Saturday, April 23, 2016

Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) 2015 “We Thee Abused (American) “Negro Race”… “World Court of Justice” The Hague (Petition)

                                    “Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress”
                                         August 20th 1619 – February 7th 2013
                                                       “Forced Slavery Servitude”
                                                           “Black Codes Laws”
                                                            “Vagrancy Laws”
                                                            “Jim Crow Laws”

          To The Honorable His/her “World Court of Justice” The Hague

“We” thee continual abused (Negro) Race in 2015 whom having been “captured” and “enslaved” since the exact year of 1619 held as such abused “captive free slave labor in a life of abused chattel” and put to death in not performed work as such

 “Abused free slave labor chattel” of the “civilization” in the Northern hemisphere of the World Planet “Earth” known to be “The United States of America” We Thee Negro Abused Race of (America) “Petition”

 The Honorable “World Court of Justice” that the “Defendant” “The United States of America” herein be held “Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress” to the “Statute” of “The World Court” against “Human Rights Violations” on the basic

 Civilized Worldwide human rights Needs” of We thee (Negro) American race fully 1000%  “captured” and “enslaved” as “Property” after 1619 the Deep Dark Ages Defendant “United States of America” et al Pursuant forever more to

“Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857) “Negro” race of the Defendant “The United States of America” et al  Had continued abused, depriving, and commit to death “We thee (Negro) race of “United States of America” et al , from enjoying the basic rights to equality of life

 Thereafter under 100,000% extreme and outrageous imposed suffrages’ of physical/emotion “Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress” collectively robbing moral sovereign birth rights in the process, without “Negro” race consent or approval, .

 But beginning in the early 1600s, massive abductions, tortures, false imprisonment, branding, massive force untimely deaths deriver thereof by lynch, bombing, fire and shooting, and whatever they can institute or inflict upon (Negro) race, in

Housing, education, hospitals, starvation, whipping upon which  “Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress” 100,000% being forever inflicted furtherance’s thereof for

To “fraud”, “steal”, “cheat”, “deprive”, in a institute “Slavery Servitude
 of (RICO) enterprise “Judicial Fraud” and Wholesale “corruption” in ungodly “thievery”, being commit to constitutional violations value of defendant (America) et al very

 “White Pure Race” own rules of governing laws namely missing in action on behalf of negro race since August 20th 1619 – February 7th 2013 thee infamous 4th, 6th, 13th and 14th amendment of 1619 the Deep Darkest Ages Defendant “United States of America” et al

 Pursuant forever more to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857) for continual “unjust enrichments”, as described by Pro Se “Slave Negro” (Petitioner) “Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) herein, January 27th 2014  : )

Louis Hamilton

Shared publicly  -  Jan 27, 2014

My Dear Honorable "President Barack Obama" This Fund to be raised is in excess of 2.8 Billion U.S. Dollars to fully enact a 2014 Reparations Act, under your full 100% control, Authority and Presidential Negro Legacy,

As Acting First (Negro) African American President in the History of (America)

For the Behalf of United States of America (Negro) Population of past descendants of "Slavery" with the full support of the American People, Congress and Private sector, to include under your full guidance, instructions with the Aid of your Super Pac "Priorities USA

 In rebuilding (America) Slums, Rehabilitation of The (Negro) Race as a whole, Social Services" and other details being described by me on my blog, & "Is It Legal To" and any other news source to get real action for such a undertaking of 2.8 Billions U.S. Dollars for a start up capitol to launch the 2014 Reparations Act"

Namely a New USA Rebuilding Construction Platform Nation Wide Era as also to United The Entire American Citizens as one and finally end such bitterness of Slavery & Jim Crow Laws in The United States of America...

Also to be in full support of Mr. Bill & Mrs. Clinton" support and aid in the 2016 Presidential Platform of Mrs. H. Clinton Soon being first (Acting) "Lady President" of the "United States of America"

As Partnership with President Barack Obama'.

Time has come to pass to push the issues as Congress refuse to act in a Honorable Respectable  Fashion for such "Cruel, Criminal, Killer act's of "Force Negro Slavery" since 1865 to 2014

(149) years of Congress pure "useless neglect clause" when already making such Reparations Acts to other races Herein (America) other then The  (Negro) African American Race and their descendants of Slavery.

Thus The United States of America Congress being 100% "Selfish, Malicious and Very "White Ruling Control Class" Engrossed in Such Completely Dog Ass Greed to continue "Facilitate and Foster" such real bitterness directed at the United States of America (Negro) African American Race descendants of "Slavery" herein in (America)

 Which did in Fact occurred herein and actually Build the "New World" know to be "The United States of America" in excess of 100 Trillion U.S. Dollars of Free Labor profits based on 222,505,049 hours of "Forced Negro Slave Labor between the year of 1619-1865 (246) years

With a compound Interest of 6% never being paid to the Descendants of Slavery in "The United States of America"

With Jim Crow Laws enforced thereafter for a "Emancipation without Freedom Act" to continue with the purpose of same such disturbing Racial Jeopardy to continue benefit (Only) the "White Ruling Class" of "The United States of America".

Against The "Peace", "Dignity" and "Rights" of the Entire (Negro) African American People and their descendants thereof....

I seek your full 100% Support, and Full Distinguished Presidential  Understanding (That) the time has actually come to set aside such wrong doings in 2014 reality

And "Rebuild America" in a way that Support the Negro African American Race and all other Americans herein being fully benefit from such a real undertaking". In a Tax Exempt Status to be fully enjoyed for the 2014 Reparations Act..!

Not one thin "silver dime" shall be moved from said funds only on the Approval, Authority of the acting (Negro) acting President "Barack Obama" of "The United States Of America"100% Honest Hands"...and relocated in a American Banking System of your (Barack Obama) choice. (ASAP).........!

Seek your Presidential Honorable help in asking from the 44.5 Million (Negro) African American People in (America) a simple small on time payment of only $12.50 from each living Negro Slave descendants live in (America) as of this undersigned date herein

With any and all other real donations being made charity exempt to this Fund from such sources like The United States of America Full Congress,

The (American People), Each State in the Union of The United States, Private Sectors, Corporations, Institutions, Hollywood Stars, NFL, NBA, U.S. A Military and to include (Any and All)

 Whom knowingly benefit from such acts of "Force Negro Slavery" in the pass and to include but not limited to (All) Country(s) Around the World wishing to be apart of the same support Net work

Fully Fixed in on a Tax Refund (America) donation benefit package, with full details for the Reconstruction plans era made by me "Louis Charles Hamilton II

Already filed in U.S. Federal District Court U.S. Docket No. 1:10-CV-00808

"However" (My) New Reconstruction Plans being fully 100% revised as of this date undersigned herein to benefit all as described herein with your Presidential Barack Obama Hands in making absolute sure such a Real USA Reconstruction plan is Definite over time to pass...from the year of 2014

Take Notice "President Barack Obama" in the 2012 Presidential Race you raised $715,677,692 U.S. Dollars in such a short time with ease

I was amazed in your direct regards to get such funding with great respect from the (American) People..!

The 2.8 Billion U.S. Dollars is (Only) a Start up Capitol to direct a path of healing the (Negro) Race and put in stone "Everlasting Peace"

While actually rebuilding (America) on such a small sum that bloom/booming  into a Snowball down hill effect and actually increasing the Efficiency of The (Negro) African American Race as a Whole,

While saving "The United States of America" from "Financial Ruin"

Respectfully Yours

 Louis Charles Hamilton II  (USN)  :)

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