Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Slave Negro Louis Charles Hamilton II USN SS # 2712 and President Negro Slave Barack Hussein (Water-Head) Obama II v. United States of America et al,The Republican Party, GOP, Fred Trump Leader 1960's of The Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen, Chief Defendant “Donald John Trump Sr., The Trump Organization Trump Tower 725 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10022 and The Eric Trump Foundation (ETF) The Eric Trump Foundation, 725 Fifth Avenue, 16th Floor, New York, NY 10022,

“Chief Defendant” Donald John Trump, Sr. here in January 1st 2000 – 2016 “Prima facie tort” 1000% did in fact engaging in “Slave Trade” and all the trimmings of civil disorder, rioting , looting , stealing, inciting global Hate crimes, of thee Famous Terror organization of

1865 Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen (KKK) and Confederate Secrete Service control (RICO) enterprise endeavor forevermore as such traditional legacy murderous mental state imposed fully to conspire as being raised from a

“Klansmen Child” by 1927- natural father “Fred Trump” whom is in history at (22) and starting off in his moving up Card Holder Ranking in always so proud of 1865 The Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen and being a secret party thereof “Killing and Midnight” lynching of “niggers necks” as legacy dictate until made

“Public Arrest”  On Memorial Day 1927, brawls erupted in New York led by sympathizers of the Italian fascist movement and the Ku Klux Klan, arrested was Fred Trump of 175-24 Devonshire Rd. in Jamaica, This is Donald Trump Farther

By The 1953 Iranian coup d'état time frame Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen Business Big Man Millionaire KKK Fred Trump is (48), and (KKK) high ranking in Business and Political movement of

America USDA  “White Supremacy forevermore”of the United States of America and Fred Trump” whom is a Physically a  party in the overthrow of the democratically elected Prime Minister of Iran Mohammad Mosaddegh on 19 August 1953,

fully masterminded by the United States Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen Republican Party President of the United States Dwight David "Ike" Eisenhower all (KKK) Slave Trade Corporations et al Defendant(s) herein and backed by the “Third Party” United Kingdom,

So the Time-line be understood concerning the “America President: while the (Negro) being lie in the belief that Slavery was over  as The Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover administrations (1921-1932) further alienated blacks from American politics, refusing to endorse anything related to civil rights.

 President Harding continued Wilson's policies of federal segregation, and his Justice department did nothing to investigate lynchings or the activities of the Ku Klux Klan. 1927 Fred Trump being a Party to the typical lynching at (22), and Terrorism Gang Warfare associated with the (KKK)

President Coolidge condoned the Republican ideal of a "lily white" party, further alienating black Americans, and declared that the federal government should not interfere with local race issues.

The complicity of Republicans and Democrats on race was complete. President Hoover excluded blacks from federal offices and executive departments, and his administration would not allow blacks to work on federal construction jobs,

The administration of Democratic President Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945) was initially a continuation of the "gentleman's agreement" within the Democratic party that Northern Democrats would not interfere in race issues on the behalf of black Americans.

To ensure the passage of New Deal legislation, Roosevelt could not afford to offend Southern Democrats by challenging the white supremacist system of Jim Crow. Roosevelt did not publicly support civil rights for blacks, and his administration was silent on the issue until the late 1930s, when the First Lady, Eleanor Roosevelt, began to speak up on behalf of black Americans.

Without her persistent influence, the goals of civil rights and New Deal legislation would never have converged. The attack on Pearl Harbor (1941) had a unifying effect on the

United States, creating a national attitude in favor of ensuring freedom for people all over the world, including at home. A. Philip Randolph, a black leader and coordinator of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, threatened to organize a March on Washington, D.C. if Roosevelt did not do something to curb the discriminatory hiring practices of the National Defense Program.

To avoid the embarrassment of a racial protest in the nation's capital, Roosevelt issued Executive Order 8802 in 1941, which established the Fair Employment Practices Committee and mandated race-blind hiring by defense organizations. This change in attitude, influenced by Eleanor Roosevelt, the Pearl Harbor attack, and America's economic recovery during the War, allowed Roosevelt to implement more civil rights assistance for blacks.

President Harry Truman (1945-1953), though largely uninterested in an interracial society, issued Executive Orders 9980 and 9981, which ensured equal treatment for blacks in federal jobs and integrated the military forces, respectively.

 Truman was horrified to learn of brutal lynchings that were continuing in the South, and this influenced him to become the first U.S. President to address the NAACP and to make strong public statements on behalf of civil rights for black Americans.

 At the 1948 Democratic National Convention, Truman endorsed a strong civil rights platform, confirming the shift of the Democratic party from a Southern, white supremacist organization to a predominantly Northern, liberal party. Southern Democrats (self-termed as Dixiecrats) were so offended by the integration of the party that some walked out of the convention, led by Strom Thurmond.

Though Truman was limited in his actual support of blacks, he strongly believed that the role of the federal government was to protect its citizens, of all races.

President John F. Kennedy (1961-63) was more openly supportive of black civil rights leaders than his predecessors, and appointed several blacks to government posts. He created a Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity, chaired by then Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, to monitor government agencies' efforts to hire and promote blacks.

President Kennedy's appointment of his brother, Robert F. Kennedy, as U.S. Attorney General facilitated action by the Justice Department in prosecuting those that attempted to deprive blacks of their voting rights.

President Kennedy addressed the nation on television in 1963 to confront the issue of racial discrimination and emphasized the commitment of all three branches of the federal government in supporting civil rights, the strongest statement made by a President in several administrations.

 President Lyndon B. Johnson was the most effective in the fight to end Jim Crow. President Johnson had a long history of working towards civil rights for blacks, having also worked towards the passage of the less effective Civil Rights Act of 1957. Johnson had become more personally committed to the cause of civil rights, and the assassination of

John F. Kennedy in 1963 strengthened his resolve to realize the ideals set forth by the administration.

 He worked tirelessly to ensure the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965, rendering all Jim Crow statutes illegal. Nearly a hundred years after 14th and 15th Amendments were passed, all citizens, regardless of race, could reap the benefits.

All Republicans underwent some kind of zombie-like transformation into racist bigots, even though the Republicans had steadfastly fought for black's civil rights for years up to then.

 President Eisenhower only reluctantly forced Arkansas to desegregate the schools in Little Rock in 1957, and only because he was forced by the Supreme Court against his will, while back in The 1953 Iranian coup d'état, (KKK) Republican Party over throw Iran Prime Minister of Iran Mohammad Mosaddegh on 19 August 1953, to have coup 53 of Iran is the CIA's (Central Intelligence Agency) first successful overthrow of a foreign government.

 But a copy of the agency's secret history of the coup has surfaced, revealing the inner workings of a plot that set the stage for the Islamic revolution in 1979, and for a generation of anti-American hatred in one of the Middle East's most powerful countries.

The document, which remains classified, discloses the pivotal role British intelligence officials played in initiating and planning the coup, and it shows that Washington and London shared an interest in maintaining the West's control over Iranian oil.

Dr. Donald N. Wilber, a CIA spy, with the cover of archeologist and authority on ancient Persia,

who planned the coup in Iran along with British SIS officer Norman Darbyshire.

The secret history, written by the CIA's chief coup planner, says the operation's success was mostly a matter of chance. The document shows that the agency had almost complete contempt for the man it was empowering, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi. And it recounts, for the first time, the agency's badly tried to seduce and force the shah into taking part in his own coup.

 The operation, code-named TP-AJAX, was the blueprint for a succession of CIA plots to foment coups and destabilize governments during the cold war - including the agency's successful coup in Guatemala in 1954 and the disastrous Cuban intervention known as the Bay of Pigs in 1961. In more than one instance, such operations led to the same kind of long-term animosity toward the United States that occurred in Iran.

 The history says agency officers orchestrating the Iran coup worked directly with royalist Iranian military officers, handpicked the prime minister's replacement, sent a stream of envoys to bolster the shah's courage, directed a campaign of bombings by Iranians posing as members of the Communist Party, and planted articles and editorial cartoons in newspapers.

 But on the night set for Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddeq's overthrow, almost nothing went according to the meticulously drawn plans, the secret history says. In fact, CIA officials were poised to flee the country when several Iranian officers recruited by the agency, acting on their own, took command of a pro-shah demonstration in Tehran and seized the government.

 Two days after the coup, the history discloses, agency officials funneled $5 million to Iran to help the government they had installed consolidate power.

 Dr. Donald N. Wilber, an expert in Persian architecture, who as one of the leading planners believed that covert operatives had much to learn from history, wrote the secret history, along with operational assessments in March 1954.

 In less expansive memoirs published in 1986, Dr. Wilber asserted that the Iran coup was different from later CIA efforts. Its American planners, he said, had stirred up considerable unrest in Iran, giving Iranians a clear choice between instability and supporting the shah. The move to oust the prime minister, he wrote, thus gained substantial popular support.

 Dr. Wilber's memoirs were heavily censored by the agency, but he was allowed to refer to the existence of his secret history. "If this history had been read by the planners of the Bay of Pigs," he wrote, "there would have been no such operation."

 "From time to time," he continued, "I gave talks on the operation to various groups within the agency, and, in hindsight, one might wonder why no one from the Cuban desk ever came or read the history."

 The coup was a turning point in modern Iranian history and remains a persistent irritant in Tehran-Washington relations. It consolidated the power of the shah, who ruled with an iron hand for 26 more years in close contact with the United States.

He was toppled by Iranian Revolution of 1979. Later that year, "Students of Imam Line" went to the American Embassy, took diplomats hostage and declared that they had unmasked a "nest of spies" who had been manipulating Iran for decades.

 The Islamic government of Ayatollah Khomeini supported terrorist attacks against American interests largely because of the long American history of supporting the shah's suppressive regime. Even under more moderate rulers, many Iranians still resent the United States' role in the coup and its support of the shah.

 Former US Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright, in an address, acknowledged the coup's pivotal role in the troubled relationship and came closer to apologizing than any American official ever has before.

 "The Eisenhower administration believed its actions were justified for strategic reasons," she said. "But the coup was clearly a setback for Iran's political development. And it is easy to see now why many Iranians continue to resent this intervention by America in their internal affairs."

 The history spells out the calculations to which Dr. Albright referred in her speech. Britain, it says, initiated the plot in 1952. The Truman administration rejected it, but President Eisenhower approved it shortly after taking office in 1953, because of fears about oil and Communism.

 The document pulls few punches, acknowledging at one point that the agency baldly lied to its British allies. Dr. Wilber reserves his most withering asides for the agency's local allies, referring to "the recognized incapacity of Iranians to plan or act in a thoroughly logical manner."

Shah with General Fazlollah Zahdei (right), spearhead of CIA planned coup of 1953 in favor of Shah Britain Fights Oil Nationalism

 The coup had its roots in a British showdown with Iran, restive under decades of near-colonial British domination.

 The prize was Iran's oil fields. Britain occupied Iran in World War II to protect a supply route to its ally, the Soviet Union, and to prevent the oil from falling into the hands of the Nazis - ousting the shah's father, whom it regarded as unmanageable. It retained control over Iran's oil after the war through the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company.

 In 1951, Iran's Parliament voted to nationalize the oil industry, and legislators backing the law elected its leading advocate, Dr. Mosaddeq, as prime minister. Britain responded with threats and sanctions.

 Dr. Mosaddeq, a European-educated lawyer then in his early 70's, prone to tears and outbursts, refused to back down. In meetings in November and December 1952, the secret history says, British intelligence officials startled their American counterparts with a plan for a joint operation to oust the nettlesome prime minister.

 The Americans, who "had not intended to discuss this question at all," agreed to study it, the secret history says. It had attractions. Anti-Communism had risen to a fever pitch in Washington, and officials were worried that Iran might fall under the sway of the Soviet Union, a historical presence there.

 In March 1953, an unexpected development pushed the plot forward: the CIA's Tehran station reported that an Iranian general had approached the American Embassy about supporting an army-led coup.

 The newly inaugurated Eisenhower administration was intrigued. The coalition that elected Dr. Mosaddeq was splintering, and the Iranian Communist Party, the Tudeh, had become active.

 Allen W. Dulles, the director of central intelligence, approved $1 million on April 4 to be used "in any way that would bring about the fall of Mosaddeq," the history says.

 "The aim was to bring to power a government which would reach an equitable oil settlement, enabling Iran to become economically sound and financially solvent, and which would vigorously prosecute the dangerously strong Communist Party."

 Within days agency officials identified a high-ranking officer, Gen. Fazlollah Zahedi, as the man to spearhead a coup. Their plan called for the shah to play a leading role.

 "A shah-General Zahedi combination, supported by CIA local assets and financial backing, would have a good chance of overthrowing Mosaddeq," officials wrote, "particularly if this combination should be able to get the largest mobs in the streets and if a sizable portion of the Tehran garrison refused to carry out Mosaddeq's orders."

 But according to the history, planners had doubts about whether the shah could carry out such a bold operation.

 His family had seized Iran's throne just 32 years earlier, when his powerful father led a coup of his own. But the young shah, agency officials wrote, was "by nature a creature of indecision, beset by formless doubts and fears," often at odds with his family, including Princess Ashraf, his "forceful and scheming twin sister."

 Also, the shah had what the CIA termed a "pathological fear" of British intrigues, a potential obstacle to a joint operation.

 In May 1953 the agency sent Dr. Wilber to Cyprus to meet Norman Darbyshire, chief of the Iran branch of British intelligence, to make initial coup plans. Assuaging the fears of the shah was high on their agenda; a document from the meeting said he was to be persuaded that the United States and Britain "consider the oil question secondary."

 The conversation at the meeting turned to a touchy subject, the identity of key agents inside Iran. The British said they had recruited two brothers named Rashidian. The Americans, the secret history discloses, did not trust the British and lied about the identity of their best "assets" inside Iran.

 CIA officials were divided over whether the plan drawn up in Cyprus could work. The Tehran station warned headquarters that the "the shah would not act decisively against Mosaddeq." And it said General Zahedi, the man picked to lead the coup, "appeared lacking in drive, energy and concrete plans."

 Despite the doubts, the agency's Tehran station began disseminating "gray propaganda," passing out anti-Mosaddeq cartoons in the streets and planting unflattering articles in the local press, CIA and Moscow Are Both Surprised

But just as the Americans were ready to quit, the mood on the streets of Tehran shifted. On the morning of Aug. 19, several Tehran papers published the shah's long-awaited decrees, and soon pro-shah crowds were building in the streets.

 "They needed only leadership," the secret history says. And Iranian agents of the CIA provided it. Without specific orders, a journalist who was one of the agency's most important Iranian agents led a crowd toward Parliament, inciting people to set fire to the offices of a newspaper owned by Dr. Mosaddeq's foreign minister. Another Iranian CIA agent led a crowd to sack the offices of pro-Tudeh papers.

 "The news that something quite startling was happening spread at great speed throughout the city," the history states.

 The CIA tried to exploit the situation, sending urgent messages that the Rashidian brothers and two key American agents should "swing the security forces to the side of the demonstrators."

 But things were now moving far too quickly for the agency to manage. An Iranian Army colonel who had been involved in the plot several days earlier suddenly appeared outside Parliament with a tank, while members of the now-disbanded Imperial Guard seized trucks and drove through the streets. "By 10:15 there were pro-shah truckloads of military personnel at all the main squares," the secret history says.

 By noon the crowds began to receive direct leadership from a few officers involved in the plot and some who had switched sides. Within an hour the central telegraph office fell, and telegrams were sent to the provinces urging a pro-shah uprising. After a brief shootout, police headquarters and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs fell as well.

 The Tehran radio remained the biggest prize. With the government's fate uncertain, it was broadcasting a program on cotton prices. But by early afternoon a mass of civilians, army officers and policemen overwhelmed it. Pro-shah speakers went on the air, broadcasting the coup's success and reading the royal decrees.

 At the embassy, CIA officers were elated, and Mr. Roosevelt got General Zahedi out of hiding. An army officer found a tank and drove him to the radio station, where he spoke to the nation.

 Dr. Mosaddeq and other government officials were rounded up, while officers supporting General Zahedi placed "known supporters of TP-AJAX" in command of all units of the Tehran garrison.

 The Soviet Union was caught completely off-guard. Even as the Mosaddeq government was falling, the Moscow radio was broadcasting a story on "the failure of the American adventure in Iran."

 But CIA headquarters was as surprised as Moscow. When news of the coup's success arrived, it "seemed to be a bad joke, in view of the depression that still hung on from the day before," the history says.

 Throughout the day, Washington got most of its information from news agencies, receiving only two cablegrams from the station. Mr. Roosevelt later explained that if he had told headquarters what was going on, "London and Washington would have thought they were crazy and told them to stop immediately," the history states.

 Still, the CIA took full credit inside the government. The following year it overthrew the government of Guatemala, and a myth developed that the agency could topple governments anywhere in the world.

 Iran proved that third world king making could be heady. "It was a day that should never have ended," the CIA's secret history said, describing Aug. 19, 1953. "For it carried with it such a sense of excitement, of satisfaction and of jubilation that it is doubtful whether any other can come up to it."

Except for Reza Shah Pahlavi founder of modern Iran and Ayatollah Rouhollah Khomeini, father of its revolution, no leader has left a deeper mark on Iran's 20th century landscape than Mohammad Mosaddeq. And no 20th century event has fuelled Iran's suspicion of the United States as his overthrow has.

 An eccentric European-educated lawyer whose father was a bureaucrat and whose mother descended from Persian kings, Dr. Mosaddeq served as a minister and governor before he opposed Reza Shah's accession in the 1920's.

 He was imprisoned and then put under house arrest at his estate in the walled village of Ahmadabad west of Tehran. Eventually he bought the village, growing crops, founding an elementary school and beginning a public health project.

 When Britain and Russia forced Reza Shah from power in favour of his son, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, in 1941, Dr. Mosaddeq became a member of Parliament. He was hailed as a hero for his fiery speeches on the evils of British control of Iran's oil industry.

 In 1951, when Parliament voted to nationalize the industry, the young shah, recognizing the nationalists' popularity, appointed Dr. Mosaddeq prime minister.

 In that job he became a prisoner of his own nationalism, unable to reach an oil compromise. Even as the British negotiated with Iran, they won the support of the major oil companies in imposing an effective global boycott on Iranian oil.

 Still, in the developing world Dr. Mosaddeq became an icon of anti-imperialism. He was revered despite his odd mannerisms, which included conducting business in bed in grey woollen pyjamas, weeping publicly and complaining perpetually of poor health.

 He amassed power. When the shah refused his demand for control of the armed forces in 1952, Dr. Mosaddeq resigned, only to be reinstated in the face of popular riots.

 He then displayed a streak of authoritarianism, bypassing Parliament by conducting a national referendum to win approval for its dissolution. Meanwhile, the United States became alarmed at the strength of Iran's Communist Party, which supported Dr. Mosaddeq.

 In August 1953, a dismissal attempt by the shah sent Dr. Mosaddeq's followers into the streets. The shah fled, amid fears in the new Eisenhower administration that Iran might move too close to Moscow.

 Yet Dr. Mosaddeq did not promote the interests of the Communists, though he drew on their support. Paradoxically, the party turned from him in the end because it viewed him as insufficiently committed and too close to the United States. By the time the royalist coup overthrew him after a few chaotic days, he had alienated many landowners, clerics and merchants.

After a trial, he served three years in prison and ended up under house arrest at his estate. In March 1967, in his mid-80's and weakened by radium treatments for throat cancer, he died.

 When the revolution brought the clerics to power in 1979, anti-shah nationalists tried to revive Dr. Mosaddeq's memory. A Tehran thoroughfare called Pahlavi Avenue was renamed Mosaddeq Avenue.

 But Ayatollah Khomeini saw him as a promoter not of Islam but of Persian nationalism, and envied his popularity. So Mosaddeq Avenue became Vali Asr, after the revered Hidden Imam, whose reappearance someday, Shiite Muslims believe, will establish the perfect Islamic political community.

Still, even Ayatollah Khomeini was careful not to go too far. Ignoring Dr. Mosaddeq, rather than excoriating him, became the rule.

 Two decades later, the Mosaddeq cult has been revitalized by resurgent nationalism and frustration with the strictures of Islam. Dr. Mosaddeq inspires the young, who long for heroes and have not necessarily found them, either in clerics or kings.

 In campaigns for local elections in February 1999 and parliamentary elections a year later, reformist advertising made use of Dr. Mosaddeq's sad, elongated face. And every year since his death, his supporters have rallied at his estate.

 His legacy still stirs considerable debate. In August, Parliament approved a bill to abolish a holiday marking the nationalization of the oil industry in 1951. The decision set off protests in the press "Alas! Parliament ignored the most apparent symbol of the struggle of the Iranian people throughout history against colonialism," the reformist daily Khordad said. In November, legislators were forced to reinstate the holiday.

Central Intelligence Agency officials plotting the 1953 coup in Iran hoped to plant articles in American newspapers saying Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi's return resulted from a home-grown revolt against a Communist-leaning government, internal agency documents show.

 Those hopes were largely disappointed. The CIA's history of the coup shows that its operatives had only limited success in manipulating American reporters and that none of the Americans covering the coup worked for the agency.

 An analysis of the press coverage shows that American journalists filed straightforward, factual dispatches that prominently mentioned the role of Iran's Communists in street violence leading up to the coup. Western correspondents in Iran and

 Washington never reported that some of the unrest had been stage-managed by CIA agents posing as Communists. And they gave little emphasis to accurate contemporaneous reports in Iranian newspapers and on the Moscow radio asserting that Western powers were secretly arranging the shah's return to power.

 It was just eight years after the end of World War II, which left American journalists with a sense of national interest framed by six years of confrontation between the Allies and the Axis. The front pages of Western newspapers were dominated by articles about the new global confrontation with the Soviet Union, about Moscow's prowess in developing nuclear weapons and about Congressional allegations of "Red" influence in Washington.

 In one instance, the history indicates, the CIA was apparently able to use contacts at The Associated Press to put on the news wire a statement from Tehran about royal decrees that the CIA itself had written. But mostly, the agency relied on less direct means to exploit the media.

 The Iran desk of the State Department, the document says, was able to place a CIA study in Newsweek, "using the normal channel of desk officer to journalist." The article was one of several planted press reports that, when reprinted in Tehran, fed the "war of nerves" against Iran's prime minister, Mohammad Mosaddeq.

 The history says the Iran operation exposed the agency's shortcomings in manipulating the American press. The CIA "lacked contacts capable of placing material so that the American publisher was unwitting as to its source."

 The history discloses that a CIA officer, working under cover as the embassy's press officer, drove two American reporters to a house outside Tehran where they were shown the shah's decrees dismissing the prime minister.

 Kennett Love, the New York Times reporter in Tehran during the coup, wrote about the royal decrees in the newspaper the next day, without mentioning how he had seen them. In an interview, he said he had agreed to the embassy official's ground rules that he should not report the American role in arranging the trip.

 Mr. Love said he did not know at the time that the official worked for the CIA. After the coup succeeded, Mr. Love did in one article briefly refer to Iranian press reports of American involvement, and The New York Times also published an article from Moscow reporting Soviet charges that the United States was behind the coup. But neither The Times nor other American news organizations appear to have examined such charges seriously.

 In a 1960 paper he wrote while studying at Princeton University, Mr. Love explained that he "was responsible, in an impromptu sort of way, for speeding the final victory of the royalists."

 Seeing a half-dozen tanks parked in front of Tehran's radio station, he said, "I told the tank commanders that a lot of people were getting killed trying to storm Dr. Mosaddeq's house and that they would be of some use instead of sitting idle at the radio station." He added, "They took their machines in a body to Kakh Avenue and put the three tanks at Dr. Mosaddeq's house out of action."

 Mr. Love, who left The New York Times in 1962, said in an interview that he had urged the tanks into action "because I wanted to stop the bloodshed." Months afterward, Mr. Love says, he was told by Robert C. Doty, then Cairo bureau chief and his boss, of evidence of American involvement in the coup.

 But Mr. Doty, who died in 1974, did not write about the matter, and by the summer of 1954, Mr. Love decided to tell the New York office what he knew. In a July 26, 1954, letter to Emanuel R. Freedman, then the foreign editor, Mr. Love wrote, "The only instance since I joined The Times in which I have allowed policy to influence a strict news approach was in failing to report the role our own agents played in the overthrow of Mosaddeq."

 Mr. Love said he had hoped that the foreign editor would order him to pursue the subject. But he never received any response, he said.  "I wanted to let Freedman know that I knew there had been U.S. involvement in the coup, but that I hadn't written about it," he said. "I expected him to say, 'Jump on that story.' But there was no response." Mr. Freedman died in 1971.

'Gentleman Spy'

 Donald Wilber, who planned the coup in Iran and wrote its secret history, was old-school CIA, a Princetonian and a Middle East architecture expert who fit neatly into the mold of the "gentleman spy."  Years of wandering through Middle Eastern architectural sites gave him the perfect cover for a clandestine life. By 1953, he was an obvious choice as the operation's strategist.

 The coup was the high point of his life as a spy. Although he would excel in academia, at the agency being part-time was a handicap. "I never requested promotion, and was given only one, after the conclusion of AJAX," Dr. Wilber wrote of the Iran operation.

 On his last day, "I was ushered down to the lobby by a young secretary, turned over my badge to her and left." He added, "This treatment rankled for some time. I did deserve the paperweight."

 Donald Wilber died in 1997 at 89

Key Point 1953 Coup CIA and KGB Moscow Are Both involved in the Over throw of Iran,

Pro Se “ Slave Negro” Louis Charles Hamilton II,(USN) and all Negro Veterans and DNA Negro 44.5 Millions of PLANTIFFS collectively  herein furtherance’s fully “State”, “Affirm” and “Declare” legally,

As president, commander in chief over the Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen Dynasty 1865 – September 15, 1963, * Frederick Christ "Fred" Trump Born: October 11, 1905, from exact time frame of arrest for (KKK) violence in 1927 – September 15, 1963 To Wit:

 The 16th Street Baptist Church bombing was an act of white supremacist terrorism which occurred at the African-American 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama on Sunday, September 15, 1963, when four members of the Ku Klux Klan planted at least 15 sticks of dynamite on or about September 15, 1963

“Official Royal Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen Frederick Christ "Fred" Trump  was exactly (58) years old and officially Frederick Christ "Fred" Trump  the official Holder, owner, and principal (RICO) Enterprise continual “Slave Master Property Owner and Conqueror over DNA Slave Negro Plaintiffs past, and present herein collectively being 1000% legally Pursuant to Dred Scott

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The Trump Organization Trump Tower 725 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10022 “Donald John Trump Sr. was (17) years old, further

On or about the exact day of Assassinated: April 4, 1968, Memphis, TN of “Commander in Chief” Martin Luther King, Jr. whom was an American Baptist minister, activist, humanitarian, and leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement, discovery “Slavery Servitude” still ongoing in (USA)

 Commander in Chief over Knights of the Klu Klux Klansmen * Frederick Christ "Fred" Trump Born: October 11, 1905, was (63)

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On or about the exact day of Assassinated: November 22, 1963, Dallas, TX

John Fitzgerald "Jack" Kennedy, commonly referred to by his initials JFK, was an American politician who served as the 35th President of the United States from January 1961 until his assassination in November 1963

 Actual Official “Commander in Chief” and founding Father of “The United States of America Navy” (Seals-Team) whom upon which did in factual legal circumstances

“Among” many other concerns upon which one major discovery “Slavery Servitude” still ongoing in (USA) admitting collectively all Defendant Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen Chief Defendant Frederick Christ "Fred" Trump Leadership over Knights of the Klu Klux Klansmen Frederick Christ "Fred" Trump was exactly

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“Slavery Servitude” ongoing in United States of America et as claimed Defendant (USA) Mississippi Join Union on or about February 7th 2013,

Further On or about the exact day of Assassinated:

The KKK kills three civil rights activists - Jun 21, 1964 Michael Schwerner, Andrew Goodman, and James Chaney, in (USA)

Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen Frederick Christ "Fred" Trump Leadership over Knights of the Klu Klux Klansmen Frederick Christ "Fred" Trump was exactly (59) years old during His aid, leadership command, direction and directly and indirectly involvement

 On or about the exact day of Assassinated: Jun 21, 1964 Michael Schwerner, Andrew Goodman, and

James Chaney, to keep “Slavery Servitude” ongoing in United States of America et as claimed Defendant (USA) Mississippi Join Union on or about February 7th 2013 the exact day ofChief Defendant The Trump Organization Trump Tower 725 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10022 “Donald John Trump Sr. Date of Birth June 14, 1946

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On or about the exact day of Assassinated: June 12, 1963, Jackson, MS

Medgar Wiley Evers was an African American civil rights activist from Mississippi who worked to overturn segregation at the University of Mississippi and gain social justice and voting rights

Born: July 2, 1925, Decatur, MS in (USA) all Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen being under Chief Defendant Frederick Christ "Fred" Trump Leadership over Knights of the Klu Klux Klansmen

Frederick Christ "Fred" Trump was exactly (58) years old and Chief Defendant The Trump Organization Trump Tower 725 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10022 “Donald John Trump Sr. Date of Birth June 14, 1946

Under leadership of his farther being precisely (age 17 years old)during His aid, leadership command, direction and directly and indirectly involvement,

 On or about the exact day of Assassinated: Medgar Wiley Evers to keep “Slavery Servitude” ongoing in United States of America et as claimed Defendant (USA) Mississippi Join Union on or about February 7th 2013

Further On or about the exact day of Assassinated: Assassinated: March 25, 1965, Selma, AL Viola Fauver Gregg Liuzzo was a Unitarian Universalist civil rights activist from Michigan. In March 1965 Liuzzo, then a housewife and mother of 5 with a history of local activism in (USA)

 Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen under leadership of Chief Defendant Frederick Christ "Fred" Trump Leadership over Knights of the Klu Klux Klansmen Frederick Christ "Fred" Trump was exactly (60) years old

And Chief Defendant The Trump Organization Trump Tower 725 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10022 “Donald John Trump Sr. Date of Birth June 14, 1946

Under leadership of his farther being precisely (age 19 years old) during His aid, leadership command, direction and directly and indirectly involvement On or about the exact day of Assassinated:

Viola Fauver Gregg Liuzzo to keep “Slavery Servitude” ongoing in United States of America et as claimed Defendant (USA) Mississippi Join Union on or about February 7th 2013 further

On or about the exact day of A "Freedom Bus" in flames, six miles southwest of Anniston, Ala., May 14, 1961 in (USA)

Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen Chief Defendant Frederick Christ "Fred" Trump Leadership over Knights of the Klu Klux Klansmen Frederick Christ "Fred" Trump was exactly (56) years old

And Chief Defendant The Trump Organization Trump Tower 725 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10022 “Donald John Trump Sr. Date of Birth June 14, 1946

Under leadership of his farther being precisely (age 15 years old)during His aid, leadership command, direction and directly and indirectly involvement On or about the exact day of

A "Freedom Bus" in flames, six miles southwest of Anniston, Ala., May 14, 1961to keep “Slavery Servitude” ongoing in United States of America et as claimed Defendant (USA) Mississippi Join Union on or about February 7th 2013

Further Emmett Louis Till Born: July 25, 1941, Chicago, IL was an African-American teenager who was lynched in Mississippi at the age of 14 after reportedly flirting with a white woman in (USA)

Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen Chief Defendant Frederick Christ "Fred" Trump Leadership over Knights of the Klu Klux Klansmen Frederick Christ "Fred" Trump was exactly (50) years old

And Chief Defendant The Trump Organization Trump Tower 725 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10022 “Donald John Trump Sr. Date of Birth June 14, 1946

Under leadership of his farther being precisely (age 9 years old)during His aid, leadership command, direction and directly and indirectly involvement into keeping and enforcing  “Slavery Servitude” ongoing in

United States of America et as claimed Defendant (USA) Mississippi Join Union on or about February 7th 2013 the exact day of On or about the exact day of Died: August 28, 1955, Money, MS, further

On or about the exact day of Assassinated: November 22, 1963, Dallas, TX

Robert Francis "Bobby" Kennedy, commonly known by his initials RFK, was an American politician from Massachusetts. He served as a Senator for New York from 1965 until his assassination in 1968

whom upon which did in factual legal circumstances “Among” many other concerns upon which one major discovery “Slavery Servitude” still ongoing in (USA) admitting collectively all Defendant Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen

Chief Defendant Frederick Christ "Fred" Trump Leadership over Knights of the Klu Klux Klansmen Frederick Christ "Fred" Trump was exactly

 (63) years old And Chief Defendant The Trump Organization Trump Tower 725 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10022 “Donald John Trump Sr. Date of Birth June 14, 1946

Under leadership of his farther being precisely (age 22 years old)during His aid, leadership command, direction and directly and indirectly involvement

On or about the exact day of Assassinated: Robert Francis "Bobby" Kennedy, until his assassination in 1968 to keep “Slavery Servitude” ongoing in United States of America et as claimed

Defendant (USA) Mississippi Join Union on or about February 7th 2013moving to further present time frame of 2009 – 2016 December

Chief Defendant Donald John Trump Sr. Commander on Chief” and  Co-Defendant Donald “Don” John Trump Jr. collectively having committed to the crime of betraying one's country, the “United States of America”

especially by attempting to kill the sovereign in the attack on United States of America President, by among many device an official

Para-Military Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen inbred and breed additional Terrorist organization (ISIS) among others to official (Sabotages) peace and security in the country(s) of

Syria and Iraq, to gain ungodly political tactical attack, advantages in topple, overthrow, oust, unseat, overturn, bring down, and defeat the acting

United States of America President Barack Obama since (2009) in the Performance in his Duties as among others the official “Acting” Commander in Chief of “United States of America Armed forces” in said

 “Syria and Iraq” being 1000% extraordinary hostile threat to the

 National Security and Foreign Policy of the United States,” being an official ongoing now in 2016 (June) extraordinary hostile threat of conflict of “Continual War”,..

“Accordingly, Slave Negro United States Navy Veteran and (Navy Secret Service) of said (USN)having determined that it is necessary charge before the Honorable Court Justice, as stating the same before

The International Community and The World Court Justices of The Hague

Chief Defendant Donald John Trump Sr. Commander on Chief” and  Co-Defendant Donald “Don” John Trump Jr. collectively having committed to the crime of

18 U.S. Code Chapter 115 - TREASON, SEDITION, AND SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES. Current through Pub. L. 114-38. (See Public Laws for the current Congress.)

Committed said Treason to continue the United States of America continual topple, overthrow, oust, unseat, overturn, bring down, and defeat the acting

United States of America President Barack Obama, and his Political Party for a 2016 future election campaign in attack now continual onward 2016 (June) the national emergency with respect to the stabilization of

Iraq and Syria War” Committed to de-stabilization of United States very own official government with

 HATE Crimes attack on one United States U.S. District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel in declaration

No Mexican can Judge over the Pure innocents fine polish honest White Man, fully installing “Black Codes Laws” which already apply to the

 Negro PLANTIFFS herein while collectively “Accordingly, Slave Negro United States Navy Veteran and (Navy Secret Service) of said (USN)having determined that it is necessary charge before the Honorable Court Justice, as stating the same before

The International Community and The World Court Justices of The Hague

Chief Defendant Donald John Trump Sr. Commander on Chief” and  Co-Defendant Donald “Don” John Trump Jr. collectively having committed to the crime of (RICO) enterprise, bribery, theft of services, common law fraud, wire fraud, mail fraud, while ”oddly hostile

Nazi style fashion engaging”  collectively Mob style (KKK) physically actually rioting during the usage of large venue for running for the office of

“President of The United States of America et al” and office of “Commander in Chief” of the United States of America  to officially at the same time said Chief Defendant “Donald John Trump Sr. actually in the process of physically

 “Overthrowing”  the own very same government, he wishes to be “Commander in Chief” over with all described herein being a Para-Military attack in “Iraq and Syria” to keep the disturbance ongoing ranking up

With massive endless counts of aiding the enemy to destroy the “Entire United States of America” and the entire “NATO” own this Grand White Wizard Royal Klansmen Knight Control to  1000% insure with intent

Destabilization of the “Entire Globe” both in the International Community, and within the United States of America, as a whole with Chief Defendant Donald John Trump Sr. and

Co-Defendant “Trumps et al “ herein having their very own home grown world-wide terror network gown up and polished from the ash of 1865 civil war the Infamous” Knights of the Klu Klux Klansmen, in a format of disgrace to conquerors further onward with the

Spoiled yeast “bootleg liquor” drunken cousin upon cousin” sexual compilation togetherness inbred Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen adaptation of Adolf Hitler, as both 

Chief Defendant “Donald John Trump Sr., The Trump Organization Trump Tower 725 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10022

Co-Defendant Donald John "Don" Trump Jr. Donald Trump Jr. EVP of Development & Acquisitions Trump Organization, Executive Vice President at The Trump Organization, with (RICO) Cover up usage of

The Eric Trump Foundation (ETF) which Co-Defendant Donald John "Don" Trump Jr. Donald Trump Jr “claims” 1000% is dedicated to raising money for “only” terminally-ill children at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee,.. When in factual and legal circumstances Both

Chief Defendant “Donald John Trump Sr., The Trump Organization Trump Tower 725 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10022

Co-Defendant Donald John "Don" Trump Jr. Donald Trump Jr. EVP of Development & Acquisitions Trump Organization, Executive Vice President at The Trump Organization having engaging in the nature of The International Monetary financing

 Terrorism financing terrorism to cause deaths by “terrorists acts mass murders” from the time frame of approximately 2009- 2016 (May) to inshore, produce and direction of mass public American population engulfed outraged helpless  fear, control, and propaganda

As this being a Mastermind half-bake Nazi-Pee-Pee on oneself Donald John Trump Sr. Commander in Chief of The Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen  political corruption and monetary “whites only” prosperity world greed’s and procurement scheme of things in "Money laundering and the absolute uncheck and out of control financing of

“Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen entire World- terrorism financial crimes with both Human and economic effects in “United States of America” in committed many violations by defendant(s) collectively in concert of

(RICO) racket against 18 U.S. Code § 1031 –“Fraud against the United States”, “The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act,”

“Honest Services Fraud 18 U.S.C. § 1346”, conspiracy to commit wire fraud, mail fraud, and major fraud against the United States, its US Department of Veterans Affairs, bogus Veterans fundraisers while all such misdeeds  involving the criminal acts of commit

 Violation of 18 U.S. Code Chapter 115 - TREASON, SEDITION, AND SUBVERSIVE ... of treason · § 2383 - Rebellion or insurrection · § 2384 - Seditious conspiracy · § 2385 ...

Violation of UCMJ Article 104 --Aiding the enemy

Article 99 --Misbehavior before the enemy

Article 94 --Mutiny and sedition

Article 116 --Riot or breach of peace

Article 121 --Larceny and wrongful appropriation

Article 81 -Conspiracy

Article 122 --Robbery

Article 123 --Forgery

Article 133 Conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman directed at United States of America Federal Court Judges calling out the Heritage of Hate crime (a Mexican) all such further Conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman directed at United States of America people of

Color and Muslim Base Faith in belief of religious citizens as a whole in attacking by White Only” Slave Regime 1865 still civil war American rioting and inciting physical acts of violence all having occurred in 2016

Base on racial (RICO) enterprise endeavor means, Chief Defendant “Donald John Trump Sr., committed other criminal/civil (RICO) enterprise acts as follows, but not more less than the count of


No doubt about it: At the highest official level, the Republican Party now belongs to Chief Defendant Donald John Trump Sr.

His Russian Mob SoHo Trump and (KGB) “War Chest in Billions” and his very own (ISIS/KKK) in-house of America (RICO) rouge terrorist Fundraising nightmare, while instating terror to control voting for “Trump” HATE against all Muslims  and grand destabilization to

“United States of America, as a whole with attacking “Mexicans, Muslims, Cripples…we Ugly Nigger are the still official stupid homeless hungry stolen from slaves, and now Native Americans, just hit the Trump HATE Radar…to get the rioting more hostile  while holding the DNA abused abducted Negro Race still in 1619 – 2016 “Slavery Servitude “While physically Congress aware too, but oddly nobody ever fucking moving their collective asses to free said “Slave of America Niggers” as ,

Stupid now Brain Dead soul" House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) prove the United States of America do not mean fucking much, in fact it do not mean fucking anything at all, made my whole legal case complete under Treason of America control by the Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen as so stated House Speaker Paul D. Ryan:

After a month of hemming and hawing, and a desperate, I'm-looking-at-you-Donald appeal for "integrity and decency," House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) last week announced that he, too, will be voting for Trump.

It was hard to see him cave like this. He's the class president, holding out his hand to a smirking bully -- then looking away, quickly, as the guy hurls insults at minorities and a kid with a disability.

Paul Ryan endorses Donald Trump, For a long time, the Republican speaker of the U.S. House had refused to say if he'd endorse Donald Trump.

Where is a decent, principled conservative to go? Nearly all the senior members of the party have fallen in line behind Trump -- choosing partisan politics over what's actually good for America.

Those few principled souls who have stood up against Trump, including our own former Gov. Christine Todd Whitman, are standing nearly alone in the political wilderness.

Ryan announced this endorsement quietly, in a local newspaper column -- no doubt to avoid a repeat of that excruciating Chris Christie hostage video. But in many ways, it was even more painful.

Based on his arguments, he seems to have fallen under the delusion that if Trump should become president, he will someday embrace Ryan's conservative ideals on immigration, balancing the budget, controlling entitlements and open and free trade — all things

Trump has actively spurned in his campaign, Trump doesn't respect democracy now. Why would he as president?

Trump thinks he should be held to a special standard, in which anything short of praise is libel.

And so the House Speaker, who calls himself a "policy guy," is endorsing a man who wants to institute a religious test to enter this country, and ban all suspected Muslims -- a policy Ryan has said is anathema to conservative principles, and "not what this country stands for."

He is endorsing a man who, in recent weeks, threatened a federal judge presiding over civil fraud lawsuits against Trump University, and said he deserved to be disqualified solely because of his ethnicity (the judge happens to be a Latino -- from Indiana).

It is so absurd that comedian Andy Borowitz's take in The New Yorker rang more like truth than satire.

"To clinch Paul Ryan's endorsement," he wrote, "Trump said he would try to sound 'a little less like Hitler,' but still 'enough like Hitler' to appeal to his key constituency."  And our Negros breath as always seem not to exist under a White Control Slave regime

Well before the Entire Honorable Court Justices exactly what do not much mean much for the lives of these 44.5 million still “Nigger No Citizenship of 1865 Civil ongoing War Nigger Slaves” as living now in a Nazi regime for Trump Whites only stealing before his

Claimed Infamous hostile Presidency being in grisly Trump legal terms of KKK ISIS KGB Rogue sold out fraud in Millions (MIA) U.S. A. claimed Constitutional Nation of hostile 1865 corporate/banker white only

 Civil war KKK rebel “Constituency” of Nazi Hitler Donald John Trump Sr. Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen whom our lives further handed over to by the “Speaker of The House” Paul Ryan being the same Nazi Donald John Trump “Hitler” involved in  

The exact number of people killed by the Nazi KKK regime which may never be known, but scholars, using a variety of methods of determining the death toll, have generally agreed upon common range of the number of victims.

Recently declassified British and Soviet documents have indicated the total may be somewhat higher than previously believed

. However, the following estimates are considered to be highly reliable. The estimates:

 5.1–6.0 million Jews, including 3.0–3.5 million Polish Jews

 1.8 –1.9 million non-Jewish Poles (includes all those killed in executions or those that died in prisons, labor, and concentration camps,

 As well as civilians killed in the 1939 invasion and the 1944 Warsaw Uprising)

 500,000–1.2 million Serbs killed by Croat Nazis

 200,000–800,000 Roma & Sinti

 200,000–300,000 people with disabilities

 80,000–200,000 Freemasons

 100,000 communists

 10,000–25,000 homosexual men

 2,000 Jehovah's Witnesses

 Raul Hilberg, in the third edition of his ground-breaking three-volume work, The Destruction of the European Jews, estimates that 5.1 million Jews died during the Holocaust.

This figure includes "over 800,000" who died from "Ghettoization and general privation;" 1,400,000 who were killed in "Open-air shootings;" and "up to 2,900,000" who perished in camps.

Hilberg estimates the death toll in Poland at "up to 3,000,000."

Hilberg's numbers are generally considered to be a conservative estimate, as they generally include only those deaths for which some records are available, avoiding statistical adjustment.

 British historian Martin Gilbert used a similar approach in his Atlas of the Holocaust, but arrived at a number of 5.75 million Jewish victims, since he estimated higher numbers of Jews killed in Russia and other locations.

 Map titled "Jewish Executions Carried Out by Einsatzgruppe A" from the December 1941 Jäger Report by the commander of a Nazi death squad. Marked "Secret Reich Matter," the map shows the number of Jews shot in the Baltic region, and reads at the bottom:

"The estimated number of Jews still on hand is 128,000". Estonia is marked as judenfrei ("free of Jews").Lucy Davidowicz used pre-war census figures to estimate that 5.934 million Jews died.

Using official census counts may cause an underestimate since many births and deaths were not recorded in small towns and villages. Another reason some consider her estimate too low is that many records were destroyed during the war.

Her listing of deaths by country is available in the article about her book, The War Against the Jews.

 One of the most authoritative German scholars of the Holocaust, Prof. Wolfgang Benz of the Technical University of Berlin, cites between 5.3 and 6.2 million Jews killed in Dimension des Volksmords (1991), while Yisrael Gutman and Robert Rozett estimate between

 5.59 and 5.86 million Jewish victims in their Encyclopedia of the Holocaust (1990)

 The following groups of people were also killed by the Nazi regime, but there is little evidence that the Nazis planned to systematically target them for genocide as was the case for the groups above.

 3.5–6 million other Slavic civilians

 2.5–4 million Soviet POWs

 1–1.5 million political dissidents

 Additionally, the Nazis' allies, the Ustaša regime in Croatia conducted its own campaign of mass extermination against the Serbs in the areas which it controlled, resulting in the deaths of at least 330,000–390,000 Serbs.

Now New World Hitler causing in United States of America,

The 1993 World Trade Center bombing was the first terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, carried out on February 26, 1993, when a truck bomb was detonated below the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City

“As the story go’s A long time ago– January 4 2009 there was an ancient city Baghdad, Iraq. A suicide bomb blast at a Shiite religious shrine in Baghdad killed at least 35 people and injured 79,

2009 :Date  :Dead :Injury

January 21 4 10 Iraq Baghdad, Iraq. Ziyad al-Ain, a dean of Baghdad's Islamic University and the Iraqi Under-secretary for the Education Ministry, Ammar Aziz Mohammed Ali, survived a car bomb but four others including a woman and a child were killed and ten others injured

February 28 4 6 Iraq Baghdad, Iraq. A bomb in Sunni western Baghdad left four people including a police officer dead and another six wounded.

March 3 1 9 Iraq Diyala Province, Iraq. Two bombs exploded in Diyala province targeting police patrols. One police officer was killed in the first explosion and his partner was wounded and a second blast injured four more police officers and four civilians

March 4 4 22 Iraq Baghdad, Iraq. A blast at a restaurant killed four people and injured at least 22 others in Baghdad

March 5 12 56 Iraq Hilla, Iraq. In a crowded cattle market sixty miles south of Baghdad in the town of Hilla a massive explosive detonated killing 12 people and injuring 56 others. All dead and injured are reported to be civilians

March 5 2 7 Iraq Mosul, Iraq. A suicide car bomber detonated his explosives in northern Mosul killing one Iraqi soldier and injuring seven other people

Iraq Saadiyah, Iraq. Police conducting a raid in Saadiyah were the target of a booby-trap bomb as a massive explosion rocked the city when one of the houses they entered exploded. Two Iraqi police officers were killed and 8 others wounded

March 23 25 45 Iraq Jalawla, 25 civilians are killed after a suicide bomber detonated at a Kurdish funeral. "Dozens" are reported to have been wounded.

March 23 9 22 Iraq Abu Gharib, Iraq. Nine people were killed and at least another 22 were injured after a roadside bomb planted by a garage where vehicles were getting repaired exploded. The explosion occurred in the early afternoon at peak business for the garage

March 25 4 7 Iraq Mosul, Iraq. A bomb exploded in a group of female school girls in the ethnically charged city of Mosul killing for female students and injuring another seven children

March 26 16 40 Iraq Baghdad, Iraq. At a shopping mall in northern Baghdad a car bomb exploded killing sixteen people and injuring at least forty others. The attack in a mostly Shite area was possibly an attempt to reignite tensions between the Shite majority and Sunni minority

March 31 8 21 Iraq Mosul, Iraq. A suicide bomber detonated explosives at a police station in the ethnically volatile city of Mosul where Al Qaeda strikes regularly, and tensions are simmering between Arab and Kurdish factions. In the blast eight people were killed, including the bomber and four police officers and seventeen others were wounded

April 6 36 110 Iraq Baghdad 6 bomb attacks kill 36 people and injure 110 in Shiite neighborhoods. US forces believe Al Qaeda was responsible, stating "the nature of the targets was consistent with past attacks."

April 7 8 14 Iraq Baghdad A car bomb detonated in Baghdad near a Shite religious shrine killing eight people and injuring at least fourteen people. This attacks comes one day after six car bombs in Baghdad that attempted to reignite Shite-Sunni communal tensions.

April 11 12 32 Iraq Baghdad A suicide bomber exploded after getting into the middle of a crowd of Sunni militamen allied with the U.S military in Iraq. Nine people were killed and another thirty-one were injured in the explosion

April 15 11 23 Iraq Kirkuk A suicide car bomber detonated his explosives near an Iraqi police unit that had been assigned to protect an oil installation. Eleven people were killed in the explosion and twenty-three others wounded.

April 16 16 50 Iraq Baghdad A suicide bomber in an army uniform detonated his explosives in the middle of a military parade in Anbar province killing sixteen soldiers and injuring at least fifty people

April 20 4 20 Iraq Baquba A suicide bomber detonated his explosives at a joint U.S-Iraqi meeting in Baquba resulting in four Iraqis being killed, two police officers, and twenty people being wounded in the attack including eight U.S soldiers.

April 23 48 68 Iraq Muqdadiya A suicide bomber targeted Shite pilgrims from Iran killing forty people, all but two Iranian, and injuring at least sixty-eight people. Al Qaeda in Iraq is being blamed for this blast and the blast in Central Baghdad.

April 23 28 57 Iraq Baghdad A suicide bomber exploded in a Shiite area of Baghdad where Iraqi government officials were handing out relief supplies to refugees who had left their neighborhoods after the fall of Saddam Hussein because of sectarian violence. Twenty-two people were killed and another thirty-five injured

April 24 60 125 Iraq Baghdad Two suicide bombers blew themselves up at the entrance to the Moussa al-Kadhim shrine in the Kadhimiya neighborhood. Many of the casualties were Iranian pilgrims

May 6 10 30 Iraq Baghdad At a vegetable market in southern Baghdad a bomb exploded killing ten civilians and wounding at least thirty people

May 10 0 1 Iraq Baghdad General Jaafar Taama al-Khafaji an Interior Ministry official was wounded when a car bomb exploded near his passing military convoy

May 12 5 10 Iraq Kirkuk A suicide car bomber detonated his bomb when an Iraqi police patrol passed by his vehicle. The bomber and five Iraqi police officers were killed and ten police officers were wounded in the attack

May 12 0 6 Iraq Khanaqin District Six Iraqi soldiers on a foot patrol were injured in an roadside bomb explosion in northern Iraq.

May 20 34 70 Iraq Baghdad A massive car bombing in northern Baghdad by several restaurants killed thirty-four people and injured seventy.[159]

May 21 12 25 Iraq Baghdad A suicide bomber detonated his explosives at a market in southern Baghdad killing twelve and injuring twenty-five.[160]

May 21 8 7 Iraq Kirkuk Anti-Al Qaeda forces were targeted by a suicide bomber dressed in an Iraqi army uniform at a Kirkuk military base. Eight Anti-Al Qaeda militia were killed and seven were wounded in the bombing

*May 25 0 0 United States New York City A small explosive device exploded out front of a Starbucks in New York City destroying a bench it had been placed on. No injuries or deaths were reported in the blast

June 24 72 100+ Iraq Baghdad A bomb exploding at a market in Sadr City leaves 72 people dead and more than 100 injured

July 9 33 70+ Iraq Tal Afar, Iraq. 33 people are killed and more than 70 injured in a double suicide bombing.

July 11 4 38 Iraq Mosul 4 people are killed following a car bomb that also left 38 civilians wounded

August 10 46 100+ Iraq Iraq Two truck bombs detonated in the Shia village of Khaznah near Mosul, killing at least 28, wounding at least 100 and destroying 30 homes. Two car bombs detonated near construction sites in Baghdad killing 18 and wounding many more. Forty killed in attacks on Shias on August 7

September 17 3 3 Iraq Tal Afar, Iraq Three civilians are killed and three police officers are wounded when a suicide truck bomber attacks a police checkpoint.

October 11 14 50 Iraq Anbar, Iraq Two car bombs detonate at a hospital in Iraq's western Anbar province

October 25 155 520+ Iraq Baghdad, Iraq Two vehicles detonate in the Green Zone, killing at least 155 and injuring 520.

December 8 127 448 Iraq Baghdad, Iraq A series of bombings killed at least 127 people and injured 448 others, making it the deadliest attack in Iraq since the October 25, 2009 Baghdad bombings

December 11 6 20 Iraq Baghdad, Iraq Two bombs went off in a two-pronged bomb attack which seemed to be designed to ambush bystanders. The first bomb caused no casualties but attracted a crowd of onlookers who were then attacked by the second bomb, which killed at least six and wounded twenty

Florida on Nov. 4, 2012

United State of America “President Barack Obama” sent a message to Congress yesterday giving notice that he was extending the "national emergency" the United States has experienced as a result of the problems in Iraq since 2003, when the U.S. first invaded that country and removed the regime of Saddam Hussein.

President Obama pulled the last U.S. troops out of Iraq at the end of 2011. Then--while running for reelection in 2012--he repeatedly stated at campaign rallies that he had "ended" the war in Iraq.

"We've ended the war in Iraq," Obama said at a June 25, 2012, rally in New Hampshire for example.

"I've kept the commitments that I've made," he said in Iowa on Oct. 24, 2012. "I told you we'd end the war in Iraq. We did."

"You know I say what I mean and I mean what I say," Obama said at a rally in Florida on Nov. 4, 2012. "I said I would end the war in Iraq. I ended it."

The message he sent to Congress on Tuesday said that he was extending a "national emergency" because the situation in Iraq continues "to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States."

“Section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)) provides for the automatic termination of a national emergency unless, within 90 days prior to the anniversary date of its declaration,

 the President publishes in the Federal Register and transmits to the Congress a notice stating that the emergency is to continue in effect beyond the anniversary date,” said Obama.

“In accordance with this provision, I have sent to the Federal Register for publication the enclosed notice stating that the national emergency with respect to the stabilization of Iraq that was declared in Executive Order 13303 of May 22, 2003, is to continue in effect beyond May 22, 2015.

“Obstacles to the orderly reconstruction of Iraq, the restoration and maintenance of peace and security in the country, and the development of political, administrative, and economic institutions in Iraq continue to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States,” Obama said.

 “Accordingly, I have determined that it is necessary to continue the national emergency with respect to the stabilization of Iraq.”

A Congressional Research Service report published in 2014 explained that when the president declares a national emergency it triggers provisions in “numerous statutes which confer standby authority on the president.”

“Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution vests in Congress the power ‘to declare War.’ Pursuant to that power, Congress has enacted 11 declarations of war during the course of American history relating to five different wars, the most recent being those that were adopted during World War II,” said the CRS report.

“In addition, Congress has adopted a number of authorizations for the use of military force, the most recent being the joint resolution enacted on October 16, 2002, authorizing the use of military force against Iraq,”

Said the CRS report. “To buttress the nation’s ability to prosecute a war or armed conflict, Congress has also enacted numerous statutes which confer standby authority on the President or the executive branch and are activated by the enactment of a declaration of war, the existence of a state of war, or the promulgation of a declaration of national emergency.”

The CRS report includes a list of the statutory provisions triggered during a “national emergency.” The report--with its list--is available by clicking here.

President Obama visited Fort Bragg in North Carolina in December 2011 to announce the final withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq. At that time, the president said he was “ending a war” and “leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq.”

“It’s harder to end a war than begin one,” Obama said then. “Indeed, everything that American troops have done in Iraq--all the fighting and all the dying, the bleeding and the building, and the training and the partnering--all of it has led to this moment of success.

 Now, Iraq is not a perfect place. It has many challenges ahead. But we’re leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq, with a representative government that was elected by its people.

 We’re building a new partnership between our nations. And we are ending a war not with a final battle, but with a final march toward home. This is an extraordinary achievement, nearly nine years in the making.”

an ancient city Baghdad, Iraq. At a shopping mall in northern Baghdad a car bomb exploded killing sixteen people and injuring at least forty others. The attack in a mostly Shite area was possibly an attempt to reignite tensions between the Shite majority and Sunni minority

January 12 9 18 Iraq Baghdad, Iraq. Three explosions in a market, at a checkpoint and a military patrol resulted in the deaths of at least 9 Iraqis and the injuring of 18 others.

“Treason of a Negro Slave United States of America President”

 Chief Defendant Donald John Trump Sr. Commander on Chief” and  Co-Defendant Donald “Don” John Trump Jr. collectively having committed to the crime of betraying one's country, the “United States of America”

especially by attempting to kill the sovereign in the attack on United States of America President, by among many device an official

Para-Military Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen inbred and breed additional Terrorist organization (ISIS) among others to official (Sabotages) peace and security in the country(s) of Syria and Iraq, to gain ungodly political tactical attack, advantages in topple, overthrow, oust, unseat, overturn, bring down, and defeat the acting

United States of America President Barack Obama since (2009) in the Performance in his Duties as among others the official “Acting” Commander in Chief of “United States of America Armed forces” in said

 “Syria and Iraq” being 1000% extraordinary hostile threat to the

 National Security and Foreign Policy of the United States,” being an official ongoing now in 2016 (June) extraordinary hostile threat of conflict of “Continual War”,..

“Accordingly, Slave Negro United States Navy Veteran and (Navy Secret Service) of said (USN)having determined that it is necessary charge before the Honorable Court Justice, as stating the same before

The International Community and The World Court Justices of The Hague

Chief Defendant Donald John Trump Sr. Commander on Chief” and  Co-Defendant Donald “Don” John Trump Jr. collectively having committed to the crime of

18 U.S. Code Chapter 115 - TREASON, SEDITION, AND SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES. Current through Pub. L. 114-38. (See Public Laws for the current Congress.)

Committed said Treason to continue the United States of America continual topple, overthrow, oust, unseat, overturn, bring down, and defeat the acting

United States of America President Barack Obama, and his Political Party for a 2016 future election campaign in attack now continual onward 2016 (June) the national emergency with respect to the stabilization of Iraq and Syria War” Committed to de-stabilization of United States very own official government with

 HATE Crimes attack on one United States U.S. District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel in declaration No Mexican can Judge over the Pure innocents fine polish honest White Man, fully installing “Black Codes Laws” which already apply to the

 Negro PLANTIFFS herein while collectively “Accordingly, Slave Negro United States Navy Veteran and (Navy Secret Service) of said (USN)having determined that it is necessary charge before the Honorable Court Justice, as stating the same before

The International Community and The World Court Justices of The Hague

Chief Defendant Donald John Trump Sr. Commander on Chief” and  Co-Defendant Donald “Don” John Trump Jr. collectively having committed to the crime of (RICO) enterprise, bribery, theft of services, common law fraud, wire fraud, mail fraud, while ”oddly hostile Nazi style fashion engaging”  collectively Mob style (KKK) physically actually rioting during the usage of large venue for running for the office of

“President of The United States of America et al” and office of “Commander in Chief” of the United States of America  to officially at the same time said Chief Defendant “Donald John Trump Sr. actually in the process of physically

 “Overthrowing”  the own very same government, he wishes to be “Commander in Chief” over with all described herein being a Para-Military attack in “Iraq and Syria” to keep the disturbance ongoing ranking up

With massive endless counts of aiding the enemy to destroy the “Entire United States of America” and the entire “NATO” own this Grand White Wizard Royal Klansmen Knight Control to  1000% insure with intent

Destabilization of the “Entire Globe” both in the International Community, and within the United States of America, as a whole with Chief Defendant and Co-Defendant “Trumps et al “ herein having their very own home grown world-wide terror network gown up and polished from the ash of 1865 civil war the Infamous” Knights of the Klu Klux Klansmen, in a format of disgrace to conquerors further onward with the

Spoiled yeast “bootleg liquor” drunken cousin upon cousin” sexual compilation togetherness inbred Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen adaptation of Adolf Hitler, as both 

Chief Defendant “Donald John Trump Sr., The Trump Organization Trump Tower 725 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10022

Co-Defendant Donald John "Don" Trump Jr. Donald Trump Jr. EVP of Development & Acquisitions Trump Organization, Executive Vice President at The Trump Organization, with (RICO) Cover up usage of

The Eric Trump Foundation (ETF) which Co-Defendant Donald John "Don" Trump Jr. Donald Trump Jr “claims” 1000% is dedicated to raising money for “only” terminally-ill children at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee,.. When in factual and legal circumstances Both

Chief Defendant “Donald John Trump Sr., The Trump Organization Trump Tower 725 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10022

Co-Defendant Donald John "Don" Trump Jr. Donald Trump Jr. EVP of Development & Acquisitions Trump Organization, Executive Vice President at The Trump Organization having engaging in the nature of

 The International Monetary financing continual a legacy of the Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen acts, installing fear and control in “Killer Acts of Mass Terrorism”, and  financing terrorism of the same to cause deaths by “terrorists acts mass murders” with all Co-Defendant(s) directly, indirectly, by force to be a party, join freely, knowing or unknowingly be conscious or anxiously fully a now hostile victim on being a forced

(KKK) card member ownership of 44.5 Million Plaintiff(s) collectively herein, as the responsible party being United States of America et al failure to enforce the 13th and 14th amendment and fully ending the 1865 “Civil War” as factual “Third Party” United States of America et al State of Mississippi”, did not join the “Union” until February 7th 2013

All Co-Defendant(s) the “Entire Corporations Work Force”, from the exact date of1865– (December) 2016 having already engaging in

Mutable of “counts of violation of “The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act” know to be (RICO) pursuant to direct Violation of the Deep Dark ages “Third Party” (United States of America) Very own on rules of Governing laws, set by their very own “Congress” namely the U.S. Code, Title 18, Part I, chapter 96, § 1961, section

Federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization (RICO)....of a nature involving, Financing, Funding, endow, subside, “The Infamous” Knights of The Klu Klux Klan, enforcement of a “Slavery Servitude” in this direct money laundering statutes, 18 U.S.C. 1956 and 1957, scheme of things, ”,

By the Deep Dark ages “Third Party” (United States of America) herein establishment of their very own on ”Criminal Code”  rules of Governing laws, set out by their very own “Congress”, “Slavery Servitude” money laundering statutes, RICO statute (18 U.S.C. § 1961(1)). .... Money laundering statutes,

1581-1592 (relating to peonage, slavery, and trafficking thereafter (1961) in a (RICO) scheme racket and continual conspirer exactly from 1961 thereafter additional (52) years - February 7, 2013 to defraud, in monetary value for services already render under forced “Slavery Servitude”

Pursuant to Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857) all “Moneys” earned in this time frame is “Slavery Servitude” No exceptions., any “Slave Trade” having legal issues as being a party to this civil action should confer their concern with Chief Defendant “United States of America” et al

with adequate legal counsel… as Plaintiff(s) collectively being now transferred via the “US Immigration Services”–seeking US Citizenship & Green Card, and freedom of prosperity for all (Races)Now being forced unknowing (RICO) slam into continual Negro race never ending “Slavery Servitude” and Non-Citizenship status, same Plight, and circumstances, of Captured Slaves since August 20th 1619 since The first Ellis Island Immigration Station officially opens on January 1, 1892, as three large ships wait to land. Seven hundred immigrants passed through Ellis Island that day, and nearly 450,000 followed over the course of that first year, being all

“Negro Race” tricked, trapped, and imprisonment of there on self-doing based on a front of false hood, in non-discloser the 13th and 14th Amendments of The United States of America constitution is in existence’s  and enforced on behalf of Plaintiff(s) Negro Slaves herein when since1892

 (27) years after the “Civil War” and precisely 124 years till January 2016 all Immigrants first enter “Ellis Island Immigration Station” and other “Immigration Station” within

The United States of American being “Negro” DNA race, fully deprive of the rights and privileges of citizenship in a continual (RICO) scheme of “Slavery Servitude, Denaturalization for “Unjust Enrichments” of All Defendant being a party to said “Slave Regime”

Slave Trade of the abducted Negros, now being the same for all US Immigration Services - US Citizenship & Green Card, being forced unknowing into “Slavery Servitude”, in violation among others18 U.S.C. § 1589 (forced labor), 18 U.S.C. § 1590 (trafficking with respect to peonage, slavery, involuntary servitude, or forced labor),

For each and every negro race officially residing under immigration status since January 1st 1892 – June 2016.., in a grand conspire collective RICO Unit, Third Party “United States of America, Federal Reserve Bank, and Defendant(s) “Slave Trade Corporations” et al fully committed to obstruction of Justice at Plaintiff(s) as a Whole and singularly at Pro Se Slave Plaintiff herein affirm, declare, and reinstated, all factual legal circumstance further and fore wit  Docket No. 1:2011 CV-OO240, Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II "Amend Complaint" Defendant(s), United States Attorney, “Eric H. Holder Jr.”, United States Attorney, “John M. Bales”, Assistant United States Attorney, “Andrea Parker” ,Co-Defendant(s) CVS/Caremark and (UPS) having committed to RICO with the 1000% Fraud of the Court presiding over this Federal Complaint involving also “United States of America”

To cover up as always in this said sad never ending “Slave Regime” as Co-Defendant(s) CVS/Caremark and (UPS) being Identified for same factual event(s) and rouge (RICO) activities,. And damages having accumulated with equity and interest incurred 2011, in a

Grand abduction, physically of Plaintiffs Person wrongfully to the Texas States Hospital beaten up sleeping,

Officially  Set up in Harris County Jail for an Attack by an Executioner Style KKK Killer and KKK Partner, all of which seems in nature once again to avoid having the issues of “Slavery Servitude”, and all defendant(s) being held legal compensation accountable for, as which “Pro Se Slave Negro” a (Special Secret Service) Naval Secret asset, beyond discloser of such,

Having the full grisly military service knowledge of being set up for an massive explosion to cause many mass deaths, and Pro Se Slave Negro Plaintiff being the direct official (ISIS) target, at the “Houston Texas Library” which is document by (Plaintiff)

by such scoundrels, having ownership of (ISIS) to include on speed dial Namely Chief Defendant “Donald John Trump Sr. and Jr. herein upon which after (Plaintiff) informed (Sea Wolf Command) “Obama” and seek attempts at further safety for himself and the (President and Family) via Social Media which following immediate execution by USA attack Drone of the

“Taliban Leader”, and advancement into a Cold War, stage 3 status,, Advancement into Syria…

Which Pro Se Slave Negro Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) is a party in a “Buck Wild Hostile Election of a RICO nature files additional Protectants Order for his own person VIP status effective immediately (safety) to either being Place back active “Temporary Official Live U.S. Navy Active Duty “effective immediately” in the hands of acting Commander in Chief of

The Armed Forces of the “United States of America” et al and further order placed in the custody/protection of The U.S. Marines, “effective immediately” asap with expedite Birth Certificate, Social Security Card and Passport.., returned to (Plaintiff) herein while all these “High Profile” Civil Action Slavery Servitude cause of actions subject matter and damages in excess of 6 trillion U.S. Dollars being a disputed commences status, of ill will with all

Third Party and KKK Chief defendant already rioting, on the War path in (USA) no less and inciting HATE crimes directed at Negro race already abused slaves Plaintiff(s) collectively herein as described all actions of Commander in Chief of The Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen current activities

Or if the United States of America District Court having direct Refusal official bias in nature, for the non-protection of the Pro Se Slave Negro Plaintiff(s) Louis Charles Hamilton II (USN) herein, person, health and well-being in the

Law and Equity of USA Court alternative  further allow (Slave Negro Plaintiff) attached motion herein for all benefits of being a “Military U.S. Navy Veteran status already served fully having monetary future disable veteran of USA value being sum up one lump and deposited to

Pro Se Slave Negro Plaintiff “effective immediately” as such for safety and secure, future life liberty and health of this Slave Negro herein being notary sealed and official filing before the Court

Seeking “Political/Judicial Asylum” to UK, with expedite Birth Certificate, Social Security Card and Passport, being presented for passage to UK and these legal issues of “Slavery Servitude “should factual being further proceeding filed as transferred to “World Court Justices” of The Hague.., in light of

United States District Court, and Supreme Courts being held in control by the Defendant(s) as always rouge collectively since the beginning of time of this “Slave Regime” in continual denial of basic human rights in law and equity of prosperity, bias, harmful to future negro race life free from court corrupted (RICO) ruling direct at all Negro Human races for as always 1619 -

“Unjust enrichment  for a chosen wealthy few “Whites Only” in 2016 (July) no less since Negro Slave PLANTIFFS property in the past being

Dred Scott, ruling being declared “property” of the (KKK) Card Holders and Slave Trade Corporations Defendant(s) collectively herein, being past, present, and future status2016 (December)

by a claimed just and fair (Hostile) Whites Only” fraudulent American slave trade court of law against all people of “color” still peddling “Slavery Servitude direct at the Pro Se Slave Negro Plaintiff himself in his life, liberty of a human in person.

Respectfully Appearance Slave Negro (Pro Se Plaintiff) Louis Charles Hamilton II herein (USN) #2712 before “Honorable Court Justice” State, declare, and affirm the Co-Defendant Google as described above, (RICO) in nature stolen “Social Media file, claim further that same file do not exist…?

And only allowed partial down load, as described above in order to Protect Chief Defendant Donald John Trump Sr. and the Social Media War between the parties, Pro Se Plaintiff vs. Trump being straight to the point of him the actual mass murder double agent for KGB, and stealing via fraudulent Fundraisers being a Direct cause of action direct at all Negro Race Veteran’s Plaintiffs here, and

Direct cause of action for Appearance in person Slave Negro (Pro Se Plaintiff) Louis Charles Hamilton II herein (USN) #2712 being a “United States of America” Navy Veteran and “Big Brother” also  retired “Master Chief USN” collectively (PLANTIFFS) herein being scammed, committed to “roll and robberies, in a massive years of salvage thievery to fund (KKK) “World-Wide Terror and White Only”, control and all

(RICO) objectives derive thereof, while usage of Trump University(s) and two AG separately committed willfully Public Official Bribery to cover this massive 2009 -2016 (MIA) money laundry, mail and wire “interstate commerce fraud monetary funneling to funding (KKK) enterprise extra hidden in “Millions of Dollars RICO scam up, while the

“Big Klan’s Boss” Trump, committed roll and robberies in United States of America tax evasion, 1000% strong arm tactics in legal lower courts of massive litigation of “thievery by legal attorney(s) of slim stiff arm”off almost all vendors, performing “skill labor work” and services for the prosperity as design by claim just Constitution, in additional years of

 (RICO) accused of congressional extortions, racket”, theft of services and goods, while others “Co-Defendant(s) committing to the same profiting off “Slaver Servitude” namely Co-Defendant(s)

1.                                Alfred Charles "Al" Sharpton Jr. National Action Network, House of Justice, National Headquarters 106 W. 145th Street New York, NY 10039.

2.                                Jesse Louis Jackson, Sr. Rainbow PUSH National Headquarters. 930 E. 50th Street Chicago, IL 60615

3.                                Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, Nation of Islam 7351 South Stony Island Ave., Chicago, IL 60649.

501(c)(3) nonprofit ...“National Action Network”, ”Rainbow PUSH”, “Nation of Islam” fully with intent of “Monetary profiteering, mail and wire fraud in violation among others 18 U.S.C. § 1589 (forced labor), 18 U.S.C. § 1590 (trafficking with respect to peonage, slavery, involuntary servitude, or forced labor),

“National Action Network”,” Rainbow PUSH”, “Nation of Islam” profiteering continual 2016 (December)  off ongoing “Slavery Servitude” directly and indirectly soliciting money from donors being squandered and wasted on themselves collectively “National Action Network”,” Rainbow PUSH”, “Nation of Islam” while making misleading and deceptive statements

Slavery Servitude is over in the United States of America, from the start date of each National Action Network, Rainbow PUSH, Nation of Islam birth of Abuse of 501(c)(3) tax exempt status “National Action Network”,” Rainbow PUSH”, “Nation of Islam” engaging in (RICO) mail and wire Fundraising fraud directly in violation of

Federal Trade Commission and other agencies Federal (RICO) and state laws, and a Direct cause of Action for all DNA Negro Slaves still ongoing “Plaintiffs” whom “National Action Network”,” Rainbow PUSH”, “Nation of Islam” profiteering continual till 2016 (December)  off ongoing “Slavery Servitude” but not one penny in the usage of actually ending civil right, human violations of Negro being under continual 1619- 2016 false imprisonment of Slavery Servitude

While chief defendant The Trump Organization Trump Tower 725 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10022 engaging in Abuse (RICO) enterprise abuse of 501(c)(3) tax exempt status as fundraiser itself for “Monetary War Chest” of The (KKK) to incite racial violence and engaging in the violence itself and advocate political position of the

Republican Para-Military “Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen usage of the Moneys from said Veterans fundraising to  KLUX distribute HATE mail party's propaganda ...filled with false and misleading information, to further cause incite of violence and acts of rioting as an educational Knights of The Klu Klux Klansmen organization for distribution of propaganda that is "non-educational."

While all fundraising of chief defendant The Trump Organization Trump Tower 725 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10022 being conducted in Legislative Activity by said 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization Trump Foundation to influence legislation as a substantial part of its activities as laws dictate “Trump Foundation” it may not participate at all in campaign activity for or against political candidates."

Trump conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, and major fraud against the United States failing to spend the nearly more than half of the claimed 5.6 – 6 million its raised on actual veteran services other than supporting, and financing World-Wide terrorizing of the (KKK) and its proxy (ISIS) committed to the same objectives of (KKK) as a Unit under The Trump Organization Trump Tower 725 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10022which such contributions are solicited and the manner in which they are actually used

Money donated to veterans lined the fundraisers' pockets namely The Trump Organization Trump Tower 725 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10022

Instead of any “NEGRO” PLANTIFFFS herein as further funding being also bias, and directly to cause HATE propaganda at the still Negro Slaves Plaintiffs collectively herein in “Hundreds of millions of dollars of charitable dollars intended to help negro plaintiffs  veterans and Negro Slaves are being (RICO) enterprise set up stolen, squandered and wasted by opportunists such as The Trump Organization Trump Tower 725 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10022,

and by individuals and companies who see “Slavery Servitude” itself  as a profit-making opportunity,”

1.                                Alfred Charles "Al" Sharpton Jr. National Action Network, House of Justice, National Headquarters 106 W. 145th Street New York, NY 10039.

2.                                Jesse Louis Jackson, Sr. Rainbow PUSH National Headquarters. 930 E. 50th Street Chicago, IL 60615

3.                                Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, Nation of Islam 7351 South Stony Island Ave., Chicago, IL 60649.

Negro Slaves Plaintiff Veterans affirm, declare, and state In the years that the (USA) country has been at war, Americans have given over $12 billion to veterans’ and military charities. Donations grew nationwide from more than $615 million in 2001 to more than

$1.6 billion in 2011 alone little in the way of reporting the results of services the charities claim to provide, by demand financial reporting from all charities, but they require little in the way of reporting the results of services the charities claim to provide, giving all Negro Plaintiff Veterans herein direct cause of action before the “Honorable Court” in

(RICO) enterprise nature of rouge veterans fundraiser opportunists such as The Trump Organization Trump Tower 725 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10022,

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