Thursday, May 9, 2019

Facebook computer crimes RICO wire reproduction of The Fourth Reich (German: Viertes Reich) "realm" that is the successor to the Third Reich during the false slavery data dates (1933–1945) with (“Defendants”) Steve Bannon (“Defendant”) 45th President Donald John Trump Sr. et al GOP Government whites supremacy witchcraft scheme

("Defendants") The Confederate States of America illegal existences (1933–1945) being international concealed from “unknowing and unwilling (“Defendants”) Defendants United Nations and (“Defendants”) NATO, by such wizardry criminal cyber fraud overt acts included by ("Defendants") Mark Zuckerberg, and

("Defendants") Facebook et al, (“Defendants”) Hacker1 in collusion with conspirers, as (“Plaintiffs”) realleges and incorporates fully set forth all facts, in the “Complaint” and all derived evidenced leading "Person of interest" (“Defendant”) 45th President Donald John Trump Sr. namely “Donald John Trump Sr., The Trump Organization Trump Tower 725 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10022 since 1930s (“Defendant”) “Fred Trump” party to the “Paramilitary KKK” overt acts includes directly involving the criminal War Crimes acts of reproduction of

 The Fourth Reich (German: Viertes Reich) "realm" hereby engaging several “Defendants” (American Nationalist) RICO enterprise includes giving “false statements” to “federal law enforcement insuring criminal international concealing such “Epic ongoing scheme of things by (“Defendant”) Donald John Trump Sr. having included witch craft criminal international clandestine resurrections within the “Jurisdiction of (“Plaintiffs”) United States of America Union Government while “False Statement of Military Jurisdiction” occurred officially being executed in such false international published records producing to claimed “absolute” defeated crimes against humanity to occurred in

(“Defendants”) German Reich that is the successor to the Third Reich during the false slavery data dates (1933–1945) being international; records subject to false data again “whites supremacy” always manipulated such scheme against the peace, will, dignity and international freedom of all (“Plaintiffs”) Negro Military Slaves being criminal held captive and engaging “Unknowing and Unwilling” in “International War Crimes at

Coordinates: 49°27.2603′N 11°02.9103′E / 49.4543383°N 11.0485050°E / 49.4543383; 11.0485050

After the end of  WWII ungodly overt criminal acts and criminal concluded conducted such hostilities of Fraud WWII scheme of things in “Military Battle Platform” only forever behalf of overt crimes of (“Defendants”) GOP Whites Supremacy Only Earth to beholding Overlords RICO (“Defendants”) The Confederate States of America ongoing hostilities in 2019 (“December”) past false producing WWII War Crimes herein these cause of actions” and the (claimed) “false statement surrender of

 (“Defendants”) Nazi Germany, at (“Defendants”) UN International Military Tribunal did not correctly put senior (“Defendants”) Nazis on trial in Nuremberg for crimes against peace when they are one in the same clandestine criminal

("Defendants") The Confederate States of America GOP confused white man must have his free “Stolen Trillions of Plaintiffs National Treasury” under scheme of secure political control in this epic greed of illegal existences being concealed in collusion with ("Defendants") Mark Zuckerberg, and ("Defendants") Facebook conspirers computer crimes engaging Psychological social media propagandas of whites supremacy endless rule domains cyber-warfare (SMPSYWAR) to producing international criminal overt computer crimes of social media false slaver data teaching hereby since 2004 – 2019 (“December”)

 “Defendants” Facebook criminal computer RICO crimes being directly against still “Negro DNA Millions of captive slaves” international freedom rights destroyed, destabilization, subject to endless “Social Media wrongful discriminations crimes under each “usage of the wire” to make monetary value proceeds profits in such criminal overt RICO computer crimes to fully manipulation on a (Billions) scheme of “applicable laws and regulations” subject to such international knowing and willing educated computer crimes cyber-warfare conspire in all past 2004 till present produced “International Fraudulent Slavery Data Artifacts wire usage scheme of things insuring Genocide, Crimes against humanity, “enslavement of a entire race under social media platform from the date of 2004 - 2019 ("December") “Defendant Facebook existence under criminal computer fraud continue scheme concealing the partnership

“Clandestine  Defendant GOP Political criminal non-protecting (“Plaintiffs”) Negro Slaves existences and all user their data being “Slave Property of a white man” international scheme of “computer thefts” crimes while engaging cyber-warfare epidemic of disinformation “Political control paramilitary censorship “whites supremacy false slavery data” on the (“Defendants”) Facebook platform as a “useful instrument for “among other things” this voting disfranchisement committed by Defendant Trump 2016 election RICO criminal scheme of things in also “spread hate physical crimes” against “Plaintiffs” Negro Slaves under social media voting disfranchisement” computer crimes tools’ keep uneducated hostile stupid

“Defendants” Facebook white’s supremacy claimed educated computer users under manipulation of computer crimes international wire usage scheme for proposed political cultivated brain-washing social media warfare criminal government RICO chaos scheme against all certain “Plaintiffs Negro People of color races” other than this “Claimed Supreme Honorable White Man” existence in 2019 (“December”) committed to such Fraud by non-disclosure

Continue  “Social Media Fraud scheme of things hostilities directed criminally at (“Plaintiffs”) Negro Slaves mental and well being forever under overt criminal flase statement slavery freedom data acts hostile of Genocide since 2004 being endless targeted on a global assault (“Defendants”) Confederate States of America illegal existences hiding concealed safety under social media government control “spying network international platform by such knowing and willing RICO computer fraud overt acts of ("Defendants") Mark Zuckerberg, and ("Defendants") Facebook conspirers with others against

 18 U.S. Code § 1028A - Aggravated identity theft of the (“Plaintiffs” United States of America Union Government) on the dates of 2004 – 2013n February 6th hereby charging (“Defendants”) Facebook corporation entity, partners, staff, agents each individually (also) engaging in criminal conduct in law and equity being an “imposter” of the (“Plaintiffs”) United States of America Union Government hereby on or about the year 2004 “Defendant Facebook et al cause of action (“Wire Usage) within the (“Defendants”) 13th Confederate States of America boundaries, territories with (“Defendants”) State of Mississippi in 2004 – 2013 February 6th all such false social media slavery data, manipulation computer crimes, censorship

hereby affirmed fully illegal confederate corporation of a RICO criminal monetary fraudulent operating “two book” false statement scheme of things described in the “Federal Complaint”

 (“Defendants”) Facebook on each produced and propounded Financial International GDP criminal entity records filing since 2004 – 2013 February 6th committed before the “Unknowing and Unwilling” (Stupid in Law) (“Defendants”) United Nations hereby “subject to scoundrel endless hoodwink scammers under such “epic international production of each false Children school books of educations whites supremacy witchcraft school house manipulation crimes committed dangerously night and day knowing by (“Defendants”) GOP white man 1865 Colonial America (KKK) rebel backwoods modern day “GTA Horse Theft” government actually posing as a “Living Honest Legal GDP Internationals State Entity” on behalf of (“Plaintiffs) Negro Military Civilian and Immigrant DNA still being “Living in 2019 (“December”)

Stateless Captive International Slaves, with “no legal citizenship of no past, present or future homeland”  cause of actions (also) before the “Federal Court” corruption this described in “Slaves Having No Law and No Equity” of “White Man” scheme by all such “criminal actors, of court, schools, social media mass false slavery data criminal propagandas records international fraud scheme of things being so endless from the dates of April 14th, 1865 – February 6th, 2013 on the charges of Genocide, (collectives)

Hereby charging  *Notice of official filing of charges “Defendant Facebook et al conducted “State sponsorship overt acts of Government GOP Political Genocide in 2004 – 2019 (“December”) in whole and in part thereby computer crimes on further inquiry before (ICJ) and (ICC) International Court system Jurisdiction

“Ongoing Proceeding Filing of civil/criminal international complaint(s) within Jurisdiction (“Plaintiffs”) United Kingdom against the “Outlawed (“Defendants”) The Confederate States of America, paramilitary Knight of this (KKK) gang, “Defendant Facebook et al committed to in 2004 – 2019 (“December”) ongoing false slavery data, engaging in RICO Aggravated identity theft of all (“Plaintiffs”) Negro Immigrants, Civilian, and Military Slaves, population since 2004 under “Confederate government scheme holding crimes includes (Plaintiffs) Negro Race target continue discrimination fashion only to being held as “stupid white man property of “Defendant Donald John Trump Sr. Confederate Nation since 1865 civil war – 2019 (“December”) including in this “charges of International War Crimes” but not limited to

 (“Defendant”) United Nations and (“Defendants”) NATO unknowing and unwilling still stupid of international law “directly did so conspired to the same overt epic “aggravated identity theft”, false slavery data computer crimes Committed from 1945 – 2013 against the (“Plaintiffs”) United States of America union Government and all laws derived subject to such

“International RICO Fraud” thereof of the “entire racial categories” (Negros DNA) being committed ungodly born under fraudulent vital slavery data records of  (“Defendants”) The Confederate States of America illegal existences criminally international wire usage computer crimes includes “”Plaintiffs False Born Slavery Vital Data international published within (“Defendants”) Facebook Accounts from the dates of 2004 – February 6th 2013 exclusive (all) claimed “National (Negro American) Population Estimates; that are considered relevant “people of color” being under hostile white man criminal overt ongoing 2019 RICO premeditated past slave trade crimes against humanity systematic scheme endless

Subject to (Defendants”) GOP Political scheme of continuance “international human Traficant” for unjust enrichment monetary value off each living human “Negro DNA immigrants civilian and military Negro race people of color” etc. hereby such Fraud by social media computer crimes (“Defendants”) Facebook criminal international scheme of things from 2004 - 2019 (“December”) against now “cause of actions” before the (ICJ) and (ICC) International Court System this (“FRAUDULENT ARTIFACTE”) hereby produced by (“Defendants”) United Nations engaging in “false statements” as made “THIS UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS” which “Plaintiffs DNA Negro Slaves have never held no such human international dignity of a claimed rights, by the (“Defendants”) Confederate States of America illegal existences RICO computer crimes official ongoing international wire usage concealed in this “Defendants”

Facebook Mass computer Sever data harvesting crimes social media warfare scheme involving (Billions) unknowing and unwilling (“Plaintiffs) herein mislead “world-wide” under “whites supremacy 2004 – 2019 (“December”) computer wire fraud crimes false slavery freedom data usage criminal, collusion, conspire, overt (“Defendants”) GOP Government engaging common conspire “false slavery Social Media data” since 2004 – 2013 February 6th collective “Confederate Social Media State sponsorship Spying criminal network corporation with false statement GDP enterprise corporation finicial statements being RICO cause of actions, with  

Further cause of actions ("Defendants") Mark Zuckerberg, and ("Defendants") Facebook et al, (“Defendants”) Hacker1 international computer crimes knowing and willing fully engaging in overt acts pursuant to statue 18 U.S. Code Chapter 96 - RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ... 1961 - Definitions · § 1962, “RICO Conspirer, Forced Slaver, Computer Crimes, continuance RICO racket hereby charges conspirers to committed Misappropriation of in excess of 10 – 26 (Trillions) US dollars with others from (Plaintiffs Union Government National Treasury) in current time fame of 2004 – 2019 (“December”) in the crime spree social media cover-up scheme false slavery data with (“Defendants”) GOP Political Government hereby affirmed further each born human race “person of color” being (“Plaintiffs”) Negro DNA physically born after 1865 Civil War remained in law and equity 2013 February 6th “Living against will Human Property of White 13th Confederate States of America Government Property, border and territories” as the (actions) of

(“Defendant”) 45th President Donald John Trump Sr. et al GOP Government (Negro Race) held international standards forever as sub-standard humane life form to all “13th Confederate States of America white man” continue clandestine RICO overt inhumane crimes includes (“Plaintiffs”) Negro DNA being official continuance “Classification against will Chattel” thereby definitional once a slave still “White Man Nigger Slave Property” to all “born free living white persons in excess of 196,817,522 or 63.7 % of (“Defendants”) The Confederate States of America illegal existence Population of census 2010 which (“Defendants”) Facebook 2004 founding RICO Confederation Corporation engaging complete under system of “whites supremacy” social media warfare international wire usage computer crimes of  

“Defendants GOP Political Para-Military” hate crimes designed and “racist racket” of this cultivated uneducated criminal persons known to be “Defendant Knights of the Klu Klux Klansmen’s Generation” concealed criminal within computer crimes of (“Defendants”) Facebook fully 2004 – 2019 (“December”) International Wire usage participation

 “Social Media Warfare criminal overt violations of statue, False Statements (18 U.S.C. 1001) with all (Defendants) Schools of higher education claimed of some sorts et al criminal actions listed described in this “Federal Complaint” false slavery data being forever

(“Plaintiffs”) “International continue Cause of Action” that includes (“Defendants”) Facebook Social Media Warfare international wire usage computer crimes scheme in all “False Slavery Data Manipulations” described herein each overt acts includes ongoing 2019 (“December”) scheme surround (“Defendants”) GOP elite criminal whites supremacy scheme of “Brain-washing” producing “social media claim there “white race” did physically since 1865 – 2019 (“December”) under going at hand of “people of color” RICO mental and physical suffrage of (Genocide) overt acts against the entire (confused) Colonial America Bully Lying cockroach white race..? and their “Fraudulent False Slavery data

“Teaching Criminal International School books since 1920s – 2019 (“December”) still committed to “white supremacy false slavery data  propaganda whites only world-wide witchcraft teach criminal acts against the Correct “international slavery data of  1865 Civil War hostilities (“Plaintiffs”) Negro Race never free from “Slavery” which criminally oddly (“Defendants”) Facebook Corporation et al 2004 – present overt social media false slavery data manipulation on international wire usage scheme fully educated “knowing and willing” conspire on behalf RICO scheme for monetary gains in (Billions) US Dollars in this described international wire usage computer crimes insuring (“Defendants”) GOP Political Genocide against said “Plaintiffs captive Slaves” since 2004 – 2019 (“December”) “Defendants Facebook direct RICO, computer crimes, crimes against humanity” per statue 

18 U.S.C. § 371—Conspiracy to Defraud the “Plaintiffs Negro Slaves” United States Union Government by being direct (Defendant) Slave Trade Corporation party to knowing clandestine paramilitary confederative government crimes includes never freeing any “Negro Race from captivity” within the (“Defendants”) 13th Confederate States of Colonial America rebel deep back  woods burning “This proclaimed Christian holy Jesus cross doctrines 1865 War Criminal ongoing hillbillies pretender of such golden supreme rule realm “just us” everlasting white Klan god holy imposed illegal endless 1800s eternity illegal operating looting and stealing international respected entity , against the peace, will, dignity, and international freedom rights in “International law and equity of each

("Plaintiffs") United States of America Union Government ("Plaintiffs") British Empire ("Plaintiffs") thirty-seven allied countries “simply subjects” to this elementary ongoing International Cause of Epic Human Traficant false slavery data criminal actions in this overt (“Defendants”) Facebook social media RICO enterprise computer crimes international wire usage racket providing material false slavery data, collusion to committed endless whites supremacy social media wire usage fraudulent artifacts” before each Defendant (United Nations) 192 “States” international wire system violated (“Plaintiffs”) United States of America Union government “federal wire fraud law and “deceived”

 (“Plaintiffs”) Negro Captive Slaves involvement during this “White Man Only American voters RICO scheme voting disfranchisement occurred in the 2016 election with (“Defendants”) Cambridge Analytica co-founder

(“Defendants”) Steve Bannon whites supremacy witchcraft scheme within (“Defendants”) Trump election 2016 campaign’s criminal actions includes oversaw both (“Defendants”) Cambridge Analytica company and (“Defendants”) Trump election 2016 campaign’s RICO paramilitary political criminal actions efforts to suppress

“Plaintiff Captive Negro Slaves Captive Military, Civilian and Immigrants subject to scheme of endless criminal disfranchised voters of an epidemic of (“Defendants”) Facebook knowing and willing disinformation false slavery data RICO computer crimes international wire usage scheme includes on (“Defendants”) WhatsApp.
#TrumpFraud #Scam #GOP #Russia #Election #Fraud #Republican #Corruption #FBI #Investigaton #RedHen #BlackLivesMatter #USSR #GRU #NSA #NCIS #NIS #Navy #USMC #SecretService #ABC #CBS #NBC #MSNBC #CNBC #BBCNews #CNN #Utah #Mormon #Racist #USNavyseals #JAG #UnitedNations #Peace #Palace #ICC #ICJ #International #Courts #MLKjr #Obama #Hillary #NATO #PinkyRoseDeChavez #TinaFeyWifeSwap #Hashtagstupidniggers #France #Mexico #Canada #Popefrancis #Law #SupremeCourt #WhiteOnly #Slaves #Africa #Egypt #Syria #Iran #FoxNews #BritishQueen #PrinceWilliams #PrinceHarry #BritishRoyalFamily #PrimeMinsterMay #MI5 #MI6 #BCI #BCA #FargoND #Utah #Texas #Genocide #Slavery #Hatecrimes #Negro #Immigration #Crimesagainsthumanity #PortArthurTexas #Ninja #NASA #Space #Marines #FlyNavy #CmdrBluefin
+CNBC+FEDERAL BUREAU Investigation#Mueller #The #Shame :  )
Tina Fey
Prince Harry Windsor
Will Smith
Bill and Hillary Clinton
Megyn Kelly
Cara Delevingne
Samuel L Jackson
Jerry Springer show
Jerry Seinfeld
China Turkey
North Dakota
British Royal Family
President Barack Obama
United States Navy Seals
Will Ferrell
Derek Zoolander
The View
Jimmy Fallon
Bill Muhar
Fox News Live
BBC World News
Dixie Chicks bitches
Sen. Ted Cruz
Nobel Prize
Supreme Court
Sarah Palin
Bristol Palin
Track Palin
Star Trek
Star Wars
It always sunny in Philadelphia
As the world turns
Days of our lives
LA Clippers
British Parliament
Inspector Callahan
David and Charles Koch
Bill Gates Bill Cosby
Big Bang Theory
30 Rock
Alec Baldwin
Clint Eastwood
Tom Cruise
Tom Jones
Jimmy Kimmel
Jimmy Carr
Jimmy Hendrix
Soviet Union
Chris Isaac
Conan Congress
Washington DC
Alaska Air
The Beetles
Johnny Depp
Johnny Cash
Pirates of the Caribbean
Super Mario Bros
Victoria Secret
NASA Space Station
Kim Kardashian
Jim Carrey
Jim Morrison
Courtney Love
The Who
James Brown
Black Lives Matters
Michael Jackson
Michael Jordan
Cobey Bryant
Olivia Newton John
Track Morgan
United States Marshal
US Marines
US Army
US Coast Guard
British Royal Navy
Harvard University
Jesus Christ LDS
Vatican City
Middle East
Hong Kong
Black History
Martin Luther King Jr
Malcolm X
Barnie Sanders
Sen. Ted Cruz
Penelope Cruz
Mission impossible
Days of our lives
Married with children
I Love Lucky
Dred Scott
CBS News
NBC News
ABC News
Hot News
The Daily Beast
Jebb Bush
Sheldon Cooper
Rushi Barot
Geeta International Inc.
Harry Potter
Harry C. Arthur Esq.
Jesus Christ
Holy Bible
Samsung Galaxy S3
BBC Radio
BBC Technology
Samsung Galaxy A5
Rick Santorum
Mobile Gallery
Ford Trucks
Jeep Eagles
Pearl harbor Hawaii
Lady Gaga
Bill Gates
Ben Carson dumped
Deep Sea Horizon
Hezbollah ISIS
British Columbia University
British Columbia
British Vogue
Bill Murray
Stephen Colbert
Stephen Hawking
Boris Johnson
Solar panels
Native Americans
United States
Apple iPad
Maia Shibutani
New York City
New Jersey Shore
Abraham Lincoln
National Geographic
David Beckham
David Cameron
Cameron Diaz
Drew Barrymore
Justin Bieber
Marco Rubio
Eva Longoria
King Kong
David Spade
Ben Stiller
Dallas Cowboys
John Mayer
John Saseen
Angela Mcglowan
Rajinder Singh Dhiman
Dr Seuss
Dr Pepper
Dr Piper
Locheed Martin
Martin Lawrence
Jack Black
Mariah Carey
Chiang Rai
British India
Jarad Leto
Tom Hanks
Tom Hardy
The Hollywood Reporter
John Lennon
John Kerry
Ash Carter
Republican Party
Kristen Stewart Samuel L Jackson
Kevin Hart
Kevin Durant
Jay Z
Kareem Abdul Jabar
Republican party
Selena Gomez
Will Smith
Fox Sports
Charles Barkley
Jerry Springer
Jerry Seinfeld
North Dakota
Nobel Prize
British Parliament
Paris Hilton
Donald Trump
Sen Ted Cruz
It's always sunny in Philadelphia
Derek Zoolander
Ben Stiler
Owen Wilson
Jackie Chan
Chris Tucker
Will Ferrell
Saudi Arabia
Morgan Freeman
Spike Lee
AL Sharpton
Tonya Lewis Lee 
Donald John Trump Jr. 
Rex Marsav
Melissa Whitley
Joe Czyzyk
Linda Adewole 
Mitt Romney 
United States Veterans Initative
Sen. Orrin Hatch
Sen. Jeff Sessions
Sen. Lindsey Graham
Sen. John Cornyn
Sen. Mike Lee
Sen. Ted Cruz
Sen. Jeff Flake
Sen. David Vitter
Sen. David Perdue
Sen. Thom Tillis
David Duke
Jessie Jackson
William McCants
Sigmar Gabriel
Professor Roger Griffin
Ivana Trump
Marla Maples
Ben Carson
Candy Carson
Chris Rock
Vanessa D Gilmore
Willie M Zanders
Karen Wells Roby
Danny Devito
Ray Romano
Amy Poehler
Ashton Kutcher
President Donald Trump
Ellen DeGeneres
Pinky Rose De Chavez
Prince Harry Windsor
™Cmdr. Bluefin

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