DNA Negro
Race” collectively further Affirm, State and fully declare and all “PLAINTIFFS BLACK LIVES MATTER minorities, DNA
Negro Mutable “Mix Negro Race” as Identified in
exhibit I attached herein all “PLANTIFFS
realleges and incorporates, defendant “Whites Supremacy” law and order in
maintaining and “Celebration” over their “Property” officially before a Honorable
minorities, DNA Negro Race” collectively under the “Slave Trade RICO International Monetary
Wire Fraud, fraud by non-disclosure in corruption in among other things This direct violations of 18 U.S.
Code § 242 - Deprivation of rights under color of law, 18 U.S. Code § 249 – “Hate crime acts”, “Religious Prosecution”,
“Terrorization”, “Abuse of power”, “wire fraud”, “discrimination”,
“defamation”, “liable” and “slander”
tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed or otherwise
“targeted executive legal government of USA
order” of the Nationality Act, committed by Chief Defendant Donald John Trump Sr. in both
Professional and Private racist capacity criminal intent was fully RICO
corruption in design for the
Next “election” in targeting the full fast pace
deportation of all claimed “illegal immigrants under a fraudulent “executive
order” designed to attack all voting demographic which defendant “United
States of America” fully criminal in patter and practices of discriminatory of The 1790
Naturalization Act reserves naturalized citizenship for whites only to maintain
majority race population voting disfranchisement control in this corrupted 2017
scheme of things right after the Fraud of the 2016 election no less committed
by Defendant(s) as described very well in U.S.
Docket No. 3:16-MC-00016 on appeal, while Chief Defendant still claiming
“PLAINTIFFS BLACK LIVES MATTER” Public enemy number #1 Terrorist with all now
declared entire population
“PLAINTIFFS BLACK LIVES MATTER” terrorist immigrants from “Iran,
Iraq, Libya, Somalai, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen” herein which there also claimed before
the court to be never legal citizens of defendant of USA being affected by this
continuance “abuse of power” of a “War Lord” in November 6th 2016 past inciting violence
and premeditated” RICO Executive Order” in 2017” fully criminal in
patter and practices of discriminatory of The 1790 Naturalization Act reserves
naturalized citizenship for whites only already having the same “plight” with
the 2017 official defame “PLAINTIFFS BLACK LIVES
MATTER” terrorist by acting 45th President Donald John Trump Sr. to
be “destroyed” while acting under official office of President of defendant
“United States of America” now with a combine in 2017” fully criminal in patter and practices
of discriminatory of
The 1790 Naturalization Act reserves
naturalized citizenship for whites only against both “Claimed entire
populations to be “thugs”, undeseriables, “terrorist” of Negro Slave Black
Lives matter” just free by “Knights of the Klu Klux Klansmen pure breed “White
Man” and all of the claimed “Muslim Terrorist Populations from “PLAINTIFFS BLACK LIVES
MATTER” terrorist immigrants from “Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalai, Sudan, Syria,
and Yemen” herein because there religious faith is “Islam” making ever one
other the Christen White Race a “terrorist” under “executive order” of 45th
President Chief Defendant Donald John Trump Sr. half bake RICO Voting Fraud
Future scheme of things to control the (USA) voting demographic as “oddly left
out this “Fraud Target Hate Crimes Executive Order”
204,847,000 at (87.2%)
178,097,000 at (96.4%)
171,012,000 at (14.6%)
145,312,000 at (90%)
75,728,000 at (47.9%)
Make up the largest population of “Muslim” in the
World, that being left out this claim of “protection the United States of
America from terrorist of Islam Faith”, terrorist immigrants from “Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalai, Sudan,
Syria, and Yemen” as this demographic is not “fake news” or “Alternative facts”
from a RICO Administration already discrimination wrongfully acting under color
of law against
Muslims race whom make up
just one percent of the defendant United States population and did have a
significant impact on the outcome of November’s presidential election as Chief
Defendant Donald John Trump’s voting disfranchisement in partnership with the
Russia Federation, Cyber Theft, and the mass Hate crimes election Donald John
Trump racist horse shit rhetoric, including calling for a hates crimes
premeditated open wide blanket ban on all Muslims entering the country, which
the target executive order fraudulent and corrupted left out the correct
majority of the Make
up the largest population of “Muslim” in the World, Indonesia 204,847,000 at (87.2%)
178,097,000 at (96.4%)
171,012,000 at (14.6%)
145,312,000 at (90%)
75,728,000 at (47.9%)
Left out from “terrorist activity under this “broken hate crimes muslim
target ban” of future voting fraud disfranchisement hiding under a racist
agenda for monetary personal gains, and suit no purpose other than “Prejudices,
defamatory and violence direct at “PLAINTIFFS BLACK LIVES MATTER” claimed all to be terrorist immigrants from “Iran,
Iraq, Libya, Somalai, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen” which the other Muslim countries
being the majority share holder left out in “Blowing up” the pure innocents
“christen church America braves Honorable white Knights of the Klu Klux
Klansmen” legal ownership of all
MATTER minorities, DNA Negro Race” collectively further Affirm,
State and fully declare and all “PLAINTIFFS BLACK LIVES MATTER
minorities, DNA Negro Mutable “Mix Negro Race” as Identified in exhibit I attached herein all “PLANTIFFS realleges
and incorporates, defendant United States of America et al “Whites Supremacy”,
under now in 2017 45th President Chief Defendant Donald John Trump,
having first personal hand knowledge of the 2016 “election” having without
a question to legal address obtain precise demographic in population within
defendant (USA) jurisdiction known factual a real spurred sharp increase in Muslims
registering to vote as PLAINTIFFS BLACK
LIVES MATTER” claimed all to be terrorist immigrants from “Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalai, Sudan,
Syria, and Yemen” now “evicted” on this scale, while defendant Donald John
Trump Sr. paid in full Cabinet not even in place, dysfunctional Russia inside
trading SEC “Military NSA Rouge violation espionages hostile tactic open public
record acts and actions of 2017
purpose other than “actual” functional government in loud language of this
joking constitution actual provision of non- physical congressional duties and
responsibilities of “freeing all PLAINTIFFS BLACK
LIVES MATTER” claimed all to be (fucking) terrorist immigrants from “Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalai, Sudan,
Syria, and Yemen”, and all “PLAINTIFFS BLACK LIVES MATTER minorities, DNA Negro Race” collectively Mutable “Mix Negro Race,
and “PLAINTIFFS BLACK LIVES MATTER minorities, DNA Negro Race” “exclude from this hate crimes
executive order whom physically Make
up the largest population of “Muslim” in the World, as identified
Indonesia 204,847,000 at (87.2%)
178,097,000 at (96.4%)
171,012,000 at (14.6%)
145,312,000 at (90%)
75,728,000 at (47.9%)
MATTER minorities, DNA Negro Race” collectively further Affirm,
State and fully declare and all “PLAINTIFFS BLACK LIVES MATTER
minorities, DNA Negro Mutable “Mix Negro Race” as Identified in exhibit I attached herein all “PLANTIFFS realleges
and incorporates, defendant United States of America et al “Whites Supremacy”,
Officially target the “election” with
disfranchisement directed at all “PLAINTIFFS BLACK LIVES
MATTER minorities, DNA Negro Race” collectively further Affirm,
State and fully declare and all “PLAINTIFFS BLACK LIVES MATTER
minorities, DNA Negro Mutable “Mix Negro Race” as Identified in exhibit I attached herein further “affirmed, declared
and fully precise As of
June, 2016 more than 300,000 Muslims had registered to vote since 2012,
according to the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). Whom whereby
“legal stripped already of claimed legal citizenship Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 US 393 1857
which defendant “United States of America” fully criminal in patter and
practices of discriminatory of The 1790 Naturalization Act reserves
naturalized citizenship for whites only to maintain majority race population
voting disfranchisement control was long instituted even before the conception
of 18 U.S.
Code § 249 – “Hate crime acts”, “targeted executive legal government of USA
order” of the Nationality Act, committed by Chief Defendant Donald John Trump Sr. in both
Professional and Private racist capacity criminal intent was fully RICO
corruption in design for the Next “election” in targeting the full fast pace
deportation of all claimed “illegal immigrants under a fraudulent “executive
order” designed to attack all voting demographic minorities races while bully
past common law frauds surrounding
Prosecution”, “Terrorization”, “Abuse of power”, “wire fraud”,
“discrimination”, “defamation”, “liable” and “slander” all being criminal while
acting in 2017 under color of law as acting 45th President of the
United States of America forcedly engaging openly in hate crime speeches,
inciting race rioting, tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed
or otherwise “target” government state sponsor past, and present RICO
criminal “patter and practices” of discriminatory unequal administration of The 1790
Naturalization Act to discriminatory reserves naturalized citizenship for
whites only well into 2017 population demographic to maintain “whites supremacy
GOP Republican party majority race population voting disfranchisement control
as all claimed now 2017 Terrorist “BLACL LIVES MATTER”
having been stripped of legal citizenship since august 20th
1619 pursuant to “Slavery Servitude” of defendant USA which did not legally end
until February 7th 2013 upon the Archivist of
defendant “United States of America et al “Charles A. Barth Director of the
Federal Register”, acknowledge receipt of Senate Concurrent Resolution Number
574 Resolution, adopted by the defendant Mississippi Senate on February 16,
1995 and The Mississippi House of Representatives on March 16th
1995, as with this action, “Defendant”, The States of Mississippi has ratified
the 13th Amendment to the Constitution of the defendant “United
States” as
MATTER minorities, DNA Negro Race” collectively further Affirm,
State and fully declare and all “PLAINTIFFS BLACK LIVES MATTER
minorities, DNA Negro Mutable “Mix Negro Race” as Identified in exhibit I attached herein all “PLANTIFFS realleges
and incorporates,
Acting 45th
President of the United States of America forcedly engaging openly in hate
crime religion prosecution in favor of Christianity
which has highest population in the world
Adherent estimates in 2012
Secular [a]/Nonreligious [b]/Agnostic/Atheist
With the listed
countries, of the Muslim population has the overwhelming majority.
Indonesia 204,847,000 (87.2%)
Pakistan 178,097,000 (96.4%)
India 171,012,000 (14.6%)
Bangladesh 145,312,000 (90%)
Nigeria 75,728,000 (47.9%)
Iran 74,819,000 (99.6%)
Turkey 74,660,000 (98.6%)
Egypt 73,746,000 (90%)
- 106.
minorities, DNA Negro Race” collectively further Affirm,
State and fully declare and all “PLAINTIFFS BLACK LIVES MATTER
minorities, DNA Negro Mutable “Mix Negro Race” as Identified in exhibit I attached herein all “PLANTIFFS realleges
and incorporates, All travellers who
have nationality of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen being
also Muslim under a RICO Wire and Mail
Fraud Hate Crimes Act signed as an executive order halting all refugee
admissions and temporarily barring people from seven Muslim-majority countries,
which is disapproately in correct to the logic of said “Executive Order” as
refferance to “Muslim Population calculations to be “Terrorist” by large
demographic claims by Chief Defendant Donald John Trump in the official
capacity of President of the USA, as already premeditated direct intent during
2016 against
Islam (/ˈɪslɑːm/; [note 1] Arabic: الإسلام, al-ʾIslām IPA: [alʔisˈlaːm]
( listen); [note 2]) is the religion
articulated by the Quran, a text considered by its adherents to be the verbatim
word of God (Allāh), and, for the vast majority of adherents, by the teachings
and normative example (called the sunnah, composed ... andf under the
“Executive order” only Muslims Christians are allowed access or exemptions
which factual Muslims are
not Christians, they have their very own “entitled” religious faith as Muslims
do not believe that he was the Son of Allah therefore he was not Jesus who was
the Son of God, nor that he
is divine or part of a triune God.
In Islam, Isa was a human
prophet who, like all the other prophets, tried to bring the children of Israel
to the worship of One God.
“PLAINTIFFS BLACK LIVES MATTER minorities, DNA Negro Race” collectively further Affirm,
State and fully declare and all “PLAINTIFFS BLACK LIVES MATTER
minorities, DNA Negro Mutable “Mix Negro Race” as Identified in exhibit I attached herein all “PLANTIFFS realleges
and incorporates, “Muslim Population calculations to be “Terrorist” by large
demographic claims by Chief Defendant Donald John Trump in the official
capacity of President of the USA, as already premeditated direct intent during
2016 against Islam Sunnis
make up the majority of Muslims, not every Muslim belongs to the same Islamic
sect. A Muslim’s Islamic beliefs may take one of these forms:
Sunni Muslims include 84%–90% of all Muslims. Sunni means “tradition,” and Sunnis regard
themselves as those who emphasize following the traditions of Muhammad and of
the first two generations of the community of Muslims that followed Muhammad.
number of movements to reform Islam have originated mainly in the 20th century.
Some are limited to one country and others have a broader influence. Most are
Sunni movements, such as the Wahhabis, the Muslim Brotherhood, and
Shi`ite Muslims comprise 10%–16% of all Muslims. Shi`ites are the “party of
`Ali,” who believe that Muhammad’s son-in-law `Ali was his designated successor (imam) and that the Muslim community should
be headed by a designated descendent of Muhammad. Three main subgroups of
Shi`ites are Twelvers (Ithna-`Asharis), Seveners (Isma`ilis), and Fivers (Zaydis).
Sufis are Islamic mystics. Sufis go beyond external requirements of the
religion to seek a personal experience of God through forms of meditation and
spiritual growth. A number of Sufi orders, comparable to Christian monastic
orders, exist. Most Sufis are also Sunni Muslims, although some are Shi`ite
Muslims. Many conservative Sunni Muslims regard Sufism as a corruption of
Islam, although most still regard Sufis as Muslims.
Baha’is and Ahmadiyyas are 19th-century offshoots of Shi`ite
and Sunni Islam, respectively. Bahai’s consider themselves the newest of the
major world’s religions but recognize that historically they originated from
Shi`ite Islam in the same way that Christianity originated from Judaism.
Ahmadiyyas do regard themselves as Muslims. Most other Muslims, however, deny
that either group is a legitimate form of Islam and regard members of both
groups as heretics — people who have corrupted and
abandoned Islamic belief and practice.
Druze, Alevis, and `Alawis are small, sectarian groups with unorthodox beliefs and practices that
split off from Islam. Druze and Alevis do not regard themselves as Muslims and
are not considered Muslims by other Muslims. `Alawis have various non-Islamic
practices, but debate continues as to whether they should still be considered
MATTER minorities, DNA Negro Race” collectively further Affirm,
State and fully declare and all “PLAINTIFFS BLACK LIVES MATTER
minorities, DNA Negro Mutable “Mix Negro Race” as Identified in exhibit I attached herein all “PLANTIFFS realleges
and incorporates, There were 3.3 million Muslims of all ages living in the
United States in 2015, or about 1 percent of the total U.S. population, the Pew
Research Center reports. The figure is an update to Pew's 2011 estimate of 2.75 million Muslims
living in the United States., This means that Muslims made up about 1% of the total U.S.
population (about 322 million people in 2015), and estimate that that share
will double by 2050.
The history of American Muslims goes back more than 400
years. Living in USA stripped of legal citizenship well into 2013 offically all
criminally by “whites supremacy GOP Republican Party Government forever tormented,
threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed or otherwise “hate crimes target”
by official government state sponsor past, and present in
2017 under direct RICO criminal “patter and practices” of discriminatory
unequal administration of The 1790 Naturalization Act to prescribe
“discriminatory government records relief simply” reserves naturalized
citizenship for whites only, and the voting demographic being render no people
of color compentention in thei monopoly of “slave trade” endless whites
supremacy fraud even as
Although some evidence suggests that there were Muslims
on Columbus' ships, the first clearly documented arrival of Muslims in America
occurred in the 17th century with the arrival of “PLAINTIFFS BLACK LIVES MATTER minorities, DNA Negro Race” collectively further Affirm,
State and fully declare and all “PLAINTIFFS BLACK LIVES MATTER
minorities, DNA Negro Mutable “Mix Negro Race” as Identified in exhibit I being slaves from Africa well into 2013. As described intent
on discrimination by the Court Order” against this Hate Crimes “Executive
Order” as Stated:

The 13th
Amendment of United States of America Constitution had been ratified on Feb 7th
2013 ending “Slavery” against the
PLAINTIFFS BLACK LIVES MATTER minorities, DNA Negro Plaintiffs
which discriminatory fashion by The 1790 Naturalization Act reserves
naturalized citizenship for whites only no legal citizenship after Feburary 7th
2013 14th amendment completely destroyed as denationalization was
fully enforced against the (PLAINTIFFS BLACK
LIVES MATTER Pro Se Plaintiff) the first Presidential Negro
BLACK LIVES MATTER 44.5 Million Negros legally without legal
citizenship after 1865 “civil war” trapped by this continual 1790 (RICO)
Naturalization Act. By defendant “United States of America full
destruction of all Articles of Agreement Relating to the
Surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia. April 10, 1865, Being criminal
designed by as always “whites Supremacy” favor that “Mississippi” should never
freed the Plaintiffs (BLACK LIVES MATTER) including
(BLACK LIVES MATTER) the first Presidential
Negro Family (Obama) and 44.5 Million
Negros (BLACK LIVES MATTER) legally without legal citizenship after 1865 “civil
war” trapped by this continual collusion of the defendant (USA) The 1790 (RICO)
Naturalization Act. In a scheme of voting RICO Scheme of Government control by
“Whites Supermacy” defendant (USA) GOP Republican Party Government Voting
control demographic disfranchisement for all acts of “false imprisonment”, visa
revoke, full deportation, even capital murder, to maintain the rights of whites
supremacy” votes, and corruption government corporations
RICO Monoply of the (KKK) control
all being criminal the same 1865 – 2017
past, present and future, discriminations by “Whites Supremacy” defendant (USA)
GOP Republican Party Government Voting control demographic disfranchisement in
this “intent discriminations” under all 1790 (RICO) Naturalization Act. Derive
their after the complete destruction of defendant “Fake News” 1865 The 13th
amendment to the “United States of America” which by (KKK) was destroyed,
annihilate, wipe out, and fully obliterate, fully in law and equity” official
in leaving BLACK LIVES MATTER (Pro Se Plaintiff), in his both person Cmdr. USN
(Secret Service # 2712) also official the first Presidential BLACK LIVES MATTER
Negro Family (Obama) and
BLACK LIVES MATTER 44.5 Million Negros
legally born between the exact dates of August 20th 1619 - February 7th 2013
“Slaves of The United States of America”, as so legally Born unto “Slavery
Servitude” by this continue legacy by Chief Defendant 45th President
of the Defendant “United States of America et al” with direct intent on his
part being “Leadership” and Card Holder in this Whites Supremacy” of ownership
“crimes against humanity 1865 – 2013 of all BLACK LIVES MATTER”to include all
BLACK LIVES MATTER minorities, DNA Negro “Muslim Race” immigrants from “Iran,
Iraq, Libya, Somalai, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen” residing within the
“Jurisdiction” still being “enslaved” held hostage by
designed of “whites supremacy hates
crimes in a direct intenty under “executive order” under all whites supremacy
greed RICO Slave Trade Corporations, and GOP Republican party government
“Federal/State/local control, being past and present of even in 2017 Chief Defendant 45th
President Donald John Trump Sr. in his both personal interest to include “Trump
Foundation“, The Trump Organization Trump Tower 725 Fifth Avenue New York, NY
10022 clear back since 1970s scuttling records against “PLAINTIFFS BLACK LIVES MATTER minorities, to hide his crimes committed against all “PLAINTIFFS BLACK LIVES MATTER minorities, to maintain the actual monetary “Hidden
Global War Chest” “Trump Foundation“, as described correctly in U.S. Docket No. 3:16-MC-00016
The Trump Organization Trump
Tower 725 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10022 and RICO wealth of the (KKK) being
aid and shore up” and also financed by the “USSR Federations” since at the
least 1970s when all the destruction of the “Government Civil Rights Case” was
in pursue, of RICO corruption of “45th President Donald John Trump
Sr. having past and present knowledge defendant (USA) The 14th amendment to the
“United States of America” was also destroyed, annihilate, wipe out, and fully
obliterate, fully in law and equity” official in leaving (Pro Se Plaintiff),
the first Presidential Negro Family (Obama)
and 44.5 Million Negros legally born between the exact dates of February
7th 2013 – 2099 pursuant to “Elite Secret Whites Only” Judicial GOP Republican
Party Government of
The 1790 Naturalization Act
reserves naturalized citizenship for whites only having “officially”
denaturalization (Pro Se Plaintiff), the first Presidential Negro Family
(Obama) and 44.5 Million Negros legally born
between the exact dates of February 7th 2013 – 2099 “Leaving” (Pro Se Plaintiff), the first Presidential
Negro Family (Obama) and 44.5 Million Negros “without” any legal citizenship,
any just equal claim legal standing before any Federal Court of Law, and
“official property” of all “card-holders” of the Knights of The Klu Klux
Klansmen, and United States of America et al forevermore, Pursuant to: Dred
Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857),
is furtherance appropriated pursuant to all actions arise against
"Plaintiffs Black Lives Matter" are legitimate slaves since 1619
August 20th – February 7th 2013 and direct cause of
action being not “descendant” of Slaves” but actual Living Slaves other then
1800s “slaves legally under government records of defendant “Jurisdictions” of
(USA) Born between the exacts dates of August 20th 1619 – Feburary 7th
2013 haing direct net worth Pursuant
to: Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), of only $300.00 dollars per
slave living days affect precisely since 1619
August 20th – February 7th 2013 with 6% interest incurred
upon “Live Birth” records thereof, further
Venue is furtherance appropriated pursuant to all
actions arise against "Plaintiffs Black Lives Matter" are legitimate
slaves since 1619 August 20th – February 7th 2013 and
direct cause of action being not “descendant” of Slaves” but actual Living
Slaves other then 1800s “slaves legally under government records of defendant
“Jurisdictions” of (USA) Born between the exacts dates of Feburary 7th
2013 – December 30th 2017 having no legal citizenship status pursuant to “Elite Secret Whites Only”
Judicial GOP Republican Party Government of
The 1790 Naturalization Act
reserves naturalized citizenship for whites only having “officially” denaturalization,
as the defendant 14th amendment Constitution of United States of
America 1789 was last (rev. 1992) which is “Void” for exactly 21 years upon the Archivist of defendant “United States of America et al “Charles A.
Barth Director of the Federal Register”, acknowledge receipt of Senate
Concurrent Resolution Number 574 Resolution, adopted by the defendant Mississippi
Senate on February 16, 1995 and The Mississippi House of Representatives on
March 16th 1995, as with this action, “Defendant”, The States of
Mississippi has ratified the 13th Amendment to the Constitution of
the defendant “United States” as being described on “appeal” Louis Charles
Hamilton, II v Donald John Trump Sr. 45th President, by which
factual occurred
by Chief Defendant Donald John Trump Sr. acting 45th President of
the United States of America continue in 2017 onward hostile hate crimes
speech, inciting violence, defamatory, discrimination directed criminal intent under color of law to committed to
deprivation of elimination of the “enemy” as well as to defame all
"PLANTIFFS" BLACK LIVES MATTER some 44.5 Million plus Counts of
Libel, Slander, Defamation, against being accused Terrorist and Thugs, enemy of
the 45th President of the United States of America et al
Notwithstanding "PLANTIFFS" BLACK LIVES MATTER Pro Se Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II in
his both person Cmdr. USN Secret service # 2712 declared “Legally” 1000% Dead
(DOA) to have his minor children kidnapped by the “Church of Jesus Christ of
Ladder Day Saints in an ongoing (RICO) fraudulent “Religious Prosecution”
scheme of things since 1994 being a male single parent with two minor daughters
and having two jobs being a Christianity faith “Roman Catholic” prosecuted by
“Mormons” whom are not Christianity faith, but “Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder
Day Saints “Cult” all
Cover up by defendant United States of America et al (Utah), as
Being an open unlimited quite morbid statute of limitation with a (MIA) dead
wife Body being the same “Religious Prosecution” scheme of things direct to "PLANTIFFS"
BLACK LIVES MATTER Pro Se Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II in his both person
Cmdr. USN Secret service # 2712 since 1994 all occurred in (UTAH) mystery of 2016
undersigned notary sealed date herein, but not “entitled by the Court to
proceed against the defendant “United States of America et al” as Order of the
Court Fraud of Government decree rule Friviolus the entire U.S.
Docket No. 3:16-MC-00016 and the missing Minor Children while this “Executive
Order” of the 45th President of the United States of America et al only
provision in protection is for Christianity faith Muslim escaping religious prosecution,
but no executive order, or Judicial Government decree, laws of equality
provision for escaping “Defendant” United States of America” religious
prosecution by the Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saints “Cult” in
"PLANTIFFS" BLACK LIVES MATTER Pro Se Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II in
his both person Cmdr. USN Secret service # 2712 declared “Legally” 1000% Dead
(DOA) to have his minor children kidnapped by the “Church of Jesus Christ of
Ladder Day Saints in an ongoing (RICO) fraudulent “Religious Prosecution”
scheme of things since 1994 being a male single parent with two minor daughters
and having two jobs being a Christianity faith “Roman Catholic” prosecuted by
“Mormons” whom are not Christianity faith, while “Chief Defendant defame
“Plaintiffs BLACK LIVES MATTER” et al and legal counsel of records to be
terrorist and a “Muslim Ban” vs. “Knights of the Klu Klux Klansmen in-house
terrorist of defendant “United States of America as described Briefly:
April 23, Stone Mountain Park, Stone
Mountain: What was supposed to be a major white supremacist event, "Rock
Stone Mountain," is instead attended by just over a dozen white power
activists, who are fenced in and surrounded by police. Hundreds of anti-racist
protesters drive white power numbers down, as these anti-racists skirmish with
police plus confront stray neo-Nazis and Klansmen. Nine anti-racists are arrested,
although at the time of writing all but one has had charges dropped. The
"Rock Stone Mountain" event was organized by Hapeville white
supremacist John Michael Estes, with assistance from "Southern Rebel
Patriots" (International Keystone Knights of the Ku Klux Klan participants
Greg and Jodi Calhoun of Cedartown.) Gabriel Diaz, a man of Dominican ancestry
from the Bronx, NY who has Nazi sympathies, attempted to infiltrate the Stone
Mountain anti-racist protest on behalf of the National Socialist Movement.
Diaz's efforts were later exposed online.
April 23, Rome: National Socialist Movement combine forces with Loyal White
Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Aryan Nations Worldwide, Aryan Strikeforce and
other groups for rally outside Joint Law Enforcement Center in downtown Rome.
News stories give numbers of white supremacists as 80-100, who were greatly
outnumbered by counter-protesters. (picture from event on cover) April 23
(evening), Georgia Peach Oyster Bar, Draketown/Temple: Combined after-event for
the National Socialist Movement rally in Rome as well as for "Rock Stone
Mountain." Approximately 75 people attend this event, which features a
Talk is in the air of the Aryan Nationalist
Alliance, a national partnership bringing together several white power
organizations, which was formally launched at a meeting at the Georgia Peach
the evening before. May 22, Rome: League of the South-affiliated white
nationalist Floyd Eric Meadows and associates attempt to counter-protest New
Black Panther Party gathering in Rome. However, the white nationalists are
intercepted by police, who presumably feared violence. (Earlier discussion of
the New Black Panther Party event on Meadows’ Facebook included one person
making the comment: “Firebomb.”) May 25: Website for Aryan Nations Worldwide, a
Villa Rica-based faction of the white supremacist Aryan Nations, goes online.
May 29, Georgia Peach Oyster Bar, Draketown/Temple: Aryan Nations Worldwide
host "Meet and Greet" event.
(Note: Online photos indicate that several
smaller get-togethers - at times involving Loyal White Knights of the KKK
members together with Aryan Nations Worldwide - occurred during this period.
Only the most significant of these events are listed in this chronology.) June
11, Rome: National Socialist Movement gathering at private home, hosted by
Floyd Eric Meadows (see May 22 entry.) International Keystone Knights of the Ku
Klux Klan members also attend. Group photo from gathering prominently features
League of the South southern nationalist flag in addition to Nazi and Klan
flags. July 3, Atlanta: White nationalist organization Identity Evropa posts
images of small number of propaganda stickers placed in downtown Atlanta. July
5, Atlanta: Supreme Court of Georgia rules in favor of International Keystone
Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, who in 2012 sued through the American Civil
Liberties Union to adopt a one-mile stretch of State Route 212 in Union County
via the Adopt-A-Highway program. July 10, Georgia Peach Oyster Bar,
Draketown/Temple: Aryan Nations Worldwide hold meeting at Georgia Peach Oyster
Bar and mini-protest on roadside, with members holding signs such as "Only
White Lives Matter" and "Mud Beast [Black] Lives Don't Matter."
Randall Wiley Smith (owner-operator of
Wholesale Tire and Auto LLC in Villa Rica) pictured holding noose. July 17,
Georgia Peach Oyster Bar, Draketown/Temple: Aryan Nations and Loyal White
Knights of the Ku Klux Klan joint gathering and protest. July 17, near Rome:
Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan flyers discovered Sunday night in two
different neighborhoods. The flyers urged opposition to Black Lives Matter as
well as joining the Klan. July 21: Post on VK.com social networking formally
announces that "NSM [National Socialist Movement] Atlanta is under new leadership
Eric [Floyd Eric Meadows of Rome]". August 1: First broadcast of "NSM
Hoff " internet radio show, part of the National Socialist Movement's
media network.
This weekly show is hosted by "[Floyd]
Eric [Meadows], the leader of NSM Georgia" and discusses a racist variant
of Norse heathenism. Early August, Little 5 Points, Atlanta: Celtic cross
symbol favored by white nationalists found spray-painted on wall. Graffiti
removed by antifascists. August 22, Covington: Hundreds attend public hearings
on plans for a mosque in Newton County, the majority opposing this development.
Due to this protest, a temporary moratorium on mosque construction is issued.
August 28, Georgia Peach Oyster Bar, Draketown/Temple: Winners of Aryan Nations
Worldwide fundraising raffle announced (top prizes were Klan robes). Funds
raised went to Gary Yarbrough, currently imprisoned for his role in the white
supremacist terrorist group The Order during the 1980s.
(Yarbrough’s wife is based in Louisiana and
is active with Aryan Nations Worldwide from there.) September 3: Loyal White
Knights of the Ku Klux Klan hold rally and crossburning in Georgia (location
not specified.) September 4, Woodstock: Aryan Nations Labor Day weekend social
gathering at Clove Tree Lane residence of Ralph Neil Scroy. September 6,
Atlanta: White nationalist group Identity Evropa posts on Twitter about small
number of organization stickers placed in Atlanta earlier. September 11,
Covington: Members of the far-Right Georgia Security Force III% militia post a
video online (later deleted) in which they call Muslims followers of the
Antichrist, and appear to trespass on the site of a proposed mosque. September
13, Covington: Outside Newton County Courthouse, Georgia Security Force III%
militia members hold armed protest with Islamophobic allies such as Jim
Stachowiak. Earlier, Newton County commissioners had canceled their scheduled
discussion of a Muslim congregation's plans for a mosque, citing hostile posts
on social media. September 17, Georgia Peach Oyster Bar, Draketown/Temple: An
Aryan Nationalist Alliance gathering attracts a couple of dozen participants,
predominantly from the National Socialist Movement and Aryan Nations Worldwide.
Confederate Hammerskins allegedly attend but are camera-shy. The event also
features Floyd Eric Meadows' marriage ceremony with his new wife Angela (who
also supports the NSM.) Giant wooden swastika burned in field behind venue.
September 20, Covington: Another handful of armed anti-mosque protesters
outside Newton County courthouse, but moratorium on mosque construction
September 24, East Atlanta Village, Atlanta:
At East Atlanta Strut festival, two individuals sell stickers with the
Totenkopf ("death's head") symbol used by the Nazi SS, accompanied
with the phrase "East Atlanta Village." (image beside entry)
September 29, Georgia State University campus, Atlanta: Handful of stickers and
posters for white nationalist group Identity Evropa placed around campus.
Subsequently removed by antifascists. October 1, Georgia Peach Oyster Bar,
Draketown/Temple: Confederate Hammerskins host "Hammerfest," the
annual gathering of the Hammerskin Nation. Headlining musical act is Mistreat,
a racist bonehead (pseudo- "skinhead") band from Finland.
Other musical acts that played at this event
have been linked to a mass shooting of Sikh worshippers in Wisconsin, and an
attack on a synagogue in Oregon. Headlining speakers were Matthew Heimbach of
the Traditional Workers Party, and Draketown GA neo-Nazi Chester Doles (a
public Hammerskin supporter.) We estimate Hammerfest attendance at 100-120
people (this number includes performers and security.) One attendee, former
Hammerskin Dave Nichols, is subjected to a brutal gang beating by other
attendees. October 1, Seaborne Jones Park, Rockmart: The International Keystone
Knights of the Ku Klux Klan had planned to hold a "White Christian
Community Event" from 10AM to 6PM this day. However, due to organized
opposition from anti-racists, one of the signatories on the event permit
(Christopher Bailey of Cedartown) backed out on September 23, leading to the
City of Rockmart canceling permission for the event. Early October, in or near
Atlanta: "AltRight" gathering attracts approximately two dozen
participants. (pictured next to entry) October 2, Mary Lin Elementary School,
Candler Park neighborhood, Atlanta: anti-Semitic graffiti written in chalk is
discovered at Mary Lin Elementary School.
Messages included “Hail Hitler” and swastikas.
October 3 (morning), Lake Park neighborhood, Albany: Loyal White Knights of the
Ku Klux Klan recruitment flyers discovered in morning - distributed overnight
to homes on six roads. October 8, Grantville: On this date, the League of the
South had planned to rally in Grantville, to exploit the murder of a nearby
elderly white woman for their racist recruiting purposes. The event was
cancelled on September 22nd after the LoS faced severe criticism for their
proposed protest. October 15: East Coast Knights hold a cross-burning on
private land in Georgia (exact location unknown.) (image located below) October
16, Georgia State University, Atlanta: Milo Yiannopoulos, an Alt-Right
sympathizer, internet harasser and transphobic activist, speaks to hundreds at
a “Millennials for Trump” event sponsored by College Republicans at Georgia
State University. October 17, Helen:
A man visits beer hall wearing full Nazi SS
uniform. October 19 (morning), Towne Lake Hills South neighborhood, Woodstock:
Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan flyers discovered in driveways, had
been distributed overnight. Flyer attacks transgender people and advocates for
gender-neutral bathrooms.
White supremacist and ardent Nazi
follower William Dudley Pelley, a New England native of what he calls
“uncontaminated English stock,” founds the Silver Shirts, a neo-Nazi
organization, in Asheville, North Carolina, the same day that Adolf Hitler
ascends to power in Germany. Apparently Pelley funds the organization through
the proceeds of a best-selling book, Seven
Minutes in Eternity, in which he claimed to have died and gone to “the
beyond” for a seven-minute period. Pelley and his followers, including Henry
Lamont “Mike” Beach (see 1969), dress themselves in silver shirts
emblazoned with a large cursive “L,” blue corduroy knickers, and gold
stockings. Pelley considers himself a Republican, though he is not politically
active in the usual sense.
Anti-Semitic, Anti-Government - His efforts attract members from
pro-Nazi groups, Ku Klux Klan chapters, and others sympathetic to his
anti-Semitic views. In August 1933, the American Jewish Committee (AJC) will
warn: “The Silver Shirts came into existence the early part of this year. They
are enrolling white Protestant Christians as members of a Christian militia,
through a plan of State encampments that are reported to extend into various
states of the Union, with posts in every community.” According to Silver Shirt
documents obtained by the AJC, the group intends to bring about the
establishment of a strictly Christian government in the US;
accuses President Roosevelt of
being a “dictator” and “set[ting] aside the Constitution, which they desire to
restore”; intends to “save [the] United States from a state of Sovietism into
which… the Jews are leading the country”; accuses Jews of being a “money power”
bent on destroying the nation’s economy via their “control” of the Federal
Reserve; and says that “a people who constitute only 2.5 per cent of the
population [Jews] to be held down to a 2.5 per cent influence in the American
government, and we propose to see that it is brought about, race prejudice or
no!” The group also advocates a form of direct democracy, in which citizens
mail in their votes for or against pending legislation, and proposes the
reorganization of America into what it calls a “colossus corporation,” where
“[e]very citizen shall be both a common and a preferred stockholder.”
Psychic Messages - Pelley claims to receive
psychic messages from “the vastness of cosmos,” including two sets of
documents, the “Esoteric Doctrines of the Liberation Enlightenment” and the
“Liberation Scripts,” which set forth the “Christ government” he intends to
establish. In a Silver Shirt newsletter, Pelley writes: “It is the order of
things that those wicked and malignant spirits who have incarnated in certain
sections of the Hebrew race trying to bring the downfall of the Christ Peoples,
should meet a fearful fate in this closing of the Cycle of Cosmic Event. That
contest is on-the-make and Hitler’s job it has been to do the advance work. But
Hitler is not going to finish that work. THE FINISH OF IT COMES RIGHT HERE IN
AMERICA!” Pelley writes that “the Jew” is possessed of a “nomadic character,
making him an internationalist whose ultimate objectives may well mean the
destruction and disappearance of the United States.” [AMERICAN
JEWISH COMMITTEE, 8/24/1933; IAN GELDARD, 2/19/1995; DAVID NEIWERT, 6/17/2003]
Spike in Membership Will Dwindle - Pelley’s group will enjoy its largest membership of some 15,000 in 1934; four years later, the group will dwindle to around 5,000 members. [THE HOLOCAUST CHRONICLE, 2009] Pelley will be convicted of sedition in 1942, and by the time he emerges from prison in 1950, his Silver Shirts will have long since disappeared.
'Christian Fascist' - In the early 1980s, graduate student Karen Hoppes will write extensively about Pelley.
Spike in Membership Will Dwindle - Pelley’s group will enjoy its largest membership of some 15,000 in 1934; four years later, the group will dwindle to around 5,000 members. [THE HOLOCAUST CHRONICLE, 2009] Pelley will be convicted of sedition in 1942, and by the time he emerges from prison in 1950, his Silver Shirts will have long since disappeared.
'Christian Fascist' - In the early 1980s, graduate student Karen Hoppes will write extensively about Pelley.
She will write of his Christian
fundamentalism: “[T]he link with fundamental Christianity establishes the
uniqueness of American fascism. The majority of fascist groups justified their
existence by their desire to change the United States into a Christian
society.… The relationship between the religious identity of these groups and
their political demands can be shown by a careful survey of their rhetoric. The
Christian fascist does not distinguish between the application of the terms
anti-Christ, Jew, and Communist. Neither does he distinguish between Gentile
and Christian.” [DAVID NEIWERT, 6/17/2003]

1960s and After: Racist,
Separatist ‘Christian Identity’ Theology Spreads across US

Beginnings; 'The Protocols of the Elders of Zion' - In the 1920s, William J. Cameron, editor of the Dearborn Independent weekly newspaper, popularized the anti-Semitic hoax manuscript called “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” which purported to detail the “secret teachings” of Judaism, including the planned takeover of the world’s governments, the subjugation of non-Semitic races, and the bizarre, cannibalistic rituals supposedly practiced by Jews. [ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE, 2005]
Wesley Swift and 'Mud People' - In the 1940s, a former Methodist minister, Wesley Swift, started his own church, later known as the Church of Jesus Christ Christian. Swift had deep ties to a number of radical right-wing groups including the Ku Klux Klan; Swift and his associates set the stage for the mutation of the Christian Identity into a loosely organized set of virulently anti-Semitic, racist belief systems that will come to be grouped together under the “Christian Identity” rubric. Swift himself taught that only the white race was created in the form of God, while Asian and African races were created from the “beasts of the fields,” and thusly are subhuman creations. In Swift’s version of Genesis, Eve, the wife of the first “true” man Adam, was seduced by The Serpent, who masqeueraded as a white man. Eve bore a son, Cain, who is the actual father of the Jewish people. This reinterpretation, sometimes called the “two-seed” or “seedliner” theory, supports the Christian Identity propensity to demonize Jews, whom Swift and others labeled the “spawn of Satan.” Today’s white Europeans and their American and Canadian descendants, Swift taught, are descended from the “true son” of Adam and Eve, Abel, and are the actual “chosen people” of God. Some Christian Identity adherents go even farther, claiming that subhuman “pre-Adamic” races existed and “spawned” the non-white races of the world, which they label “mud people.” [NICOLE NICHOLS, 2003; ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE, 2005]
Permeates Racist, Far-Right Groups - By the 1960s, a new group of Christian Identity leaders emerges to spread the Identity theology through the radical, racist right in America and Canada, popularizing the once-obscure ideology. Most prominent among them are three disciples of Swift: James K. Warner, William Potter Gale, and Richard Butler. Warner, who will move to Louisiana and play a leading role in the fight against civil rights, founds the Christian Defense League and the New Christian Crusade Church. Gale, an early leader of the Christian Defense League and its paramilitary arm, the California Rangers, goes on to found the Posse Comitatus (see 1969), the group that will help bring about the sovereign citizen movement. Gale will later found the Committee of the States and serve as the “chief of staff” of its “unorganized militia.” Butler moves Swift’s Church of Jesus Christ Christian to Idaho and recasts it as the neo-Nazi group Aryan Nations (see Early 1970s). Under the leadership of Butler, Gale, Warner, and others, Christian Identity soon permeates most of the major far-right movements, including the Klan and a racist “skinhead” organization known as the Hammerskins. It also penetrates many extreme anti-government activist groups.
The Anti-Defamation League will write, “The resurgence of right-wing
extremism in the 1990s following the Ruby Ridge (see August 31, 1992) and Waco standoffs (see April 19, 1993) further spread Identity
beliefs.” [ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE, 2005] Nichols
will write: “Christian Identity enclaves provide a trail of safe havens for
movement activists, stretching from Hayden Lake in northern Idaho (the Aryan
Nations stronghold) to Elohim City on the Oklahoma/Arkansas border (see 1973 and After). Many white supremacists on
the run from federal authorities have found shelter and support from Christian
Identity followers.” Some organizations such as the Montana Militia are headed
by Identity adherents, but do not as a group promote the theology. [NICOLE
Bringing Forth the Apocalypse - Many Christian Identity adherents believe that the Biblical Apocalypse—the end of the world as it is currently known and the final ascendancy of select Christians over all others—is coming soon. Unlike some Christians, Identity adherents do not generally believe in the “rapture,” or the ascendancy of “saved” Christians to Heaven before the Apocalypse ensues; instead, Identity followers believe Jesus Christ will return to Earth only after the time of the “Tribulation,” a great battle between good and evil, which will set the stage for the return of Christ and the final transformation of the world. Identity followers believe it is their duty to prepare for the Apocalypse, and some believe it is their duty to help bring it about. They tend to cast the Apocalypse in racial terms—whites vs. nonwhites. Identity adherents believe that worldly institutions will collapse during the “end times,” and therefore tend to distrust such institutions, making Identity theology appealing to anti-government ideologies of groups such as militia, “Patriot,” and sovereign citizens groups. [ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE, 2005]
21st Century Identity - In the 21st century, Christian Identity groups are strongest in the Pacific Northwest of America and Canada, and the US Midwest, though Identity churches can be found throughout the US and in other parts of Canada. Identity churches also exist in, among other nations, Ireland, Great Britain, Australia, and South Africa (see June 25, 2003). The Anti-Defamation League will write: “Yet while spread far it is also spread thin. Estimates of the total number of believers in North America vary from a low of 25,000 to a high of 50,000; the true number is probably closer to the low end of the scale. Given this relatively small following, its extensive penetration of the far right is all the more remarkable.” [ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE, 2005]
Identity Violence - Identity adherents commit a number of violent acts, often against government and/or financial institutions, in an outsized proportion to their small numbers. In 1983, Identity adherent Gordon Kahl kills two US Marshals who attempt to arrest him on a parole violation, and kills an Arkansas sheriff before finally being gunned down by authorities (see February 13, 1983 and After). The white supremacist terrorist group The Order (see Late September 1983) contains a number of Identity members, including David Tate, who kills a Missouri Highway Patrol officer while attempting to flee to an Identity survivalist compound (see April 15, 1985). During the 1980s, small Identity groups such as The New Order (or The Order II) and the Arizona Patriots commit bombings and armored car robberies. After the Oklahoma City bombing (see 8:35 a.m. - 9:02 a.m. April 19, 1995), Identity minister Willie Ray Lampley attempts a number of bombings (see November 9, 1995). In 1996, the Montana Freeman, led by Identity members, “stands off” federal authorities for 81 days (see March 25, 1996). Between 1996 and 1998, Eric Robert Rudolph, who has connections to Identity ministers such as Nord Davis and Dan Gayman, bombs an Atlanta gay bar (see February 21, 1997), several abortion clinics (see October 14, 1998), and the Atlanta Summer Olympics (see July 27, 1996 and After). In 1999, Identity member and former Aryan Nations security guard Buford Furrow goes on a shooting spree at a Jewish community center in Los Angeles (see August 10, 1999). [ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE, 2005]
Bringing Forth the Apocalypse - Many Christian Identity adherents believe that the Biblical Apocalypse—the end of the world as it is currently known and the final ascendancy of select Christians over all others—is coming soon. Unlike some Christians, Identity adherents do not generally believe in the “rapture,” or the ascendancy of “saved” Christians to Heaven before the Apocalypse ensues; instead, Identity followers believe Jesus Christ will return to Earth only after the time of the “Tribulation,” a great battle between good and evil, which will set the stage for the return of Christ and the final transformation of the world. Identity followers believe it is their duty to prepare for the Apocalypse, and some believe it is their duty to help bring it about. They tend to cast the Apocalypse in racial terms—whites vs. nonwhites. Identity adherents believe that worldly institutions will collapse during the “end times,” and therefore tend to distrust such institutions, making Identity theology appealing to anti-government ideologies of groups such as militia, “Patriot,” and sovereign citizens groups. [ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE, 2005]
21st Century Identity - In the 21st century, Christian Identity groups are strongest in the Pacific Northwest of America and Canada, and the US Midwest, though Identity churches can be found throughout the US and in other parts of Canada. Identity churches also exist in, among other nations, Ireland, Great Britain, Australia, and South Africa (see June 25, 2003). The Anti-Defamation League will write: “Yet while spread far it is also spread thin. Estimates of the total number of believers in North America vary from a low of 25,000 to a high of 50,000; the true number is probably closer to the low end of the scale. Given this relatively small following, its extensive penetration of the far right is all the more remarkable.” [ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE, 2005]
Identity Violence - Identity adherents commit a number of violent acts, often against government and/or financial institutions, in an outsized proportion to their small numbers. In 1983, Identity adherent Gordon Kahl kills two US Marshals who attempt to arrest him on a parole violation, and kills an Arkansas sheriff before finally being gunned down by authorities (see February 13, 1983 and After). The white supremacist terrorist group The Order (see Late September 1983) contains a number of Identity members, including David Tate, who kills a Missouri Highway Patrol officer while attempting to flee to an Identity survivalist compound (see April 15, 1985). During the 1980s, small Identity groups such as The New Order (or The Order II) and the Arizona Patriots commit bombings and armored car robberies. After the Oklahoma City bombing (see 8:35 a.m. - 9:02 a.m. April 19, 1995), Identity minister Willie Ray Lampley attempts a number of bombings (see November 9, 1995). In 1996, the Montana Freeman, led by Identity members, “stands off” federal authorities for 81 days (see March 25, 1996). Between 1996 and 1998, Eric Robert Rudolph, who has connections to Identity ministers such as Nord Davis and Dan Gayman, bombs an Atlanta gay bar (see February 21, 1997), several abortion clinics (see October 14, 1998), and the Atlanta Summer Olympics (see July 27, 1996 and After). In 1999, Identity member and former Aryan Nations security guard Buford Furrow goes on a shooting spree at a Jewish community center in Los Angeles (see August 10, 1999). [ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE, 2005]
1980: Avowed Racist,
Anti-Semite Convicted of Murder in Killing Spree

He claims the credit for robbing a number of
banks, bombing a Tennessee synagogue, killing two black men in Utah who were
jogging with white women, and shooting a black man and white woman as they left
a Tennessee restaurant. In total, Franklin says he may have killed 20 people in
a 10-state, racially motivated shooting spree; when asked how many he’d killed,
he says, “Not nearly enough.” Franklin explains why he shot so many people: “I
was trying to start a race war at the time.…
I figured other whites would do it, too, and
eventually we’d have a full-fledged race war.” He says that in 1977 he went on
the “warpath. I decided to cut loose in 1977. I was working these dead-end
jobs. I thought, ‘I’m just going to go out and kill some Jews.’” Franklin says
he was inspired in part by convicted serial killer Charles Manson. He is
convicted of a number of crimes, including the 1977 murder of Missouri resident
Gerald Gordon, and sentenced to death for Gordon’s murder. During his murder
trial, Franklin calmly explains the length he went to to avoid detection:
buying a rifle in Dallas through a classified ad, filing off the serial number,
and carrying it in a guitar case; finding synagogues in the Yellow Pages, using
a bicycle to approach and leave the scenes of his crimes quickly and without
detection; and using a police scanner to keep abreast of law enforcement
activities. He tells the court that he has no regrets regarding any of his
crimes: asked if he feels remorse for any of his actions, he says: “I can’t say
that I do.
The only thing I’m sorry about is
that it’s not legal.” Asked, “What’s not legal?” he replies, “Killing Jews.”
Psychiatrist Dorothy Otnow Lewis, who has interviewed a large number of serial
killers and spree killers, testifies that Franklin is a paranoid schizophrenic,
details the brutal physical abuse he suffered as a child, and details a number
of bizarre beliefs he seems to hold. Franklin denies being “stark raving mad,”
but admits to a few “minor neuroses.” As to Lewis’s contention that he was
unable to stop himself from committing his crimes, Franklin says: “I think it
is hogwash, to tell you the truth. I knew exactly what I was doing.” Lewis
later says she believes all serial and spree killers are mentally or
emotionally dysfunctional and not directly responsible for their actions. [TIME, 11/16/1980; NEW
YORKER, 2/24/1997; JACKSON CLARION LEDGER, 2/25/2010] The
1989 novel Hunter, by
William Pierce, the author of the infamous Turner
Diaries (see 1978), will be dedicated to Franklin. The
main character of the novel kills interracial couples in an attempt to foment a
race war. [NEW YORK TIMES, 7/24/2002] The
racist, white supremacist group Aryan Nations will give Franklin a medal for
his actions. [JACKSON CLARION LEDGER, 2/25/2010]
1981 and After: White
Supremacist Holds Influential Gathering
Richard Butler, the head of the white
separatist and neo-Nazi organization Aryan Nations (see Early 1970s), hosts the first Aryan World
Congress at the Nations compound in Hayden Lake, Idaho. The event attracts many
of the area’s racist leaders. Butler begins holding more gatherings in
subsequent years and begins appointing state leaders of Aryan Nations chapters.
One of the brightest young leaders in Butler’s coterie is Robert Jay Mathews,
who will go on to found the violent white supremacist group The Order (see Late September 1983). Other prominent
Nations members at the conferences include:
Tom Metzger, leader of the White
Aryan Resistance; Louis Beam, a former Klansman who will promote the concept of
“leaderless resistance” (see February 1992); Don Black, a former
Klansman who will create Stormfront, the largest white separatist forum on the
Internet; and Kirk Lyons, a well-known lawyer who will represent a number of
extremists facing criminal charges. [SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTER, 2010; SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTER, 2010]

Perdue partnered with another
supremacist, Wolfgang Droege, and began planning to stage a coup that would
place former Prime Minister Patrick John back in power. Even though John was
something of a leftist, and wanted to displace the much more right-wing and
pro-American Prime Minister, Eugenia Charles, in September 1980 Perdue and John
agreed in writing to commence what they called “Operation Red Dog,” a violent
coup with the goal of placing John back in charge of the government. The Washington
Times will later report: “The coup forged some odd alliances.
[It] united right-wing North Americans and
Caribbean leftists, white nationalists and black revolutionaries; First World
capitalists and Third World Socialists.” Canadian writer Stewart Bell later
describes Perdue as a man of no real political convictions and a lust for money
who routinely lies about his Vietnam experience (he never served in Southeast
Asia, and did not tell his companions that he was a homosexual), and Droege as
a German-Canadian high school dropout with neo-Nazi sympathies. Others involved
in the putative coup are nightclub owner and white supremacist Charles Yanover,
gunrunner Sydney Burnett-Alleyne (who supplied the initial connection to John),
Black, Hawkins, and a small number of others. The mercenaries’ plan was to put
John back in power; in return, John would give them license to use the island
as a haven for casinos, drug smuggling, and money laundering. Almost from the
outset, the conspiracy was infiltrated by two agents from the Bureau of
Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF), John Osburg and Wally Grafton, who were
alerted to the planned coup by charter boat captain Mike Howell. Perdue had
tried to hire Howell to take the mercenaries to Dominica, and told Howell that
his was a CIA operation. Members of the operation also talked to others about
it; one even gave a “secret” interview to a radio reporter in Hamilton. Osburg
and Grafton alerted law enforcement authorities; on the night of the raid,
federal authorities overwhelmed the small band of mercenaries, arrested them
all, and confiscated a large number of firearms, 10 pounds of dynamite, over
5,000 rounds of ammunition, and a large red-and-black Nazi flag.
The operation was later
derisively termed the “Bayou of Pigs,” a joking reference to the 1961 attempt
by right-wing American mercenaries to overthrow Castro’s government. John was
arrested in Dominica. Perdue and six other participants have already pled
guilty to violating the Neutrality Act. Before his sentencing of three years in
prison, Black says, “What we were doing was in the best interests of the United
States and its security in the hemisphere, and we feel betrayed by our own
government.” [TIME, 5/11/1981; UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL, 6/21/1981; NEW
TIMES, 10/5/2008; WINNIPEG
FREE PRESS, 11/2/2008] After serving his jail term, Black
will go on to found the influential white supremacist organization Stormfront
March 1995: White
Supremacist Launches Stormfront, Related Web Site

Began Extolling White Supremacist Ideology in High School, Went on to Lead KKK - Black began his career as a white supremacist while still in high school in the early 1970s, joining the National Socialist White People’s Party and handing out racist tabloids to his fellow students. In 1971, he was shot by Jerry Ray, the manager for white supremacist J.B. Stoner’s unsuccessful gubernatorial campaign in Georgia. Ray, the brother of Martin Luther King Jr.‘s assassin James Earl Ray, thought that Black had broken into Stoner’s office to steal a mailing list for the National Socialist White People’s Party. Black recovered, and attended the University of Alabama, where he was ejected from the ROTC program for his racist statements. Subsequently he began working with Klan leader David Duke to revitalize the foundering Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). According to a 1995 report by the progressive New Times: “Duke taught Black it’s easier to attract supporters by criticizing affirmative action, illegitimate welfare births, and illegal immigration than labeling blacks as inferior or Jews as rich enemies. The goal was to avoid inflammatory remarks and present oneself as dignified—sticking to the issues. Supremacy is presented as nationalism. And intolerance warps into a preference for one’s own heritage.” After Duke was forced out of the KKK over allegations of selling its mailing list, Black took over the organization until 1981, when he spent three years in prison for fomenting a plot with other supremacists to invade the tiny Caribbean island nation of Dominica (see June 21, 1981). Black learned to program computers during his prison term. He returned to Birmingham, Alabama, in 1985, telling friends, “I’m here to build the greatest white racist regime this country has ever seen.” After quitting the Klan because of its overt advocacy of violence, he decided to execute his plans via the Internet, still in its infancy at the time. [SWAIN AND NIELI, 1995, PP. 153-157; NEW TIMES, 2/19/1998; BBC, 1/12/2000; SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTER, 6/2005] Black’s efforts will be quite successful; in 1995, he will tell a reporter: “A third of households have computers and with the phenomenal growth of the Internet, tens of millions of people have access to our message if they wish. The access is anonymous and there is unlimited ability to communicate with others of a like mind.” [NEW YORK TIMES, 3/13/1995]
Launches Internet BBS that Becomes Stormfront - In 1991, having married Duke’s ex-wife Chloe and moved to Florida, Black launched an Internet bulletin board (BBS) to support Duke’s unsuccessful candidacy for a US Senate seat from Louisiana. In early posts on Stormfront, Black explains that white Americans have as much right to espouse their culture as any other group, and says that Stormfront attempts to provide an alternative to the mainstream American media, which he says is dominated by Jews and liberals who routinely disparage and mock whites. Black says that his racist views are in line with those held by Thomas Jefferson and other Founding Fathers. He calls the site the Internet presence for the “white nationalist” movement, which proclaims its intention to “separate” from minorities and found an all-white nation or state within American borders. He will tell a reporter: “We believe that our people, white people in this country and throughout the world, are being discriminated against. They’re being treated as second-class citizens. We’re tired of seeing other racial and ethnic groups impose their agenda on us.” [SWAIN AND NIELI, 1995, PP. 153-157; NEW TIMES, 2/19/1998; BBC, 1/12/2000]
Expansion - Between 1995 and 1997, Stormfront features the violent, racist writings of the National Alliance’s William Pierce (see 1978), his former mentor David Duke, the National Alliance’s Institute for Historical Review (a Holocaust-denying think tank), and others. The site promotes an array of conspiracy theories surrounding the 1992 Ruby Ridge shootings (see August 31, 1992), the 1993 Branch Davidian debacle (see April 19, 1993), and the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing (see 8:35 a.m. - 9:02 a.m. April 19, 1995). On Stormfront’s Web site, right-wing lawyer Kirk Lyons compares the Branch Davidian events to the Nazi destruction of the Czechoslovakian town of Lidice. Anti-Semitic writer Eustace Mullins suggests that the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), an organization dedicated to tracking and challenging racist organizations, was behind the Oklahoma City bombing. The site houses a library of neo-Nazi graphics available for download, a list of phone numbers for racist computer bulletin boards not on the Internet, and a page of links to other hate sites. By 1997, Stormfront begins hosting pages of other extremist groups such as Aryan Nations (see Early 1970s), and individuals such as Ed Fields, who publishes the racist newsletter The Truth at Last. Black reprints white supremacist articles and essays, including one that attacks the Talmud, a Jewish holy book, as filled with “malice,” “hate-mongering,” and “barbarities.” Black also reprints an essay by neo-Nazi Louis Beam (see February 1992), who claims he has knowledge of a Jewish conspiracy to censor the Internet. Black also adds new features to his site: pages “proving” the “inferiority” of the “Negro” race, a translation of Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf, a page of “quotes” by Jews that are either false or deliberately mistranslated along with quotes by anti-Semites, and “White Singles,” a dating service for “heterosexual, white gentiles only.” Black also adds a news section, White Nationalist News Agency (NNA), which posts the text of articles from the Associated Press and other reputable news sources, apparently without legal permission and often with racist commentary included. Black also hosts “Blitzcast,” an audio podcast that lets listeners hear speeches by the late George Lincoln Rockwell, the assassinated leader of the American Nazi Party; William Pierce; anti-Semitic Jew Benjamin Freedman; and Frank Weltner, who hosts another Black-operated site, Jew Watch. Yet another site Black hosts, Bamboo Delight, hides anti-Semitic materials behind the false front of a company selling “Tai Chi Chuan Chinese Exercise” materials. Looking past “Asian Health Philosophy” items such as the “Nine Treasure Exercises of Ancient China” videotape and the “Skinny Buddha Weight Loss Method” pamphlet, visitors find the downloadable computer programs “Jew Rats,” “Police Patriots,” “ZOG,” and “Talmud.”
These programs are interactive in the
same way that Web pages are interactive: users “click through” their contents,
viewing various pages filled with text and graphics. “Jew Rats” is a
multi-panel cartoon that depicts Jews as rats that kill Christians and
encourage integration. Blacks are depicted as sub-human gorillas. “ZOG”
contains the complete text of the “classic” anti-Semitic forgery “The Protocols
of the Elders of Zion” along with dozens of other documents that claim
knowledge of Jewish plans for world domination. Adrian Edward Marlow, who owns
the servers Black uses for Stormfront and the other related sites, has bought
over 10 domains that seem to be the URLs of prominent newspapers such as the
Philadelphia Inquirer, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, the Chicago Sun-Times, the
Atlanta Constitution-Journal, and the London Telegraph. By October 1998, Marlow
has redirected those domains directly to Stormfront. Typing in
“philadelphiainquirer.com,” for example, does not bring surfers to the
Philadelphia newspaper’s Web site, but to Stormfront. (The Inquirer will
subsequently secure that domain name from Marlow.) [ANTI-DEFAMATION
LEAGUE, 1998]
Deliberate Attempts at 'Moderating' Message - Black takes care not for his site to appear overly crude or violent. Forum posters are warned to avoid using racial slurs and not to post violent threats or exhortations to illegal activities, “moderating” tactics apparently learned from Duke. Black will also be somewhat successful at presenting himself, and by extension his supremacist ideology, on television, insisting that his site is more about presenting information not filtered by the “media monopoly” than promoting racist beliefs (see January 13, 1998). Kelso later tells a reporter with evident pride: “One of the things that Don Black does very well is he doesn’t fit the stereotype of an angry man. Don is the most under-recognized giant in the whole white nationalist movement.” [SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTER, 6/2005] Black will deny that the name “Stormfront” has any Nazi connotations, and in 1998 will explain the name, saying: “You need a colorful name. We wanted something militant-sounding that was also political and social. Stormfront says turbulence is coming, and afterwards there’ll be a cleansing effect.”
Though his site is peppered with virulent
anti-Semitic claims and articles, Black will deny that either he or his site
espouses any hatred towards Jews. Black will also deny that he is a neo-Nazi or
even a white supremacist, and say he is a “racialist” (see September 1983, March 15, 2002, July 15, 2002, and June 7, 2009) but not a racist. Black will
call the term “racist” nothing more than a “scare word” with little real
meaning. His son Derek will soon open a subsidiary site aimed at white
children, “Stormfront for Kids” (see July 16, 2001). [SWAIN AND NIELI, 1995, PP. 153-157; NEW
TIMES, 2/19/1998; BBC,
In 1998, the
ADL will take issue with Black’s claims of not being a racist, writing, “Though
Black claims to be a ‘White Nationalist,’ not a hatemonger, his idea of ‘White
Pride’ involves demeaning, demonizing, and menacing Jews and non-whites, and
his concept of ‘victory’ includes the creation of ethnically cleansed political
enclaves. In 2001, David
Friedman of the Anti-Defamation League will tell a reporter: “Put aside your
prejudices about who’s in the hate movement. If you’re looking for people in
white sheets, you won’t find them. These are sophisticated bigots who have
thought very carefully about the best ways to proselytize people to their
April 5, 1996:
’Jubilation ‘96’ Brings Together Nazis and Anti-Government Activists

January 22, 1997: KKK,
‘Black Dawn’ Member Charged, Convicted of Weapons Violations
Federal authorities raid the Illinois home of
Ricky Salyers, a former Marine and current white supremacist and Ku Klux Klan
member. They find 35,000 rounds of heavy ammunition, armor piercing shells,
smoke and tear gas grenades, live shells for grenade launchers, artillery
shells, and other military gear. Salyers is allegedly a member of the
underground Black Dawn group of extremists in the military; he will be
sentenced later in the year to serve three years for weapons violations. [
April 22, 1997: Texas Ku
Klux Klan Members Arrested for Plotting to Blow Up Natural Gas Refinery; Blast
Would Have Leveled Nearby School

February 23, 1998: Six
Klansmen Charged in Murder, Bombing Plots

June 7, 1998 and After:
African-American Chained to Truck, Dragged to Death by White Supremacists;
Death Will Lead to Hate Crime Legislation

Last Ride - Byrd, walking home from a bridal shower, accepts a ride from the three; by all accounts, he does not know the men. Instead of taking Byrd home, the three drive him to a wooded area, beat him, chain him by the ankles to Berry’s truck, and drag him down a rough logging road east of Jasper. The dragging tears Byrd’s body into pieces; his severed head, neck, and right arm are discovered about a mile from where the three finally dump his mangled torso. During the trial, a doctor testifies that he believes Byrd is alive and perhaps conscious until his body strikes a culvert, where his head and arm are torn from his body. Dr. Thomas Brown tells the court, “He was alive when the head, shoulder, and right arm were separated.” The local sherriff, tipped off by an anonymous phone call, finds Byrd’s remains. A trail of blood, body parts, and personal effects stretches for two miles down the road. Berry, who cooperates with police and leads them to King and Brewer, later tells investigators that Brewer sprays Byrd’s face with black paint before he and King chain him to the back of the truck. [STATE OF TEXAS, 7/1/1998; CNN, 7/6/1998; CNN, 7/8/1998; CNN, 2/22/1999] Investigators find a cigarette lighter dropped at the scene, inscribed with a Klan insignia, that belongs to King. [NEW YORK TIMES, 6/10/1998] Experts also tie blood on the truck, and on the three men’s clothes and shoes, to Byrd. [NEW YORK TIMES, 2/19/1999; NEW YORK TIMES, 9/24/1999] Berry’s involvement surprises many area residents, who characterize him as a petty criminal who they believed was incapable of being involved in such a brutal crime. A friend says: “I never heard Shawn say anything racist. I have a lot of black friends. He has a lot of black friends. All this news has just shocked me and everyone he knows.” Friends are less surprised at the involvement of King and Brewer, both of whom they say had their racial hatred intensified during their prison terms. “The level of racism in prison is very high,” says Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center. “The truth is, you may go in completely unracist and emerge ready to kill people who don’t look like you.” [NEW YORK TIMES, 6/17/1998]
Funeral Draws National Attention - Dozens of civil rights leaders and national politicians join area residents at Byrd’s funeral, and call for an end to racial hatred and intolerance (see June 13, 1998).
Father Apologizes - King’s father, Ronald L. King, also a Jasper resident, releases a letter apologizing for his son’s actions. The letter reads in part: “My sympathy goes out to the Byrd family. There is no reason for a person to take the life of another, and to take it in such a manner is beyond any kind of reasoning. It hurts me deeply to know that a boy I raised and considered to be the most loved boy I knew could find it in himself to take a life. This deed cannot be undone, but I hope we can all find it in our hearts to go forward in peace and with love for all. Let us find in our hears love for our fellow man. Hate can only destroy. Again, I want to say I’m sorry.”
Clinton: Town Must 'Join Together across Racial Lines' - President Clinton calls the murder shocking and outrageous, and says the residents of Jasper “must join together across racial lines to demonstrate that an act of evil like this is not what this country is all about.… I think we’ve all been touched by it, and I can only imagine that virtually everyone who lives there is in agony at this moment.” [NEW YORK TIMES, 6/11/1998]
Indications of Klan Activity in Area - The mayor of Jasper, R. C. Horn, an African-American, says that the city is relatively peaceful from a racial aspect, and says the city “has a strong bind together, both black and white.” But Gary Bledsoe of the Texas chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) says the area of east Texas that contains Jasper has been a center of Klan activity for years. Bledsoe points to serious problems in the nearby town of Vidor, for years a de facto “white town,” that centered around integrating a housing project. Lou Ann Reed, a local cashier, says she deplores the killing: “I don’t think anybody should be treated that way, I don’t care what color they are. Not even an animal.” Reed, who is white, refuses to answer when asked if she has heard that some white residents might have sympathies with white supremacist groups; when asked if the killing surprised her, she says, “Nothing surprises me anymore.” Black residents tell reporters that harassment and physical abuse from whites is not uncommon, and there are areas in and around town they have learned not to frequent for fear of being attacked. [NEW YORK TIMES, 6/10/1998; NEW YORK TIMES, 6/11/1998] A New York Times editorial calls the murder a “lynching by pickup truck.” [NEW YORK TIMES, 6/14/1998] Both local Klan organizations and black militant organizations march in Jasper shortly after Byrd’s murder (see June 27, 1998).
Hate Crime - Texas authorities charge King, Brewer, and Berry with a variety of felonies, including murder and kidnapping; the addition of hate crime charges makes them eligible for the death penalty. During their trials, both Brewer and King are depicted as unrepentant white racists. King’s former supervisor, roofing contractor Dennis Symmack, says that though a quiet man, King harbors strongly racist views. “Bill was a quiet man, not a talker,” Symmack testifies, and recalls King expressing “an intense dislike of blacks.” Symmack says that according to King, “[B]lacks are different from whites and are taking over everything—taking over welfare.” Tattoo artist Johnny Mosley, a former inmate who served time with King, says that King asked for an array of racist tattoos—including one depicting the lynching of a black man and another reading “Aryan Pride”—in large part to intimidate other inmates and to avoid being sexually assaulted. [CNN, 7/6/1998; NEW YORK TIMES, 7/7/1998; NEW YORK TIMES, 2/19/1999; CNN, 2/22/1999; NEW YORK TIMES, 2/24/1999] During the trial, King claims that the crime was not racially motivated, but was impelled by Berry’s desire to buy drugs from Byrd; additionally, he claims that Berry’s abuse of steroids prompted the brutalization of their victim, and that he himself had nothing to do with assaulting Byrd. Authorities find King’s claims entirely baseless [NEW YORK TIMES, 11/12/1998] ; instead, prosecutors tell the court that King wanted to start his own white supremacist group, and targeted Byrd as a way to shine attention on himself and gain members. [NEW YORK TIMES, 2/17/1999; CNN, 2/22/1999] During his trial, Brewer attempts to blame Berry for the actual murder, an argument that the jury disregards in favor of a letter written by Brewer bragging about his role in the murder and saying: “Well, I did it. And no longer am I a virgin. It was a rush, and I’m still licking my lips for more.” [NEW YORK TIMES, 9/24/1999] All three are found guilty; King and Brewer are sentenced to death, and Berry receives life in prison with no chance of parole until 2039. Both King and Brewer later write racist graffiti on the walls of their jail cells. In a jailhouse letter to Brewer, King will write of his pride in the crime, and accepts the fact that he may die for it. “Regardless of the outcome of this, we have made history,” King says in the letter intercepted by jail officials. “Death before dishonor. Sieg Heil!” [NEW YORK TIMES, 11/18/1998; NEW YORK TIMES, 2/17/1999; NEW YORK TIMES, 2/19/1999; NEW YORK TIMES, 2/24/1999; NEW YORK TIMES, 9/24/1999] During the closing arguments of King’s trial, Gray discusses the concept of violent racism: “It’s something that’s a virus. It’s something that’s dangerous. It’s something that spreads from one person to another.” [NEW YORK TIMES, 2/24/1999]
Murders Sparks Hate-Crime Legislation - The murder of Byrd and a subsequent murder of a gay Colorado student, Matthew Shepard (see October 9, 1998 and After), will be a catalyst for the passage of the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act (see October 28, 2009).
June 27, 1998: Klan,
Black Militants March in Texas Town in Response to Brutal Murder

December 16, 2000:
Neo-Nazi Attacks African-American Woman after KKK Rally

January 4, 2002 and
After: Neo-Nazi Caught While Attempting to Gun Down Members of Tennessee

July 23, 2002: National
Alliance Founder, Leader Dies

Plans for Alliance after His Death - Pierce dies unexpectedly, but had long cited his failing health and advancing age as causes for concern, and said the Alliance must not make the mistakes of earlier white supremacist organizations such as the American Nazi Party (which fell apart after its leader and Pierce’s mentor, George Lincoln Rockwell, was assassinated in 1967) and the Christian Nationalist Crusade (which collapsed after the death of its leader Gerald L.K. Smith). He made careful arrangements for the Alliance to continue after his death, and leaves almost all of his personal property to the organization, including 230 acres of property in West Virginia that houses the Alliance’s compound and headquarters (see 1985), along with some 60 acres belonging to Pierce’s “Cosmotheist Community Church,” which he has tried to classify as tax-exempt (see 1978).
Multi-Million Dollar Business - Under Gliebe’s leadership, the Alliance generates over $4 million a year in income, largely from the sale of white power music recordings, books, videos, and related merchandise. It broadcasts a weekly radio program, American Dissident Voices. In August 2002, the Center for New Community writes that the Alliance will likely “continue to play a strong role in the contemporary white nationalist movement, particularly by recruiting young people through its white power music distribution and merchandising.” (The organization has been particularly successful at disseminating its message during concerts by the Texas thrash-metal group Pantera, whose lead singer has worn pro-fascist shirts on stage; Alliance members hand out recruitment flyers at the shows headlined: “Remember when Heavy Metal was for Whites only? We do!”) It sells two video games, one called “Ethnic Cleansing,” where players get to exterminate minority citizens in a graphic, brutal “first-person shooter” style.
Largest Neo-Nazi Group in North America - The Alliance claims over 2,500 members and units or “proto-units” (local groups that have met membership requirements but not yet been sanctioned by national headquarters) in 43 American and five Canadian cities, making it the largest and best-organized neo-Nazi group in North America. It has more than doubled its membership since the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing (see 8:35 a.m. - 9:02 a.m. April 19, 1995).
Moderating Message, Expanding Contact with Similar Groups - Pierce led the organization in “moderating” its message, abandoning the Klan robes, brown Nazi-like uniforms, camouflage attire, and coarse racial slurs that other groups often sport. Leonard Zeskind of the Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights has written: “Their only uniform will be their white skins. They will seek to establish a white nation-state, with definable economic, political, and racial borders, out of the wreckage they hope to create of the United States. And from Pierce they will have learned the arts and sciences of Aryan revolution.” Along with their white power musical concerts and rallies, Alliance members have marched with neo-Confederate groups and worked with younger, more violent “skinhead” groups. Generally, the Alliance shuns many public rallies, preferring instead to “build a revolutionary infrastructure” by training what the Center for New Community will call “dedicated cadres of activists outside the eye of the public.” It has worked closely with the more overtly violent Hammerskin Nation, both in distributing “white power” music (the “Hammerskins” distribute music through Panzerfaust Records) and coordinating public activities.
White Supremacists Praise Pierce after Death - A number of white supremacist leaders will praise Pierce in the days after his death. Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke says Pierce “helped people think straight about the Jewish Question and the other vital realities of race.” The overtly racist British National Party (BNP) says in a statement: “The death of Dr. Pierce has opened a huge gap in the nationalist movement in the United States. We hope for the sake of the future generations of white children for whom he felt so strongly that it will not be filled by crude inferior copies of William Pierce—the man was unique!” Dan Gentry of Christian Research praises “Pierce’s love and concern for the racial camaraderie of Celto-Saxons.” Richard Butler, the head of the neo-Nazi Aryan Nations (see Early 1970s), says, “The White Aryan race has lost a great intellectual mind and a Noble Warrior for Gods [sic] eternal truth.” And Matthew Hale, the leader of the violent separatist World Church of the Creator (see May 1996 and After), writes, “We appreciate the comradeship of many National Alliance members over the years and undoubtedly [Pierce’s] presence will be missed.”
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