The Plaintiffs Black Lives Matter 44.5 Million, Military
Veterans and Military Active Duty Slaves in 2010 - 2017 herein under “pro se counsel
of record claimed that the defendant Original UNITED STATES OF
PARKER, Houston Texas Mayor; CHIEF OF POLICE DEPARTMENT, Homicide Division; LAW
GLUCKMAN, Attorney;
GARCIA, Criminal/Immigration Attorney; MARQUERITE HUDIG, Criminal Attorney;
CARL D. HAGGARD, Attorney Mediator; F.M. (Poppy) Northcut, Criminal Attorney;
SANDRA MARTINEZ, Criminal Attorney; ALLEN J. GUIDRY, Criminal Attorney, et al, assessor and conspired with Chief Defendant;
United States whom hosted leadership to directly with
criminal hostile violent intent 1865 – 2016 Election was negligent in a wide
range of activity(s) conducted by numerous government actors at various levels,
from the government’s, Congressional. Legislative and Executive Branch of
Although the Court focused primarily on the bias RICO Fraud
acting under color of law 2010 – 2017 involving Pro Se Counsel of record being
shields, dismissed all claims in this corruption “acts the court never
separated its self from being the actual defendant “United States of America et
al” entity of a governmental nature” from securing the defendant always from
their criminal/civil liability, as this pattern and practice has now being a
direct cause for, second filing for a change of venue, to the International
Criminal Court (ICC)
With “Affidavits of probable cause and move for the Issue of
“arrest of the actual “Judicial Courts” having become determining with the
allegation are absolute sufficient to be in a Trial for the ”Federal questions
jurisdiction of “why” was the 13th
amendments not fully complete and ratified back in 1865, as co-defendant “State
of Mississippi”, “very plain” factual allegations base on actual government
records for federal question jurisdiction being the “Plaintiffs 44.5 Million
legal inquiries of the complaint, which the Court has no choice but to accept
as true base upon the statutory requirement grounded in the “13th
"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a
punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted shall
exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction"
Formally abolishing slavery in the United States, the 13th Amendment was passed
by the Congress on January 31, 1865, and ratified by the states on December 6,
1865, as “Formally abolishing slavery in defendant “United States of America”
by original Defendant State of Mississippi has ratified in 2013…? the same
sorry 13th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
~ Sincerely,
CHARLES A. BARTH Director of the Federal Register dated February 7, 2013 The Honorable C. Delbert Hosemann, Jr. Secretary of
State of Mississippi 401 Mississippi St. P.O. Box 136 Jackson, MS 39205 Dear
Secretary of State Hosemann: On behalf of the Archivist of the United States,
I acknowledge receipt of Senate Concurrent
Resolution Number 547 Resolution, adopted by the Mississippi Senate on February 16, 1995 and the Mississippi House of
Representatives on March 16, 1995. With this action, the State of Mississippi
has ratified the 13th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
~ Sincerely, CHARLES A. BARTH Director of the Federal Register,
~ Sincerely, CHARLES A. BARTH Director of the Federal Register,
The Federal Question and actual “Statement of a claim which
relief can be granted was secured in
2002 - DEADRIA FARMER-PAELLMANN, On behalf of herself and
all other persons similarly situated, CLASS ACTION ' PLAINTIFF, COMPLAINT in the matter United
States District Court, N.D. Illinois, Eastern Division In re AFRICAN-AMERICAN
SLAVE DESCENDANTS LITIGATION. MDL No. 1491. No. 02 C 7764 July 6, 2005
the Dog Federal Court Treat Her with Respect Funky lying White Trash, she has a
”Law Degree” seeing lots of lies, hiding in “KKK Para-Military Judge Chambers”
enslaving 44.5 Million Negro Race Plaintiff with a “little secret trying same in
2016 – 2017 like hell trying to keep it with the 4 Dog Negro Judges with some same
hostile bigot hostile brain dead mean very racist hateful whites Trash hiding
in “Judge Chambers” enslaving 44.5 Million Negro Race Plaintiff, past 1619 –
1865 and present 2002, 2004, 2010, 2011, 2016-2017
Which Civil Rights
Attorney DEADRIA FARMER-PAELLMANN, On behalf of herself and
all other persons similarly situated, which similarly situated being (pro se
plaintiff) his family, and 44.5 Million Plaintiffs in 2002 being in law and
equity correct time line the Court very fraudulent, criminal and continue
against every single negro race civil action involving slavery and this
“particularly smiling busted up corruption while lying to the 44.5 Million
Plaintiffs (BLM) long before “Pro se Plaintiff even address these issue of
missing 2 daughters leading to the defendant (USA) et al “missing” 13th
Amendment long Before 2010 filing against defendant (USA) by pro se plaintiff
in his both “person(s) actual Naval Cmdr. the Court “err” with criminal intent
against also DEADRIA FARMER-PAELLMANN by the precise
direct actual criminal acts of whites supremacy conservative
“Political Party GOP “enslavement, busy profiting for a extra 148 years of
human Traficant since 1865 – 2013 occurred against “pro se plaintiff, his
entire negro family, 2 missing half breed negro daughters having 1994 –
Certificate Records, other than the
original in this twisted government 1994 conspire in Child Abduction detaining and
concealing two baby girls against,
pro se plaintiff rights claimed by The Parental Kidnapping
Prevention Act (PKPA; (Pub.L. 96–611, 94 Stat. 3573, enacted December
28, 1980; 28 U.S.C. § 1738A),
So to comprehend this Appeal before a “hostile fifth court of
appeal since 1994 after the “slaughter of my family”, and wondering how can a
“white man” be so hateful, cruel and get away with these crimes to me and
official 44.5 Million Negro race subject to “hate crimes by the court as
witness by in my very own life time, producing final investigation, of evidence
(I) am a Slave, as now the Proof,
Chief Defendant Charles R. Norgle, U.S. District Judge committed
to Making false statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) United
States District Court, N.D. Illinois, Eastern Division. In re AFRICAN-AMERICAN SLAVE
DESCENDANTS LITIGATION. MDL No. 1491. No. 02 C 7764. July 6, 2005. Full stated filed herein: United States
District Court, N.D. Illinois, Eastern Division. In re AFRICAN-AMERICAN SLAVE DESCENDANTS
LITIGATION. MDL No. 1491. No. 02 C 7764. July 6, 2005.
Judge Norgle ultimately dismissed their lawsuit, plaintiff s’ supporters
publicly “denounced [his] ruling as the product of the ‘conservative right-wing
judicial, political, decision-making.” Indeed, plaintiff s’ counsel alleged
that the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation had purposefully “hand
picked… one of the most conservative judges they could find to hear this
case.”12 Supporters of the lawsuit asserted that “‘Judge Norgle is just a liar,
he is exercising his political ideology. … His eyes are the eyes of a racist.”
They claimed that his ruling was “‘a very good illustration of the injustice we
have suffered for more than 400 years, the total disregard for the humanity of
anyone.’”14 And they asserted that Judge Norgle dismissed their claims because
he was simply an “‘arrogant, racist, white judge.’ As this being in government judicial decree
“Aggravated Perjury” to committed to “enslavement” of 44.5
Million Negro Plaintiffs with deliberate conscious and criminal action of a
profession in law to precisely in leaving out the material factual surrounding
the exact dates of the (MIA) 13th amendment being ratified 1865 v. 2013
Defendant Charles
R. Norgle, U.S.
District Judge with
Co-Defendant(s) EASTERBROOK, Chief Judge, and POSNER and MANION,
Circuit Judges In the United States
Court of Appeals For the Seventh Circuit
The human trafficking industry is tied with Children
& Families, Human Trafficking,” while defendant “State of Mississippi” has
not released the Military Slave Vets, Active Duty Slave Plaintiffs, and all
Civilian Plaintiff Black Lives Matter associated with defendant(s)
1. The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt
Organization Act (RICO) 18 U.S.C. § 1589 (forced labor), 18 U.S.C. § 1590
(trafficking with respect to peonage, slavery, involuntary servitude, or forced
labor), “Slavery Servitude” money laundering statutes, 18 U.S.C. 1956 and 1957
Violation of 18 U.S. Code § 2 – Principals, in the commission of civil/criminal
crimes of humanity against of Slavery Servitude imposed wrongfully against 44.5 Million (plus) “Plaintiffs Black Lives Matter”.
3. 18
U.S. Code § 242 - Deprivation of rights under color of law of “United States of America Judicial Government Court under color of any law “collectively” Principals,
Co-conspirators and
accessories after the fact
4. FALSIFICATION OF Government decree, mutable judgments
order records further violation of Hate Crimes Statue in the process 18 U.S.
Code § 249 - Hate crime acts In
connection to maintain 44.5 (plus) Million criminal counts of false
imprisonment, kidnapping, in this government force free labor, and Theft
of services by deception, force, threat and other false imprisonment
unlawful means, i.e., without lawfully compensating the 44.5 Million (plus)
“Plaintiffs Black Lives Matter”.
5. Sec. 37.04. MATERIALITY conspire against a facts to
aid a cover up RICO slavery scheme of things In connection to maintain 44.5
(plus) Million criminal counts of false imprisonment, kidnapping, in this
government force free labor, and Theft of services by deception, force,
threat and other false imprisonment unlawful means, i.e., without lawfully
compensating the 44.5 Million (plus) “Plaintiffs Black Lives Matter”.
6. False Imprisonment
with direct violation of intent, actual confinement in boundaries as
“slaves” not of the plaintiff's “Black Lives Matter” choosing, and defendant
(USA) et al awareness of the confinement for 148 years since 1865 said 13th
amendment of US Constitution was not completely ratified.
7. Violation of 18 U.S. Code § 2 – Principals, in the
commission of civil/criminal crimes of humanity of “Enslavement” against 44.5
Million (plus) “Plaintiffs Black Lives Matter”.
Grand larceny, Principals, in the commission of civil/criminal crimes of
humanity against 44.5 Million (plus) “Plaintiffs Black Lives Matter” throughout
the defendant United States designating theft that is large in magnitude in excess of 6 Trillion U.S.
Dollars with interest dating back to 1865 and very serious in penological
consequences as described in Class Action Deaddria Farmer – Paeellmann vs.
FleetBoston Financial Corporations et al, filed Mar 26th 2002 Case
No. CV 02 1863
As described in Class Action Hamilton v. United
States of America et al
Filed: December 15, 2010 as 1:2010cv00808 Plaintiff: Louis Charles Hamilton, II Defendant: United States of America,
Andrew Johnson Cause Of Action:
Racketeering (RICO) Act, Court: Fifth Circuit › Texas › Texas Eastern District Court Type: Other Statutes › Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt

9. Making false statements
(18 U.S.C. § 1001) Defendant (USA) et al imposed
“Black Codes Laws”
“Vagrancy Laws” “Jim
Crow Laws” and never ending
Slavery till 2013 being a “long uncivilized history” since year 1619 in the
process of intimidate, murder, discrimination, segregation, violence,
voting disfranchisement, and force deaths thereof to directed and fully coerce
all negro military and civilian slave population “Plaintiffs Black Lives
Matter” as these; widespread and systematic attack directed crimes against humanity at the
“Plaintiffs Black Live Matter” herein as
various inhumane acts, i.e., "murder”, extermination, torture,
enslavement, persecution on political control, “racial ethnic” grounds of false
imprisonment and mass institutionalized discrimination intimidate, murder,
discrimination, segregation, racial terrorization violence, voting
disfranchisement, and millions being force deaths thereof involved being “slave
10. Violation of 18 U.S. Code § 2 –
Principals, in the commission of civil/criminal crimes against The Money
Laundering Control Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-570) is a United States Act of
Congress that made money laundering a federal crime, against the RICO Statue with
Co-Defendant Federal Reserve Bank since 1913 - 2013
11. 18 U.S. Code § 1201 – Kidnapping 44.5
Million Negro Plaintiffs Black Lives Matter, further 2011again, 18 U.S. Code §
1201 – Kidnapping Louis Charles Hamilton II
Cmdr. US Navy (Secret Service) #2712 as defined in complaints.
Further in 1994 8
U.S. Code § 1201 – Child Kidnapping COUNTERFEITING AND FORGERY Birth
Certificate Records, conspire in Child Abduction detaining and
concealing two baby girls against, The
Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act (PKPA; (Pub.L. 96–611, 94
Stat. 3573, enacted December 28, 1980; 28 U.S.C. § 1738A)
with defendant(s) Lowell Walker” (Father in Law) of Salt Lake City Utah, Helena
Walker (Mother –in-Law) of Salt Lake City Utah, LaMont H. Walker and wife, Lori,
Murray, Utah;, Nico J. Walker and wife, Michelle; Nathan A. Walker and wife,
Lynette, Salt Lake City, Utah;, Mrs. Frank (Luana Joy) Sawatzki, (Walker)
Farmington, Utah;, Mrs. Douglas (Corry Sue) Cutler (Walker), Mrs. Curtis
(Faith) Ryan, (Walker), Mrs. Preston (Melissa) Christensen, (Walker) Salt Lake
City, collectively “Utters and publishes as true a false, forged, altered and
completely counterfeit birth records.
12. 18 U.S. Code § 1519 -
Destruction, alteration, concealing, with deliberation, conscious technical
skilled in the capacity of Attorney at Law manipulation and falsification of
judicial records of civil/criminal crimes of
humanity against 44.5 Million (plus) “Plaintiffs Black Lives Matter” throughout
the defendant United States undisputed proof all DNA Negro Race
Plaintiffs Black Lives Matter” ages, precisely being in 2013 5, 4, 3, 2, 1years
old from birth up and now being born in 2017 (Only)
then in legal status in the Jurisdiction of defendant (USA) et al “Plaintiffs
Black Lives Matter” having full legal rights as Status by the Federal Court
System Defined as “Slave descendant or Slavery ancestors “Status Claims”, of
defendant United States of America et al “Precise” Slavery History” of 1619 –
2013 Criminal transactions that “Leaving
all” Black Lives Matter Plaintiffs ages, 4, 3, 2, 1 and being born in 2017
(only), official “Slave descendant or Slavery ancestors without legal precise
just claims to the 14th amendment rights to a constitution of a “Slave
descendant or Slavery ancestors, Parental Family member as all 44.5 Million
plus “Plaintiffs Black Lives Matter”, all Born as Slaves 1865 – 2013 therefore
never had any just civil claims to the 14th amendment rights
13. 18 U.S. Code Chapter 73 - OBSTRUCTION
OF JUSTICE 2002 – 2017 destroying physical court records, exhibits, and
data, and cover up, concealing real material factual claims of being “enslaved” among other
factual allegations already proven.
14. 18 U.S. Code Chapter 25 - COUNTERFEITING AND FORGERY Birth
Certificate Records, conspire in Child Abduction, detaining and
concealing two baby girls against, The
Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act (PKPA; (Pub.L. 96–611, 94
Stat. 3573, enacted December 28, 1980; 28 U.S.C. § 1738A),
15. 1729.
Protection of Government Processes -- Tampering with Victim’s Louis Charles Hamilton II Cmdr. US Navy (Secret Service)
#2712 (Abduction) of false arrest in 2011, while further collectively Committed
to this grand PERJURY
Obstruction of the Secret Service
-- 18 U.S.C. § 3056(d) as described in Class
Action Hamilton v. United States of America et al
Filed: December 15, 2010 as 1:2010cv00808 Plaintiff: Louis Charles Hamilton, II Defendant: United States of America,
Andrew Johnson Cause Of Action:
Racketeering (RICO) Act, Court: Fifth Circuit › Texas › Texas
Eastern District Court Type: Other Statutes › Racketeer
Influenced and Corrupt Organizations.

16. Violation of 18
U.S. Code § 2 – Principals, in the commission of civil/criminal crimes against
The Money Laundering Control Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-570) is a United States
Act of Congress that made money laundering a federal crime, against the RICO
Statue with Co-Defendant Federal Reserve Bank et al
17. Conspire to
Violation of the Money Laundering
Control Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-570) is a United States Act of Congress that made money laundering a federal crime. It
was passed in 1986. It consists of two sections, 18 U.S.C. § 1956 and 18 U.S.C.
§ 1957. With Co-Defendant Federal Reserve Bank et al
18. Violation of 18 U.S. Code § 2339 - Harboring or
concealing terrorists |
19. Obstruction of the Secret Service – 18 U.S.C.
§ 3056(d) of “Pro Se Plaintiff (actually) being “United States Secret Service
Naval Cmdr, Louis Charles Hamilton II, # 2712
Violation of “Principles,
Co-conspirators and accessories after the fact —
or has reasonable grounds to believe , Chief Defendant 45th President Donald
John Trump Sr. being directly involved against 18 U.S. Code § 2331 money
laundering “international terrorism” and “domestic terrorism” to fully
“Internationally” and “domestic” intimidate
coerce all civilian population “world – wide” as these; involve violent
acts or acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws
of the United States, and “International Law of the (ICC) International
Criminal Court committed
21. Violation of 18 U.S. Code § 2 –
Principals, in the commission of civil/criminal crimes of maintaining, past,
present and future “enslavement” against the “Plaintiffs 44.5 Million plus
“Black Lives Matter” as these; involve violent 1865 – 2016 “election of acts
and criminal actions “outlawed” but out law by whom..? The white man own sky..?
And extremely dangerous to (plaintiffs) Negro Slaves and all human life that
are a direct violation of the criminal laws of the defendant (whites only
constitution) United States, and “International Law of the (ICC) International
Criminal Court.
22. Making false
statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) FALSIFICATION OF Fifth
Circuit Court of Appeals” in this criminal additional false entry in judicial
decree court official government record that is kept, in USDC claiming to made,
or used to show Judicial Government decree attest by official: Lyle W. Cayce
“Clerk of The United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit” By: Dawn M.
Shulin, Deputy Clerk entered at the direction of the court Certified as true
copy and issued as the mandate on Sep 09, 2016 in the matter
No. 16- 20559 Louis Charles Hamilton II Plaintiff – Appellant v. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Chief Defendant; United States OF AMERICA CONGRESS; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA SUPREME COURT; VLADIMIR VLADIMIRVICH PUTIN Defendants – Appellees
No. 16- 20559 Louis Charles Hamilton II Plaintiff – Appellant v. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Chief Defendant; United States OF AMERICA CONGRESS; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA SUPREME COURT; VLADIMIR VLADIMIRVICH PUTIN Defendants – Appellees
23. Making false
statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) FALSIFICATION OF government
decree, mutable judgments order records against the “Original Slavery Freedom
a. Chief Judge of the
United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, Slave Negro Carl E.
Stewart (born January 2, 1950) 63 Years official Slave of Defendant “United
States of America et al”
b. and the “Original American Negro Slave Freedom Papers” for United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, Slave Negro James Earl Graves Jr. (born 1953) 60 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
c. And the “Original American Negro Slave Freedom Papers” for United States District Judge Slave Negro Vanessa Diane Gilmore (born October 1956) 57 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
d. And the “Original American Negro Slave Freedom Papers” for United States District Judge Slave Negro Alfred Homer Bennett (born 1965) 48 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
e. And the “Original American Negro Slave Freedom Papers” for United States District Judge Slave Negro George Carol Hanks, Jr. (born 1964) 49 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
Original American Negro Slave Freedom Papers” for Plaintiff Slave Negro Barack Hussein Obama II (born August 4th 1961) 52 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
f. And the “Original American Negro Slave Freedom Papers” for Plaintiff Slave Negro Michelle La Vaughn Obama (born 1964) 49 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
g. And the “Original American Negro Slave Freedom Papers” for Plaintiff Slave Negro Sasha Obama (born June 10th 2001) 12 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
h. And the “Original American Negro Slave Freedom Papers” for Plaintiff Slave Negro Malia Ann Obama (born July 4th 1998) 15 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
i. And the “Original American Negro Slave Freedom Papers” for Defendant United States Associate Justice Slave Negro Clarence Thomas (born June 23rd 1948) 49 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
j. Original American Negro Slave Freedom Papers” for Plaintiff Slave Negro Dred Scott (born 1795) died September 17th 1858 St. Louis MO 218 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
k. “Original American Negro Slave Freedom Papers” for Plaintiff Slave Negro Deadria Farmer – Paellman (born 1966) 47 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al” to include
“Original American Negro Slave Freedom Papers” for
l. Slave Negro Defendant Jesse Louis Jackson (born October 8, 1941) 72 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
m. Slave Negro Defendant Louis Farrakhan Sr. (born May 11th 1933) 80 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
n. Slave Negro Defendant Alfred Charles “Al” Sharpton Jr. (born October 3 1954) 59 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
o. Slave Negro Plaintiff Colin Rand Kaepernick (born November 3rd 1987) 26 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
p. Slave Negro Plaintiff Rachel Meghan Markle (born August 4, 1981) 32 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
q. Slave Negro Plaintiff Congressman John Robert Lewis (born February 21, 1940) 73 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
r. Slave Negro Plaintiff Chandra D. Hamilton (born December 27th 1990) 23 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
s. Slave Negro Plaintiff Natasha C. Hamilton (born December 30th 1991) 22 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
t. Slave Negro Defendant United States Senator Timothy Eugene "Tim" Scott (born September 19, 1965) 48 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
u. Slave Negro Plaintiff Coretta Scott King (born April 27, 1927) 86 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
v. Slave Negro Plaintiff Martin Luther King III (born October 23, 1957) 56 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
w. Slave Negro Plaintiff Yolanda Renee King (born May 25, 2008) 5 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
x. Slave Negro Plaintiff Dexter Scott King (born January 30, 1961) 52 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
y. Slave Negro Plaintiff Bernice Albertine King (born March 28, 1963 ) 50 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
b. and the “Original American Negro Slave Freedom Papers” for United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, Slave Negro James Earl Graves Jr. (born 1953) 60 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
c. And the “Original American Negro Slave Freedom Papers” for United States District Judge Slave Negro Vanessa Diane Gilmore (born October 1956) 57 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
d. And the “Original American Negro Slave Freedom Papers” for United States District Judge Slave Negro Alfred Homer Bennett (born 1965) 48 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
e. And the “Original American Negro Slave Freedom Papers” for United States District Judge Slave Negro George Carol Hanks, Jr. (born 1964) 49 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
Original American Negro Slave Freedom Papers” for Plaintiff Slave Negro Barack Hussein Obama II (born August 4th 1961) 52 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
f. And the “Original American Negro Slave Freedom Papers” for Plaintiff Slave Negro Michelle La Vaughn Obama (born 1964) 49 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
g. And the “Original American Negro Slave Freedom Papers” for Plaintiff Slave Negro Sasha Obama (born June 10th 2001) 12 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
h. And the “Original American Negro Slave Freedom Papers” for Plaintiff Slave Negro Malia Ann Obama (born July 4th 1998) 15 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
i. And the “Original American Negro Slave Freedom Papers” for Defendant United States Associate Justice Slave Negro Clarence Thomas (born June 23rd 1948) 49 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
j. Original American Negro Slave Freedom Papers” for Plaintiff Slave Negro Dred Scott (born 1795) died September 17th 1858 St. Louis MO 218 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
k. “Original American Negro Slave Freedom Papers” for Plaintiff Slave Negro Deadria Farmer – Paellman (born 1966) 47 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al” to include
“Original American Negro Slave Freedom Papers” for
l. Slave Negro Defendant Jesse Louis Jackson (born October 8, 1941) 72 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
m. Slave Negro Defendant Louis Farrakhan Sr. (born May 11th 1933) 80 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
n. Slave Negro Defendant Alfred Charles “Al” Sharpton Jr. (born October 3 1954) 59 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
o. Slave Negro Plaintiff Colin Rand Kaepernick (born November 3rd 1987) 26 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
p. Slave Negro Plaintiff Rachel Meghan Markle (born August 4, 1981) 32 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
q. Slave Negro Plaintiff Congressman John Robert Lewis (born February 21, 1940) 73 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
r. Slave Negro Plaintiff Chandra D. Hamilton (born December 27th 1990) 23 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
s. Slave Negro Plaintiff Natasha C. Hamilton (born December 30th 1991) 22 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
t. Slave Negro Defendant United States Senator Timothy Eugene "Tim" Scott (born September 19, 1965) 48 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
u. Slave Negro Plaintiff Coretta Scott King (born April 27, 1927) 86 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
v. Slave Negro Plaintiff Martin Luther King III (born October 23, 1957) 56 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
w. Slave Negro Plaintiff Yolanda Renee King (born May 25, 2008) 5 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
x. Slave Negro Plaintiff Dexter Scott King (born January 30, 1961) 52 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
y. Slave Negro Plaintiff Bernice Albertine King (born March 28, 1963 ) 50 Years official Slave of Defendant “United States of America et al”
Further violation 5. Sec. 37.04.
MATERIALITY conspire against a material facts as described in “Original Slavery
Freedom Papers filed into court evidence” a – y
in representation court err in continue 2010 – 2017 Fraud of The Court
precisely a population of against 44.5 Million Slaves still in 20117 to aid a
cover up, further
of 18 U.S. Code § 2 – Principals, in the commission of civil/criminal crimes, 18
U.S. Code Chapter 73 - OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE, manipulation of the Correct
Judicial Decree, of the correct enslavement history “Original Slavery Freedom Papers filed into court evidence” a – y listed
above being RICO criminal acts of
monetary compensation damage control designating Grand
larceny and actual intent theft that is large in magnitude in excess
of 6 Trillion U.S. Dollars with interest dating back to 1865 and very serious
in penological consequences as described in Class Action Deaddria Farmer –
Paeellmann vs. FleetBoston Financial Corporations et al, filed Mar 26th
2002 Case No. CV 02 1863., as described in Class Action
v. United States of America et al
Filed: December 15, 2010 as 1:2010cv00808 Plaintiff:
Louis Charles Hamilton, II Defendant: United States of America, Andrew
Johnson Cause Of Action: Racketeering (RICO) Act, Court: Fifth Circuit › Texas › Texas
Eastern District Court Type: Other Statutes › Racketeer
Influenced and Corrupt Organizations.

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