Saturday, September 23, 2017

(UN) United Nations party to USA under control of “State of Mississippi” whites ultra supremacy” GOP political party and THE JUDICIAL US GOVERNMENT COMMON DESIGN OR CONSPIRACY~. Genocide, “Crimes Against Humanity” Destruction of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

THE JUDICIAL US GOVERNMENT COMMON DESIGN OR CONSPIRACY~. Genocide, “Crimes Against Humanity” of continue “hate crimes act violations of (USA) rules of governing laws past, present and future by killing (article 6-a) genocide by causing serious bodily or mental harm (article 6-b) and conditions to remain of life calculated to bring about the “Slaves” physical destruction (article 6-c) genocide by deliberately inflicting crimes against humanity in the abduction of an “entire human stateless race”
All legally continue derived Honorable Ms Fatou Bensouda on the basis of Pro Se Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II Cmdr. (USN), herein reincorporates and State fully all of the above set forth herein all (records) against “United states of America” As collectively We Negro African American
 #BlackLivesMatter “World-Wide Still Slaves Race, (always) within the Jurisdiction of “Ultra Whites Supremacy” hostile gang of political (mad) party filing before the (ICC) International Criminal Court, before “United Nations Security Council” suing on our behalf and all African American (Negroes) Americans and “all” DNA Refugees being the same in and for the United States of America being precisely
Honorable Ms Fatou Bensouda on the basis of each described individual criminal responsibility supporting, direction, leadership, to continue “whites supremacy” premeditated 44.5 Million Counts of genocide August 20th 1619 – February 7th 2013, genocide by killing (article 6-a) genocide by causing serious bodily or mental harm (article 6-b) and genocide by deliberately inflicting on target “Slaves” conditions to remain of life calculated to bring about the “Slaves” physical destruction (article 6-c), to scuttling all records, seal files, of “Atlantic Slave Trade” well ongoing to
“Mississippi” having freedom said slave as described in “exhibit A”, thereby 44.5 Plus Millions and set forth effectively immediately, as this understanding of civil complaint filed before the Honorable Court” being final settled over the issue of “Slavery Servitude” in “Law and Equity”, furtherance’s” this Manipulation of the “United Nations Headquarters” being control by  “Slaves Holders”, warranting for the
“Direct” destruction of Africa, Population1.216 billion (2016), world's second-largest and second-most-populous continent (the first being Asia), to be defeated be “Racial Motivated” crimes against mass world population “white man” being silly over board since 1865 “Civil War” monetary international greed in keeping “World-Wide” human “slaves” Traficant control, further (actually) fraud by “deceit, deception of being a “party” of “United Nations Headquarters” while still in possession, custody and control over the “entire” suffrage of “Not Just #BlackLivesMatter (USA) also
 #BlacKLivesMatter South Sudan slipped into famine, and #BlacKLivesMatter Nigeria, #BlaclLivesMatter Somalia and #BlacKLivesMatter Yemen are each on the verge of their own famine., Famine now threatens 20 million people — more than at any time since World War II.
As defined by the (Co) perpetrator United Nations, famine occurs when a region’s daily hunger-related death rate exceeds 2 per 10,000 people,. most immediately at risk, ongoing conflicts in #BlacKLivesMatter Congo, #BlacKLivesMatter the Central African Republic, #BlaclLivesMatter Libya, #BlacKLivesMatter Iraq, #BlacKLivesMatter Syria and #BlackLivesMatter Afghanistan has left millions hungry in those places, too
In February, the United Nations declared a famine in #BlacKLivesMatter South Sudan’s Mayendit and Leer counties. It was the world’s first famine declaration since 2011, in #BlacKLivesMatter Somalia, while Judicial Corruption of  “whites supremacy” in
 “United States of America” Hamilton vs. “United States of America, President Andrew Johnson  in 2011 “pro se plaintiff” was “physically abducted into Prison Hospital, because the 13th Amendment of (USA) was not “even” in 2011 ratified freeing all “Negro Slaves” under control of “State of Mississippi” whites ultra supremacy” GOP political party of uncouth government misfits continue crimes against humanity still heel bent living past 1800s mental break down “Colonial America” Civil War of the “South keeping “Slaves, and White man” the Best inhabit of planet earth to be in control of “human life” expertly criminal by designed by
 (USA) continue acts of aggression “worldwide” of a GOP government while (Co) perpetrator in Chief United States of America et al”, controlling UN “United Nations Headquarters” under a “snake oil sales”  never ratified 13th amendment constitution in being “Honorable Government” “gave up a “little land, and built a “roach infested whites supremacy” destroying any and all including control also over
The funding of United Nations for bodies such as UN HRC UN WOMEN, UNESCO and other parent organizations such as WHO and WWF are funded by its member states through voluntary and compulsory funding.
 The Size of states contribution depend upon the economic strength of that state which (USA) claiming “Top Super Power” status, destroying, manipulation, under fraud of a “whites supremacy” ultra elite white man scoundrel slave trade ideal “control” over (UN)
As In March 2017, the United Nations (U.N.) warned that some 20 million people in South Sudan, Somalia, Nigeria and Yemen face starvation and famine if the international community did not act quickly. This warning refocused attention on the ongoing food insecurity faced throughout the African continent. Here are some current facts about (USA) “whites supremacy never ratified 13th amendment “leading to a always destroyed (UN) Charter by racist whites supremacy GOP Political Slave Owners in current time frame abusive destructive untrustworthy overseeing “state sponsoring” and fully imposed (actual) crimes against humanity assurances starvation in  both (USA) and in Africa against #BlackLivesMatter:
1.     According to the Food and Agricultural Organization of the U.N., some 153 million people (about 26 percent of the adult population) suffered from severe food insecurity in 2014/15 in sub-Saharan Africa.
2.     Food insecurity exists when people do not have adequate access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food which meets their needs for an active and healthy life. The issue is thus not the existence of enough food, but the access to food.
3.     There are several interrelated reasons why African states are vulnerable to food insecurity. Several countries in the region remain highly dependent on food imports to ensure adequate food supplies. Thus exposing them to unstable food markets and commodity prices. The African region also has the lowest per capita income in the world and the highest poverty levels. This means that large parts of the region’s populations are unable to cope with rising food prices.
4.     The majority of Africans are also directly dependent on subsistence farming on a continent that is prone to extreme natural disasters, including severe drought and floods. These natural disasters lead to failed crops, as well as insufficient pasture feed and water for livestock. The current El Nino drought has been one of the most intense and widespread in the past 100 years.
5.     The majority of African countries facing acute food insecurities are also experiencing internal conflict. This impedes both access to food and food production. The levels of political instability and corruption result in these states being unable to address food crises, whether caused by rising food prices or natural disasters.
6.     Food insecurity in South Sudan has reached extreme levels. Several parts of the country declared pockets of famine, and nearly 100,000 people face starvation. Limited humanitarian assistance has reached these regions because of recurrent fighting due to civil war.
7.     A famine can only be declared when certain measures of mortality, malnutrition and hunger are met. Namely, at least 20 percent of households in an area face extreme food shortages with a limited ability to cope, acute malnutrition exceeds 30 percent, and the death rate exceeds two per 10,000 people per day. The last famine in Africa was in Somalia in 2011, which killed an estimated 260,000 people.
8.     Apart from the three countries highlighted by the U.N., several other African countries are facing acute levels of food insecurity. The World Food Programme classified emergency situations in the Lake Chad Basin (Cameroon, Chad, Niger, including Nigeria) and Southern Africa (Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe).
9.     The Lake Chad Basin faces an acute humanitarian crisis caused by existing challenges of extreme poverty, underdevelopment and climate change. Boko Haram violence only aggravates these challenges. Some 7.1 million people need food assistance, and famine looms in the areas most affected by the crisis in northeast Nigeria. Malnutrition in the region is rising at alarming rates, and more than half a million children are suffering from severe acute malnutrition.
10.                        While the situation in southern Africa has stabilized somewhat in recent months, food insecurity remains widespread following two years of consecutive drought. Some 16 million people in the country’s worst-hit by drought will need emergency humanitarian assistance throughout early 2017
Negro Slaves Plaintiff(s) #BlackLivesMatter and Pro Se Slave Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II herein files, before the (ICC) International Criminal Court “expedited humanitarian  (TRO) Temporary Injunction and restraining Order against (Co) perpetrator in Chief Defendant “United States of America et al”
Furtherance’s freeze (UN) United Nations from allowing any further DNA Negro race from any other country of origin in the “world” having entrances into the “sovereignty nation of “hostile never ratified 13th amendment “United States of America” or except or be a party thereof the US Immigration Services - US Citizenship & Green Card, of “hostile never ratified 13th amendment “United States of America”, “refused to ending slavery and remain the same until correction are made fraud by (USA) “whites supremacy” 1800s “Slave Trade to be continue
Unknown “DNA” Negro Race Slave Subjects (now) in 2013 – 2099 being forced in a (RICO) abuse slave trade fraud scheme nature unknowing to each and every one conscious of acceptances into “Slavery Servitude” and Non-Citizenship status, of the United States of America, being “Criminal Defendant (Herein)
All legally derived Honorable Ms Fatou Bensouda on the basis of New arrival DNA Negro status immigrants having same (RICO) Slavery Servitude, with No Citizenship Grand white only America Fraud (RICO) dealt Plight, and circumstances, since hundred immigrants each and every one conscious of legal acceptances being
The first Ellis Island Immigration Station officially opens on January 1, 1892, as three large ships wait to land. Seven hundred immigrants passed through Ellis Island that day, and nearly 450,000 followed over the course of that first year, being some of “Negro Race” tricked, trapped, and imprisonment of there on self-doing based on a front of false hood, in non-discloser the 13th and 14th Amendments of The United States of America constitution is in existence’s and enforced on behalf of Plaintiff(s) Negro Slaves herein when since
1892 (27) years after the “Civil War” and precisely 124 years till January 2016 all Immigrants first enter “Ellis Island Immigration Station” and other “Immigration Station” within
The United States of American being “Negro” DNA race, fully deprive of the rights and privileges of citizenship in a continual (RICO) scheme of “Slavery Servitude, Denaturalization for “Unjust Enrichments” of
All Defendants being a party to said “Slave Regime” Slave Trade of the abducted Negros, now being the same for all US Immigration Services - US Citizenship & Green Card, being forced unknowing into “Slavery Servitude”, in violation among others
 18 U.S.C. § 1589 (forced labor), 18 U.S.C. § 1590 (trafficking with respect to peonage, slavery, involuntary servitude, or forced labor), for each and every Negro race officially residing under immigration status since January 1st 1892 – June 2016
Negro Slave Veteran Plaintiff(s) and Negro DNA Slave Plaintiff(s) collective require enjoying such required TRO injunction on all Negro Race immigration status being banded and remain being enforced immediately from entrances into “United States of America” having any type of immigration status and remaining such (ICC) International Criminal Court Order, Order of “United Nations Security Council until the completion of  “if needed” all Military Trial Tribunal subject litigations matter of this for criminal prosecutions of “Genocide in whole and part with all amend charges being future under inquiry by
“Office of The Prosecutor” (ICC) International Criminal Court as set forth in compliance with under extreme force ending forever  “Slavery Servitude matter dealing with citizenship of the Negro race, for past, present and future impose sanction “world –Wide” compensations in law, imposed equity, civil rights, and “expedited”  by the (UN) Security Council legal citizenship, further “Defendant “United States of America” et al correct from the exact date of
January 1, 1892, - December 25th 2016 all “New Arrival” DNA Negro residing in (USA)January 1st 1892 –  2016, being fully having “Legal Citizenship” status, same as “White Only”, Americans as destroyed upon the facts propounded, produced and “attempted” to be destroyed by Judicial Government by International Violations against the “World” in the “Common Design and Conspirer” in ownership of  immigrants free “UN Slaves”, striped in (USA) jurisdiction to be “stateless” 
As so indicated said TRO Injunction to freeze immigration of all Negro Race being having entrances into United States of America to be Identified (secretly) as Official White Only of (USA) Property and “Slaves” of (USA) in 2016 (December)”, until this matter being clarified during a hearing
Wherefore Slave Plaintiff  sworn for Arrest warrants for each and every backwoods” fraudulent individual appearance before the (ICC) Military Judicial Tribunal showing a plea thereby under “authority” against such “crimes against humanity”, War Crimes, Acts of Aggression” current executive officer 45th President Donald John Trump Sr. “pro se” and or wit adequate  legal council
Why before (UN) “United Nations” Security Council expedite imposed require sanctions to enforce requiring “United States of America” be held to Order to show cause, why an (UN) Security Court Order TRO Injunction to freeze immigration status of all
DNA Negro Race from other countries of Origin being having entrances into United States of America and having the same Denaturalization Non-Citizenship Slave Negro Status same all “Slave Negro American Plaintiffs #BlacKLivesMatter Legally affirmed, declared upon complaint before “Honorable Office of The Prosecutor” as further said PLANTIFFS Slaves #BlacKLivesMatter collectively International Herein derived to be joint similarly under same circumstances
Some 44.5 Million plus #BlackLivesMatter requesting “Independence from “Slavery” all other relief being fair, fully executed before the (ICC) court and (UN) United Nations Security Council in “Law and equity” and expedited hearing on all material facts Defendant “United States of America” et al having heard these matter “Judge Hanks Jr. with “deceit” committed to fraud fully betray in being dishonesty refuse to “open any federal judicial court” simply (RICO) in human Traficant denied freedom to (Billions) of still held “captive” slaves of (Co) perpetrator “United States of America always scoundrels having no self control “so Smart” scheming under Judicial (USA) government COMMON DESIGN and conspiring forever in fraudulent decree under color of laws already “proven” and continue being the same

“fake counterfeit” destroyed record manipulation as cited thereby (ICC) International Criminal Court and (UN) United Nations Security Council secure innocent (millions) of  Just Immigration status of Negro Race from other country world-wide of foreign origin seeking (USA) Citizenship that is never to be same as “Whites Only” supremacy status “Frozen” until this Matter brought to Trial.

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