Friday, September 8, 2017

Honorable Ms Fatou Bensouda Count Six: The Common Design and Conspiracy “Genocide, Crimes against humanity, acts of aggression as (USA) The Tulsa mass murderous race riot of 1921 being permitted designed government sponsorship in each individual personal every action in support of white’s supremacy gang of “Elite” “Para-Military” Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen Leadership (1865) past and present (2017)

              Count Six: The Common Design and Conspiracy
Honorable Ms Fatou Bensouda on the basis of Between August 20th 1619 as this inspiring “Atlantic Slave Trade” property crimes against humanity continue against #BlackLivesMatter well into 1776 Violation of agreed of freedom, into 1865 Civil War said same violation of freedom to all slaves under “The Confederate Nation 1861 and February 7th 2013 the defendant· white political gang of the Knights of the Klu Klux Klansmen ~unlawfully, Willfully, and knowingly committed War Crimes as defined by Article II of Control Council Law No. 10, having criminal in actions of government dealing of the Jurisdiction of what is known to be (USA) did replaced the entire foundation of government operations under  Constitution of United States of America 1789 (rev. 1992)
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America and replace “whites supremacy” control with the “Para-Military” Knights of the Klu Klux Klansmen Government
Constitution of the Confederate States; March 11, 1861
We, the people of the Confederate States, each State acting in its sovereign and independent character, in order to form a permanent federal government, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God do ordain and establish this Constitution for the Confederate States of America,
Thereby criminal crimes against humanity assumed imposed “Black Codes Laws, Jim Crow Laws fully violation of the crimes against peace, the war crimes, and crimes against humanity, Government leadership of a “GOP Political Party directly on record participated in plans to ban Negro Race DNS Slave abducted from a foreign country of origin “stateless” people from
United States of America society and the fact that the government “Para-Military” leadership in the GOP Republican Party treated humans as slave labor, demonstrating “United States of America” GOP Republican Party Leaders individually did vote, maintain, aid, fully carry out acting under color of law government “executive, congressional and Judicial Decree’s past and present  proposed laws against #BlackLivesMatter to maintain this “enslaved” Negro Race “Stateless” abducted captive people as the evidence does show “United States of America individual records Fortune 500 corporation, congressional Judicial and Executive records “Whites Supremacy”  involved in the slave labor program under “pretext” The Vagrancy Act of 1866, passed by the
General Assembly on January 15, 1866, targeted never free slave of 13th amendment of 1865 Constitution , under the  full force Constitution of the Confederate States; March 11, 1861 forced into “Nation-Wide Prison Farm Labor employment, for a term of up to claimed three months, but re-arrest repeatedly by further fraudulently claims the Vagrancy Act remained law in Virginia until 1904, which this is not the case #BlackLivesMatter Plaintiffs slaves 44.5 Million (actual human property) under “Whites Supremacy Constitution” of the Confederate Mississippi States; March 11, 1861 – 2013 as “Slavery” of Mississippi USA ended in 2013 on the 7th Day of February as
Honorable Ms Fatou Bensouda on the basis of provided by “exhibit A” attached herein the enforcement Constitution of the Confederate States; March 11, 1861 – 2017 enforcement were carried out by the infiltration of the “Para-Military Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen GOP Republican Party Federal/State/Local whites supremacy police, congress, and judicial government and current executive officer of USA, whom past up to date did factual created several hostile murderous, and white crimes program to take
#BlackLivesMatter Plaintiffs “stateless slaves people’s property, among such acts of the “government 17th President executive personal leadership, with his “Para- Military KKK direct deadly destruction of the Freeman Bureau of 1865, well into always bring about the “Para- Military KKK direct deadly destruction of wealthy #BlackLivesMatter Slaves entrepreneurs in this
Black Wall Street which was modern, majestic, sophisticated and was by “whites supremacy” savagely attacked, looted and literally burned everything to the ground beginning in 1921, “United States of America” Leadership did factual issued orders against #BlackLivesMatter Slaves entrepreneurs bring about their destruction as mention in court records Hamilton vs. USA 2010 – 2017 still fully manipulated, deleted, destroyed, scuttled all material facts concerning “Genocide, Crimes against humanity, acts of aggression as (USA)
The Tulsa mass murderous race riot of 1921 being permitted designed government sponsorship in each individual personal every action in support of white’s supremacy gang of “Elite” “Para-Military” Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen Leadership (1865) past and present (2017)
Ultimate plans  manipulated by GOP Political Party envious controlling Slave Trade government sponsorship media control as rarely since 1921 crimes against humanity occurred never correct details mentioned in whites supremacy history books, and government control published records as it estimated that up to 300 plus  #BlackLivesMatter Slaves entrepreneurs, women and children’s  people were killed and more than 8,000 #BlackLivesMatter Slaves entrepreneurs women and children’s  left homeless About 40 blocks #BlackLivesMatter Slaves entrepreneurs women and children’s  property were destroyed, including 1,256 #BlackLivesMatter Slaves entrepreneurs women and children’s  homes, many of which had been looted before they were set alight
The death toll, most likely never to be fully determined, Many of the #BlackLivesMatter Slaves entrepreneurs women and children’s  official since 1865 forced penniless, half beaten & forced homeless spent the following “winters years” living in tents pitched in the ruins of the #BlackLivesMatter Slaves entrepreneurs women and children’s  destroyed 40 blocks neighborhood.

  +POTUS Obama +Hillary Clinton​ ​ +BRITISH QUEEN +Prince Harry +Meghan Markle +HMS Prince of Wales +British Parliament +USNavySEAL +Us Navy +Tina Fey +SNL Group +Alec Baldwins Forehead +BBC World Service+NBC Chicago +Washington Post +The Rachel Maddow Show +CBS This Morning +ABC World News Tonight +Yahoo News+Donald Trump News +President Donald Trump Official +North Korea +South Korea +Xi Jingping +Sherlock Holmes+United States Air Force+UNITED NATIONS Headquarters+NATO +National Museum of American History +City of New York +BBC Africa +ABC NEWS +CBS Evening News +NBC New York +Yahoo News +Jackie Chan +Samuel L Jackson +Black Lives Matter +MLK jr.  +Vladimir Putin +USSR Gov +Russia +Nasdaq +Washington Post +HuffPost +Art/is +United Nations Human Rights +The National Museum of Computing +Santa Claus  +Pope Francis +The British Royal Navy +FEDERAL BUREAU Investigation +NSA Agent +Central Intelligence Agency +Mi6 +POLICE INTERPOL +US Senate +GOP +Federal Reserve bank +USS Ronald Reagan CVN 76 +USS Lassen DDG +USS JOHN S McCAIN DDG 56 +USS Forrestal +U.S. Govenment +U.S. Department of State +Canada +Mexico +Jackie Chan +Samuel L Jackson +Rachel Maddow Show +BBC News +British Style Life

#ICC #Honorable #Ms #Fatou #Bensouda #pursuant #to #Nuremberg #Nazi #Criminals #Trials  #™Cmdr. #Bluefin

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