Thursday, November 3, 2016

“Whites Superemacy” Klansman Federal Bureau of Investigation was Born, 1908 Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II USN SS # 2712 and President Negro Slave Barack Hussein (Water-Head) Obama II v. United States of America et al,The Republican Party, GOP, The Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen, Chief Defendant “Donald John Trump Sr., The Trump Organization Trump Tower 725 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10022 and The Eric Trump Foundation (ETF) The Eric Trump Foundation, 725 Fifth Avenue, 16th Floor, New York, NY 10022,

 +United Nation Head Office  +FEDERAL BUREAU INVESTIGATION  In 1908, the Defendant “United States of America “Whites Superemacy” Federal Bureau of Investigation was Born, namely FBI bureau born as a force of special “whites supermacey klansman FBI agents, as the “Negro Slave Plaintiffs Herein” collectively from 1865 – 1908 to the exact day the FBI was Born, “Official” being kept “Secrete” (43) years “enslavememnt” property of the defendant (USA) et al and defendant Para-Military Whites Superemacy”

“Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen”, “human slave negro continue property of the Defendant Whites Superemacy (FBI) “Federal Bureau of Investigation” et al whom used all of its power’s from the time line of 1908 – “August 30th 1963 (55) Years Defendant “United States of America et al FBI Whites Supermacey GOP Government imposed forever “De jure segregation” in all legal society and goverment of defendant (USA), and doing the same this very day, as “moles” of “whites superemacy” for defendant GOP Slave Trade Government forever RICO endeavor usage of the

“Negro Race Plaintiff very own monetary taxes to insure “whites superemacy” in “Political Murder, Population Control, Whites Superemacy”, as this all being human rights violation direct at the Negro Slaves Plaintiffs as on “August 30th 1963 Defendant FBI already having engaging in a “Mass Murder” acts  perpetrated by lynching, shooting, bombing, drowing, poison, lying in wait, or any other kind of willful, deliberate, malicious, and premeditated killing; fully  committed in the perpetration of whites superemacy GOP Government imposed forever

 “De jure segregation”  attempt to perpetrate, any arson, escape, murder, kidnapping, treason, espionage, sabotage, in “counterintelligence sensitive investigations and Killing to insuring “whites superemacy” power forever more, as defendant (FBI) knowing Negro Slaves Paintiffs 44.5 Million plus fully still are actual “Living” Slaves , of Defendant USA “Mississippi being “De jure segregation” insured by “Seceret Whites Superemacy Federal Agents destroying each and every “Negro Slaves Plaintiffs ” never ever have no legal rights, in any “whites only” constitution, jurisdiction criminal/civil court proceeding in (Defendant) United States of America et al pursuant to Defendant (USA) official The Naturalization Act of 1790 Passed into law less than one year after the Constitution came into effect, stating:

The Naturalization Act of 1790 stipulated that only “free whites” could become citizens of the United States (Defendant)

US Constitution specifies that the US will value people of color at a mere fraction of the value of its white male citizens, in a nature official 1000% slave owner(s) of Plantations, industries, business, companies, corporations, shipping, raw materials, rail roads,

Main infrastructure power grid, agency, private/public social infrastructure 

jointly from exploitation of said Free Force “Slave Labor” enterprise for “whites superemacy” their retirement, plan living off slaves the “whole time” in conlusion with the defendant “Federal Reserve bank et al” as Defendant (FBI) from 1908 –  2016 (December) controlled “Wrongful Mass Death” by “gun down and “Lynching forever being committed by Defendant (FBI) “whites superemacy” which was created by Attorney General Charles Bonaparte during Theodore Roosevelt's presidency. The agency became known as the Bureau of Investigation, and was re-named as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in early 1935.

The defendant FBI is the investigative arm of the defendant U.S. Department of Justice, and its specific mission is constantly evolving. Currently, the FBI's focus is on stopping terrorism, corruption, organized crime, cyber crime and civil rights violations, as well as investigating serious crimes such as major thefts or murders, only committed by Negro races as “whites superemacy” have no functional government “only” lawless Klansmen whom the defendant FBI “being” Special Agents Para-Military Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen also, made insurance to negro race, kepte being “slaves” and official in being Criminals to Destroy

Negro Slave Plaintiff Martin L. King Jr. as from 1935 – 1968 (33) years Defendant FBI been on a Murder Spree in direct violations of the very own rules of governing laws  18 U.S. Code § 1111 – Murder which is the case as

On April 4, 1968, Dr. King’s Memphis PD security detail had been withdrawn, a black Memphis PD detective posted near the Lorraine Motel had been removed, and two black firemen in a station near the Lorraine Motel were transferred shortly before the assassination, all under the direction of defendant (FBI) as on or about the 11th day of May 2016 Chief Defendant U.S. District Judge Melinda Sue (Furche) Harmon, affirmed Negro Slave Plaintiff Martin Luthern King Jr. was never assassinated at the hand of Defendant FBI as further Plaintiff Martin Luther King Jr. has no claimed in a Federal (KKK) U.S. District Courthouse in the States of Texas, against defendant “United States of America” for Negro Slave MLK Jr. committed to a very on wrongful death, for being a “Slave wanting to be simply free from Defendant (USA) as which

Chief Defendant U.S. District Judge Melinda Sue (Furche) Harmon, also affirmed for the behalf of defendant GOP Government Slave Trade, defendant FBI on May 11th 2016 that the defendant (USA) official 13th amendment of the defendant “United States of America” Constitution to free said Negro Slave Plaintiff(s) collectively  was ratified in 1865, being full final and complete freedom  therefore The defendant “State of Mississippi”, free all (nigger) slaves in 1865 and did not Join the Union of Defendant “United States of America on or about Feburary 7th 2013, as such once again Negro Pro Se Slave Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) a stupid (Nigger) and just Born November 8th 1961, was never born unto

 “Slavery Servitude” of United States of America et al” , in 1961 as this is “clearly” false government Judicial RICO GOP Goverement slave trade enslavement records, and very extremely crimes against humanity corruption on part of even defendant in (2016) FBI to being a direct Slave Trade party to continue cover up, aid and abetting, providing direct acts of Mass Murder as Government executioners fully Protection of the “whites Superemacy” GOP Government at any cost,. Including spying against the defendant

United States of America et al direct at the Pro Se Slave Plaintiff in his person and Negro Slaves Plaintiffs Collectively forever remain “enslavement” Property of even defendant whites superemacy Special Klansmen Police Agents of the FBI

upon which the criminal RICO Slave Trade Whites Superemacy GOP Government control position of being defendant (KKK) Whites Superemacy FBI, always “Killers” to secure for ever  in among other things the wrongful death of Dr. King’s by defendant FBI in Memphis as government records of defendant (USA) do indicate the to be factual material issue of a direct cause of action Defendant FBI Mass Lynching Shooting unarmed Negro Slaves Plaintiffs collectively forever to secure “whites superemacy” of Defendant GOP Republican party well in  – 2013 when defendant actually “Mississippi Join the Union, a extra (45) additional years of RICO Corruption of defendant FBI Whites Superemacy, ensuring 44.5 Million Negro Slave Plaintiff(s) since august 20th 1619 remain “enslavement” in 2016 (December) for the defendant “Elite GOP Government” Klansmen (Dynasty) always stealing in unjust enrichements, which defendant FBI Keeping (KKK) a secret as they odd (KKK) are very open in growth, Hate crimes and terrorization, intimidation within defendant (USA) own ranking Federal Bureau of Investigation, being still whites superemacy criminals on the lamb at the least direct time frame since

 1960s FBI being direct RICO Slave Trade Expert spying party fully desgined for unjust enrichment controlling, hiding, scuttling and securing whites superemacy acts of Mass Murder both being “Domestic and International World Terror acts haing been committed to cover up, ensure the operations and fully secure all directives sensitive investigations, counterintelligence of RICO 1619 Slave Trade Defendant (KKK) whites superemacy actions of Commander of the Defendant Para-Military Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen 1865 – 2016 (December) Dynasty Chief Defendant Donald John Trump Sr. fully quite criminal too,

Since the direct Mastermind death of Negro Slave Plaintiff Martin L. King Jr.,  with 1960s actsof Lynching, bombing and other Slave Trade FBI “Mass Murder” acts perpetrated by lynching, shooting, bombing, drowing, poison, lying in wait, or any other kind of willful, deliberate, malicious, and premeditated killing; fully  committed by also defendant (FBI) whites superemacy special Klansmen agents past, present in the perpetration of whites superemacy GOP Government imposed forever  “De jure segregation” with all attempt to perpetrate,

The same Terror control by acts of government arson, murder, kidnapping, treason, espionage, sabotage, in “counterintelligence sensitive RICO slave ttrade Klansmen investigations and Killing to insuring “whites superemacy” power forever more, in 2016 – 2099 direct at 44.5 Million Negro Slaves Plaintiff(s) collectively still being held against their own informed will against the Public Interest at the hand among other defendant(s) namely “whites superemacy” FBI…
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