We Thee continue abused
(Negro) Race August 20th 1619 -2099, “Affirm”, “State”, and
“declare” legally,
Appearance Respectfully
before his/her “World Honorable Presiding “Justices”, To the Honorable “World
Court of Justice” The Hague
Upon which We Thee continue abused
(Negro) Race, affirm, state and fully declare all allegation, contention,
disputes, disputation, argument, conflict and disharmony, fully cause of action
as follows:
The Deepest Darkest Ages song
go as follows as I pour his/her “World Honorable Presiding “Justices”, a nice
fruity “Liqueur” drink and tell you all about the (American) lie’s whom as of
this very undersigned “Notary seal date
Still 100,000% wanted whiles
on the lamb being 100% much at large since exactly August 20th 1619
Thee Infamous Defendant (United States of America) et al
So “ever $$$ unjust
enrichment “powerful” even Breaking each and every (dam) designed own corrupted
rules of Governing “White Only” kidnapped (Negro) race laws, set by their very
own “White Stolen Vote Congress” governing of nothing to justly aid (Negro)
race to ever even prosperity have or ever simply hold, as this is no big
“surprise”, As I tell you Honorable “World Court of Justice”, as I trying to
figure next 2016 (Negro) race Lies…..?
Of the Infamous Defendant
(United States of America) et al so pure white race and there forever more
lie’, First, the infamous Kidnapped (Negro), fully abducted, beaten, slapped,
and just
(Billions) in inhumane funs of all kinds of
exploratory “torture”, as they pour out their bootleg liquor laughing about,
even selling popcorn to their very (own) DNA inbreed kids as they collect,
there “human (Negro) loot”,
Then the most scary of all
the long, up and down forever more Super Slow ships dealing “Death” of Sea-sick
of more 100 of 100s of years, being half dead and super hungers, not even a cup
of simple water on the transportation of “Death” trapped on a
“Slave Trade ship”, with
nothing to hold in a big rainy dark lost at sea storm, lost forever more from
even your very own safe (Negro) millions of gone now homes and as they have
you, and nothing you can do or say”, but be discriminated against, branded, cut
up, as they tell you more ungodly lie’s of now your “Property”,
As they lynch your substandard kidnapped
(Negro) trash hurting dead neck’s in the (millions) to prove there forever more
“white only” (America) “Justice”1000% serious point,
As you try to leave they
simply chop off half your foot, and that no big surprise, as I tell you more of
their deep dark very fairy tale XXX secret lie’s, as I pour your Honorable “World Court of Justice” a nice better
As I explain how many
“Underground Rail Road” attempted to try sneaky get away”……..Found (Negro)
“ugly” loser trash race dangling in a tree, another forever more gone dead
As they Thee Infamous
Defendant (United States of America)et al so pure whit race “powerful, stolen
“Votes” to ensure 1000% forever “World” infamous being pure polished and
innocent “absolute immunity powerful” (KKK) sharing their spoiled bootleg
liqueur, with their
17th President of
the United States of America”. (Old) Lincoln “Officially” Pursuant to Dred
Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), against “Human Rights Violations” Killed
dead and long gone (now) as (We) being an entire millions of (Negro) Heritage”,
asking what I gotta do to make you “Love” me “United States of America” et al,
Why you give me a “empty” 13th
amendment of the Constitution speaking of freedom and I wake up to find it’s
not there, and the 14th amendment is set on blazing wooden cross in
the dark night high flames fire……
As your Infamous Defendant
(United States of America)et al not even wanting the (Negro) kidnapped race to
be equal with “Whites” or even letting “Negro” race be simply “heard”, in “Law
and Equity” just simply, my Negro race (money) by any mean necessary, of the
Infamous Knights of The Klu Klux Klan”
So extra deplorable (Negro)
race suffrages in more ungodly sad “years” with the “Black Codes laws,
Kidnapped under vagrancy laws, being (KKK) bombings as Infamous Defendant
(United States of America) et al not even “care”
Just simply over seeing more
years in the 1960s (Negro) race in the cold night kids, shot to death and
simply back hand slapped around with even more “Jim Crow Laws, as this no more
big surprise in me telling his/her “World Honorable Presiding “Justices”,
No more (Negro) race ungodly lie’s with 100%
heavy duty “White Only” dynamite striking without a single look out (Negro)
race notice, “hitting all (Negro) homes, schools, churches, business, as
Infamous Defendant (United States of America) et al even
took back (Millions) in the
food, clothing, medicinal supplies and nice clean drink of H20 “needed
water”, and even stolen a few “ugly”
sorry flea bitten lame weak milk “cattle” as (Negro) beg, not to attend the
infamous (Neck) stretching back wood (KKK) lynching parties as
“Negro” still begging stop
raiding my homes, and killing my “wife and even thee (Negro) race small little
boys and girls (American) kidnapped too children(s) and forcing them into
“False imprisonment” to be
abducted picking cotton prison slave labor for more (America) “White Only”
Constitution of America whom even destroyed their very own 4th, 6th,
13th and 14th amendment of governing rules of (America)
“White Only” Laws for $$$ in Trillions of (Negro “Slavery Servitude” 1000%
against will, peace and dignity “unjust enrichments”, as “America” don’t even
Now waking up in 2015 still
not heard as why, in fact (We) 44.5 plus (Million) Negro, slave just really
free in February 7th 2013, and the sad, so sad “Civil War” ended way
back in 1865…? As I pour you’re his/her
Honorable “World Court of
Justice”, a stronger drink to now shows you it’s “Criminally (RICO) Slavery
dancing residue of non-reformed craziness elections of beat up (Negro) race as
this (Our) future President…..? as Lighting striking our homeless camps, of
poverty stricken lodging while being 1000% subject to theft of all (Negro)
taxes since 1865 clear past (December) 2015….?
Yesterday blown up and officially 1000%
everything of the “Freeman Bureau” absolutely wholesale destruction gone, as
still not even a “simple smile” from the “White Only” Infamous Defendant
(United States of America)et al, as they stolen even your slave descendants
million of millions of (Negro) race kidnapped souls, to be February 7th
Finally (legally) set free
and abandoned, 100s of 100s years later of forced ($$$) dead slave past family
members labor and (millions) of “White Only” (America) “Justices” of Government
dealing under hand poker players of “White Only” four aces of “diamonds” more
drunken liquored fashion and
secured forever more (2099) in “1000% absolute Global immunity”, in being thee
infamous innocent White Fine Polished Conquered race of the “Entire Negro race
of the “World” to be the sovereignty right “property” forever in being
kidnapped since August 20th 1619 of the “United States of America”
Pursuant to Dred Scott v.
Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), against I assumed they innocent White Fine
Polished Conquered (American) white only established pure unquestionable purest
race call it this never was “Human Rights Violations” in August 20th
1619 - 2099….?
Or maybe you’re his/her
Honorable “World Court of
Justice” Officially no more waiting in the dark legally “simply” we 44.5 plus
(Millions) kidnapped August 20th 1619 (Negro) race just need to be
somewhere “Civilized” and 1000% Vey Nice Free and New…?
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