Monday, October 24, 2016

[PL-413132] "phishing site found "operational" and targeting attempted file Breach dated attack same of +NSA Agent copy hot line mark September 16, 2016 2:57 (PM) foreign "cyber weapons” - ns344 (Secured Codes) this Cyber Attack being “Mark” official as the same direct attack target upon defendant NSA/CSS Fort Meade, MD 20755-6248 “United States of America “The National Security Agency (NSA) “Slavery Servitude” money laundering statutes, 18 U.S.C. 1956 and 1957, “Slavery Servitude” money laundering statutes, RICO statute (18 U.S.C. § 1961(1) Defendant “NATO” herein a party to a never ending “Slave Trade” sham of a well devised charade, deception, façade, con, act, and bogus sham structure defendant (USA) RICO slave laws on the federal, state and local law of the defendant United States “being “Black Code laws, Jim Crow Laws”, Slave Code Laws, Vagrancy Laws, and Never ending “Slavery Servitude” well into 2013 when defendant “Mississippi free this Negro Slave in his person, fully legal, imposed and always shall apply within defendant NATO

+UNITED NATIONS Headquarters Negro Slaves Plaintiffs collectively and Pro Se Negro Slave Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) #2712 SS as news stated public record while much of the defendant USA country was preoccupied with the latest revelations about Chief Defendant Donald John Trump Sr., the Defendant officially U.S. intelligence community made an alarming and unprecedented announcement: Russia was seeking “to interfere with the U.S. election process” through the hacking of political organizations and individuals, being among these “individuals” Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II an “Actual” United States (Secret Service) Naval Cmdr. Bluefin, as this is in factual part of officially U.S. intelligence community, duties of “Cmdr. Bluefin” USN, as such a “Secured Citizen” residing within the “Jurisdiction of Defendant “United States of America” being assumed “homeless worthless derelict street nigger trash, as Notwithstanding a [PL-413132] "phishing site found "operational" and targeting attempted file Breach dated attack same of +NSA Agent copy hot line mark September 16, 2016 2:57 (PM) "cyber weapons” - ns344 following (secured code) Marked +NSA Agent Which Affirm, State and fully declare all allegation, contention, disputes, disputation, argument, conflict and disharmony, fully furtherance’s cause of action as Chief Defendant Donald John Trump Sr. 1000% behind having a “Foreign Government” maintain cloaking, espionage and spying on said “pro se” Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein his both person as also a/k/a official “quite legal” in fact "Cmdr. Bluefin"" +U.S. Navy +USNavySEAL, as Treason of Chief Defendant Donald John Trump Sr. involvement being the International tip of the Cyber attack, direct at 1000% behind having several “Foreign Government” maintain cyber-intrusions cloaking, espionage and spying on said “pro se” Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein his both person as also a/k/a official “quite legal” in fact "Cmdr. Bluefin"" the President Ronald Reagan #1 (Nigger) +U.S. Navy +USNavySEAL, as official being (USNavy) #2712 SS state under sworn oath as a “Officer” this has “Hostile Fashion” been ongoing “Since” 2009, and “Major” Cyber attacks at many Public/Private Servers, laptops, Cell-phones, through out the defendant “United States of America”, internet Jurisdiction, all, trying to among other things maintain (GPS) tracking, maintain cloaking, espionage and spying, seeking “personal past Military information codes, records and decoding attempting to ping a signature as well fully installing redirect controls, completely damage two laptop, while attempt at destroy a computer network or system at a “public business location” while maintain for 2009 – 2016 installing Cyber attacks with usage of malicious code to alter “pro se negro slave personal computers code, logic and data, resulting in disruptive consequences that has at many times compromise data system operations to the point even simple “Spell Check” destroyed, computer “Lock out” all leading to these late and most vicious cyber crimes, of sophisticated attacks designed on attacking (Secret) and several  computer systems of public locations, within defendant “United States of America involving the “pro se” Negro Slave herein his person, as [PL-413132] "phishing site found "operational" and targeting attempted file Breach dated attack same of +NSA Agent copy hot line mark September 16, 2016 2:57 (PM) foreign "cyber weapons” - ns344 (Secured Codes) this Cyber Attack being “Mark” official as the same direct attack target upon defendant NSA/CSS Fort Meade, MD 20755-6248 “United States of America The National Security Agency (NSA) including the Democratic National Committee under going the same assault committed by none other than foreign Russia Government and there “Confederate countries committed to among other things vicious cyber crimes, of sophisticated attacks designed on attacking (Secret) and several  computer systems, while actually Covert Terrorist War, and actual (Armed) Conflicts having arrived and ongoing as official “Cmdr. Bluefin” personal private secure intelligence community, having “Directly” warned defendant “United States of America et al” both on a Official Channel and on “Social Media” since Jan. as all being record by NSA, FBI, CIA, NATO, among the entire World Intelligence  community “Lock On” Cmdr. Bluefin United States Navy, Being The statement rightly alarmed Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, who said in Sunday night’s debate that “we have never in the history of our country been in a situation where an adversary, a foreign power, is working so hard to influence the outcome of the election.”
And Defendant Mr. Donald John Trump? Once again, the GOP nominee played the part of Vladi­mir Putin’s lawyer. “She doesn’t know if it’s the Russians doing the hacking,” he said of Ms. Clinton. “Maybe there is no hacking.” Yet defendant

 Mr. Donald John Trump Sr. is receiving classified intelligence briefings, from Defendant “United States of America et al” so Cheif Defendant Donald John Trump Sr.  is certainly aware of the evidence that hackers backed by Moscow have stolen email and other records from the DNC and tried to penetrate state electoral systems, all being already described in this complaint and the Original complaint already onfile, in Defendant “United States of America et al” District Court, defendant “Donald John John Trump Sr. Further providing material support for terrorism direct violation the USA PATRIOT Act and codified in title 18 of the United States Code, sections 2339A and 2339B, Primarily all extreme and outrageous acts and actions in conscious disregards for Violations committed under Chapter 96 of Title 18, United State Code: (RICO) Racketeering Influences Corruption Organization furtherance’s acts of incite a riot, organize, promote, encourage, and “civil conspire further in a nature being direct violation and aid and abetting of 18 U.S. Code § 2101 – Riots in a nature involving continual (RICO) enterprise Chief Defendant “Donald John Trump Sr., The Trump Organization Trump Tower 725 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10022 and The Eric Trump Foundation (ETF) The Eric Trump Foundation, 725 Fifth Avenue, 16th Floor, New York, NY 10022, involving the criminal acts of commit
Violation of 18 U.S. Code Chapter 115 - TREASON, SEDITION, AND SUBVERSIVE ... of treason · § 2383 - Rebellion or insurrection · § 2384 - Seditious conspiracy · § 2385 ...
Violation of UCMJ Article 104 --Aiding the enemy
Article 99 --Misbehavior before the enemy
Article 94 --Mutiny and sedition
Article 116 --Riot or breach of peace
Article 121 --Larceny and wrongful appropriation
Article 81 -Conspiracy
Article 122 --Robbery
Article 123 --Forgery
Article 133 Conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman
18 U.S. Code § 1031 –“Fraud against the United States”, “The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act,” “Honest Services Fraud 18 U.S.C. § 1346”, conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, and major fraud against the United States, its US Department of Veterans Affairs, bogus Veterans fundraisers to include but not limited to Said “Chief Defendant” Donald John Trump, Sr. and Donald Trump Jr. here in both on or about as described fully committed on dates of January 1st 2016 – 2099 did in fact engaging in conspire in violation of Article 104 --Aiding the enemy (KKK) (ISIS) and (KGB)

Article 106 –Spies for (KKK) (ISIS) and (KGB)
Article 106a –Espionage(KKK) (ISIS) and (KGB)
… while being a Direct Party in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1589 (forced labor), 18 U.S.C. § 1590 (trafficking with respect to peonage, slavery, involuntary servitude, or forced labor),“Slavery Servitude” money laundering statutes, 18 U.S.C. 1956 and 1957, “Slavery Servitude” money laundering statutes, Financial Crimes against the Elderly or Disabled 2012 Legislation of The United State of America on rules of Governing Laws,(RICO) in “Civil Financial Exploitation Statutes Code of Ala. § 38-9-2 (2013). TITLE 38 Public Welfare CHAPTER 9 Protection of Aged or Disabled among other civil/criminal violations direct at against the peace, will, and dignity Negro SLAVE PLAINTIFFS herein”

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