Monday, October 31, 2016

Defendant (USA) The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) the domestic intelligence and security service of the United States James Brien "Jim" Comey, Jr. (born December 14, 1960) “Negro Slave Plaintiff Emergency Application for a TRO “cease and desist” each individual Defendant

Defendant NATO Support and Procurement Agency 49° 38′ 27″ N, 5° 59′ 12″ E 49.640833, 5.986667

the main logistics and procurement agency of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) and is the executive branch of the defendant NATO Support and Procurement Organisation (NSPO) being a “direct cause of action” before the “World Court Justices of The Hague”, “JAG” or an “Assumed” Honorable United States of America et al District Court”,
“Negro Slave Plaintiff(s) Collective 44.5 Million, required Emergency Application for a TRO “cease and desist” each individual Defendant “United Nations et al” and Defendant “NATO” Identified herein International Community business to halt purportedly all illegal activity collectively United Nations enter into a contract making “Negro Slave Military NATO Plaintiff(s)
 connected to continue to be physically exploited as part of a continue (RICO) KKK “Slave Trade” Property with Co-Defendant Global United Nations Organization (UN) head quarters based in New York. Signed June 26, 1947, and Approved by the General Assembly October 31, 1947 ("cease") and not take it up again later ("desist"), in the continue supporting defendant racial and religious discrimination, forced wrongful deaths, forced Segregation, “United States of America” jurisdiction, of Defendant New York City pursuant to Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), approved by defendant “United States Supreme Court”, (1857) – (2099). Defendant United Nations et al and Defendant “NATO” engaging in (RICO) enterprising nature in criminal acts of same as defendant (USA) collectively conspired in “Slavery Servitude” money laundering statutes, 18 U.S.C. 1956 and 1957, “Slavery Servitude” money laundering statutes, RICO statute (18 U.S.C. § 1961(1) for privileged, polished, well secure “White Only” constitution of America continual in this (RICO) enterprise for
(65) years well into 2016 (December) by corruption of actual non-diclosure of “enslavement” of Negro Slave Plaintiffs in 1946 – 2013 and the destruction of all 13th and 14th amendments provision for the protection of human rights, being a party to a “Whites Supermacey” ‘defendant
GOP Republican party Government always fraudulent Misrepresentation of the lives of approximately 44.5 plus Million Slaves Plaintiffs past, present and future directly held in “RICO Enslavement” present date of 2016 (December) no ever legal ciztizenship, with also defendant “United Nations” and Defendant “NATO” collective being a party to herein a never ending “Slave Trade” sham of defendant “United States of America et al
A well devised charade, deception, façade, con, act, and bogus sham structure to depreciate, reduce, deflate and devalue Defendant Global United Nations Organization, (a) Agreement Between the (defendant) United Nations and the (defendant) United States Regarding the Headquarters of the United Nations, Signed June 26, 1947, and Approved by the General Assembly October 31, 1947 and the “agreement”
Formed in 1949 with the signing of the Washington Treaty, Defendant NATO is a security alliance of 28 countries from North America and Europe. Defendant NATO's fundamental goal is to safeguard the Allies' freedom and security by political and military means. “while “Excluding the Negro Slave Plaintiffs herein from the “security alliance of 28 countries from defendant “United States of America” et al continue imposed “slavery Servitude as on or about 1949 when in 1949 “Negro Slave Military Plaintiffs” having no civil rights being “Slave Property” as defendant NATO remains the principal security instrument of the transatlantic community and expression of its common democratic values, “Yet”  Plaintiffs 44.5 Million Enslavement” Negro race being subject to International Human Rights Violations having no security from Defendant(s) NATO whom is
the (claim) International security of North America and Europe are permanently tied together with defendant “United States of America et al as agreed upon “Since” 1949 The Host Country Affairs Section performs these functions in accordance with the mutual rights and obligations undertaken by the defendant “Slave Trade United States and the Defendant United Nations when it was agreed that the headquarters of the UN would be established in defendant New York. These rights and obligations are set forth in:
Notice of Motion to Strike” United Nations” International Organizations Immunities Act: PL 79-291
Notice of Motion to Strike” United Nations” Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the UN 21 UST 1418
Notice of Motion to Strike” United Nations” Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations 23 UST 3227, PL 95-393
Notice of Motion to Strike” United Nations” Headquarters Agreement: PL 80-357
Notice of Motion to Strike” United Nations” Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act: PL 94-538
Notice of Motion to Strike” (a) Agreement Between the United Nations and the United States Regarding the Headquarters of the United Nations, Signed June 26, 1947, and Approved by the General Assembly October 31, 1947(1)
The General Assembly,
Whereas the Secretary-General pursuant to resolution 99 (1) of 14 December 1946 signed with the Secretary of State of the United States of America on 26 June 1947 an Agreement between the United Nations and the United States of America regarding the Headquarters of the United Nations; and
Whereas the Secretary-General in accordance with the said Resolution has submitted the said Agreement to the General Assembly;
Having studied the report prepared on this matter by the Sixth Committee;
Endorses the opinions expressed therein;
Approves the Agreement signed on 26 June 1947; and
Authorizes the Secretary-General to bring that Agreement into force in the manner provided in Section 28 thereof, and to perform on behalf of the United Nations such acts or functions as may be required by that Agreement.
The United Nations and the United States of America:
Desiring to conclude an agreement for the purpose of carrying out the resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 14 December 1946 to establish the seat of the United Nations in the City of New York and to regulate questions arising as a result thereof;
Negro Slaves Plaintiffs Further assert that defendant “NATO” involvement with the abducted abused Negro Slaves Plaintiffs) collectively herein all against there informed wil, being still Slave Negro with no (American) legal Citizenship all “Military document and fraudulent, and International “Passport Records” fully fraudulent in its representation of the Negro Slaves Plaintiffs being “Legal Citizens of defendant (USA) as Defendant NATO enlargement has furthered the Defendant U.S. goal of a Europe whole, free, and at peace.
Article 5 of the defendant Washington Treaty -- that an attack against one Ally is an attack against all -- is at the core of the Alliance, a promise of collective defense. But” Negro Plaintiffs races need not apply to being “Attack by defendant “United States of America et al” Whites Supremacy” being official Nigger Property of defendant “Para-Military neve deactivated “Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen and a Human Slave against one on’s will and well being even if a “Negro Military” Enity” means nothing, just a subject to continue crimes of humanity committed by defendant 44.5 Million Negro race must remain a Slave, of “United States of America Supreme Self Appointed Conqueror” as 
Article 4 of the treaty ensures consultations among Allies on security matters of common interest, but Plaintiff Negro Slaves Never been a “Security matter on a “International Level” as Defendant NATO which have expanded from a narrowly defined Soviet threat to the critical mission in Afghanistan, as well as peacekeeping in Kosovo and new threats to security such as cyber attacks, and global threats such as terrorism and piracy that affect the Alliance and its global network of partners, which Chief Defendant Donald John Trump Sr. since 1960s been the front man for the GOP Republican Party Klansmen (Security) to “Physically Kill” the success of the “Political Democrat Party” and all of their Leaders, including direct Murder of President(s),  Candidate(s) and all Minorities Negro Race from ever having anything meaningful progress political groups, to ensure “enslavement”, and “Whites Supremacy”, However” Chief defendant”, Donald John Trup, Defendant Fred Trump, roles been included, since 1960s “Front Man” for the Russia Federation”, working both Governments National Interest against each other
Negro Slaves fully assert Chief Defendant “Donald John Trump Sr. having aid, and material support from enemy(s) of (USA) as the Knights of the Klu Klux Klansmen having been such “International Russia Federation Military funds to fully continue present destabilization of defendant “United States of America et al” since 1960s which Russia Federation Military funds also having present and future supplied in over throw coup of defendant “United States od America et al” by primary
Para-Military rebel solders of the Knights of the Klu Klux Klansmen, Commander in Chief Defendant Donald John Trump Sr. forever since “Cuba Embargo Violations” being a “Master Mind Double Agent”, as usage of defendant own “Government Agents from local state even Federal Level “Spy”, Confederates, Whites Supremacy intended continue onward for the success or failure of a never ending “unjust enrichment off the Negro Slaves Plaintiffs herein while Defendant GOP Government “Greed” being in direct National Security Violation(s) direct at  defendant “United States of America et al” Defendant “NATO” and Defendant “United Nations” as a “Whole”  being RICO (secured) scuttled, hidden,
 Obstruction of Justice and “Whites Supremacy” of defendant GOP the belief that white people are superior to those of all other races, on “planet earth especially the “Negro Slaves Military black race, and should therefore dominate society and as such Chief Defendant Donald John Trump Sr. having secured not only Whites Supremacist Control over Defendant GOP Judicial Government, while being a
“Secret KGB Double agent for the Russia Federation, Defendant GOP Government Security for White Supremacist Infiltration of even the  defendant “United States States FBI office of the current Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Law Enforcement,” James Brien "Jim" Comey, Jr. being a direct Military risk to the “Entire” International Security of Defendant(s) Defendant 1400 Defense Pentagon, Arlington, VA 20301-1400, Defendant The Department of Defense (DoD, USDOD, or DOD) Defendant the United States Department of the Navy, Defendant the United States Department of the Army, Defendant the United States Department of the Air Force Defendant the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), Defendant the National Security Agency (NSA), Defendant “United Nations” Defendant NATO Support and Procurement Agency 49° 38′ 27″ N, 5° 59′ 12″ E 49.640833, 5.986667


 Disenfranchisement and structural issues in the administration of justice
Whites Supremacy GOP Government Justice imposed forever “De jure segregation” in all legal society and government functions to include the Head Police office of defendant (USA) The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) the domestic intelligence and security service of the United States being in a “Political seem’s quite monetary Bribery RICO, also being involved in the “Scuttled, Direct Espionage, and in house mold for Chief Defendant Donald John Trump Sr. observe furtively, keep under surveillance/observation,keen  watch on, all of the Defendant “United States Department of Justice investigations, directed at Chief Defendant “himself” (Trump et al) notwithstanding keeping a Investigators spied an eye’s on
 Negro Slave Plaintiff 44th President Barack Obama of defendant “United States of America et al”, and Commander in Chief” of the defendant (USA) armed forces, being “always Confederate secret service , distortion of cooking the criminal charges books in favor on their own GOP Republican Party Corruption, while  in house “Whites supremacy " GOP Government Justice imposed forever “De jure segregation” in all legal society and government functions investigators spied on Negro Slaves Plaintiffs since 1865 – 2016 as of this undersigned notary seal date ", while “double standard in official authority to fully “established” all among other things security and and abetting in in FBI “protection” by disclosure of all “criminal international and domestic crimes providing further interference and aid and abetting directly against defendant own National Security” in the enhancement of any and all RICO  alibi” provided collectively by Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI),on behalf of assumed “Political agenda of “Chief Defendant” Donald John Trump Sr. as Defendant (USA) The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) the domestic intelligence and security service of the United States James Brien "Jim" Comey, Jr. (born December 14, 1960) an American whom smart enough to be an actual lawyer and the current Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI),  himself been hostile to the defendant (USA) very own “National Security”, making the Negro Slaves 44.5 Million Negro Slave Military and Civilian Abuse Neglect Nigger Lives already Property of
Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen Card-hlder Whites Superemacy “James Brien Comey Jr.” to do with as continue “Klansmen trash as described by not only the “Pro Se” Negro Slave Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II in his both person “Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) # 2712 whom (FBI) not investigation of such “pro se” Negro Slave Plaintiff directly under crimes of International issue while residing in (USA) being subject to continue foreign “Russia Federation” cyber-attack since 2009, by seems many other foreign and to include USA own direct domestic governments  as “United States Senator” Harry Reid” letter attached herein to Defendant assumed “The Honorable James Comey” Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigations Headquarters 935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D. C. 20535-0001 stated as follows:
Reid says Comey’s clear “double standard” on publicizing sensitive information violates Hatch Act prohibition against using official authority to influence elections.
Las Vegas, NV – Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid sent the following letter to Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey today:
Dear Director Comey:
Your actions in recent months have demonstrated a disturbing double standard for the treatment of sensitive information, with what appears to be a clear intent to aid one political party over another. I am writing to inform you that my office has determined that these actions may violate the Hatch Act, which bars FBI officials from using their official authority to influence an election. Through your partisan actions, you may have broken the law.
The double standard established by your actions is clear.
In my communications with you and other top officials in the national security community, it has become clear that you possess explosive information about close ties and coordination between Donald Trump, his top advisors, and the Russian government – a foreign interest openly hostile to the United States, which Trump praises at every opportunity. The public has a right to know this information. I wrote to you months ago calling for this information to be released to the public. There is no danger to American interests from releasing it. And yet, you continue to resist calls to inform the public of this critical information.
By contrast, as soon as you came into possession of the slightest innuendo related to Secretary Clinton, you rushed to publicize it in the most negative light possible.
Moreover, in tarring Secretary Clinton with thin innuendo, you overruled longstanding tradition and the explicit guidance of your own Department. You rushed to take this step eleven days before a presidential election, despite the fact that for all you know, the information you possess could be entirely duplicative of the information you already examined which exonerated Secretary Clinton.
As you know, a memo authored by Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates on March 10, 2016, makes clear that all Justice Department employees, including you, are subject to the Hatch Act. The memo defines the political activity prohibited under the Hatch Act as “activity directed towards the success or failure of a political party, candidate for partisan political office, or partisan political group.”
The clear double-standard established by your actions strongly suggests that your highly selective approach to publicizing information, along with your timing, was intended for the success or failure of a partisan candidate or political group.
Please keep in mind that I have been a supporter of yours in the past. When Republicans filibustered your nomination and delayed your confirmation longer than any previous nominee to your position, I led the fight to get you confirmed because I believed you to be a principled public servant.
With the deepest regret, I now see that I was wrong.
Senator Harry Reid
The double standard established by Defendant Herein on behalf of assumed “Political GOP Party agenda of “Chief Defendant” Donald John Trump Sr. as Defendant (USA) The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) the domestic intelligence and security service of the United States James Brien "Jim" Comey, Jr, in the direct head position to scuttle, collectively admitting “Not” The Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen Dynasty Commander in Chief,Presidents, Grand Wizards,
Leadership Generals “Still” on this earth and never been charge and free to continual as such a“Government Sponsored Para-Military” protected by Defendant Congress refusal to declare, The Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen is an official Hostile Criminal Killer  “Global Terrorist Group”, and as Defendant (USA) The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) the domestic intelligence and security service of the United States James Brien "Jim" Comey, Jr, in the direct head position to scuttle, keep all cold case Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen files closed to secured
“White Supremacy”of the entire world Leadership of Defendant (KKK) protected, financial secure forevermore Pursuant forever to “Dred Scott” vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857) to  defendant Collectively and individually admitting as described herein being 1000% in direction
Violation of United States National Security, the International Security of Defendant “United Nations” and defendant “NATO” by defendant collective collusion, conspire against defendant (USA) FBI Government of the Head Police Office Director very own rules of governing laws, pursuant 18 U.S. Code § 249 - Hate crime acts,
directed at past, present and future Plaintiffs Negro Slaves Military and Civilian 44.5 plus Million (Nigger) with no legal citizenship cast off Collectively as Chief Defendant Donald John Trump Sr. granting endless secured protection of the
High Rank Pure, Pristine and fine white polished Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen, from RICO crimes, Crimes against Humanity, and International War crimes as described herein as the entire “Whites superemacy” GOP Slave Trade Government and Federal Judges described herein
Royal  Commander in Chief, President, Vice Presidents, Grand Wizards Generals, agents, corporations, companies ect free from prosecution with direct orders of killing all (Negro) Race DNA Plaintiffs, in the “Political means of keeping slavery, and whites suprememacy GOP Government control forever since 1865- 2016 current
with acts of continual bombing,inciting Rioting, Racial Hate, Violence of all ,
kinds of disruption in a public format  and all acts of Global  “Terrorism to cause fright domestic past, present and  future Committed by official former leadership, and now present
Commander in Chief Donald John Trump Sr.over Knights of the Klu Klux Klansmen Legal in a nature official status 1000%, being protected by
Whites Supermacey GOP Government Justice imposed forever “De jure segregation” in all legal society and goverment functions to include the Head Police office of defendant (USA) The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) the domestic intelligence and security service of the United States being in a

 “Political seem’s quite monetary Bribery RICO, also being involved in the “Scuttled, Direct Espionage, and in house mold for Chief Defendant Donald John Trump Sr. observe furtively, keep under surveillance/observation,keen  watch on, all of the Defendant “United States Department of Justice investigations, directed at Chief Defendant “himself” (Trump et al) notwithstanding keeping a Investigators spied an eye’s on Negro Slave Plaintiff 44th President Barack Obama of defendant “United States of America et al”, and Commander in Chief” of the defendant (USA) armed forces, official “Never ending” KKK  Leadership of (KKK) Dynasty in 1865 –2016 (December) being
 Rank Pure, Pristine and fine white polished Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen Royal  commander in chief over the Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen Dynasty 1865 – 2016 (December) Chief Defendant The Trump Organization Trump Tower 725 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10022 “International Funding of Terrorism” against defendant “United States of America et al” and Chief Defendant Donald John Trump Sr. (RICO) “Hidden” “Monetary Foreign Holdings, Assets, properties, Corporations, Business, Companies, Retails, shops, import, export, stores, homes, cars, chattel, Armory Collections ...
Primary Weapon Auto Rifles, Pulse Rifles, Scout Rifles and Hand Cannons Special to include military missile weapons, and support thereof ect… based in foregin government Russian Federation, Syria RICO Monetary not paying taxes total of $916 million in one year x 18 years = 16,488,000,000,.00 16.4 Billion Minimum (plus) Chief Defendant Donald John Trump Sr. as stated in federal court filings (RICO) scammed just in New York alone 5,000 people out of as much as $35,000 each = $175,000,000 for “International Funding of Terrorism” against defendant “United States of America et al by direc RICO International supporting by
Chief Defendant” Donald John Trump Sr., The Trump Organization Trump Tower 725 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10022 Co-Defendant The Eric Trump Foundation (ETF) The Eric Trump Foundation, 725 Fifth Avenue, 16th Floor, New York, NY 10022, with Co-Defendant(s) Ivana Zelníčková, Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump, Eric Trump, Tiffany Trump, Melania Knauss Trump, and Barron Trump conspiring to be a party thereof collectively Herein, being also “direct party to “International War Crimes” in among other foreign countries current Russia Federation siege and bombardment of eastern Aleppo Syria "crimes of historic slaughter mass murder proportions" of even minor children
 War Lord Chief Defendant Donald John Trump Sr. in the “capacity of a civilian violating of both Defendant “War Crimes Statue” RICO Laws, and violating International Humanitarian Law crimes against humanity in Syria, and all War Zones, Defendant Donald John Trump Sr. (expert) International RICO KKK Warrior having provide scuttled funds assets to shore up as directly claimed by Chief Defendant Donald John Trump Sr.
 over the past thirty plus years and claims that he is “smart” because he was able to avoid defendant (USA) taxes for nearly two decades because he lost almost billion dollars during a single fiscal year, notwithstanding defendant being shield by Defendant, U.S. District Judge Alfred H. Bennett, as court filing do charge Chief Defendant Donald John Trump Sr. charged
Chief Defendant “Donald John Trump Sr. being the subject matter direct cause of action for Fraud Chief Defendant “Donald John Trump Sr., The Trump Organization Trump Tower 725 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10022 and The Eric Trump Foundation (ETF) The Eric Trump Foundation, 725 Fifth Avenue, 16th Floor, New York, NY 10022, involving the criminal acts of commit
Violation of 18 U.S. Code Chapter 115 - TREASON, SEDITION, AND SUBVERSIVE ... of treason · § 2383 - Rebellion or insurrection · § 2384 - Seditious conspiracy · § 2385 ...
Violation of UCMJ Article 104 --Aiding the enemy
Article 99 --Misbehavior before the enemy
Article 94 --Mutiny and sedition
Article 116 --Riot or breach of peace
Article 121 --Larceny and wrongful appropriation
Article 81 -Conspiracy
Article 122 --Robbery
Article 123 --Forgery
Article 133 Conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman
18 U.S. Code § 1031 –“Fraud against the United States”, “The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act,” “Honest Services Fraud 18 U.S.C. § 1346”, conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, and major fraud against the United States, its US Department of Veterans Affairs, bogus Veterans fundraisers to include but not limited toSaid “Chief Defendant” Donald John Trump, Sr. and Donald Trump Jr. here in both on or about as described fully committed on dates of January 1st 2016 – 2099 did in fact engaging in conspire in violation of
Article 104 --Aiding the enemy (KKK) (ISIS) and (KGB)
Article 106 –Spies for (KKK) (ISIS) and (KGB)
Article 106a –Espionage(KKK) (ISIS) and (KGB)
THE PATRIOT ACT II: TERRORIZING THE AMERICAN PEOPLE “ “We Thee Entire  44.5 plus (American) 2016 “Negro Race”, to furtherance’s acts of incite a riot, organize, promote, encourage, and “civil conspire further in a nature being direct violation and aid and abetting of
18 U.S. Code § 2101 – Riots in a nature involving continual (RICO) enterprise pursuant to engaging in Direct violation of “Articles of Agreement Relating to the Surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia" April 10, 1865 to furtherance’s said (RICO) enterprise “scheme of things”
In Connection with collective defendant Co-Defendant “Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen 1865 – 2016 (December) AND Corporation(s), Individual, Co-Defendant Federal Reserve Bank COLLECTIVELY enforcing among other things Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act... 18 U.S.C. § 1589 (forced labor), 18 U.S.C. § 1590 (trafficking with respect to peonage, slavery, involuntary servitude, or forced labor),“Slavery Servitude” money laundering statutes, 18 U.S.C. 1956 and 1957, “Slavery Servitude” money laundering statutes,
RICO statute (18 U.S.C. § 1961(1)“Mutable of “thousands upon thousands” counts of “Assault , “Battery”, “Infliction of Bodily Injury” , “Offensive Physical Contact”, “Threat of Bodily Contact”, “Wrongful Death” for “Unjust Enrichment” in this 1619 – 2013 SLAVERY SERVITUDE, FALSE IMPRISONMENT, DISCRIMINATION, DEFAMATION“Spoliation of Evidence”, “Open Records Act Violation”, “Conversion”, Denationalization, “Fraud” and “Fraudulent Nondisclosure”  
  “Wrongful Death” Rev. Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr.“WRONGFUL DEATH OF PRO SE PLAINTIFF IN HIS PERSON IN UTAH 1994 – 2099,Religious Prosecution, Custodial Interference, Child Kidnapping Several attempted at “Wrongful Death of Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton) II in his person 2011 – 2016 TEXAS”, “Common law Fraud”, “Detrimental Reliance”,  “Common law Fraud”, “Embezzlement”,  “Misrepresentation of Material facts”,“INTENTIONAL INTERFERENCE WITH PROSPECTIVE ECONOMIC ADVANTAGE”, Financial Crimes against the Elderly or Disabled 2012 Legislation of The United State of America on rules of Governing Laws,(RICO) in “Civil Financial Exploitation Statutes Code of Ala. § 38-9-2 (2013). TITLE 38 Public Welfare CHAPTER 9 Protection of Aged or Disabled SLAVE PLANTIFFS”
18 U.S. Code § 1031 –“Fraud against the United States”, “The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act,” “Honest Services Fraud 18 U.S.C. § 1346”, “Mail and Wire Fraud”, “Tortious Interference with Prospective Relationship”, and “Tortious Interferences intentionally interfered with all economic growth of “Negro Slave PLANTIFFS”, Tortious Interference with Fiduciary Duty” of the “Judicial Branch of Government”,U.S. Bank Fraud Statute, Title 18 U.S. Code section 1344, prohibits defrauding federal financial institutions in this “Grand Scheme on nature against Furtherance’s 923. 18 U.S.C. § 371—Conspiracy to Defraud the United States
“Fraudulent Concealment”, “Aiding & Abetting”, “Assisting or Encouraging”, “Assistant & Participating”, “Concert of Actions”,  Back Child Support from 1619 – 2013  CRIMINAL SEXUAL ACTS, SEXUAL ABUSE, FORCIBLE TOUCHING, ASSAULT, BATTERY, INTENTIONAL AND RECKLESS INFLICTION OF EMOTIONAL DISTRESS, DURESS,committed to fraud, in non-disclosure pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1982 civil rights violation of (PLAINTIFFS) collectively being official “enslave”Denationalization 44.5 Million DNA Negro (Slaves) Plaintiff(s) collective herein their person, and “pro se” Plaintiff in his person since date of “birth” November 8th 1961 from all claimed U.S. citizenship status, from the exact time frame of “August 20th 1619 – February 7th 2013,

Defendant “United States of America et al” and Co-Defendant United Nations”, “NATO” and Federal Reserve Bank et al all conspire 18 U.S. Code Chapter 77 - PEONAGE, SLAVERY, AND TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS

·         § 1589 - Forced labor
Collective with violation of to maintain “enslavement” of The Negro Slave Plaintiffs “collective in the direct violation of false government records, 13th and 14th amendment and all derived reconstruction of the lives of kidnap slaves from home country of foreign jurisdiction other then defendant United States of America being fraud committed in direct violation of 18 U.S. Code § 1028 - Fraud and related activity in connection with identification documents, authentication features, and information
And 18 U.S. Code § 1002 - Possession of false papers to defraud United States violation of 18 U.S. Code § 249 - Hate crime acts, further violation of Sec. 37.03. AGGRAVATED PERJURY”with actual Treason of President Slave Negro Barack Hussein Obama II on official government legal court records, to assured his “entire Presidential (two) terms Career was spent “enslaved” against his peace, will, and dignity
based sole on his race “Negro” born in 1961 “enslaved” by United States of America August 20th 1619 – February 7th 2013 and a  (Negro) entire Obama Family, “pro se” Plaintiff in his person, (Negro Slave Plaintiffs) 44.5 Million to continue being “enslaved” against Hate Crimes statue well into 2013 148 years past the 13th Amendments to always 1865 – 2016 (December) no legal standing before a ‘White Klansmen Man” American RICO Slave Trade 1619 – 2013 Federal Court” committed to false publication collectively PLAINTIFFS seeks actual, accumulative, compensatory, consequential, continuing, expectation damages, foreseeable,
Future, incidentals, indeterminate, reparable, lawful, proximate, prospective, special, speculative, substantial, exemplary/punitive, and permanent damages in excess of
(6) Trillion U.S. Dollars with 6% interest incurred since date of Injury
Which each defendant acting under color of law U.S. District Chief Judge Ron Clark
U.S. District Judge Marcia A. Crone
U.S. District Judge Zack Hawthorn
U.S. District Judge David Hittner
 U. S. District Judge Charles R. Norgle, Sr.,
U.S. District Judge James E. “Jeb” Boasberg
U.S. District Judge Keith F. Giblin
U.S. District Judge Melinda Sue (Furche) Harmon
U.S. District Judge Alfred H. Bennett
U.S. District Judge” Vanessa D. Gilmore
U.S. District Judge Patrick A. Conmy
U,S. District Judge U.S. Federal Judge Karen Wells Roby,
U.S Appeal Chief Judge Frank Hoover Easterbrook
U.S Appeal Circuit Judge Richard Allen Posner
U.S Appeal Circuit Senior Judge Daniel Anthony Manion
Supreme Court Justice William Howard Taft
Chief Justice John G. Roberts,
 Justices Justice Clarence Thomas,
Chief Justice John G. Roberts,
Justice Anthony M. Kennedy,
 Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Justice Sonia Sotomayor, J
Justice Stephen G. Breyer,
Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr.,
Justice Elena Kagan.
United States of America Congress each collectively and individual
Being for their very own RICO slave trade interest, against the peace, civil rights, dignity, well being, of the “Negro Pro Se Plaintiffs (Hamilton) and his family  in his direct person, and each and every 44.5 Million Negro Slave Plaintiffs, to include but not limited to this direct defendant United States of America et al” Plaintiffs President Barack Obama, being scuttled, obstruction of duty, continue false misrepresentation of material facts of a national security and domestic level as
International War Crimes ties and foreign government having direct KGB coordination between Chief Defendant Donald John Trump Sr. et al, his top Presidential Russian advisory,…? And the (Hostile) Russian Federation government – a foreign interest openly hostile to the defendant United States of America et al with all Negro Slaves Plaintiffs a party to a hostile international military action, against their direct will and consent being still not a citizenship of defendant “United States of America” as always “Bully” GOP Judicial Judges failure to Honor a complaint free from Fraud Upon the Court in the representation of the Negro Slaves Plaintiffs Just lives, to remain just that “Castaways Slaves” residing with no legal citizenship, but
Conquring rules of a Hostile Killer Klansmen Government inflicted deception in all government records of the actual legal status of the negro Slaves Plaintiffs as being a Citizen, when this is not the Legal case, nor the actions of whites only USA Constitution, can not be contested, or brought before a Court of law by any Negro Race Plaintiff ever to question the constitutional equality of “whites superemacy” defendant (USA)  laws and rules of no end “Slavery and Traps”, not a single fast track provision of law since 1865 13th amendment to actually free the Negro American Race from (USA) crimes against humanity with
As Plaintiffs assert respectfully Before The World Court Justices”, JAG”, and assumed Honorable United States of America et al District Court even with out any discovery evidence being produce but already obtained by “Media” and Government records as well as foolish Chief Defendant Donald John Trump Sr. “own” admission of Psychopathic and Insincere involving Jihad proven ongoing “Direct Military Missions in the “Conspired” Covert Russia Federation and the Syrian War Conflict; as such International criminal War conducts extensive in the capacity of a Civilian with well knowledge of all enemy of defendant (USA)
Especially (ISIS), high praise for special training of executed exercises and offers aid of the enemy support thereof such a security partners around the globe, in direct promotion of Slaughter by (Jihad) as Chief Defendant Donald John Trump Sr. having assured from his own voice in connection in being in his very own (ISIS) propaganda Video direct at the Negro Slaves Plaintiffs herein among others residing in defendant “USA” as Defendant (USA) The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) the domestic intelligence and security service of the United States James Brien "Jim" Comey, Jr, in the direct head position
pursuant to agreement outline by defendant (USA) RICO slave laws on the federal, state and local law of the defendant United States “being “Black Code laws, Jim Crow Laws”, Slave Code Laws, Vagrancy Laws, and Never ending “Slavery Servitude
 Having continue “whites superemacy” RICO engaging civil/criminal conspiring, involvement, and direct “Custody”, “Possession” and Control” over Negro Slave Military and civilian 44.5 Million Plaintiff(s) and 44th Negro Slave President Barack Obama and Presidential First Family of all criminal abducted, captured in another Jurisdiction other than (USA)  being born now after freedom on or about 7th day of February 2013 Klansmen assuring (Niggers) having never Non-Citizenship status since 1619 August 20th – December 30th (2099) as Chief Defendant “United States of America et al” conspire in non-disclosure with Co-Defendant “United Nations and Co-Defendant “NATO” collectively under the actual direct leadership of the “Commander in Chief of The Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen “Chief Defendant Donald John Trump Sr. and Defendant Donald John Trump Jr  and their entire “Whites Superemacy GOP Republican Party Network from the defendant Supreme Court of United States of America et al, Defendant “Federal Reserve bank et al to each Slave Trade defendant corporation described legally herein, past, present and future forever “whites superemacy of defendant “United States of America et al Continue ongoing
·         RICO Slave Trade Fraud
·         § 1589 - Forced labor

Pro Se Plaintiff Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II USN SS # 2712
Plaintiff President Negro Slave Barack Hussein (Water-Head) Obama II
Plaintiff Negro Slave Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama
Plaintiff Negro Slave Natasha Obama,
Plaintiff Negro Slave Malia Ann Obama
Plaintiff Negro Slave Chandra D. Hamilton (Daughter)
Plaintiff Negro Slave Natasha Hamilton (Daughter)
Plaintiff Negro Slave Aaron Michael Halvorsen (Hamilton II) (Son)
Plaintiff Negro Slave Craig Robinson
Negro Slave Marian Shields Robinson
Plaintiff President Abe Lincoln
PresidentJohn Fitzgerald "Jack" Kennedy
Plaintiff Robert Francis "Bobby" Kennedy
Plaintiff Negro Slave Dred Scott
Plaintiff Negro Slave Harriet Tubman
Plaintiff Negro Slave Rev. Doctor Martin Luther King Jr.
Plaintiff Negro Slave Deadria Farmer-Paellmann
Plaintiff Negro Slave Plaintiff LeBron Raymone James
Plaintiff Negro Slave Colin Rand Kaepernick
Plaintiff Negro Slave Plaintiff Petty Officer 2nd Class Janaye Ervin,
Plaintiff Negro Slave Officer CPL. MONTRELL Jackson, 32, Baton Rouge Police Department,
Plaintiff Negro Slave Gavin Eugene Long
Plaintiff Negro Slave Micah Xavier Johnson
Plaintiff Negro Slave Plaintiff Philando Castile
Plaintiff Negro Slave Alton Sterling
Plaintiff Negro Slave Carnell Snell Jr.
Plaintiff Negro Slave Korryn Gaines
Plaintiff Negro Slave Keith Lamar Scott
Plaintiff Negro Slave Terence Crutcher
Plaintiff Negro Slave MarShawn M. McCarrel II
Plaintiff Negro Slave Philando Castile
Plaintiff Negro Slave Alton Sterling
Plaintiff Negro Slave Michael Brown
Plaintiff Negro Slave Malcolm X born Malcolm Little
Plaintiff Negro Slave Medgar Wiley Evers
Plaintiff Negro Slave Andrew Jackson Young, Jr.
Plaintiff Negro Slave Eric Marlon Bishop, “Jamie Foxx” (“Django”)
Plaintiff Negro Slave Samuel L. Jackson
Plaintiff Negro Slave Oprah Gail Winfrey
Plaintiff Negro Slave Caryn Elaine Johnson Whoopi Goldberg
Plaintiff Negro Slave Marion Hugh "Suge" Knight Jr
Plaintiff Negro Slave Eric Garner,
Plaintiff Negro Slave Michael Brown,
Plaintiff Negro Slave Tamir Rice,
Plaintiff Negro Slave Walter Scott,
Plaintiff Negro Slave Freddie Gray
Plaintiff Negro Slave Laquan McDonald.”
Plaintiff Negro Slave Veteran Jeffery Tavery
Plaintiff Negro Slave Veteran Robert Vaughan
Plaintiff Negro Slave Veteran Keno Miller
Plaintiff Negro Slave Veteran Avery Brown
Plaintiff “Freeman Bureau”
Plaintiff Slaves “Black Lives Matter”
Co-Plaintiff Slave Negro US Veteran Exactly 1.8 (Million)
And all others “Current”42.7 Million of Negro Slaves o Plaintiff f United State of America similarly the same situated, in 2016 Further appearances before all “Justices” Negro Slaves Plaintiffs gives notice for order to show cause for the enjoyment of defendant “United States of America et al acting Commander in Chief,  Defendant 1400 Defense Pentagon, Arlington, VA 20301-1400, Defendant The Department of Defense (DoD, USDOD, or DOD) Defendant the United States Department of the Navy, Defendant the United States Department of the Army,
Defendant the United States Department of the Air Force Defendant the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), Defendant the National Security Agency (NSA), and Defendant (NSA) the Director of National Intelligence to suspend all “National Security” classified briefings for Defendant (USA) from the possession, custdy, and control of both
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) the domestic intelligence and security service of the United States James Brien "Jim" Comey, Jr,and  Chief Defendant Donald John Trump Sr. until this matter is fully resolved.", before “World Court Justice of The Hague, “JAG” And assumed Honorable United States District Court as charges (all) of defendant America's former top spy has claimed that Donald Trump is being "played" by Vladimir Putin who recruited him as an "unwitting agent" of Russia, however this is untrue he been a
Happy prosperity Major General “witting” Double KGB agent since 1960s as all described herein “Political Deaths” and Major under World Control and require Legal Defendant parties all described,
 Chief Defendant Donald John Trump to appear with adequate legal counsel and or “Pro Se” file a respond/reply before World Court Justices of The Hague, “JAG” or an assumed Honorable United States District Court to prove all material facts “Crimes Against Humanity” RICO and War Crimes under bboth USA and International laws described herein being proven defendant each sworn under oath to say not with
 Official  “Notice of Motion to strike” “Defendant” United Nations UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS (art. 1), adopted by General Assembly resolution 217 A (III) of 10 December 1948, not having any provision or enforcement on behalf of 44,5 Million Negro Continue Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”.