As Thaddeus Stevens” still argued "We have turned...loose 4 million slaves without a...cent in their pockets...This Congress is bound to provide for them until they can take care of themselves."
Deep Dark Ages Defendant “United States of America” Congress still refused, so the Freedmen's Bureau stepped in
The Bureau helped solve everyday problems of the newly freed slaves, such as obtaining clothing, food, water, health care, communication with family members, and jobs. It distributed 15 million rations of food to African Americans nearly 3,000 schools
To do this, the Bureau spent 5 million dollars and the Bureau spent $400,000 to establish teacher training institutions for these schools.
Howard, the leader of the Bureau, created a trust fund of $52,000, in which to be used by the Bureau to purchase land and then resell to Blacks at a more reasonable price
Four million freedmen were aided by the Freedmen's Bureau.
The Bureau succeeded in providing over one million people medical care. They built hospitals , in which to provide this medical care in.
The Bureau also gave a total of 15 million rations of food to Blacks, and a total of 21 million rations to both Black and Whites added together,
In North Carolina, the bureau employed: 9 contract surgeons, at $100 per month; 26 hospital attendants, at average pay each per month $11.25; 18 civilian employees, clerks, agents, etc.,
At an average pay per month of $17.20; 4 laborers, at an average pay per month of $11.90; enlisted men are detailed as orderlies, guards, etc., by commanding officers of the different military posts where officers of the Bureau are serving
In South Carolina, the bureau employed, nine clerks, at average pay each per month $108.33, one rental agent, at monthly pay of $75.00, one clerk, at monthly pay of $50.00, one storekeeper,
At monthly pay of $85.00, one counselor, at monthly pay of $125.00, one superintendent of education, at monthly pay of $150.00, one printer, at monthly pay of $100.00, one contract surgeon, at monthly pay of $100.00, twenty-five laborers, at average pay per month $19.20
By the 1870s, Blacks had abandoned hope of federal land
redistribution, but many still saw “forty acres and a mule” as the key to freedom.
Black land ownership in the South increased steadily despite the failure of federal Reconstruction
One quarter of Black farmers in the South owned their land by 1900.
Near the coast, they owned an average of 27 acres; inland, an average of 48 acres. By comparison, 63% of Southern White farmers owned their land.
Most of this land was simply bought through private transactions
In 1910, Black Americans owned 15,000,000 acres of land, most of it in Alabama, Mississippi, North Carolina, and South Carolina.
This figure has since declined to 5,500,000 acres in 1980 and to 2,000,000 acres in 1997.
Most of this land is not the area held by Black families in 1910; beyond the “Black Belt”, it is located in Texas, Oklahoma, and California.
The total number of Black farmers has decreased from 925,708 in 1920 to 18,000 in 1997; the number of White farmers has also decreased, but much more slowly.
Black American land ownership has diminished more than that of any other ethnic group, while White land ownership has increased.
Black families who inherit land across generations without obtaining an explicit title (often resulting in tenancy in common by multiple descendents) may have difficulty gaining government benefits and risk losing their land completely.
Outright fraud and lynchings have also been used to strip Black people of their land,
Black landowners are common targets of eminent domain laws invoked to make way for public works projects.
At Harris Neck in the Sea Islands, a group of Gullah freed people retained 2,681 acres of high-quality land due to the Will of the plantation owner Marg[a]ret Ann Harris.
About 100 Black farmers continued to live at Harris Neck until 1942, when they were forced off the land because of a plan to build an Air Force base. The land was used freely by local
White authorities until 1962, when it was turned over to the federal Fish and Wildlife Service and became Harris Neck National Wildlife Refuge Ownership of the land remains contested,
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has long been viewed as a cause for the decline in Black agriculture.
According to a 1997 report by the USDA's own Civil Rights Action Team:
There are some who call the USDA 'the last plantation.' An 'old line' department, USDA was one of the last federal agencies to integrate and perhaps the last to include women and minorities in leadership positions.
Considered a stubborn bureaucracy and slow to change, USDA is also perceived as playing a key role in what some see as a conspiracy to force minority and socially disadvantaged farmers off their land through discriminatory loan practices
A class action lawsuit has accused the USDA of systematic discrimination against Black farmers from 1981–1999. In Pigford v. Glickman (1999), District Court Judge Paul L. Friedman ruled in favor of the farmers and ordered the USDA to pay financial damages for loss of land and revenue.
However, the status of full compensation for affected farmers remains unresolved and shall be made restitution herein full return compensation
“United States of America” herein reproduced the entire 100% “Freedmen’s Bureau” tax exempt structure as already fully legally appropriate, funded and designed in 1865 by “United States Congress” and destroyed completely from the earth by “United States”.
a. Everything ounce of monetary value, food, clothing, buildings, schools, hospitals churches, homes, chattel, horses, cows, feed, chickens, seeds, stock, land, and business return today in 2015 monetary market value.
b. Every complete single detail as already records filed with “Freedmen’s Bureau” structure in the past already direct possession, custody and control of “United States” fully refunded thereof.
The entire 100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau” return structure as already designed in 1865 by “United States Congress”
is officially identified forever now as we (Negro) Sovereignty Nation independent existence life form separate from the United State with its own elected governing body ,CEO President, CFO Vice President, Treasury officer,
Monetary private banking system, Presiding 13 Chair Board members and all we (Negro) 2015-2099 “active share holders”.
a. All monetary assets are forever “tax exempt” property of “Freedmen’s Bureau” and all we (Negro) active share holders
All evolution, growth, maturation, expansion, enlargement, spread, progress, business, acquisitions, purchase, gain, accession, investment, material earnings, procurement, collections, development, explorations, medical discovers, trade, patent,
copyrights, deeds, titles, property, success, all discovery in mineral, oil, gas, precious metals rights, cyber evolution, information technology”, Medical and scientific inventions and or advancement thereof being identified monetary assets forever property of “Freedmen’s Bureau” and all we 44.5 plus million (Negro) active share holders.
b. The entire 100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau” return structure of 900 case officers will be restructure to be now
“900 full time Lawyers” representing The entire 100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau” return structure, representing the governing body, CEO President,
CFO Vice President, Treasury officers, Monetary private banking system, Presiding 13 Chair Board members and representing all we 44.5 plus Million (Negro) 2015-2099 “active share holders”.
c. The entire 100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau” destroyed completely from the earth by “United States” return structure will be fully erected, designed And built by the new “Freedmen’s Bureau” governing body, CEO President, CFO Vice President, Treasury officers,
Presiding 13 Chair Board members all we 44.5 plus million (Negro) 2015-2099 “active share holders” funded by the United States.
d. All monetary compensation made by “United State” in the amount of 3 Trillion 800 Billion U.S. Dollars forever herein being property of “Freedmen’s Bureau” governing body, CEO President,
CFO Vice President, Treasury officers, Presiding 13 Chair Board members and all We 44.5 plus million (Negro) 2015-2099 “active share holders”.
e. The United States will deposit 300 billion U.S. Dollars directly into the “Freedmen’s Bureau” monetary private banking system “without question”.
f. The United States will deposit 20 billion U.S. Dollars directly into the “United Negro College Fund” without question.
g. The United States will deposit 40 billion U.S. Dollars directly into the “Freedmen’s Bureau” separate construction development account designated for “poor and low” income “White” and all other poor people of color living in United States being enjoying under same
“Freedmen’s Bureau” reconstruction plan as
“Freedmen’s Bureau” 1865 reconstruction structure in the past already by “United States” fully designated for “poor and low” income “White” “Freedmen’s Bureau” funds thereof, “without question”.
h. The United States will provided “Freedmen’s Bureau” governing body, CEO President, CFO Vice President, Treasury officers, Presiding 13 Chair Board members a “1 Trillion U.S. Dollars credit line, paid to the order of “United States of America” providing just enrichment for
“New Freedmen’s Bureau”
ability to obtain future goods, building raw materials, holdings, property, belongings, evolution, growth, maturation, expansion, enlargement, spread, progress, business, acquisitions, purchase, gain, accession, investment, material earnings, procurement, collections,
Development, explorations, medical discovers, trade, patent,
copyrights, deeds, titles, property, success, all discovery in mineral, oil, gas, precious metals rights, cyber evolution, information technology”, medical and scientific inventions and or advancement thereof “without question”.
i. The United States will deposit 25 billion U.S. Dollars remaining monetary compensation sum payable from 2 Trillion 360 Billion U.S. Dollars made by “United State” directly into the
“Freedmen’s Bureau” “private monetary banking system” each and every fiscal year thereafter until paid in full (Interest Free) into thee
“Freedmen’s Bureau” having now new structure fully erected, and return in Everything ounce of monetary value, food, clothing, buildings, schools, hospitals churches, homes, chattel, horses, cows,
feed, chickens, seeds, stock, land, and business destroyed and officially return today in 2015 – 2016 monetary market value “without question”.
j. And all interest thereof is fully The entire 100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau” return structure protect by “United State” civil/criminal Federal Laws, both within the United States and in the International Community.
k. The entire 100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau” return structure do not 100%
support any “criminal activity” committed against “Freedmen’s Bureau” by any representing “Freedmen’s Bureau” governing body, CEO President, CFO Vice President, Treasury officers, Monetary private banking system,
Presiding 13 Chair Board members and any or all We 44.5 plus Million (Negro) 2015-2099 “active share holders” or any other entity residing on Earth.
l. The entire 100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau” return structure do not under any circumstances 100% supply support monetary funding for any type of “criminal activity” committed by any “active” negro share holders” criminal endeavor as a result immediate expulsion, dismissal, exclusion, discharge and ejection thereof.
m. The entire 100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau” return structure providing Full time “Social Services” programs “Freedmen’s Bureau” funds thereof, “without question”.
n. The entire 100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau” return structure providing Full time “Reconstruction Construction Employment (EEOC) at starting “pay rate” of $18.00 for all ready to work unskilled “active” negro American share holders” and any other “unskilled Legal Citizen” of United States of America thereof
“Ready”, “willing” and “physically able” to learn and perform a honest American Construction trade
“The United States of America” fully 100 and 50 % restore ever ounce of food destroyed, each housing unit burned to the ground, return all medical aid taken away, return the legal services being established,
Return every “penny and nickel” of “monetary value” that was
established, with any and all business, companies, homes, farms, stock, chattel, and Churches established by the “Freedmen’s Bureau”, being
The entire 100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau” return structure providing Full time “Social Services” programs “Freedmen’s Bureau” funds thereof, “without question”.
o. The entire 100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau” return structure providing Full time “Mental Health” programs “Freedmen’s Bureau” funds thereof, “without question”.
p. The entire 100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau” return structure providing Full time Substances abuse programs “Freedmen’s Bureau” funds thereof, “without question”.
q. The entire 100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau” return structure providing Full time Prison Probation Officers And "prison half way homes" and "prison working release programs" “Freedmen’s Bureau” funds thereof, “without question”.
r. The entire 100% new “Freedmen’s Bureau” return structure providing Full time Construction Trade schooling “Freedmen’s Bureau” funds thereof, “without question”.
s. “Freedmen’s Bureau” request “United States” as a show of good faith allowing “Freedmen’s Bureau” to file a “report and recommendation” on all “criminal activity” committed by any “active” negro share holders” before said Prison sentencing.
t. “Freedmen’s Bureau” as a show of good faith to “United States” allowing “Freedmen’s Bureau” to file a “report and recommendation” on any and all “criminal activity” committed by any “active” negro share holders” before said Prison sentencing on behalf of said “Freedmen’s Bureau”
“United States apply 1 extra year apply for any type of major felony “criminal activity” committed by any “active” negro share holders” criminal endeavor directed at the
“Freedmen’s Bureau” and the United States as result immediate expulsion, dismissal, exclusion, discharge and ejection thereof for any “active” negro share holders” being extra “stupidly and blind dumb Greed”.
Freedmen’s Bureau” is erected, designed and dedicated to “Dred and Harriet Scott” and their two daughters (Lizie & Eliza)“Pursuant to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857).
“The United States of America” and are legally entitled to “Monetary Reimbursement” flat rate of
$3 Trillion, 800 Billion U.S. dollars minimum not a “penny more or a nickel” less for full, final and complete payment to all “active” negro share “shareholders”.
“No interest” ending the official “1619 – 2099 Civil War against “We Thee Abused Negro Race….forever more….which Freedmen’s Bureau” of the past being 1000% fully damaging destroyed " blast”, “blow up”,
“Dynamite”, explode”, and completely “bomb” of the Earth” by “United States of America et al “white only” ruling conquers class.
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