Monday, July 23, 2018

General Allegations IX “Whites Supremacy” GOP Political party, issuance all processing, manufacturing, distribution, author, engaging this scheme by insuring each “Direct acts of “Fraud Artifacts” described herein since 1776 – 2018 (“December) being “Utter as True”

General Allegations IX
“Whites Supremacy” GOP Political party, issuance all processing, manufacturing, distribution, author, engaging this scheme by insuring each “Direct acts of “Fraud Artifacts” described herein since 1776 – 2018 (“December) being “Utter as True”

(“Defendants”) Justices of the Supreme Court, (“Defendants”) Federal Judges, listed herein did so knowing Submitting False Statements (18 U.S.C. 1001)  on behalf of (Defendants”) confederate government March 11th 1861 – 2099  ongoing (secret) Manipulated in “World-Wide fraudulent statements, omission, with Join fraudulent (“Defendants”), United Nationals, (“Defendants”) NATO, all (International) Schools et al’ hereby knowing, unknowing, willing, unwitting blind, ignorant by (“Defendants”) Published false facts not being physically true in this continuance fraud by physical acts of (false teaching) and (false judicial decrees) collective
Did so (“Defendants”) being of a “Higher Educations, with (some) having “law degrees” committed counselee consciously Submitting False Statements (18 U.S.C. 1001) further collective committed to Manipulation, Destruction, alteration, concealing and absolute falsification of the entire international transatlantic slavery records, involving (“Defendants”) Justices of the Supreme Court, (“Defendants”) Federal Judges, listed herein did so knowing Submitting False Statements (18 U.S.C. 1001) collective (“Defendants”), United Nationals, (“Defendants”) NATO, being a party to all such false statement securing continue collusion, conspire, “enslavement” of the (“Plaintiffs”) entire Negro race, with 
(“Defendants”) Confederate State of Mississippi HQ to maintain actual (“Defendants”) The Confederate States of America illegal international (Borders) of a “hostile takeover situations” being forever (RICO) enterprise intact with (“Defendants”) United Nationals, hereby including
(“Defendants”) NATO being “additional whites supremacy paramilitary addition insuring among other things “captivity of all Negro Race humans, declared official property of (“Defendants”) GOP Political party criminal actions in this international fraudulent scheme involving the (ICJ) and (ICC) International Courts Systems systematic (collective) actions
Conspiracy to defraud the (original) Plaintiff Union Government United States 923. 18 U.S.C. § 371 — Conspiracy to defraud the (ICJ) and (ICC) International Courts Systems systematic, Conspiracy to defraud the (“Defendants”) United Nationals, hereby including (“Defendants”) NATO under “direct cause of actions (“Plaintiffs) affirm, declared, under RICO human Traficant international racket statue ongoing from 1861 – and continuance well into 2018 (December) “endless” Being (“Plaintiffs”) Systematic continuance “Direct cause of actions” before the (ICJ) International Court “Honorable Justices” on “Petition” hereby further affirmed
(“Defendants”) collective criminal/civil/judicial/congressional/executive government(s) being “Imposters” Entity identified as (“Defendants”) The Confederate States of America et al, “Whites Supremacy” GOP Political party, issuance all processing, manufacturing, distribution, author, engaging   this scheme by insuring each “Direct acts of “Fraud Artifacts” described herein since 1776 – 2018 (“December) being “Utter as True” in this criminal/civil actions of deceit, fraud by non-disclosure including fraudulent knowing consciously this “Fraudulent Artifacts” each and every one being also
“Published before the “International Community”, deposited as well into the (ICJ) and (ICC) International Court systems “each” (“Defendants”) United nations and (“Defendants”) NATO governing systems such “RICO enterprise premeditated well without the (jurisdictions) of this “Imposter” fraudulent government as well within the propaganda against Manipulated fraudulent statements, omission against the (Defendant United Nations) and (Defendant NATO) entire “International Community” official 1776 - 2013 Time frame “Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database” including but not limited to (Defendants) Schools et al listed herein
 (Defendants) AAP Associated of America Publishers, listed herein (“Below”) Defendant (United Nations) “INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHERS DOES NOS. 1-100,000” COLLECTIVE violations of statue, False Statements (18 U.S.C. 1001) with (Defendants) Confederate Schools et al listed herein “Cause of Action” statue 923. 18 U.S.C. § 371—Conspiracy to Defraud the “Plaintiffs Negro Slaves” United States Union Government
(“Defendants”) Justices of the Supreme Court, Federal Judges, listed herein did so knowing Submitting False Statements (18 U.S.C. 1001)  against the Declaration of independence June–July 1776 Official providing criminal alibi, false statements for the criminal actions of past “Defendant George Washington's”, co-defendant Benjamin Franklin, co-defendant Alexander Hamilton, co-defendant John Jay, co-defendant Thomas Jefferson, co-defendant James Madison, and co-defendant John Adams, “counter a legal decree of Plaintiff United Kingdom’s Lord Dunmore's Proclamation
 On November 7, 1775, Lord Dunmore issued a decree that offered freedom to all “Plaintiff Black Lives Matter” (“Plaintiff Slaves), “Plaintiff Immigrant Slaves, Co-Defendant  George Washington's”, co-defendant Benjamin Franklin, co-defendant Alexander Hamilton, co-defendant John Jay, co-defendant Thomas Jefferson, co-defendant James Madison,
And co-defendant John Adams,  fraud, breach of contract freedom of all “Slaves” 1776 hereby ongoing endless slave trade “Tort” fully (“Defendants”) The Confederate States of America criminal deception for unjust enrichment in forcing human free labor intent since introducing such fraudulent “Conditions of Slaves Freedom” 1776 – 1778 (“Defendants”) whites supremacy” criminal actions as continuance legacy did so violated all “military terms and agreements” of International Freedom of all (“Plaintiffs”) Military, Immigrants, and Civilian Slaves “denied basic” international civil rights, peace, and dignity of said “Plaintiff Military Black Lives Matter” military engagement during precisely since 1776 – American Revolutionary War, “Plaintiff Military Black Lives Matter” fighting for freedom as this never occurred even to be precisely “cause of international freedom denied” being human property by a scheme political GOP party enhancements all such “Fraudulent Artifacts” scheme until 2013 February 7th precisely (“Plaintiffs”) Negro Slaves having proceeding on this
 (“Petition”) before the “Honorable Justices” of the (ICJ) Court system, copy filed before the (ICC) International Criminal Court continuance enquiry of Jurisdiction of (“Plaintiffs”) enjoyment “National and International Security” in especially Citizenship, actual legal Freedom, equality, safety  reason provided under all “Treaties” having been render each to being fraudulent artifacts of a “Imposter” entity proclaiming to be (“Plaintiffs”) United States of America Union government in this “criminal scheme” under petition for (“Plaintiffs”) Negro Slaves seeking International law and equity all described
“Causes of Action” being cited (“Plaintiffs”) Negro Slaves “among other seriously issues” eternity of (USA) denied freedom from the (“Defendants”) The Confederate States of America Government GOP Political party, and Defendant Para-Military Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen well into 2018 (December) by the  actual ongoing RICO enterprise, false statements, omission fully (“Defendants”) United Nations and (“Defendants”) NATO committed
CONSPIRACY fraud, obstruction of Justice Court system THE COMMON DESIGN OR CONSPIRACY “extraordinary and compelling” individual criminal responsibility being actual among other professional of judiciary and fiduciary duties as acting Judges acting under color of laws of (Co) perpetrator “Confederate States of America Judicial Government ” supporting, their “political party defendant GOP criminal forever endeavor against rights to (actually) freeing all (“Plaintiffs”) Negro Slaves” as the facts shows further all herein (legacy) in criminal actions “aids and abetting” with “abuse of authority” of a physical rogue government acting under
 Judicial decree court records Seal, being fraudulent international published “Slavery Data” history in the Jurisdiction subject to endless fraudulent entries on all (“Plaintiffs” DNA Negro) slaves records both National and International (“Plaintiffs”) physically are free within the “Jurisdiction” of the “Plaintiffs United States of America Union Government” as this “not the legal case” under criminal objectives before the (ICC) International Criminal Court, (ICJ) International Court of Justice, filed before (Utah) Federal Court system
 (“Defendants”) Justices of the Supreme Court of the Confederate States of America, March 11th 1861 – Februarys 6th 2013, continuance acting under color of law, Public Servant, engaging “modern day human Traffic crimes against humanity, controlled by the (Defendant Judicial Courts) Judges, collective from April 15th 1861 – 2018 (December) continuance keeping the same held “captive” entire negro race (“Plaintiffs”) since 1865 – 2013,
Adding Slaves Taxes accumulated Millions upon (Billions) more under (additional) fraud, fraud involving immigration forgery and counterfeit visa on each every (“Plaintiff”) Negro DNA Immigrant, applied for “Citizenship which never did apply, being you’re a “stupid slave” hereby committed to being “enslaved” forever under fraud “school books” 1920s – 2018 (“December”) (“Defendants”) GOP political party ruling off official “misinformed all schooling educations concerning ”Slavery Data Records” in this international “human kidnapped scheme” fully (“Plaintiffs”) since year 1619 – 2018 (“December) exploited, denationalized, destabilization to being “living abused forever crimes against humanity” of forced imposed criminal acts
“Modern Slaves” scheme of things as such” cause of action before the “entire” International Community” involving deceit induced published and deposited before the (ICJ) and (ICC) International Court system in this “International Mail and Wire fraudulent legal professional eyes being all “knowing parties” of the actions of
 “Defendant United Nations Headquarters” and “Defendant NATO also a direct physical “criminal RICO enterprise human Traficant in (“Plaintiffs”) as property legal “party” under this introduced fraudulent artifacts of (“Defendants”) UN charter obtained 193 fraudulent States Jurisdiction (signatory) collective RICO racket also financing, facilitation, prosperity of  the same “enslavement of the Plaintiffs Negro DNA plaintiffs, international criminal actions of (“Defendants”) Confederate States of America, March 11th 1861 – Februarys 6th 2013 past, present current “whites supremacy” 2018 December Slave Holder, Defendant GOP Political Party with their paramilitary of the Knights of the Klu Klux Klansmen direction, leadership (elected) under Fraud to be active current 45th President of the Confederate States of America 2018 (December) herein imposed forever upon all Negro race slave by virtue of “whites only” collective
 (“Defendants”) Justices of the Supreme Court of the Confederate States of America, March 11th 1861 – Februarys 6th 2013 continue operation with all (“Defendants”) 49 states (“Defendants”) GOP party direct criminal consciously approval” the “outlawed” slavery imposed “Original Constitution of the Confederate States; March 11, 1861
We, the people of the Confederate States, each State acting in its sovereign and independent character, in order to form a permanent federal government, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God do ordain and establish this Constitution for the Confederate States of America,
Against the “Peace Will, Dignity, Well Being, International Rights to Freedom, hereby Defendants The Supreme Court is the highest ranking judicial body in the United States
(“Defendants”) Justices of the Supreme Court of the Confederate States of America, March 11th 1861 – Februarys 6th 2013, continuance acting under color of law, Public Servant, engaging directly  hereby producing, publishing utter as true, False Statements, omissions, destruction, forgery and counterfeit and fraud entries, in connection with Grand Theft, $100s of trillion RICO Embezzlement theft thieving, pilfering, pilferage, and misappropriation of
“National Treasury” funds (“Defendants”) Justices of the Supreme Court of the Confederate States of America, March 11th 1861 – Februarys 6th 2013 conspirer in fraud entries, fraud statements, omission in the matter CIVIL ACTION DEADRIA FARMER-PAELLMANN: CLASS ACTION: On behalf of herself: and all other persons: similarly situated, (plaintiffs) vs. FLEETBOSTON FINANCIAL CORPORATION, AETNA: INC., CSX, and Their predecessors, successors: and/or assigns, and
CORPORATE DOES NOS. 1-1000, defendant (Corporations) listed herein paragraph denied the “Complaint”…? While Defendant State of Mississippi never ratified 13th Amendment of (“Plaintiffs United States of America Union Government” Constitution, between the dates of April 15th 1865 – February 6th 2013 each described individual Defendant (Judicial) criminal responsibility supporting, direction, leadership, to continue “whites supremacy” hatful premeditated 44.5 Million Counts of continuance imposed genocide August 20th 1619 – February 7th 2013, genocide by
killing (article 6-a) genocide by causing serious bodily or mental harm (article 6-b) and genocide by deliberately inflicting on target “Slaves” conditions to remain of life calculated to bring about the “Plaintiffs Slaves” physical destruction (article 6-c), Obstruction of Justice, Conspirer to commit Obstruction of Justice criminal acts scuttling, manipulation, counterfeits, forgery all records, exhibits and material facts in all pro se council sealed courthouse files, correct factual
 (“Defendants”) Confederate States of America “Atlantic Slave Trade” well ongoing criminal against (“Plaintiffs”) “United States of America” Union Jurisdiction well into 2018 (December) such hostile “Judicial, Congressional, Executive, Corporations, combine syndicate unjust enrichments committed to “free for all” criminal actions of “ultra white’s supremacy” having come to no terms of freedom to all said “Plaintiffs slave” of a required provision dating back to
1865 under “Plaintiff United States of America Union Government” 16th President official proclamation, claimed ending of a “Civil War” being false, misleading of actual events freeing all (“Plaintiffs”) Negro Slaves hereby being fraudulent artifacts concealment “destroyed data” cause of actions involving (“Defendants”) United Nations Treaties”
1776 – 2018 (December) underhanded Greed’s Ultra whites only plantation, industries, Political, Party and Corporations, Para-Military gang set stealing from their “founded confederate bank” recycling slave trade off (“Negro DNA Captive Plaintiffs”) losses of “unjust enrichments” forever property, in this international scheme of things in cause of actions, thefts, greed’s, crimes against humanity
individual Defendant (Judicial) herein being a “party” to continue allowing abduction of an “entire plaintiffs negro human” race to be forever property faithfully under the imposed confederated constitution of the “Defendant Confederate State of America” being the ruling laws, before the “international community including (“Defendants”) Justices of the Supreme Court, Defendants Federal Court Judges collective did so concealing all information about related activities Territory 40.7489° N, 73.9680° W,
"Legally and officially" annexing into (Defendant) The Confederate States of America et al government 1861 – 2013 (February 6th) namely (“Defendants”) United Nations member annexing of (Defendants) states 193 sovereign states collective capture as (Property)
(Defendant) The Confederate States of America, executed “Extrinsic fraud to fully  prevents all (Negro) DNA #BlackLivesMatter Slaves from Never knowing their rights, being still captive property in an illegal ongoing international  (Slave Trade) in the continuances timeframe 1861 – 2013, being past, present violation of all (“Slave Treaties”) before the (ICJ) International Courts Jurisdiction proceeding with “Petition” further hereby charges collective (“Defendants”) Justices of the Supreme Court of the (“Defendants”) The Confederate States of America” did so, past, present and future 2018 (December)
Concealing all information about related activities concerning International Territory 40.7489° N, 73.9680° W, DD COORDINATES 50.8723565106 4.41987165384 DMS COORDINATES 50°52'20.48" N 4°25'11.54" E GEOHASH COORDINATES u151kt42yqx5j9fvcdv (being)
Defendants The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO /ˈneɪtoʊ/; French: Organisation du traité de l'Atlantique Nord; OTAN), having been annexing into (Defendant) The Confederate States of America et al government known to be (Defendant) The Confederate States of America et al 1861 – (February 6th 2013) hereby filed before
 “Justice of the International Courts (ICJ) International World Court of Justice  this is continuance “collateral fraud and deliberate deception” to secure (“Defendants”) GOP Political Party, (“Defendants”) Paramilitary “Knights of the Klu Klux Klansmen’s continuance  unfair and very  unlawful gain, in unjust enrichments against all (“Plaintiffs”) Negro Civilian Immigrants and Military slaves from “ever” having a fair opportunity of “citizenship, peace, economic wealth free from Theft of intellectual property and developing trade secrets, this includes Fraud in the inducement in
(Jurisdiction) of (“Defendants”) The Confederate States of America et al” being honorable securing all (“Plaintiffs”) herein having international freedom rights of the 13th Amendment being “freedom for all DNA slaves” provision of the (“Plaintiffs”) United States of America “original” Union Government enjoyments “other than” being inferior mistreated human negro race slave free labor, property of a “Defendant GOP Political crude ungodly illegal international actions being made up still colonial era uncouth “criminal slave trade white man”  within the 2018 “December” extreme and outrageously crimes against humanity
RICO “racket of human Traficant” being conducting legally well within the official (Jurisdiction) before the “Honorable Justices of (ICJ) and (ICC) International Courts “proceedings”.
  #ICC #Honorable #Ms #Fatou #Bensouda #pursuant #to #Nuremberg #Nazi #Criminals #Trials  #™Cmdr. #Bluefin #Sherlock #Holmes #Caseof #The #Crooked #Dead #President #LouisCharlesHamiltonII  

#TrumpFraud #Scam #GOP #Russia #Election #Fraud #Republican #Corruption #FBI #Investigaton #RedHen #BlackLivesMatter #USSR #GRU #NSA #NCIS #NIS #Navy #USMC #SecretService #ABC #CBS #NBC #MSNBC #CNBC #BBCNews #CNN #Utah #Mormon #Racist USNavyseals #JAG #UnitedNations #Peace #Palace #ICC #ICJ #International #Courts #MLKjr #Obama #Hillary #NATO #PinkyRoseDeChavez #TinaFeyWifeSwap #Hashtagstupidniggers #France #Mexico #Canada #Popefrancis #Law #SupremeCourt #WhiteOnly #Slaves #Africa #Egypt #Syria #Iran #FoxNews #BritishQueen #PrinceWilliams #PrinceHarry #BritishRoyalFamily #PrimeMinsterMay #MI5 #MI6 #BCI #BCA #FargoND #Utah #Texas #Genocide #Slavery #Hatecrimes #Negro #Immigration #Crimesagainsthumanity #PortArthurTexas #Ninja #NASA #Space #Marines #FlyNavy #CmdrBluefin

+CNBC+FEDERAL BUREAU Investigation#Mueller #The #Shame :  )
Tina Fey
Prince Harry Windsor
Will Smith
Bill and Hillary Clinton
Megyn Kelly
Cara Delevingne
Samuel L Jackson
Jerry Springer show
Jerry Seinfeld
China Turkey
North Dakota
British Royal Family
President Barack Obama
United States Navy Seals
Will Ferrell
Derek Zoolander
The View
Jimmy Fallon
Bill Muhar
Fox News Live
BBC World News
Dixie Chicks bitches
Sen. Ted Cruz
Nobel Prize
Supreme Court
Sarah Palin
Bristol Palin
Track Palin
Star Trek
Star Wars
It always sunny in Philadelphia
As the world turns
Days of our lives
LA Clippers
British Parliament
Inspector Callahan
David and Charles Koch
Bill Gates Bill Cosby
Big Bang Theory
30 Rock
Alec Baldwin
Clint Eastwood
Tom Cruise
Tom Jones
Jimmy Kimmel
Jimmy Carr
Jimmy Hendrix
Soviet Union
Chris Isaac
Conan Congress
Washington DC
Alaska Air
The Beetles
Johnny Depp
Johnny Cash
Pirates of the Caribbean
Super Mario Bros
Victoria Secret
NASA Space Station
Kim Kardashian
Jim Carrey
Jim Morrison
Courtney Love
The Who
James Brown
Black Lives Matters
Michael Jackson
Michael Jordan
Cobey Bryant
Olivia Newton John
Track Morgan
United States Marshal
US Marines
US Army
US Coast Guard
British Royal Navy
Harvard University
Jesus Christ LDS
Vatican City
Middle East
Hong Kong
Black History
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Malcolm X
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Sen. Ted Cruz
Penelope Cruz
Mission impossible
Days of our lives
Married with children
I Love Lucky
Dred Scott
CBS News
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Hot News
The Daily Beast
Jebb Bush
Sheldon Cooper
Rushi Barot
Geeta International Inc.
Harry Potter
Harry C. Arthur Esq.
Jesus Christ
Holy Bible
Samsung Galaxy S3
BBC Radio
BBC Technology
Samsung Galaxy A5
Rick Santorum
Mobile Gallery
Ford Trucks
Jeep Eagles
Pearl harbor Hawaii
Lady Gaga
Bill Gates
Ben Carson dumped
Deep Sea Horizon
Hezbollah ISIS
British Columbia University
British Columbia
British Vogue
Bill Murray
Stephen Colbert
Stephen Hawking
Boris Johnson
Solar panels
Native Americans
United States
Apple iPad
Maia Shibutani
New York City
New Jersey Shore
Abraham Lincoln
National Geographic
David Beckham
David Cameron
Cameron Diaz
Drew Barrymore
Justin Bieber
Marco Rubio
Eva Longoria
King Kong
David Spade
Ben Stiller
Dallas Cowboys
John Mayer
John Saseen
Angela Mcglowan
Rajinder Singh Dhiman
Dr Seuss
Dr Pepper
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Locheed Martin
Martin Lawrence
Jack Black
Mariah Carey
Chiang Rai
British India
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Tom Hardy
The Hollywood Reporter
John Lennon
John Kerry
Ash Carter
Republican Party
Kristen Stewart Samuel L Jackson
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Kevin Durant
Jay Z
Kareem Abdul Jabar
Republican party
Selena Gomez
Will Smith
Fox Sports
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Jerry Springer
Jerry Seinfeld
North Dakota
Nobel Prize
British Parliament
Paris Hilton
Donald Trump
Sen Ted Cruz
It's always sunny in Philadelphia
Derek Zoolander
Ben Stiler
Owen Wilson
Jackie Chan
Chris Tucker
Will Ferrell
Saudi Arabia
Morgan Freeman
Spike Lee
AL Sharpton
Tonya Lewis Lee 
Donald John Trump Jr. 
Rex Marsav
Melissa Whitley
Joe Czyzyk
Linda Adewole 
Mitt Romney 
United States Veterans Initative
Sen. Orrin Hatch
Sen. Jeff Sessions
Sen. Lindsey Graham
Sen. John Cornyn
Sen. Mike Lee
Sen. Ted Cruz
Sen. Jeff Flake
Sen. David Vitter
Sen. David Perdue
Sen. Thom Tillis
David Duke
Jessie Jackson
William McCants
Sigmar Gabriel
Professor Roger Griffin
Ivana Trump
Marla Maples
Ben Carson
Candy Carson
Chris Rock
Vanessa D Gilmore
Willie M Zanders
Karen Wells Roby
Danny Devito
Ray Romano
Amy Poehler
Ashton Kutcher
President Donald Trump
Ellen DeGeneres
Pinky Rose De Chavez
Prince Harry Windsor
™Cmdr. Bluefin

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