Tuesday, February 5, 2019

“Higher Educations claims commited RICO Obstruction of Justices to the entire false statements Global slavery index, being the same patter and practices false statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) made against the entire global estimates of modern day slavery, false statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) made against the entire trafficking global slavery index, false statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) made against the entire The Global Modern Slavery Directory globalmodernslavery.org

(“Plaintiffs”) Negro Immigrants, Civilian, and Military Slaves Negro Slave assert Allegations  of criminal intent concealing, false statements, direct omissions (“Defendants”) The Confederate States of America Published false facts from March 11th 1861 - 2013 Feb 6th not being physically true in this continuance fraud 2019 ("December") by physical acts of (false teaching) and (false judicial decrees) collective being a Principle, Co-conspire, full assessor after the facts being in violation of Section 2 of the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871

(“Defendants”) Marco Antonio Rubio (born May 28, 1971) United States Senator from (“Defendants”) Florida Assumed office January 3, 2011- 2018 ("December") (“Defendants”) Melquíades Rafael Martínez Ruiz, United States Senator from (“Defendants”) Florida In office January 3, 2005 – September 9, 2009 (“Defendants”) George Stephen LeMieux (/ləˈmjuː/; born May 21, 1969)United States Senator from (“Defendants”) Florida In office September 9, 2009  – January 3, 2011 (“Defendants”) Richard Lynn Scott  January 4, 2011 re-elected in 2014, and his second term began on January 6, 2015, (“Defendants”) John Ellis "Jeb" Bush (born February 11, 1953) 43rd Governor of (“Defendants”) Florida, In office January 5, 1999 – January 2, 2007
Direct criminal individual overseeing of this “RICO” enterprise international scheme of things in “captivity” of a “entire” international Negro race, by such epic destroyed international civil rights of “Plaintiff Captive Negro Slaves” in a systematic continuance RICO Fraud concealment scheme, collusion, conspire, facilitation of “International Fraudulent Artifacts” fully 100% false statements submitted against the undersigned council of record being (Negro Military Secret Service Naval Cmdr. Slave) realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts, “Complaint of the undersigned council of record “Counterfeiting and forgery artifacts”

realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts, US Pacer Case Locator undersigned council of record (Hamilton) "Pro Se" data 1 – 33 Federal Case filed Defendant “Confederate State of America” The parallel 36°30′ north
Defendant Confederate  “State of Mississippi” Confederate States SOUTH CAROLINA || Confederate States Confederate States FLORIDA | Confederate States ALABAMA | Confederate States GEORGIA | Confederate States LOUISIANA | Confederate States TEXAS | Confederate States VIRGINIA | Confederate States ARKANSAS | Confederate States NORTH CAROLINA | Confederate States TENNESSEE | Confederate States MISSOURI | Confederate States KENTUCKY production of  “Fraudulent Artifacts submitted to (“Defendants”) United Nations, hereby was not in the
(“Plaintiffs United States of America) Union Government  and Join fraudulent on the 7th day of Feburary 2013 after (RICO) scheme of “Fraud of the Federal courts, concealing (“Defendants”) Confederate Nation The parallel 36°30′ north joining fraudulent  in a (hidden) criminal international fraud, fraud by non-disclosure, crimes against humanity RICO false imprisonment of a (entire) Negro Race pursuant to “Obstruction of International Justice”, conspire to commit “Obstruction of International Justice”  in this "complex "extreme and outragiously
(“Defendants”) Marco Antonio Rubio (born May 28, 1971) United States Senator from (“Defendants”) Florida Assumed office January 3, 2011- 2018 ("December") (“Defendants”) Melquíades Rafael Martínez Ruiz, United States Senator from (“Defendants”) Florida In office January 3, 2005 – September 9, 2009 (“Defendants”) George Stephen LeMieux (/ləˈmjuː/; born May 21, 1969)United States Senator from (“Defendants”) Florida In office September 9, 2009  – January 3, 2011 (“Defendants”) Richard Lynn Scott  January 4, 2011 re-elected in 2014, and his second term began on January 6, 2015, (“Defendants”) John Ellis "Jeb" Bush (born February 11, 1953) 43rd Governor of (“Defendants”) Florida, In office January 5, 1999 – January 2, 2007

“Political GOP Party During such aggression overt acts by introducing such a criminal intent DECEITFULLY dishonorable premeditated introduction of “whites supremacy confederate nations” hostile rogue political group being a continuance “illegal confederate government” involved in among other things “producing manufacturing, procuring and absolutely insuring  which is international outlawed the transatlantic slave trade, continuances criminal underworld system being “clandestine in (2019)
 (“Defendants”) Marco Antonio Rubio (born May 28, 1971) United States Senator from (“Defendants”) Florida Assumed office January 3, 2011- 2018 ("December") (“Defendants”) Melquíades Rafael Martínez Ruiz, United States Senator from (“Defendants”) Florida In office January 3, 2005 – September 9, 2009 (“Defendants”) George Stephen LeMieux (/ləˈmjuː/; born May 21, 1969)
United States Senator from (“Defendants”) Florida In office September 9, 2009  – January 3, 2011 (“Defendants”) Richard Lynn Scott  January 4, 2011 re-elected in 2014, and his second term began on January 6, 2015, (“Defendants”) John Ellis "Jeb" Bush (born February 11, 1953) 43rd Governor of (“Defendants”) Florida, In office January 5, 1999 – January 2, 2007 party to 
(“Defendants”) Florida conspire, collusion, facilitation aid and abetting “whites supremacy” ongoing "Slavery" criminal party to The seceded states drafted the following ordinances of secession that severed their connection with the ("Plaintiffs") Federal Union in an RICO Slave Trade crimes against humanity in 2018 ("December") enslavement of the Plaintiffs Negro Slaves by international imposed slavery in international scheme "attempt to preserve "whites supremacy slavery rights against the peace, will, dignity and international freedom of still "captive

("Plaintiffs")  #BlackLivesMatter made as "Property of a white man" pure claims of ("Defendants") The Confederate States of America illegal existences after 1865 (demanding) sovereignty of ("Defendants") Hereby ORDINANCE OF SECESSION
We, the people of the (“Defendants”) State of Florida, in convention assembled, do solemnly ordain, publish, and declare, that the (“Defendants”) State of Florida hereby withdraws herself from the confederacy of States existing under the name of the ("Plaintiffs") United States of America and from the existing Government of the said ("Plaintiffs") States; and that all political connection between her and the
("Plaintiffs") Government of said States ought to be, and the same is hereby, totally annulled, and said ("Plaintiffs") Union of States dissolved; and the (“Defendants”) State of Florida is hereby declared a sovereign and independent nation; and that all ordinances heretofore adopted, in so far as they create or recognize said ("Plaintiff") Union, are rescinded; and all laws or parts of laws in force in this (“Defendants”) State, in so far as they recognize or assent to said ("Plaintiff") Union, be, and they are hereby, repealed Passed 10 Jan 1861

("Defendants") The Confederate States of America Crimes committed after 1 July 2002, hereby (Venue) being "enforced under international law" occurring with all allegations, ("Plaintiffs") Negro Slaves petition criteria having been met in the (ICJ) and (ICC) exercise jurisdiction over the crimes the ("Defendants") United Nations General Assembly of States Parties, being subject to "Office of the Prosecutor" in accordance with the Roman Statue accordingly ("Plaintiffs") Negro Slaves, ("Plaintiff") undersigned council of record this "elusive human traffic" crimes spree by
 (“Defendants”) Marco Antonio Rubio (born May 28, 1971) United States Senator from (“Defendants”) Florida Assumed office January 3, 2011- 2018 ("December") (“Defendants”) Melquíades Rafael Martínez Ruiz, United States Senator from (“Defendants”) Florida In office January 3, 2005 – September 9, 2009 (“Defendants”) George Stephen LeMieux (/ləˈmjuː/; born May 21, 1969) United States Senator from (“Defendants”) Florida In office September 9, 2009  – January 3, 2011

(“Defendants”) Richard Lynn Scott  January 4, 2011 re-elected in 2014, and his second term began on January 6, 2015, (“Defendants”) John Ellis "Jeb" Bush (born February 11, 1953) 43rd Governor of (“Defendants”) Florida, In office January 5, 1999 – January 2, 2007 IN COLLUSION, CONSPIRE RICO Slave Trade ("Defendants") State of Florida  conspire, collusion, facilitation aid and abetting
 "International false published, crimes including direct data manipulated direct under "International False Statements" against "International Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database pursuant to statue (18 U.S.C. 1001)  continuance RICO Common design whites supremacy fraud against international peace and security, before the (ICJ) and (ICC) Honorable Justices", Venue in proper by material facts established
 Common design ("Defendants") GOP Political government whites supremacy leadership in Obstruction of Justice against (all) international peace and security, and ("Defendants") GOP Political government whites supremacy leadership in Common design whites supremacy conspire to commit obstruction of justice international peace and security, against statue of the (UN) Charter under crimes of (18 U.S.C. 1001) since 1945 - 2099 hereby
 Accordingly (“Defendants”) The Confederate States of America Paramilitary Knight of the Klu Klux Klansman's Whites Nationalist Political GOP Political Party established on 24 October 1945 “International Common design whites supremacy international organization on this undersigned date of council of record "Louis Charles Hamilton II Cmdr, United States Naval Union Government to be known as the (“Defendants”) United Nations and (“Defendants”) NATO as legally so mention above, hereby further

(“Defendants”) The Confederate States of America (“Defendants”) Alabama, (“Defendants”) Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III (born December 24, 1946) In office January 3, 1997 – February 8, 2017 ("Plaintiffs) United States Union Senator from (“Defendants”) Alabama
Governors of (“Defendants”) Alabama (“Defendants”) Don Siegelman (1999–2003), (“Defendants”) Bob Riley (2003–2011), (“Defendants”) Robert J. Bentley ( 2011–2017), (“Defendants”) Kay Ivey (since 2017) collective fully direct cause of action, involving  gross RICO Human Traficant System since 1800s
Filed before the (ICJ) International Honorable Court Jurisdiction under International Court System hereby The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court undersigned council of record "Petition" Original (ICJ) Honorable Court Justices, Fraudulent ("Defendants") The Confederate States of America being "Impostors" of the ("Plaintiffs") United States of America Union Government upon conclusion (NMSS) Investigations pursuant
("Plaintiffs") United States of America Union Government EO 12331 hereby direct cause of action charges ("Defendants") The Confederate States of America Paramilitary Knights of the Klu Klux Klansman Aggravated Identity Theft, 18 U.S.C. § 1028A. of the ("Plaintiffs") United States of America Union Government from the time frame on 1861 - 2018 ("December") continuance Fraud, Fraudulent misrepresentation in all material facts records, decrees, asset National Treasury misappropriation, bribery and political party slave trade insider RICO two books Confederate Nations corruption, scheme includes International Banking RICO Money Laundering by mass
"International Fraudulent misrepresentation of all GDP financial statement from 1861 - 2018 ("December") by an Illegal operating ("Defendants") The Confederate States of America crimes against humanity, holding (Slaves Negro Indifferent) scam against as "property, having no free international rights as any citizenship, within the Jurisdiction of the "Criminal Whites Supreme Individual GOP Pure white man behold to keeping (Negro Slaves) well into 2099 under such "International fraud, many fraud schemes perpetrated by ("Defendants") GOP Political Paramilitary Government, in collusion with ("Defendants) United Nations
Article 23 The Security Council shall consist of fifteen Members of the United Nations. The Republic of China, France, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America shall be permanent members of the Security Council (ICC) International Criminal Court Office of The Prosecutor Jurisdiction
Thereby criminal crimes against humanity assumed imposed “Black Codes Laws, Jim Crow Laws fully violation of the crimes against peace, the war crimes, and crimes against humanity, Government leadership of a “GOP Political Party directly on record participated in plans to ban Negro Race DNA Slave abducted from a foreign country of origin “stateless” people destroyed by  on the factual basis of

The Confederate States Constitution, formally the Constitution of the Confederate States of America, is the supreme law of the Confederate States, as adopted on March 11, 1861, and in effect remains in effect through the Conclusion of the 1800s American Civil War, which “ended” on February 7th 2013 “Exhibit” A dated February 7, 2013 (“Defendants”) Alabama, (“Defendants”) Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III (born December 24, 1946) In office January 3, 1997 – February 8, 2017 ("Plaintiffs) United States Union Senator from (“Defendants”) Alabama
Governors of (“Defendants”) Alabama (“Defendants”) Don Siegelman (1999–2003), (“Defendants”) Bob Riley (2003–2011), (“Defendants”) Robert J. Bentley ( 2011–2017), (“Defendants”) Kay Ivey (since 2017) collective
Conspire, collusion, facilitation, aid and abetting “whites supremacy” ongoing "Slavery" criminal party to The seceded states drafted the following ordinances of secession that severed their connection with the ("Plaintiffs") Federal Union in an RICO Slave Trade crimes against humanity in 2018 ("December") enslavement of the Plaintiffs Negro Slaves by international imposed slavery in international scheme "attempt to preserve "whites supremacy slavery rights against the peace, will, dignity and international freedom of still "captive ("Plaintiffs")  #BlackLivesMatter made as "Property of a white man" pure claims of ("Defendants") The Confederate States of America illegal existences after 1865 (demanding) sovereignty of

(“Defendants”) Alabama, (“Defendants”) Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III (born December 24, 1946) In office January 3, 1997 – February 8, 2017 ("Plaintiffs) United States Union Senator from (“Defendants”) Alabama Governors of (“Defendants”) Alabama (“Defendants”) Don Siegelman (1999–2003), (“Defendants”) Bob Riley (2003–2011), (“Defendants”) Robert J. Bentley ( 2011–2017), (“Defendants”) Kay Ivey (since 2017) collective Hereby ORDINANCE OF SECESSION
Since 1865 - 2018 ("December") committed after 1 July 2002, hereby (Venue) being "enforced under international law" occurring with all allegations, ("Plaintiffs") Negro Slaves petition criteria having been met in the (ICJ) and (ICC) Honorable Courts Justices exercise jurisdiction over the crimes (“Defendants”) Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III (born December 24, 1946) In office January 3, 1997 – February 8, 2017 ("Plaintiffs) United States Union Senator from (“Defendants”) Alabama
Governors of (“Defendants”) Alabama (“Defendants”) Don Siegelman (1999–2003), (“Defendants”) Bob Riley (2003–2011), (“Defendants”) Robert J. Bentley ( 2011–2017), (“Defendants”) Kay Ivey (since 2017) being a Principle, Co-conspire, full assessor after the facts Hereby in some continuance “dominance whites supremacy medieval  concoctions,  invention, of freedom of a 13th amendment for capture slaves to be “citizens” , being in law and “equity” elaborated celebrated private (“Defendants”) The Confederate States of America, existences, in producing mass falsification collective

 Conspire, collusion, facilitation aid and abetting “whites supremacy” ongoing "Slavery" Confederate Nations state rights and their different cultures as Described in law most serious crimes of concern to the "International Courts (ICJ) and (ICC) both Jurisdictions as a whole, namely genocide, crimes against humanity, overt acts of aggression, enslavement of the Plaintiffs (Negro DNA race slaves) and 1865 continuance "international war crimes" pursuant to evidence under "regarding temporal jurisdiction:
Under (UN) Article 11 of the Statue, Jurisdiction of the ("Defendants") Hereby (“Defendants”) Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III (born December 24, 1946) In office January 3, 1997 – February 8, 2017 ("Plaintiffs) United States Union Senator from (“Defendants”) Alabama
Governors of (“Defendants”) Alabama (“Defendants”) Don Siegelman (1999–2003), (“Defendants”) Bob Riley (2003–2011), (“Defendants”) Robert J. Bentley ( 2011–2017), (“Defendants”) Kay Ivey (since 2017) conspire, collusion, facilitation aid and abetting “whites supremacy” ongoing "Slavery" Confederate Nations namely
(“Defendants”) The Confederate States of America SOUTH CAROLINA | Confederate States MISSISSIPPI | Confederate States Confederate States FLORIDA | Confederate States ALABAMA | Confederate States GEORGIA | Confederate States LOUISIANA | Confederate States TEXAS | Confederate States VIRGINIA | Confederate States ARKANSAS | Confederate States NORTH CAROLINA | Confederate States TENNESSEE | Confederate States MISSOURI | Confederate States KENTUCKY “Illegally Operating Continuance” Constitution of the Confederate States; March 11, 1861 – 2013 February 6th
“We, the people of the Confederate States, each State acting in its sovereign and independent character, in order to form a permanent federal government, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God do ordain and establish this Constitution for the Confederate States of America” Violations of STATUTE OF THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT*, Article 6 Genocide, Article 7, Crimes against humanity and never ending defendant (USA) 1865 “Civil War” (“Defendants”) The Confederate States of America

(“Defendants”) Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III (born December 24, 1946) In office January 3, 1997 – February 8, 2017 ("Plaintiffs) United States Union Senator from (“Defendants”) Alabama Governors of (“Defendants”) Alabama (“Defendants”) Don Siegelman (1999–2003), (“Defendants”) Bob Riley (2003–2011), (“Defendants”) Robert J. Bentley ( 2011–2017), (“Defendants”) Kay Ivey (since 2017) did so, past, present and future Concealing all information about related activities committed Fraud by non-disclosure:
These continuances crimes included murders, brutalities, cruelties, tortures, atrocities, and other inhumane acts, as set forth in this “Original Complaints” several (Defendants) are further charged with membership in a Criminal International Organization, continuance acting under color of law, Public Servant, engaging directly in “Captivity, Crimes against humanity, against (“Plaintiffs”) DNA negro being currently “enslaved” well into (2018) under never ending modern day slavery “direct manipulation in wrongful classifications by declarations of freedom “which in law and equity if fraudulent published Judicial decrees made for the “benefits” from these
(“White people ongoing slave traders”), in 2018 “December” herein forever ungodly, uncouth, deceit with premeditated motives of a political and personal nature in greed’s of monetary value off a (Negro Slave) being label “libel” defamed, discriminated against and cast as “inferior” subhuman being of an animal’s continuance for “profits”

(“Defendants”) Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III (born December 24, 1946) In office January 3, 1997 – February 8, 2017 ("Plaintiffs) United States Union Senator from (“Defendants”) Alabama Governors of (“Defendants”) Alabama (“Defendants”) Don Siegelman (1999–2003), (“Defendants”) Bob Riley (2003–2011), (“Defendants”) Robert J. Bentley ( 2011–2017), (“Defendants”) Kay Ivey (since 2017) producing 100 plus of years of “Counterfeiting and forger artifacts of fraudulent (Slavery) Vital records such as (“Plaintiffs”) Slaves physical birth records, death certificates, marriage licenses and divorce decrees, wills, military records, hospital records, court records, transcripts, judicial decrees
thereby conspire RICO racket committed fraudulent by actions of criminal “mail and wire” fraud, stating (Union Records) when factual (“Defendants” Confederate States of America being the Seal of Government , (“Defendants”) Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III (born December 24, 1946) In office January 3, 1997 – February 8, 2017 ("Plaintiffs) United States Union Senator from (“Defendants”) Alabama
Governors of (“Defendants”) Alabama (“Defendants”) Don Siegelman (1999–2003), (“Defendants”) Bob Riley (2003–2011), (“Defendants”) Robert J. Bentley ( 2011–2017), (“Defendants”) Kay Ivey (since 2017)
committed each very own continuance malfeasance crimes against humanity wrongdoing, These crimes included murders, brutalities, cruelties, tortures, atrocities, and other inhumane acts, as set forth in “complaints” continuance unlawful act in the time frame knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals did factual committed to “false Statements”, and direct omissions 18 U.S. Code § 1001
Submitting knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals did factual committed to “false Statements”, and direct omissions (against) public records against the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database (“Defendants”) collective RICO enterprise criminal actions in directly engaging in forced legalization “enslavement” of the (Plaintiffs) Negro slaves entire DNA race held as “captive” inferior human Negros (loser) property of the (Defendants”) collectively “Between legally the exact dates of 1636, 1817 – February 6th 2013

(“Defendants” Confederate States of America being the Seal of Government , (“Defendants”) Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III (born December 24, 1946) In office January 3, 1997 – February 8, 2017 ("Plaintiffs) United States Union Senator from (“Defendants”) Alabama
Governors of (“Defendants”) Alabama (“Defendants”) Don Siegelman (1999–2003), (“Defendants”) Bob Riley (2003–2011), (“Defendants”) Robert J. Bentley ( 2011–2017), (“Defendants”) Kay Ivey (since 2017)  willfully falsifies, conceals did factual committed to “false Statements”, and direct omissions “State of Mississippi was not in the Union fraudulent on February 7th 2013 with all “evidence filed before the “Judicial Governments” records
US Pacer Case Locator 1 – 33 and Pacer Case Locator “Appellate Results” 47 – 52 Federal Case filed by Plaintiff “Pro Se” (Hamilton) Defendant “State of Mississippi was not in the Union and Join fraudulent after dismissal case load entry (33) Hamilton vs. North Texas State Hospital et al US Case No. 7:2012-CV-00053 and a Join fraudulent after “Appellate Results” dismissal case load entry (52) Hamilton vs. USA et al, (5th Cir.) Appeal 12-40403

(“Defendants”) Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III (born December 24, 1946) In office January 3, 1997 – February 8, 2017 ("Plaintiffs) United States Union Senator from (“Defendants”) Alabama Governors of (“Defendants”) Alabama (“Defendants”) Don Siegelman (1999–2003), (“Defendants”) Bob Riley (2003–2011), (“Defendants”) Robert J. Bentley ( 2011–2017), (“Defendants”) Kay Ivey (since 2017)  being a Principle, Co-conspire, full assessor after the facts (“Defendants”) hereby continuance submitting thing constituting a piece of evidence about the past, especially an account of an act or occurrence kept in writing or some other permanent form knowingly willfully falsifies, conceals factual committed to “false Statements”, direct omissions (against)
Public international records against the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database (18 U.S.C. 1001), in all publications and products, including Newsletters, Journals, Bulletins, Fact Sheets, Reports, Summaries, Portable Guides, audio, Videotapes, official report of the proceedings and judgment in a court transcripts document(s),  documentation,  data, file(s),  dossier(s),  evidence, report(s); archive(s), chronicle(s);  minutes,  transactions,  proceedings, transcript(s); certificate(s), instrument(s),“Counterfeiting and forger artifacts of fraudulent (Slavery) Vital records such as (“Plaintiffs Negro DNA”) Slaves physical birth records, death certificates, marriage licenses and divorce decrees, wills, military records, hospital records Deeds, Boundaries, Leases and Rental Agreements,

Landlord Liability for Criminal Acts and Activities, including but not limited to via tools, of (“Defendants”) Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III (born December 24, 1946) In office January 3, 1997 – February 8, 2017 ("Plaintiffs) United States Union Senator from (“Defendants”) Alabama Governors of (“Defendants”) Alabama (“Defendants”) Don Siegelman (1999–2003), (“Defendants”) Bob Riley (2003–2011), (“Defendants”) Robert J. Bentley ( 2011–2017), (“Defendants”) Kay Ivey (since 2017) 
Fraudulent, manipulation, control over, Workplace Rights, Fair Pay and Time Off, Workplace Health and Safety, Workers’ Compensation, Age Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, Disability, Discrimination, Qualifying for a Patent, Obtaining a Patent, Enforcing a Patent, "Via tools, of fraudulent, manipulation, control over, Putting a Patent to Work, Copyright Basics, Copyright Ownership, Copyright Protection, Copyright Registration and Enforcement, Bankruptcy, Wills, Probate, Executors, Living Trusts, Estate and Gift Taxes, Funeral Planning and Other Final Arrangements, Body and Organ Donations,
"Via tools, of fraudulent, manipulation, control over, Social Security, Medicare, Pensions, Retirement Plans, Changing Your Name Adopting a Child, Stepparent Adoptions, Adoption Rights: Birth parents, Grandparents and Children, Child Custody and Visitation, Child Support, Guardianship of Children Healthcare Directives, Durable Powers of Attorney for Finances,Conservatorships Representing Yourself in Court, Small Claims Court, Mediation, Premarital Agreements, Marriage,   Divorce...
(“Defendants”) Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III (born December 24, 1946) In office January 3, 1997 – February 8, 2017 ("Plaintiffs) United States Union Senator from (“Defendants”) Alabama Governors of (“Defendants”) Alabama (“Defendants”) Don Siegelman (1999–2003), (“Defendants”) Bob Riley (2003–2011), (“Defendants”) Robert J. Bentley ( 2011–2017), (“Defendants”) Kay Ivey (since 2017)  being a Principle, Co-conspire, full assessor after the facts
(“Defendants”) Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III (born December 24, 1946) In office January 3, 1997 – February 8, 2017 ("Plaintiffs) United States Union Senator from (“Defendants”) Alabama Governors of (“Defendants”) Alabama (“Defendants”) Don Siegelman (1999–2003), (“Defendants”) Bob Riley (2003–2011), (“Defendants”) Robert J. Bentley ( 2011–2017), (“Defendants”) Kay Ivey (since 2017)  collective continuances aggressive fraudulent intent international scheme of things in collective greed RICO enterprise criminal hostile

Conspire collusion against the international freedom rights of all (“Plaintiffs”) Negro Slaves (International) freedom well into 2013 crimes against humanity namely (“Defendants”) The Confederate States of America et al,” SOUTH CAROLINA | Confederate States MISSISSIPPI | Confederate States Confederate States FLORIDA | Confederate States ALABAMA | Confederate States GEORGIA | Confederate States LOUISIANA | Confederate States TEXAS | Confederate States VIRGINIA | Confederate States ARKANSAS | Confederate States NORTH CAROLINA | Confederate States TENNESSEE | Confederate States MISSOURI | Confederate States KENTUCKY “Illegally Operating Continuance” Constitution of the Confederate States; March 11, 1861 – 2013 February 6th
(“Defendants”) Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III (born December 24, 1946) In office January 3, 1997 – February 8, 2017 ("Plaintiffs) United States Union Senator from (“Defendants”) Alabama Governors of (“Defendants”) Alabama (“Defendants”) Don Siegelman (1999–2003), (“Defendants”) Bob Riley (2003–2011), (“Defendants”) Robert J. Bentley ( 2011–2017), (“Defendants”) Kay Ivey (since 2017)  collective being a Principle, Co-conspire, full assessor after the facts being in violation of Section 2 of the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871 being a Principle, Co-conspire, full assessor after the facts did so knowing
Submitting False Statements (18 U.S.C. 1001)  on behalf of (Defendants”) confederate government March 11th 1861 – 2099  ongoing (secret) Manipulated in “World-Wide fraudulent statements, omission, with Join fraudulent (“Defendants”), United Nationals, NATO, all (International) Schools et al’ hereby knowing, unknowing, willing, unwitting blind, ignorant by (“Defendants”) Published false facts not being physically true in this continuance fraud by physical acts of (false teaching) and (false judicial decrees) collective Did so (“Defendants”) being of a “Higher Educations, with (some) having “law degrees” committed counseled consciously Submitting False Statements (18 U.S.C. 1001)

(“Defendants”) Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III (born December 24, 1946) In office January 3, 1997 – February 8, 2017 ("Plaintiffs) United States Union Senator from (“Defendants”) Alabama Governors of (“Defendants”) Alabama (“Defendants”) Don Siegelman (1999–2003), (“Defendants”) Bob Riley (2003–2011), (“Defendants”) Robert J. Bentley ( 2011–2017), (“Defendants”) Kay Ivey (since 2017)
(“Defendants”) Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III (born December 24, 1946) In office January 3, 1997 – February 8, 2017 ("Plaintiffs) United States Union Senator from (“Defendants”) Alabama Governors of (“Defendants”) Alabama (“Defendants”) Don Siegelman (1999–2003), (“Defendants”) Bob Riley (2003–2011), (“Defendants”) Robert J. Bentley ( 2011–2017), (“Defendants”) Kay Ivey (since 2017)
“Utters and publishes as true a false, forged, altered and completely counterfeit birth records in 1994 for (Chandra Hamilton and Natasha Hamilton) against the peace, will, dignity and civil rights of both the two (girls) and their (farther) herein Cmdr. of the “Entire” Naval Services of ("Plaintiffs") “United States of America Union et al” joining (world) in all described contained herein ("Plaintiffs") UN allies "Intelligence Services" (“Defendants”) Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III (born December 24, 1946) In office January 3, 1997 – February 8, 2017
("Plaintiffs) United States Union Senator from (“Defendants”) Alabama Governors of (“Defendants”) Alabama (“Defendants”) Don Siegelman (1999–2003), (“Defendants”) Bob Riley (2003–2011), (“Defendants”) Robert J. Bentley ( 2011–2017), (“Defendants”) Kay Ivey (since 2017) Conspire Collective in Obstruction of the Secret Service furtherance continuance  Obstruction of the Secret Service – namely undersigned council of record ("Pro Se Plaintiff") in all general allegations listed aboved
(“Defendants”) Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III (born December 24, 1946) In office January 3, 1997 – February 8, 2017 ("Plaintiffs) United States Union Senator from (“Defendants”) Alabama Governors of (“Defendants”) Alabama (“Defendants”) Don Siegelman (1999–2003), (“Defendants”) Bob Riley (2003–2011), (“Defendants”) Robert J. Bentley ( 2011–2017), (“Defendants”) Kay Ivey (since 2017) Conspire Collective in Obstruction of the Secret Service
“Complaint of the undersigned council of record (“Defendants”) Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III (born December 24, 1946) In office January 3, 1997 – February 8, 2017 ("Plaintiffs) United States Union Senator from (“Defendants”) Alabama Governors of (“Defendants”) Alabama (“Defendants”) Don Siegelman (1999–2003), (“Defendants”) Bob Riley (2003–2011), (“Defendants”) Robert J. Bentley ( 2011–2017), (“Defendants”) Kay Ivey (since 2017)

Conspire Collective Continuance violations of STATUTE OF THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT*, Article 6 Genocide, Article 7, Crimes against humanity and never ending defendant (USA) 1865 “Civil War” in direct violation of Article 8 War crimes RICO Slave Trade Cause of continuance actions charging continuance (crimes) (“Defendants”) Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III (born December 24, 1946) In office January 3, 1997 – February 8, 2017 ("Plaintiffs) United States Union Senator from (“Defendants”) Alabama Governors of (“Defendants”) Alabama (“Defendants”) Don Siegelman (1999–2003), (“Defendants”) Bob Riley (2003–2011), (“Defendants”) Robert J. Bentley ( 2011–2017), (“Defendants”) Kay Ivey (since 2017) factual in material
RICO FACTS, ACTIONS concealed in The Secession Acts of the ("Defendants") 13 Confederate States, direct cause of actions pursuant to Document: The Secession Acts of the ("Defendants") 13 Confederate States
Hereby (“Defendants”) Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III (born December 24, 1946) In office January 3, 1997 – February 8, 2017 ("Plaintiffs) United States Union Senator from (“Defendants”) Alabama Governors of (“Defendants”) Alabama (“Defendants”) Don Siegelman (1999–2003), (“Defendants”) Bob Riley (2003–2011), (“Defendants”) Robert J. Bentley ( 2011–2017), (“Defendants”) Kay Ivey (since 2017) To hide the fact the 13th Amendment of defendant USA constitution had not been ratified in 2011 when Hereby
IN COLLUSION, CONSPIRE RICO Slave Trade ("Defendants") State of Alabama (“Defendant”) The Confederate States of America et al 1861 – (February 6th 2013) IN COLLUSION, CONSPIRE RICO Slave Trade ("Defendants") States of Mississippi conspire, collusion, facilitation aid and abetting “whites supremacy” ongoing "Slavery" involving approximately 44.5 plus (million) “Negro Slave within the Jurisdiction of the ("Defendants") The Confederate States of America
Hereby (“Defendants”) Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III (born December 24, 1946) In office January 3, 1997 – February 8, 2017 ("Plaintiffs) United States Union Senator from (“Defendants”) Alabama Governors of (“Defendants”) Alabama (“Defendants”) Don Siegelman (1999–2003), (“Defendants”) Bob Riley (2003–2011), (“Defendants”) Robert J. Bentley ( 2011–2017), (“Defendants”) Kay Ivey (since 2017)
"Criminal ongoing international "human Traffic” system for profits, fully continuance international crimes against humanity scheme of epic biblical international fraud, “international fraud by non-disclosure, fraud by manipulate of the judicial government decree records Conspire, intentional, reckless, negligent withholding, hiding, altering, material government records, facilitation of same Fraud, 1776 – 2013 Slavery History of ("Plaintiffs") United States of America Union Governments et al”, “whites supremacy” ongoing "Slavery"

(“Plaintiffs”) Negro Slaves Herein as described fact being manipulated by Hereby (“Defendants”) Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III (born December 24, 1946) In office January 3, 1997 – February 8, 2017 ("Plaintiffs) United States Union Senator from (“Defendants”) Alabama Governors of (“Defendants”) Alabama (“Defendants”) Don Siegelman (1999–2003), (“Defendants”) Bob Riley (2003–2011), (“Defendants”) Robert J. Bentley ( 2011–2017), (“Defendants”) Kay Ivey (since 2017)
RICO Slave Trade against international laws since 2012 ("Defendants") GOP Political government whites supremacy leadership in Common design whites supremacy conspire to commit obstruction of justice international peace and security, against statue of the (UN) Charter under crimes of (18 U.S.C. 1001) since 1945 - 2099 hereby (“Defendants”) Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III (born December 24, 1946) In office January 3, 1997 – February 8, 2017 ("Plaintiffs) United States Union Senator from (“Defendants”) Alabama Governors of
 (“Defendants”) Alabama (“Defendants”) Don Siegelman (1999–2003), (“Defendants”) Bob Riley (2003–2011), (“Defendants”) Robert J. Bentley ( 2011–2017), (“Defendants”) Kay Ivey (since 2017)
Accordingly (“Defendants”) The Confederate States of America Paramilitary Knight of the Klu Klux Klansman's Whites Nationalist Political (“Defendants”) Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III (born December 24, 1946) In office January 3, 1997 – February 8, 2017 ("Plaintiffs) United States Union Senator from (“Defendants”) Alabama Governors of (“Defendants”) Alabama (“Defendants”) Don Siegelman (1999–2003), (“Defendants”) Bob Riley (2003–2011), (“Defendants”) Robert J. Bentley ( 2011–2017)

(“Defendants”) Kay Ivey (since 2017) conspire, collusion, facilitation aid and abetting  imposed “Black Codes Laws” “Vagrancy Laws” “Jim Crow Laws” and never ending Slavery being a “long uncivilized history” in the process processing “Unjust enrichment” by criminal acts of intimidate, murder, discrimination, segregation, violence, voting disfranchisement, and
Force deaths thereof to directed and fully coerce all negro military and civilian slave population “Plaintiffs Black Lives Matter” as these; widespread and systematic attack directed crimes against humanity at the
“Plaintiffs Black Live Matter” herein as various inhumane acts, i.e., "murder”, extermination, torture, enslavement, persecution on political control, “racial ethnic” grounds of false imprisonment and mass institutionalized discrimination intimidate, murder, discrimination, segregation, racial terrorization violence, voting disfranchisement, and millions being force deaths thereof involved being “slave subjects” “whites supremacy” ongoing
"Slavery" against the ("Plaintiffs") being captive slaves further Continuance violations of STATUTE OF THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT* Accordingly (“Defendants”) The Confederate States of America Paramilitary Knight of the Klu Klux Klansman's Whites Nationalist Political (“Defendants”) Alabama An Ordinance to dissolve the union between the (“Defendants”) State of Alabama and the other ("Plaintiffs") States united under the compact styled "The Constitution of the United States of America"

Whereas, the election of ("Plaintiff") Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin to the offices of president and vice-president of the ("Plaintiff") United States of America, by a sectional party, avowedly hostile to the domestic institutions and to the peace and security of the people of the (“Defendants”) State of Alabama, preceded by many and dangerous infractions of the constitution of the ("Plaintiffs") United States by many of the States and people of the Northern section, is a political wrong of so insulting and menacing a character as to justify the people of the (“Defendants”) State of Alabama in the adoption of prompt and decided measures for their future peace and security, therefore:
Be it declared and ordained by the people of the (“Defendants”) State of Alabama, in Convention assembled, That the (“Defendants”) State of Alabama now withdraws, and is hereby withdrawn from the ("Plaintiffs") Union known as "the ("Plaintiffs") United States of America," and henceforth ceases to be one of said ("Plaintiffs") United States, and is, and of right ought to be a Sovereign and Independent State.

Sec 2. Be it further declared and ordained by the people of the (“Defendants”) State of Alabama in Convention assembled, That all powers over the (“Defendants”) Territory of said (“Defendants”) State, and over the people thereof, heretofore delegated to the ("Plaintiffs") Government of the United States of America, be and they are hereby withdrawn from said ("Plaintiffs") Government, and are hereby resumed and vested in the (“Defendants”) people of the (“Defendants”) State of Alabama.
And as it is the desire and purpose of the (“Defendants”) people of (“Defendants”) Alabama to meet the (“Defendants”) slave holding States of the South, who may approve such purpose, in order to frame a provisional as well as permanent Government upon the principles of the ("Plaintiffs") Constitution of the United States,
Be it resolved by the (“Defendants”) people of (“Defendants”) Alabama in Convention assembled, that the people of the (“Defendants”) States of Delaware, (“Defendants”) Maryland, (“Defendants”) Virginia, (“Defendants”) North Carolina, (“Defendants”) South Carolina, (“Defendants”) Florida, (“Defendants”) Georgia, (“Defendants”) Mississippi, (“Defendants”) Louisiana, (“Defendants”) Texas, (“Defendants”) Arkansas, (“Defendants”) Tennessee, (“Defendants”) Kentucky and
(“Defendants”) Missouri, be and are hereby invited to meet the people of the State of Alabama, by their Delegates, in Convention, on the 4th day of February, A.D., 1861, at the city of Montgomery, in the (“Defendants”) State of Alabama, for the purpose of consulting with each other as to the most effectual mode of securing concerted and harmonious action in whatever measures may be deemed most desirable for our common peace and security.

And be it further resolved, that the (“Defendants”) President of this Convention, be and is hereby instructed to transmit forthwith a copy of the foregoing Preamble, Ordinance, and Resolutions to the (“Defendants”) Governors of the several States named in said resolutions.
Done by the people of the (“Defendants”) State of Alabama, in Convention assembled, at Montgomery, on this, the eleventh day of January, A.D. 1861. hereby ("Defendants") GOP Political Party established on 24 October 1945 “International Common Design Whites Supremacy International Organization" Slave Trading Co. on this sworn undersigned date of council of record
"Louis Charles Hamilton II Cmdr, United States Naval Union Government "evidence filed herein" charges under EO12331 crimes aginst humanity, Genocide, overt acts of aggression continuance "1800s Civil War ongoing 2018 ("December")  against the ("Plaintiffs") Negro captive "stateless slaves  to be known as the (“Defendants”) United Nations and (“Defendants”) NATO as legally so mention above, hereby further

(“Defendants”) Mark Robert Warner (“Defendants”) Timothy Michael Kaine (“Defendants”) Robert Francis McDonnell (“Defendants”) Virginia An Ordinance to repeal the ratification of the ("Plaintiffs") Constitution of the United State of America by the (“Defendants”) State of Virginia, and to resume all the rights and powers granted under said  (“Defendants”) Constitution.
The people of  (“Defendants”) Virginia in their ratification of the ("Plaintiffs") Constitution of the United States of America, adopted by them in convention on the twenty-fifth day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight, having declared that the powers granted under said ("Plaintiffs") Constitution were derived from the people of the ("Plaintiffs") United States and might be resumed whensoever the same should be perverted to their injury and oppression, and the ("Plaintiffs") Federal Government having perverted said powers not only to the injury of the people of (“Defendants”) Virginia, but to the oppression of the (“Defendants”) Southern slave-holding (“Defendants”) States:

Now, therefore, we, the people of (“Defendants”) Virginia (“Defendants”) Mark Robert Warner (“Defendants”) Timothy Michael Kaine (“Defendants”) Robert Francis McDonnell Thereby do declare and ordain, that the ordinance adopted by the people of this (“Defendants”) State in convention on the twenty-fifth day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight, whereby the Constitution of the ("Plaintiffs") United States of America was ratified, and all acts of the General Assembly of this (“Defendants”) State (“Defendants”) Mark Robert Warner (“Defendants”) Timothy Michael Kaine (“Defendants”) Robert Francis McDonnell Thereby ratifying and adopting amendments to said
("Plaintiffs") Constitution, are hereby repealed and abrogated; that the union between the (“Defendants”) Mark Robert Warner (“Defendants”) Timothy Michael Kaine (“Defendants”) Robert Francis McDonnell Thereby

(“Defendants”) State of Virginia and the other ("Plaintiffs") States under the Constitution aforesaid is hereby dissolved, and that the (“Defendants”) State of Virginia is in the full possession and exercise of all the rights of sovereignty which belong and appertain to a free and independent State.
And they do further declare, that said Constitution of the United States of America is no longer binding on any of the citizens of this (“Defendants”) State.
This ordinance shall take effect and be an act of this day, when ratified by a majority of the voter of the people of this (“Defendants”) State (“Defendants”) Mark Robert Warner (“Defendants”) Timothy Michael Kaine (“Defendants”) Robert Francis McDonnell Thereby cast at a poll to be taken thereon on the fourth Thursday in May next, in pursuance of a schedule hereafter to be enacted.
Adopted by the convention of (“Defendants”) Virginia April 17, 1861 [ratified by a vote of 132,201 to 37,451 on 23 May 1861]

Hereby ("Defendants") GOP Political Party (“Defendants”) Mark Robert Warner (“Defendants”) Timothy Michael Kaine (“Defendants”) Robert Francis McDonnell, past, present and future established on 24 October 1945 “International Common Design Whites Supremacy International Organization" (“Defendants”) Mark Robert Warner (“Defendants”) Timothy Michael Kaine (“Defendants”) Robert Francis McDonnell Slave Trading Co. on this sworn undersigned date of council of record
"Louis Charles Hamilton II Cmdr, United States Naval Union Government "evidence filed herein" charges under EO12331 crimes against humanity, Genocide, overt acts of aggression continuance "1800s Civil War ongoing 2018 ("December")  against the ("Plaintiffs") Negro captive "stateless slaves  to be known as the (“Defendants”) United Nations and (“Defendants”) NATO as legally so mention above hereby further
("Defendants") Michael Dale Huckabee (born August 24, 1955) who served as the 44th governor of ("Defendants") Arkansas from 1996 to 2007 ("Defendants") Mickey Dale Beebe (born December 28, 1946) 45th Governor of Arkansas from 2007 to 2015
An Ordinance to dissolve the union now existing between the ("Defendants") State of Arkansas and the other States united with her under the compact entitled ("Plaintiffs") "The Constitution of the United States of America."

Whereas, in addition to the well-founded causes of complaint set forth by this convention, in resolutions adopted on the 11th of March, A.D. 1861, against the sectional party now in power in Washington City, headed by ("Plaintiffs") Abraham Lincoln, he has, in the face of resolutions passed by this convention pledging the ("Defendants") State of Arkansas to resist to the last extremity any attempt on the part of such power to coerce any
State that had seceded from the ("Plaintiffs") old Union, proclaimed to the world that war should be waged against such States until they should be compelled to submit to their rule, and large forces to accomplish this have by this same power been called out, and are now being marshaled to carry out this inhuman design; and to longer submit to such rule, or remain in the ("Plaintiffs") old Union of the United States, would be disgraceful and ruinous to the ("Defendants") State of Arkansas:
Therefore we, the people of the ("Defendants") State of Arkansas, in convention assembled, do hereby declare and ordain, and it is hereby declared and ordained, that the "ordinance and acceptance of compact" passed and approved by the General Assembly of the
State of Arkansas on the 18th day of October, A.D. 1836, whereby it was by said General Assembly ordained that by virtue of the authority vested in said General Assembly by the provisions of the ordinance adopted by the convention of delegates assembled at
 Little Rock for the purpose of forming a constitution and system of government for said State, the propositions set forth in "An act supplementary to an act entitled `An act for the admission of the State of Arkansas into the Union, and to provide for the due execution of the laws of the United States within the same, and for other purposes,'" were freely accepted, ratified, and irrevocably confirmed, articles of compact and union between the

 ("Defendants") State of Arkansas and the United States, and all other laws and every other law and ordinance, whereby the ("Defendants") State of Arkansas became a member of the ("Plaintiffs") Federal Union, be, and the same are hereby, in all respects and for every purpose herewith consistent, repealed, abrogated, and fully set aside; and the union now subsisting between the ("Defendants") State of Arkansas and the other States, under the name of the ("Plaintiffs") United States of America, is hereby forever dissolved.
And we do further hereby declare and ordain, that the ("Defendants") State of Arkansas hereby resumes to herself all rights and powers heretofore delegated to the Government of the ("Plaintiffs") United States of America; that her citizens are absolved from all allegiance to said ("Plaintiffs") Government of the United States, and that she is in full possession and exercise of all the rights and sovereignty which appertain to a free and independent State.

We do further ordain and declare, that all rights acquired and vested under the ("Plaintiffs") Constitution of the United States of America, or of any act or acts of Congress, or treaty or under any law of this ("Defendants")  State, and not incompatible with this ordinance, shall remain in full force and effect, in nowise altered or impaired, and have the same effect as if this ordinance had not been passed.
Adopted and passed in open convention on the 6th day of May, A.D. 1861.
Hereby ("Defendants") GOP Political Party (“Defendants”) ("Defendants") Arkansas's 3rd district In office November 20, 2001 – January 3, 2011 ("Defendants") Michael Dale Huckabee (born August 24, 1955) who served as the 44th governor of ("Defendants") Arkansas from 1996 to 2007 ("Defendants") Mickey Dale Beebe (born December 28, 1946) 45th Governor of Arkansas from 2007 to 2015
past, present and future established on 24 October 1945 “International Common Design Whites Supremacy International Organization" ("Defendants") Arkansas's 3rd district In office November 20, 2001 – January 3, 2011 ("Defendants") Michael Dale Huckabee (born August 24, 1955) who served as the 44th governor of ("Defendants") Arkansas from 1996 to 2007 ("Defendants") Mickey Dale Beebe (born December 28, 1946) 45th Governor of Arkansas from 2007 to 2015 Slave Trading Co. on this sworn undersigned date of council of record

"Louis Charles Hamilton II Cmdr, United States Naval Union Government "evidence filed herein" charges under EO12331 crimes against humanity, Genocide, overt acts of aggression continuance "1800s Civil War ongoing 2018 ("December")  against the ("Plaintiffs") Negro captive "stateless slaves  to be known as the (“Defendants”) United Nations and (“Defendants”) NATO as legally so mention above hereby further
("Defendants") Richard Mauze Burr ("Defendants") Thomas Roland Tillis ("Defendants") James Baxter Hunt Jr.manipulations ongoing  “illegal operation existences”, with intent to systematic destruction of all true “slave trade data” by whites supremacy ("Defendants") Richard Mauze Burr ("Defendants") Thomas Roland Tillis ("Defendants") James Baxter Hunt Jr. operation of current obstruction

RICO scheme against “Modern global slavery statistics data ("Defendants") Richard Mauze Burr ("Defendants") Thomas Roland Tillis ("Defendants") James Baxter Hunt Jr.Continuing false statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) made against the entire Global slavery index, false statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) ("Defendants") Richard Mauze Burr ("Defendants") Thomas Roland Tillis ("Defendants") James Baxter Hunt Jr.made against the entire global estimates of modern day slavery,
 ("Defendants") Richard Mauze Burr ("Defendants") Thomas Roland Tillis ("Defendants") James Baxter Hunt Jr. false statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) made against the entire trafficking global slavery index, ("Defendants") Richard Mauze Burr ("Defendants") Thomas Roland Tillis ("Defendants") James Baxter Hunt Jr. false statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) made against the entire The Global Modern Slavery Directory globalmodernslavery.org

("Defendants") Richard Mauze Burr ("Defendants") Thomas Roland Tillis ("Defendants") James Baxter Hunt Jr. False statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) made against the entire the Convention of 25 October 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction Contracting States ("Defendants") Richard Mauze Burr ("Defendants") Thomas Roland Tillis ("Defendants") James Baxter Hunt Jr. false statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) made against the entire The Modern Slavery Act 2015 ("Defendants") Richard Mauze Burr ("Defendants") Thomas Roland Tillis ("Defendants") James Baxter Hunt Jr. false statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) made against the entire The Directory, a Clinton Global Initiative 2014

("Defendants") Richard Mauze Burr ("Defendants") Thomas Roland Tillis ("Defendants") James Baxter Hunt Jr.criminal scheme continuance 18 U.S. Code § 1201 - "Mass Kidnapping" IN COLLUSION, CONSPIRE RICO Slave Trade ("Defendants") Confederate  “State of Mississippi” Confederate States SOUTH CAROLINA || Confederate States Confederate States FLORIDA | Confederate States ALABAMA | Confederate States GEORGIA | Confederate States LOUISIANA | Confederate States TEXAS | Confederate States VIRGINIA | Confederate States ARKANSAS | Confederate States NORTH CAROLINA |
Confederate States TENNESSEE | Confederate States MISSOURI | Confederate States KENTUCKY ("Defendants") Richard Mauze Burr ("Defendants") Thomas Roland Tillis ("Defendants") James Baxter Hunt Jr. conspiracy to committed, and misappropriation thereof, "cover-up, assessor, principle to actual theft of in exces of $26 (Trillion) US Dollars from ("Plaintiffs") United States Union Governments National Treasury cause of action all mention herein by Continuance violations of STATUTE OF THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT*

("Defendants") Richard Mauze Burr ("Defendants") Thomas Roland Tillis ("Defendants") James Baxter Hunt Jr. RICO crimes includes conspire in Two sets of books fully slave trade concept of "two sets of books" ("Defendants") Richard Mauze Burr ("Defendants") Thomas Roland Tillis ("Defendants") James Baxter Hunt Jr. attempting to hide and  disguise certain financial GDP Slave Trade transactions of the ("Defendants") The Confederate States of America ongoing operation well into 2018 ("December") from outsiders ("Defendants") United Nations, ("Defendants") NATO unknowing and unwitting (Stupid uneducated) International party of this "elusive human traffic" crimes spree by Hereby

("Defendants") Richard Mauze Burr ("Defendants") Thomas Roland Tillis ("Defendants") James Baxter Hunt Jr. cover-up, RICO racket Obstruction of Justice, conspiracy to commit obstruction of justice of (Military Naval Cmdr.) EO 12331 charging continuance (international crimes) against official government records concerning “International Slavery History Data” in direct manipulation of all
(Defendants") The Confederate States of America Judicial government decree against (Plaintiffs stateless captive slaves) overt slave trade in all acts, ("Defendants") Richard Mauze Burr ("Defendants") Thomas Roland Tillis ("Defendants") James Baxter Hunt Jr. party individually and collective omission, false statements, destruction of "Public International Records, Obscuring, to factual concealing all context in all materail facts under international law and equity concealed in
The Secession Acts of the ("Defendants") 13 Confederate States, not a part of the ("Plaintiffs") United States of America et al,. ("Defendants") North Carolina ("Defendants") Richard Mauze Burr ("Defendants") Thomas Roland Tillis ("Defendants") James Baxter Hunt Jr. An Ordinance to dissolve the union between the ("Defendants") State of North Carolina and the other ("Defendants") States united with her, under the compact of government entitled ("Plaintiffs") "The Constitution of the United States."

We, the people of the ("Defendants") State of North Carolina in convention assembled, do declare and ordain, and it is hereby declared and ordained, that the ordinance adopted by the State of North Carolina in the convention of 1789, whereby the ("Plaintiffs") Constitution of the United States was ratified and adopted, and also all acts and parts of acts of the General Assembly ratifying and adopting amendments to the said ("Plaintiffs") Constitution, are hereby repealed, rescinded, and abrogated
We do further declare and ordain, that the union now subsisting between the ("Defendants") State of North Carolina and the other States, under the title of the ("Plaintiffs") United States of America, is hereby dissolved, and that the State of North Carolina is in full possession and exercise of all those rights of sovereignty which belong and appertain to a free and independent State
Done in convention at the city of Raleigh, this the 20th day of May, in the year of our Lord 1861, and in the eighty-fifth year of the independence of said ("Defendants") State Before Jurisdiction of the (ICJ) International Court direct cause of actions Continuance violations of STATUTE OF THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT*, crimes of “Enslavement ”
Hereby ("Defendants") GOP Political Party and other (Political) ("Defendants") Richard Mauze Burr ("Defendants") Thomas Roland Tillis ("Defendants") James Baxter Hunt Jr. past, present and future established on 24 October 1945 “International Common Design Whites Supremacy International Organization" Slave Trading Co. on this sworn undersigned date of council of record

"Louis Charles Hamilton II Cmdr, United States Naval Union Government "evidence filed herein" charges under EO12331 crimes against humanity, Genocide, overt acts of aggression continuance "1800s Civil War ongoing 2018 ("December")  against the ("Plaintiffs") Negro captive "stateless slaves  to be known as the (“Defendants”) United Nations and (“Defendants”) NATO as legally so mention above hereby further herein enter into many criminal agreements of "Illegal International Concealed Slave Trade" with the “elusive (“Defendant”) The Confederate States of America" GOP Political "Whites Only" rules of international laws hereby since 1800s - 2018 ("December") ("Defendants") William Morgan Cassidy ("Defendants") Mary Loretta Landrieu  ("Defendants") Murphy James "Mike" Foster Jr. ("Defendants")  ("Defendants") Kathleen Babineaux Blanco ("Defendants")  Piyush "Bobby" Jindal maintain

Slave Trade crimes against humanity, overt acts, this criminal scheme continuance 18 U.S. Code § 1201 - "Mass Kidnapping" further ("Defendants") William Morgan Cassidy ("Defendants") Mary Loretta Landrieu  ("Defendants") Murphy James "Mike" Foster Jr. ("Defendants")  ("Defendants") Kathleen Babineaux Blanco ("Defendants")  Piyush "Bobby" Jindal manipulations ongoing  “illegal operation existences”, with intent to systematic destruction of all true “slave trade data” by whites supremacy operation of current obstruction

RICO scheme against “Modern global slavery statistics data ("Defendants") William Morgan Cassidy ("Defendants") Mary Loretta Landrieu  ("Defendants") Murphy James "Mike" Foster Jr. ("Defendants")  ("Defendants") Kathleen Babineaux Blanco ("Defendants")  Piyush "Bobby" Jindal
Continuing false statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) made against the entire Global slavery index, ("Defendants") William Morgan Cassidy ("Defendants") Mary Loretta Landrieu  ("Defendants") Murphy James "Mike" Foster Jr. ("Defendants")  ("Defendants") Kathleen Babineaux Blanco ("Defendants")  Piyush "Bobby" Jindal false statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) made against the entire global estimates of modern day slavery, ("Defendants") William Morgan Cassidy ("Defendants") Mary Loretta Landrieu  ("Defendants") Murphy James "Mike" Foster Jr. ("Defendants")  ("Defendants") Kathleen Babineaux Blanco ("Defendants")  Piyush "Bobby" Jindal false statements
(18 U.S.C. § 1001) made against the entire trafficking global slavery index, ("Defendants") William Morgan Cassidy ("Defendants") Mary Loretta Landrieu  ("Defendants") Murphy James "Mike" Foster Jr. ("Defendants")  ("Defendants") Kathleen Babineaux Blanco ("Defendants")  Piyush "Bobby" Jindal false statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) made against the entire The Global Modern Slavery Directory globalmodernslavery.org

("Defendants") William Morgan Cassidy ("Defendants") Mary Loretta Landrieu  ("Defendants") Murphy James "Mike" Foster Jr. ("Defendants")  ("Defendants") Kathleen Babineaux Blanco ("Defendants")  Piyush "Bobby" Jindal False statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) made against the entire the Convention of 25 October 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction Contracting States ("Defendants") William Morgan Cassidy ("Defendants") Mary Loretta Landrieu  ("Defendants") Murphy James "Mike" Foster Jr.
("Defendants") Kathleen Babineaux Blanco ("Defendants")  Piyush "Bobby" Jindal false statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) made against the entire The Modern Slavery Act 2015 ("Defendants") William Morgan Cassidy ("Defendants") Mary Loretta Landrieu  ("Defendants") Murphy James "Mike" Foster Jr. ("Defendants")  ("Defendants") Kathleen Babineaux Blanco ("Defendants")  Piyush "Bobby" Jindal false statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) made against the entire The Directory, a Clinton Global Initiative 2014

This ("Defendants") William Morgan Cassidy ("Defendants") Mary Loretta Landrieu  ("Defendants") Murphy James "Mike" Foster Jr. ("Defendants") Kathleen Babineaux Blanco ("Defendants")  Piyush "Bobby" Jindal criminal scheme continuance 18 U.S. Code § 1201 - "Mass Kidnapping" IN COLLUSION, CONSPIRE RICO Slave Trade ("Defendants") Confederate  “State of Mississippi” Confederate States SOUTH CAROLINA || Confederate States Confederate States FLORIDA | Confederate States ALABAMA | Confederate States GEORGIA | Confederate States LOUISIANA | Confederate States TEXAS | Confederate States VIRGINIA | Confederate States ARKANSAS | Confederate States NORTH CAROLINA |
Confederate States TENNESSEE | Confederate States MISSOURI | Confederate States KENTUCKY

("Defendants") William Morgan Cassidy ("Defendants") Mary Loretta Landrieu  ("Defendants") Murphy James "Mike" Foster Jr. ("Defendants")  ("Defendants") Kathleen Babineaux Blanco ("Defendants")  Piyush "Bobby" Jindal conspicery to committed, and misapporation thereof, "cover-up, assessor, principle to actual theft of in exces of $26 (Trillion) US Dollars from ("Plaintiffs") United States Union Goverments National Treasury by Continuance violations of STATUTE OF THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT*,
("Defendants") William Morgan Cassidy ("Defendants") Mary Loretta Landrieu  ("Defendants") Murphy James "Mike" Foster Jr. ("Defendants")  ("Defendants") Kathleen Babineaux Blanco ("Defendants")  Piyush "Bobby" Jindal RICO crimes includes Two sets of books fully slave trade concept of "two sets of books" attempting to hide and  disguise certain financial GDP Slave Trade transactions of the ("Defendants") The Confederate States of America ongoing operation well into 2018 ("December") from outsiders ("Defendants") United Nations, ("Defendants") NATO unknowing and unwitting (Stupid uneducated) International party of this "elusive human traffic" crimes spree by Hereby
("Defendants") William Morgan Cassidy ("Defendants") Mary Loretta Landrieu  ("Defendants") Murphy James "Mike" Foster Jr. ("Defendants")  ("Defendants") Kathleen Babineaux Blanco ("Defendants")  Piyush "Bobby" Jindal cover-up, RICO racket Obstruction of Justice, conspicery to commit obstruction of justice of (Military Naval Cmdr.) EO 12331 charging continuance (international crimes) against official government records concerning “International Slavery History Data” in direct manipulation of all

(Defendants") The Confederate States of America Judicial government decree against (Plaintiffs stateless captive slaves) overt slave trade in all acts, omission, false statements, destruction of "Public International Records, Obscuring, to factual concealing all context in all materiel facts under international law and equity concealed in The Secession Acts of the ("Defendants") 13 Confederate States, not a part of the ("Plaintiffs") United States of America et al,.
("Defendants") William Morgan Cassidy ("Defendants") Mary Loretta Landrieu  ("Defendants") Murphy James "Mike" Foster Jr. ("Defendants")  ("Defendants") Kathleen Babineaux Blanco ("Defendants")  Piyush "Bobby" Jindal cover-up, RICO racket Obstruction of Justice, conspicery to commit obstruction of justice of (Military Naval Cmdr.) EO 12331 charging continuance (international crimes) against official government records concerning “International Slavery History Data”

("Defendants") Louisiana ("Defendants") William Morgan Cassidy ("Defendants") Mary Loretta Landrieu  ("Defendants") Murphy James "Mike" Foster Jr. ("Defendants")  ("Defendants") Kathleen Babineaux Blanco ("Defendants")  Piyush "Bobby" Jindal An Ordinance to dissolve the union between the State of Louisiana and other States united with her under the compact entitled ("Plaintiffs") "The Constitution of the United States of America."
We, the people of the ("Defendants") State of Louisiana, in convention assembled, do declare and ordain, and it is hereby declared and ordained, that the ordinance passed by us in convention on the 22d day of November, in the year eighteen hundred and eleven, whereby the ("Plaintiffs") Constitution of the United States of America and the amendments of the said ("Plaintiffs") Constitution were adopted, and all laws and ordinances by which the
("Defendants") State of Louisiana became a member of the ("Plaintiffs") Federal Union, be, and the same are hereby, repealed and abrogated; and that the union now subsisting between ("Defendants") Louisiana and other ("Plaintiffs") States under the name of ("Plaintiffs") "The United States of America" is hereby dissolved.
We do further declare and ordain, that the ("Defendants") State of Louisiana hereby resumes all rights and powers heretofore delegated to the Government of the ("Plaintiffs") United States of America; that her citizens are absolved from all allegiance to said ("Plaintiffs") Government; and that she is in full possession and exercise of all those rights of sovereignty which appertain to a free and independent ("Defendants") State.

We do further declare and ordain, that all rights acquired and vested under the ("Plaintiffs") Constitution of the United States, or any act of ("Plaintiffs") Congress, or ("Plaintiffs") treaty, or under any ("Plaintiffs") law of this ("Defendants") State, and not incompatible with this ordinance, shall remain in force and have the same effect as if this ordinance had not been passed Adopted in convention at Baton Rouge this 26th day of January, 1861.
("Defendants") William Morgan Cassidy ("Defendants") Mary Loretta Landrieu  ("Defendants") Murphy James "Mike" Foster Jr. ("Defendants")  ("Defendants") Kathleen Babineaux Blanco ("Defendants")  Piyush "Bobby" Jindal endless IN COLLUSION, CONSPIRE RICO Slave Trade ("Defendants") Louisiana conspire, collusion, facilitation aid and abetting “whites supremacy” ongoing "Slavery" Whites Supremacy Political State Sponsorship Psychological warfare (PSYWAR), against a “entire negro international civilian populations, and other similarly the same or the basic aspects of modern psychological operations
Before Jurisdiction of the (ICJ) International Court direct cause of actions Continuance violations of STATUTE OF THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT*, crimes of “Enslavement ” of the ("Plaintiffs") Negro entire population further Hereby ("Defendants") GOP Political Party ("Defendants") William Morgan Cassidy ("Defendants") Mary Loretta Landrieu  ("Defendants") Murphy James "Mike" Foster Jr. ("Defendants")  ("Defendants") Kathleen Babineaux Blanco ("Defendants")  Piyush "Bobby" Jindal past, present and future established on 24 October 1945 “International Common Design Whites Supremacy International Organization" Slave Trading Co. on this sworn undersigned date of council of record

"Louis Charles Hamilton II Cmdr, United States Naval Union Government "evidence filed herein" charges under EO12331 crimes against humanity, Genocide, overt acts of aggression continuance "1800s Civil War ongoing 2018 ("December")  against the ("Plaintiffs") Negro captive "stateless slaves  to be known as the (“Defendants”) United Nations and (“Defendants”) NATO as legally so mention above hereby further ("Defendants") John David Ashcroft ("Defendants") Jean Anne Carpenter Carnahan ("Defendants") James Matthes Talent ("Defendants") Claire Conner McCaskill ("Defendants") Robert Lee Holden Jr. collective ceases to be one of said ("Plaintiffs") United States States Union fully direct cause of action, involving  gross RICO Human Traficant System since 1800s
Filed before the (ICJ) International Honorable Court Jurisdiction under International Court System hereby The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court undersigned council of record "Petition" Original (ICJ) Honorable Court Justices, Fraudulent ("Defendants") The Confederate States of America ("Defendants") John David Ashcroft ("Defendants") Jean Anne Carpenter Carnahan ("Defendants") James Matthes Talent ("Defendants") Claire Conner McCaskill ("Defendants") Robert Lee Holden Jr. being "Impostor" of the

("Plaintiffs") United States of America Union Goverment upon conclusion ("Defendants") The Confederate States of America Paramilitary Knights of the Klu Klux Klansmen Aggravated Identity Theft, 18 U.S.C. § 1028A. of the ("Plaintiffs") United States of America Union Goverment from the time frame on 1861 - 2018 ("December") 

("Defendants") John David Ashcroft ("Defendants") Jean Anne Carpenter Carnahan ("Defendants") James Matthes Talent ("Defendants") Claire Conner McCaskill ("Defendants") Robert Lee Holden Jr. as legally so mention above, herein enter into many criminal agreements of "Illegal International Concealed Slave Trade" with the “elusive (“Defendant”) The Confederate States of America" GOP Political "Whites Only" rules of international laws hereby since 1800s - 2018 ("December") maintain
Slave Trade crimes against humanity, overt acts, this criminal scheme continuance 18 U.S. Code § 1201 - "Mass Kidnapping" ("Defendants") John David Ashcroft ("Defendants") Jean Anne Carpenter Carnahan ("Defendants") James Matthes Talent ("Defendants") Claire Conner McCaskill ("Defendants") Robert Lee Holden Jr. manipulations ongoing  “illegal operation existences”, with intent to systematic destruction of all true “slave trade data” by whites supremacy operation of current obstruction

RICO scheme against “Modern global slavery statistics data ("Defendants") John David Ashcroft ("Defendants") Jean Anne Carpenter Carnahan ("Defendants") James Matthes Talent ("Defendants") Claire Conner McCaskill ("Defendants") Robert Lee Holden Jr.
Continuing false statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) made against the entire Global slavery index, ("Defendants") John David Ashcroft ("Defendants") Jean Anne Carpenter Carnahan ("Defendants") James Matthes Talent ("Defendants") Claire Conner McCaskill ("Defendants") Robert Lee Holden Jr. false statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) made against the entire global estimates of modern day slavery,
("Defendants") John David Ashcroft ("Defendants") Jean Anne Carpenter Carnahan ("Defendants") James Matthes Talent ("Defendants") Claire Conner McCaskill ("Defendants") Robert Lee Holden Jr. false statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) made against the entire trafficking global slavery index, ("Defendants") John David Ashcroft ("Defendants") Jean Anne Carpenter Carnahan ("Defendants") James Matthes Talent ("Defendants") Claire Conner McCaskill ("Defendants") Robert Lee Holden Jr. false statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) made against the entire The Global Modern Slavery Directory globalmodernslavery.org

("Defendants") John David Ashcroft ("Defendants") Jean Anne Carpenter Carnahan ("Defendants") James Matthes Talent ("Defendants") Claire Conner McCaskill ("Defendants") Robert Lee Holden Jr. False statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) made against the entire the Convention of 25 October 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction Contracting States ("Defendants") John David Ashcroft ("Defendants") Jean Anne Carpenter Carnahan ("Defendants") James Matthes Talent ("Defendants") Claire Conner McCaskill ("Defendants") Robert Lee Holden Jr. false statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) made against the entire The Modern Slavery Act 2015
("Defendants") John David Ashcroft ("Defendants") Jean Anne Carpenter Carnahan ("Defendants") James Matthes Talent ("Defendants") Claire Conner McCaskill ("Defendants") Robert Lee Holden Jr. false statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) made against the entire The Directory, a Clinton Global Initiative 2014

This criminal scheme continuance 18 U.S. Code § 1201 - "Mass Kidnapping" ("Defendants") John David Ashcroft ("Defendants") Jean Anne Carpenter Carnahan ("Defendants") James Matthes Talent ("Defendants") Claire Conner McCaskill ("Defendants") Robert Lee Holden Jr. IN COLLUSION, CONSPIRE RICO Slave Trade ("Defendants") Confederate  “State of Mississippi” Confederate States SOUTH CAROLINA || Confederate States Confederate States FLORIDA |
Confederate States ALABAMA | Confederate States GEORGIA | Confederate States LOUISIANA | Confederate States TEXAS | Confederate States VIRGINIA | Confederate States ARKANSAS | Confederate States NORTH CAROLINA | Confederate States TENNESSEE | Confederate States MISSOURI | Confederate States KENTUCKY
("Defendants") Missouri ("Defendants") John David Ashcroft (born May 9, 1942) 79th United States Attorney General In office February 2, 2001 – February 3, 2005 ("Defendants") John David Ashcroft United States Senator from ("Defendants") Missouri In office January 3, 1995 – January 3, 2001("Defendants") John David Ashcroft 50th Governor of Missouri In office January 14, 1985 – January 11, 1993
("Defendants") John David Ashcroft 38th Attorney General of Missouri In office January 10, 1977 – January 14, 1985 ("Defendants") Jean Anne Carpenter Carnahan (born December 20, 1933) United States Senator from ("Defendants") Missouri In office January 3, 2001 – November 23, 2002 ("Defendants") James Matthes Talent (born October 18, 1956) United States Senator from ("Defendants") Missouri In office November 23, 2002 – January 3, 2007
("Defendants") James Matthes Talent Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Missouri's 2nd district In office January 3, 1993 – January 3, 2001 ("Defendants") James Matthes Talent Member of the Missouri House of Representatives In office 1985–1993
("Defendants") Claire Conner McCaskill (/məˈkæskəl/; born July 24, 1953) Ranking Member of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, ("Defendants") Claire Conner McCaskill United States Senator from ("Defendants") Missouri Assumed office  January 3, 2007 ("Defendants") Claire Conner McCaskill  Member of the ("Defendants") Missouri House of Representatives from the 42nd district In office January 5, 1983 – February 2, 1988

("Defendants") Robert Lee Holden Jr. (born August 24, 1949) 53rd Governor of ("Defendants") Missouri from 2001 to 2005, ("Defendants") Matthew Roy Blunt (born November 20, 1970) 54th Governor of Missouri from 2005 to 2009 ("Defendants") Jeremiah Wilson "Jay" Nixon (born February 13, 1956) 55th Governor of ("Defendants") Missouri from 2009 to 2017 conspiracy to committed, and misappropriation thereof, "cover-up, assessor, principle to actual theft of in exces of
 $26 (Trillion) US Dollars from ("Plaintiffs") United States Union Governments National Treasury by Continuance violations of STATUTE OF THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT*,
("Defendants") John David Ashcroft ("Defendants") Jean Anne Carpenter Carnahan ("Defendants") James Matthes Talent ("Defendants") Claire Conner McCaskill ("Defendants") Robert Lee Holden Jr. RICO crimes includes Two sets of books fully slave trade concept of "two sets of books" attempting to hide and  disguise certain financial GDP Slave Trade transactions of the
("Defendants") The Confederate States of America ongoing operation well into 2018 ("December") from outsiders ("Defendants") United Nations, ("Defendants") NATO unknowing and unwitting (Stupid uneducated) International party of this "elusive human traffic" crimes spree by Hereby
("Defendants") John David Ashcroft ("Defendants") Jean Anne Carpenter Carnahan ("Defendants") James Matthes Talent ("Defendants") Claire Conner McCaskill ("Defendants") Robert Lee Holden Jr. cover-up, RICO racket Obstruction of Justice, conspiracy to commit obstruction of justice of (Military Naval Cmdr.) EO 12331 charging continuance (international crimes) against official government records concerning “International Slavery History Data” in direct manipulation of all
(Defendants") The Confederate States of America Judicial government decree against (Plaintiffs stateless captive slaves) ("Defendants") John David Ashcroft ("Defendants") Jean Anne Carpenter Carnahan ("Defendants") James Matthes Talent ("Defendants") Claire Conner McCaskill ("Defendants") Robert Lee Holden Jr. overt slave trade in all acts, 18 U.S. Code § 1111 – Murder committed by Defendant “Knights of The Klu Klux Klansman, direct past, present and future omission, false statements, destruction of "Public International Records, Obscuring, to factual concealing all context in all materiel facts under international law and equity further
("Defendants") John David Ashcroft ("Defendants") Jean Anne Carpenter Carnahan ("Defendants") James Matthes Talent ("Defendants") Claire Conner McCaskill ("Defendants") Robert Lee Holden Jr. concealed in The Secession Acts of the ("Defendants") 13 Confederate States, not a part of the ("Plaintiffs") United States of America et al,. Before Jurisdiction of the (ICJ) International Court direct cause of actions

("Defendants") John David Ashcroft ("Defendants") Jean Anne Carpenter Carnahan ("Defendants") James Matthes Talent ("Defendants") Claire Conner McCaskill ("Defendants") Robert Lee Holden Jr. Continuance past, present and future violations of STATUTE OF THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT*, crimes of “Enslavement of the ("Plaintiffs") entire negro race as property of a white man after 1865 Colonial America Civil War”  ("Defendants") Missouri
An act declaring the political ties heretofore existing between the ("Defendants") State of Missouri and the ("Plaintiffs") United States of America dissolved.
Whereas the Government of the ("Plaintiffs") United States, in the possession and under the control of a sectional party, has wantonly violated the compact originally made between said Government and the ("Defendants") State of Missouri, by invading with hostile armies the soil of the ("Defendants") State, attacking and making prisoners the militia while legally assembled under the ("Defendants") State laws, forcibly occupying the ("Defendants") State capitol, and attempting through the instrumentality of domestic traitors to usurp the
("Defendants") State government, seizing and destroying ("Defendants") private property, and murdering with fiendish malignity peaceable citizens, men, women, and children, together with other acts of atrocity, indicating a deep-settled hostility toward the people of ("Defendants") Missouri and their ("Defendants") institutions; and

Whereas the present Administration of the Government of the ("Plaintiffs") United States has utterly ignored the Constitution, subverted the ("Plaintiffs") Government as constructed and intended by its makers, and established a despotic and arbitrary power instead thereof: Now, therefore,
Be it enacted by the general assembly of the State of Missouri, That all political ties of every character new existing between the Government of the ("Plaintiffs") United States of America and the people and government of the State of Missouri are hereby dissolved, and the State of Missouri, resuming the sovereignty granted by compact to the said ("Plaintiffs") United States upon admission of said ("Defendants") State into the ("Plaintiffs") Federal Union, does again take its place as a free and independent republic among the nations of the earth.
This act to take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved, October 31, 1861. [This act was passed by a rump legislature called into session in Neosho, Mo., by Gov. C.F. Jackson (who had been removed from office by the State Convention)]

Hereby ("Defendants") GOP Political Party further ("Defendants") John David Ashcroft ("Defendants") Jean Anne Carpenter Carnahan ("Defendants") James Matthes Talent ("Defendants") Claire Conner McCaskill ("Defendants") Robert Lee Holden Jr. past, present and future established on 24 October 1945 “International Common Design Whites Supremacy International Organization" Slave Trading Co. on this sworn undersigned date of council of record
"Louis Charles Hamilton II Cmdr, United States Naval Union Government "evidence filed herein" charges under EO12331 crimes against humanity, Genocide, overt acts of aggression continuance "1800s Civil War ongoing 2018 ("December")  against the ("Plaintiffs") Negro captive "stateless slaves  to be known as the (“Defendants”) United Nations and (“Defendants”) NATO as legally so mention above hereby further

("Defendants") The Confederate States of America  ("Defendants") Addison Mitchell McConnell Jr. ("Defendants") Paul Edward Patton ("Defendants") Ernest Lee Fletcher ("Defendants") Steven Lynn Beshear being "Impostor" of the
("Plaintiffs") United States of America Union Government upon conclusion ("Defendants") The Confederate States of America Paramilitary Knights of the Klu Klux Klansman Aggravated Identity Theft, 18 U.S.C. § 1028A. of the ("Plaintiffs") United States of America Union Government from the time frame on 1861 - 2018 ("December") 

("Defendants") Addison Mitchell McConnell Jr. ("Defendants") Paul Edward Patton ("Defendants") Ernest Lee Fletcher ("Defendants") Steven Lynn Beshear as legally so mention above, herein enter into many criminal agreements of "Illegal International Concealed Slave Trade" with the “elusive (“Defendant”) The Confederate States of America" GOP Political "Whites Only" rules of international laws hereby since 1800s - 2018 ("December")
 ("Defendants") Addison Mitchell McConnell Jr. ("Defendants") Paul Edward Patton ("Defendants") Ernest Lee Fletcher ("Defendants") Steven Lynn Beshear maintain Slave Trade crimes against humanity, overt acts, this criminal scheme continuance 18 U.S. Code § 1201 - "Mass Kidnapping" ("Defendants") Addison Mitchell McConnell Jr. ("Defendants") Paul Edward Patton ("Defendants") Ernest Lee Fletcher ("Defendants") Steven Lynn Beshear manipulations ongoing  “illegal operation existences”, with intent to systematic destruction of all true “slave trade data” by whites supremacy operation of current obstruction

RICO scheme against “Modern global slavery statistics data ("Defendants") Addison Mitchell McConnell Jr. ("Defendants") Paul Edward Patton ("Defendants") Ernest Lee Fletcher ("Defendants") Steven Lynn Beshear Continuing false statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) made against the entire Global slavery index, ("Defendants") Addison Mitchell McConnell Jr. ("Defendants") Paul Edward Patton ("Defendants") Ernest Lee Fletcher ("Defendants") Steven Lynn Beshear false statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) made against the entire global estimates of modern day slavery, ("Defendants") Addison Mitchell McConnell Jr.
("Defendants") Paul Edward Patton ("Defendants") Ernest Lee Fletcher ("Defendants") Steven Lynn Beshear false statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) made against the entire trafficking global slavery index, ("Defendants") Addison Mitchell McConnell Jr. ("Defendants") Paul Edward Patton ("Defendants") Ernest Lee Fletcher ("Defendants") Steven Lynn Beshear false statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) made against the entire The Global Modern Slavery Directory globalmodernslavery.org
("Defendants") Addison Mitchell McConnell Jr. ("Defendants") Paul Edward Patton ("Defendants") Ernest Lee Fletcher ("Defendants") Steven Lynn Beshear False statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) made against the entire the Convention of 25 October 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction Contracting States ("Defendants") Addison Mitchell McConnell Jr. ("Defendants") Paul Edward Patton ("Defendants") Ernest Lee Fletcher ("Defendants") Steven Lynn Beshear false statements

(18 U.S.C. § 1001) made against the entire The Modern Slavery Act 2015 ("Defendants") Addison Mitchell McConnell Jr. ("Defendants") Paul Edward Patton ("Defendants") Ernest Lee Fletcher ("Defendants") Steven Lynn Beshear false statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) made against the entire The Directory, a Clinton Global Initiative 2014
This criminal scheme continuance 18 U.S. Code § 1201 - "Mass Kidnapping" ("Defendants") Addison Mitchell McConnell Jr. ("Defendants") Paul Edward Patton ("Defendants") Ernest Lee Fletcher ("Defendants") Steven Lynn Beshear IN COLLUSION, CONSPIRE RICO Slave Trade ("Defendants") Confederate  “State of Mississippi” Confederate States SOUTH CAROLINA || Confederate States Confederate States FLORIDA | Confederate States ALABAMA | Confederate States GEORGIA | Confederate States LOUISIANA |
Confederate States TEXAS | Confederate States VIRGINIA | Confederate States ARKANSAS | Confederate States NORTH CAROLINA | Confederate States TENNESSEE | Confederate States MISSOURI | Confederate States KENTUCKY

("Defendants") Addison Mitchell McConnell Jr. ("Defendants") Paul Edward Patton ("Defendants") Ernest Lee Fletcher ("Defendants") Steven Lynn Beshear conspiracy to committed, and misappropriation thereof, "cover-up, assessor, principle to actual theft of in excess of $26 (Trillion) US Dollars from ("Plaintiffs") United States Union Governments National Treasury by Continuance violations of STATUTE OF THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT*,
("Defendants") Addison Mitchell McConnell Jr. ("Defendants") Paul Edward Patton ("Defendants") Ernest Lee Fletcher ("Defendants") Steven Lynn Beshear RICO crimes includes Two sets of books fully slave trade concept of "two sets of books" attempting to hide and  disguise certain financial GDP Slave Trade transactions of the ("Defendants") The Confederate States of America ongoing operation well into 2018 ("December") from outsiders ("Defendants") United Nations, ("Defendants") NATO unknowing and unwitting (Stupid uneducated) International party of this "elusive human traffic" crimes spree by Hereby

("Defendants") Addison Mitchell McConnell Jr. ("Defendants") Paul Edward Patton ("Defendants") Ernest Lee Fletcher ("Defendants") Steven Lynn Beshear cover-up, RICO racket Obstruction of Justice, conspiracy to commit obstruction of justice of (Military Naval Cmdr.) EO 12331 charging continuance (international crimes) against official government records concerning “International Slavery History Data” ("Defendants") Addison Mitchell McConnell Jr. ("Defendants") Paul Edward Patton ("Defendants") Ernest Lee Fletcher ("Defendants") Steven Lynn Beshear in direct manipulation of all
(Defendants") The Confederate States of America Judicial government decree against (Plaintiffs stateless captive slaves) further ("Defendants") Addison Mitchell McConnell Jr. ("Defendants") Paul Edward Patton ("Defendants") Ernest Lee Fletcher ("Defendants") Steven Lynn Beshear overt slave trade in all acts, 18 U.S. Code § 1111 – Murder committed by Defendant “Knights of The Klu Klux Klansman, includes past, present and future omission, false statements, destruction of "Public International Records, Obscuring, to factual concealing all context in all materiel facts under international law and equity concealed in
The Secession Acts of the ("Defendants") 13 Confederate States, ("Defendants") Addison Mitchell McConnell Jr. ("Defendants") Paul Edward Patton ("Defendants") Ernest Lee Fletcher ("Defendants") Steven Lynn Beshear not a part of the ("Plaintiffs") United States of America et al,.
Before Jurisdiction of the (ICJ) International Court direct cause of actions Continuance violations of STATUTE OF THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT*, crimes of “Enslavement ” of the ("Plaintiffs") entire negro race as property of a white man after 1865 Colonial America Civil War”  ("Defendants") Kentucky

Whereas, the ("Plaintiffs") Federal Constitution, which created the Government of the ("Plaintiffs") United States, was declared by the framers thereof to be the supreme law of the land, and was intended to limit and did expressly limit the powers of said ("Plaintiffs") Government to certain general specified purposes, and did expressly reserve to the ("Defendants") States and people all other powers whatever, and the President and Congress have treated this supreme law of the
("Plaintiffs") Union with contempt and usurped to themselves the power to interfere with the rights and liberties of the ("Defendants") States and the people against the expressed provisions of the Constitution, and have thus substituted for the highest forms of national liberty and constitutional government a central despotism founded upon the ignorant prejudices of the masses of Northern society,
 And instead of giving protection with the Constitution to the people of fifteen States of this ("Plaintiffs") Union have turned loose upon them the unrestrained and raging passions of mobs and fanatics, and because we now seek to hold our liberties, our property, our homes, and our families under the protection of the reserved powers of the ("Defendants") States, have blockaded our ports, invaded our soil, and waged war upon our people for the purpose of subjugating us to their will; and
Whereas, our honor and our duty to posterity demand that we shall not relinquish our own liberty and shall not abandon the right of our descendants and the world to the inestimable blessings of constitutional government: Therefore,
Be it ordained, that we do hereby forever sever our connection with the Government of the ("Plaintiffs") United States, and in the name of the people we do hereby declare ("Defendants") Kentucky to be a free and independent ("Defendants") State, clothed with all power to fix her own destiny and to secure her own rights and liberties.

And whereas, the majority of the Legislature of ("Defendants") Kentucky have violated their most solemn pledges made before the election, and deceived and betrayed the people; have abandoned the position of neutrality assumed by themselves and the people, and invited into the ("Plaintiffs") State the organized armies of Lincoln; have abdicated the Government in favor of a military despotism which they have placed around themselves, but cannot control, and have abandoned the duty of shielding the citizen with their protection; have thrown upon our people and the
("Defendants") State the horrors and ravages of war, instead of attempting to preserve the peace, and have voted men and money for the war waged by the North for the destruction of our constitutional rights; have violated the expressed words of the constitution by borrowing five millions of money for the support of the war without a vote of the people; have permitted the arrest and imprisonment of our citizens, and transferred the constitutional prerogatives of the Executive to a military commission of partisans; have seen the writ of habeas corpus suspended without an effort for its preservation, and permitted our people to be driven in exile from their homes; have subjected our property to confiscation and our persons to confinement in the penitentiary as felons,

Because we may choose to take part in a cause for civil liberty and constitutional government against a sectional majority waging war against the people and institutions of fifteen independent States of the old ("Plaintiffs") Federal Union, and have done all these things deliberately against the warnings and vetoes of the ("Defendants") Governor and the solemn remonstrances of the minority in the ("Defendants") Senate and ("Defendants") House of Representatives: Therefore,
Be it further ordained, that the unconstitutional edicts of a factious majority of a Legislature thus false to their pledges, their honor, and their interests are not law, and that such a government is unworthy of the support of a brave and free people, and that we do therefore declare that the people are thereby absolved from all allegiance to said ("Plaintiffs") government, and that they have a right to establish any ("Defendants") government which to them may seem best adapted to the preservation of their rights and liberties [adopted 20 Nov 1861, by a "Convention of the People of Kentucky"]

Hereby ("Defendants") GOP Political Party (“Defendants”) ("Defendants") Addison Mitchell McConnell Jr. ("Defendants") Paul Edward Patton ("Defendants") Ernest Lee Fletcher ("Defendants") Steven Lynn Beshear past, present and future established on 24 October 1945 “International Common Design Whites Supremacy International Organization" Slave Trading Co. on this sworn undersigned date of council of record
"Louis Charles Hamilton II Cmdr, United States Naval Union Government "evidence filed herein" charges under EO12331 crimes against humanity, Genocide, overt acts of aggression continuance "1800s Civil War ongoing 2018 ("December")  against the ("Plaintiffs") Negro captive "stateless slaves  to be known as the (“Defendants”) United Nations and (“Defendants”) NATO as legally so mention above hereby further (“Defendants”) Joseph Maxwell Cleland (“Defendants”) Clarence Saxby Chambliss (“Defendants”) John Nathan Deal (“Defendants”) Roy Eugene Barnes (“Defendants”) George Ervin "Sonny" Perdue III as legally so mention above, herein enter into many criminal agreements of "Illegal International Concealed Slave Trade" with the “elusive (“Defendant”) The Confederate States of America" GOP Political "Whites Only" rules of international laws hereby since 1800s - 2018 ("December")
(“Defendants”) Joseph Maxwell Cleland (“Defendants”) Clarence Saxby Chambliss (“Defendants”) John Nathan Deal (“Defendants”) Roy Eugene Barnes (“Defendants”) George Ervin "Sonny" Perdue III maintain Slave Trade crimes against humanity, overt acts, this criminal scheme continuance 18 U.S. Code § 1201 - "Mass Kidnapping"

(“Defendants”) Joseph Maxwell Cleland (“Defendants”) Clarence Saxby Chambliss (“Defendants”) John Nathan Deal (“Defendants”) Roy Eugene Barnes (“Defendants”) George Ervin "Sonny" Perdue III  manipulations ongoing  “illegal operation existences”, with intent to systematic destruction of all true “slave trade data” by whites supremacy operation of current obstruction RICO scheme against “Modern global slavery statistics data
("Defendants") Paul Edward Patton ("Defendants") Ernest Lee Fletcher ("Defendants") Steven Lynn Beshear Continuing false statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) made against the entire Global slavery index,
(“Defendants”) Joseph Maxwell Cleland (“Defendants”) Clarence Saxby Chambliss (“Defendants”) John Nathan Deal (“Defendants”) Roy Eugene Barnes (“Defendants”) George Ervin "Sonny" Perdue III false statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) made against the entire global estimates of modern day slavery,

 (“Defendants”) Joseph Maxwell Cleland (“Defendants”) Clarence Saxby Chambliss (“Defendants”) John Nathan Deal (“Defendants”) Roy Eugene Barnes (“Defendants”) George Ervin "Sonny" Perdue III false statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) made against the entire trafficking global slavery index,
 (“Defendants”) Joseph Maxwell Cleland (“Defendants”) Clarence Saxby Chambliss (“Defendants”) John Nathan Deal (“Defendants”) Roy Eugene Barnes (“Defendants”) George Ervin "Sonny" Perdue III false statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) made against the entire The Global Modern Slavery Directory globalmodernslavery.org
(“Defendants”) Joseph Maxwell Cleland (“Defendants”) Clarence Saxby Chambliss (“Defendants”) John Nathan Deal (“Defendants”) Roy Eugene Barnes (“Defendants”) George Ervin "Sonny" Perdue III False statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) made against the entire the Convention of 25 October 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction Contracting States
 (“Defendants”) Joseph Maxwell Cleland (“Defendants”) Clarence Saxby Chambliss (“Defendants”) John Nathan Deal (“Defendants”) Roy Eugene Barnes (“Defendants”) George Ervin "Sonny" Perdue III false statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) made against the entire The Modern Slavery Act 2015
(“Defendants”) Joseph Maxwell Cleland (“Defendants”) Clarence Saxby Chambliss (“Defendants”) John Nathan Deal (“Defendants”) Roy Eugene Barnes (“Defendants”) George Ervin "Sonny" Perdue III false statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) made against the entire The Directory, a Clinton Global Initiative 2014

This criminal scheme continuance 18 U.S. Code § 1201 - "Mass Kidnapping" (“Defendants”) Joseph Maxwell Cleland (“Defendants”) Clarence Saxby Chambliss (“Defendants”) John Nathan Deal (“Defendants”) Roy Eugene Barnes (“Defendants”) George Ervin "Sonny" Perdue III IN COLLUSION, CONSPIRE RICO Slave Trade ("Defendants") Confederate  “State of Mississippi” Confederate States SOUTH CAROLINA || Confederate States Confederate States FLORIDA | Confederate States ALABAMA | Confederate States GEORGIA | Confederate States LOUISIANA |
Confederate States TEXAS | Confederate States VIRGINIA | Confederate States ARKANSAS | Confederate States NORTH CAROLINA | Confederate States TENNESSEE | Confederate States MISSOURI | Confederate States KENTUCKY
(“Defendants”) Joseph Maxwell Cleland (“Defendants”) Clarence Saxby Chambliss (“Defendants”) John Nathan Deal (“Defendants”) Roy Eugene Barnes (“Defendants”) George Ervin "Sonny" Perdue III conspiracy to committed, and misappropriation thereof, "cover-up, assessor, principle to actual theft of in exces of $26 (Trillion) US Dollars from ("Plaintiffs") United States Union Goverments National Treasury by Continuance violations of STATUTE OF THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT*,

(“Defendants”) Joseph Maxwell Cleland (“Defendants”) Clarence Saxby Chambliss (“Defendants”) John Nathan Deal (“Defendants”) Roy Eugene Barnes (“Defendants”) George Ervin "Sonny" Perdue III RICO crimes includes Two sets of books fully slave trade concept of "two sets of books" attempting to hide and  disguise certain financial GDP Slave Trade transactions of the ("Defendants") The Confederate States of America ongoing operation well into 2018 ("December") from outsiders ("Defendants") United Nations, ("Defendants") NATO unknowing and unwitting (Stupid uneducated) International party of this "elusive human traffic" crimes spree by Hereby
(“Defendants”) Joseph Maxwell Cleland (“Defendants”) Clarence Saxby Chambliss (“Defendants”) John Nathan Deal (“Defendants”) Roy Eugene Barnes (“Defendants”) George Ervin "Sonny" Perdue III cover-up, RICO racket Obstruction of Justice, conspiracy to commit obstruction of justice of (Military Naval Cmdr.) EO 12331 charging continuance (international crimes) against official government records concerning “International Slavery History Data”
(“Defendants”) Joseph Maxwell Cleland (“Defendants”) Clarence Saxby Chambliss (“Defendants”) John Nathan Deal (“Defendants”) Roy Eugene Barnes (“Defendants”) George Ervin "Sonny" Perdue III in direct manipulation of all (Defendants") The Confederate States of America Judicial government decree against (Plaintiffs stateless captive slaves) further
(“Defendants”) Joseph Maxwell Cleland (“Defendants”) Clarence Saxby Chambliss (“Defendants”) John Nathan Deal (“Defendants”) Roy Eugene Barnes (“Defendants”) George Ervin "Sonny" Perdue III  overt slave trade in all acts, 18 U.S. Code § 1111 – Murder committed by Defendant “Knights of The Klu Klux Klansman, includes past, present and future omission, false statements, destruction of "Public International Records, Obscuring, to factual concealing all context in all material facts under international law and equity concealed in The Secession Acts of the ("Defendants") 13 Confederate States,
(“Defendants”) Joseph Maxwell Cleland (“Defendants”) Clarence Saxby Chambliss (“Defendants”) John Nathan Deal (“Defendants”) Roy Eugene Barnes (“Defendants”) George Ervin "Sonny" Perdue III not a part of the ("Plaintiffs") United States of America et al,.
Before Jurisdiction of the (ICJ) International Court direct cause of actions Continuance violations of STATUTE OF THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT*, crimes of “Enslavement ” of the ("Plaintiffs") entire negro race as property of a white man after 1865 Colonial America Civil War”  ("Defendants") Georgia
We the people of the ("Defendants") State of Georgia in Convention assembled do declare and ordain and it is hereby declared and ordained that the ordinance adopted by the ("Defendants") State of Georgia in convention on the 2nd day of Jany, in the year of our Lord seventeen hundred and eighty-eight, whereby the constitution of the ("Plaintiffs") United States of America was assented to, ratified and adopted, and also all acts and parts of acts of the general assembly of this ("Defendants") State, ratifying and adopting amendments to said constitution, are hereby repealed, rescinded and abrogated.
We do further declare and ordain that the union now existing between the ("Defendants") State of Georgia and other States under the name of the ("Plaintiffs") United States of America is hereby dissolved, and that the ("Defendants") State of Georgia is in full possession and exercise of all those rights of sovereignty which belong and appertain to a free and independent State Passed January 19, 1861.
Hereby ("Defendants") GOP Political Party further (“Defendants”) Joseph Maxwell Cleland (“Defendants”) Clarence Saxby Chambliss (“Defendants”) John Nathan Deal (“Defendants”) Roy Eugene Barnes (“Defendants”) George Ervin "Sonny" Perdue III 
past, present and future established on 24 October 1945 “International Common Design Whites Supremacy International Organization" Slave Trading Co. on this sworn undersigned date of council of record
"Louis Charles Hamilton II Cmdr, United States Naval Union Government "evidence filed herein" charges under EO12331 crimes against humanity, Genocide, overt acts of aggression continuance "1800s Civil War ongoing 2018 ("December")  against the ("Plaintiffs") Negro captive "stateless slaves  to be known as the (“Defendants”) United Nations and (“Defendants”) NATO as legally so mention above.

#TrumpFraud #Scam #GOP #Russia #Election #Fraud #Republican #Corruption #FBI #Investigaton #RedHen #BlackLivesMatter #USSR #GRU #NSA #NCIS #NIS #Navy #USMC #SecretService #ABC #CBS #NBC #MSNBC #CNBC #BBCNews #CNN #Utah #Mormon #Racist #USNavyseals #JAG #UnitedNations #Peace #Palace #ICC #ICJ #International #Courts #MLKjr #Obama #Hillary #NATO #PinkyRoseDeChavez #TinaFeyWifeSwap #Hashtagstupidniggers #France #Mexico #Canada #Popefrancis #Law #SupremeCourt #WhiteOnly #Slaves #Africa #Egypt #Syria #Iran #FoxNews #BritishQueen #PrinceWilliams #PrinceHarry #BritishRoyalFamily #PrimeMinsterMay #MI5 #MI6 #BCI #BCA #FargoND #Utah #Texas #Genocide #Slavery #Hatecrimes #Negro #Immigration #Crimesagainsthumanity #PortArthurTexas #Ninja #NASA #Space #Marines #FlyNavy #CmdrBluefin

+CNBC​+FEDERAL BUREAU Investigation​ #Mueller #The #Shame :  )
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Ivana Trump
Marla Maples
Ben Carson
Candy Carson
Chris Rock
Vanessa D Gilmore
Willie M Zanders
Karen Wells Roby
Danny Devito
Ray Romano
Amy Poehler
Ashton Kutcher
President Donald Trump
Ellen DeGeneres
Pinky Rose De Chavez
Prince Harry Windsor
President Donald John Trump Sr.
™Cmdr. Bluefin

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