Friday, April 29, 2016

PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION WITH ASSET, FREEZE AND OTHER EOUITABLE RELIEF US Docket Number 4:16-MC-00956 The Federal Reserve Bank et al, The Federal Reserve System et al ,The Federal Reserve et al ,The Fed et al “Chief Defendant(s) et al”


“Plaintiffs Slaves et al”                 

Further appearances Affirm, State and fully declare all allegation, contention, disputes, disputation, argument, conflict and disharmony, fully furtherance’s cause of action “PLANTIFFS” enjoyment of


The Federal Reserve Bank et al, The Federal Reserve System et al ,The Federal Reserve et al ,The Fed et al “Chief Defendant(s) et al” and “Third Party” Namely “ United States of America” et al,

The specifics of a secret “PLANTIFFS” slave’s further (RICO) enterprise scheme in nature involving massive monetary “PLANTIFFS” slaves herein taxpayer funded “WHITE ONLY Scamming in “backdoor bailout” organized by unelected bankers have been revealed.

The data release revealed “emergency lending programs” that doled out $12.3 trillion In ”PLANTIFFS” Slaves  taxpayer money ($16 trillion according to Dr. Ron Paul) -- and “Third Party” Congress et al didn’t know any of the details.

PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION WITH ASSET, FREEZE AND OTHER EOUITABLE assets are frozen and on third-parties holding ....

The Fed et al Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 2200 N. Pearl St., Dallas, Texas 75201

 Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, 1000 Peachtree Street NE, Atlanta, GA 30309-4470

 Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco  101 Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94105 P.O. Box 7702

 Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City 1 Memorial Drive, Kansas City, Mo. 64198

 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P.O. Box 442 St. Louis, MO 63166-0442

 Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Post Office Box 27622, Richmond, VA 23261

 Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis P.O. Box 291 Minneapolis, MN 55480-0291

 Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland P.O. Box 6387 Cleveland, Ohio 44101-1387

 Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 230 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois 60604-1413

 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF PHILADELPHIA Ten Independence Mall Philadelphia, PA 19106-1574

 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston  600 Atlantic Avenue | Boston, MA 02210-2204

 Federal Reserve Bank of New York 33 Liberty Street  New York, NY 10045

 “Chief Defendant(s) et al” herein (RICO) enterprise files with the above Honorable U.S. District Court August 20th 1619 – 2016 “Slavery Servitude” Grand RICO Slavery Servitude” money laundering statutes,

RICO statute (18 U.S.C. § 1961(1), taxation System's basic organizational structure

Pursuant forever to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857) against the just Human Trafficking lives of the abused Negro Race “Slaves of America PLANTIFFS collectively still ongoing namely

“PLANTIFFS” DNA Negro Americans Race herein being official pursuant to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857) “Slave Property of the Slave Master and Conquer Holders “ Namely”

The Federal Reserve Bank et al

The Federal Reserve System et al

The Federal Reserve et al

The Fed et al

•Hong Kong: $121.9 billion (0.9 percent)

•Caribbean banking centers: $148.3 (1 percent)

•Taiwan: $153.4 billion (1.1 percent)

•Brazil: $211.4 billion (1.5 percent)

•Oil exporting countries: $229.8 billion (1.6 percent)

•Mutual funds: $300.5 billion (2 percent)

•Commercial banks: $301.8 billion (2.1 percent)

•State, local and federal retirement funds: $320.9 billion (2.2 percent)

•Money market mutual funds: $337.7 billion (2.4 percent)

•United Kingdom: $346.5 billion (2.4 percent)

•Private pension funds: $504.7 billion (3.5 percent)

•State and local governments: $506.1 billion (3.5 percent)

•Japan: $912.4 billion (6.4 percent)

•U.S. households: $959.4 billion (6.6 percent)

•China: $1.16 trillion (8 percent)

•The U.S. Treasury: $1.63 trillion (11.3 percent)

•Social Security trust fund: $2.67 trillion (19 percent)

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