy” Defendants GOP Political Party to continue (Not) being a party to the (“Plaintiffs Union Government”) as so order

 Doc. 23 LOUIS CHARLES HAMILTON, II, Plaintiff UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, § PRESIDENT ANDREW JOHNSON, § and PRESIDENT RUTHERFORD B. § HAYES Defendants CIVIL ACTION NO. 1:10-CV-808  by the “Court” false statements, omission, obstruction of justice, conspirer with others in “obstruction of justice dated in “Judicial Decree” on March 7th 2012, further hereby

(“Defendants”) The Confederate States of America et al, with collective (“DEFENDANTS”) looting, plundering of the National Treasury of (enslaved plaintiffs) helpless against (“Defendants”) The Confederate States of America et al,

(“Defendants”) Justices of the Supreme Court of the Confederate States of America, from hereby collective with (Defendant States of Mississippi) intentional disregard to Honor the 13th Amendment, freeing all “Slaves Negro DNA” (State of Mississippi) and all territories of the (Defendant) The Confederate States of America et al Parallel 36°30′ north refusal to (Join) “Plaintiffs United States of America Union Government official Historical  grounds of fraudulent misrepresentation on false data

Thereby (Defendant) Ron Clark, United States District Judge Parallel 36°30′ north did so concealing all information about related activities of “Slavery” still ongoing in the Jurisdiction of Parallel 36°30′ north area of land under the jurisdiction of a slave trade rule (Defendant) The Confederate States of America et al hereby being “direct cause of actions” as defined the “complaint of the undersigned council of record

 -KFG Hamilton v. United States of America et al Doc. 23 LOUIS CHARLES HAMILTON, II, Plaintiff,  UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, § PRESIDENT ANDREW JOHNSON, § and PRESIDENT RUTHERFORD B. § HAYES, Defendants CIVIL ACTION NO. 1:10-CV-808 

(“Defendants”) Justices of the Supreme Court, Federal Judges So Criminal further pledge to support the (Defendant) The Confederate States of America et al, Judges did so, past, present and future Concealing all information about related activities committed Fraud by non-disclosure:

FRAUD BY NONDISCLOSURE the elements of fraud by nondisclosure are: (1) the defendant failed to disclose facts to the plaintiff; IN BOOKS  PUBLISED Government records Committed consciously Conspiracy to Defraud the (Plaintiff) Union Government of United States 923. 18 U.S.C. § 371 “against” all (“Plaintiffs Slaves”) Negro DNA being in “Pre Kindergarten”, “Preschool”, “Kindergarten/Prep”, “Middle Primary”, and

“High School” (Teaching) of RICO Racket Slavery "Whites Supremacy” concealing hostile criminal “Defendant State of Mississippi Never ratified the 13th Amendment from 1861 – 2013 (February 6th) physically in law and equity freeing all (“Plaintiffs Negro DNA”) from Slavery, forced free labor and other inhumane acts and actions, of a criminal nature

 These continuances crimes included murders, brutalities, cruelties, tortures, atrocities, and other inhumane acts, as set forth several (Defendants) are further charged with membership in a Criminal Whites Supremacy RICO International Organization,

 (2) The defendant (“Defendants”) The United States Government Publishing Office, Defendant The United States Department of Education, (Defendant) The Joint Committee on Printing (Defendants) AAP Associated of America Publishers, listed herein and Defendant (United Nations) “INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHERS  DOES NOS. 1-100,000 (“Defendants”) Justices of the Supreme Court, Federal Judges COLLECTIVE had a duty to disclose those facts;

 (3) The facts were material; IN BOOKS PUBLISED, Law Books Judicial Decree, Government RECORDS CONCEALING CRIMINAL “Defendant State of Mississippi” ACTUALLY Never ratified the 13th Amendment from 1861 – 2013 (February 6th)

(4) The defendant (“Defendants”) The United States Government Publishing Office, Defendant The United States Department of Education (Defendant) The Joint Committee on Printing (Defendants) AAP Associated of America Publishers, listed herein and Defendant (United Nations) “INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHERS  DOES NOS. 1-100,000 (“Defendants”) Justices of the Supreme Court, Federal Judges COLLECTIVE knew the plaintiff was ignorant of the facts IN THE LAWS, that past, present and future under “whites supremacy confederate rules of law of governances being

“Direct manipulated” and criminal mail and wire international fraudulent produced, in all RICO Fraudulent “Artifact Judicial Decree” designed against non-disclosure against the

(Plaintiff Negro Slaves) fully continuances being international scheme of things physically aggressive sought out and “Abducted, control, since August 20th 1619 – 1920s  realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts, supporting exhibits, propounded produced  (Defendants) Harvard Law School (Harvard Law or HLS), (Defendants) (all) “Law US schools et al”

 (“Defendants”) Justices of the Supreme Court, Federal Judges consciously in deceit of Section 2 of the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871 (enforced) slaves for estate of wealthy white slave owner(s) intended to result in (Clandestine) criminal secret forever (1817 – 2013 Feb 6th) financial, political and personal gains for (Defendants”) collective RICO racket human Traffic gain(s) in “unjust enrichment” under leadership, conspire, collusion criminal overt acts of ungodly teachings of (“Defendants”) Harvard 1636 (“Defendants”) Harvard Law School (Harvard Law or HLS) one of the (claimed) professional in criminal/civil code teaching higher education’s graduate law schools 

 continuances being international scheme of things physically aggressive sought out, under such international submitted by the destruction, false statements, omission, Fiduciary (Schools) duty with criminal intent imposing (“Plaintiffs”) negro race and others similarly the same against will, dignity to remaining of having little formal education, remaining of inability to read or write in this

“Political whites supremacy government sponsorship international “scheme of things” imposing widespread world-wide population to remaining of illiteracy to facts of (“Defendants”) The Confederate States of America ongoing RICO racket endless committed to criminal trickery against (all) races other that “whites supremacy” published 150s plus years of fraud slavery data being committed to the actual

 International “Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database” in all (Defendants) Schools et al listed herein and “International Schools” suffrages same criminal/civil direct deceitful continuance “Cause of Action” fully direct violation of (18 U.S.C. 1001), All (Defendants) Schools of Higher Educations, and Lower et al listed herein Thereby (“Defendants The Confederate States of America Schools”), with

(5) The (“Defendants”) Justices of the Supreme Court, Federal Judges, (“Defendants”) The United States Government Publishing Office, Defendant The United States Department of Education,

(Defendant) The Joint Committee on Printing (Defendants) AAP Associated of America Publishers, listed herein and Defendant (United Nations) “INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHERS DOES NOS. 1-100,000 COLLECTIVE was deliberately silent when it had a duty to speak;

(“Defendants”) submitting thing constituting a piece of evidence about the past, especially an account of an act or occurrence kept in writing or some other permanent form knowingly willfully falsifies, conceals factual committed to “false Statements”, direct omissions (against) public international records against the

 Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database (18 U.S.C. 1001), in all publications and products, including Newsletters, Journals, Bulletins, Fact Sheets, Reports, Summaries, Portable Guides, audio, Videotapes, official report of the proceedings and judgment in a court transcripts document(s),  documentation,  data, file(s),  dossier(s),  evidence, report(s); archive(s), chronicle(s);  minutes,  transactions,  proceedings, transcript(s); certificate(s), instrument(s),

(6) By failing to disclose the facts, “Defendant State of Mississippi” Never ratified the 13th Amendment from 1861 – 2013 (February 6th) the (“Defendants”) Justices of the Supreme Court, Federal Judges, (“Defendants”) The United States Government Publishing Office, Defendant The United States Department of Education,

(Defendant) The Joint Committee on Printing (Defendants) AAP Associated of America Publishers, listed herein and Defendant (United Nations)  “INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHERS  DOES NOS. 1-100,000 COLLECTIVE  intended to induce the plaintiff from action or refrain from acting; obtain actual freedom from (“Slavery”) crimes imposed by “whites supremacy defendant “collective” listed herein, enslaving (“Plaintiffs”) indefinitely 1619 – 2099   

(7) The plaintiff negro ignorant captured slaves forever relied on the (“Defendants”) Justices of the Supreme Court, Federal Judges,  (“Defendants”)  The United States Government Publishing Office, Defendant The United States Department of Education,(Defendant) The Joint Committee on Printing  (Defendants) AAP Associated of America Publishers, listed herein and Defendant (United Nations) “INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHERS  DOES NOS. 1-100,000 COLLECTIVE nondisclosure; having legally assumed civil rights implied in already having obtain actual freedom from (“Slavery”) crimes imposed by “whites supremacy defendant “collective” listed herein

(8) The plaintiff negro slaves forever past, present and future was injured by the  International “Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database” being fraudulent “Artifact” fully (“Defendants”) freely in law and equity of the “International Community”, with (“Defendant”) United Nations and (“Defendant”) NATO IMPOSING Slavery design in nature of an continuance “international negro human Traficant scheme of things” against the (“Plaintiffs”) Negro races Thereby before the “Courts” direct cause of action

 “National and International” as a result of (“Plaintiffs”) being captured ignorant uneducated by force acting of deceit intent without that knowledge (“Defendants”) Justices of the Supreme Court, Federal Judges, (“Defendants”) The United States Government Publishing Office, Defendant The United States Department of Education,

(Defendant) The Joint Committee on Printing (Defendants) AAP Associated of America Publishers, listed herein and Defendant (United Nations) “INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHERS DOES NOS. 1-100,000 COLLECTIVE, concealing, false statements, direct omissions

(“Defendants”) The Confederate States of America, The Confederate Supreme Court “system” imposing whites supremacy modern days never ending (“Slavery Servitude”) from March 11th 1861 – (February 6th 2013)

Thereby Obstruction of Justice, Conspirer to committed Obstruction of Justice” (“Defendants”) Justices of the Supreme Court, Federal Judges, listed herein did so knowing Submitting False Statements (18 U.S.C. 1001) providing alibi, sanctuary, from civil and criminal international and national actions of (“Plaintiffs”) Union Government of the United States of America

“Louis Charles Hamilton II SUMMARY OF MSS EO 12331 BLUEFIN INC. INVESTIGATION in his both person being (Cmdr. USN) Secret Service #2712 DOB Nov. 8th 1961 official “Office of Commander in Chief” of “United States of America et al” Department of Defense Naval Bluefin Inc., since appointment 1982 – present on “Official discretion of RONALD REAGAN The White House, October 20, 1981. [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register; 3:31 p.m., October 20, 1981] pursuant to Executive Order 12331 hereby charges

 “Application” affirmed, declared, continue 2019 (“December”) disputed under International Law before the jurisdiction of the (ICJ) Honorable Court Justices (13th Confederate States of America) collusion, conspire, complicity with

Defendant “Confederate State of Mississippi was not in the Union and Join fraudulent after dismissal case load entry (33) Hamilton vs. North Texas State Hospital et al US Case No. 7:2012-CV-00053 with all (50) State herein Conspire, committed to the same false international RICO slavery data Thereby (“Defendants”) Justices of the Supreme Court, Federal Judges, concealing under fraudulent Judicial Decrees, with (Books) etc factual Defendant The Confederate States of America having illegally

“Conquered global finance (Borders) territories, properties, possessions, on the Earth as described by the undersign council of record UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS

    U.S. Docket No. 3:1999-CV-00011

U.S. Docket No. 4:2011-CV-04420

U. S. Docket No. 4: 1998-CV-00110

U. S. Docket No. 2010-CV-02709

U. S. Docket No. 2011-CV-00510

U. S. Docket No. 2011-CV-04256

U. S. Docket No. 2001-CV-00095

U. S. Docket No. 2011-CV-00240

U. S. Docket No. 2001-CV-00036

U. S. Docket No. 2011-CV-00005

U. S. Docket No.  2002-CV-00034

U. S. Docket No. 2010-CV-02220

  U. S. Docket No. 2009-CV-00496

U. S. Docket No. 2009-CV-07029

U. S. Docket No. 2010-CV-00055

U. S. Docket No.  2001-CV-00100

  U. S. Docket No. 2011-CV-00442

U. S. Docket No. 2007-CV-01510

   U. S. Docket No. 2009-CV-00954

U. S. Docket No.  2009-CV-00289

U. S. Docket No.  2012-CV-01014

U. S. Docket No.   1999-CV-00011

U. S. Docket No.  2010-CV-00808

U. S. Docket No.  2001-CV-00069

  U. S. Docket No.  2011-CV-00122

U. S. Docket No. 2012-CV-00053

U. S. Docket No. 2012-CV- 00038

U. S. Docket No. 2012-CV-00977

(“Plaintiffs”) Negro Slaves, Louis Charles Hamilton II Cmdr. US Navy MSS (EO 12331 Military Secret Service) appearance (Pro Se Plaintiff) with Respect to Threats to the Peace, Breaches of the Peace and Acts of Aggression (“Defendants”) The Confederate States of America” being “Imposters”

United States of America (Union Est. February 7th 2013) by undersign “Applicant” (a) (“Defendants”) The Confederate States of America” never ratified 13th amendment freeing not one single Negro slave’s entire population in their Jurisdiction Confederate States of America (1861 – Feb. 6th 2013). *See Attached Exhibit A                                   

The Application invoked The (ICJ) Honorable Court charging “Void the entire The Global Modern Slavery Directory globalmodernslavery.org False statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) made against the entire the Convention of 25 October 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. b) to ensure that rights of custody and of access under the law of one Contracting State are effectively respected in the other Contracting States

 False statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) made against the entire The Modern Slavery Act 2015 is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom It is designed to combat modern slavery in the UK and consolidates previous offences relating to trafficking and slavery false statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) made against the entire

The Directory, a Clinton Global Initiative 2014 “Commitment to Action,” is the most comprehensive database of modern slavery organizations ever compiled for the public, with more than 120 countries represented False statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) made against the entire "The last country to abolish slavery was the African state of Mauritania" where a 1981 presidential decree abolished the practice;

“Application” ("Plaintiffs") United States of America Union Government ("Plaintiffs") British Empire, ("Plaintiffs") thirty-seven allied countries “under legal representation of “Applicant” Jan 5, 2017 MISCELLANEOUS ACTION NO. 3:16-MC-16 (S.D. Tex. Jan. 5, 2017) (“Plaintiffs”) Negro Slaves, Louis Charles Hamilton II Cmdr. US Navy MSS (EO 12331 Military Secret Service) appearance (Pro Se Plaintiff) with Respect to Threats to the Peace,

Breaches of the Peace and Acts of Aggression (“Defendants”) The Confederate States of America” being “Imposters” United States of America (Union Est. February 7th 2013) by undersign “Applicant”

(a)    (“Defendants”) The Confederate States of America” never ratified 13th amendment freeing not one single Negro slave’s entire population in their Jurisdiction Confederate States of America (1861 – Feb. 6th 2013)

The Application invoked The (ICJ) Honorable Court charging “Void “Fifth Circuit Court of Appeal No. 16 – 20559 “VLADIMIR VLADIMIRVICH PUTIN” 2019

Official “President of Russia Federation” is “Fraudulent False Statements” list as an official Defendants – Appellees before the “Fifth Circuit Court of Appeal No. 16 – 20559 circumstances surrounding the continue past, present “Fraudulent False Statements” of the Confederate (Texas) (Harris County) 2011 “malicious criminal and civil prosecution of the undersign “Applicant” “Fraud of the Courts knowing and willing engaging collective fraud by manipulate of the judicial government decree records in these issue of Genocide, Crimes against humanity, enslavement of an entire Negro Population

“Obstruction of Justice”, direct mail and wire fraud to Conspire, intentional, international published reckless, negligent withholding, hiding, altering, material government slavery data records, facilitation of same Fraudulent Slavery Data RICO Enterprise Built on “International Fraud, records, transcripts, wire usage, computer crimes timeline,

1776 – Appeal No. 16 – 20559 directly involving “VLADIMIR VLADIMIRVICH PUTIN” 2019 Official “President of Russia Federation” in this modern day slavery “Fraudulent False Slavery Data Statements” made against undersign “Applicant”

(“Plaintiffs”) Negro Slaves, Louis Charles Hamilton II Cmdr. US Navy MSS (EO 12331 Military Secret Service) appearance “Application” (Pro Se Plaintiff) with Respect to Threats to the Peace, Breaches of the Peace and Acts of Aggression (“Defendants”) The Confederate States of America” being “Imposters” United States of America (Union Est. February 7th 2013) by undersign “Applicant” involving Fraudulent Slavery Data – Appeal No. 16 – 20559

 Directly false statements, fraud records decrees involving “VLADIMIR VLADIMIRVICH PUTIN” 2019 Official “President of Russia Federation party to – Appeal No. 16 – 20559 RICO “Obstruction of Justice, Mail and Wire Fraud, Computer crimes, involving “VLADIMIR VLADIMIRVICH PUTIN” 2019 Official “President of Russia Federation party to – Appeal No. 16 – 20559 (further) making False statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) against entire The Global Modern Slavery Directory globalmodernslavery.org

 False statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) made against the entire the Convention of 25 October 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. b) to ensure that rights of custody and of access under the law of one Contracting State are effectively respected in the other Contracting States

 False statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) made against the entire The Modern Slavery Act 2015 is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom It is designed to combat modern slavery in the UK and consolidates previous offences relating to trafficking and slavery false statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) made against the entire

The Directory, a Clinton Global Initiative 2014 “Commitment to Action,” is the most comprehensive database of modern slavery organizations ever compiled for the public, with more than 120 countries represented False statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) made against the entire "The last country to abolish slavery was the African state of Mauritania" where a 1981 presidential decree abolished the practice;

“Application” ("Plaintiffs") United States of America Union Government ("Plaintiffs") British Empire, ("Plaintiffs") thirty-seven allied countries “under legal representation of “Applicant” Jan 5, 2017 MISCELLANEOUS ACTION NO. 3:16-MC-16 (S.D. Tex. Jan. 5, 2017) (“Plaintiffs”) Negro Slaves, Louis Charles Hamilton II Cmdr. US Navy MSS (EO 12331 Military Secret Service) appearance (Pro Se Plaintiff)

(b)   (“Defendants”) The Confederate States of America” never ratified 13th amendment freeing not one single Negro slave’s entire population in their Jurisdiction Confederate States of America (1861 – Feb. 6th 2013)

Directly false statements, fraud records decrees involving “VLADIMIR VLADIMIRVICH PUTIN” 2019 Official “President of Russia Federation party to – Appeal No. 16 – 20559 RICO “Obstruction of Justice, Mail and Wire Fraud, Computer crimes, involving False Slavery Data in the entire History of Confederate States of America et al” did so (RICO) hide the fact the 13th Amendment of constitution had not been ratified in 2011 when the “political

GOP Judicial indiscretion occurred Directly false statements, fraud records decrees involving “VLADIMIR VLADIMIRVICH PUTIN” 2019 Official “President of Russia Federation party to – Appeal No. 16 – 20559 RICO “Obstruction of Justice, Mail and Wire Fraud, Computer crimes, involving “VLADIMIR VLADIMIRVICH PUTIN” being a criminal party involved in kidnapping, attempted homicide, directed at undersign “Applicant”

(USA) Naval Cmdr Military Secret Service -- 18 U.S.C. § 3056(d) Section 3056(d) of Title 18 prohibits the “court”  both “Federal and State” “VLADIMIR VLADIMIRVICH PUTIN” being a criminal party being involved insofar as reflect light upon that question which was never answer where are my dam missing since 1994 natural two daughters, Chandra and Natasha Hamilton, “VLADIMIR VLADIMIRVICH PUTIN” being a criminal party

 “Grave Robbery” of their “Mother” my Wife Rachel Ann Hamilton “Lifeless” Dead Body whereby I left her at (DOA) (Utah) Salt Lake Police Station…? (ID) Dead and currently Missing since 1994…? This 2019 (“December”)..?

And “VLADIMIR VLADIMIRVICH PUTIN” being a criminal party Estate of Louis Charles Hamilton II Cmdr. US Navy (MSS), Estate of Rachel Ann Hamilton II, Estate of Chandra D. Hamilton, Estate of Natasha C. Hamilton involved insofar why is I “Applicant” legally declared dead in Utah, while actually (Alive)..?  but Dead since 1994..?

For now (25) year False Death Records Statements With Russia Federation, and The Confederate States of America “Chief Witch Warlord” criminal RICO 2019 (“December”) “Unregister Agent” of foreign government of (USSR) (Russia Federation) ongoing scheme of things within The Court records proceeding underhanded

“VLADIMIR VLADIMIRVICH PUTIN” being a criminal party being involved insofar “party” to all of this “false statements” RICO obstruction of Justice computer crimes, wire fraud scuttling, conspiring into the scheme of things

The record shows that, on the day when all of the offense is said to have been committed by such Genocide overt acts these criminal whites supremacy scheme of things directly modifying current slavery history records decrees involving

 “VLADIMIR VLADIMIRVICH PUTIN” 2019 Official “President of Russia Federation party to Judicial Government decree attest by official: Lyle W. Cayce “Clerk of The United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit” By: Dawn M. Shulin, Deputy Clerk entered at the direction of the court Certified as true copy and issued as the mandate on Sep 09, 2016 in the matter

No. 16- 20559 Louis Charles Hamilton II Plaintiff – Appellant v. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Chief Defendant; United States OF AMERICA CONGRESS; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA SUPREME COURT; VLADIMIR VLADIMIRVICH PUTIN Defendants – Appellees

RICO enterprise includes overt acts concealing, non- prosecution thereof committed to false, destroyed all record excerpts Original Record for 17-40068 [USCA5]Original Record created 1/27/2017 containing material facts surrounding crimes against humanity, aggression, conspire, collusion, against Plaintiff's Emergency Motion for Cease and Desist Order (Dkt. 2) is DENIED.

Plaintiff's Motion to Compel (Dkt. 3) is DENIED. Plaintiff's Emergency Motion for Cease and Desist Order (Dkt. 2) is DENIED. This case is hereby DISMISSED with prejudice as frivolous

3:16-MC-16 Docket Sheet pp. 1 - 3

Pleadings (289 pages) pp. 4 - 292

Pleadings, vol. 2 (392 pages) pp. 293 - 684

Pleadings, vol. 3 (364 pages) pp. 685 - 1048

Pleadings, vol. 4 (369 pages) pp. 1049 - 1417

Pleadings, vol. 5 (263 pages) pp. 1418 - 1680

Pleadings, vol. 6 (271 pages) pp. 1681 - 1951

Pleadings, vol. 7 (374 pages) pp. 1952 - 2325

Pleadings, vol. 8 (314 pages) pp. 2326 - 2639

Pleadings, vol. 9 (261 pages) pp. 2640 - 2900

Pleadings, vol. 10 (396 pages) pp. 2901 - 3296

Pleadings, vol. 11 (380 pages) pp. 3297 - 3676

Pleadings, vol. 12 (386 pages) pp. 3677 - 4062

Pleadings, vol. 13 (362 pages) pp. 4063 - 4424

Pleadings, vol. 14 (358 pages) pp. 4425 – 4782

Pleadings, vol. 15 (300 pages) pp. 4783 - 5082

Pleadings, vol. 16 (390 pages) pp. 5083 - 5472

Original Record created 1/27/2017

Further cause of action “Obstruction of Justice”  Abuse of Power, Mail and Wire Fraud Interstate and International false statements, omissions, criminal fraud of the same (Court) containing false statements slavery data 1776 - 2013 Feb 6th “Direct Destruction of all “Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton) material facts surrounding crimes against humanity, aggression, conspire, collusion, with chief

(“Defendant”) Donald John Trump Sr., conspire, direction with others, (“Defendant”) Texas Federal Court, (“Defendant”) (5th Cir.) Appeals committed to false statements

 Judicial Decrees, criminal actions to physically destroyed all record excerpts in the second federal class action to "Denied Plaintiffs BlackLivesMatter appearances in Original Record for all record excerpts Original Record created 9/5/20173:17-MC-3 Hamilton v. Trump its circumstances with criminal (“Defendant”) Donald John Trump Sr.,

Docket Sheet pp. 1 - 3

Pleadings (334 pages) pp. 4 - 337

Pleadings, vol. 2 (367 pages) pp. 338 - 704

Pleadings, vol. 3 (395 pages) pp. 705 - 1099

Pleadings, vol. 4 (399 pages) pp. 1100 - 1498

Pleadings, vol. 5 (308 pages) pp. 1499 - 1806

Pleadings, vol. 6 (398 pages) pp. 1807 - 2204

Pleadings, vol. 7 (361 pages) pp. 2205 - 2565

Pleadings, vol. 8 (255 pages) pp. 2566 - 2820

These records fully further Committed to Obstruction of Justice on behalf of (“Defendants”) Donald John Trump Sr. (5th Cir. 2017) filed September 5th 2017 Hamilton v. Trump 3:2016-mc-00016 filed December 22, 2016, Hamilton v. Trump 4:2016-mc-01633 filed

July 18th 2016   ("Defendants") Trump Foundations all (RICO) criminal reflecting illicit proceeds or wealth from multiple years of engaging in RICO Crime Syndicate As described hostile court records ("Defendants") Federal District Court of Texas collusion with ("Defendants") “Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals” committed consciously, mocking, intimidation, ridicule, belittle, humiliation

“Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton) with official fraudulent “Published” RICO Tampering false statement Government Records of Court Corruption that “PLAINTIFF VLADIMIR VLADIMIRVICH PUTIN” is list as an official Defendants – Appellees before the “Fifth Circuit Court of Appeal No. 16 – 20559, all in direct violation of Executive Order 2333 United States Intelligence Activities December 4th 1981, Executive Order 12361 Multinational Force and Observers reports, April 27, 1982,

Executive Order 12356 National Security Information, April 2, 1982, Executive Order 12473 Courts-Martial Manual, United States, 1984, April 13, 1984, Executive Order 12633,

Amending the Code of Conduct for Members of the Armed Forces of the United States, March 28, 1988, Executive Order 12417, Strategic and critical materials, May 2, 1983, Executive Order 12401 President's Commission on Strategic Forces, January 14, 1983, Executive Order 12406, President's Commission on Strategic Forces, February 18, 1983

“Application” ("Plaintiffs") United States of America Union Government ("Plaintiffs") British Empire, ("Plaintiffs") thirty-seven allied countries “under legal representation of “Applicant” Jan 5, 2017 MISCELLANEOUS ACTION NO. 3:16-MC-16 (S.D. Tex. Jan. 5, 2017)

(“Plaintiffs”) Negro Slaves, Louis Charles Hamilton II Cmdr. US Navy MSS (EO 12331 Military Secret Service) appearance (Pro Se Plaintiff) with Respect to Threats to the Peace, Breaches of the Peace and Acts of Aggression (“Defendants”) The Confederate States of America” being “Imposters” United States of America (Union Est. February 7th 2013) by undersign “Applicant” with official fraudulent “Published” RICO Tampering false statement Government Records of Court Corruption that “          

PLAINTIFF VLADIMIR VLADIMIRVICH PUTIN” is list as an official Defendants – Appellees before the “Fifth Circuit Court of Appeal No. 16 – 20559 before the Jurisdiction of the (ICJ) “International Court Justice” Exhibit B (attached herein)


            United States of America (Union Est. February 7th 2013) respectfully requests the (ICJ) Honorable Justice Court to adjudge and declare that temporary order that protects ("Plaintiffs") United States of America Union Government ("Plaintiffs") British Empire, ("Plaintiffs") thirty-seven allied countries “under legal representation of “Applicant” Jan 5, 2017 MISCELLANEOUS ACTION NO. 3:16-MC-16 (S.D. Tex. Jan. 5, 2017)

 (“Plaintiffs”) Negro Slaves, Louis Charles Hamilton II Cmdr. US Navy MSS (EO 12331 Military Secret Service) appearance (Pro Se Plaintiff) with Respect to Threats to the Peace, Breaches of the Peace and Acts of Aggression (“Defendants”) The Confederate States of America” being “Imposters” United States of America (Union Est. February 7th 2013) by undersign “Applicant” until court hearing :

Negro Slaves, Louis Charles Hamilton II Cmdr. US Navy MSS (EO 12331 Military Secret Service) appearance (Pro Se Plaintiff)  moves the “Honorable Justices” (ICJ) expedited ex-parte fashion after the reading of the “Application, proper filing into the Honorable Court Records’, under “due process of international law” thereby granted (“Slaves”) enjoying International Monetary Fund (IMF) collective moves legal matter

Barack Hussein Obama II 44th president of “both” the Confederate States of America and (“Plaintiffs”) the United States Union government from 2009 to 2017for $75 Million US Dollars thereby execution of services of “United Nations” UN Security Council Military Protective Orders, and all Legal Fees to proceed before the (ICJ) Honorable Justices on all charges, disputes inhumane, RICO wire fraud modern day slavery crimes against humanity, crimes against children, crimes against “people of color” described herein require

National and International (UN) Security Council execution of “Peacekeeping” on the “Application” from such described ongoing 2019 imposed “whites supremacy (“Defendants”) GOP Political Government to even execute ungodly acts against a

“entire negro” population to live lives deleted, concealed, censorship wire fraud false slavery data and cast off forever no return imposed state sponsorship “Genocide”, endless 1865 Colonial America Confederate War Crimes, aggression, greed, direct “mass human destruction” overt acts target a “entire negro population to be captive”

Controlled forever to simply continue maintain international hostile “whites supremacy” Slavery racket against “International Law.

1.      ("Plaintiffs") collective enjoying expedited hearing of Change of Venue in the New case Hamilton vs. President Donald John Trump Sr. (Pending legal) attached money order for legal filing herein


("Plaintiffs") United States of America Union Government EO12331 proceeding under military authority collectively (1) all (Defendant(s) and Co-Defendant(s) engaging in  further overt acts and actions of violations; against Louis Charles Hamilton II Cmdr. US Navy MSS (collective)

("Plaintiffs") United States of America Union Government ("Plaintiffs") British Empire,  ("Plaintiffs") thirty-seven allied countries cause of actions", by undersigned council of record ("Pro Se") pursuant to ("Plaintiffs") United States of America Union Government EO 12331 hereby direct cause of action charges further overt acts and actions of violations;

Specifically of Title III of the "USA Patriot Act" Spying against the ("Plaintiffs") Military, Civilian and Immigrant Captive Slaves and undersigned council of record in his both "Persons" ("Plaintiffs") United States of America Union Government ("Plaintiffs") British Empire,  ("Plaintiffs") thirty-seven allied countries In connection with an "attempted concealing ("Defendants") The Confederate States of America illegal operation International (RICO) ongoing

"White Supremacy Klan Cartel scheme of things of 1865 - 2019 ("December") Criminal overt acts includes violations of 18 U.S.C. § 1030(b) - Conspiracy To Commit Computer Fraud And Abuse; producing false statement judicial decrees, court transcripts fully, school books of high educations false slavery data under criminal RICO  "international published scheme of things with fraudulent mail and wire fraud acting under color of law "attempted" criminal knowing intent "usage of both national and international wire system in committed against the

 ("Plaintiffs") United States of America Union Government ("Plaintiffs") British Empire,  ("Plaintiffs") thirty-seven allied countries cause of actions", RICO crime spree engaging furtherance’s Specifically, violations of “18 USC § 1343 RICO Wire Fraud”, and

Specifically, violations of RICO statute (18 U.S.C. § 1961(1) “Money laundering”

Specifically, violations of RICO statue “18 USC § 1341 “Mail Fraud”,

Specifically, violations of 18 U.S. Code § 1028A

Specifically, violations of 18 U.S. Code § 1001

Specifically, violations of“18 USC § 1956 (A) (1)

Specifically, violations of 18 U.S.C. 1028A - Aggravated identity theft

Specifically Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) 18 U.S.C. § 1030

In conjunction committed to “Conspiracy” to commit offense or to defraud ("Plaintiffs") United States Union Government ”from further criminal enterprise, scheme ongoing slave trade, RICO violating the ("Plaintiffs") United States Union Government Chapter 96 of Title 18, United State Code: (RICO) Racketeering Influences Corruption Organization

“The Geneva Convention” fraudulent international artifacts” of “white’s supremacy” ("Defendants") The Confederate States of America Paramilitary Knights of the Klu Klux Klansmen Aggravated wire fraud overt RICO fraud by Non-Disclosure within series of “international diplomatic meetings” with (“Defendants”) United Nations “unknowing and Unwilling” (Stupid) scheme that produced a number of “fraudulent introduced agreements, in particular the “Fraud committed to (all) “Humanitarian Law of Armed Conflicts”, by

("Defendants") The Confederate States of America Paramilitary Knights of the Klu Klux Klansmen “Illegal Existences” 1861 – February 6th 2013being “Imposters” United States of America (Union Est. February 7th 2013) (a) (“Defendants”) The Confederate States of America” never ratified 13th amendment freeing not one single Negro slave’s entire population in their Jurisdiction Confederate States of America (1861 – Feb. 6th 2013)

Attached “Exhibit” A dated February 7, 2013 The Honorable C. Delbert Hosemann, Jr. Secretary of State of Mississippi 401 Mississippi St. P.O. Box 136 Jackson, MS 39205 Dear Secretary of State Hosemann: On behalf of the Archivist of the United States, I acknowledge receipt of Senate Concurrent Resolution Number 547 Resolution, adopted by the
 Mississippi Senate on February 16, 1995 and the Mississippi House of Representatives on March 16, 1995. With this action, the

State of Mississippi has ratified the 13th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. ~ Sincerely, CHARLES A. BARTH Director of the Federal Register, attached herein (“Defendants”) Mississippi Freeing all Slaves in collusion with the entire  (“Defendants”) The Confederate States of America et al,

Ongoing “International War Criminals” against a group of international laws for the humane treatment of (“Plaintiffs”) Negro “Captive Slaves” wounded or captured military personnel, medical personnel and non-military civilians during war or armed conflicts Affirmed before the Court, and “especially” Honorable Justices”

(ICJ) (ICC) Jurisdiction of the International Courts cause of action hereby The agreements originated in 1864 and by ("Defendants") The Confederate States of America Paramilitary Knights of the Klu Klux Klansmen “Illegal Existences” since 1861 being 4 years significantly Fraud in all claims updated in 1949 after World War II, which still by ("Defendants") The Confederate States of America Paramilitary Knights of the Klu Klux Klansmen “Illegal Existences” 1949 War Criminals

(“Defendants”) GOP Political Party “Whites Supremacy” pack of dogs never ratified the 13th Confederate States of America “Amendments freeing a slave there for criminal intent (keeping) Negro entire population as “human whites only property indefinitely” after 1865 Civil War being continue International Modern (War Crimes) RICO crimes against humanity ongoing 2019 cause of actions (“Defendants”) The Confederate States of America did so criminal overt acts” unleashed a process of

 "International Denationalization of all “Immigrants, Civilian, and Military Negro Plaintiff Slaves” of any type legal citizenship in the Jurisdiction of (“Defendants”) The Confederate States of America  from 1861 March 11th - Feb 6th 2013 concealed hereby wire fraud submitted  “Fraudulent International Slavery Data Artifacts” of 1776 – 2013 Feb 6th

* Further attach Described "Sworn on Oath" herein having been produce to: Queen Elizabeth II, Princess Elizabeth Alexandra Mary, BRITISH QUEEN Cc: Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, KG, KT, PC, ADC (William Arthur Philip Louis) Prince Williams Cc: Prince Henry of Wales, KCVO, (Henry Charles Albert David) Prince Harry find attached herein copy of original (“Plaintiffs”) Negro Immigrants, Civilian, and Military Slaves “ICJ International Court Application” (Volumes) page 1 – 19    (Words 6,745)

Cc: Prime Minister Theresa Mary May British Parliament British Parliament The British Consulate 1301 Fannin Street Houston Texas 77002-7014

"Sworn before me this ____ Day of ___________ 2019


                                                                                               Public Notary

                       Respectfully submitted,

         United States of America (Union Est. February 7th 2013)

                        AGENTS FOR THE APPLICANT


Louis Charles Hamilton II Cmdr. US Navy MSS (EO 12331 Military Naval Secret Service) undersign ("Pro Se") Counsel of Record Office of "Commander in Chief” of (“Plaintiffs”) United States of America Union Governments 1982 – Present 2724 61st street Ste. I-B Galveston Texas. 77551 PH: 409-370-1907 Louishamilton2015@gmail.com

 #ICC #Honorable #Ms #Fatou #Bensouda #pursuant #to #Nuremberg #Nazi #Criminals #Trials  #™Cmdr. #Bluefin #Sherlock #Holmes #Caseof #The #Crooked #Dead #President #LouisCharlesHamiltonII  

#TrumpFraud #Scam #GOP #Russia #Election #Fraud #Republican #Corruption #FBI #Investigaton #RedHen #BlackLivesMatter #USSR #GRU #NSA #NCIS #NIS #Navy #USMC #SecretService #ABC #CBS #NBC #MSNBC #CNBC #BBCNews #CNN #Utah #Mormon #Racist #USNavyseals #JAG #UnitedNations #Peace #Palace #ICC #ICJ #International #Courts #MLKjr #Obama #Hillary #NATO #PinkyRoseDeChavez #TinaFeyWifeSwap #Hashtagstupidniggers #France #Mexico #Canada #Popefrancis #Law #SupremeCourt #WhiteOnly #Slaves #Africa #Egypt #Syria #Iran #FoxNews #BritishQueen #PrinceWilliams #PrinceHarry #BritishRoyalFamily #PrimeMinsterMay #MI5 #MI6 #BCI #BCA #FargoND #Utah #Texas #Genocide #Slavery #Hatecrimes #Negro #Immigration #Crimesagainsthumanity #PortArthurTexas #Ninja #NASA #Space #Marines #FlyNavy #CmdrBluefin
+CNBC+FEDERAL BUREAU Investigation#Mueller #The #Shame :  )
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™Cmdr. Bluefin