Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Notice of Motion to Strike“ Gideon v. Wainwright 372 U.S. 335 The United States Supreme Court v. (Pro Se Plaintiff) Louis Charles Hamilton II herein (United States Navy) SS #2712

The United States Supreme Court

Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II                                   Notice of Motion to Strike

 Pro Se Plaintiff                                                                                     Motion to Strike              

44.5 Million Slave Negro et al                               Gideon v. Wainwright 372 U.S. 335 (1963)

            v.                                                                                    The United States Supreme Court


The United States Supreme Court

Gideon v. Wainwright 372 U.S. 335 (1963)

Clarence Earl Gideon was an unlikely hero.  He was a man with an eighth-grade education who ran away from home when he was in middle school.  He spent much of his early adult life as a drifter, spending time in and out of prisons for nonviolent crimes.

Gideon was charged with breaking and entering with the intent to commit a misdemeanor, which is a felony under Florida law.  At trial, Gideon appeared in court without an attorney.  In open court, he asked the judge to appoint counsel for him because he could not afford an attorney.

 The trial judge denied Gideon’s request because Florida law only permitted appointment of counsel for poor defendants charged with capital offenses. 

At trial, Gideon represented himself – he made an opening statement to the jury, cross-examined the prosecution’s witnesses, presented witnesses in his own defense, declined to testify himself, and made arguments emphasizing his innocence.  Despite his efforts, the jury found Gideon guilty and he was sentenced to five years imprisonment.

Gideon sought relief from his conviction by filing a petition for writ of habeas corpus in the Florida Supreme Court.  In his petition, Gideon challenged his conviction and sentence on the ground that the trial judge’s refusal to appoint counsel violated Gideon’s constitutional rights.  The Florida Supreme Court denied Gideon’s petition.

Gideon next filed a handwritten petition in the Supreme Court of the United States.  The Court agreed to hear the case to resolve the question of whether the right to counsel guaranteed under the Sixth Amendment of the Constitution applies to defendants in state court.


Lower Courts: Bay County Circuit Court, Fourteenth Judicial Circuit of Florida

Lower Court Ruling: The trial judge denied Gideon’s request for a court-appointed attorney because, under Florida law, counsel could only be appointed for a poor defendant charged with a capital offense. The Florida Supreme Court agreed with the trial court and denied all relief.


A prior decision of the Court’s, Betts v. Brady, 316 U.S. 455 (1942), held that the refusal to appoint counsel for an indigent defendant charged with a felony in state court did not necessarily violate the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. 

The Court granted Gideon’s petition for a writ of certiorari – that is, agreed to hear Gideon’s case and review the decision of the lower court – in order to determine whether Betts should be reconsidered.


Reversed and remanded.  In its opinion, the Court unanimously overruled Betts v. Brady.

Argued: January 15, 1963

Decided: March 18, 1963

Unanimous Decision: Justice Black (who dissented in Betts) wrote the opinion of the court.  Justices Douglas, Clark, and Harlan each wrote concurring opinions.


The Court held that the Sixth Amendment’s guarantee of counsel is a fundamental right essential to a fair trial and, as such, applies the states through the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.  In overturning Betts, Justice Black stated that “reason and reflection require us to recognize that in our adversary system of criminal justice, any person haled into court, who is too poor to hire a lawyer, cannot be assured a fair trial unless counsel is provided for him.” 

He further wrote that the “noble ideal” of “fair trials before impartial tribunals  in which ever defendant stands equal before the law . . . cannot be realized if the poor man charged with crime has to face his accusers without a lawyer to assist him.”

However in Hamilton v. United States of America, Hamilton v. North Dakota, and all suit pertaining to Civil Rights of a “Slave being Racial denied governmental  landmark decision regarding the rights of detained suspects,

Louis Charles Hamilton II v State of Florida and civil action in Tallahassee County surrounding GTA “Grand Theft Auto”  of my own “Motherfucking Car”…? 45 days in Jail, no lawyer and denied flat out to be my own attorney once again on record no less 2 days “Oral Arguments” with Judge Hall, (wow)  officially said sitting on the “bench” with a Confederate flag draped next to him:

“A fish don’t’ get into trouble until it opens its mouth”  …?   Meaning a Nigger not allowed talking in his court room, only white attorney with criminal defendants..? which brought about who the fuck you talking to (Judge Jack Ass) fool…? And ended with assistant District Attorney “Tim Harley” going off on the court, explain the law and refuse to be a party of this, further recognized “pro se” Negro Slave herein as his own counsel, under this Whites Only 6th amendment which the Court is own his on (Yep) but that day (I) was a slave so the

 6th amendment and the 14th is slash trashed and hidden garbage by “Whites Supremacy” to keep enslavement 148 days later while ruling as if we are in the “Soviet Block” in 2016 no less never was by the “negro” slave side or best interest, These rights include the right to counsel and the right to be free of self-incrimination, like in

In Miranda v. Arizona (1966), the Supreme Court ruling are forever voided by Whites Supremacy own doing and Republican Party hostile continual Slave Master Justice RICO rouge in 2016 “cooking the government Judicial Books to denied 44.5 million Negros citizenship

Mississippi allegedly confessed to committing the crimes, of freeing the slaves on or about February 7th 20113 no less massive current Human rights violation to even Negro race immigrants citizenship being used just for one thing only Trickery by ever so smart “White Snake Tonged Man” which apparently recorded courthouse facts of “President Barack Obama Birth certificate and the Government of United States of America “secretary office” records of the official  unconstitutionally obtained own self  confession United States of America was never civilized as Mississippi retaied slave hostages for 148 years fully defying the agreement to settle the 1865 “Civil War”  as evidence in a criminal and civil trial

 “Mount” up of the savage abuse of Klansmen Supermacy Judicial Power being racially motivated in the Negro Prison population, even in the Judgements of “Whites Justice”  Supreme Court Past and present ruling all in  favor of the Republican party to the point of over board and now non-existence Judicial Government (Only) Pirates in Black Robes in 2016 “Election” trashing the lives of the entire “people of color” for “Whites Only” constitution while being Dog fashion bully Bad Ass sitting Klansmen’s Justice of Lynching the laws and FRCP to favor the Republican party and kill off citizenship for

44.5 Million Negro slave been kept secret enslavement no-less by the same “white Justice” of the Republican party History of Black Codes Law, Jim Crow Laws, and especially “Kick Back” in Slave Trade Prison NASDAQ stock market Niggers Abused Abducted free Labor. Whites only Prosperity Past and present” of (RICO) intimidation, maintained by the Court, to deprive both civil cases in law and equity and criminal Negro race defendant/suspects of their basic  

“Deprived Under Color of Law” being now the Coup of the Future Just straight out strong armed whites only Justices clean up to the “Supreme Court of the United States of America as Gideon v. Wainwright 372 U.S. 335 (1963)

“Pro Se” Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) #2712 SS in his physical person was only a baby of 3 years old “Slave Property of defendant “United States of America et al further

Clarence Earl Gideon having established civil rights argued over while defendant continual engaging in 1963 non-disclosure of 44.5 million enslaved negro race without just citizenship, paying taxes to be “Lynched” and abused…? As  

            On or about august 20th 1619 “Plaintiffs Races Negro was homeland far away  from defendant “United States of America et al” being free were now official in 2016 (December) captured, denaturalization of all claimed 13th amendment and

14th amendment citizenship after 1865 “Civil War” and denied (RICO) enterprise scheme of things “Lost” 13th Amendment of December 1865 freeing said “Negro Slave DNA Plaintiff since august 20th 1619 forced

“Slavery Servitude” of said defendant “United States of America et al” on or about the 7th day of February 2013 as records do indicate with the office of the Sectary of State of Mississippi, including the records at United States Secretary of State

“Whites Supremacy” controlling RICO action, fraudulent concealment of ongoing Enslavement against the claimed just judicial fiber directed at the defendant (USA) own rules of governing Laws In conscious disregards for the These mandatory "Miranda Rights" Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436 (1966), as Negro Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) #2712 SS was born November 8th 1961 into

 “Slavery Servitude” of the Defendant United States of America et al and was 5 years old already enslavement until February 7th 2013 when “Mississippi” granted (pro se) Plaintiff Slave Negro Hamilton II herein said freedom of the 13th amendment of USA Constitution and as such the 4th 5th  6th 13th 14th Amendment of (USA) Constitution do not even legally ever in law or equity apply to Enslavement (Plaintiffs) Negro DNA Race collectively nor do any Amendment apply to a “Negro Slave” of “United States of America et al in all 50 States within the Union from the exact time frame of August 20th 1619 – February 7th 2013

The United States Supreme Court

Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436 (1966), is faulty, fraudulent, and very unconstitutional since 1966 when “Slaves” have no 5th Amendment to even afford the civil rights as claimed by the “Miranda”, or the right to counsel as (pro se) Plaintiff having filed actions in this regards as the Hostile White Man, court stuff their Laws, down as being just when they are full of turkey crap’ forcing

 Negro Slave herein to being guilty of walking out of a public library in 2011, next charge with cutting up a unknown whites boy for no reason, but not able to defend yourself, have the rights to the evidence or even appear in court, just a hostage for sue (USA)  for “Slavery Servitude and Texas for “Black Codes Laws” as they so did in 2011 engaging in this among other Human Rights Violation against 44.5 Million Negro race since

1966 Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436 (1966), which the “Miranda” never was constitutional on behalf of a enslave negro, and Motion to strike this fraudulent record from the records as Negro race having been assaulted of their bogus civil rights being “enslaved”  by the Fiduciary Duties of an acting sitting

Official United States District Government Federal Judge Signed at Houston Texas on or about October 9th 2012 Pro Se Slave Veteran “United States Navy #2712 Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II herein “Actually” born into “Slavery Servitude” on or about the direct birth on November 8th 1961 as

“One” David Hittner ‘United States District Judge” United States Southern District of Texas Federal Courthouse Houston Texas Division, engaged in The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act to continual Slavery Servitude ongoing in Texas on or about October 9th 2012 – February 7th 2013 for an additional 4 months and days counting later pursuant to the Civil War of 1865 passage of the 13th Amendment free said (Plaintiffs Slaves) collectively

When decision occurred in a (RICO) 148 years delinquent later defendant “United States of America et al” KKK “Mississippi Lynching Town USDA free Pro Se Slave Veteran “United States Navy #2712 Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II herein February 7th 2013 as claimed

David Hittner,  in 2012 preserved The 1890s: Black Codes Code for the State of Texas, approved August 26th, 1866, directed at the “enslaved Pro Se Plaintiff Hamilton II” herein as all allegation are not far fetch but official as stated in 2012 being a (RICO) shame in 2016 as Slavery did not officially ending until 2013 when

 Whites Only free Pro Se Plaintiff Hamilton and having 13th  and 14th  amendments rights non-existed being “Enslaved” by The States of Texas and United States of America et al secret

White Only Elite Society as claimed in original and Amend Complaint of this action, which sign on the 9th day of October 2012 by David Hittner, wrongfully in that Mississippi free said (Slave) Negro Plaintiff Hamilton on or about February 7th 2013 and as “Such” enslave Pro Se Hamilton having no constitutional rights of both “United States of America” et al and State of Texas et al,   

November 8th 1961 Birth Certificate  of Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton) II being filed into this action which under rules of common law, one cannot be Born into “Slavery Servitude” in 1961 while having 14th amendment privileges then free from “Slavery Servitude” 148 years later in 2013 after the passage of the

1865 Civil War establishment of equality for negro Race by the passage of 14th Amendment which is voided forever by United States of America Mississippi ratifying the (MIA) 13th amendment of the USA in 2013

As exhibit (A) dated October 9th 2012 by “David Hittner” United States of America District Judge engaging in In conscious disregards for Fiduciary Duties of an acting sitting Official impartial United States District Government Federal Judge

 Signed at Houston Texas on or about October 9th 2012 Pro Se Slave Veteran “United States Navy #2712 Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II herein “Actually” born into “Slavery Servitude” on or about the direct birth on November 8th 1961 as

“One” David Hittner ‘United States District Judge” United States Southern District of Texas Federal Courthouse Houston Texas Division, engaged in The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act to continual Slavery Servitude ongoing  directed at “pro se” Plaintiff (Hamilton) II in his person in Texas on or about

 October 9th 2012 – February 7th 2013 for an additional 4 months and days counting later legally “Enslavement” pursuant to the Civil War of 1865 passage of the missing 13th Amendment never freeing said (Plaintiffs Slaves) collectively

When decision occurred by accident in a (RICO) 148 years delinquent later defendant “United States of America et al” KKK “Mississippi Lynching Town USDA free Pro Se Slave Veteran “United States Navy #2712 Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II herein February 7th 2013 official (52) enslavement years  being an official

Slaves of Defendant (USA) Judicial Government Grand Non-Disclosure of the 13th Amendment never was ratified for 148 years later after the “Civil War” This Fraud upon the Court committed under color of Law by Judge David Hittner criminal in promoting, directed, and securing

(RICO)18 U.S.C. § 1589 (forced labor), 18 U.S.C. § 1590 (trafficking with respect to peonage, slavery, involuntary servitude, or forced labor),

“Slavery Servitude” money laundering statutes, 18 U.S.C. 1956 and 1957, “Slavery Servitude” money laundering statutes, RICO statute (18 U.S.C. § 1961(1), and

Texas Black Codes Laws, with “Jim Crow Laws protect in this omission of material facts submitted by the court in direct conflict of actual Living event v. the fabrication fraudulent dismissal in favor of the “White Only”  defendant (Texas) et al

RICO obstruction of Justice direct with intent and deliberate conscious did Prima Facial Tort committed to David Hittner herein officially a defendant committed major fraud against the United States, False Statements, Concealment—18 U.S.C. § 1001, having full knowledge of History of Pro Se Plaintiff and fully aware that President Barack Obama on file as (Plaintiff) being “Enslaved” in addition to 44.5 Million Negro race,

Further affirm David Hittner being Rouge in “Aiding & Abetting”, “Assisting or Encouraging”, “Assistant & Participating”, “Concert of Actions” all behalf of all Defendant and Co-Defendant as described being officially “Kidnaped” by Texas to keeping the secret “Slaver Servitude still ongoing at the time said complaints were made dating to 2010, and the Mystery arrest being criminal conspire with all parties herein involved.

Judicial Fraud and Obstruction of Justice, abuse of power, Judicial bias, and having a direct interest in the out-come of said Hamilton v. Federal Reserve Bank in nature of  (RICO) Professional Judge engaging forevermore in “Slavery Servitude surround circumstances of August 20th 1619 kidnapping of Plaintiff(s) Slaves collective descendant(s) and

 Human rights ugly violations occurred and continual to be the same in said abduction declared over at time frame of 1865 “Civil War” well now into February 7th2013 when “Mississippi” Join the Union of United States of America freeing said

Pro Se Slave Veteran “United States Navy #2712 on or about February 7th 2013 as “United States District Court Judge enjoying “Senior Status”,  David Hittner”, having already on or about On or about “October” 9th 2012 refusal to even acknowledge the Legal standing of a “Slave”

On or about “October” 9th 2012, and being the same (RICO) Judicial Corruption cover up in favor of Defendant “Federal Reserve Bank” (RICO 1913) scheme of things to maintain this “Racket” direct at destroyed

 14th amendment civil rights as of this undersigned notary sealed date Pro Se Slave Veteran “United States Navy #2712, his DNA Negro Family, DNA Negro Presidential first Family (Obama) and DNA 44.5 Million of Still Slaves from a destroyed having also no “Legal Citizenship” all current being scammed and “Obstruction of Justices” cover up

Judicial Republican 1865 ongoing Civil War Coup, to maintain of all things “Slavery Servitude”, whites supremacy, by vain, lost, out of control Justices, both Negro/whites race, now past the abysses of “National Security” in the direct destruction of all constitutional values in “Conquering “Whites Only” control, over unjust enrichments of the “Slaves Plaintiffs herein “monetary taxes forevermore.

Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II herein from “Slavery Servitude” of United States of America et al Pursuant to: Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), which “One” David Hittner ‘United States District Judge” so did engaging in as shown in “Exhibit” A herein filed attached to the records U.S. Docket No. 4:16-CV-1774

On or about “October” 9th 2012 (RICO) enterprise declared said Pro Se Slave Veteran “United States Navy #2712 Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II have no legal standing before any Federal Court of Law and further (RICO) enterprise sentences further

Pro Se Slave Veteran “United States Navy #2712 Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II continual to be a “Slave” of United States of America Pursuant to: Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), as which “Mississippi” so free said  Pro Se Slave Veteran “United States Navy #2712 Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II exactly (124) DAYS LATER

After Legally sealed (RICO) racket of ongoing White Supremacy” Slavery Servitude” refusal to acknowledge as described in “Exhibit” A attached herein

Signed at Houston Texas on or about October 9th 2012 “One” David Hittner ‘United States District Judge” United States Southern District of Texas Federal Courthouse Houston Texas Division, engaged in maintaining

Slavery Servitude” in direct violation of United States of America own rules of governing laws Namely The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act (RICO) 18 U.S.C. § 1589 (forced labor), 18 U.S.C. § 1590 (trafficking with respect to peonage, slavery, involuntary servitude, or forced labor),

“Slavery Servitude” money laundering statutes, 18 U.S.C. 1956 and 1957, “Slavery Servitude” money laundering statutes, RICO statute (18 U.S.C. § 1961(1), direct with intent and deliberate conscious after Judicial Fraud and  Obstruction of Justice, abuse of power, Judicial bias,

 “White Supremacy” racket of an actual (RICO) enterprise scheme of things in physical Ownership of a (Public) Federal Courthouse, being illegal and criminal 1000% against the peace, will, life, well-being, civil rights and dignity, directed officially 1000% at the “Pro Se Plaintiff Negro Slave in his person, being (Louis Charles Hamilton II) born November 8th 1961 into Slavery Servitude of United States of America

Title 18, U.S.C., Section 242 Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law ... Title 18, U.S.C., Section 1001 Fraud and False Statements; forever in favor of all defendant United States of America et al and all acting “third party”

 Whites Supremacy Corporation Slave Trade unjust enrichment civil/criminal (RICO) ongoing hidden slave regime until Mississippi Join the “Union on February 7th 2013 ending official enslavement victory against Just Claims of still held enslaved Plaintiffs 1865 – 2013 herein Further affirm

 David Hittner being Rouge in “Aiding & Abetting”, “Assisting or Encouraging”, “Assistant & Participating”, “Concert of Actions” all behalf of all Defendant and Co-Defendant as described being officially “Kidnaped” by Texas

to keeping the secret “Slaver Servitude still ongoing at the time said complaints were made dating to 2010, and the Mystery arrest being criminal conspire with all parties herein involved.

Judicial Fraud and Obstruction of Justice, abuse of power, Judicial bias, and having a direct interest in the out-come of said Hamilton v. Federal Reserve Bank in nature of  (RICO) Professional Judge engaging forevermore in “Slavery Servitude surround circumstances of August 20th 1619 kidnapping of Plaintiff(s) Slaves collective descendant(s) and

 Human rights ugly violations occurred and continual to be the same in said abduction declared over at time frame of 1865 “Civil War” well now into February 7th2013 when “Mississippi” Join the Union of United States of America freeing said

Pro Se Slave Veteran “United States Navy #2712 on or about February 7th 2013 as “United States District Court Judge enjoying “Senior Status”,  David Hittner”, having already on or about On or about “October” 9th 2012 refusal to even acknowledge the Legal standing of a “Slave”

On or about “October” 9th 2012, and being the same (RICO) Judicial Corruption cover up in favor of Defendant “Federal Reserve Bank” (RICO 1913) scheme of things to maintain this “Racket” direct at destroyed

 14th amendment civil rights as of this undersigned notary sealed date Pro Se Slave Veteran “United States Navy #2712, his DNA Negro Family, DNA Negro Presidential first Family (Obama) and DNA 44.5 Million of Still Slaves from a destroyed having also no “Legal Citizenship” all current being scammed and “Obstruction of Justices” cover up while officially acting in the Public position “ under color of law”

Judicial Republican 1865 ongoing Civil War Knights of the Klu Klx Klansmen Coup, to maintain of all things “Slavery Servitude”, whites supremacy, by vain, lost, out of control Justices, having succeeded both Negro/whites race, now past the abysses of “National Security” in the direct destruction of all constitutional values in “Conquering “Whites Only” control, over unjust enrichments of the “Slaves Plaintiffs herein “monetary taxes forevermore.

Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II herein just free from “Mississippi Slavery” on or about February 7th 2013 (RICO) from “Slavery Servitude” of United States of America et al Pursuant to: Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), which “One” David Hittner ‘United States District Judge” so did engaging in as shown in “Exhibit” A herein filed attached to the records U.S. Docket No. 4:16-CV-1774

On or about “October” 9th 2012 (RICO) enterprise declared said Pro Se Slave Veteran “United States Navy #2712 Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II have no legal standing before any Federal Court of Law and further (RICO) enterprise sentences further

Pro Se Slave Veteran “United States Navy #2712 Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II continual to be a “Slave” of United States of America Pursuant to: Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), as which “Mississippi” so free said  Pro Se Slave Veteran “United States Navy #2712 Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II exactly (124) DAYS LATER

After Legally sealed (RICO) racket of ongoing White Supremacy” Slavery Servitude” refusal to acknowledge as described in “Exhibit” A attached herein

Signed at Houston Texas on or about October 9th 2012 “One” David Hittner ‘United States District Judge” United States Southern District of Texas Federal Courthouse Houston Texas Division, engaged in maintaining Slavery Servitude” in direct violation of United States of America own rules of governing laws Namely The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act (RICO) 18 U.S.C. § 1589 (forced labor), 18 U.S.C. § 1590 (trafficking with respect to peonage, slavery, involuntary servitude, or forced labor),

“Slavery Servitude” money laundering statutes, 18 U.S.C. 1956 and 1957, “Slavery Servitude” money laundering statutes, RICO statute (18 U.S.C. § 1961(1), direct with intent and deliberate conscious after Judicial Fraud and  Obstruction of Justice, abuse of power, Judicial bias,

 “White Supremacy” racket of an actual (RICO) enterprise scheme of things in physical Ownership of a (Public) Federal Courthouse, being illegal and criminal 1000% against the peace, will, life, well-being, civil rights and dignity, directed officially 1000% at the “Pro Se Plaintiff Negro Slave in his person, being (Louis Charles Hamilton II) born November 8th 1961 into Slavery Servitude of United States of America

Title 18, U.S.C., Section 242 Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law ... Title 18, U.S.C., Section 1001 Fraud and False Statements; forever in favor of all defendant United States of America et al and all acting “third party”

 Whites Supremacy Corporation Slave Trade unjust enrichment civil/criminal (RICO) ongoing hidden slave regime until Mississippi Join the “Union on February 7th 2013 ending official enslavement victory against Just Claims of still held enslaved Plaintiffs 1865 – 2013 herein

Slave Regime (RICO) enterprise of defendant United State of America et al” and defendant “State of Texas” well into the undersigned seal notary date before court inspection “Chief Defendant United States of America et al this civil action is over, massive Judicial Fraud, and already won *see Hamilton v. North Dakota,

Hamilton v. United States et al – U.S. Docket No. 1:2010-CV-00808 Notice of Motion to Strike, and Vacate Judgment being filed all over the United States of America all Month Long, with attached Motion to striker the US Constitution from each case, from the exact dates of November 8th 1961 born into “Slavery Servitude” of the United States of America, - when officially freed by “Mississippi” Pursuant to Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 US 393 (1857), as further in support as follows:

Slaves Collectively herein declare official with ease From the begin of Co- defendant (Federal Reserve Bank) December 1938 – 2013 when Mississippi ratified the 13th amendment of the defendant US Constitution, freeing “pro se” Plaintiff in his Negro race in official living person, as well as the Official Presidential (Obama) family, and all (alive) DNA enslave Plaintiff(s) collectively herein affirm and dispute, each Co-Defendant 1-49 “States” herein having a duty of care to ensure the very own constitution being secured from destruction and greed in continual unjust enrichments of (KKK) and their

Corporations always exploiting and underhanded heritage of uncontrolled “thievery” while maintaining innocent, just honest “white Man” with important legal words  well into 2016 (December) hoarding off shore Slave Trade August 20th 1619 – February 7th 2013, as the

 (FRCP) officially Notice to Strike herein this complaint, being made as enslave Negro Race Plaintiff(s) from the time of being enforced said enslave once august 20th 1619 Voyage took off, until the actual Legal physical 13th amendment being made whole legal, each States had an obligation to insure no destruction should occurred to their very own jurisdiction, as nothing was done, especially the first

100 year after 1865 – 1965 (100s) years, as defendant (USA) fully aware (MLK Jr.) discovery what this “pro se” Plaintiff extremely ungodly weight over the entire population of DNA Negro abducted race, is being nothing change, “Simple” Slaves paying Taxes and being abused by the “Great White Man” and there empty do as I say not as your going to share in our Pure Whites only (FRCP) which never disclosed “enslave 44.5 Million Negro race since 1619 as 

U.S. District Chief Judge Ron Clark

U.S. District Judge Marcia A. Crone

U.S. District Judge Zack Hawthorn

U.S. District Judge David Hittner

 U. S. District Judge Charles R. Norgle, Sr.,

U.S. District Judge James E. “Jeb” Boasberg

U.S. District Judge Keith F. Giblin

U.S. District Judge Melinda Sue (Furche) Harmon

U.S. District Judge Alfred H. Bennett

U.S. District Judge” Vanessa D. Gilmore

U.S. District Judge Patrick A. Conmy

U.S Appeal Chief Judge Frank Hoover Easterbrook

U.S Appeal Circuit Judge Richard Allen Posner

U.S Appeal Circuit Senior Judge Daniel Anthony Manion

Each sending a “Message loud and clear there is no future for “people of color in United States of America with a “One-Side” Whites Supremacy Judicial Branch of Government “Ripping off” the Negro race for unjust enrichment, good and services, lost property, highest population in the “entire world” forced into Prison slave labor on a SEC insider trade, with “private/States Prison both having shareholders profiteering of

“Said Negro Plaintiff” herein as this cause of action and a Long list was raised before “Whites Supremacy” U.S. District Judge Melinda Sue (Furche) Harmon, youth was “Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen Heritage which cannot escape her ruling, as knowing the full context of the complaint with exhibit(s) supporting among other things the wrongful appeal being used when actually Plaintiff(s) Negro race herein still

 “Enslaved” in 2004, as “take out” the entire Judicial government (KKK) republican whites Justice hostile RICO under color of law owners of  the federal “white man” Courthouse seems the only road left as “enslaved” in 2011 – 2013 no citizenship and the “court say no legal standing to sue in

Filed: March 9, 2011 as 1:2011cv00122 Defendant: United States of America, State Of Texas, Harris County Texas Plaintiff: Louis Charles Hamilton, II Cause of Action: Civil Rights, Court: Fifth Circuit › Texas › Texas Eastern District Court Type: Other Statutes › Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations

And in

Hamilton v. U S America Filed: September 13, 2011 as 1:2011cv00442

Defendant: U S America Plaintiff: Louis Charles Hamilton, II

Cause Of Action: Racketeering (RICO) Act Court: Fifth Circuit › Texas › Texas Eastern District Court Type: Other Statutes › Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations

But your “pro se “ (Hamilton)  14th amendment is intact your having the same rights as Pure special whites “Only” your “enslaves, and poor, bottom out on everything paying taxes to be enslaved …?

Embattled for 2010 – 2016 with Out” civil rights of a constitution Justices  rogue under color of law “thievery” for to secure no less since 2010 directed at “Pro Se Slave Louis Charles Hamilton II United States Ninja SS Navy” monetary fraud upon the court in excess of (3-6) Trillions US Dollars, by these

Chief defendant (s)

U.S. District Chief Judge Ron Clark

U.S. District Judge Marcia A. Crone

U.S. District Judge Zack Hawthorn

U.S. District Judge David Hittner

U.S. District Judge Patrick A. Conmy

 U. S. District Judge Charles R. Norgle, Sr.,

U.S. District Judge James E. “Jeb” Boasberg

U.S. District Judge Keith F. Giblin

U.S. District Judge Melinda Sue (Furche) Harmon

U.S. District Judge Alfred H. Bennett

U.S. District Judge” Vanessa D. Gilmore

U.S Appeal Chief Judge Frank Hoover Easterbrook

U.S Appeal Circuit Judge Richard Allen Posner

U.S Appeal Circuit Senior Judge Daniel Anthony Manion

Falsely made the direct factual material facts the defendant Constitutional issues of the 13th amendment that were settled a century or more ago, being ratified 2005 – 2016 as it just seemed logical to point out that the actual “Ending” of August 20th 1619 official “enslavement” of the entire Plaintiff(s) DNA negro race in his person officially did not occurred until the 13th amendment was legally ratified

148 years later when “Mississippi” free “pro se” enslaved Plaintiff of (52) years since actual date of “birth” November 8th 1961 official in all governmental records which being “denied to have equal access of “whites only” continual criminal/civil  Judicial Government directed to even “pro se” (Hamilton) having own custody, control and possession of a living Birth certificate to enter into “evidence before a claim

 “World Fair Sound” Democratic Judicial System for all “people” worlds, fully sound “evidence of being alive and not “pronounced Dead by the Governmental Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saints (Mormon) Utah Sovereign Nation with defendant “United States of America et al in on this destructive continual patter and practices of “White Man” only World Domination

to only being Corrupted (Monetary) greedy in Tricked since first “Negro” race immigrant entre “port” of defendant call Jurisdiction, (America) seeking “citizenship” from date of first opening, to be abducted as a “negro” race and forced into “Black codes and Jim Crow Laws, after this the “tricky part” “Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II has no official rights to bring suit against (USA) et al  Slavery officially over after being born a (Slave) on November 8th 1961 and the 13th amendment of 1865 been ratified on Feb

 – 2013 when Mississippi say ok “Niggers” maybe have freedom now on a 7th Day that February of 2013, some “delinquent” 148 years required to ending “slavery and enslavement of an entire race, as “

   U.S. District Judge Melinda Sue (Furche) Harmon officially into now 2016 (RICO) peddling off the 13th amendment as being “ratified” once again (White Supremacy) Judicial Government stated no less as described in exhibit (C) declared on this 11th day of August 2016 signed by “Melinda Sue Harmon”, United States of America Federal Judge as stated as follows:

“The Court has liberally construed Plaintiff’s pleading with appropriate deference, but concludes the claims should be dismissed as frivolous.

The allegation are irrational, incomprehensible, and lacking an arguable basis in law, apparently claiming that Plaintiffs are literally enslaved African American Veterans even though slavery was abolished in this country by the Thirteenth Amendment of the Constitution. Accordingly, the court “Orders that this case is dismissed pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1915 € (2) (B) (1)

which factually if (she) even had access to 2016, Slave Trade and not stuck back in 1865 ratified 13th amendment of a “Broken Defendant Constitution (USA) and purchased made in a China brand New Computer with 10% discount off in the Sunday News, for “BestBuy” “Bill Gates fu-cking New “computer”..?

and advance the “Bob Casey” Federal Building in current new development like “Solar Energy” and Niggers finally free from Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen strong hold defendant “USA-Mississippi Lynching  H.Q. Town USDA

“twisted white world only  Judge Melinda Sue (Furche) Harmon would realize from her long history of “white only” child hood attendance in “Port Arthur” Texas 77640 “School Zone” both “pro se” and Melinda Sue (Furche) Harmon hometown whereby “The Knights of 1960s Klu Klux Klansmen ensured segregations of “Whites (Bitch) “Melinda Sue Furche” from “pro se” with violence, murder, mayhem, and intimidations whom (she) as a child with entire family going to (KKK) rally’s especially in the

 “Vidor Texas” Woods for Vidor High v. “pro se” (Hamilton) and entire Texas (KKK) whites Only segregated High against actually “pro se” (Hamilton) herein whom was forced to be at (KKK) school rally for their catch the Niggers (me) because of the

 “Back Ass” Port Arthur Texas 77640 school and “Melinda Sue Furche family insuring “Whites Supremacy even against “pro se” Plaintiff (Hamilton) very own adult parent when being a child officials in the 1960s 1979 required  athlete completion of “Port Arthur Texas against the “White schools who hoist Klansmen rally and official Burning the Fire Cross at the

Official High School Child…?  “Football” games as grand opening ceremony, then the National Anthem (USA) flag is brought to full mask underneath the (KKK) Confederate Flag of Supremacy forevermore then the coin toss, (Which) Lincoln High School of Port Arthur Texas (Negro) Class of 79 sent the “Star Quarterback” for Vidor Texas

Bull Dogs’ sorry loser white weak only ass straight to “Emergency Surgery” following that opening Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen Burning cross coin toss, on the very second play of the open game he was trashed (KKK) white only DOA meat with one single massive crowd killer STFU hit (my) Big Brother (Poncho) #79 Lincoln High “Bumble Bees” attacked him so Ninja fast in fornt of 1000’s on film school records for football, needed E.R. hospital records, and Vidor Texas police records too : )

Completely snap off his shoulder with broken collar bone and shoulder blade that sent code blue VIP ambulance rushing on the football field and we “pro se” (Hamilton) family, football team, coaches all negro being racial hatred almost the entire school bus ran off the “Vidor Texas” road while a child being almost shot at after leaving the football game from the “Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen deep woods of “Vidor Texas” Klansmen rally officially always forever for this “pro se” Nigger Plaintiff (Hamilton) USN SS #2712

Completely destroyed on purpose three 'Reconstruction' Amendments since 1886 past – 2016 (December)

13th, 14th and 15th that was to aid free slave of clearly back in (KKK) occupation of 1865,

Whom “pro se” Slave Negro not free from enslavement of august 20th 1619 – till  2013 which is in direct conflict with each State Constitution, being voided as well as the United States of America Constitution, invalidated by the “Hostile White Federal Justices” obviously extremely controlling for their political “republican” party hanging well over board in (RICO) hostile fashion to the “point” of requiring

 (NSA/CIA) finding of National Security destabilization of 44.5 Million Slaves freedom now required (many) shot to the heads “lethal finding” to end the “rebel coup” of a defendant (American) Justice System the Hub for the “entire world, now under Martial Law Control by the Knights of the Klu Klux Klansmen Dynasty 1865 – 2099

 Official Leadership, and Commander in Chief Donald John Trump SR. Copy) of complaint attached herein (ISIS) new store front Leadership, promoter, with a Judicial government now divided in 1/2 and out of complete equality control, to the entire population, the National security has been trash, and

“Internet Hack Attack” and “covert war” to death, as the “Base” as we are called by (Media) are actually “Stolen Abused Nigger Slaves” and “Peasant whom is a Klansmen member of a traditional class of farmers, either laborers or owners of small farms, ... The word "peasant" is—and long has been—often used pejoratively to refer to “white poor” or “white landless farmers” and “white lower level agricultural workers”,  to even risk public record acts of

18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason of President Slave Negro Barack Hussein Obama on official government legal court records, transcripts fully (RICO)

“Treason” against a Negro Race President (Obama) to ensure whites supremacy enslavement over the 44th acting “President of the United States of America” and his entire Negro race (Obama) family to be substandard then the Pure big white man Justices and their forever racket group, controlling all people of color monetary assets via their whites only

 RICO banking system all done to keep profiteering off the slow, uneducated negro race which this too, being Illegal to learn, the many scams and rip off of the Crude, thievery lazy crooked White Dogs, never was Honorable and their Constitution and treaties always just “lies”

hopes for finding a legendary Slavery Servitude official “gold train” in United States of America  appeared dashed  when, after digging extensively, Civil Rights Attorney Negro Slave Deadria Farmer-Paellmann was admitted to by the United States Justices “she” have found “no train, no tunnel that leads to gold slave train” at the official site of the Government courthouse, pursuant to the “always white man only laws of the defendant

Under Federal law, when any officer of the court has committed "fraud on the court," the orders and judgment of that court are void, of no legal force or effect, Pro Se Slave Veteran “United States Navy #2712 Louis Charles Hamilton II in his person

Affirm on or about February 7th 2013 as “United States District Court Judge enjoying “Senior Status”,  David Hittner”, having already On or about “October” 9th 2012 - February 7th 2013 refusal in a Judicial duty under color of law (RICO) with direct intent to mask, hide, store secret forevermore even a simple direct noted legal written  acknowledge the Legal standing of a “Slave” “pro se” Plaintiff being officially dark cast set aside on a whites only races pure constitution attached

Motion to Strike Defendant(s) United States of America et al, Constitution and any and all legal false claims respond and reply, that the defendant United States of America (13th and 14th) amendments of the Whites Only” constitution have not been voided or officially binding in representation  the 44.5 plus Million Negro race Plaintiffs collectively herein since 1913 (December) – 2016 (December)


 This action with Hamilton v. Federal Reserve Bank et al, and Hamilton v. Donald John Trump Sr. official in being transferred to The International Criminal Court in The Hague “far away” from the actual (RICO) defendant United States of America Judicial Branch of Whites Supremacy Government herein pursuant to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857) Supreme Court Decision With the exact History of criminal Judicial (RICO) Fraud by

EASTERBROOK, Chief Judge, and POSNER and MANION, Circuit Judges. POSNER, Circuit Judge.  In the United States Court of Appeals For the Seventh Circuit ____________Nos. 05-3265, 05-3266, 05-3305 IN RE: AFRICAN-AMERICAN SLAVE DESCENDANTS LITIGATION. APPEALS OF:

DEADRIA FARMER-PAELLMANN, et al., and TIMOTHY HURDLE, et al. ____________ Appeals from the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern District. No. 02 C 7764—Charles R. Norgle, Sr., Judge.


The headquarters of the Judge Advocate General's Corps of the United States Department of the Navy is located at the Washington Navy Yard in Washington, D.C.


28 U.S. Code § 2284 - Three-judge court; to rule on the entire fairly all motions filed, and all court hearing giving the appearance of (USA) fundamental fairness in this still hot contested never ending 1865 Civil War – 2016 (December)


            NSA/CIA, Military “Lethal National Security Council Finding” Court

Further appearances Affirm, State and fully declare all allegation, contention, disputes, disputation, argument, conflict and disharmony, fully furtherance’s cause of action as follows:       

“Chief Defendant(s) et al”

 U.S. District Chief Judge Ron Clark

U.S. District Judge Marcia A. Crone

U.S. District Judge Zack Hawthorn

U.S. District Judge David Hittner

 U.S. District Judge Patrick A. Conmy

U.S. District Judge James E. “Jeb” Boasberg

U.S. District Judge Keith F. Giblin

U.S. District Judge Melinda Sue (Furche) Harmon

U.S. District Judge Alfred H. Bennett

U.S. District Judge” Vanessa D. Gilmore herein (RICO) enterprise in “Concert”, Collusion and Scheme of things with all described “Third Parties” especially the Deep Dark, Dark Ages

Third Party United States of America” et al and the Federal Reserve Bank and “third party” Slave Trade Corporations et al all grim in conspired directly with several “2016” Civil Court Complaints seeking among other things (RICO) refugee from cause of actions into the official “Wrongful Death” of Rev. Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. being a “direct cause of action” for damages in compensation/exemplary in excess of 

(50) Million U.S. Dollars with 6% incurred from date of assignation to the survivors Rev. Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. family among other things direct compensation/exemplary Damages and award in the direct wrongful cause of death of MLK Jr. as each U.S. Justice in his/her official capacity having read the complaints knowing first hand this continual official 

Governmental cover into the “wrongful death” of Rev. Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. and being a party thereof now in 2016

MLK Jr. physically upon information and strong belief discovery the same issue of wonderment being still after the passage of the 13th amendment back in 1865 Civil War” now MLK Jr.  born into “slavery servitude” and discovery of criminal acts of defendant (USA) et al and as a result of such Government cover resulting in the force untimely death of MLK Jr. over Missing in action ratified in 2013 the Twisted Corrupted 13th Amendment The 13th Amendment to the Constitution declared that

"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted,

Shall exist within the United States,

Or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

“Formally abolishing slavery in the United States, the 13th Amendment was passed by the Congress on January 31, 1865, and ratified by the states on December 6, 1865, and furtherance’s said breaching their very own Fiduciary Duty,

The 14th Amendment to the Constitution which was ratified on July 9, 1868, and claim granted citizenship to “All persons born or naturalized in the United States,” which included former slaves recently freed. In addition, it forbids states from denying any person "life, liberty or property,

Without due process of law" or to "deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws, as each “Chief Defendant(s) et al” listed and United States of America since date of wrongful death of (MLK Jr.) herein defendant (RICO) enterprise in “Concert”, Collusion and criminal Scheme of things with all described

“Third Parties” And being the direct cause for the continual wrongful “Wrongful Death” of Rev. Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. Upon which never ending (RICO) ongoing “Slave Régime” as “White Only” forever of the “Deep Dark Ages Third Party “United States of America” herein absolute 1000% heel bent on conspire as a

“UNIT” in their “Fraudulent RICO Enterprise further there after 1913 “Concealment” scheme of things in Deep Dark ages United States of America et al, Breaching their very own Fiduciary Duty, is the “direct cause of action” for damages (50) Million U.S. Dollars with 6% incurred from date of assignation to the survivors

Rev. Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. family for “Pecuniary losses, mental anguish, loss of companion & society, loss of inheritances and exemplary damages for such The Federal Reserve Bank et al, “Chief Defendant(s) et al”

U.S. District Chief Judge Ron Clark

U.S. District Judge Marcia A. Crone

U.S. District Judge Zack Hawthorn

U.S. District Judge David Hittner

U.S. District Judge Patrick A. Conmy

U.S. District Judge James E. “Jeb” Boasberg

U.S. District Judge Keith F. Giblin

U.S. District Judge Melinda Sue (Furche) Harmon

U.S. District Judge Alfred H. Bennett

U.S. District Judge” Vanessa D. Gilmore herein (RICO) enterprise in “Concert”, Collusion and Scheme of things with all described “Third Parties” within Deep Dark ages United States of America et al, Fraudulent Concealment that “Slavery Servitude” still exited when the

“Wrongful Death” of Rev. Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. could having been 1000% really honestly prevent by such Deep Dark ages United States of America et al, collectively being 1000% Truthful, honest, and respecting there very on rules of governing laws “Formally abolishing slavery in the United States” as now in 2016 defendant U.S. Justices herein still engaging in conspire to physically conceal the “wrongful death” of MLK Jr. under “color of law” direct at “pro se “ Plaintiff (Hamilton) in his person in 2016 as described in such “Judicial Fraud” and Courtroom RICO FRCP, to void a Just civil complaint in favor of all defendant(s) listed herein and protect their “monetary interest”, from lawful,

rightful compensations, awards and exemplary Damages each defendant actions has caused past, present and future to the “point” “Pecuniary losses, mental anguish, loss of companion & society, loss of inheritances and exemplary damages for such (RICO) enterprise in “Concert”, Collusion and Scheme of things with all described “Third Parties” within Deep Dark ages United States of America et al, Fraudulent Concealment that “Slavery Servitude” was not over in 1960s resulting assassination of MLK Jr. as this being all defendant(s) herein

United States of America, State of Utah, The Federal Reserve Bank et al, “Chief Defendant(s) et al” Slave Trade Corporation, and each

U.S. District Chief Judge Ron Clark

U.S. District Judge Marcia A. Crone

U.S. District Judge Zack Hawthorn

U.S. District Judge David Hittner

U.S. District Judge James E. “Jeb” Boasberg

U.S. District Judge Keith F. Giblin

U.S. District Judge Melinda Sue (Furche) Harmon

U.S. District Judge Alfred H. Bennett

U.S. District Judge” Vanessa D. Gilmore herein

Justices herein still engaging in conspire to physically conceal the additional “wrongful death” of “Pro Se” Slave Negro Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II, “wrongful death” of his unborn fetus, being “Murder off” by the Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saints cult and religious prosecution thereof for being a “Negro” race within the defendant “Jurisdiction of Utah”

Justices herein still engaging in conspire to physically conceal in 2016 acting fully under “color of law” direct at “pro se “ Plaintiff”  (Hamilton) in his person in 2016 as described in such “Judicial Fraud upon the court” and Courtroom RICO FRCP, to continual abuse of power to (RICO) corruption void a Just civil complaint in favor of all defendant(s) listed herein and protect their “monetary interest”, from lawful, “Pecuniary losses, mental anguish, loss of companion of “Chandra D. Hamilton and Natasha C. Hamilton, missing since 1994 in child custodial interference, child abduction, and further

 “Grave Robbery, Body Snatching of their dead mother (Rachel Ann Hamilton) missing remains all being Crimes and civil issues “pro se” (Hamilton) seeking direct legal ending, compensation/exemplary Damages against each described defendant actions has caused past, present and future direct at both the King family, and “pro se” Hamilton in his person and his very own family estrange non-companionship relationship suffrage in this continual 2010 - 2016

 “Whites Only government cover up” directed now in 2016 still no less (August) physically (RICO) wrongfully at “pro se” Plaintiff present physical Life and future well- being a criminal direct resulting in 2 attempt of wrongful deaths at “pro se” Plaintiff Life in his person a (RICO) attempts of wrongful loss of human life conspire scheme to keep the official (stupid) cover up being wrongfully born November 8th 1961 unto “slavery servitude” of defendant

United States of America et al officially after February 7th 2013 without any legal citizenship”, and now direct attempts to further cause “pro se” Plaintiff Hamilton wrongful loss of life in still dealing with this Civil action, government cover up at “pro se” Plaintiff of including loss of his (Hamilton) Wife and Children Family in defendant Jurisdiction (UTAH) and such Hostile Rouge Federal Biases (RICO) corrupted Federal Government Court

Justices, each RICO defendant seeking individual comfort /refugee in the Federal Government Judicial Rouge whites only, Brought-out, crooked court system and fully infested with “Whites Only” Supremacy hell bent civil/criminal in position of ungodly services acting “under color of law” for “white only” prosperity and RICO endeavor, as always (KKK) fully hateful attempts at USA and world domination, against the civil rights of pro se Plaintiff (Hamilton) II in his person, and all similarly the same

“Pro Se” Slave Negro Plaintiff and Slave Plaintiffs’ 44.5 Million, Presidential Negro First family  collectively affirmed Laws only apply to violation made by the “Negro” Plaintiff race and enforcing thereof “Defendant “whites only” especially what (White Man) declare “elite” above the (Crooked) Laws of the defendant United States of America whom “Lilly White” extra pure and innocent, wealthy still enjoying Texas Black Codes” from civil/criminal prosecution made by a negro race before the “entire” defendant (USA) jurisdiction even against 18 U.S. Code § 1519 - Destruction, alteration, or falsification of records in Federal investigations and bankruptcy

Whoever knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsifies, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States or any case filed under title 11, or in relation to or contemplation of any such matter or case, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

(Added Pub. L. 107–204, title VIII, § 802(a), July 30, 2002, 116 Stat. 800.) while being in direct violation of  Title 18, U.S.C., Section 242 Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law ... Title 18, U.S.C., Section 1001 Fraud and False Statements; as each,

U.S. Justice listed below conspired directly and indirectly for Pure Whites only (FRCP) rules of governing laws which required defendant not make false public records never disclosed the 13th amendment was never ratified to ensure always “enslave 44.5 Million Negro race since 1619 – 2016 (December) as 

U.S. District Chief Judge Ron Clark

U.S. District Judge Marcia A. Crone

U.S. District Judge Zack Hawthorn

U.S. District Judge David Hittner

 U. S. District Judge Charles R. Norgle, Sr.,

U.S. District Judge James E. “Jeb” Boasberg

U.S. District Judge Keith F. Giblin

U.S. District Judge Melinda Sue (Furche) Harmon

U.S. District Judge Alfred H. Bennett

U.S. District Judge” Vanessa D. Gilmore

U.S. District Judge Patrick A. Conmy

U.S Appeal Chief Judge Frank Hoover Easterbrook

U.S Appeal Circuit Judge Richard Allen Posner

U.S Appeal Circuit Senior Judge Daniel Anthony Manion

Identified defendant(s) singularly and also collectively herein so did, engaging in a continual (RICO) enterprise scheme of things directed at the “just admiration of Justice free from “Fraud upon the Court”, and institute direct skilled Professional “bully” Justices concealing violations of “secret white Judicial society Republican Klansmen Party 18 U.S. Code § 249 - Hate crime acts being committed to in legal documentation

To ensure “Slavery Servitude” direct at the “pro se” Plaintiff (Hamilton) in his person, “Presidential First Negro Family of the defendant (USA) and 44.5 million others similarly the same well-hidden and officially built on the FRCP, since now involving “pro se” Plaintiff himself in his person 2001 as described as follows: U.S. District Judge Patrick A. Conmy,

Fiduciary Duties of an acting sitting Official impartial United States District Government “Federal Justices” being continual committed to denied all claim rights of a free and clear “United States of America Constitution, namely thr 13th and 14th amendment(s) and actually maintain “Enslavement” of the “pro se” Slave Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) #2712 SS

In his person since exactly COMPLAINT;  jury demand (jlo) (Entered: 07/25/2001) – when “Mississippi” free “pro se” Plaintiff Slave Negro in his person February 7th 2013 (12) years enslaved by Official impartial United States District Government “Federal Justices”

Hamilton v. North Dakota, State, et al Federal Civil Lawsuit North Dakota District Court, Case No. 3:01-cv-00095 U.S. District Judge Patrick A. Conmy, presiding of Defendant (USA) in a continual (RICO) scheme as described by (pro se) since 2001 – 2016 (15) years controlled by direct Republican Judicial abusing 18 U.S. Code § 242 - Deprivation of rights under color of law” direct at (pro se) Hamilton

However Slavery Servitude of (RICO) enterprise Defendant “United States of America et al end officially on or about when Mississippi, free said nigger(s) Slave (PLANTIFFS) herein exactly February 7th 2013, as which

“Chief Defendant” U.S. District Judge Patrick A. Conmy, clear back 2001 (15)  U.S. District Judge Marcia Ann Cain Crone, U.S. District Judge “Zack Hawthorn” And The Honorable Ron Clark being official “Republican Bigotry and Hatred' Judicial Fraud upon the court in direct violation of, to commit to being Fraudulent upon the Federal Court in an official capacity to maintain

 “En-Slavery Servitude directed at a Race itself, being “all Negro Americans”, committed to fraud upon the court in direct violation of defendant (USA) own govern rules of Laws 18 U.S. Code § 242 - Deprivation of rights under color of law”

To maintain this 1865 – 2099 (RICO) “enslavement” of 44.5 million plus negro race abused slaves since august 20th 1619 Enterprise endeavor being in the professional legal capacity of Whites Supremacy, Para-Military Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen for the defendant (USA)

Chief District Judge U.S. District Judge Patrick A. Conmy

PACER 70 Filed: 8/12/2002, Entered: None 

 MANDATE from Circuit Court of Appeals affirming the decision of the District Court on appeal [67-1] (ks) (Entered: 08/12/2002) 

PACER 69 Filed: 2/22/2002, Entered: None 

 Copy of docket entries as forwarded to counsel and USCA8 (ks) (Entered: 02/22/2002) 

PACER 68 Filed: 2/22/2002, Entered: None 

 NOA Supplement re appeal [67-1] (ks) (Entered: 02/22/2002) 

PACER 67 Filed: 2/22/2002, Entered: None 

 Notice of appeal by plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II from Dist. Court memorandum and order and judgment [64-2] entered 1/31/02 Appeal fee paid (ks) (Entered: 02/22/2002) 

PACER 66 Filed: 2/22/2002, Entered: None 

 RECEIPT #007990 in the sum of $105.00 for appeal (ks) (Entered: 02/22/2002) 

PACER 65 Filed: 2/19/2002, Entered: None Court Filing

 MANDATE from USCA8 #02-1148, re Writ of Mandamus: Petition for Writ of Mandamus is DENIED. (Copies of Mandate as filed to: Pro se Pla Hamilton, Atty Peterson and Judge Conmy) (ak) (Entered: 02/19/2002) 

PACER 64 Filed: 1/31/2002, Entered: None 

 JUDGMENT: with NOTICE OF ENTRY Date 1/31/02 re memorandum and order[63-1] dismissing case with prejudice; all pending motions declared moot (cc: all counsel) (lrf) (Entered: 01/31/2002) 

PACER 63 Filed: 1/31/2002, Entered: None 

 MEMORANDUM AND ORDER by Hon. Patrick A. Conmy with NOTICE OF ENTRY Date 1/31/02; all pending motions are declared moot (cc: all counsel) (lrf) (Entered: 01/31/2002) 

PACER 62 Filed: 12/31/2001, Entered: None 

 MEMORANDUM (BRIEF) by dfts in support of motion to extend time to respond to amended complaint [61-1] (td) (Entered: 12/31/2001) 

PACER 61 Filed: 12/31/2001, Entered: None 

 MOTION by dfts to extend time to respond to amended complaint (td) (Entered: 12/31/2001) 

PACER 60 Filed: 12/31/2001, Entered: None 

 RESPONSE (ANSWER BRIEF) by dfts to motion for order for Depositions of Jacobson, Webb and Beauchene [48-1] (td) (Entered: 12/31/2001) 

PACER 59 Filed: 12/31/2001, Entered: None 

 RESPONSE (ANSWER BRIEF) by dfts to motion to change venue [47-1] (td) (Entered: 12/31/2001) 

PACER 58 Filed: 12/31/2001, Entered: None 

 RESPONSE (ANSWER BRIEF) by dfts to motion for order to depose Governor John Hoeven [50-1] (td) (Entered: 12/31/2001) 

PACER 57 Filed: 12/31/2001, Entered: None 

 MEMORANDUM by pla Louis Charles Hamilton II in support of motion response [56-1] (td) (Entered: 12/31/2001) 

 RESPONSE (MOTION IN OPP) by pla Louis Charles Hamilton II to motion to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction [41-1], motion for order requiring pla to submit a more definite stmt of his claims for declaratory & injunctive relief [41-2] (td) (Entered: 12/31/2001) 

PACER 55 Filed: 12/26/2001, Entered: None 

 RESPONSE (Amended Scheduling/Discovery Order) by pla re Order [36-1] w/ attached AFDT of Service (lc) (Entered: 12/27/2001) 

PACER 54 Filed: 12/26/2001, Entered: None 

 MOTION by pla to amend complaint for the Dept of Labor, co-defendant(s) {Pla's mtn to amend plaintiffs-Doc #43} (lc) (Entered: 12/27/2001) 

PACER 53 Filed: 12/17/2001, Entered: None 

 BRIEF FILED (MEMO FOR DEFINITE STATEMENT) by pla Louis Charles Hamilton II (td) (Entered: 12/17/2001) 

PACER 52 Filed: 12/17/2001, Entered: None Court Filing

 MEMORANDUM (AFFIDAVIT) by pla Louis Charles Hamilton II in support of motion to recuse Judge Conmy [51-1] (td) (Entered: 12/17/2001) 

PACER 51 Filed: 12/17/2001, Entered: None Court Filing

 MOTION by pla Louis Charles Hamilton II to recuse Judge Conmy (td) (Entered: 12/17/2001) 

PACER 50 Filed: 12/17/2001, Entered: None 

 MOTION by pla Louis Charles Hamilton II for order to depose Governor John Hoeven w/att Memo of Points and Authorities (td) (Entered: 12/17/2001) 

PACER 49 Filed: 12/17/2001, Entered: None 

 RESPONSE (ANSWER BRIEF) by dfts to pla's motion to amend pla(s) [43-1] (lc) (Entered: 12/17/2001) 

PACER 48 Filed: 12/12/2001, Entered: None 

 MOTION by plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II for order for Depositions as to Paul W. Jacobson, Wade L. Webb, and Mark A. Beauchene (td) (Entered: 12/12/2001) 

PACER 47 Filed: 12/12/2001, Entered: None 

 MOTION by pla Louis Charles Hamilton II to change venue , and for hearing (td) (Entered: 12/12/2001) 

PACER 46 Filed: 12/12/2001, Entered: None Court Filing

 ORDER by Hon. Rodney S. Webb granting motion to recuse Chief Judge Webb [44-1] IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this case is reassigned case to Hon. Patrick A. Conmy (cc: all counsel) (td) (Entered: 12/12/2001

PACER 45 Filed: 12/12/2001, Entered: None Court Filing

 ORDER by Hon. Rodney S. Webb denying motion to not assign this case to Judge Patrick A. Conmy [44-1] (cc: all counsel) (td) (Entered: 12/12/2001) 

PACER 44 Filed: 12/7/2001, Entered: None, Terminated: 12/12/2001 Court Filing

 MOTION by pla Louis Charles Hamilton II to not assign this case to Judge Patrick A. Conmy (td) (Entered: 12/12/2001) 

PACER 43 Filed: 12/7/2001, Entered: None 

 MOTION by pla Louis Charles Hamilton to amend plantiffs (td) (Entered: 12/07/2001) 

PACER 42 Filed: 11/28/2001, Entered: None 

 BRIEF FILED by dft in support of mtn to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction [41-1] and for more definite statement (sg) (Entered: 11/28/2001) 

PACER 41 Filed: 11/26/2001, Entered: None 

 MOTION by dft John Hoeven to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction and for order requiring pla to submit a more definite stmt of his claims for declaratory & injunctive relief w/ AFDT of Service (lc) (Entered: 11/26/2001) 

PACER 40 Filed: 11/13/2001, Entered: None 

 RETURN OF SERVICE executed upon defendant North Dakota, State on 11/2/01 Answer due 11/22/01 (td) (Entered: 11/14/2001) 

PACER 39 Filed: 11/5/2001, Entered: None 

 NOTICE OF SERVICE by pla Louis Charles Hamilton II (td) (Entered: 11/06/2001) 

PACER 38 Filed: 11/5/2001, Entered: None 

 RESPONSE (Scheduling/Discovery Order) by pla Louis Charles Hamilton II re [36-1] (td) (Entered: 11/06/2001) 

PACER 37 Filed: 10/31/2001, Entered: None 

 NOTICE by pla Louis Charles Hamilton II of change of address to: 137 Prairiewood Drive #207-A, Fargo, ND 58103 (lc) (Entered: 11/01/2001) 

PACER 36 Filed: 10/26/2001, Entered: None 

 ORDER by Hon. Karen K. Klein IT IS ORDERED that each of the parties shall submit to the court in writing by 11/30/01, their proposed deadlines in lieu of a pretrial conference. (cc: all counsel) (td) Modified on 10/29/2001 (Entered: 10/26/2001) 

PACER 35 Filed: 9/12/2001, Entered: None 

 RESPONSE by pla Louis Charles Hamilton II to dfts Mtn to set aside entry of default (td) (Entered: 09/13/2001) 

PACER 34 Filed: 9/11/2001, Entered: None 

 ORDER by Hon. Rodney S. Webb with Notice of Entry Date 9/12/01: GRANTING pla's motion to DISMISS Senate Legislative Assembly and House Legislative Assembly [29-1]. GRANTING dfts State of ND, ND Dept of Labor, Disciplinary Bd and John Hoeven's motion to set aside entry of default [30-1]. IT IS ORDERED that entries of default against them are set aside (doc's #12, 17, 22, 27) (cc: all counsel) (lc) (Entered: 09/12/2001) 

PACER 33 Filed: 9/10/2001, Entered: None 

 RETURN OF SERVICE by cert mail RR card of Entry of Default upon Disciplinary Boad of SC. (td) (Entered: 09/12/2001) 

PACER 32 Filed: 9/10/2001, Entered: None 

 RETURN OF SERVICE (2) by Certifiled Mail (RR cards) of entry of default upon ND Dept of Labor. Ret of Service upon Wm Peterson (AG's office) of docs from file (td) (Entered: 09/10/2001) 

PACER 31 Filed: 9/10/2001, Entered: None 

 MEMORANDUM (BRIEF) by dfts in support of motion to set aside entry of default [30-1] (td) (Entered: 09/10/2001) 

PACER 30 Filed: 9/10/2001, Entered: None 

 MOTION by dfts State of North Dakota, ND Dept of Labor, Disciplinary Bd, John Hoeven to set aside entry of default (td) (Entered: 09/10/2001) 

PACER 29 Filed: 9/6/2001, Entered: None, Terminated: 9/11/2001 

 LETTER MOTION by pla Louis Charles Hamilton II to dismiss Senate Legislative Assembly and House Legislative Assembly w/proposed order (td) (Entered: 09/06/2001) 

PACER 28 Filed: 9/6/2001, Entered: None 

 RETURN OF SERVICE (Cert Mail RR card) on 9/4/01 of Entry of Default re: Gov, John Heoven (td) (Entered: 09/06/2001) 

PACER 27 Filed: 9/5/2001, Entered: None 

 ENTRY OF DEFAULT as to defendant ND Dept of Labor with NOTICE OF ENTRY endorsed thereon (cc: pro se pla, counsel, dft by certified mail) (td) (Entered: 09/05/2001) 

PACER 26 Filed: 8/29/2001, Entered: None 

 AFFIDAVIT of Default, Affidavit of Amount Due, Statement of Costs, Affidavit of No Military Service (td) (Entered: 09/05/2001) 

PACER 25 Filed: 8/29/2001, Entered: None 

 MOTION by pla Louis Charles Hamilton II for entry of default as to ND Dept of Labor (td) (Entered: 09/05/2001) 

PACER 24 Filed: 8/29/2001, Entered: None 

 AFFIDAVIT of Attachment filed by pla (td) (Entered: 09/05/2001) 

PACER 23 Filed: 8/29/2001, Entered: None 

 MOTION by plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II for hearing re dflt mtn (td) (Entered: 09/05/2001) 

PACER 22 Filed: 9/5/2001, Entered: None 

 ENTRY OF DEFAULT as to dft State of North Dakota with NOTICE OF ENTRY endorsed thereon (cc: pro se pla, dft by cert mail) (td) (Entered: 09/05/2001) 

PACER 21 Filed: 8/29/2001, Entered: None 

 AFFIDAVIT of Default, Affidavit of Amount Due, Statement of Costs, Affidavit of No Military Service (td) (Entered: 09/05/2001) 

PACER 20 Filed: 8/29/2001, Entered: None 

 MOTION (REQUEST) by pla Louis Charles Hamilton II for default judgment against State of North Dakota (td) (Entered: 09/05/2001) 

PACER 19 Filed: 8/29/2001, Entered: None 

 AFFIDAVIT of Attachment filed by pla (td) (Entered: 09/05/2001) 

PACER 18 Filed: 8/29/2001, Entered: None 

 MOTION by plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II for hearing re dflt jgm. (td) (Entered: 09/05/2001) 

PACER 17 Filed: 8/29/2001, Entered: None 

 ENTRY OF DEFAULT as to defendant Disciplinary Bd with NOTICE OF ENTRY endorsed thereon (cc: pro se pla. unrepresented dft by Certified Mail) (td) (Entered: 08/31/2001) 

PACER 16 Filed: 8/29/2001, Entered: None 

 MOTION by pla Louis Charles Hamilton II for default judgment against Disciplinary Bd (td) (Entered: 08/31/2001) 

PACER 15 Filed: 8/29/2001, Entered: None 

 AFFIDAVIT of Default, Affidavit of Amount Due, Statement of Costs, Affidavit of No Military Service (td) (Entered: 08/31/2001) 

PACER 14 Filed: 8/29/2001, Entered: None 

 AFFIDAVIT of Attachment by pla. (td) (Entered: 08/31/2001) 

PACER 13 Filed: 8/29/2001, Entered: None 

 MOTION by pla Louis Charles Hamilton II for hearing re: default motion (td) (Entered: 08/31/2001) 

PACER 12 Filed: 8/29/2001, Entered: None 

 ENTRY OF DEFAULT as to dft John Hoeven with NOTICE OF ENTRY endorsed thereon (cc: pro se pla, Governor Hoeven by Certified Mail) (td) Modified on 08/31/2001 (Entered: 08/31/2001) 

PACER 11 Filed: 8/29/2001, Entered: None 

 MOTION by pla Louis Charles Hamilton II for default judgment against John Hoeven pursuant to Rule 55 (a)(b) (td) (Entered: 08/31/2001) 

PACER 10 Filed: 8/29/2001, Entered: None 

 AFFIDAVIT of Default, Affidavit of Amount Due, Statement of Costs, Affidavit of No Military Service (td) (Entered: 08/31/2001) 

PACER 9 Filed: 8/29/2001, Entered: None 

 AFFIDAVIT of Attachment filed by pla (td) (Entered: 08/31/2001) 

PACER 8 Filed: 8/29/2001, Entered: None 

 MOTION by pla Louis Charles Hamilton II for hearing re: Default Jgm. request (td) (Entered: 08/31/2001) 

PACER 7 Filed: 8/9/2001, Entered: None 

 RETURN OF SERVICE executed upon dfts State of North Dakota, and John Hoeven on 8/7/01 Answer due 8/27/01 for dfts Hoeven and State of ND (td) (Entered: 08/09/2001) 

PACER 6 Filed: 8/6/2001, Entered: None 

 RETURN OF SERVICE (BY CERTIFIED MAIL) executed upon dft Disciplinary Bd on 7/31/01 Answer due 8/20/01 for Disciplinary Bd (td) (Entered: 08/07/2001) 

PACER 5 Filed: 8/6/2001, Entered: None 

 RETURN OF SERVICE (BY CERTIFIED MAIL) executed upon dft ND Dept of Labor on 7/31/01 Answer due 8/20/01 for ND Dept of Labor (td) (Entered: 08/07/2001) 

PACER 4 Filed: 8/6/2001, Entered: None 

 SUBPOENA returned as to: Legislative Council w/proof of service by cert mail (biled by pla) (td) (Entered: 08/06/2001) 

PACER 3 Filed: 7/25/2001, Entered: None Summons Issued

 SUMMONS issued as to all dfts; (jlo) (Entered: 07/25/2001) 

PACER 2 Filed: 7/24/2001, Entered: None 

 RECEIPT #7319 for filing fee of $150; (jlo) (Entered: 07/25/2001) 

PACER 1 Filed: 7/24/2001, Entered: None 

 COMPLAINT; jury demand (jlo) (Entered: 07/25/2001) 

Signed by Chief Defendant U.S. District Judge Patrick A. Conmy, and Co-Defendant(s) North Dakota et al collectively as a “Unit” conspire in all legal government documentation to engaged in The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act (RICO) 18 U.S.C. § 1589 (forced labor), 18 U.S.C. § 1590 (trafficking with respect to peonage, slavery, involuntary servitude, or forced labor),“Slavery Servitude” money laundering statutes,

18 U.S.C. 1956 and 1957, “Slavery Servitude” money laundering statutes, RICO statute (18 U.S.C. § 1961(1), Chief Defendant U.S. District Judge Patrick A. Conmy, presiding   direct with intent and deliberate conscious did Prima Facial Tort committed to

Judicial Fraud and Obstruction of Justice, abuse of power, judicial bias, and having a direct interest in the out-come of said U.S. Docket Case No. 3:01-CV-00095 Hamilton v. North Dakota et al being the same in 2010

Hamilton v. United States of America et al We have downloadable decisions or orders for this case Filed: December 15, 2010 as 1:2010cv00808

Plaintiff: Louis Charles Hamilton, II Defendant: United States of America, Andrew Johnson Cause Of Action: Racketeering (RICO) Act, Type: Other Statutes

› Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Hamilton v. United States of America et al Being the same in 2012 Filed: March 9, 2011 as 1:2011cv00122 Defendant: United States of America, State Of Texas, Harris County Texas Plaintiff: Louis Charles Hamilton, II Cause Of Action: Civil Rights

Court: Fifth Circuit › Texas › Texas Eastern District Court Type: Other Statutes › Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations

As furtherance against claimed civil rights right of Pro Se Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II herein  Chief Defendant U.S. District Judge Patrick A. Conmy, and Co-Defendant(s) North Dakota et al collectively as a “Unit” physically Sentence Pro Se Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II herein and other similarly the same being 44.5 Million Nigger Slaves of August 20th 1619 already described herein to being “enslaved” from 2001 – when

“Mississippi” free pro se Plaintiff (Hamilton) in his actual person born into “Slavery Servitude” of defendant all conspiring Whites Supremacy” Klansmen Secret professional

Legal Attorneys and Judges skilled, with a conscious  having the full knowledge that 1865 Civil War was not over and all Negro Race are “property of “United States of America” et al and all “card-holders Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen et al as such Chief Defendant U.S. District Judge Patrick A. Conmy, and Co-Defendant(s) North Dakota et al collectively

So did for over (12) years physically assured enslavement of all (Negro) Race Plaintiff in and for the States of North Dakota, and “pro se” Negro race Plaintiff herein (Hamilton) in this additional “class action” civil rights suit fully provides and proof “Negro” have no ever standing in “White America” whom officially seal on

 Negro race to be denaturalizing of any claim citizenship rights as the “whites only so smart and special, pure polished and better race then “Adolf Hitler” while destroying all future Negro race “prosperity”  of among other civil issues denied amendments of a “Broken Constitution” the official

13th and 14th amendment which 2001 – 2016 always enforced official “Black Codes Laws”, Jim Crow Laws, and “Slavery Servitude” remaining enforce for this “pro se “ Negro race Plaintiff” since 2001 – 2016 as so did

U.S. District Judge “Zack Hawthorn” And The Honorable Ron Clark being official “Republican Bigotry and Hatred' Judicial Fraud upon the court in direct violation of, to commit to being Fraudulent upon the Federal Court in an official capacity to maintain

 “En-Slavery Servitude directed at a Race itself, being “all Negro Americans”, committed to fraud upon the court in direct violation of defendant (USA) own govern rules of Laws 18 U.S. Code § 242 - Deprivation of rights under color of law”

To maintain this 1865 – 2099 (RICO) “enslavement” of 44.5 million plus negro race abused slaves since august 20th 1619 Enterprise endeavor being in the professional legal capacity of Whites Supremacy, Para-Military Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen for the defendant (USA) Chief District Judge official at

The Jack Brooks Federal Building and. United States Courthouse; 300 Willow Street; Suite 221; Beaumont Texas, 77701

To wit:

Signed by Chief Defendant Judge Ron Clark on or about 3/7/12, legal government documentation to engaged in The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act (RICO) 18 U.S.C. § 1589 (forced labor), 18 U.S.C. § 1590 (trafficking with respect to peonage, slavery, involuntary servitude, or forced labor),“Slavery Servitude” money laundering statutes,

18 U.S.C. 1956 and 1957, “Slavery Servitude” money laundering statutes, RICO statute (18 U.S.C. § 1961(1), Chief Defendant Judge Ron Clark direct with intent and deliberate conscious did Prima Facial Tort committed to

Judicial Fraud and Obstruction of Justice, abuse of power, Judicial bias, and having a direct interest in the out-come of said Hamilton v. United States of America et al We have downloadable decisions or orders for this case Filed: December 15, 2010 as 1:2010cv00808

Plaintiff: Louis Charles Hamilton, II Defendant: United States of America, Andrew Johnson Cause Of Action: Racketeering (RICO) Act, Type: Other Statutes › Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Hamilton v. United States of America et al

Filed: March 9, 2011 as 1:2011cv00122 Defendant: United States of America, State Of Texas, Harris County Texas Plaintiff: Louis Charles Hamilton, II Cause Of Action: Civil Rights

Court: Fifth Circuit › Texas › Texas Eastern District Court Type: Other Statutes › Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations

As furtherance against claimed rights of Pro Se Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II herein  Chief Defendant Judge Ron Clark so did for 10 months and 6 days physically Sentence Pro Se Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II herein and other similarly the same being 44.5 Million Nigger Slaves of August 20th 1619 already described herein (Notwithstanding committed to grave robbery and or dead body snatching pro se (Hamilton) still in 2016 (December) MIA Dead Wife, being hidden from her Alive husband for burying services…?) as all of this

To be official continual “Nigger Slave Military Elite Naval SS Property” of Defendant “United States of America et al” Signed by Judge Ron Clark on 3/7/12.

However Slavery Servitude of (RICO) enterprise Defendant “United States of America et al end officially on or about when Mississippi, free said nigger(s) Slave (PLANTIFFS) herein exactly February 7th 2013, as which Signed by Judge Ron Clark on 3/7/12.

Maintaining Slavery Servitude of (RICO) enterprise scheme of things on behalf of Defendant “United States of America et al

Whom (RICO) money laundering end “Slavery Servitude” directed at (Nigger/Negro) Plaintiff(s) officially on or about when Mississippi, free said nigger(s) Slave (PLANTIFFS) et al herein exactly being free by “Law” of defendant (USA) February 7th 2013, as which

“Chief Defendant” The Honorable Ron Clark being official “Republican Bigotry and Hatred' in secured Immunity of Governmental Judicial Fraud, “Obstruction of Justice, conspire fully as a UNIT for “Whites Supremacy” over all “Nigger Slaves” herein to commit to being Fraudulent in an official capacity Chief Judge of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas since January 2015,

Now (RICO) enterprise Later into future 2016 undersigned sealed “Notary Date, being “Whites Supremacy RICO racket in “Slavery Servitude non-stop conversion scheme of things for “unjust enrichment, with “Third Party” defendant Federal Reserve Bank et al as described in U.S. Docket No. 4:16-CV-01774 well into December 2016 as

“Chief Defendant” The Honorable Ron Clark being official past, present and future protector of “Republican Bigotry and Hatred' , having Abuse of Power of defendant (USA) to committed Judicial Fraud, to cheat in excess of damages of (6) Trillion US Dollars in Just compensation for what was believed slavery was over

However this (RICO) racket was also to maintain Slavery Servitude well into 2099 after passage of 13th amendment and 14th amendment of a “Broken” defendant (USA) constitution Criminal intent to commit to being Fraudulent in an official capacity Chief Justice over a Federal Courthouse pimping, and looting Niggers Slaves and their taxes forevermore pursuant to Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857),

 “Official” “Nigger Slave Property” of Defendant “United States of America et al” Para-Military Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen 1000 Human Rights Violation further in direct violation of defendant own rules of governing laws pursuant to

18 U.S. Code § 1028 - Fraud and related activity in connection with identification documents, authentication features, and information

And pursuant to 18 U.S. Code § 1002 - Possession of false papers to defraud United States (RICO) Judicial Fraud US Case filed before their fraudulent “Slave Regime” defendant “United States of America” committed to the same as

“Legal Circumstances” of RICO Judicial Obstruction of Justice Fraud of the Defendant “United States of America” et al Judicial Branch of Government” past, present and future, being described as the same Slave Negro Pro Se Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II” United States of America Navy #2712 from “custody of Slavery servitude” of defendant (USA) on or about February 7th 2013 when Mississippi, officially free all 44.5 Million Negro Slaves including Chief Plaintiff “Pro Se Slave (Hamilton) appearance before the Honorable Court all cases filed:

1.         U.S. Docket No. 3:1999-CV-00011

2.         U.S. Docket No. 4:2011-CV-04420

3.         U. S. Docket No. 4: 1998-CV-00110

4.         U. S. Docket No. 2010-CV-02709

5.         U. S. Docket No. 2011-CV-00510

6.         U. S. Docket No. 2011-CV-04256

7.         U. S. Docket No. 2001-CV-00095

8.         U. S. Docket No. 2011-CV-00240

9.         U. S. Docket No. 2001-CV-00036

10.       U. S. Docket No. 2011-CV-00005

11.       U. S. Docket No.  2002-CV-00034

12.       U. S. Docket No. 2010-CV-02220

13.       U. S. Docket No. 2009-CV-00496

14.       U. S. Docket No. 2009-CV-07029

15.       U. S. Docket No. 2010-CV-00055

16.       U. S. Docket No.  2001-CV-00100

17.       U. S. Docket No. 2011-CV-00442

18.       U. S. Docket No. 2007-CV-01510

19.         U. S. Docket No. 2009-CV-00954

20.       U. S. Docket No.  2009-CV-00289

21.       U. S. Docket No.  2012-CV-01014

22.       U. S. Docket No.   1999-CV-00011

23.       U. S. Docket No.  2010-CV-00808

24.       U. S. Docket No.  2001-CV-00069

25.       U. S. Docket No.  2011-CV-00122

26.       U. S. Docket No. 2012-CV-00053

27.       U. S. Docket No. 2012-CV- 00038

28.       U. S. Docket No. 2012-CV-00977

Being “Official” declared, Affirmed, and hostile dispute a defendant (USA) own governing laws requires “Prima Facial Tort in Law, additional Federal Judge Signed at Houston Texas on or about October 9th 2012 Pro Se Slave Veteran “United States Navy #2712 Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II herein “Actually” born into “Slavery Servitude” on or about the direct birth on November 8th 1961 as

“One” David Hittner ‘United States District Judge” United States Southern District of Texas Federal Courthouse Houston Texas Division, engaged in The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act to continual Slavery Servitude ongoing in Texas on or about October 9th 2012 – February 7th 2013 for an additional 4 months and days counting later pursuant to the Civil War of 1865 passage of the 13th Amendment free said (Plaintiffs Slaves) collectively

When decision occurred in a (RICO) 148 years delinquent later defendant “United States of America et al” KKK “Mississippi Lynching Town USDA free Pro Se Slave Veteran “United States Navy #2712 Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II herein February 7th 2013 as claimed

David Hittner,  in 2012 preserved The 1890s: Black Codes Code for the State of Texas, approved August 26th, 1866, directed at the “enslaved Pro Se Plaintiff Hamilton II” herein as all allegation are not far fetch but official as stated in 2012 being a (RICO) shame in 2016 as Slavery did not officially ending until 2013 when

 Whites Only free Pro Se Plaintiff Hamilton and having 13th and 14th  amendments rights non-existed being “Enslaved” by The States of Texas and United States of America et al secret White Only Elite Society as claimed in original and Amend Complaint of this action, which sign on the 9th day of October 2012 by David Hittner, wrongfully in that Mississippi free said (Slave) Negro Plaintiff Hamilton on or about February 7th 2013 and as “Such” enslave Pro Se Hamilton having no constitutional rights of both “United States of America” et al and State of Texas et al,  

November 8th 1961 Birth Certificate  of Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton) II being filed into this action which under rules of common law, one cannot be Born into “Slavery Servitude” in 1961 while having 14th amendment privileges then free from “Slavery Servitude” 148 years later in 2013 after the passage of the

1865 Civil War establishment of equality for negro Race by the passage of 14th Amendment which is voided forever by United States of America Mississippi ratifying the (MIA) 13th amendment of the USA in 2013

As exhibit (A) dated October 9th 2012 by “David Hittner” United States of America District Judge engaging in In conscious disregards for Fiduciary Duties of an acting sitting Official impartial United States District Government Federal Judge

 Signed at Houston Texas on or about October 9th 2012 Pro Se Slave Veteran “United States Navy #2712 Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II herein “Actually” born into “Slavery Servitude” on or about the direct birth on November 8th 1961 as

“One” David Hittner ‘United States District Judge” United States Southern District of Texas Federal Courthouse Houston Texas Division, engaged in The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act to continual Slavery Servitude ongoing  directed at “pro se” Plaintiff (Hamilton) II in his person in Texas on or about October 9th 2012 – February 7th 2013 for an additional 4 months and days counting later legally “Enslavement” pursuant to the Civil War of 1865 passage of the missing 13th Amendment never freeing  said (Plaintiffs Slaves) collectively

Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN), herein reincorporates all and files a Notice of Motion to Strike: 

Hamilton v. United States Of America et al

Filed: April 4, 2016 as 4:2016-CV- 00964

Plaintiff: Louis Charles Hamilton, II

Defendant: United States Of America, State Of Texas, Harris County Texas, City of Houston Texas, Annise Parker, Chief of Houston Police Department, Law Office of Harry C Arthur, Marine Building LLC, AA Quick Bond, Mike Cox's Bail SVC, Lacey's Deli, Jonathan A Gluckman, Wayne Heller,

The Ring Investigations Mark Thering, The Ring Investigations Kandy Villarreal, Mark Thering, Darrel Jordon, Daniel Perez-Garcia, Marquerite Hudig, Carl D Haggard, F.M. Poppy Northcut, Sandra Martinez and Allen J Guidry

with accompanying Motion to Vacate and invalidate this fraudulent

Public Record RICO Judgement, Notice requesting “Oral Arguments” and official certified records of Mississippi 13th Amendment being ratified on February 7th 2013 freeing the Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II filed into this Civil Action., accompany motion to Strike US Constitution from this Civil Action, The Constitution of the States of Texas as so enter 4:2016cv00964                    

Pro Se Plaintiff Slave Awarded all Judgment and expedited Order freezing all assets of defendant(s): Law Office of Harry C Arthur, Marine Building LLC, AA Quick Bond, Mike Cox's Bail SVC, Lacey's Deli, Jonathan A Gluckman, Wayne Heller,

The Ring Investigations Mark Thering, The Ring Investigations Kandy Villarreal, Mark Thering, Darrel Jordon, Daniel Perez-Garcia, Marquerite Hudig, Carl D Haggard, F.M. Poppy Northcut, Sandra Martinez and Allen J Guidry

Respectfully “Affirm”, “State” and fully 1000% “Declare” all absolute “Just” “Fair” and required relief in

 “Law and Equity” being before the Lord “As of the undersigned “Sealed Date” To maintaining Slavery Servitude direct at the Pro Se Slave Plaintiff (Hamilton) in his person and all other similarly the same, Negro Race with “Defendant” United States of America et al”

 U.S. District Judge David Hittner enforcing both “Slavery Servitude and “State of Texas” 1890s Black Codes as being complained of

As so being Official on or about “October 9th 2012 direct at Pro Se Slave Plaintiff (Hamilton) in his person

“Exhibit (A) filed herein support

Pro Se Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II USN #2712 SS as described in exhibit (C) declared on this 11th day of August 2016 signed by “Melinda Sue Harmon”,

 United States of America Federal Judge as stated as follows: “The Complaint and other filings appear to seek an injunction barring “any further DNA Negro race from any other country of origin having entrances into the “Sovereign Nation of United States of America, or except of be a party thereof the US Immigration Services-US Citizenship & Green Card [sic]”

And from having the same Denaturalization Non-Citizenship Slave Negro Status same all ‘Negro American Verans Plaintiffs Legally Affirmed [sic].” #1 at pp. 1 and 3 declared on this 11th day of August 2016 signed by “Melinda Sue Harmon”, whom the same Chief Defendant in the same exhibit (C) declared on this 11th day of August 2016 signed by “Melinda Sue Harmon”, United States of America Federal Judge as stated as follows:

“The Court has liberally construed Plaintiff’s pleading with appropriate deference, but concludes the claims should be dismissed as frivolous.

The allegation are irrational, incomprehensible, and lacking an arguable basis in law, apparently claiming that Plaintiffs are literally enslaved African American Veterans even though slavery was abolished in this country by the Thirteenth Amendment of the Constitution. Accordingly, the court “Orders that this case is dismissed pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1915 € (2) (B) (1)

As official 1960’s forevermore Card Holder Knights of the Klu Klux Klansmen Melinda Sue Furche of Port Arthur Texas (77640) declining in mental ability severe enough to interfere with daily life as acting 2016 U.S. District Judge Melinda Sue (Furche) Harmon, in maintain her role in without a doubt in law and equity 100% Guilt as Charge Judicial Fraud and Obstruction of Justice, abuse of power, Judicial bias, and having a direct interest in the out-come of said

 “Whites Supremacy” controlling RICO action, fraudulent concealment of ongoing Enslavement against the claimed just judicial fiber directed at the defendant (USA) own rules of governing Laws controlled by the destroyed

Title 18, U.S.C., Section 242 Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law ... Title 18, U.S.C., Section 1001 Fraud and False Statements; forever in favor of all defendant United States of America et al “Federal Republican” destroyed rights of the Immigration Status of all precisely 124 years till January 2016 all Immigrants first enter “Ellis Island Immigration Station” and other “Immigration Station” within defendant

The United States of American being “Negro” DNA race, fully deprive of the rights and privileges of citizenship in a continual (RICO) scheme of “Slavery Servitude, Denaturalization for “Unjust Enrichments” of being unknown to their best legal interest a party to said “Slave Regime” from 1892 – 2013 official Enslaved Immigrants a party of continual Slavery Servitude against the Plaintiff well into 2016 (December) with destroyed

14th Amendment citizenship status as Defendant “United States of America et al Chief Defendant U. S. District Judge Charles R. Norgle, Sr., and also Identified as (Slaves Plaintiffs) Expert Witness on Slavery 101 as exhibit Chief Defendant U. S. District Judge Charles R. Norgle, Sr.,

A federal judge July 7, 2005 with direct (RICO) intent having a direct interest in the out-come of said  “Whites Supremacy” controlling RICO action, fraudulent concealment of ongoing Enslavement against the claimed just judicial fiber directed at the defendant (USA) own rules of governing Laws controlled by the destroyed

Title 18, U.S.C., Section 242 Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law ... Title 18, U.S.C., Section 1001 Fraud and False Statements; served a blow to the modern slavery reparations movement by tossing out a lawsuit asking corporations that reaped profits from slave labor to pay up,

In a 104-page opinion, Chief Defendant U.S. District Judge Charles R. Norgle said slavery has caused "tremendous suffering and ineliminable scars," but an attempt by slave descendants to seek reparations "more than a century after the end of the Civil War and the formal abolition of slavery fails."

Chief Defendant U.S. District Judge Charles R Norgle's decision, the second legal defeat since last year, slams the door on the case in District Court. Plaintiffs can appeal to the U.S. Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals. The lawsuit, filed in 2002, sought to hold 17 corporations -- including JP Morgan Chase, R.J. Reynolds Tobacco and Loews, among others -- liable for benefits reaped from slave labor during the pre- and post-Civil War era.

Lionel Jean-Baptiste, local lead counsel to the plaintiffs, said he was bitterly disappointed and promised an appeal,

"This is only the beginning for African-American descendants of laves who for 200 years had been forced to give their lives, their labor, their children, their culture, their religion and their traditions," Jean-Baptiste said. "There will not be any slowing down of the efforts to get these corporations to pay back what they have amassed on the backs of millions of Africans."

Lawsuit too late

 But Norgle said plaintiffs in the case had to prove they were personally injured by slavery, adding that a genealogical tie to slaves is not enough to show that injury. He also ruled the lawsuit was brought too late and, citing long-standing legal doctrine Chief Defendant U.S. District Judge Charles R Norgle argued that a decision over reparations isn't proper for the courts. It's an issue that should be decided by the president or Congress, he said,

"Claims asserting harms against groups of long-dead victims, perpetrated by groups of long-dead wrongdoers, are particularly difficult to bring in modern American courts of law," he wrote.

Chief Defendant U.S. District Judge Charles R Norgle said the plaintiffs failed to show that they had experienced any "concrete and particular" suffering that wasn't true of African Americans in general. He also said those suing failed to allege any conduct by the 17 defendants that personally affected any of the plaintiffs.

'Plaintiffs offer unsupported conclusions'

Excerpts from Chief Defendant Judge Charles R. Norgle Sr.'s 104-page opinion:

"It is undisputed that Congress has taken the initiative to deal with issues arising from the slave trade in the decades after the Civil War. Congress has considered and rejected Representative Conyers' calls for the establishment of a commission to study the effects of slavery. . . . This district court will therefore not substitute its judgment for that of Congress on the matter of slave reparations."

"Reparations are justified, advocates argue, on several grounds . . . however, there are a number of cogent arguments against reparations, including the arguments that present day Americans are not morally or legally liable for historical injustices, that the debt to African Americans has already been paid, and that reparations talk is divisive, immersing African Americans in a culture of victimhood."

"Courts of law . . . are constrained by judicial doctrine and precedent. . . . For that reason, advocates of slave reparations may resolve to bring their concerns and demands to the legislative and executive branches of government.

"Plaintiffs face insurmountable problems in establishing that they have suffered concrete . . . individualized harms at the hands of defendants."

"Plaintiffs offer unsupported conclusions wrapped in legally significant terms, such as 'intentional misrepresentation' and 'unjust enrichment,' which are insufficient to establish standing."

"Plaintiffs cannot establish a personal injury sufficient to confer standing by merely alleging some genealogical relationship to African Americans held in slavery over one-hundred, two-hundred, or three-hundred years ago."

“Pro Se Plaintiff requesting service of said legal summon and official complaint filed herein with document(s) exhibits(s) as required by law, served upon the each chief defendant, listed above as they are without a doubt in law and equity 100% Guilt as Charge, a party of continual Slavery Servitude, Black Codes Laws, Jim Crow Laws,

 Denied Legal Citizenship, Monetary Fraud to deprive Slaves Plaintiff of Just Compensation in direct enslavement damages since each and every Birth until 13th amendment of defendant constitution was DOA and laid to rest on the 7th Day of February upon legal ratification as required by defendant own rules of governing laws of “Slavery Servitude” as described in attached exhibit (B) dated 11th day of August 2016 describing 13th amendment abolished against the peace, will, dignity, well- being prosperity, equality as the same as “White Only America, officially effecting  the

Slave Pro Se Plaintiff in his person and his entire DNA Negro family described in all legal Court filing 2010 well into 2016 (December) Plaintiffs, as described… not a “allegation are irrational, incomprehensible, material factual status of ongoing “Slavery Servitude” and Black Codes Law” Law in 2 US Case Law Hamilton v United States of America 2011 Class Actions all to be Republican Slave Trade

when factual “Melinda Sue Furche Whites Only” High school Denton County, Texas, United States forevermore Card Holder Knights of the Klu Klux Klansmen attacking Niggers of the 1960’s – 1978 of Port Arthur Texas (77640) past activities directed at Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton) in his person from 1960s among many other Negro Races such Legal expert Law Degree in mental ability severe enough against Title 18, U.S.C., Section 242 Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law ...

Title 18, U.S.C., Section 1001 Fraud and False Statements; forever in favor of all defendant United States of America et al  to (RICO) Whites Supremacy now being unbiased  interfere with daily life as acting 2016 U.S. District Judge Melinda Sue (Furche) Harmon,

Now legally further defendants collective U.S. Justices and Defendant United States of America UNIT criminal (RICO) Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law official insider SEC Secured on absolute Immunity for whites only from being prosecuted in this complex Judicial Insider Slave Trade Regime affairs in the Defendant

 (Rouge) Hostile Republican Bigotry Race Hate Crime Judicial Government department heads in charge with criminal intent in their own person acting under color of law directed wrongfully with intent and legal deliberation at 44.5 Million Slave Plaintiffs and DNA Negro Immigrants as stated legally being declared affirmed as further complaint as follows,

Affirm, State and fully declare all allegation, contention, disputes, disputation, argument, conflict and disharmony, fully furtherance’s

District of Columbia Chief Defendant Federal Judge James E. “Jeb” Boasberg, being official committed to ongoing Judicial Fraud, to commit to being Fraudulent in an official capacity to maintain non-citizenship status for 44.5 Million enslaved Negro Plaintiffs from the exact time frame of august 20th 1619 – February 7th 2013 being in direct violation of Defendant (USA) own rules of governing laws namely

Title 18, U.S.C., Section 242 Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law ... Title 18, U.S.C., Section 1001 Fraud and False Statements; forever in favor of all defendant United States of America et al, another Hostile Whites Supremacy Republican Justices Committed to the Needs of His “Political Party v. 44.5 Million denaturalization Negro Slaves by the Destroyed 14th amendment of defendant USA own occurred to maintain unjust enrichments past 1865 Civil War”, well into 2013 no less, as each White Republican Justice seem to always get the case concerning “Slavery” or have another recusal completed in order that any Civil Rights violation concerning the missing 13th and 14th amendment being “Cover up, Obscured, and Criminal destroyed in false material facts produce in each legal sign report for dismissal, being Quote” Frivolous

“Not having any serious purpose or value, lacking any serious purpose 44.5 Million Missing Negro Plaintiff Missing legal citizenship and tricked to be “Born” enslaved, being dismissed by the (Whites Supremacy) whom caused this Cause of actions as Negro Plaintiffs Slave Claimed American Civil Just rights silly, foolish, superficial, shallow and 1000% Republican Judicial Branch of Government control frivolous, empty-headed person, whom is a

Nation Security Naval Special Counter Terrorism Secret Service “Strike Team Leader”  for “President Ronald Regan” 1981 – 2099

Now criminally (RICO) denied all claimed civil rights by defendant (USA) et al and their whites only Justice ruling for being denounced as a Human person or even existences since this wrongful declared death notice of (Slave Plaintiff Hamilton) Pro Se in his Person officially (Murder off) “But in 2016 undersigned notary seal date “Alive” but dead no less to keep a continual defendant (USA) government “cover up” of 2 stolen minor children being natural daughter(s)

 Chandra D. Hamilton Born Dec 27th 1990 and Natasha C Hamilton Born Dec 30th 1991 in (Utah) fully still (MIA) and killed off legally commence 2010 – 2016 repeatedly fraud and straight Judicial Biased strong armed in the (MIA) Natural Minor Daughters, their Missing Mother (Rachel) Hamilton Dead Body and now in 2016 a Dead official UTAH (Alive) Slave …?  And entire Missing family and dead wife who human DOA ID remain are at large since time of pronounced death to Salt Lake City (Police) back in 1994…? As Chief Defendant

U.S. District Chief Judge Ron Clark

U.S. District Judge David Hittner

U.S. District Judge James E. “Jeb” Boasberg

U.S. District Judge Keith F. Giblin

U.S. District Judge Melinda Sue (Furche) Harmon

U.S. District Judge Alfred H. Bennett

U.S. District Judge” Vanessa D. Gilmore

Having ever no just standards in law or equity simple rouge dogs “Judicial Government Slave Master” above the law panel of (Hostile Judicial ungodly Biased Corrupted Dogs)

Add the New (Factor) With the 2016 attempted “Wrongful Death” attempt of (Pro Se) Plaintiff Slave Hamilton by Para-Military on speed dial (ISIS) planting massive load of (Explosive) at the Houston Texas Library resulting now in a National Security NSA/CIA 50 signatures “Lethal Finding” request for “Donald John Trump Sr. as described in attached exhibit (I) herein Media Posting to “Speaker of the House” Paul Ryan, to obtain (50) NSA/CIA Directors heads special expedited finding report on (Trump) with

Judicial scandal in a nature surrounding right out (KKK) Judicial Republican RICO Obstruction of Justice stiff arm by a Controlling Republican Judicial (party) to put not only the Life of the Pro Se Slave (Hamilton) at continual harm’s way being the same as (MLK Jr.) who discovery he too, being enslaved by Defendant “United States of America et al” in 1960’s resulting in his

Wrongful death by assassination to never be rightfully heard or having actual freedom same as this Crude Whites Only unhuman Pirates Klansmen society in a not for Negro Race Federal Court of Law, providing Defendant United States of America, never had any concern for a Negro DNA Slave Race other that Slavery for unjust enrichment since august 20th 1619 Whites only Prosperity and

Criminal RICO Slave Trade Profit, to now this report being served as 44.5 Million Negro Just rights for a NSA investigation before “President of The United States of America “Commander in Chief  into a possible “Lethal Finding” report to the Commander in Chief of United States of America duty to ensure National Security for all (American) which includes

44.5 Million no citizenship, still abused by White Only Society in a non-stop 1865 Civil War Violation said “Slaves Plaintiffs’ collectively herein

a NSA investigation into a possible “Lethal Finding” for still being held 44.5 Million non-citizenship hostages, by all Para-Military Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen Judicial Republican branch of government (Justices) completely loss in one self-absorbed safety from Military Formal (Execution) being “Whites Only” in one on denial of their criminal continual “Slave Trade actions of the old ways of their claimed just whites only

 “Finding Fathers” of a Slave Trade of a Country being stolen from the “Natives American” in the first (dam) place, as this all done in the capacity of a Fiduciary duties for the Defendant (USA) , sovereignty to  maintain continual institute RICO unjust enrichment , wrongful loss of human life of the just DNA Negro Slaves by defendant the federal judge whom is a federal judicial officer, paid by the defendant

(USA) federal government to act impartially and lawfully on behalf of The Slave race too, not Just Whites Only as being reject by the " State of Texas 1890s Black Codes August 26th, 1866 – 2016 (December)  as  Notice of Motion to "Strike Before “United States Magistrate Judge Frances H Stacy” officially filed and never even heard just Judicial Fraud of the entire U.S. Docket No. 4:2016-CV-0135 in all rights of a captured abused Military enslave Naval Veteran ,  of the defendant (USA) herein notwithstanding Chief Defendant 1-7 below

U.S. District Chief Judge Ron Clark

U.S. District Judge David Hittner

U.S. District Judge James E. “Jeb” Boasberg

U.S. District Judge Keith F. Giblin

U.S. District Judge Melinda Sue (Furche) Harmon

U.S. District Judge Alfred H. Bennett

U.S. District Judge” Vanessa D. Gilmore

fully aware in Court filing since 2010 – 2016 of the Missing Dead Body of The Pro Se Slave Plaintiff “White Wife” Rachel Ann Hamilton, whom was ID to the Salt Lake City Police dept. by her (Husband) Pro Se Plaintiff Hamilton being officially a Dead wife and then body gone, and bury under an assumed name of (Walker) other that her rightful marriage, However as claimed “The Allegations are irrational…?

 Incomprehensible, and lacking an arguable basis in law being Enslaved since birth and DEAD Wife Body Missing and two Daughter Abducted

And the rights to bury one on deceased destroyed by all grave robbery defendant being United States of America et al (UTAH) and the Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saints

Notwithstanding the strange legal 2016 discovery being Morbid declared officially since 1994 (DOA) as in Dead, No Life, as in on or about 1994 (May) Pro Se Slave Plaintiff (Hamilton) in his person officially 

“Legally Declared Dead” within defendant “United States of America” UTAH” in a wrongful death of Slave Negro Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton) surrounding the criminal

abduction of 2 minor natural children ages 4 and 5  to keep hidden in State Records and Child Support accompany further cause of action for  religious prosecution of Pro Se Slave Negro Plaintiff a Catholic  in 1994 at the Hands of the Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saints, to be declared “legally Dead” all being Voided by Judicial Federal Whites Only Justices against defendant (USA) own rules of governing laws Title 18, U.S.C., Section 242 Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law ... and

Title 18, U.S.C., Section 1001 Fraud and False Statements; forever in favor of all defendant United States of America et al (RICO) Whites Supremacy (only) to which the circumstances were switched a Negro Killing off an entire family would not even get a Fair Trial, Just a (KKK) Whites Only Hostile Criminal “Mob” to commence a “Lynching” with a Judge standing

 full conscious knowledge and professional legal expert fiduciary responsibility that The 13th amendment to the “United States of America” was destroyed, annihilate, wipe out, and fully obliterate, fully in law and equity” official in leaving (Pro Se Plaintiff), in 2016

The first Presidential Negro Family (Obama) and 44.5 Million Negros legally born between the exact dates of August 20th 1619 - February 7th 2013 “Slaves of The United States of America”, as so legally Born unto “Slavery Servitude”

And having no 14th Amendment rights at the same time being tricked by the Justices since 2010 into never even being heard before a court, as proof “Negro” have no standing to sue a “White Man” or a “Slave Regime” controlling the life of a Negro Slave still captured since 1865 passage of the Civil War declaring a 13th Amendment freedom ratified on or about 148 years later before The Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen Chief Defendant Judge Charles R. Norgle Sr. Justice provision of public record:

'Plaintiffs offer unsupported conclusions'

Excerpts from Chief Defendant Judge Charles R. Norgle Sr.'s 104-page opinion:

"Courts of law . . . are constrained by judicial doctrine and precedent. . . . For that reason, advocates of slave reparations may resolve to bring their concerns and demands to the legislative and executive branches of government.

"Plaintiffs face insurmountable problems in establishing that they have suffered concrete . . . individualized harms at the hands of defendants."

"Plaintiffs offer unsupported conclusions wrapped in legally significant terms, such as 'intentional misrepresentation' and 'unjust enrichment,' which are insufficient to establish standing."

Pro Se Slave Louis Charles Hamilton II United States Navy (Secret Service) to the President of Defendant United States of America “Conclusions’ in that the Judicial Branch of Government do not exist a very criminal gang of White Supremacy Para-Military Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen officially Guardian of the main reasoning, controlling human legal entity in continual securing his “Slave Master Property Ownership and

 Conqueror over “Property Rights”, of Namely 44.5 Millions of Negro Plaintiffs Slaves herein August 20th 1619 – 2016 (December)forevermore (Plaintiffs) collectively being forced “Slavery Servitude Subjects”, substandard and not of equal value same as the “Alturas fine polish supreme white pure and pristine pursuant to

(Defendant) United States of America et al pursuant to Defendant (USA)

official The Naturalization Act of 1790 Passed into law less than one year after the Constitution came into effect, stating:

The Naturalization Act of 1790 stipulated that only “free whites” could become citizens of the United States (Defendant)

US Constitution specifies that the US will value people of color at a mere fraction of the value of its white male citizens, in a nature official 1000% slave owner(s) of Plantations, industries, business, companies, corporations, shipping, raw materials, rail roads,

Main infrastructure power grid, agency, private/public social infrastructure jointly from exploitation of said Free Force “Slave Labor” enterprise for “Unjust enrichment” 1619 - December 30th 2016 collectively being 1000% legally Admitted Defendant United States of America Pursuant to (FRCP) The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) Rule 36. Requests for Admission govern civil procedure (i.e. for civil lawsuits) in United States district (federal) courts Defendant(s) herein each say ye did not,

To Wit:

Chief Defendant Judge Charles R. Norgle Sr.'s on or about the exact day of framing “Infamous” Slave Trade” Naturalization Act of 1790 stipulated that only “free whites” could become citizens of the United States (Defendant) the “Professional, Profound, Need a Team of Whites Only” Republican Fore Grandfathers  Slave Trade 1619 Klansmen Lawyer to understand this (Race Hate RICO Trash)

Official 104-page opinion:

"Courts of law . . . are constrained by judicial doctrine and precedent. . . . For that reason, advocates of slave reparations may resolve to bring their concerns and demands to the legislative and executive branches of government.

"Plaintiffs face insurmountable problems in establishing that they have suffered concrete . . . individualized harms at the hands of defendants."

"Plaintiffs offer unsupported conclusions wrapped in legally significant terms, such as 'intentional misrepresentation' and 'unjust enrichment,' which are insufficient to establish standing."


Chief Defendant Charles Ronald Norgle Sr. (born March 7, 1937) is a United States federal judge, Born in Chicago, Illinois, Norgle received a B.B.A. from Northwestern University in 1964 and a J.D. from John Marshall Law School in 1969. He was an assistant state's attorney of DuPage County, Illinois from 1969 to 1971, and was then a deputy public defender for DuPage County from 1971 to 1973.

Whom became an associate judge for DuPage County in 1973, and then a circuit judge from 1977 to 1978, again serving as an associate judge from 1978 to 1981, and as a circuit judge from 1981 to 1984,

On September 10, 1984, Norgle was nominated by President Ronald Reagan to a new seat on the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois created by 98 Stat. 333.

Chief Defendant Charles Ronald Norgle Sr.  was confirmed by the United States Senate on October 3, 1984, and received his commission on October 4, 1984, with all this “Legal” expert back ground in “Law”, said Chief Defendant Charles Ronald Norgle Sr.  whom was officially confirmed by the defendant United States Senate on October 3, 1984,

However with “premeditated” violation of defendant “own” rules of governing laws namely 18 U.S. Code § 249 - Hate crime acts Directed at herein the 44th President of The United States of America and acting Commander in Chief  and his Family all Plaintiffs Slaves DNA (Negro) race   

As the criminal Chief Defendant Charles Ronald Norgle Sr. the knowing the exact difference in the amount of time that has passed between slavery and the historical wrongs the 13th amendment not being ratified by Mississippi in 2004 being enormous legal consequences, for said experts defendant republican Congress in related law

Most importantly, because slavery never ended in defendant “America” as falsely provided material facts in this Official 104-page opinion, which said deliberation’s commenced in 2004 yet the “Court” RICO bogus falsehood claims to dismiss a Slavery action led to believe in Whites Only” legal propaganda over a century ago, therefore the Official 104-page opinion

Fraudulent legal document was a Nine Years Enslavement  sentencing for all 44.5 Million past former DNA slaves of descendant President  (Obama) entire family to serve as “present future” alive legal Bound official negro DNA slaves plaintiffs in 2004 – 2013 which the Mississippi free said - Hate crime acts Directed at herein the 44th President of The United States of America and acting Commander in Chief  and his (Obama) Family all Plaintiffs Slaves DNA (Negro) race which Precisely in 2004

Exhibit (D) Barack Hussein (Water-Head)Obama II Born into “Slavery Servitude” on or about the exact day of August 4, 1961 (age 55), in Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children, Honolulu, HI  (Nice Day), already being “Enslaved” by defendant “United States of America” et al for 43 years already being RICO secretly “Enslavement” by United States of America since direct “birth”, yet criminal Chief Defendant Charles Ronald Norgle Sr. the knowing the exact difference in the amount of precise legal time that has passed between slavery and the historical wrongs the 13th amendment not being ratified by Mississippi in 2004 protected all (5) running current Prison sentencing

RICO criminal human rights violations acts”, of Chief Defendant (United States of America) whites only in 2004

1.         “Slavery Servitude August 20th 1619, -  2013

2.         Slave Trade” Naturalization Act of 1790 stipulated that only “free whites” could become citizens of the United States (Defendant) – 2013

3.         Vagrancy Act of 1866,  - 2013

4.         State of Texas 1890s Black Codes August 26th, 1866 – 2013,

5.         and “Jim Crow Laws”, - 2013

in a single court case directed at exhibit (D) attached herein the 44th President of The United States of America and acting Commander in Chief  and his (Obama) Family all Plaintiffs Slaves DNA (Negro) race which Precisely in 2004 – 2013 when “Mississippi” free herein the 44th President of The United States of America and acting

 Commander in Chief  and his (Obama) Family from “enslavement” criminal Chief Defendant Charles Ronald Norgle Sr. herein 2004 official deliberation and conscious fore hand knowledge in a “Legal Law” capacity 100%  knowing the exact difference in the amount of precise legal time that has passed between slavery and the

Historical wrongs the 13th amendment not being ratified by Mississippi Charles Ronald Norgle Sr. herein 2004 required to frame a responsive pleading to said civil action to ensure “Enslavement” of exhibit (D) for Nine (9) More Years, no citizenship status of the defendant 14th amendment of (USA) Constitution due in large parts of being still

 “Enslavement” of (Obama) Negro DNA Race, in 2004  as already described in 2010 – 2016 before each, Justice listed below  as the records so do indicate Hamilton v. United States of America et al (Slave Trade) Dynasty August 20th 1619 – 2099)

U.S. District Chief Judge Ron Clark

U.S. District Judge David Hittner

U.S. District Judge James E. “Jeb” Boasberg

U.S. District Judge Keith F. Giblin

U.S. District Judge Melinda Sue (Furche) Harmon

U.S. District Judge Alfred H. Bennett

U.S. District Judge” Vanessa D. Gilmore

All persevering Fraudulent Enslavement Material facts direct at exhibit (D)

 Thee President Barack Hussein (Water-Head) Obama II Born into “Slavery Servitude” on or about the exact day of August 4, 1961 (age 55), in Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children, Honolulu, HI (Nice Day),

However, only 3 months later for it is written first part “truth or consequences” before “Legal World Court Justices” …

            (Genesis 1:1–2:3) Elohim, the Hebrew generic word for God, creates the heaven and the earth in six days, starting with darkness and light on the first day, and ending with the creation of mankind on the sixth day,

God then rests on, blesses and sanctifies the seventh day,

God, creates the eight day, of November 1961 in USC General Hospital Boyle Heights Los Angeles California it was a It was a really windy cold day to fly but somebody had to delivery another

 “Water-Head” Baby unto God Creation Thee “Louis Charles Hamilton II” namely “Cmdr. Bluefin” UNS # 2712 SS...”Protector of Earth herein”…

Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II USN SS # 2712 Pro Se Plaintiff, and “44.5 Million Negro Plaintiffs Slaves et al”

Further appearances Affirm, State and fully declare all allegation, contention, disputes, disputation, argument, conflict and disharmony, fully furtherance’s cause of action as follows:

The Illegal insurance of “Enslavement Treason” of President Barack Hussein (Water-Head) Obama II Born into “Slavery Servitude” on or about the exact day of August 4, 1961 (age 55), in Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children, Honolulu, HI in direct violation of 18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(2)(J), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)

And further in direct violation of The Illegal insurance of “Enslavement Treason” of President Barack Hussein (Water-Head) Obama II Born into “Slavery Servitude”

18 U.S.C. § 1589 (forced labor), 18 U.S.C. § 1590 (trafficking with respect to peonage, slavery, involuntary servitude, or forced labor), for each and every Negro race (Plaintiffs) Slaves herein officially residing under non-stop Enslavement August 20th 1619 – 2013 when “Mississippi” being the defendant “United States of America” did free (Plaintiffs) but “However” as stated and now with direct supported exhibit(s)

“Elementary” legally put before the “NSA”, CIA, Mr. President Obama, Vice President, Naval Admirals and War Generals, and “Madam President Clinton”, and as understood Donald John Trump Sr., allowed in NSA Security Briefing Oddly”, concerning himself, and his direct criminal action(s) direct at the defendant (USA), but as present,..

 You’re Donald John Trump Sr. Knights of the “Klu Klux Klansmen” card holder 1865 – 2016 (December) Dynasty and “Whites Supremacy U.S. District Chief Judge Ron Clark committed to Treason of a United States of America President, with U.S. District Judge Keith F. Giblin “Conspire to commit to the same treason in direct violation of 18 U.S. Code § 2381 – Treason

To wit: Chief Defendant Chief Judge Ron Clark, District Judge Charles Ronald Norgle Sr. U.S Appeal Chief Judge Frank Hoover Easterbrook

U.S Appeal Circuit Judge Richard Allen Posner

U.S Appeal Circuit Senior Judge Daniel Anthony Manion conspire (RICO) enterprising Rouge Justice fully legal with a duty of fiduciary required ability refrain from Fraud upon the court officially being the criminal fraud committed to fraud by officers of the court in a nature of (RICO) 18 U.S. Code § 1031 - Major fraud against the United States, 18 U.S. Code Chapter 47 - FRAUD AND FALSE STATEMENTS as

 Chief Judge Ron Clark committed to insurance of “Enslavement Treason” of a United States of America President, with U.S. District Judge Keith F. Giblin “Conspire to commit to the same treason or on about in direct violation of 18 U.S. Code § 2381 – Treason knowing the exact time line difference in the precise legal time that has passed between slavery and the historical wrongs the 13th amendment not being ratified by Mississippi in 2004 protected all (5) running current Prison sentencing

RICO criminal human rights violations acts”, of Chief Defendant (United States of America) whites only in 2004

“Slavery Servitude August 20th 1619, -  2013

 Slave Trade” Naturalization Act of 1790 stipulated that only “free whites” could become citizens of the United States (Defendant) – 2013

 Vagrancy Act of 1866,  - 2013

State of Texas 1890s Black Codes August 26th, 1866 – 2013,

And “Jim Crow Laws”, - 2013

in a single court case directed at exhibit (D) attached herein the 44th President of The United States of America and acting Commander in Chief  and his (Obama) Family all Plaintiffs Slaves DNA (Negro) race which Precisely in:

Hamilton v. United States of America et al We have downloadable decisions or orders for this case

Filed: December 15, 2010 as 1:2010cv00808

Plaintiff: Louis Charles Hamilton, II

Defendant: United States of America, Andrew Johnson

Cause of Action: Racketeering (RICO) Act

Court: Fifth Circuit › Texas › Texas Eastern District Court

Type: Other Statutes › Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations

Hamilton v. United States of America et al

Filed: March 9, 2011 as 1:2011cv00122

Defendant: United States of America, State Of Texas, Harris County Texas

Plaintiff: Louis Charles Hamilton, II Cause Of Action: Civil Rights

Court: Fifth Circuit › Texas › Texas Eastern District Court

Type: Other Statutes › Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations


                        BARACK OBAMA TIMELINE OF EVENTS

                        August 20th 1619 – descendant DNA

“Enslaved Negro Plaintiffs Exhibit D” 1961 -  Barack Obama was born into “Slaver Servitude” of the Defendant United States of America on August 4, in Honolulu, Hawaii. (Nice Day) : )

1962 Cuban Missile Crisis 1963 November 22, President John F. Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas, Texas.  Civil Rights Leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivers his "I Have A Dream" speech.  Vice President Lyndon Baines Johnson assumes the Presidency upon Kennedy's death.

1964 Enslave Obama's parents, Stanley Dunham and Barack Obama S.R. get divorced.  Twenty-fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is ratified.  The Civil Rights Act is passed. (Mississippi still has Slavery till 2013)

1967 Enslave Obama's mother gets remarried to Lolo Soetoro. The family moves out of the country to Indonesia.

1968 Democratic Senator Robert F. Kennedy is assassinated while campaigning for President of the United States.

 1969 Richard Nixon becomes the 37th President of the United States.  Astronaut Niel Armstrong walks on the moon.

1970 Obama's sister Maya is born on August 15.  December 2, The Environmental Protection Agency (EPS) is established.

 1971 Obama's family back to Hawaii.

1973 The War with Vietnam ends.

1974 Richard Nixon becomes the first President in history to resign from the Presidency.  Gerald Ford becomes the first Vice President to become President not elected to either high office by the people.

1977 Jimmy Carter becomes President of the United States.

1979 Iran hostage crisis.

1981 Governor Ronald Reagan becomes the Fortieth President of the United States  President Ronald Reagan survives an assassination attempt by John Hinkley Jr.

1982 Obama's father dies in a car crash in Kenya.

1983 Obama graduates from Columbia University.

1985 Obama moves to Chicago, Illinois.

1986 Iran Contra Scandal  Space Shuttle Challenger tragedy

1989 George H. W. Bush becomes the forty-first President of the United States.

 1991 Obama graduates from Harvard Law School.  Gulf War.

 1992 Obama marries Michelle Robinson on October 18. 1993 Governor Bill Clinton is elected the forty-second President of the United States.

1994 Republican "Contract with America" lead by Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich.

 1995 Obama's mother dies from cancer.  Oklahoma City bombing.

1996 Comprehensive welfare reform is past as part of the republican contract with america and signed by President Bill Clinton.  Obama is elected to the Illinois State Senate on the Democratic Ticket.

1998 Re-elected to the Illinois State Senate.  Bill Clinton becomes the second President in U.S. history impeached

1999 Obama's daughter Malia is born. 2001 Daughter Sasha is born.  Governor George Walker Bush becomes the forty-third President of the United States.  September 11, Terrorist attacks on the United States.

 2003 March 19, President George W. Bush declares war with Iraq. 2004 Barack Obama is elected to the United States Senate.

2004 'Plaintiffs offer unsupported conclusions'

Excerpts from Chief Defendant Judge Charles R. Norgle Sr.'s 104-page opinion:

"Courts of law . . . are constrained by judicial doctrine and precedent. . . . For that reason, advocates of slave reparations may resolve to bring their concerns and demands to the legislative and executive branches of government

"Plaintiffs face insurmountable problems in establishing that they have suffered concrete . . . individualized harms at the hands of defendants."

"Plaintiffs offer unsupported conclusions wrapped in legally significant terms, such as 'intentional misrepresentation' and 'unjust enrichment,' which are insufficient to establish standing."

 2005 Obama publishes "Dreams From My Father" Hurricane Katrina devastation of the Gulf Coast.

 2006 Obama publishes "The Audacity of Hope".

 2008 Obama clinches the Democratic Presidential nomination, beating out former front runner Hillary Rodham Clinton.  Barack Obama is elected the 44th President of the United States.

2009 Barack Obama is inaugurated on January 20.

 On February 17, Obama signs the $787 billion Economic Stimulus Bill into Law. Not one Republican vote from the House of Representatives. 

October 9, Obama is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

2010 January 27,  Obama delivers his first State of the Union Address  On March 23, Obama signs the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obama Care) into law. No affirmative votes were cast from a Republican.  April 20, BP oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico explodes.  April 29, Obama delivers his 100 day speech.  May 10,  Nominates Elena Kagan to the United States Supreme Court,  May 26,  Nominates Sonia Sotomayor to the United States Supreme Court.  Republicans sweep November mid-term elections and take control of the United States House of Representatives. 

December 15, 2010 Pro Se (Hamilton) files for compensation for “Slavery Servitude” official Enslave Slave Negro Exhibit President Obama Birth Certificate filed officially before

Hamilton v. United States of America et al We have downloadable decisions or orders for this case Filed: December 15, 2010 as 1:2010cv00808

Plaintiff: Louis Charles Hamilton, II

Defendant: United States of America, Andrew Johnson

Cause of Action: Racketeering (RICO) Act

Court: Fifth Circuit › Texas › Texas Eastern District Court

Type: Other Statutes › Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations

2011 January 25, Obama delivers his State of the Union Address in front of a joint session of Congress.  Hamilton v. United States of America et al

Filed: March 9, 2011 as 1:2011cv00122 Defendant: United States of America, State Of Texas, Harris County Texas Plaintiff: Louis Charles Hamilton, II Cause Of Action: Civil Rights, Court: Fifth Circuit › Texas › Texas Eastern District Court Type: Other Statutes › Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations

April 4, President Obama announces his bid for re-election.  May 1, United States forces track down terrorist Osama Bin laden hiding in Pakistan. He was killed in the raid.  August 31, Solyndra a Government backed solar panel company files for Bankruptcy.  September 11, The ten year anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.  October 20, Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Qaddaffi is killed.

 2012 January 24, Obama delivers his State of the Union Address in front of a joint session of Congress.  March 26, The United States Supreme Court begins hearing arguments on the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obama Care).  June 25, Obama and the federal government's lawsuit against the

State of Arizona was decided by the United States Supreme Court. Supreme court upheld the key part of the Arizona law allowing police to ask about immigration status.  September 6, President Barack Obama officially accepts the Democratic Presidential nomination at the Democratic National Convention held in Charlotte, North Carolina. October 3, President Barack Obama and Presidential challenger Mitt Romney engage in the first Presidential debate of the

2012 election in Denver Colorado. Jim Lehrer was the debate moderator for the evening.  October 16, Obama and Mitt Romney engaged in their second debate on domestic and foreign policy. A town hall setting with questions being asked by undecided voters.

October 9th File as (Plaintiffs) Slavery Exhibit evidence as Barack Hussein Obama II United States of America 44th President being “Official” born into “Slavery Servitude” of said “United States of America and as so Furtherance’s from on or about October 9th 2012

 “One” David Hittner ‘United States District Judge” United States Southern District of Texas Federal Courthouse Houston Texas Division, engaged (RICO) racket “White Supremacy” Pursuant to: Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), dismissed said action

In maintaining Slavery Servitude”

1.         “Slavery Servitude August 20th 1619, -  2013

2.         Slave Trade” Naturalization Act of 1790 stipulated that only “free whites” could become citizens of the United States (Defendant) – 2013

3.         Vagrancy Act of 1866,  - 2013

4.         State of Texas 1890s Black Codes August 26th, 1866 – 2013,

5.         and “Jim Crow Laws”, - 2013 directed fraud upon the court at also birth certificate of  Barack Hussein (water-head) Obama II First Negro African American 44th President of The United States of America, and his entire Negro (Obama) Family,

  October 22, Obama and Mitt Romney engaged in their last debate of the election season. The foreign policy debate was held in Florida.  September 11, The United States consulate and annex in Benghazi, Libya are attacked by terrorists. Americans: Ambassador J. Christoper Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty are murdered.  November 6, President Barack Obama is re-elected to a Presidential second term beating republican Presidential challenger Mitt Romney.

2013 January 20, Obama officially begins his second term as the 44th U.S. President.  January 21, Obama formally swears to the Presidential oath of office and delivers his  Second Inaugural Address to the nation and American People.  February 1, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton steps down after serving four years. Senator John Kerry takes over as Secretary of State for the Obama Administration. Both Clinton and Kerry are former Senators and Democratic Presidential Candidates. 

February 7th 2013 The 13th Amendment to the Constitution, which abolished slavery, was ratified in 1865. Lawmakers in Mississippi, however, only got around to officially ratifying the amendment last month -- 148 years later – freeing President Enslave Negro Barack Obama, His First Presidential Negro enslave  (Obama) Family,

The Military enslaves Veterans Louis Charles Hamilton, II, Jeffery Tavery, Robert Vaughan, Avery Brown and Keno Miller and the 44.5 Million’s enslaved Plaintiffs “officially” herein as described in thanks to the movie "Lincoln." Feb 18, 2013 further same

148 years later – freeing President Enslave Negro Barack Obama, His First Presidential Negro enslave  (Obama) Family, The Military enslaves Veterans Louis Charles Hamilton, II, Jeffery Tavery, Robert Vaughan, Avery Brown and Keno Miller and the 44.5 Million’s enslaved Plaintiffs “officially” herein

President Barack Obama Birth Certificate exhibit (D) filed (twice) as evidenced before a Just…? As the Fraud upon the Court Mount, since 2004 *See

Destafano v. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co., 28 Fla. L. Weekly D1077 (Fla. 1st DCA April 28, 2003), and Long v. Swofford, 805 So. 2d 882 (Fla. 3d DCA 2003

This Court case exceeds, American Court of Law, pursuant to which under rules of any common law, one cannot be born into “Slavery Servitude” that was claimed dismissed December 1865, “Civil War” aftermath while having 14th amendment privileges ...while officially being Born a Slave…?

Whom now having destroyed 14th Amendment rights of 14th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified on July 9, 1868, and granted citizenship to “all persons born or naturalized in the United States,” which included former slaves recently freed.

February 12, Obama delivers his first State of the Union Address of his second term in office.  April 15, The first successful terrorist attack since 9/11 was carried out during the yearly Boston Marathon. Two bombs were detonated near the finish line killing 3 patrons, including an eight year old boy. In addition the attack wounded and maimed nearly 200 individuals.  April 16, Obama meets with Arizona U.S. Senator John McCain and New York Senator Chuck Schumer to discuss immigration reform.  April 18, The President and First Lady Michelle Obama travel to Boston, Massachusetts in wake of the Boston Marathon bombing. Obama speaks to a grieving audience at the Cathedral of the Holy cross.  April 23, Obama honors the

2013 Teacher of the year in the White House Rose Garden.  May 2, Obama travels to Mexico City to meet with President Peña Nieto of Mexico.  May 3, Obama departs Mexico to meet with President Chinchilla in San Jose, Costa Rica.  May 16, Obama meets hosts Prime Minister Erdogan of Turkey.  May 20, A devastating tornado ripped through the town of Moore, Oklahoma killing dozens, including school children and wounding hundreds.  June 5, Obama officially promotes highly controversial United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice to the administration cabinet post of National Security Adviser, being vacated by Tom Donilon. Samantha Power will be stepping in to fill the open U.N. Ambassador position. 

June 7, Obama travels to the State of California and meets with President Xi Jinping of the People’s Republic of China.  August 19, The Obama family bring home a new First Dog to the White House, female puppy "Sunny".  August 31, Obama announces to the nation from the White House Rose Garden, he will seek Congressional authorization from the U.S. Congress to use military force against Syria for their use of chemical weapons.  September 5 and 6, Obama overseas for the G20 Leaders summit.

 2014 January 28, Obama delivers the annual State of the Union Address to the nation and Congress.  February, 12 Obama signs an executive order to raise the minimum wage for federal contractors.  March 3, Obama meets with Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House.  March 24-25 Obama attends the

2014 Nuclear Security Summit in the Netherlands.  March 27, Obama meets with Pope Francis at the Vatican and visits the Roman Colosseum.  April 11, Obama nominates Syliva Nathews Burwell the new Secretary of Health and Human Services to replace outgoing Kathleen Sebelius.  May 3, Obama attends the annual White House Correspondents Dinner 

August 7, Obama announces the authorization of targeted airstrikes against ISIS near Erbil, Iraq.  September 10, Obama delivers a speech to layout his plan to fight and destroy to terrorist group ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria).  September 22, The United States and allies begin an airstrike campaign in Syria.  November 4, Obama loses party control of Congress in the mid term election. The Republicans gain seats in the House of Representatives and will take control of the Senate, in a decisive win.  December 17, Obama announces to the nation his administration is resuming normal relations with communist controlled Cuba.

 2015 January 3, The balance of power in Congress changes hands as the Republican party becomes the majority in both houses of Congress. Senator Harry Reid is no longer Leader of the Senate.  January 16, Obama holds a press conference with the United Kingdom Prime Minister, David Cameron. The discussion center on Iran, ISIS and terrorism in general following the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attacks in Paris, France. 

January 20, 2015 President Barack Obama delivers his 2015 annual State of the Union Address in front of a Republican majority joint session of Congress for the first time in his six year Presidency.  February 5, 2015, Obama delivers a speech at the National Prayer Breakfast.

 February 24, 2015, Obama vetoes the Keystone XL Pipeline bill passed by Congress, the third veto of his Presidency.  March 7, 2015, Barack Obama delivers a speech from the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama on the 50th anniversary of the historic Civil Rights March from Selma to Montgomery. 

May 25, 2015, President Obama delivers a memorial speech and lays a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.  July 14, President Obama announces to the nation a nuclear deal with Iran.  September 22, Obama welcomes Pope Francis to the United Sates.

 November 30, Obama speaks about climate change at the United Nations conference in Paris, France.  December 2, The nation is stunned when two heavily armed terrorists attack citizens at a Christmas party in San Bernardino California, killing 14.  December 18, Obama holds his last press conference of the 2015 year.

2016 January 7, President Barack Obama partakes in a CNN town hall meeting to discuss gun control at George Mason University. 

January 12, President Obama delivers the final annual State of the Union Address of his Presidency to the nation and a joint session of Congress

May 11, 2016 Plaintiff: Military Slaves Veterans Louis Charles Hamilton, II, Jeffery Tavery, Robert Vaughan, Avery Brown and Keno Miller v.

Defendant: United States of America et al "Chief Defendant, United States of America Congress and United States of America Supreme Court ,Case Number: 4:2016mc01057

August 11th 2016 Declared on this 11th day of August 2016 signed by “Melinda Sue Harmon”, United States of America Federal Judge as stated as follows:

“The Court has liberally construed Plaintiff’s pleading

(Enslave President Obama Birth  records on file and Family Evidence of birth days  is in the files of this particular case in the pleadings and the entire history since 2010)

with appropriate deference, but concludes the claims should be dismissed as frivolous.

The allegation are irrational, incomprehensible, and lacking an arguable basis in law, apparently claiming that Plaintiffs are literally enslaved African American Veterans even though slavery was abolished in this country by the Thirteenth Amendment of the Constitution. Accordingly, the court “Orders that this case is dismissed pursuant to

 28 U.S.C. 1915 € (2) (B) (1) with extreme prejudice, fraud upon the court by each and every enter into “time” of the Court clerk of courthouse Federal records being official “elementary” precise fraudulent (RICO) legal time that has passed between slavery fraudulent “Material Facts and Actual History, and the historical wrongs the 13th amendment not being ratified by Mississippi until Feb 7th 2013

Chief Defendant Charles Ronald Norgle Sr. herein since 2004 required to frame a responsive pleading to said civil action to ensure “Enslavement” of exhibit (D) for Nine (9) More Years, no citizenship status of the defendant 14th amendment of (USA) Constitution due in large parts of never being still “Enslavement” of (Obama) Negro DNA Race, in 2004  as already described in 2010 – 2016 before each, Justice listed below  as the records so do indicate Hamilton v. United States of America et al (Slave Trade) Dynasty August 20th 1619 – 2099)

U.S. District Chief Judge Ron Clark, committed to fraud of the (FRCP) Rule 26. Duty to Disclose; General Provisions Governing Discovery when Each Justice herein fully committed to withhold, actual legal Public event, to committing RICO fraud in excess of 6 Trillion U.S. Dollars direct at freeing President Enslave Negro Barack Obama, His First Presidential Negro enslave  (Obama) Family,

The Military enslaves Veterans Louis Charles Hamilton, II, Jeffery Tavery, Robert Vaughan, Avery Brown and Keno Miller and the 44.5 Million’s enslaved Plaintiffs “officially” herein  as described before each case of the conflict of interest of the 13th and 14th Amendment in direct cancellation of each other by defendant(s) United States of America et al (Congress KKK) own designed, as conspired to continual chief defendant(s):

U.S. District Judge David Hittner

U.S. District Judge James E. “Jeb” Boasberg

U.S. District Judge Keith F. Giblin

U.S. District Judge Melinda Sue (Furche) Harmon

U.S. District Judge Alfred H. Bennett

U.S. District Judge” Vanessa D. Gilmore

All persevering Fraudulent Enslavement Material facts direct at exhibit (D) on or about Feb, 2016, to this undersigned seal notary date officially legal committed to perjury, as describing further herein in that said U.S. Federal Court Justices 1-6 directly above, continue this mask Treason to the

“President of The United States of America” knowing, understanding, bullying false civil malicious prosecution reporting governmental precise material actual events time line concerning (Slavery Servitude) and the enslave (Plaintiffs) collectively in this whites supremacy (RICO) unjust enrichment scandals scoundrels report-n-recommendation fraud racket, directed at among others similarly the same, (Niggers) officially 44.5 million still here with

 “ Thee President Barack Hussein (Water-Head) Obama II Born into “Slavery Servitude” on or about the exact day of August 4, 1961 (age 55), in Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children, Honolulu, HI (Nice Day)”

Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II USN SS # 2712 Pro Se Plaintiff, President Barack Obama and Obama President Negro First Family of the defendant (USA), Each Identified Plaintiffs’ fully  listed herein, past and present and there survival  Slave Negro descendant(s) and “44.5 Million Negro Plaintiffs Slaves et al” from August 20th 1619 – February 7th 2013

Further appearances Affirm, State and fully declare all allegation, contention, disputes, disputation, argument, conflict and disharmony, fully furtherance’s cause of action as follows:  direct cause of action, Defendant and Co-defendant individually under color of law as each and every one, knowing with full intent no less since 2004, Judicial Fraud to “Cheat”, Steal, Obstruction of Justice and still “leave”

 44.5 Million plus Enslave Just Kidnapped Negro DNA race, still until 2013 being “enslaved” for the party of Republican whom, the controlling interest over their very own “Para-Military Klu Klux Klansmen, and Congress, having full knowledge as of this undersigned date, plight of the “Slaves abused Negro Plaintiffs herein all to deny 14th amendment citizenship rightfully destroyed by ones one (KKK) greedy, clearly back in 1865, then blew from the ground the Government “Freeman Bureau” that was to continual

Civil War, and never ending slavery which law and records surly evidenced (KKK) sinfully succeeded in masking “Trillions” in unjust enrichment as described Hamilton v. USA 2010 – 2016 Dynasty, all being familiarly corrupted bully Republican Hostile Justice whom, the principle party for the inequality of all races, when running

“Whites Supremacy” Judicial Branch of government and knowing Slaves Plaintiffs, are  rightful, in direct enslavement compensation of (6) trillion U.S. Dollars which all defendant conspire under color of law to further deprive the wrongful 148 past 13th amendment required dead line for freedom of said “Born” each and every one herein, Enslaved” secretly and quite the Crime of the University” beyond Pluto, as this (6) Trillion Rouge and Robberies of Justices,  fraud upon the court it -self alone in the service of process (FRCP) Rule 4. Summons | Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and Rule 5. Serving and Filing Pleadings and Other Papers criminally committed by

Chief Defendant  U.S. District Judge Melinda Sue (Furche) Harmon to fully abduct the whole proceedings for 90 days since time of filing defendant and the court never was once being a separate entity, the court is the Henchmen”, always the Republican Party Appointed Justices to stand over “Slavery Issue” they criminally imposed and still profiteering off, while ass-holes to continue to fee up, and fix 14th amendment citizenship, and secure equality for all people of color other that “looting” with the Defendant (Federal Reserve Bank) blind, the Negro Enslave Plaintiff now past 1865

“Civil War” to the crime of the Milk and Honey, 1913 December – 2016 (December) established Slave Trade RICO Money Laundering Bank et al, fully conspire, knowing, financing for always advantages in  its receiving monetary revenue income off still enslaved Negro 1619 continual “Slave Trade” abducted human race, clearly on record no less 2013 ongoing this “Crimes” while creations of extra insurance,

 “Black Codes”, Jim Crow Laws, Vagrancy Laws, and having enjoying all 4 human right violation and in 2016 same sorry Klansmen to control nothing but Fraud, and even Treason direct at a Negro Race President with impunity of punishment during “War Time” no less a “execution offense”, but criminal conduct is on the “Entire Negro Race of Planet Earth..?  in 2016 United States of America

“Bullying fraud upon the court it -self alone in the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 26. Duty to Disclose; General Provisions Governing Discovery “Cat and Mouse” RICO games when fully each and every defendant and co-defendants having first hand legal expert Historical knowledge,  official defendant(s)

GATE KEEPER America “Pristine Whites Only Constitution” recording keeping especially constitutional records described as ratified 13th amendment by all 50th States of the U S Long before Pro Se Slave Plaintiff actual live birth November 8th 1961,into a Slavery Servitude Trade now appearing before a continual in denial “Slave Regime” of Hostile Killer Whites Lawless Whites Supremacy”, infliction upon devastation of wrongful 1865 – 2016 deaths against all residing people of color other that Fresh, Clean Honest Expert Fine Pure Chosen inhabits by some unknown propaganda foolish (God)

To keep pumping “Liquid Bootleg Courage” of deceit, thievery, and straight of National Security violation to hold hostage an entire population for ransom with the payout scheme of things being (RICO) defendant “Federal Reserve Bank”, as Justice criminally denying Motion to consolidate the same RICO slave trade action within this “pack of

Judicial Wolves”, one side requirement of the (FRCP) from said Pro Se Slave Plaintiff (Hamilton) to be on correct an initial disclosure arises standards, and always “Brief” since 2010, which these “Dogs” sit hidden in a unjust requirement of the same (FRCP) to not disclosed “Slavery Servitude” in still ongoing as the “Infamous” White Man (FRCP) Rules, established on or about 1938 1948, 1963, 1966, 1970, 1980, 1983, 1987, 1993, 2000, and 2006, the “Special”

Federal Courthouse, with conceit, contrite control and relief of unjust equality in real secret white society forevermore underhand knowledge knowing “Slaves Plaintiffs” collective entire Heritage Negro Race is still “enslaved in (1966)

 Pro Se Enslave Negro (Hamilton) was exactly 5 years old Negro Enslave child by defendant “United States of America et al still abused defendant “Property of the (KKK) Card Holders, Dynasty 1865 – 2016  when The Animal Welfare Act was signed into law in 1966 of the defendant, as the defendant each insured enslavement for

47 years of the Pro Se Plaintiff Life till 2013 while the (dog) has Citizenship of defendant United States of America since 1966 and the Justices see no wrong committed by defendants described herein or the legal standing of a “Abused Slave”.

Chief Defendant U.S. District Judge Alfred H. Bennett and Chief Defendant

U.S. District Judge” Vanessa D. Gilmore both, criminal RICO under color of law against 44.5 Million Negro Plaintiffs”, in denied “Citizenship rights as claimed in each complaint before the court in well detail “English” with supporting exhibit(s) of defendant (USA) as a whole civil rights violation of a destroyed 13th and 14th amendment as these two (Negro) race defendant U.S. Justices (Bennett) and (Gilmore) with deliberate concisions, having full knowledge of all absent material facts of a missing voided 14th amendment  supporting at the Least” (IFP) , 28 U.S. Code § 1915 - Proceedings in forma pauperis on (IFP) Application being fully grated in law and equity governing the actual legal facts as claimed in each Complaint”, Mississippi free the “Pro Se Slave (Hamilton) and (Obama) when the 13th amendment officially ratified completely whole legal fashion being granting “actual” legalized freedom on or about the 7th day of February 2013

the “Enslavement” of the Negro Plaintiff(s) collectively appearing before the “court” to continue under color or law denied IN 2016 2 IFP by “Blind Eye” insensitive, slow, obtuse, uncomprehending, to the constitutional Missing provision of equality provision in the void 14th amendment at the own occurred of the criminal “lynching murderous” acts from 1866 – 2013 (Last KKK Murderous Lynching occurred in Mississippi) as well both Chief Defendant U.S. District Judge Alfred H. Bennett and Chief Defendant

U.S. District Judge” Vanessa D. Gilmore both, criminal RICO under color of law against 44.5 Million Negro Plaintiffs”, falsely hostile in denied

IFP pursuant to the actual standards set for a “poor” person asking Constitutional Questions as a matter of law and the content of Constitutional question, as being destroyed 13th and 14th amendment violation (screamed) massively within the documentation, with the duty of care being kick aside as defendants,(Federal U.S. Claimed Honorable) Justices many years in legal law expert capacity having facts all material factual sound and true from defendant own laws, not far fetch fairy tales but (RICO)  true to support the defendant very own rules of governing laws that only to “Whites Only”

The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) govern civil procedure (i.e. for civil lawsuits) in United States district (federal) courts, 28 U.S. Code § 1915 - Proceedings in forma pauperis on (IFP) Application as further Stated Notice of Appeal on (IFP) Application Under 28 U.S.C. 1915 U.S. Docket No.4:2016-MC-01633

Negro Slave Judge Vanessa D Gilmore in 2016 (57) years a “Negro Slave of America since exact date of birth October 1956 – February 7th 2013 when

Chief Defendant U.S. District Judge Alfred H. Bennett born 1965 (48) years already himself enslave by defendant (USA) being precisely

criminal RICO under color of law against 44.5 Million Negro Plaintiffs”, and his very own “Negro Enslave family wife and two sons, having no legal 14th amendment of Citizenship, absolutely Denaturalization same as complaint stated but  denied IFP  based on (USA) Mississippi freed officially Slave Negro Judge Vanessa D Gilmore herein herself whom in future time frame in 2016 being (57) years a “Negro Slave” of defendant America since actual birth without any legal citizenship after February 7th 2013 when defendant (USA) Mississippi freed officially

Slave Negro Judge Vanessa D Gilmore in said (RICO) sham aid and abetting corruption and Treason direct at President Barack Obama and His First Presidential Family all having no citizenship, being destroyed my the (KKK) conduct of defendant own “Judicial Judges Whites Supremacy Klansmen control over “Slaves for an extra 148 years unjust enrichments being a direct actual legal cause of action fully officially as described in all 4 cases denied

“Consolidation by Chief Defendant David Hittner” as recent his “hostile” on the Judicial Bench no less n the preservation of this continual collusion of the defendant (USA) The 1790 (RICO) Naturalization Act, in that “Legally and 1000% physically” having full conscious knowledge and professional legal expert fiduciary responsibility is protect their “Property”

Namely Knights of the Klu Klux Klansmen who officially kept the Civil War alive by violation of the article of agreement The official surrender document of Lee's troops to the Union Army, signed at the ... on April 9, 1865, criminally in 2016 (December) against the peace, will, dignity, civil rights, constitutional rights, freedom, equality, and future prosperity beholding against now current time frame

44.5 plus Million “Negro Slaves Plaintiffs herein past present descendants DNA with all future Slave Negro youth and all family involved therein enslaved timeline

 August 20th 1619 – 2013  pursuant to that by his conscious legal professional expert precise “Senior Judicial United States of America David Hittner,” Whites Supremacy et al forevermore involved directly in continual (America) hidden RICO Slave Trade of KKK under-hands dealing pirates white society for unjust enrichment of the “Entire Negro Race Plaintiffs and secured on “snake ink”, FRCP, Constitution Federal/States false material facts of whites only propaganda governmental paper provided that official wicket and gross action of “Intent” so committed by One

David Hittner, in the capacity of a “United States of America Federal “Judge” in a “dam same precise cold (KKK) and extra K night” fully sentence being an official “Nigger/Negro Slave Judge Vanessa D Gilmore in 2016 (57) years a “Nigger Slave of America since exact date of birth October 1956 as “official property” to each and every card-holder, of the “Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen on the exact day of David Hittner, in the capacity of a “United States of America Federal “Judge” signed

On or about “October” 9th 2012 as described exhibit (A) in regards to the same “Slave Trade faith of Negro” Slaves Veterans Plaintiff(s) Collectively

Senior  Judge Kenneth M. Hoyt, of the defendant (USA) Bob Casey courthouse was then on “October” 9th 2012 (64) years an Official Slave of “United States of America and further David Hittner, in the capacity of a “United States of America Federal “Judge” sentences by

“Whites Supremacy” of The Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen “Both” Senior US Judge Kenneth M. Hoyt, was then on “October” 9th 2012 (64) years an Official Slave, and official “Negro Slave Judge Vanessa D Gilmore was then on “October” 9th 2012 (56) years a “Negro Slave” of Defendant “United States of America” and property of the Honorable Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen, as such

“Property “Negro Slave Judge Vanessa D Gilmore and Senior US Judge Kenneth M. Hoyt, officially property legally pursuant Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), official Slavery Servitude United States of America on or about “October” 9th 2012 remain the same Negro Slave until February 7th 2013 for an additional 4 Months a 4 days by

Chief Defendant David Hittner ‘United States District Judge”  until “Mississippi” free all stupid Negro Slaves et al (PLANTIFFS) collectively as described in exhibit (A) attached herein involving the continual criminal acts of The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act (RICO) 18 U.S.C. § 1589 (forced labor), 18 U.S.C. § 1590 (trafficking with respect to peonage, slavery, involuntary servitude, or forced labor),

“Slavery Servitude” money laundering statutes, 18 U.S.C. 1956 and 1957, “Slavery Servitude” money laundering statutes, RICO statute (18 U.S.C. § 1961(1),,, very 1000% 1790- 2016 (226) years control, in an ongoing future by the “Judicial Branch of Republican Klansmen Government of Defendant “United States of America” et al occurring in the

“Premeditation, lack of remorse, and committing actual theft of good and services, robbery of the future prosperity of all 44.5 just Million of DNA Negro race abused just released in 2013 from 1619 (394) current running human rights violation of enslavement entire Negro DNA Slaves Plaintiffs herein now in 2016 being criminal denied citizenship, and equality same as whites only defendant citizen of

 (USA) and stolen flat out just direct damages for being born into “Slavery Servitude 1865 – 2013 with a destroyed 14th amendment specifically compensation/exemplary in excess of (6) Trillion U.S. Dollars as legally,  as such Monetary criminal Obstruction of Justice “Abuse of Power” defendant actions Well defined:




Sec. 39.01.  DEFINITIONS.  In this chapter:

(1)  "Law relating to a public servant's office or employment" means a law that specifically applies to a person acting in the capacity of a public servant and that directly or indirectly:

(A)  imposes a duty on the public servant;  or

(B)  governs the conduct of the public servant.

(2)  "Misuse" means to deal with property contrary to:

(A)  an agreement under which the public servant holds the property;

(B)  a contract of employment or oath of office of a public servant;

(C)  a law, including provisions of the General Appropriations Act specifically relating to government property, that prescribes the manner of custody or disposition of the property;  or

(D)  a limited purpose for which the property is delivered or received.

Added by Acts 1993, 73rd Leg., ch. 900, Sec. 1.01, eff. Sept. 1, 1994.

Sec. 39.015.  CONCURRENT JURISDICTION TO PROSECUTE OFFENSES UNDER THIS CHAPTER.  With the consent of the appropriate local county or district attorney, the attorney general has concurrent jurisdiction with that consenting local prosecutor to prosecute an offense under this chapter.

Added by Acts 2007, 80th Leg., R.S., Ch. 378 (S.B. 563), Sec. 2, eff. June 15, 2007.

Sec. 39.02.  ABUSE OF OFFICIAL CAPACITY.  (a)  A public servant commits an offense if, with intent to obtain a benefit or with intent to harm or defraud another, he intentionally or knowingly:

(1)  violates a law relating to the public servant's office or employment;  or

(2)  misuses government property, services, personnel, or any other thing of value belonging to the government that has come into the public servant's custody or possession by virtue of the public servant's office or employment.

(b)  An offense under Subsection (a)(1) is a Class A misdemeanor.

(c)  An offense under Subsection (a)(2) is:

(1)  a Class C misdemeanor if the value of the use of the thing misused is less than $100;

(2)  a Class B misdemeanor if the value of the use of the thing misused is $100 or more but less than $750;

(3)  a Class A misdemeanor if the value of the use of the thing misused is $750 or more but less than $2,500;

(4)  a state jail felony if the value of the use of the thing misused is $2,500 or more but less than $30,000;

(5)  a felony of the third degree if the value of the use of the thing misused is $30,000 or more but less than $150,000;

(6)  a felony of the second degree if the value of the use of the thing misused is $150,000 or more but less than $300,000; or

(7)  a felony of the first degree if the value of the use of the thing misused is $300,000 or more.

On or about the 8th day of November 1961 having Slave Negro Pro Se Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II” United States of America Navy #2712 officially born into “Slavery Servitude of the Defendant “United States of America”, Plaintiff ‘Civil Rights” Attorney Deadria Farmer-Paellmann, born in the year 1966 et al., being also born into

“Slavery Servitude of the Defendant “United States of America”, all “legal records”, of her case United States Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit., IN RE: AFRICAN-AMERICAN SLAVE DESCENDANTS LITIGATION. Appeals of Deadria Farmer-Paellmann, et al., and Timothy Hurdle, et al., file is fully forever and filed as exhibit, current with the

“Clerk of Court” before this present case U.S. Docket No.4:2016-CV-00964 and several others which the “Court Justices fully aware of and the content her civil actions of a judicial cover up RICO fraud scheme commence purely after the RICO decision to continual onward with enslavement of each described Negro Slave Plaintiff herein by their very own signature, time after time as Plaintiffs forced to watch the

Judicial Justice Klansmen Whites Man Killer in a Black Rope protected by blind men ready to surly paid to “die” for a whites only corrupted Judicial Criminal element that destroyed your Life, family, business, homes, and future, just simply mill about careless assuming safely, while fully the main sourcing of global insecurity based on a Hostile ignorant non-reformed slave trade nation forcing said

“Slave Negro Plaintiffs”, with-out no citizenship, but to  secure their plight in secure “White world supremacy, (Negro) Plaintiff Veteran then to return  to defendant “America” since 1913 – 1978 Wars, to be destroyed, Lynched, Racial Prosecuted, theft of taxes 24/7 scams anfet white man con’s but better not step a foot in whites Man Courthouse the

 Jim Crow Laws, and Black Codes, Laws to listen to (FRCP) forevermore many official Public whites Man Lie propaganda of “Slavery over in school books, paper radio, but never in the plane pure and white Man “Fucking Known secret society lie of continual stolen (Negro) race monetary taxes as :Slaves august 20th 1619 – 2013 paying captured abused taxes…? For more unjust enrichment and

Whites only whole world conqueror after destroying 13th and 14th amendment killing off Abe Lincoln and installing (Donald John Trump Sr.) Dynasty of the Para-Military Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen official ownership of Pro Se Slave whom stupid being in the defendant US Navy and securing all the richest from the enslaved Pro Se Plaintiff him on self to serve as military guardian for “Slavery Servitude of defendant USA White World having no legal standing to even question this in a Federal Courthouse of White Man  in their own

Military Knights of The Klu Klansmen Naval services with-out any 14th Amendment benefits because simply put born enslaves Negros race in defendant (USA) 2016 have no legal standing before a federal court of Law that why sound proof, by among many other civil rights case are dismissed “Niggers Needs Never Apply”  official whites only RICO (FRCP) sand trap,

11th amendment preserved defendant slavery, and cancelation of the 13th and 14th amendments which they say is over slavery since 1865 you been abolished, and you have no standing to still sue, in 2016 because “Great white Man” say so  his/her RICO  law rules..?

Confusion and now time for “Lethal Finding” Negros Veterans very 8 years tired of buss shit whit dog Justice ready to die too, your family then you find justice for prosecution your grief in your family death 

we Slave MILITARY Veterans are not fucking fools, weak bitches and have enough abuse and tough court thinking they can blindly bully and walk safe alive…? over, and over negro race lives destroyed

“Police” out of control to include stolen from under color of law by a rouge court a life hidden by fake (FRCP) on for white Court to destroy “Niggers” never going nowhere but old to be abuse into eternity and killed off or just simply go away because the court can abuse the process and secure it in traps of (FRCP) that do not pertain to the Court or opposing white pure top dollar crooked white man counsel only Just Whites Securing

“Slave Trade Laws since 1933 now in this money laundering scam “Negro race must not question, your enslaved just pay the dam white man taxes…? with Fed Bank, Negro race been enslaved since the finding of the famous (FRCP) and as the good times was benefiting defendant (USA) well prosperity in imposing this (FRCP) under color of whites only laws… yet never apply to white Man being called for his crimes for

Slavery” while same crooked ass White Man bragging on (FRCP) keeping “Slavery Servitude” an ongoing institution even in 1933 – 1961  as legally Pro Se Slave Plaintiff and each and every 44.5 Million enslaved from 1619 – 2013  herein filed official “

Notice of Motion to “Strike Federal Rules of Civil Procedures, and “Motion to Vacate Judgment of

United States Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit.

IN RE: AFRICAN-AMERICAN SLAVE DESCENDANTS LITIGATION. Appeals of Deadria Farmer-Paellmann, et al., and Timothy Hurdle, et al. Nos. 05-3265, 05-3266, 05-3305., Decided: December 13, 2006 being listed in direct violation of

18 U.S. Code § 1028 - Fraud and related activity in connection with identification documents, authentication features, and information

And 18 U.S. Code § 1002 - Possession of false papers to defraud United States (RICO)

Judicial Fraud US Case filed before their fraudulent “Slave Regime” defendant “United States of America” committed false publication in 2004

As Defendant Officially USA Governmental Police (RICO) enterprising to commit to the same with all Defendant(s) herein aid and abetting in stolen

Slavery Servitude Attorney-work, Product, and personal Property by “HPD abduction in addition of Physical Evidence declared an open investigation 2011 - 2099..?

 As such Motion to Strike this action Supreme Court No. 990241 Hamilton v. Johnson - Appellee Brief, SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, “pro se” Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II, have no constitutional rights being a enslave property of the Defendant “United States of America” et al and Co- Defendant North Dakota et al, as proven in 1999 both civil/federal the Constitution of USA “broken” as such Pro Se Plaintiff having no legal citizenship being…

Born November 8th 1961 Birth Certificate which under rules of common law, one cannot be Born into “Slavery Servitude” of United States of America et al while having 14th amendment privileges well as 4th, and 6th amendment rights of an accused being “enslaved” property already against one on will, as the complaint already knowing the real issues at hand involving

“Crazy Drunken DUI Attorney defendant and all whites only cover up direct at the pro se expensive on the days official  in question, and all other acts before or after stand moot, being once again “enslaved” secretly hostage of “United States of America and North Dakota and having all claimed constitutional rights

Of both Federal/State fully (MIA) destroyed ran over and violated by all defendant (s) herein additional further “stated on its face and by official law “Pro Se Hamilton II was unknown (RICO) property abused continual a Slave” in 2001 – 2016

Slave Regime (RICO) enterprise of defendant United State of America et al” and defendant “State of Texas” well into the undersigned seal notary date before court inspection “

Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN), herein reincorporates all and files a Notice of Motion to Strike

The United States Supreme Court Gideon v. Wainwright 372 U.S. 335 (1963) Motion to Strike, with accompanying Motion to Vacate and invalidate this fraudulent

Public Record RICO Judgement, Notice requesting “Oral Arguments” and official certified records of Mississippi 13th Amendment being ratified on February 7th 2013 freeing the

Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II filed into this Civil Action., The United States Supreme Court Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436 (1966),

Respectfully “Affirm”, “State” and fully 1000% “Declare” all absolute “Just” “Fair” and required relief in

 “Law and Equity” being before the Lord “As of the undersigned “Sealed Date”

Subscribed and Sworn before Me this ________ day of _______________ 2016


  Public Notary


Pro Se Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN),

2724 61st street Ste. I-B

Galveston, Texas. 77551

