Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Xi Jinping President of the People's Republic of China Bonjour from Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) thanks as you been watching VIP too :)

Morning Sir…. I know what you been up too, that why you change “Covertly” The U.S. Dollars which will happen in 2020, Harriet Tubman Ousts Andrew Jackson is notable.

A lot of you are involved as (I) know you all been studying me (Why) I know, because of my extensive investigation into none other (USA) : )  ha ha  yep “Gotcha” too,

But your money not stable nor your economic growth your grew, but lost, as I know your very smart, and good study of ($$$) in finance, War Tactic too, and I give you, Putin, and three more credit because of that your “Job” : ) 

Just like mines… only here these stupid bitches never knew  lol.. I am not ruled by (Money)  that why I see better….ha ha,

Well more to the point… Xi Jinping President of the People's Republic of Chin
.(I) am worth in excess of (40) Billion U.S. Dollars in 2016 once I free the 44.5 Million Negro American Slave on that very precise day…

plus (I) have 3 trillion in cash plus (800) billion in gold, belong to the “Slaves” (ok)

and in addition I physically is aware of approximately 29 (Trillion) U.S. Hidden dollars simply sitting in Alaska unknown to these stupid KKK Dumb White Bitches Whores of America, sitting simply since back date around 280 years Mr.  Xi Jinping ha ha (Yep) 

just sitting there and they don’t know where : )  “Stupid American White Fucks”

My New DMZ Boarder Wall is worth in excess of 4.5 “Trillion U.S. Dollars in energy growth once on line, but there are (two) of these special design Free Solar Energy these crooked KKK don’t know exist too  ha ha  :)

So that 4.5 plus 4.5 “Trillion” in New Growth

 yep…and I am the “Inventor” : ) of this also with 7 more “Projects” I am bring online….. unless I am free Nigger Slave, or everyone can kiss my ass…and I fucking somebody up so super soon too, and explain this shit in criminal court why you keeping me a Nigger 2016 slave


Xi Jinping President of the People's Republic of China, Sir you also VIP have something (I) super 1000% also want from (China) just Like American Company called  ”Lockheed Martin” have ….it is very valuable and I will pay handsome for this Future development but you too in (China) and (America) don’t know what it is….and will bring great wealth to all your

 People's Republic of China, Russia, and especially “Syria, Iraq, Iran and locations of third World Countries… and America too (Citizens)

And these Projects are so very large scale in being “World Wide construction design high tech future massive… (Energy)

These Cracker Fucks white KKK American Maggot Ho’s are leaches and bullies” and Lazy bones, hands soft, and very stupid too  most every project the erect is falling down too plus VIP

No knew Inventions” in 2016 – 2099 and actually living off of some of your Country ideals too  while being greedy…..  (I) am going to want to do business with all World Leaders”… Not just these Crooked American Cracker Trump loser KKK killers dogs so stupid Ho’s  starting World War III to earn a living…killing the “Little Folks”, hiding in big ugly office and thinking they are safe……

…We Niggers not having this shit in 2016 -2017 and in 128 days Count down you will “Understand who exactly who is the Head Official Nigger in Charge of America,

 if I am still a Nigger August 20th 1619  Slave with no Citizenship of Fucked Up Crooked America……………….you all have a part, but you more Honorable Intensions and being tricked and

I know your country also been rip off by none other than “Rothschild Empire” in Trillions too  ha ha (Yep) : )  I know quite a lot… Sir” Xi Jinping  especially about People's Republic of China,

And you Guys in China will be making exactly per my official orders $18 U.S. dollars per hour each and every day, 365 days a year for the next a minim of 25 years on my project all employee working on this project no question asked it is that Massive

Mr. Xi Jinping President of the People's Republic of China

Honorably you “Sir” can build something I already invented… while sharing this “Invention” with the “World”  (ok) because it being built here in America too

  1. need your Massive Man-Power too, for the (Parts) its massive and I need Man-Power of Billions of people like in India too  and what I am doing quite large and can be seen from space : )
  2.  and it designed for not Just America land…(China too)..” think on it,

The money to do this “Project” is simply I already earn it when I filed suit against (USA) they are crooked it is just sitting here in Congress (Obama) already approved and Donald John Trump, few other

 Congress Bitches, Judges too and “Rothschild,   simply stuck on old “Slavery Servitude” ways wanting to steal this, (Money) again in 2017

While destroy all knew 2016 Niggers Inventions unless they White Bitches Loser  American KKK Asses control it and especially hell bent causing (You) Mr. Xi Jinping world leaders type to continual Para-Military sneaky fight and they get Paid”. 

.leading to a nest egg now in excess of (500) Trillion U.S. dollars  stolen loot……. Since August 20th 1619 – 2016 (December_

So you know me too, (Cool) yes and been watching from afar as to know what going on in (America) as I am not “slooow or stupid”  and I been paying close attention to you also : )

You once built a city so fast I was amazed…….  They are slooow here and need to be executed China Style too  lol  ha ha… : )

Well call around the “”World”  and you Heavy Hitter Leaders Type guys talk  and if I am free Nigger Slave your Rich too 

Mr. Xi Jinping President of the People's Republic of China  : )  no joke  (Ok)

P.S. you Mr. Xi Jinping curiously now me wanting to know physically you know any real cool style Ninja “Martial Arts”…is Comrade Commander “Putin” any good physically in Ninja Style Martial Arts…and do he (Putin) know what Zen is……?

 He and (I) have lot in common even family (two) daughters…he study me..i too busy to study his Life…only his Buck Wild Ass Commander Style.. he off what we say in America

off the “Putin Toilet Chain”  ha ha  lol : )

well you all know me for sure  (Thanks) for following me so very closely too…”Very Smart”  Louis Charles Hamilton II  Cmdr. Bluefin (USN)

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