NO. 17- 40804
Louis Charles Hamilton, II
Louis Charles Hamilton, II
John Trump, Sr., 45th President of the United States of
Defendant – Appellee
Re: CASE NO. 17- 40804 Donald John Trump, Sr.,
45th President of the United States of America Original Brief Record Excerpts Case
No. 17 - 40804 USDC No. 3:17-MC-3
Chief Judge: Carl E. Stewart, Clerk of
Court: Lyle W. Cayce., Amanda Sutton – Foy,
Deputy Clerk, U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of
600 S. Maestri Place, New Orleans, LA 70130 504-310-7684
600 S. Maestri Place, New Orleans, LA 70130 504-310-7684
in leave of Court Request of “Late Filing” U.S.
Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, you did not dismiss, as I requested, previously
as being “Shell Shock” from many years of this legal case as the latest actions
being a direct cause as stated into the (records) further started (many) actions
before “United Nations Security Council”, with exhibit A1 Proof of mailing filing,
*United Nations Secretary-General António Manuel de
Oliveira Guterres take legal notice (3) Legal actions having commenced
against United Nations Headquarters Security Council being under “legal
international advisement” of “Cease and Desist” directly following (UN)
Statement on Visit to the USA, by
Professor Philip Alston, United Nations Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty
and human rights* with a further started actions filing to “protect
#BlackLivesMatter before “NATO” exhibit B2 Proof of mailing filing, being the
same with
B2 Prime Min Theresa Mary May, b2President Emmanuel Macron, b2Prime
Min. Hailemaraim D. Boshe, b2Xi Jinping (among
others) having Notice of #BlackLivesMatter on notice of pending (possibly)
needed “International Military Trial” other (Extreme Legal International UN
Security Council Sanction, Security Actions) for the protection of all
#BlackLivesMatter (International) and National Interest against (USA) as a
“Whole” as its “Hostile current Judicial Political GOP Government
on notice to (ICC) International Criminal Court #BlackLivesMatter having
commenced By Cmdr. of Naval of The
United States of America, by the undersigned pro se council of record, being
leading Chief of Counsel for charges against (USA) Continue 1865 War Crimes, These
crimes included murders, brutalities, cruelties, tortures, atrocities, and
other inhumane acts,
With individually Certain defendants are further pending charged
with membership in a Criminal Organization, as set forth in complaints filed
2010 - 2017 undersigned council of record
since 2001 duly appointed to represent each and every said #BlackLivesMatter International
& International Legal National Security Interest and all others similarly
the same within the Jurisdiction of “United States of America” pursuant to Presidential
term: January 20, 1981 – January 20, 1989
Order 12331—President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
October 20, 1981
October 20, 1981
By virtue of the authority vested in me as President by the
Constitution and statutes of the United States of America, and in order to
enhance the security of the United States by improving the quality and
effectiveness of intelligence available to the United States, it is ordered as
Section 1. There is hereby established within the White House
Office, Executive Office of the President, the President's Foreign Intelligence
Advisory Board (the "Board").
Members of the Board shall serve at the pleasure of the
President and shall be appointed:
By the President from among trustworthy and distinguished citizens
outside the Government who are qualified on the basis of achievement,
experience, and independence of to include Naval Bluefin Inc.,
The President shall designate a Chairman and Vice Chairman
from among the members. The Board shall utilize full-time staff and consultants
as authorized by the President. Such staff shall be headed by an Executive
Director, appointed by the President
By further virtue of the authority Executive
Order 2333 United States Intelligence Activities December 4th
1981, Executive Order 12361 Multinational
Force and Observers reports, April 27, 1982, Executive
Order 12356 National Security Information, April 2, 1982, Executive Order 12473 Courts-Martial Manual,
United States, 1984, April 13, 1984, Executive Order
12633, Amending the Code of Conduct for Members of the Armed Forces
of the United States, March 28, 1988,
Executive Order 12417, Strategic and critical materials, May 2, 1983, Executive Order 12401 President's Commission on
Strategic Forces, January 14, 1983,
Executive Order 12406, President's
Commission on Strategic Forces, February
18, 1983 in the prosecution of refusal
to ending 1865 continue war criminals, crimes against humanity charges that the
defendants herein participated in a Common Design or Conspiracy to commit and
did commit War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity, as defined in Control
Council Law No. 10, duly enacted by the Allied Control Council on 20 December
Pursuant in on or
about December 20th 1945 (USA) Confederate State of Mississippi “Never”
ratified the 13th Amendment giving rise to violation of “Both”
International Law, United Nations Charter, United Nations Security Council,
NATO, and the “entire”
Community National Security as described “legally” before (USA) Federal
Judicial Justice 2010 – 2018 being denied access of due process, as complaint
duly noted,
“However” in order
#BlackLivesMatter and the under signed “Pro Se” council of record to proceed
“Legally” before the International Community” with as stated while other legal
actions commencing
a. the New Appeal and Record excerpt will be “respectfully” filed
on or about 7th day of February, 2018 for “REASONING” of undue
delays stated herein further
b. between this undersigned date “You” U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals as always can dismissed,
you already was request to dismiss, other than review the New Appeal and Record
excerpt which being study, drafted as will be filed on or about 7th
day of February, 2018 if the court refusal of such undue delays at the “Childish
acts of the
“Executive Office” to United nations and the Undersigned pro
se council of record to “Bully and monetary interfere at the Hands of the past
court “err” please dismiss and official “then” good bye, and Good Riddance’s
(Legal) Criminal/Civil International actions can commence in Four Venues
Wherefore, this (actions) filed before the (ICC) International Criminal Court,
United Nations Security Council, NATO, UK, as “We
Done Dance enough” with a “Bias 5th Circuit Court” and Texas Federal Court System
As stated in Support of this required Date Deadline, the
accused Donald
John Trump, Sr., 45th President of the United States of America,
2017 – 2018 “Among many other criminal actions
having been “involved” additional with overseeing FEMA, causing further “direct”
underhanded “disrespect, finical undue, unwanted (delays) gaming fishing trips,
and government spin job
one Chain” as I may say in any FEMA
Relief from Hurricane Harvey causing which did make land fall Date: August 17, 2017 well to
this undersigned date with this underhanded “disrespect, finical undue, actions
to included with burden of (many) unwanted “Appeal, and Federal Courts actions,
now traced back to 2010 in Government imposed hardship, loss family,
construction company by such obstruction, abuse of power, and monetary delays,
as now more recent “letter copy” dated
10/27/2017 file herein, exhibit C FEMA Headquarters “William B. Long” FEMA
Director with exhibit D FEMA letter dated from FEMA, requesting to visit a home
And miss the chance to see it 3 times…? While
(same) time denial of FEMA evacuation (relief) of any type....? While this “legal” case is against Donald John Trump, Sr., 45th
President of the United States of America, and USA as a “Whole” being consider
in the same past fashion Government imposed hardship, obstruction, abuse of
power, and monetary delays, Government
Records of Court Corruption that “exhibit”
D Russia probe FBI “VLADIMIR VLADIMIRVICH PUTIN” is list as a
official Defendants – Appellees before the “Fifth Circuit Court of Appeal No. 16 – 20559 “Certified as
true on September 9th 2016 as “Exhibit of Christopher Steele dossier
has been filed into several court actions, including the (5th Cir.)
all being dismissed in “err” in favor of Donald John Trump, Sr., before (Trump)
becoming 45th President dismissed in “err” by
Federal and (5th Cir.) Appeals Court with pro se under signed council of
record alleges the “Production” of not of his own
doings Forgery and Counterfeit Certified as true on September 9th
is list as a official Defendants – Appellees…?
factual first case Hamilton v. Trump was
Filed: July 18, 2016 as 4:2016mc01633,
then precisely 1 months a few days later pro se under signed council of record
alleges Forgery
and Counterfeit by the “Fifth Circuit
Court of Appeal No. 16 – 20559 “Certified” as true on September 9th
official Defendants – Appellees…?, then Hamilton v. Trump
Filed: December 22,
2016 as 3:2016mc00016, (3) months later being dismissed in “err” while
defendant, and no corrections made by the “Courts” other than “Pro Se”
undersigned council of record filed law (many) suit, and this (actions) Trump
in dismissed with prejudice, as Frivolous
all barrier, hurdle, stumbling, block, obstruction, bar,
block, impediment, hindrance, snag, catch, drawback, hitch,
done Before and during “Steele used
his contacts in Russia to put together that dossier

The Donald
Trump–Russia dossier, also known as the Steele dossier, is a private intelligence dossier that was written
by former British MI6 intelligence officer Christopher Steele. It contains allegations of misconduct and conspiracy
between the Donald Trump campaign
and the Russian government before and during the 2016 U.S.
presidential election, much of it
detailing alleged cooperation between the campaign and
Russians to interfere in the 2016 presidential election to benefit Trump.[2] The contents of
the dossier were published in full by BuzzFeed on
January 10, 2017As noted before the (5th Cir.) Appeals Court that describes efforts by Russian
President Vladimir Putin to cultivate a relationship with Trump and his entourage being (military
and civilian investigated) includes the “Highest Courts” in light of this “Fifth Circuit Court of Appeal No.
16 – 20559
as true on September 9th 2016 Government Records of Court Corruption
is list as a official Defendants – Appellees and to gather material that could
be used to blackmail the candidate if necessary. Steele did not pay sources for information
Further Appeal Case No. 17-40280 USDC No.
3:16-MC-16 “Petition for Writ of Mandamus to the United States District Court
for the Southern District of Texas, Galveston Denied on June 21st
2017..? (9) Months later by the (5th Cir.) Appeals Court…? While the
court having “Fifth Circuit Court of
Appeal No. 16 – 20559 records, knowledge in intent “Certified as
true on September 9th 2016 Government Records of Court Corruption
is list as a official Defendants – Appellees while ignoring private intelligence dossier that was written
by former British MI6 intelligence officer Christopher Steele, and (all) Federal Records of the undersigned pro se
council of records with all the “added” hardship of producing a Brief on a
Appeal the Court will reject before “even produced”
Exhibit E undersigned council of record only receiving 750.00
a month, 15 Dollars food stamps, while dealing in this matter, is will be impossible
to file any brief (until) next SSI date of Feb. 1st 2018 (thereby)
all your court rules meaning (zero) and very Bias, so thereby “Decide this case”
as you been doing..? Which as stated the TRO, “Change of Venue to (ICC) “International
Criminal Court and other document on file (should) be consider, by (5th
Cir.) in light of the extreme nature of the actions of (Trump) notwithstanding “many parties” involved which, take legal Notice office of
the “Clerk” (5th Cir.) said
(Affidavit of Probable
Cause and Issuance of Warrant of Arrest) for Donald John
Trump, Sr., 45th President of the United States of America exhibit F Case 3:16-mc-00016 Document 5-1
Filed in TXSD on 01/17/17 Page 4 of 21 ROA. 17 –
40068.275 – 17-40068.288 being refilled within moments of dismissal before (5th
Cir.) on Complaints in
Utah Federal Judicial System (along) with other “Legal Venues”
among several International already having copy and supporting evidence for
such review of the “National Security Interest of #BlackLivesMatter being denied
by due process within Jurisdiction of
(USA) as being filed before (UN) United Nations Headquarters, (Russia Probe) FBI
HQ et al
Undersigned council move for cost of return of the Brief and
Record excerpts to return, for correction to keep cost, and expedite such
filing, further undersigned “pro se” council of record move further (5th
Cir.) appeals court “wave” cost of latest Brief and Records Excerpts, and
return for undersigned “pro se” council of record “corrections as order by the “Court”
attached herein respectfully
Pursuant to Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 32(g) (1)
(C) and 27 (d) (2) (A), I certify that Plaintiff-Appellant
Louis Charles Hamilton II
MOTION FOR Late filing Brief and Records
Excerpts submitted for CASE NO. 17- 40804
USPS Tracking # (5th Cir.) 9405 5116 9900 0499 4958 54
against 45th President Donald John Trump Sr., (1) was
prepared using 14-point Times New Roman font; (2) Is proportionally spaced; and
(3) Contains 2043 words
Certificate of Mail Service
Chief Defendant “45th President
Donald John Trump Sr., The Trump Organization, 725 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10022
is the correct mailing address on record with UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS
FIFTH CIRCUIT and a true and correct copy of Request for document filed in correct
case Number “Correct” in the matter of “Appeals” against 45th
President Donald John Trump Sr., attach Described request for filing late brief
and records excerpts herein having been produce to said
Chief Defendant “45th President
Donald John Trump Sr., Mailed to Defendant 45th
President Donald John Trump Sr.-Appellees The Trump Organization, 725 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10022.
2 day USPS Tracking # 9405 5116 9900
0499 4702 40
attach Described herein having been
produce to said Robert Swan Mueller III FBI “Federal Bureau of Investigation”
Headquarters 935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20535- 0001 2 day USPS
Tracking # 9405 5116 9900 0499 4447 60
attach Described herein “request late filing” having been produce to said George C. Hanks, Jr.
United States District Judge 601
Rosenberg, 6th Floor Galveston, TX 77550 1 day USPS Tracking # 9405 5116 9900
0499 4962 02
this ____ Day of ________2018
Louis Charles Hamilton II,
Pro Se Plaintiff/Appellee,
Cmdr. USN #2712
(409) 370 1907
Cc: #Honorable #Ms #Fatou #Bensouda #Prosecutor, Office of the Prosecutor ICC International Criminal Court, The, Hague, Netherlands
Cc: Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Palais Wilson 52 rue des Pâquis CH-1201 Geneva, Switzerland
Cc: International Criminal Court, Oude Waalsdorperweg 10, 2597 AK Den Haag, Netherlands +Peace Palace
CC: Queen Elizabeth II, Princess Elizabeth Alexandra Mary, +BRITISH QUEEN
Cc: Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, KG, KT, PC, ADC (William Arthur Philip Louis) #Prince #Williams
Cc: Prince Henry of Wales, KCVO, (Henry Charles Albert David) +Prince Harry
Cc: Prime Minister Theresa Mary May British Parliament +British Parliament
The British Consulate 1301 Fannin Street Houston Texas 77002-7014
Cc: #Honorable #Ms #Fatou #Bensouda #Prosecutor, Office of the Prosecutor ICC International Criminal Court, The, Hague, Netherlands
Cc: Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Palais Wilson 52 rue des Pâquis CH-1201 Geneva, Switzerland
Cc: International Criminal Court, Oude Waalsdorperweg 10, 2597 AK Den Haag, Netherlands +Peace Palace
CC: Queen Elizabeth II, Princess Elizabeth Alexandra Mary, +BRITISH QUEEN
Cc: Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, KG, KT, PC, ADC (William Arthur Philip Louis) #Prince #Williams
Cc: Prince Henry of Wales, KCVO, (Henry Charles Albert David) +Prince Harry
Cc: Prime Minister Theresa Mary May British Parliament +British Parliament
The British Consulate 1301 Fannin Street Houston Texas 77002-7014
+BBC Africa +ABC NEWS +CBS Evening News +America's Got Talent +Yahoo! News Odd News#Jackie #Chan +Samuel L Jackson +Black Lives Matter +MLK jr. +Vladimir Putin +USSR Gov +Russian Education Centre #Russia +Nasdaq Social +Washington Post #United #States #of #America +United Nations Human Rights Council -SLMUN +Santa Claus +Pope Francis +BBC Arabic بي بي سي عربي #British #Royal #Navy +FEDERAL BUREAU Investigation #Muller #Moscow #Mud #Dry #Beer +NSA Agent +Central Intelligence Agency +Mi6 #MI6 +POLICE INTERPOL +US Senate #GOP +Federal Reserve bank +USS Ronald Reagan CVN 76 +USS Lassen DDG +USS JOHN S McCAIN DDG 56 +USS Forrestal +U.S. Army South #U.S. #Department #of #State +Canadian Army +Canada Immigration Consultants #Mexico #Jackie #Chan +Samuel L. Jackson +Rachel Maddow Show +BBC NEWS WORLD +British Citizenship Test In UK +NATO +Appeal Courts +Federal Courthouse
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