Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) 2015 “We Thee Abused (American) “Negro Race”… “World Court of Justice” The Hague (Petition)

“Tortious Interference with Fiduciary Duty”
We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race 2015-2099, “Affirm”, “State”, and “declare” legally, Appearance Respectfully before his/her “World Honorable Presiding “Justices”, To the Honorable “World Court of Justice” The Hague

Upon which We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race, affirm, state and fully declare all allegation, contention, disputes, disputation, argument, conflict and disharmony, fully cause of action as follows:
Co-Defendant(s) “White Controlling Class”, official 1000% slave owner(s) of Plantations, industries, business, companies, corporations, shipping, raw materials, rail road’s,

Main infrastructure power grid, agency, private/public social infrastructure jointly from exploitation of said Free Force “Slave Labor” enterprise for “Unjust enrichment” 1619-December 7th 2013
Engaged collectively as a “Unit” with The Deep Dark ages Defendant “United States of America” et al relationship with “aiding and abetting”, “Assisting and participating” and full 1000% Concert in actions with

For “White Only” prosperity in gains of “Slave Trade” 1000% “unjust enrichment”, in declaration for preamble in declared Prosperity thereafter (1857) “Dred Scott”, Not Human Free Entity, but the “Property” of
Co-Defendant(s) “White Controlling Class”, official 1000% slave owner(s) of Plantations, industries, business, companies, corporations, shipping, raw materials, rail road’s,
Main infrastructure power grid, agency, private/public social infrastructure jointly from exploitation profits off said Slave Labor from exact start date of “Slavery Industry”
August 20th 1619- February 7th 2013 resulting in “massive theft of personal property, land, assets, monetary value, live stock, in a grisly money plunder ransack raid by their “Infamous” Para-Military “Knights” of “The Klu Klux Klan”, committed mutable upon mutable thousand of counts of “Tortious Interference with Fiduciary” on such behalf of “legal” Judicial behalf of the Co-Defendant(s) collectively herein,
“White Conquering Master Society, slave owner(s) of Plantations, industries, business, companies, corporations, agency, private/public social infrastructure jointly from exploitation profits off said
August 20th 1619-Feburary 7th 2013 Free (KKK) Killer “Slave Labor”, AND 1000% absolutely whole sale shopping spree of Physical actual 1000% “thousands upon thousands” of count in the Pirate of (America)
“White Only” Constitution government whole sale conspire sanction income in “pillage”, “Plundering and “looting of (Billions) in physical

“THEFT OF PERSONAL PROPERTY” derive thereof committed against the peace, will dignity, respect and destruction of the “White Conquering Master Society, of control Dark Ages Defendant
“United States of America” et al in continual “Human rights violations against kidnap, abducted and ransack lay-wasted in being a (Negro) race namely
“We Thee Abused (Negro) race never free from “Slavery Servitude” August 20th 1619-Feburary 7th 2013 Physical actual 1000% “thousands upon thousands” of count of “Tortious Interference with Prospective Relationship”, in the “Mutable of “thousands upon thousands” counts of “Assault , “Battery”, “Infliction of Bodily Injury” ,
“Offensive Physical Contact”, “Threat of Bodily Contact”, For unjust enrichment”, in declaration for Prosperity “Dred Scott”, Not Human Free Entity, but the Property of Co-Defendants collectively herein “White Controlling Class”, slave owner(s) of Plantations, industries, business, companies, corporations, agency, private/public social infrastructure jointly from exploitation profits off said Slave Labor in this

“Grand 1619-1857 Twisted never ending ongoing “Slave Régime”, collectively in collusion with “United States Supreme Court” engaged in
“Obstruction of Justice”, Pursuant to Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), against “Human Rights Violations” fully 1000% derived thereof, in
Fraud, Non-disclosure, deceptive governmental laws, false and misleading fraudulent misrepresentations of “Good Faith” and “Fair Dealing” statutory claims pursuant to The 13th Amendment to the Constitution declared that
"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, their Co-Defendants collectively herein in concert with there
Shall exist within the United States,
Or any place subject to their jurisdiction “Formally abolishing slavery in the United States,

The 14th Amendment to the Constitution which was ratified on July 9, 1868, and claim granted citizenship to
“All persons born or naturalized in the United States,” which included former slaves recently freed. In addition, it forbids states from denying any person "life, liberty or property, without due process of law" or to "deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”
“Express and fully legally” implied We thee abused Negro Race being forever free and no longer “Property”, of the “Superiors Conquerors, White Ruling Master” being required to performed no more “free labor”,
Slavery Servitude” services, within the “Deep Dark Ages” Defendant “United States of America” herein 100% “Jurisdiction” from the exact time frame of 1865-2099
“However” The Pure Pristine and Custom Fine White Polished superiors race and there never ending non-reformed
“Slave Regime” 100-% committed to their democratization 1000% moved onward directing several following acts of,
“Fraudulent Concealment” scheme of things in Deep Dark ages United States of America et al, Breaching their very own Fiduciary Duty “Slavery Servitude” still very much their after 1865 1000% ongoing an quite legal too, Pursuant to Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857)
By the Deep Dark ages United States of America et al, (own) failure criminal (RICO) enterprise of refusal in being truthful, honest, and respecting there very on rules of governing laws., “Formally abolishing slavery in the United States”, upon which by the Deep Dark ages United States of America et al,, criminal and physically engage furtherance’s
“Tortious Interference with Prospective Relationship” of we the abused (Negro) race and the Deep Dark ages “United States of America et al”, 1000% fully own their very own accord conspirer with Co-Defendant(s) “White Controlling Class”, official 1000% slave owner(s) of Plantations, industries, business, companies, corporations, shipping, raw materials, rail road’s,

Main infrastructure power grid, agency, private/public social infrastructure jointly from exploitation profits off said Slave Labor in “Tortious Interference with Fiduciary Duty” of The very own “Judicial Branch of Government” against We the Abused (Negro) race by the “False Imprisonment” scheme of things by continual “Slavery Servitude” there after 1865, institution additional laws of “Black Codes Laws, Vagrancy laws, Jim Crow Laws

And running all currently while whole sale destruction of the “freeman Bureau”, and Physical actual 1000% “thousands upon thousands” of count of
“Invasion of Privacy” in direct Violation of the Deep Dark ages Defendant ”United States of America” et al very own rules of governing laws pursuant to the 4th Amendment of “United States of America “Constitution” in the absolute immunity judicial shopping spree and 1000% “Governmental sanction approval, leadership, and financing in insuring Pirate of (America)

“White Only” Constitution government engaging fully with intent and conscious knowledge of their actions of whole sale conspire hand in hand sanction income in “Pillage”, “Plundering and “looting of (Billions) in physical August 1619-Feburary 7th 2013 wholesale ransack, seizure by force 1000% absolute civil disorder in

“Invasion of Privacy”, Pursuant to Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857) collectively resulting in “Massive theft of personal property, land, assets, monetary value, live stock, in a grisly money plunder ransack raid by their “infamous” Para-Military “Knights” of “The Klu Klux Klan”, committed on such behalf of “legal” Judicial behalf of the Co-Defendant(s) collectively herein,
“White Conquering Master Society, slave owner(s) of
Plantations, industries, business, companies, corporations, agency, private/public social infrastructure jointly from exploitation profits off said
August 20th 1619-Feburary 7th 2013 Free (KKK) Killer “Slave Labor”, AND 1000% absolutely whole sale shopping spree of

Physical actual 1000% “thousands upon thousands” of count in the Pirate of (America) “White Only” Constitution government whole sale conspire sanction income in “pillage”, “Plundering and “looting of (Billions) in physical
“THEFT OF PERSONAL PROPERTY” derive thereof “Fraud” and “Fraudulent Nondisclosure” to We Thee continue abused (Negro) Race pursuant to direct Violation of the Deep Dark ages (United States of America) very own on rules of

Governing laws, set by their very own “Congress” “Fraud” and “Fraudulent Nondisclosure” laws in that some official (44.5) Million plus current in 2015
We the Abused Negro kidnapped Conquered Race, by our “White Supporter” “Slave Regime” society being officially in 2015 just that…

Pursuant to Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), against
We Thee abused Negro race having never no legal standing in deep dark ages defendant (United States of America” governing “Law of Equity” in fair proceeding over the “Judicial Proceeding” before the Deep Dark ages (United States of America) herein very own on

“Jurisdictions” fully being 1000% “Tortious Interference with Prospective Relationship” of We Thee Abused Negro (Race), and the Deep Dark ages “United States of America et al”, 1000% fully own their very own accord conspirer with Co-Defendant(s) “White Controlling Class”, official 1000% slave owner(s) of Plantations, industries, business, companies, corporations, shipping, raw materials, rail road’s,

Main infrastructure power grid, agency, private/public social infrastructure jointly from exploitation profits off said Slave Labor in “Tortious Interference with Fiduciary Duty” of their very own “Judicial Branch of Government”
When in all official legal “factual circumstances” Until February 7, 2013, some (148) years Criminally Conspire later the Deep Dark ages (United States of America) very own on “Jurisdictions” namely
The state of “Mississippi America” had never submitted the required documentation to ratify the Thirteenth Amendment,

Meaning it never officially had abolished slavery thus not freeing slaves within the Jurisdiction of Defendant “United States of America until February 7, 2013,
Which thereby no enforcement, honor and validity of the Deep Dark ages (United States of America) very own on “Jurisdictions” governing rules of laws, securing the ‘life”, peace, will, dignity, and personal property, of we thee “Abused”
Negro race whom already suffrages “Slavery Servitude”, from August 20th 1619- claim free date of 1865, (246) years already forced “Slavery Servitude”, by The “Deep Dark Ages” Defendant “United States of America” herein 100% provide their Co-Defendants collectively herein in concert with their “White Controlling Class”, official 1000% slave owner(s) of Plantations, industries, business, companies, corporations, shipping, raw materials, rail road’s,

Main infrastructure power grid, agency, private/public social infrastructure jointly from exploitation of said Free Force “Slave Labor” enterprise for “Unjust enrichment” 1619-December 7th 2013 Engaged collectively as a “Unit” For “White Only” prosperity in gains of “Slave Trade” 1000% “unjust enrichment”, in declaration for preamble in declared Prosperity “Dred Scott”, Not Human Free Entity, but the
Property of Co-Defendants collectively herein “White Controlling Class”, slave owner(s) of Plantations, industries, business, companies, corporations, agency, private/public social infrastructure jointly from exploitation profits off said Slave Labor in this

“Grand 1619-1857 Twisted never ending ongoing “Slave Régime”, collectively in collusion with “United States Supreme Court” engaged in “Obstruction of Justice”, to assurances 1000% civil disorder violation in favor of “Tortious Interference with Prospective Relationship”
And the Deep Dark ages “United States of America et al”, 1000% fully own their very own accord conspirer with Co-Defendant(s) “White Controlling Class”, official 1000% slave owner(s) of

Plantations, industries, business, companies, corporations, shipping, raw materials, rail road’s,
Main infrastructure power grid, agency, private/public social infrastructure jointly from exploitation profits off said Slave Labor in “Tortious Interference with Fiduciary Duty” of The very own “Judicial Branch of Government” on the criminal typical purloin and awful continual of the “Deep Dark Ages Defendant “United States of America” herein absolute 1000%

Engaged “Whole Sale Slaughter” collectively as a “Unit” “Spoliation of Evidence”, Conversion, and (RICO) Money laundering Thievery committed by Co-Defendants collectively herein “White Controlling Class”, thee “Infamous” slave owner(s) of Plantations, industries, business, companies, corporations, agency, private/public social infrastructure jointly from exploitation profits off said Slave Labor in this

Pursuant to Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), against “Human Rights Violations” fully 1000% derived thereof since August 20th 1619-2099 against “We thee abused (Negro) race” officially residing herein now
denaturalization of all claim (American) “Legal Citizenship”, thereafter the exact date of February 7th 20133 in this ongoing 2015-2099 “Slave Régime as “Legally” described by Slave Negro Pro Se (Petitioner) Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) 2015 of

“We Thee Abused (American) “Negro Race”… respectfully appearance before “World Court of Justice” The Hague (Petition)
To The Honorable “World Court of Justice”

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